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Brianna McIntosh


Bold Points




I'm aiming to be a nurse and Im most passionate about reading and I hope I can achieve all of this before 30.


Bristol Community College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2026


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:



      2019 – 20234 years


      • no
      Live Music Lover Scholarship
      FLASH! BOOM! Was the sounds that started off the night of my life. The whole arena went pitch black and smoke came from the center stage. Music started playing in the background and people were screaming everywhere. The lights go to the stage and she rises up with a song from my childhood singing. All around all we see is pink. Then the best moment of my life I see Nicki Minaj start rapping. I never thought I’d see the day I would see one of my all time favorite artists live. I grew up extremely sheltered couldn’t even go over anyone’s house. But for this to be my first concert experience I was beyond happy. In tears almost, it was so loud the base booming the stomping of fans all around to her song. It didn’t matter to any of us that she was two hours late. She played a big impact in all of hours lives and we have waited so long to see her. Her outfit was so shiny it looked like straightened tinfoil almost. She had her iconic pink bob it felt like I was ten again. The bottom of her dress was a white silk she always was known for her crazy looks but she made them look good. The arena was so loud with people screaming for have never seeing her before. You could barely make out the lyrics but that was okay we had to take in who was standing in front of us. She played so many songs from my childhood I felt like I was at a 2010’s party it was so much fun. Then when she had a break she had Monica come out not a lot people knew her because they were of my age or younger. But if you had black parents who were active in the early 90s you knew her. I didn’t know she would be there either she looked so beautiful in her white fur. She sang songs from before my time but I still sang along knowing every word. I was the only one standing in my section seemed nobody else knew her. But I was in my own world that very moment I didn’t care who watched me. I screamed like a fool “Angel of Mine” with my phone flash on. I never had an experience where I didn’t care who’s eyes were on me but I was glad to have experienced it here. When it ended the whole stadium was pink with lights playing “Everybody” as she descended back down into the floor. It was the perfect ending to a perfect night I would do it all over again if I could, and I’m so excited for whatever future concerts life has in store for me!
      Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
      Mario kart by far is my favorite yet game but also one of the best games! I’ve been playing Mario kart for as long as I can remember! Even when I wasn’t old enough to pick up the controller and play my father used to play on my head. Seems very funny reading this it was funny to watch too because back in the day the controllers vibrated when certain actions happened in the game. So I’d be sleeping in his lap and my head would start vibrating it was quite a weird feeling. But the reason I chose Mario kart because it’s a game that would always bring all of my friends together. I remember when I was younger probably with grade or a freshman I was playing Mario kart online with my online friends. We had this one kid who was like nine or ten but he was funny. He used to rage a lot and it would make everyone laugh so instead of playing objective, we would all purposely back up and hit him with shells or any item we had! I know it seems mean but he knew that’s just how we played around with each other the game was always so hectic and everyone always screaming and yelling at each other. But we always knew by the end of the game session we was still friends. This is why Mario Kart is my favorite game to play in co-op mode!
      Joseph Joshua Searor Memorial Scholarship
      The journey for me to pick nursing was a long one! Currently I am finish my perquisites for nursing but I didn’t start in nursing. Originally I wanted to work for CPS or be a child therapist so I could help kids work through their trauma they had with abusive parents. I didn’t want little kids to go through what I went through so I thought I could save them from that fate. There was nothing wrong with this career I just couldn’t fully put my heart into it because deep down it wasn’t something I wanted to do. Nursing always sparked my interest but I was too scared to pursue it. Forensic nursing was one that really sparked my interest! I enjoyed the time I had in my high school forensic class. Seeing that the two had intertwining paths sparked my interest made me want to go into it. But for me my concerns with how Gorey forensics can get it made me second guess it. With how squirmy I get a stuff that’s not even gorey I couldn’t imagine myself in a field like that. Then I was lost on what I should do next because I was excited to do nursing but I didn’t want something as violent as forensics even if I loved it in high school I know I couldn’t force myself into something like that. Then one day I went into the OBGYN for a ultrasound. Then I started thinking how much fun I’d have doing that! I want to scan the bellies and see the progress of the babies. The downside would be breaking bad news about progress or any other things I see on the ultrasound. But that sparked my interest as much as forensic nursing did! I was so happy that something sparked interest like that. So I transferred out of forensic biotech DNA because apparently I was in the wrong major regardless. I figure since it was forensic nursing I would have to go into that major but it was nursing. So the switch worked out for me anyway! Now I’m happily finishing the perquisites needed for me to be able to head into the nursing field! I know I want to be a nurse and if I just don’t know what specifically as long as I can get my foot through the door and get any experiencing in nursing I am content! This was the moment I realized I wanted to be a nurse!
      Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
      To begin, I wanted to pursue a degree in nursing because since I was child my auntie was in college most of my childhood for furthering her nursing career. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. My goal for forensic nursing is to be the best forensic nurse I can be. There are multiple crimes upon the years that have just been dismissed due to poor handling of evidence. Or not doing it in the correct way so that it is viable. I want to be able to help in a way where that my craft is so perfect that me mishandling evidence and causing it not to to be used never happens. I also want to help women who had fallen victim to sexual assault cases and domestic violence situations. So many instances happen that the man walks free even with a substantial amount of evidence due to connections. Many domestic violence cases have to do with police or government workers so any thing that could tarnish their reputation will be swept under the rug. I want to maybe be able to look into past unsolved cases and do exemplary forensic work and figure out the truth in what happened. I plan to also shine more light on the forensic nursing career as it is a career many don't know about. I would like to shine more light on the career so its talked about more in nursing fields and in school. When I was growing up all I knew about nursing was the basic ones that you see in hospitals and doctor's office. I also didn't even know Forensic's was till my senior year which was me finally finding my calling. I feel it should be presented more earlier on as a choice in school. With the nursing elective in high school forensic nursing should also be brought up as a career to get more people interested in the idea. When people think of evidence work they just think of the FBI or the police even in the shows they are represented but us viewers are never told what they are. I want to change that to make everyone know they are here and what they are and do. In conclusion this how I plan to make a positive impact on the world through the forensics medical career. The more forensic nurses, the more cases we can solve and bring to justice!
      Nursing Student Scholarship
      To start, I wanted to be a nurse since I was child as my auntie was in college most of my childhood. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. She isn't the only reason I had gotten interest in the medical field. In high school I ended up taking a Forensic's class having no idea even what it is. I was entirely interested and what I was learning so I looked further into the field and discovered forensic nursing! I loved everything I learned in the class figuring out the time of death, studying the temperature of the corpses, and figuring out when the certain discoloration of the bruises on the bodies had happened. It was so intriguing to me that I was generally upset and bored with school when the trimester came to an end because I wouldn't have the class anymore. After finishing high school I went to and impatient hospital to try and improve my mental health. After finishing high school and starting college my mental health had entirely declined. But the nurses at the hospital were so helpful and the doctors would sit and talk to you about plans getting to get the patients better. It seemed that they really cared and were putting their all into the jobs and getting us better. It opened my eyes to realize there are so many different types of nurses in the medical field and the range is beyond what I could imagine. There would be times I would open up TikTok to see the path to become a Forensic nurse. Then I saw so much more different types of nursing and I was interested in so many topics I didn't know what type of nurse I wanted be. There were all helping people in their own way and I wanted to be able to help people too! At first when I entered college wanted to be a therapist or a cps person instead of nursing. But when I signed up for what I needed I had no passion for it I was just doing what I had to do to get by. I had only picked because of my fear for blood and other gorey stuff in the nursing field. But when I realized all I could dream about was being a nurse I decided to go after what my heart really wanted and switch to general studies! Now I am going into my third year of college and Im excited to soon be able to start the nursing program its all I had looked forward to growing up and still what I am thinking of now. This is why I want to be a nurse and all the life experiences that influenced my decision on pursuing this career!
      Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
      My experience was Not the best but a is a work in progress! My experience has affected my belief in medicine and religion. It also affected all of my relationships and with what type of career I wanted! Mental health is not a big thing in the black community nor is it taken seriously. Which I have fallen victim with my family. My mental health has excessively declined and been on a long downward slope the past few years. There was time where I had tried to give up with self harm or attempting suicide. Which affected my belief of god because all my life if I was depressed or suicidal I’d be told if I tried to commit I’d go to hell. Obviously no way to speak to someone with bad mental health as if that would change anything but that’s the way most black people are sadly. I stopped believing because why would god send you to hell immediately for struggling with your life and not wanting it anymore? No one said we shouldn’t be blessed for him giving us life but, simply punishing us for all of eternity in the after life after feeling punished already in your present life just made no sense to me. If he really saw me struggling why hadn’t he reach out to me and help me? I’ve been suffering for so long and I feel alone. My mental health affected my relationship with my parents and sister even thought it was not that good before. But this definitely decreased any chance of us having a good relationship. I ended up isolating myself and actively ignoring their invitations for family time. I stopped hanging out and talking to my friends and pushed them away. I treated them poorly to they point they didn’t want to be my friend anymore and I don’t blame them I couldn’t stand to be myself either right now. This made me want to change and get better because if I couldn’t see how much I was hurting myself. I could at least see how much I was hurting all the relationships around me. When I went to an inpatient hospital I saw how the nurses helped us. They spoke to us when we needed them and had us write down how to react to when we are in certain states. There’s so many people in and out of those places a day but that they remembered the correct procedure to do so. This made me ponder if I could go into that field even with my record I probably won’t but to help people the same way the nurses helped me would make me feel complete. With my experience I had with my parents as a child I wanted to help other black children who felt ignored or that they weren’t being heard. So then I thought about being a therapist or a cps person, I don’t want to have any other Black child go through what I had to. Being guilt tripped into thinking spankings aren’t abuse, that depression isn’t real, and that mental health isn’t a big thing in the Black community. I want to change that with whichever one of the careers I listed mental health is real and a strong opponent I want to lessen the percentage of Black Suicides and spread awareness of how important mental health is!
      Community Health Ambassador Scholarship for Nursing Students
      To begin, I wanted to pursue a degree in nursing because since I was child my auntie was in college most of my childhood for furthering her nursing career. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. She isn't the only reason I had gotten interest in the medical field. In high school I ended up taking a Forensic's class having no idea even what it is. I was entirely interested and what I was learning so I looked further into the field and discovered forensic nursing! I loved everything I learned in the class figuring out the time of death, studying the temperature of the corpses, and figuring out when the certain discoloration of the bruises on the bodies had happened. It was so intriguing to me that I was generally upset and bored with school when the trimester came to an end because I wouldn't have the class anymore. After finishing high school I went to and impatient hospital to try and improve my mental health. After finishing high school and starting college my mental health had entirely declined. But the nurses at the hospital were so helpful and the doctors would sit and talk to you about plans getting to get the patients better. It seemed that they really cared and were putting their all into the jobs and getting us better. It opened my eyes to realize there are so many different types of nurses in the medical field and the range is beyond what I could imagine. There would be times I would open up TikTok to see the path to become a Forensic nurse. Then I saw so much more different types of nursing and I was interested in so many topics I didn't know what type of nurse I wanted be. There were all helping people in their own way and I wanted to be able to help people too! At first when I entered college wanted to be a therapist or a cps person instead of nursing. But when I signed up for what I needed I had no passion for it I was just doing what I had to do to get by. I had only picked because of my fear for blood and other gorey stuff in the nursing field. But when I realized all I could dream about was being a nurse I decided to go after what my heart really wanted and switch to general studies! Now I am going into my third year of college and Im excited to soon be able to start the nursing program its all I had looked forward to growing up and still what I am thinking of now. This is why I want to be a nurse and all the life experiences that influenced my decision on pursuing this career!
      Maxwell Tuan Nguyen Memorial Scholarship
      To start, I wanted to be a nurse since I was child as my auntie was in college most of my childhood. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. She isn't the only reason I had gotten interest in the medical field. In high school I ended up taking a Forensic's class having no idea even what it is. I was entirely interested and what I was learning so I looked further into the field and discovered forensic nursing! I loved everything I learned in the class figuring out the time of death, studying the temperature of the corpses, and figuring out when the certain discoloration of the bruises on the bodies had happened. It was so intriguing to me that I was generally upset and bored with school when the trimester came to an end because I wouldn't have the class anymore. I plan to also shine more light on the forensic nursing career as it is a career many don't know about. I would like to shine more light on the career so its talked about more in nursing fields and in school. When I was growing up all I knew about nursing was the basic ones that you see in hospitals and doctor's office. I also didn't even know Forensic's was till my senior year which was me finally finding my calling. I feel it should be presented more earlier on as a choice in school. With the nursing elective in high school forensic nursing should also be brought up as a career to get more people interested in the idea. When people think of evidence work they just think of the FBI or the police even in the shows they are represented but us viewers are never told what they are. I want to change that to make everyone know they are here and what they are and do. In conclusion this how I plan to make a positive impact on the world through the forensics medical career. The more forensic nurses, the more cases we can solve and bring to justice!
