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Bazya Smith


Bold Points






Although life always seems to throw curveballs, I find it helpful to have a goal for the future to keep me focused. I am motivated, hard-working, and compassionate, and I plan to use these traits to better my community and those around me. After high school, I aim to attend college and then medical school. My mother is a doctor and an entrepreneur, and when I was younger, I never thought that I would be hoping to follow in her footsteps, but here I am. I feel a calling into the medical field, and I am confident that I can achieve this goal and whatever else I set my mind to. Throughout high school, I have been able to successfully manage dual enrollment college courses, three sports, and involvement in FBLA, BETA Club, FCA, and the yearbook staff. With this experience, I know that I am well prepared for college and life.


Towns County High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biomedical/Medical Engineering
    • Human Biology
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Swimming Instructor

      Stacy's Swimmers
      2021 – 2021
    • Concessions Worker

      Snack Shack LLC
      2017 – 20181 year
    • Receptionist

      Studio 116
      2016 – 20171 year
    • Medical and Office Assistant

      Serendipity Clinic
      2018 – Present6 years



    2019 – 20212 years


    Junior Varsity
    2018 – 20191 year

    Cross Country

    2018 – Present6 years


    2018 – Present6 years


    • Biology

      North Georgia Technical College — Planning and executing experimentation of goldfish and dietary proteins
      2019 – 2020


    • High School Art Program

      Butterfly Installation
      2021 – 2021
    • Towns County High School

      3rd Place Winner of the local Republican Party Art Contest
      2021 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      None — Helped decorate the town square and help kids write letters to Santa
      2021 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      Towns County Food Pantry — Sort and pack food into boxes
      2021 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      United Community Bank Junior Board of Directors — Distributing candy to children at the town Trick-or-Treat event
      2021 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      FBLA — Running the concessions stand at a basketball game
      2020 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Local Group — Removal of polluting substances from roadsides
      2018 – 2019
    • Volunteering

      Operation Christmas Child — Packaging boxes and organizing materials
      2016 – 2019
    • Volunteering

      Boy Scouts of America — Helping in construction of and upkeep of sign
      2020 – 2020

