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Baily Perez


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As a recent high school graduate and dedicated student athlete, I am eagerly seeking scholarships to support my academic journey at Florida Atlantic University. With a passion for track and field spanning five years, I've honed my skills on the track while maintaining a commendable 3.3 unweighted GPA. Throughout my high school years, I actively participated in my school's magnet program, immersing myself in diverse academic pursuits. Additionally, I dedicated over 300 service hours to various community initiatives, embodying my commitment to making a positive impact. As I embark on my collegiate education, my ultimate aspiration is to become a physical therapist specializing in aiding athletes and individuals recovering from injuries. My desire to help others stems from a genuine empathy and a core part of who I am. Knowing that I can make a difference in people's lives, particularly in their journey to recovery, brings me profound fulfillment and peace. I am eager to continue my academic and athletic pursuits at Florida Atlantic University, where I aim to excel both in the classroom and on the track while nurturing my passion for helping others.


Florida Atlantic University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • GPA:

South Plantation High School

High School
2018 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Physical Sciences, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Health, Wellness, and Fitness

    • Dream career goals:

      Physical Therapist

    • Manager

      2020 – 20222 years


    Track & Field

    2017 – 20225 years


    • districts
    • invitationals
    • regionals


    • Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management

      School — scientist
      2018 – 2022


    • School

      Christmas specials
      2016 – 2017

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Broward county humane society — Volunteer
      2020 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      I would help my city with big events such as the fire department barbeque. — Volunteer
      2018 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Independent: Elementary schools, around my high school — Volunteer for children events
      2019 – 2022

