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Brighton Harris


Bold Points






Flower Mound High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      John Gomez, MD Memorial Scholarship
      From an early age, I have been driven by a core ambition - to pursue a career in medicine helping others as an endocrinologist. This focused path was catalyzed by my best friend's diagnosis with diabetes during our teenage years. Watching her struggle with managing her condition and facing the harsh realities of a chronic illness crystallized my desire to specialize in treating endocrine disorders. I want to advance research, develop better treatments, and provide compassionate care for patients grappling with diseases that profoundly impact nearly every aspect of life. While my professional goals have remained concentrated in the medical field, a personal obstacle further shed light on the importance of service. During a busy choir season, I was devastated when vocal nodules threatened to silence my singing voice and derail my musical passion temporarily. I had been singing in choir since the fifth grade, and having to stop for six months felt impossible. The rehabilitation process of complete vocal rest followed by extensive therapy was grueling. However, it was this challenge that revealed the deep fulfillment that can come from using your talents to serve others. As I worked tirelessly to regain my voice, I was given the opportunity to volunteer as a music instructor at a local middle school. Leading rehearsals and watching these students grow as musicians reignited my sense of purpose. While my professional goals remained fixed on medicine and science, this experience cemented my commitment to finding avenues for service throughout my life and career. The obstacle of losing then regaining my voice showed me that our struggles can paradoxically uncover unanticipated paths to meaning and impact through helping others. My endocrinology career will allow me to help patients manage complex conditions as a form of service. But my rehabilitation also inspired me to seek out ways to be a source of hope, empowerment and enrichment in my community, regardless of my specific vocation. Ultimately, while my focused ambition is to make a difference in endocrinology, my journey has taught me the necessity of a parallel, life-long pursuit - harnessing my abilities as an instrument of service. Whether through clinical care or creative outlets, I am committed to applying my knowledge and skills as a force of benefit for those around me. Witnessing the life-changing effects of disease and disability has instilled a calling to uplift and facilitate healing in whatever means I can. By devoting myself to both scientific expertise and community engagement, I know I can realize my fullest potential as an agent of service working to create a brighter future for all.