    Future Interests




    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    I grew up in the world of medicine. When I was born, my mother was in residency. My older brother had been born while she was in medical school. Some of my earliest memories are visiting my mom at the clinic she used to work at, either reading books while waiting for her in her office or watching her practice suturing on oranges during her lunch breaks. I heard discussions of patients and treatments, and even attended a few funerals for those that passed away. I have always been around this kind of environment, and although I now hope to pursue a career in the medical field, I didn't always want to. My mom was around as much as she could be. She worked long hours and would come home exhausted, but would always be happy to see me and my siblings. She didn't always make it to soccer games or plays or birthday parties, but she loved us and showed it by working hard so that we could have a good childhood. I saw the lifestyle that she led, working so hard and yet still having financial problems and paying off student loans, not to mention dealing with sexism and other drama as a female doctor. I thought that I would never put myself through that. Five years ago, my mom opted out of mainstream healthcare and opened a cash-pay urgent care clinic with my dad. I started working there three years ago, and got to see firsthand how much my mom was able to help people. While before I had only seen the negatives of her job, this way I learned the positives. Medicine is truly full of puzzles and creativity, and I can't wait to be a part of it.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    When I was in fifth grade, my class watched a movie about World War I. In seventh grade, we watched movies about 9/11 and Hotel Rwanda. In ninth grade, we watched documentaries about starving and impoverished people in Central America and Africa. During the past two years, the entire world experienced a pandemic caused by COVID-19, which tanked economies, isolated family members, and caused over 5.31 million deaths. After seeing these horrible circumstances, it's extremely easy for me to get caught up in the tragedies of life, and I often forget that my worries are not nearly as bad as the actual problems of others. I have a truly amazing life. My parents are in a loving marriage. My siblings and I have access to a free education. My house has more than five rooms. I have never worried about not having clean water and enough food. I can freely practice my religion, and I don't face discrimination for the color of my skin. I can step outside and breathe fresh air in my lungs and feel sunshine on my face. I am grateful for all of these things and more, and I try to show my gratitude by thanking everyone I can for everything they do for me. Although I get distracted by disappointments and occasional struggles, the most important thing to me is remembering that there are people who dream of having a life like mine.
    Educate the SWAG “Dare to Dream” STEAM Scholarship
    When I was in kindergarten, I thought that there were limited options for employment. Doctors, firefighters, policemen, teachers, and lawyers were pretty much the only occupations that I knew existed. One of the things that came as a surprise to me as I grew up was how wrong I was about this. This is especially true now that I am a high school senior who has been seriously thinking about what I want to do with my life since middle school. My main concern with there being so many different career options was that I thought that I would get stuck with one job where I couldn't do all of the things that I love. It wasn't until recently that I realized that I can pursue two things things that I love, which don't seem to go together, through one job. My freshman year of high school, I was convinced that I would be an artist, specifically an animator for Pixar. I absolutely loved art, and I have always excelled in that area. But then during my sophomore year, I felt a calling to be a doctor like my mom. I had never wanted to be a doctor before, but taking biology courses and working at my family's urgent care clinic made me realize my love for science. Looking under the microscope at school for bacteria and microorganisms made me notice the true beauty and art that can be found in a lab. Watching and assisting in proceedures at the clinic revealed a different kind of art form that I never knew about. Being a doctor is the perfect match between STEM and Art. There is beauty and learned techniques and puzzles all put into one career, not to mention that all of it is helping people live better lives. For the longest time, I was afraid of being trapped in a career that I hated for the rest of my life. I thought that I would have to choose one thing to be good at. I am so thankful to be able to say that I was wrong, and there are so many opportunities where I can use all of my talents for the betterment of our world. Over the summer of 2021, I searched for the perfect college, often traveling with my best friend and my family to tour campuses. I had done research on the best schools that fit my interests, but when I saw them in person I felt like I didn't belong. That feeling remained until I went to Savannah, Georgia and toured the Armstrong campus for Georgia Southern University. Savannah immediately felt like home, with the perfect blend of art, education, and science. Growing up in a small town in the mountains, I always felt like there weren't many things to do or opportunities for me to learn. I have always been involved in sports and clubs at school, but I never really got to see what opportunities for careers and further education were beyond my town. Seeing the city of Savannah was like seeing a different world, and I didn't want to leave. I was, and still am, nervous about leaving my family and friends behind in pursuit of a college education, but I believe that it will be worth it because of the things that I will be able to do and see and learn about. I don't think that I will ever feel stuck while I am in college, because I will be pursuing my dreams in a place where my two favorite things, art and science, are perfectly intertwined.