    Future Interests




    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    I view success as a complex idea that includes reaching professional goals, finding personal fulfillment, and having a constructive influence on the world. It's about living a purpose-driven life that is marked by development, authenticity, and deep connections rather than just hitting a certain milestone or accumulating financial prosperity. Success is essentially about living a life that is consistent with my beliefs and goals and reaching my best potential. It entails following my passions with tenacity and devotion while welcoming chances for further education and self-discovery. I aim to leave a lasting legacy that inspires others, whether it be via my contributions to society, academic pursuits, or artistic activities. Achieving success in the area of personal satisfaction entails developing a feeling of contentment, inner serenity, and general wellbeing. It entails looking after my mental, emotional, and physical well-being in addition to cultivating deep connections with family and friends. It is necessary for me to attain harmony and balance in every area of my life in order for me to have a happy and meaningful life. Success in my professional life is pursuing a career that fulfills my passions and enables me to have a good influence in the industry of physical therapy. It entails establishing tough objectives, pushing limits, and always pushing myself to advance and change. Whether it's through creative initiatives, leadership positions, or mentorship programs, my goal is to make a lasting impression on the professional scene and support constructive change in my field. Moreover, achieving success involves improving the lives of others and advancing societal welfare. It entails supporting issues close to my heart, fighting for social justice, and giving back to my community. Whether it's via activism, charitable giving, or volunteer work, my goal is to use my abilities and resources to help those in need and build a more just and caring society for coming generations. This chance offers a special route to realizing my goal of achievement on several fronts. First of all, it gives me a platform for both professional and personal development, enabling me to sharpen my abilities, increase my knowledge, and discover fresh opportunities for creativity and innovation. Through engaging in a variety of events and picking the brains of professionals in a range of areas, I may extend my reach and seize fresh chances for personal growth and fulfillment. Additionally, this opportunity gives me the ability to meet others who share my interests and goals and who are like-minded themselves. I may create lasting connections via networking, cooperation, and mentoring that will motivate and enable me to take my career and personal development to new heights. I can overcome obstacles and take advantage of chances for development and success by surrounding myself with a supportive network of peers and mentors. This allows me to tap into the collective knowledge and resources. In addition, this chance gives me a chance to influence the world in a significant way. Through imparting my knowledge and skills, supporting worthy causes, or utilizing my position to give voice to underrepresented groups, I may take advantage of this chance to make a difference and create a legacy that will survive beyond my own lifetime. To sum up, I believe that success is about leading a purpose-driven life that is marked by accomplishment on the professional front, personal fulfillment, and having a beneficial influence on the world. This opportunity offers a platform for growth, connection, and meaningful contribution, which acts as a catalyst for me to realize my vision of success. With commitment, zeal, and tenacity, I am sure I can take advantage of this chance to realize my objectives and build a better future for myself and others.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    "Friends with Benefits" seems like a fascinating movie to watch with one movie if I were to go on an endless cinematic adventure. This 2011 romantic comedy, which was directed by Will Gluck, delivers a lovely fusion of humor, romance, and contemporary cynicism. The movie, which stars Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, examines the difficulties of modern relationships in a way that is surprisingly open-minded. Fundamentally, "Friends with Benefits" offers a modern take on the well-worn storyline of friends turning into lovers. The plot centers on Dylan and Jamie, two emotionally damaged people, who want to have a casual sexual connection free from the constraints of a serious engagement. But as their physical bond grows, they discover that it's difficult to distinguish between friendship and love. Because of its realistic depiction of contemporary romance, "Friends with Benefits" would make an entertaining lifetime companion. The film presents a nuanced investigation of intimacy, vulnerability, and the desire for true connection in a society dominated by casual encounters, in an era defined by hook-up culture and commitment-phobia. Furthermore, there's no denying the obvious charm and wit that Timberlake and Kunis have, which adds to the film's overall appeal. Their transition from friends to lovers is natural and captivating, and they have witty banter and enthralling exchanges. It would be a tribute to the continuing strength of human connection and the potential of finding love in unexpected places to watch their dynamic develop again and again. In addition to its romantic aspects, "Friends with Benefits" has a lot of hilarious situations that never fail to make people chuckle. The movie delivers a lovely blend of humor and emotion that will surely endure the test of time, from clever language to amusing blunders. With every watching, there's something new to uncover, be it the witty pop culture allusions or the oddball supporting cast. In addition, "Friends with Benefits" has a lively music that enhances the viewing experience and goes well with the film's lighthearted vibe. The music, which ranges from upbeat pop songs to moving ballads, serves as the protagonists' journey of self-discovery and development and heightens the emotional impact of significant events. In summary, "Friends with Benefits" is a movie that goes beyond the bounds of conventional romantic comedies by providing a clever, touching, and incredibly enjoyable examination of contemporary love and friendship. It is a compelling option for a lifetime cinematic companion because of its unique combination of romance, humor, and relevant storytelling, which guarantees that every watching will be just as satisfying and pleasurable as the first.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    Being a college-bound student from an immigrant family has meant navigating the route to higher education via perseverance, tenacity, and the quest of opportunity. Being up in an immigrant family, I personally experienced my parents' sacrifices and struggles in order to provide me a better future. Their steadfast faith in the transforming potential of education gave me a strong sense of purpose and motivation to achieve. Being the first person in my family to go to college, I have had particular difficulties. Every challenge I have faced, from figuring out the intricacies of the college application process to juggling work and family duties, has been tackled with tenacity and an unwavering dedication to my objectives. My immigrant upbringing has given me a profound respect for the importance of education and the opportunities it gives, despite the challenges. I am aware of how fortunate I am to have access to higher education, and I intend to take full use of it—not just for myself, but also for those who have helped and encouraged me along the way. My experiences as an immigrant family's college-bound student have influenced my goals and stoked my passion to create a good impact on the world. I want to use my degree to provide myself the tools I need to make a significant difference in my neighborhood and beyond. I want to advocate for social justice and immigrant rights as one way to change the world. I'm dedicated to raising the voices of immigrant communities and promoting social justice since I've seen the hardships and injustices they endure. Whether by community outreach, policy advocacy, or grassroots activity, my goal is to be a change agent and an advocate for underrepresented groups. In addition, I have a strong desire to use my expertise to address urgent global issues including healthcare inequities, climate change, and educational access. Through multidisciplinary research, cooperative projects, and creative thinking, I hope to support the group's endeavor to build a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society. To put it briefly, my experience as a college-bound student from an immigrant family has influenced not just my academic and personal goals but also deeply ingrained in me a feeling of duty to utilize my knowledge and experiences to inspire others and promote good change. I'm determined to have a lasting effect on the world and leave a legacy of fortitude, empathy, and self-determination for coming generations as I start this next chapter of my journey.