      Wieland Nurse Appreciation Scholarship
      o start, I wanted to be a nurse since I was child as my auntie was in college most of my childhood. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. She isn't the only reason I had gotten interest in the medical field. In high school I ended up taking a Forensic's class having no idea even what it is. I was entirely interested and what I was learning so I looked further into the field and discovered forensic nursing! I loved everything I learned in the class figuring out the time of death, studying the temperature of the corpses, and figuring out when the certain discoloration of the bruises on the bodies had happened. It was so intriguing to me that I was generally upset and bored with school when the trimester came to an end because I wouldn't have the class anymore. After finishing high school I went to and impatient hospital to try and improve my mental health. After finishing high school and starting college my mental health had entirely declined. But the nurses at the hospital were so helpful and the doctors would sit and talk to you about plans getting to get the patients better. It seemed that they really cared and were putting their all into the jobs and getting us better. It opened my eyes to realize there are so many different types of nurses in the medical field and the range is beyond what I could imagine. There would be times I would open up TikTok to see the path to become a Forensic nurse. Then I saw so much more different types of nursing and I was interested in so many topics I didn't know what type of nurse I wanted be. There were all helping people in their own way and I wanted to be able to help people too! At first when I entered college wanted to be a therapist or a cps person instead of nursing. But when I signed up for what I needed I had no passion for it I was just doing what I had to do to get by. I had only picked because of my fear for blood and other gorey stuff in the nursing field. But when I realized all I could dream about was being a nurse I decided to go after what my heart really wanted and switch to general studies! Now I am going into my third year of college and Im excited to soon be able to start the nursing program its all I had looked forward to growing up and still what I am thinking of now. This is why I want to be a nurse and all the life experiences that influenced my decision on pursuing this career!
      Tanya C. Harper Memorial SAR Scholarship
      Hello! Im Brianna and Im 19 and have had a strong interest in the medical field since I was a child due to my aunt being a nurse herself! My plan to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career is being the best forensic nurse I can be. There are multiple crimes upon the years that have just been dismissed due to poor handling of evidence. Or not doing it in the correct way so that it is viable. I want to be able to help in a way where that my craft is so perfect that me mishandling evidence and causing it not to to be used never happens. I also want to help women who had fallen victim to sexual assault cases and domestic violence situations. So many instances happen that the man walks free even with a substantial amount of evidence due to connections. Many domestic violence cases have to do with police or government workers so any thing that could tarnish their reputation will be swept under the rug. I want to maybe be able to look into past unsolved cases and do exemplary forensic work and figure out the truth in what happened. I plan to also shine more light on the forensic nursing career as it is a career many don't know about. I would like to shine more light on the career so its talked about more in nursing fields and in school. When I was growing up all I knew about nursing was the basic ones that you see in hospitals and doctor's office. I also didn't even know Forensic's was till my senior year which was me finally finding my calling. I feel it should be presented more earlier on as a choice in school. With the nursing elective in high school forensic nursing should also be brought up as a career to get more people interested in the idea. When people think of evidence work they just think of the FBI or the police even in the shows they are represented but us viewers are never told what they are. I want to change that to make everyone know they are here and what they are and do. In conclusion this how I plan to make a positive impact on the world through the forensics medical career. The more forensic nurses, the more cases we can solve and bring to justice!
      Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
      Recovery means finding myself again and finding healthy copy mechanisms instead of drinking. I have been one year clean from drinking alcohol. I feel like a better person as I don't constantly turn to the thought of drinking myself unconscious. Recovery to me meant admitting to people that I had a drinking problem. Most importantly admitting to myself that I had a problem. Recovery to me meant cutting off anyone who would affect my recovery and putting me back on that path that led me to addiction. People who were enabling me by buying me alcohol as I am not of age to even be drinking. Recovery to me is rejecting atmospheres that can trigger relapsing. Knowing your limits where you can and cannot be or what you can and cannot do that will affect your progress. What does recovery mean to me? Never forgetting where you were and how far you came and what got you to this point and what struck you to change.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      I believe my mental health is important because it can affect me in ways I never could have imagined. As someone who had suffered an incredible mental health decline when starting college It has became my number one priority. When I didn't care about my mental health as much as I should I ended up developing severe depression and anxiety. I left it untreated for years and lost myself in the process of it all. This led to multiple failed suicide attempts but now I am trying to prioritize my mental health over everything. I maintain my mental wellness by finding better outlets to express any negative emotions I am having. Instead of self harming or self loathing for hours upon hours I choose to write. Writing has been a big thing for my emotions since I was a child as I was abused as a child. I would write down any negative feelings I had in my diary, I could feel all my negative emotions leaving me and seeping into my paper. Even if I cant go back and read it as it causes me to relive my trauma and bring me to tears. It still feels good I can get any negative feelings out of my head and on paper so I don't have to think about it anymore. It's like a throwaway reddit account except it's on paper and I forget about it till the next occurrence. Another thing, I have started to maintain my mental wellness is reading. Growing up I entirely RESENTED the idea of reading which is normal as a kid. But growing up I still hated it so much that I never thought this would be one of the helpful solutions to maintain mental stability. I started reading books again in May to find another past time for when I am alone with my thoughts for too long. But then I became addicted to it when I feel upset with whats going on in my life and I just want to give up, I pick up a book and I read. I read beyond my hearts content to the point I forget what even got me in this state in the first place. When you find a good book you are interested in it can distract you from everything that is bothering me. Its escape from everything eating at my mind and I wouldn't trade the world for discovering my love for reading. To conclude, this is why I believe my mental health is important as it can alter your life in seconds. Reading and writing was something I hated but it helped me maintain my mental wellness in many times of need!
      Women in Nursing Scholarship
      To start, I wanted to be a nurse since I was child as my auntie was in college most of my childhood. I looked up to her because she was the pitch perfect image of a role model. Seeing her with all her tools and seeing her come back from hospital shifts and going straight to work for her classes was inspirational. Now my Aunt is done with school and is a registered nurse and an assistant nurse manager at her job. Seeing her at work and how she is always talks about it when she's there and at home shows someone who loves their job. She isn't the only reason I had gotten interest in the medical field. In high school I ended up taking a Forensic's class having no idea even what it is. I was entirely interested and what I was learning so I looked further into the field and discovered forensic nursing! I loved everything I learned in the class figuring out the time of death, studying the temperature of the corpses, and figuring out when the certain discoloration of the bruises on the bodies had happened. It was so intriguing to me that I was generally upset and bored with school when the trimester came to an end because I wouldn't have the class anymore. After finishing high school I went to and impatient hospital to try and improve my mental health. After finishing high school and starting college my mental health had entirely declined. But the nurses at the hospital were so helpful and the doctors would sit and talk to you about plans getting to get the patients better. It seemed that they really cared and were putting their all into the jobs and getting us better. It opened my eyes to realize there are so many different types of nurses in the medical field and the range is beyond what I could imagine. There would be times I would open up TikTok to see the path to become a Forensic nurse. Then I saw so much more different types of nursing and I was interested in so many topics I didn't know what type of nurse I wanted be. There were all helping people in their own way and I wanted to be able to help people too! At first when I entered college wanted to be a therapist or a cps person instead of nursing. But when I signed up for what I needed I had no passion for it I was just doing what I had to do to get by. I had only picked because of my fear for blood and other gorey stuff in the nursing field. But when I realized all I could dream about was being a nurse I decided to go after what my heart really wanted and switch to general studies! Now I am going into my third year of college and Im excited to soon be able to start the nursing program its all I had looked forward to growing up and still what I am thinking of now. This is why I want to be a nurse and all the life experiences that influenced my decision on pursuing this career!