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    Over the summer, I worked as a swimming instructor for young children. The youngest was 4 years old, and the oldest was 13. Surprisingly, the student that challenged my patience the most was the oldest one. No matter how many times I tried to help him improve his form, he persisted in swimming the way he thought was correct. He was also absolutely terrified of jumping in the water. While the 6-year-olds eagerly jumped in from the diving board (with floaties of course), my student remained fused to the concrete on the side of the pool. I tried giving him a float to jump on. I assured him that he was going to be okay, and that I would never let anything bad happen to him. I ended up staying for an extra thirty minutes every day that week, trying to convince him to jump in the pool. I would start to get frustrated, but would have to remind myself that this was a terrifying experience for him. Finally, on the last day of lessons, he jumped from the side of the pool into the deep end. Being patient was never one of my strong points. I like getting things done as soon and effectively as possible, and it can be difficult to wait for others to catch up. Teaching swimming lessons and working with children has allowed me to practice being patient, and those kids taught me just as much as I taught them. Although being patient can be hard, I know that it is necessary in order to form better relationships with others.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Growing up, I didn't have a lot of friends. I was homeschooled during 3rd and 4th grade, and when I came back to school halfway through 5th grade, I wasn't able to connect with anybody. For most of 5th and 6th grade, I was on my own. During 7th grade, I met the girl who is now my best friend of 5 years. My best friend means the world to me, and I thank God for her every day. We have seen each other through the good and the bad, through thick and thin. Whenever I have a problem, I go to her. When I want to have fun, I go to her. When I need comforted or supported, I go to her. We know each other's hopes, dreams, and secrets. I can tell what she's thinking just by her facial expressions, and we often finish each other's sentences. Although we have differences in our personalities, opinions, and backgrounds, I love her with all my heart. Growing up, one of my favorite books was Anne of Green Gables. Some people may focus on the love story between Gilbert and Anne, but I always loved the relationship between Anne and Diana. When I first read the book, I didn't have someone that I was that close with, and I thought that I might never have that kind of best friend love with anyone. Now that I have my best friend, I am able to relate to the book more than ever. Even though we plan to go to different colleges after graduating high school, I know that she will still be my best friend. Any good relationship is worth fighting for, and if there's ever a relationship like that, it's ours.
    Elevate Girl's Wrestling Scholarship
    I joined the wrestling team at my high school during my sophomore year. I made this commitment partly because my older brother had joined, and partly because I wanted a way to gain confidence in myself. My first match against another girl was in December at the King of the Mountain tournament that my team hosts every year in December. During this tournament, teams from all over Georgia and North Carolina travel to our small town to compete in two full days of wrestling. Being a first-year wrestler, I was overwhelmed by the massive amount of people in the gym. I had always struggled with severe anxiety and was nervous about my first match against another girl. I ended up having a panic attack right after the match started. It was a horrible experience, not to mention the fact that it was my birthday. I remember crying in the bathroom and feeling like I would never be able to face my team, coaches, or family after that disaster. I eventually did and was surprised at how supportive they were. A few weeks later, I won my first match. My second year of wrestling was a much different story. I came into the season prepared and ready to win. I had a good season and ended up making it to the state tournament. My favorite memory of wrestling was getting to go to state with my team and being able to experience the largest gathering of wrestlers I had ever seen. On the first day of the tournament, I cheered on the guys on my team while helping out at the score tables. The second day, the other girls and I got ready for our matches in the back of the Macon Coliseum. I met other female wrestlers and warmed up for my matches with two other girls from a different team. I won my first and third matches, both resulting in a mix of tiredness, pride, and confidence. I finished fourth overall in my weight class. I was disappointed that I hadn't officially placed, but I felt proud of what I was able to accomplish. Hard work does pay off. After the disaster that was my first year of wrestling, I knew I needed to make a change if I wanted to get better. I put in extra time working out in the gym. I went running to build up my stamina. I went over moves with my brother and my uncle, who also wrestled in high school. I made changes in my workouts and attitude that not only improved my wrestling performance but also my overall mindset inside and outside of the gym.