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    When I think back on my educational and professional path, there's one significant and lasting instance where my mother's motivation and steadfast support were crucial. Her impact was extraordinary; she was a beacon of hope that influenced my life's course and inspired me to reach my goals. My mother fostered a strong love of studying in me from the beginning of my schooling. She fostered an environment where curiosity was fostered, questions were encouraged, and problems were seen as chances for progress, rather than only being a spectator in my academic endeavors. Her dedication to encouraging a love of learning laid the groundwork for my academic career. My mother's support for me during my time in school and university was varied. She became my unwavering ally when I faced academic difficulties, providing support and direction. She instilled resilience in me by highlighting the value of tenacity in the face of adversity. My mother's support was invaluable while negotiating the complexity of difficult courses or late-night study sessions. In addition to helping me academically, my mother was a major influence in forming my professional goals. Her knowledge of the business world and her wisdom became a lighthouse that helped me make decisions. She gave insightful counsel at crucial junctures in my decision-making process, assisting me in balancing the advantages and disadvantages, thinking ahead to the long term, and selecting options that were in line with my passions. There was one especially pivotal moment when I was unsure about following a particular professional route. Seeking advice from my mother, I couldn't decide whether to go for a daring move or stick to a more traditional path. Rather of forcing her opinions on me, she encouraged meaningful conversation by raising insightful queries that made me reflect and clarify my own goals. She gave me the confidence to follow my gut and choose a course of action that aligned with my own aspirations via this process. Her assistance went beyond words; she became my ally, introducing me to resources, networking events, and mentors that enhanced my career path. It was inspiring to watch her overcome obstacles in her own profession with poise and fortitude. Her experiences turned into insightful lessons that highlighted the need of flexibility, never-ending education, and accepting obstacles as necessary roadblocks to progress. My mother was my steadfast supporter when I was feeling down about myself. Even when the route appeared difficult, her trust in my ability gave me strength and drove me ahead. The knowledge that I had her unwavering support gave me the will to set high standards for myself and pursue ambitious objectives. Looking back on my academic and professional life, I cannot separate my achievements from my mother's immense impact. Her guidance and encouragement laid the groundwork for a system of principles that go beyond career success, stressing the significance of compassion, honesty, and a never-ending quest of personal development. Essentially, my mother's influence on my academic and professional path serves as a lasting proof of the transformational potential of maternal support. Her unshakable faith in my abilities and her helpful advice have influenced not just my career choices but also my personal growth. Her teachings are still relevant today, serving as a constant reminder that a mother's love and support underpin every accomplishment.
    Julius Quentin Jackson Scholarship
    Throughout the last 4 years with ending high school and starting college, I struggled with financial issues, family issues and overall getting to feel comfortable in a new environment. Financially I have to take care of myself, I nearly work full-time and do school full-time which barely gives me enough time to study at times. Living at home for family reasons made it very difficult to go away, I take care of myself completely but still under the authority of my parents. Last but not least, starting school in any manner could be a struggle for some people. For me I have a little bit of social anxiety but I know how to overcome it now, it did take me a little while to become comfortable in my own skin and to be as independent as I am today. With the scholarship it will help me stay ahead in a way that I can take an extra day off a week for school in order to keep myself financially stable enough to pay the rest of my semesters off. It will help me be able to prioritize school the way that I really need to.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    For me, becoming active in my community is more than just a decision; it's a calling and a duty that comes from having a close relationship with the people and surroundings around me. A sincere desire to improve the lives of those who live nearby, along with a mix of life experiences and ideals, serve as the driving forces behind being involved in community efforts. Believing in the potential of group effort is one of the main sources of inspiration. It is really inspiring to see the good things that happen when communities band together to tackle shared problems or commemorate victories. The knowledge that a dedicated group of people can effect significant change is what drives my enthusiasm for community service. This belief is consistent with the African adage, "Go alone if you want to go fast." Go together if you want to get far." In addition, my background has had a significant influence on how committed I am to community involvement. My upbringing imbued me with the virtues of empathy, compassion, and a profound feeling of obligation to others. I learned the value of giving back from my parents, mentors, and local leaders, who also showed me that a flourishing community is based on the work of all of its people. These principles serve as a beacon for me, inspiring me to look for chances to make constructive contributions to the community. My efforts have been varied when it comes to my actual participation; they have included anything from planning educational programs for disadvantaged kids to taking part in neighborhood cleanup drives. In addition to traditional media, social media is used in this campaign to spread the word about important topics and rally support for neighborhood-based initiatives. Moreover, the core of my approach to bringing about change is cooperation. Creating alliances with other community people, governmental groups, and local businesses increases the effect of projects. Through the development of a collective identity and common goals, these partnerships form an impressive force that can take on difficult tasks like social justice and environmental sustainability. To sum up, my motivation to get active in my community stems from my strong conviction that group efforts may serve as a catalyst for constructive transformation. My path combines my background, personal ideals, and dedication to teamwork.I work hard to support important causes and take part in a variety of community activities in order to help build a lively, diverse, and resilient community where everyone has the chance to prosper.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Unveiling the Universe: A Search for Clarity Humanity has always been interested in exploring the cosmos because of our natural need to understand the nature of our existence. Understanding the cosmos better is an essential part of our intellectual and existential journey, not just a scientific one. I shall explain the importance of solving the universe's riddles in this article, as well as the theories and methods that may be used to carry out this admirable endeavor. Comprehending the cosmos is essential for several purposes. First of all, it encourages humility and a sense of connectedness. It is quite humbling to realize that we are merely a small dot in the huge cosmic sphere. It inspires us to see the vastness of the cosmos and recognize our role in it. A deeper appreciation for the fragile balance of life on Earth and the value of our existence can be fostered by this insight. Second, exploring the nature of the cosmos encourages advances in science and technology. Innovations that go beyond space exploration have always resulted from advances in our understanding of the universe. Applications for technologies created for astronomical observation and exploration may be found in a wide range of industries, including communication and medical. We invest in the advancement of our own civilization by funding astrophysics research. Furthermore, knowing the cosmos satisfies our innate