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Bianka Stephens


Bold Points




Hi, my name is Bianka and I am a 17-year-old attending my last year of high school at BHS. I would like to share a little bit about myself, including some of my hobbies. So to start, I was adopted when I was a newborn, and I had the adoption finalized when I was at the age of three. Shortly after getting adopted, it was discovered that I had impaired vision, and then I received my first pair of glasses. I got diagnosed with ADHD after attending the 2nd grade and got a progressive understanding of the education world after that leading to my years of marketing experience through the girl scout organization starting at the age of five. My home life began to fall apart as I was forced into a corner with my emotions. My mom and dad started being at odds with each other, yelling and screaming most of the time when the tension was high. It was decided after two years worth of fighting that it was time to get a divorce. The years that my parents fought, led up to my diagnosis of Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder. After experiencing the latter of bullying and harassment due to my conditions by peers/adults, clubs, and social activities, I decided that I'd had enough. I went to Jane Addams Middle School and started to face the inequities of my past, even going to the lengths, of getting two buddy benches put at my school in the ending years. I vowed to myself that I'd leave a mark wherever I go and that I would help others that were like me. That's what my life goal is.


Bolingbrook High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Social Work
    • Psychology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1060


    • Dream career field:

      Civic & Social Organization

    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago — Ambassador
        2010 – Present

      Future Interests



      Affordable College Prep's First Time Winners Scholarship
      Applying for Scholarships is usually very time-consuming. Other times it is as if we all are on a limited timer that shouts every time we have deadlines or absences/shortcomings to make up for. Scholarships are one of the essentials for anyone wanting to pursue higher education, and are becoming more and more needed as money runs thin in the world of business and technology. Everybody wants to be the best and the boldest to achieve their greatest aspirations in the work field, doing something their not just good at, but can enjoy. That also means competition, and naturally putting post-knowlege to use. So, applying for a schalarship can be from easy to difficult to even more challenging than one's given knowlege, but getting chosen is most difficult.
      Jose Montanez Memorial Scholarship
      My name is Bianka Stephens and here is my foster journey. I was born with many problems leading up to my birth, followed by some physical limitations and mental disorders to count. I was 3 pounds, 1 ounce when I was born, and I was severely addicted to heroin and other misused drugs. I was taken into the system shortly after my mother was sought out for using drugs while she was pregnant. She had claimed she didn't know she was pregnant and it was confirmed that she didn't seem to look like a mother in labor. I was later fostered with my twin sister, and a family looking for newborn children took us in. We received a lot of care for our physical development along with mental development checks until our adoption was finalized after we turned three. Looking back, I learned a lot about the world due to my situation. As much as I have endured, I wish to put my knowledge to use by helping adolescents better understand their identities and personal struggles by pursuing Social Work.
      Bianka Stephens Student Profile |