    "If You Believe..." Scholarship
    Every morning, I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock going off. Most days, I want to turn it off and go back to sleep. But I can't do that, because I have responsibilities. I have school, sports, clubs, and a job to worry about. Technically speaking, I could just leave all that behind and devote my life to sleeping. However, on a deeper level, I know I could never do that. I'm not someone to turn away from responsibilities, and there are many positives to being active at school and in my community. At school, I get to see my friends. When I go to sports practice, I get the exercise that's good for my body and mind. Clubs allow me to learn about being a leader while participating in group activities. Working at an urgent care clinic has allowed me to acquire knowledge about the medical field while developing people skills. All of these things have shaped me into the person I am today, and I don't want to leave all that behind. The reason I get out of bed every morning is that I want to maintain and form meaningful relationships with others and ensure that my time on earth is worthwhile. Throughout my time in high school, it's gotten increasingly easier to get out of bed every morning. I have the motivation to graduate high school and become someone who younger me would have been proud of. Middle school and early high school was a very difficult time for me, as I struggled with depression and severe anxiety. It also didn't help that I had Tourette's Syndrome. I dreaded going to school because I felt like everyone was watching me all the time, hoping I would make a mistake and laughing when I did. Of course, this was only partially true. I did get pushed around and judged by older and more popular girls, but I don't believe that I would have seen the world in the way I did without the aforementioned mental struggles. Participating in sports, clubs, and other activities have been a way for me to gain confidence, and I am extremely grateful for all of the people who helped me in my journey. My experiences have resulted in a desire to encourage and inspire other students to go after their goals without worrying about what everybody else is thinking. During this past summer, I attended a christian camp for athletes, where a speaker mentioned a verse in Galations that really spoke to me. Galations 1:10 states, "For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be a servant of Christ." I have a strong belief in Christ, and my faith has gotten me into some rather interesting situations at school. Despite this, I think that God allowed me to experience adversity in order to help me better help others. I also believe that God has called me to pursue a career in the medical field so that I can make a positive impact on people who are in need. Because of this calling and my goals for myself and others, I try to get out of bed every day with the intent of working toward God's plan while encouraging others to do the same.
    Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
    It really is the little things that matter the most. When the world seems like it's going to crush me under the weight of huge worries, the little things remind me that the future isn't as bleak as it seems. Global warming and excessive pollution of the environment are big problems, but no matter what, the sun still rises in the morning and sets in the evening. School shootings, murders, and hate crimes happen all around us, but there are also communities full of people who support one another when times are hard. There has been an uptick of COVID cases lately due to the new Delta variant, but in response, people have started wearing masks again and washing their hands more often. Studies from Time magazine, BBC News, Psychology Today, and many more have proven that being in nature reduces stress and makes people happier. I am very fortunate to live in what I consider to be the most beautiful place in Georgia, the Blue Ridge Mountains. Watching the sunset from my favorite spots on the tops of the mountains or from the shore of the lake reminds me that there are better days to come. Worrying about things that I can't control isn't going to fix the problems of the world, but enjoying the beautiful parts of my environment shrink them in my mind. The main reason I want to be a doctor is so that I can help people. I want to help them with not only their physical issues but also their mental mindsets. Having a positive attitude can greatly increase patients' chances of getting better, and even if the worst possible thing happens, at least they spent their valuable time being happy. I want to spread my hope for the future and love for life to others who need it. Acts of kindness and words of encouragement mean so much more than people think, and knowing that I can make a difference makes me want to live every day to make someone else's better.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    William Chyr is a talented artist from Chicago who uses colorful balloons to create pieces based on biological systems. His use of color attracts attention and draws the eye toward the intricate complexity of his installations, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. His works are also displayed in public places, including one that was installed in Chicago's Ogilvie Transportation Center in June 2012. Chyr combines his knowledge of physics and science and a wealth of creativity to make beautiful works that everyone can enjoy.