curiosity as humans. We are drawn to push the limits of our knowledge and broaden the scope of human understanding by the mysteries surrounding dark matter, black holes, and the universe's beginnings. Our approach to understanding the cosmos has to be interdisciplinary. To create a complete framework, physics, astronomy, cosmology, and philosophy must come together. Modern instruments in this endeavor include particle accelerators, satellite telescopes, and sophisticated computational models. Working together, scientists, educators, and the general public can guarantee a comprehensive and inclusive study of the universe. In addition, developing awe and curiosity in students is crucial to producing future thinkers, scientists, and innovators. We build a culture that prioritizes information acquisition and scientific discovery, but also fosters the creativity and passion required to push the limits of our understanding, by inspiring the next generation to inquire, explore, and wonder about the cosmos. To sum up, the pursuit of understanding the cosmos is a noble and important undertaking that goes beyond the limits of science, enhancing our understanding and advancing technology. We have the potential to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and take mankind to new heights of knowledge, enlightenment, and limitless possibilities by adopting a multidisciplinary approach and motivating the next generation.
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    In my opinion, legacy encompasses the irreversible impression we make on the world, the traces we leave behind by our deeds, principles, and influence on others throughout history. It is the resonance of our life, impacting not just our own path but also the stories of those who follow us. Our ideals, the lessons we teach, and the good changes we bring about in the world are all echoed in our legacy. One's idea of legacy is greatly influenced by their upbringing, which is a fundamental component of identity and impact. My own upbringing was a patchwork of events, a concoction of setbacks and victories, that has persistently shaped my personality and goals.My family instilled in me the virtues of hard effort, tenacity, and the unshakeable belief that one's circumstances need not decide their destiny. I grew up in an environment marked by resilience in the face of hardship. My upbringing has had a significant influence on my life's trajectory. It has strengthened my resolve to break free from the cycle of constraints placed on me by my environment and create the route I want to follow. My desire for social change and my dedication to making a positive impact on the world have been sparked by witnessing the struggles my family has encountered. For me, breaking the cycle involves going above society norms and limiting beliefs in addition to overcoming financial obstacles. It entails contesting the idea that a person's potential should be determined by their upbringing.My strategy for ending the cycle is based on resilience, education, and a dedication to giving people chances. The foundation of empowerment is education. Equipped with the conviction that information possesses transformative power, I have committed myself to achieving academic success. I believe that education is a powerful instrument that may break the pattern of limited opportunities and pave the way for a more broader future. It is the key to unlocking doors that may have remained closed in the past. My background has instilled in me the value of resilience. It is realizing that obstacles present chances for development and change rather than signaling the end of the road. I continue to use this resilience to overcome barriers, seeing them as opportunities for both individual and society advancement rather than as roadblocks. Breaking the cycle requires, among other things, providing opportunity for others. It entails actively taking part in programs that support mentorship, education, and resource accessibility. By utilizing my personal experiences and accomplishments, I hope to inspire people going through comparable difficulties by offering a path out of the limitations of their situation. In this sense, legacy takes on the meaning of a pledge to leave a path of opportunity, motivation, and constructive change. It is about adding to a story that sees beyond the confines of the past and imagines a world in which everyone, from all backgrounds, has the means and chances to prosper. I understand the value of authenticity in my quest to end the cycle. It entails accepting my heritage, admitting my shortcomings, and drawing strength from them to pursue my goals. Breaking the cycle involves changing the story and giving it resiliency, tenacity, and the conviction that good change is achievable rather than cutting connections with the past.
    Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
    In public relations, the influence of varied perspectives is a crucial factor that not only molds public perceptions but also propels social transformation and promotes inclusiveness. As a science of strategic communication, public relations is essential in influencing the public's perception of people, companies, and issues. In public relations, the amplification of diverse viewpoints results in a more thorough, nuanced, and accurate representation of the society we live in. Reflecting the diversity of human experiences and viewpoints is one of the main benefits of having various voices in public relations. People from different backgrounds, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, and life experiences come together to form a diverse PR team.Because of this diversity, stakeholders and audiences may be understood more broadly, which facilitates the creation of tales that speak to a variety of populations. Representation is important, and including a range of viewpoints in PR works to lessen the spread of prejudice and stereotypes. It dispels stereotypes and guarantees that communication tactics are sensitive to cultural differences and competent. Public relations strategies are more likely to prevent inadvertent blunders that could insult or alienate particular communities when various viewpoints are prioritized. Furthermore, the value of varied voices goes beyond only avoiding mistakes; it actively promotes genuine and pleasant interactions with a range of audiences. A wider range of people can relate to and feel that a story is genuine when it is told using the voices of diverse people. Diverse perspectives have the power to draw attention to underrepresented topics and stories when influencing public narratives. Communities that have historically been marginalized frequently find themselves on the outside of popular narratives. These stories can be given visibility through the different perspectives of public relations experts, upending the predominance of some viewpoints and offering a more realistic portrayal of society's complex fabric. The influence of varied perspectives in public relations also reaches organizational decision-making procedures. Including a range of viewpoints at the strategic level results in communication strategies that are better informed and comprehensive. Businesses gain from a variety of insights that take into account the various demands and expectations of many stakeholders, encouraging an innovative and flexible culture. The power of different voices is amplified in today's linked world by social media and digital platforms, which expand the reach of messages. Diverse public relations teams are better able to engage with a variety of audiences on a range of channels by navigating the difficulties of online communication. Their comprehension of the subtleties involved in cultural talks reduces the possibility that communication tactics would be ineffective or, worse, harmful. Diversity in public relations contributes to wider societal changes beyond its immediate impact on communication. It acts as a catalyst for change inside companies and the profession, questions accepted conventions in the field, and advocates for diversity and inclusion as fundamental values. A positive feedback loop that pushes the public relations business toward greater diversity is created when diverse professionals rise to senior positions in the field and serve as role models and advocates for increased representation.