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is The Poisonwood Bible, written by Barbara Kingsolver. It is the story of the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a Baptist preacher who drags his family with him on a mission trip to Africa. The story is told in the first person through the eyes of the four daughters: Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May. The differences in hidden thoughts and opinions of the girls form starkly different characters who each grow from their experiences in the Belgian Congo. At the beginning of the book, the Price women quickly realize that they did not bring the appropriate materials to survive in the Congo, and Nathan's unwillingness to cooperate with the native tribe, or his family, doesn't help matters. Over several years, changes in the African government, disagreements between tribe members, and the unplanned death of a loved one lead to the division of the Price family. I don't cry when I read sad books or watch sad movies. That is, until I read this book. It is one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read, and it's always one that I recommend to avid readers. The differences between characters are portrayed through different writing styles, just as it would be if the book were written by separate authors. One especially different perspective comes from Adah, whose disability is hidden from readers until later in the book. Barbara Kingsolver accurately illustrates cultural differences, the viewpoint of Americans toward people in third-world countries, historical events, and a powerful love story in this heart-wrenching and achingly beautiful work.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    "Imagine how we would be if we were less afraid." - Charlie Mackesy (The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse) This summer I decided to get a job teaching swimming lessons. The kids I taught ranged from ages 4 through 13, and the psychology behind their strengths and weaknesses intrigued me. The younger kids never wanted to put their faces in the water when they were swimming, and as a result, they would have a harder time keeping themselves afloat. However, they LOVED jumping off the diving board into the deep end of the pool, which was only 8 feet deep. On the contract, the older kids were okay with putting their faces in the pool and swimming correctly, but several of them were terrified of jumping off the diving board. One kid that I taught was 13 and refused to jump into the pool from the side, which was only a few inches from the surface of the water. I stayed 30 minutes after his lessons for several days, trying to get him to jump into the pool. I even held a pool noodle in place for him to jump onto! I told him constantly that he would be okay. I kept reminding him that he knew how to swim, several people were around him if he needed help, and the pool wasn't deep enough for his fears of drowning to be valid. But he just kept repeating to himself, "No, I'm too scared, I can't do it." He never ended up jumping, and both of us were left disappointed. Over the past several weeks, I've thought about this story. Although sadly, he didn't overcome his fear, it taught me a valuable lesson. It can be very scary to take "jumps" in life, but if we don't take them, we may always think about what could've been if we had. "I should've asked that girl or boy out! Then maybe I wouldn't be so lonely." "If I had gone to college and furthered my education, I might have a better job." It's not healthy to live in the past, and taking opportunities when they come can prevent it from ever happening. And those leaps that seem like 40 feet may just be a few inches in reality. As kids, we are told that we can do and be anything. What happens to those aspirations when we get older? At what age does fear make the surface of the water seem so far away? When I read this quote in the book mentioned in parentheses above, I stopped for a minute and thought about how much I could've achieved in my relatively short life if only I weren't afraid. How many relationships, jobs, scholarships, or colleges were just within my grasp if only I had done something? It's a beautiful thing to be able to imagine, and instead of thinking about the negative things that could happen after jumping, I've decided to start thinking about the good things.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    It's no secret that there are serious struggles that women face that men could never understand. There are things that women have to do to keep themselves safe, such as having to go everywhere in large groups, checking underneath our cars before going near them, carrying pepper spray or mace wherever we go, and several others. It is a well-known fact that women are often paid less in big industries, even if the quality and quantity of their work is far greater than that of their male co-workers. Women are seen as objects, maids, and babysitters, while a lot of men are praised for doing the bare minimum at work and home. Women are the very reason that everyone on this planet even exists, and yet we are STILL not treated with the respect that we deserve. A huge issue that came to my attention recently is period poverty. There are so many women and girls across the globe who are suffering from a lack of access to period products such as pads and tampons. In Africa, young girls often don't get a proper education, not only because they are being forced into motherhood as girls or teenagers, but they can't even go to school at least one week out of the month without getting blood everywhere. Homeless women in the United States have admitted to using toilet paper or trash as pads because they couldn't afford them. And adding on to that, there is a luxury tax on period products in 30 of the fifty states, according to a political report from May 3, 2021. As if not bleeding everywhere is a luxury. Meanwhile, Viagra and Rogaine are exempt from sales tax because they're considered medically necessary. Although there have been petitions and court cases presented by women taking a stand against this injustice, only 20 states have completely abolished the "tampon tax". Legislators need to do better to uphold the well-being of the half of the population who isn't male. I'm not saying that every man in the world is trying to prevent women from achieving success or happiness. There are lots of men who go out of their way to support and help women through their struggles. My father and my brother are both wonderful men who have always been there for me when I need help, humor, or encouragement. I think that one of the main problems is that some young men and boys aren't taught how to properly treat women. Children learn from their elder's examples, and unfortunately, most older men grew up in times where women were viewed and treated as objects. Our society has come a long way from those times, but women are still facing some effects of it. A couple of days ago, I mentioned to my brother how I sometimes get stared at and creepily complimented by older men in public. He expressed his concern, and he said that he hadn't ever thought about this being a fairly common occurrence for me. I believe that making the younger generation of men aware of these events will fix a lot of problems. In my opinion, the best thing about the Internet is that it can bring people together. Women from all over the world share inspiration, tips, and love with each other through messaging, social media, and more. With this powerful tool at our disposal, amazing advances for the betterment of the lives of women can be made. By coming together in the fight for equality, women can be empowered to be the best versions of themselves.
    White Coat Pending Scholarship
    I never wanted to be a doctor. People asked me time and again if I was going to follow in my mom's footsteps in becoming a doctor, and I always said no. That is, until my sophomore year of high school. I had been struggling with depression and anxiety for over a year, and to top all of that off, people in and outside of school were asking me what I wanted to do with my life. I cried almost every night, stressing myself out over this huge decision that a 15-year-old really should not be stressing out about. Finally, one night, I had the idea of praying and asking God what his plan for my life was. All of a sudden, a wave of calm washed over me. (By the way, I'm not making this up, this happened.) I instantly knew that I was meant to go into the medical field. The medical field is extremely broad, and although I still don't know exactly what I want to do yet, I know that I want to help the people who need it most. A few months ago, I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to go on a mission trip to a foreign country after medical school. I know it sounds cheesy, but I've seen so many videos of starving children and hardworking parents who don't have access to the care they need. In my dual enrollment biology class last semester, we watched a video about the Ebola virus and the effect it had on the people and the depressingly few doctors, who were doing their best to help. It's one thing to see it happening in another country, but with the effects of the Coronavirus still lingering, there are people in the United States who are also going through extreme hardship. It pains me to see and hear about people in the proclaimed greatest country in the world going through the same things that happened 5 years ago across the Atlantic. I want to help whoever I can, whether it be people from within my own country, or outside of it. I believe that doctors hold the world together. They help those who are sick and in pain, and often put themselves at risk by doing so. I've been called to serve others, and to do my best to help them through their hardships. Proverbs 3:27 states,"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them."
    Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship
    Every year of my high school experience, I have had a favorite senior. These leaders were not always recognized by the community, teachers, or coaches for their efforts, but I knew who they were. I couldn't wait to be like them one day, and now that my senior year of high school is coming up, I finally get the chance. These people were leaders from behind the scenes, the ones who always made everybody feel like a part of the team. While most of the seniors in charge saw underclassmen as inferior, there were a few who recognized the potential of younger students and athletes. These seniors were always my favorites, and I hope to reflect their leadership style not only throughout my upcoming senior year, but also when I enter college and the workforce. My freshman year of high school, the girl I looked up to most was a senior on my soccer team, named Lea. She wasn't team captain, but everyone knew that she was the one who really kept the team together. The girl who was captain was the best player on the team, but she wasn't the best leader. She didn't encourage the team or put her entire soul out on the playing field the way that Lea did. Lea was kind but assertive, and I respected her for what she did for the team. I have continued playing soccer through high school, and I hope to be team captain next year. However, I plan to