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    Solar energy technology is one in particular that motivates me and exemplifies the revolutionary potential of technical progress. Using solar energy to generate electricity is a great example of how science, engineering, and sustainability can come together to solve real-world problems. Solar energy technology, including solar cells and panels, has the potential to completely transform the global energy system. Its allure is found in its ability to produce clean, renewable energy as well as in its promise to alleviate environmental issues, slow down global warming, and enhance community quality of life. By transforming sunlight into power, the technology functions as a sustainable and eco-friendly substitute for conventional fossil fuels. Solar power depends on the sun, an inexhaustible and limitless resource, as opposed to limited and polluting energy sources. This contributes to a greener and more sustainable future by lowering harmful emissions as well as dependence on non-renewable resources. Solar energy is especially inspiring because of how adaptable and affordable it is. There are many surfaces on which solar panels can be mounted, ranging from large solar farms in rural areas to the rooftops of residential buildings. This adaptability increases energy resilience and lessens dependency on centralized power networks by enabling communities to capture energy locally, particularly in isolated or neglected areas. Furthermore, by giving populations without access to conventional power sources electricity, solar technology has the potential to alleviate energy poverty. The quality of life for those living in off-grid locations can be greatly enhanced by the use of portable solar gadgets and solar-powered microgrids, which can provide light, connectivity, and other services. Beyond the effects on the environment and society, the ongoing developments in solar technology demonstrate the dynamic nature of innovation. Solar panels' applicability and integration into a wider range of contexts are being further expanded by ongoing research and development that is increasing their efficiency, affordability, and aesthetic adaptability.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Getting my bearings in the confusing world of mental health has been a life-changing experience that has profoundly affected my relationships, beliefs, and professional goals. It's a story of personal development, resiliency, and an everlasting dedication to advocating for mental health. My battle with mental health started out as a silent battle that was kept under wraps in day-to-day activities. I was first reluctant to talk about the difficulties I was having because of social stigma and the widespread belief that having mental health issues was a sign of weakness. But as the weight of those difficulties increased, I saw how critical it was to face them head-on. This realization—that mental health is a crucial aspect of general well-being—led to one of the most significant changes in my worldview. It is a continuum that includes emotional, psychological, and social aspects rather than just the absence of illness. This change of viewpoint has become a tenet of my campaign for mental health awareness, directing my relationships with others. My personal experience with mental health issues has given me a great deal of empathy for others going through similar things. The foundation of real ties and relationships was this empathy. When I started talking about my personal experiences, I found a support system that went against what society expected and promoted real empathy. I became aware of the transformational potential of empathy and attentive listening during this process. I take an active role in promoting an environment of transparency and understanding by having discussions about mental health with friends, family, and coworkers. Not only are personal stories being shared, but stigmatization barriers are being broken down and a safe atmosphere where people feel comfortable talking about their issues is being created. Relationships in both the personal and professional spheres are impacted by mental health. The understanding that mental health is an essential component of total well-being has shaped my views regarding leadership and organizational culture at work. I promote the development of work settings that put mental health first, where people feel supported and appreciated for more than just their professional achievements. With my growing comprehension of mental health, my goals for a profession that incorporates this viewpoint also changed. I developed a strong love for advocating for mental health and a desire to help bring about systemic change. This prompted me to look into job pathways that support mental health education, awareness, and assistance. I want to work in positions that let me advocate for mental health resources, have an impact on organizational policies, and help build inclusive workplaces that put people's wellbeing first. One of my main convictions is that education may help de-stigmatize mental illness and promote understanding in society. In my ideal world, workplace training initiatives and school curricula will both incorporate mental health instruction. In order to realize this goal, I'm looking at ways to get involved in mental health education campaigns, either by working with already-running programs or by taking an active role in the creation of instructional materials. My commitment to de-stigmatizing treatment and obtaining professional assistance has been strengthened by my experiences with mental health. I understand the value of mental health specialists in offering assistance and direction. In the future, I hope to support programs that broaden access to mental health treatments, especially in marginalized areas where stigma related to mental illness may be more pervasive. My interest in jobs that combine psychology and technology has also been sparked by the relationship between my professional goals and mental health. Using technology advancements, such mental health applications and virtual therapy platforms, to improve mental health support is in line with my opinion that interdisciplinary methods have the capacity to solve difficult problems.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    My life has been molded by a complex dance between adversity and resiliency, and it is in the furnace of financial hardship that I have found my purpose to positively influence my community and school. Growing up in a time of economic hardship has not only influenced my relationships and ideas, but it has also deeply motivated me to be a change agent. Socioeconomic adversity has shaped my ideas and perspective, and it has been a defining part of my journey. I now have a strong sense of empathy for people who are going through similar things, and I firmly believe that education is a key factor in social mobility.Adversity hasn't been able to stop me from trying, but instead it has inspired me to work toward breaking down barriers and creating possibilities for people in my community. In my town, where socioeconomic hardship is evident, I intend to start and actively participate in initiatives to overcome adversity. Education is one of the pillars of my strategy. I think that the cycle of poverty can be broken by the transforming power of knowledge. I want to start mentorship programs and tutoring programs to help students who are struggling academically because of their financial situation. My goal is to equip students with the necessary tools to overcome obstacles in their education and achieve their goals by fostering a supportive learning environment. In order to give students in my neighborhood access to internship and employment opportunities, I also want to work with nearby businesses and organizations. Exposure to a range of occupations and practical experiences can extend perspectives and enable people to imagine a future free from the limitations imposed by socioeconomic hardship. My goal is to assist in my community's economic development by bridging the gap between education and work. My goal is to create a forum for candid discussion on socioeconomic issues at my school. Establishing a secure environment where students may freely discuss their goals, struggles, and experiences can strengthen their sense of belonging. I think that by recognizing and appreciating the variety of socioeconomic backgrounds present in the school, specific support networks—like financial literacy classes, scholarship programs, and mental health services—can be developed. Living through socioeconomic hardship has had a profound impact on my relationships; it has given me empathy and a greater understanding of the power that comes from unity. I have forged ties with people who have had similar financial hardships, and these connections have grown to be a source of empowerment and support for one another. My experiences have shown me how crucial it is to create a community that supports and encourages one another regardless of socioeconomic status. As I look to the future, my goals are inextricably linked to my will to combat socioeconomic hardship. My goal is to work in social entrepreneurship, using creative thinking to improve marginalized communities in a way that lasts. Through the integration of my ardor for business with my dedication to social impact, my goal is to create projects that offer financial prospects, educational chances, and tools for individual growth. In addition, I want to take part in advocacy work to advocate laws that deal with structural inequality and increase public knowledge of socioeconomic issues. Through elevating the voices of individuals who have experienced hardship, my aim is to participate in a wider conversation that stimulates systemic transformation.