take on Lea's style of leadership rather than the one that was set in place before. My sophomore year of high school, my favorite senior was my older brother, Blythe. He has a useful ability to get along with everybody, and he was the most encouraging and engaged senior on the cross country team. He cheered the girls team on during our races, while the rest of the boys team sat under the team tent. He also got people excited on bus rides while making sure that everyone was included in activites. He was an active participant in family fun run fridays, where both teams would run together at the pace of the slowest runner, often while singing songs and joking while we jogged. Even after he graduated high school, my brother has managed to come to most of my sporting events and cheer me on, and I hope to bring energy to whatever teams I lead in the way that he did and continues to do. This past year, my favorite senior was Vanessa. She is a natural leader, and even was before she was a senior. She is authoritative, driven, and confident in herself and her abilities. She invited me to join FBLA and compete with her in regional and state competitions during my sophomore year. We have been region champions of public speaking in the event Business Ethics for the past two years, and have gone on to compete at the state level both years. I have admired Vanessa's confidence ever since I met her, and I am proud to say that I have attained some of her leadership qualities over the years. I have learned the most important leadership lessons from the people listed above. They are talented, hardworking, and kind people, and I am proud to know them and have been under their direction. I plan to use what they taught me to be a leader who recognizes other's abilities, encourages everyone to be a better version of themselves, and is confident in myself and my team.
    "What Moves You" Scholarship
    "There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?" This quote is from my favorite TV show, The Office. At the end of the series, one of the main characters, Pam Beasley, contemplates why the paper company Dunder Mifflin was chosen as the subject for a documentary. She ends up saying this quote as an answer to her own question, and the final episode of the show ends immediately after. As a little kid, and even when I got older, all I could think about was being famous for making something of myself. I wanted everybody to know my name and who I was. But as I've gotten older, I've realized that my goals shouldn't be centered around glory and fame, but rather about the moments in life that really matter. This quote helped me realize that I don't need to be recognized in order to enjoy life and to help people. I plan to enter the medical field so that I can help those who need it most. I want to be a useful part of the ordinary people whose faces aren't easily identified, and who make up 99.9914% percent of the world. I don't need to be part of the 0.0086% of the world who makes it big. I can live my life enjoying all of the beautiful ordinary things that the world has to offer.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." We hear and see this quote, attributed to the famous Indian civil rights leader Mahatma Ghandi, all the time. It is mentioned in books, plastered on billboards and signs, and slapped on posters in school hallways. We see this saying around us constantly, and yet we do not build off of the call to action. We think, "Oh, that's a nice quote. I should hang that in my bathroom to get me motivated for the day." And although it might encourage us to be nicer to others or work harder in the areas we already are, we tend to leave the bigger aspects out. We leave the bigger problems to people who are higher up, have more influence than us, or are "more important". But what we tend to forget is that social standing doesn't make a difference in change even if it's small, we DO have influence, and we ARE important. When we're little kids, we believe that we can change the world. What happens to those aspirations? We get older, and are trained to follow what has already been set in place for generations. We look to those who are older and wiser and say, "Why hasn't this been changed? Why aren't you doing anything?" This kind of attitude hasn't brought about any new concepts or structures. That's why the younger people, at the very least those of us who pay attention to the world around us and really think about the meaning behind inspirational quotes such as the one above, need to help provoke change and growth within our communities. I have been in contact with several leaders of my city, and have played roles that have resulted in the betterment of my community. I have helped with the construction of a much needed sign at the local fairgrounds. I have participated in yearly trash cleanups with a large group of community members. I have helped with the packaging of Operation Chrismas Child boxes. I am also an active member of the BETA Club at my school, which is dedicated solely to organizing students to participate in community service projects. Although these efforts are small compared to some, they are only the start of what I hope to do in the future. One of the main concerns I have is for those in my town who suffer from food insecurity. A lot of students at my school do not get enough to eat at home, especially with COVID causing many parents to get laid off from their jobs. I have heard multiple stories about students who only get to eat real meals when they are at school. My plan to help change this is still in the planning phase, but I am very concerned and devoted to helping this cause, and I hope to be able to help ease this burden that so many carry. I realize that if I want something done, I can't just sit around and wait for someone else to do it. I have to be the change I wish to see in the world.
    Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
    I live in a small town, where everybody knows everybody, and most people at my school have been together since preschool. I am not one of those people, and because of this, I always found it hard to make friends, especially in fifth and sixth grade, which was when I started going to public school after being homeschooled for the previous two years. I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere, and I spent pretty much all of fifth and sixth grade with people who weren't really my friends, and only let me hang out with them at school. I know all too well what it's like to eat lunch by yourself in a bathroom stall, or have to be the person who walks behind the rest of the group when there isn't enough room on the sidewalk, or listen to others plan parties that you aren't invited to right in front of you. Then, towards the beginning of seventh grade, a new girl moved and we got paired together for a project. We started joking around and she ended up being my first ever best friend. We sat together at lunch, played on the soccer team together, and were inseparable for that whole school year. I felt like all of the pain of never fitting in before was worth it, because I had her. Although she's not my best friend anymore, I know that she is the only reason that I made it through that time. Because I didn't realize it then, possibly because I was too young to know, but I was definitely depressed, and had a lot of social anxiety. I don't know how much longer I would've been able to go through constantly feeling alone, and I owe her a debt of gratitude for being there for me.
    Brynn Elliott "Tell Me I’m Pretty" Scholarship
    I have been greatly blessed to have multiple strong women in my life. Of these, the one I most admire is my mom, Kilee Smith. She is intellegent, hard-working, and loving, and I am eternally grateful that she has passed those traits on to me. Her story and passion for what she does has inspired me to follow in her footsteps in becoming a doctor. Although she was raised in a household that did see health as a main priority, she ended up deciding to pursue a career in the medical field. While in college, she trained for and completed a marathon, all while working to graduate with a double major in biology and chemistry. She married my dad while they were both in college, and she was able to work for her medical degree while pregnant with my older brother. She faced scrutinization from her peers for this decision, but ended up graduating from medical school at the top of her class. Today, my parents own and run an urgent care clinic, and when I see my mom's patients outside of the clinic, they almost always stop me to ask if I will tell my mother thank you for what she did for them. I can remember several instances where I have been reminded by strangers in the grocery store that my mother is amazing, kind, and caring. I absolutely love hearing these compliments, and I hope to someday be able to live up to the name that my mother has created. Not only is my mother successful in her career, but I believe that she is also successful in life. She carries herself with confidence and never seems to care if people think she is weird. She dances in the grocery store isles when a catchy song comes on. She sings in the car to her favorite tunes while wearing bedazzled sunglasses. She parades her home grown vegetables and flowers around the house to make sure that everyone has seen the product of her hard work, which she always refers to as "our hard work". She tells my siblings and I that she loves us, and that she is proud of us and who we have and will become. She is the one I always turn to when I need advice. She is the one who has cultivated growth and the desire to achieve great things in me. She is the one who has taught me the skills that will make me an excellent doctor. Words can't express how grateful I am to her for raising me the way that she did, and I hope to do everything I possibly can to magnify the light she brings into this world.
    Ocho Cares Artistry Scholarship
    Being an artist does not only apply to painting and drawing. Being an artist means putting time and care into every project to make sure that it turns out perfectly. Being an artist means connecting with your work and the audience that it is meant for. Being an artist means pushing through frustration, disappointment, and anger to find the beauty in this despairingly dark world. Although sometimes words can fail us, leaving emotions locked inside and repressed, art can allow free expression and individual interpretation. I find freedom and passion in the art that I create and see around me every day. Being able to create something full of color and meaning from something that was formerly ordinary gives me hope and happiness. In the beginning, there was nothing. And then there was something. The world around us is art, inspires art, and produces art. This world of art is how we connect to the earth and each other. Our ancestors practiced it, and we continue to practice it, proving that there is a reason for the expression that comes from clogged feelings and words. Art allows others to experience our feelings and visions in a way that is personal and individualistic. In the future, I hope to create art that inspires others. I hope to be able to communicate my convictions in a way that is not barred by language or experience barriers. I hope to find the best things in life and share them with the world.