    Jacob Daniel Dumas Memorial Jewish Scholarship
    My interest for finding creative answers to real-world problems, along with early exposure to scientific principles, have all influenced my path toward obtaining a degree in STEM. A number of events and circumstances have been crucial in motivating me to pursue this educational path. I've always been naturally curious in the world and fascinated by how things operate. I was the kid that was always curious about "why" things happened and tried to solve the puzzles surrounding common occurrences. My interest in STEM fields stemmed from this innate curiosity, which emphasizes the importance of knowledge acquisition and comprehension. My early years of exposure to interactive learning opportunities and hands-on science activities served as a major source of inspiration. My involvement in school science fairs, experiments, and STEM-related extracurricular activities gave me the opportunity to feel the excitement of problem-solving and discovery. These early encounters shaped my desire to learn more about STEM subjects by igniting a passion for scientific investigation and exploration. Being raised in a world where technology was constantly changing also had a big influence on my decision to pursue STEM. Seeing how technology is changing everything from healthcare to communication in day-to-day life has brought attention to how STEM fields can spur innovation and enhance the human experience. The swift progress in science and technology has exhibited the ability of STEM to tackle intricate problems and bring about constructive transformations worldwide. Influential STEM professionals who cleared the path for discoveries and advancements served as additional sources of inspiration. Discovering the accomplishments of notable scientists, engineers, and innovators in various disciplines inspired me and strengthened my desire to be a member of a community that is committed to expanding knowledge. Furthermore, I was drawn to STEM because of its multidisciplinary character and holistic approach to problem-solving. STEM subjects provide a special fusion of artistic and analytical thought, enabling the investigation of answers to complex problems. This multidisciplinary feature supports my view that solving complicated problems calls for an all-encompassing, team-based strategy that incorporates knowledge from a range of scientific and technology fields. My decision to pursue a STEM degree was also motivated by a desire to contribute to sustainability and environmental concerns. Having realized how science and technology can help solve environmental problems, I felt obligated to use my STEM expertise for the benefit of society. My motivation shifted to the possibility of addressing climate change, promoting sustainable habits, and developing ecologically friendly solutions.
    Reinaldo Jiraud Memorial Scholarship
    My educational career has been shaped by being a first-generation college student in ways that are stimulating and demanding. Being the first person in my family to go to college, I faced a special set of challenges that included social, intellectual, and financial aspects. These experiences have greatly influenced my personal development and will to persevere through hardship. The move from high school to college presented several difficulties in the classroom. There was a steep learning curve to be overcome in order to successfully navigate the complexity of higher education, including comprehending academic requirements, choosing courses, and adjusting to different teaching techniques. In contrast to my peers who received direction from their families based on their earlier college experiences, I was forced to take the initiative and look for help from mentors and academic advisors. One obstacle that was always present was money. I was a first-generation college student without the family history or financial means to help me understand the complicated world of grants, scholarships, and student loans. It became necessary to juggle the needs of part-time work with the demands of coursework, which frequently resulted in a delicate dance between work and school to lessen the financial load of living expenses, textbooks, and tuition. The college setting presented unique social issues. As someone from a background where a college education was not the norm, I had trouble at first fitting in. At times, I could feel the cultural and financial differences between my experiences and those of my more fortunate peers, which led to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Being a first-generation college student meant that you felt alone not just in social settings but even in the classroom. I frequently avoided asking lecturers for assistance or clarification out of concern that I would come across as ignorant or inept. Overcoming this resistance and seeing that asking for help was a strength rather than a weakness was crucial to my development both academically and personally. These difficulties were not insurmountable, though, and they served as stimulants for growth on a personal level. The obstacles in the classroom helped people become more independent and resourceful. I developed skills in finding academic assistance programs, organizing study groups, and using the internet to fill in knowledge gaps. The financial difficulties gave me a deep appreciation for diligence and sound money management—skills that go beyond the classroom and are useful in everyday life. Socially, the first emotions of loneliness gave way to a sense of pride and resiliency. As I made connections with other first-generation students, I learned that we all had a similar story of perseverance and a desire to overcome all obstacles. Because of our friendship, I was able to find my purpose and embrace my identity as a first-generation college student. I also became an advocate for other people going through similar struggles. These encounters have had a big impact on my development as a person. In addition to sharpening my academic and financial acumen, the challenges I faced as a first-generation college student gave me a strong sense of empathy and motivated me to knock down barriers for upcoming generations. My conviction that education should have the power to improve lives and be available to everyone, regardless of background or socioeconomic class, motivates me.
    Inflow Digital Marketing Scholarship
    For me, pursuing a career in environmental sustainability is more than just a business decision; it's a deeply held desire to solve urgent global issues and promote change. My choice to work in this industry stems from a strong conviction that people, organizations, and communities can all make significant contributions to the development of a just and sustainable future. My job decision has been motivated by the urgency of environmental challenges, such as pollution, resource depletion, and climate change. Observing the increasing effects of these issues on ecosystems, communities, and marginalized groups has made me feel obligated to make a significant contribution to finding solutions.To me, environmental sustainability is a chance to be a part of a revolutionary movement that aims to strike a balance between social justice, ecological integrity, and economic prosperity. I see myself leading the way in sustainable innovation and strategy within a progressive firm or organization in my dream future position. Working for an organization that puts an emphasis on environmental responsibility, incorporates sustainable practices into its basic principles, and actively works to improve the environment appeals to me. This could take the shape of a job with an emphasis on sustainability in a company or a post in a nonprofit group that promotes and protects the environment. My dream industry is one that supports sustainability and incorporates it into all aspects of its operations. Regardless of the industry—technology, manufacturing, energy, or consulting—I am motivated to use my knowledge and abilities to support businesses in embracing and putting into practice sustainable practices. Innovative ideas, the circular economy, and a dedication to lowering carbon footprints are the hallmarks of my dream sector. I have a special interest in sectors of the economy that are going through radical change in favor of sustainable business models, which aim to reconcile social and environmental responsibility with profitability. The organization I see myself working for is one that actively exhibits a dedication to having a good impact in addition to actively supporting sustainability in its mission statement.This could be creating goods and services that support environmental preservation, utilizing circular economy principles, or embracing renewable energy sources. In addition, I am drawn to businesses that place a high value on corporate social responsibility and actively involve the community in order to jointly address social and environmental issues. I envision myself working closely with teams from a variety of backgrounds to integrate sustainability into various company activities in my future career, where I will engage in cross-functional collaboration. This could entail creating and putting into practice sustainability plans, tracking and reporting on important environmental performance indicators, and doing life cycle evaluations. Changing decision-making processes to support sustainable practices is something I am enthusiastic about, and I aim to bring about positive change at both the strategic and operational levels. In addition, I want to support sustainability within the organization and in the larger professional community. This entails keeping up with the most recent developments in sustainable practices, attending industry conferences, and making a significant contribution to the conversation on environmental responsibility. To summarise, my decision to seek a profession in environmental sustainability stems from a strong sense of obligation to tackle worldwide issues. Being a major participant in a business or organization that prioritizes sustainability and actively contributes to favorable social and environmental results is my dream future position. The idea of applying my knowledge and enthusiasm to effect radical change and build a more resilient and sustainable future excites me.
    West Family Scholarship
    issue, and I have committed to having a real influence on the problem of food insecurity in my neighborhood. Vulnerable people are disproportionately impacted by this widespread issue, thus my dedication to bringing about good change is on putting into practice long-term solutions that promote community empowerment, education, and food accessibility. I started and actively take part in a community-based project that entails creating and managing community gardens in order to address the problem of food poverty. Families and individuals experiencing food insecurity can obtain fresh, wholesome produce from these gardens, which are a sustainable supply. The project is based on the idea that encouraging organic, local farming helps people become self-sufficient in the long run by meeting their current nutritional needs. The selection of appropriate sites for the community gardens was the initial stage in this project. I secured areas that were accessible to residents experiencing food insecurity by working with the local government, community centers, and educational institutions. Thanks to the combined efforts of volunteers from the community and other organizations, these spaces were turned into colorful, fruitful gardens. The project's success is contingent upon the inclusion of educational components. Understanding that education is a key component of long-term transformation, we created seminars and training sessions on cooking, nutrition, and gardening. With the help of these educational initiatives, community members will be equipped to grow their own food, make wise nutritional decisions, and cook healthy meals on a tight budget. The initiative also places a strong emphasis on community involvement and inclusivity. We encourage a sense of pride and ownership by including citizens directly in the design, planting, and upkeep of the community gardens. This guarantees the initiative's viability while also bolstering the fabric of the community. Furthermore, we work with nearby schools to incorporate nutrition education and gardening into the curriculum, reaching a younger audience and establishing healthy living habits for life. Beyond just giving out food right away, the organization also forms alliances with nearby food banks and shelters. These organizations frequently receive surplus produce from the community gardens, which helps with the larger initiative to reduce food insecurity in the area. This initiative's core tenet is sustainability. We have incorporated composting, water saving, and the use of recyclable materials for garden infrastructure in addition to organic farming principles. This dedication to environmental stewardship is consistent with the overarching objective of developing a comprehensive and long-lasting resolution to the current socioeconomic problem. We regularly analyze the results of our work, asking community people for their input and monitoring important metrics like better community cohesion, increased food security, and improved nutrition awareness. These assessments guide our current tactics and assist in improving the project's efficiency.  final analysis, community gardens are a key component of my work in alleviating food poverty in my community. I also work with partners to build and maintain educational initiatives and cooperative collaborations. The effort seeks to bring about long-lasting change by building a feeling of community ownership, empowering locals with knowledge, and supporting local, sustainable agriculture. In order to create a robust and healthy community that can prosper on its own, there is a constant commitment to addressing this social issue.
    Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
    Living a life that embodies excellence means being dedicated to your own development, lifelong learning, and improving the lives of people around you. This spirit of excellence, for me, shows up in a lot of areas of my life, from community involvement to career pursuits. I pursue greatness in my career by holding myself to a high standard and adopting an attitude of constant development. I regularly look for opportunities to learn and grow professionally, keeping up with the latest advancements and trends in the business. The caliber of my work reflects this dedication to perfection since I constantly strive to not only meet but also exceed expectations. Whether it's working with colleagues, finishing a project on time, or meeting deadlines, I approach every activity with a goal in mind and a dedication to getting the best results. Moreover, I try to live my personal life and work life with an excellence-focused mindset. I place a high value on keeping a positive work-life balance because I understand how crucial it is to achieving long-term success. This entails maintaining my emotional and physical well-being, creating deep connections with others, and partaking in joyful and fulfilling activities. Part of my dedication to greatness is giving back to the community on a regular basis. True excellence, in my opinion, is determined not just by one's own accomplishments but also by the positive influence one has on the lives of others. I regularly look for ways to improve the quality of life in my community because I understand how intertwined our lives are and how important it is for us to look out for one another. Volunteering is one way I give back to the community. I set aside time on a regular basis to take part in community-based projects, including helping at a community center, helping with environmental cleanups, or providing mentorship to people who are looking for help with their personal or professional growth. Through volunteering, I can make use of my abilities and resources to meet particular needs in the community while promoting a sense of belonging and shared accountability. Furthermore, I support knowledge sharing as a way to give back. I take an active part in mentoring programs, providing direction and encouragement to people who want to work in my industry or who want advise on how to advance both personally and professionally. By sharing my knowledge, perspectives, and life lessons, I wish to encourage people to strive for greatness in their own endeavors and make meaningful contributions to society. Taking part in community-building projects is another way that I give back. I want to improve the general well-being and cohesiveness of the neighborhood through planning socially conscious events, promoting social issues, and helping small companies in the area. I understand that the combined efforts of its members create a thriving community, and I actively look for methods to contribute to its improvement. To sum up, embodying an excellence spirit in daily life means being committed to personal development, going above and beyond what is expected of you, and actively participating in community service. I want to leave a good and lasting impression on the world around me by constantly aiming for excellence in both my personal and professional life and giving back to the community through mentoring, community-building projects, and volunteering. This all-encompassing approach to greatness is a reflection of the conviction that community well-being and individual achievement are interdependent.
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    My everyday activities now revolve around living sustainably, and I deliberately choose to have as little of an impact on the environment as possible. These decisions are the result of a deep realization of how urgent it is to combat climate change and how important it is to lessen our carbon footprint in order to protect the environment and future generations. Giving priority to environmentally friendly transportation is one of my main deliberate decisions. When feasible, I try to minimize my use of fossil fuels by taking the bus, riding my bike, or walking instead. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, I also support programs that encourage the use of cleaner and more effective forms of transportation by minimizing single-occupancy car trips. I've also embraced driving electric cars, which reduces my carbon footprint even more and supports the worldwide effort to move towards a better, cleaner future. Conscious consumption is a key component of my sustainable lifestyle as well. I consciously work to reduce trash by putting the three Rs into practice: reduce, reuse, and recycle. I have developed the habits of selecting products with little packaging, utilizing reusable things instead of single-use ones, and recycling materials appropriately in order to reduce the environmental effect of my everyday activities. In addition, I choose products with eco-friendly certifications and support businesses that make sustainability a priority in their operations because I am conscious of the effects my purchases have on the environment. One of the most important aspects of my commitment to sustainability is the deliberate management of energy consumption. In my home, I've put energy-saving measures into place like LED lightbulbs, energy-saving appliances, and careful shut-off of electronics when not in use. In addition, I use solar panels to capture renewable energy, which helps me use less non-renewable energy while also returning extra electricity to the grid. In order to fight climate change, a worldwide emergency that jeopardizes the delicate balance of our ecosystems, I must reduce my carbon footprint. Fossil fuel use contributes to global warming by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which also has unfavorable effects on ecosystems and raises the risk of extreme weather and sea level rise. I actively contribute to the group effort to lessen these effects and maintain the resilience and health of our environment by choosing sustainably. Reducing one's carbon footprint is also a concrete method to show accountability and personal responsibility for the environmental issues we face. Because of the complexity and wide-ranging effects of climate change, individual acts taken together can make a substantial contribution to solving the bigger issue. I'm not only helping the worldwide fight against climate change by adopting a sustainable lifestyle, but I'm also leading by example. To sum up, my conscious decisions to lead a sustainable lifestyle, such as giving priority to eco-friendly transportation and practicing mindful consumerism and energy conservation, stem from my profound awareness of the pressing need to tackle climate change. As a proactive measure to protect the environment for present and future generations, lowering my carbon footprint emphasizes the crucial part that each person's actions play in the greater endeavor to create a resilient and sustainable world. x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    The best back to school tip I would give is to stay organize and on top of your work. Staying organize will help keep up with the class and understand when due dates are near. Keeping up with your work on the other hand means don't procrastinate on doing work, try getting it done as soon as possible. To bring it all together, keep a few hours out of the week to study and really try to understand what is being taught, not just going through the motions. Have a nice quiet spot like a library, book store or even a park to study its better to be somewhere besides home to study. Instargram: bailyrose_
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    My freshman year of high school I lost a close cousin of mine. My heart was hurting for a very long time. After a year of remembrance and grief I started to focus on myself. His dream is to go into the army and protect the United States. He chose this because he came from a broken home and fighting for a family was what he did on a daily basis. I started to focus on why my education is important and why I continue to pursue a higher education today. His story so unique and he was such a strong person that taught me to keep going and keep pushing for what my dreams are. Family was such a big topic for him. He was always close with everybody and enjoyed being around our whole family. After his passing of her family became stronger because we understood how important we were to him. It really brought a passion out of all of us that we didn't know we had individually. For me family has become everything because of him and focusing on to create a better bigger family is a goal of mine. I want my family to be the type that everybody knows everybody that we have reunions and dinners regularly. That we remember where a family tree started and how it need us where we are is important. My fight is to be a stronger person every day, to get my better education and to live the life that I want my children to be a part of eventually.
    Femi Chebaís Scholarship
    My dream is to open my own physical therapy practice and help people in need. I dream of educating others of the importance of taking care of their body. I want to be successful in what I do to one day teach others how to start from nothing and make it in what ever they choose to do.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    I am an 18-year-old American Dominican girl who has put in 300+ service hours, ran 5 years of track, spent countless hours helping at my school events and had time to enjoy my high school career. With the mist of all that I maintained a 3.3 gpa and a 4.2 weighted gpa. I rarely ever had a C in my high school classes and has passed every college class with an 88% or up. I have spent many hours studying preparing for my next chapter in my life. I have grown to the understanding of becoming ready for college and what I need to do to be able to get to my dream career. I am very appreciative and grateful on what has been done for me by my family. I have one of the best support systems that has taught me that anyone could be strong, faster and stronger if you just focus. I have two dogs that I love very much and spend as much time as possible. While I am not running track I am lifting weights, still going on runs and carefully watching what I eat on a day to day basis. I enjoy going to the beach and doing something simple with my friends. I want to be some sort of change weather it is small or big but I understand the importance of creating a better world for the future generations. My dream is to be successful business owner with a series of benefits that come from it. Before the crash in '09 my dad had a successful title company and he told me on the positives of having it. He wants to teach me how to run a business. My main goal is to become a business owner of some sort that teaches people how to run, own and deal with their own business. I feel people could have that motivation but just don't know where to start or they don not want to risk a "dream" that could possibly blow up in their faces. This in my opinion will solve the problem of people not taking the risk they want, basically a safety net. They will still get paid for doing their actual jobs of the company they are working for but they will learn about every aspect so they could potentially start up their own if they choose to one day.
    Olympians Academy Leadership Wings Scholarship
    I am an 18-year-old American Dominican girl who has put in 300+ service hours, ran 5 years of track, spent countless hours helping at my school events and had time to enjoy my high school career. With the mist of all that I maintained a 3.3 gpa and a 4.2 weighted gpa. I rarely ever had a C in my high school classes and has passed every college class with an 88% or up. I have spent many hours studying preparing for my next chapter in my life. I have grown to the understanding of becoming ready for college and what I need to do to be able to get to my dream career. I am very appreciative and grateful on what has been done for me by my family. I have one of the best support systems that has taught me anyone could be strong, faster and stronger if you just focus. My family is one of a kind. I have the best parents, grandparents and siblings (when they want to be) I could ever ask for. We are a generally close family who talks and helps each other out. When it comes to school they are as helpful as they could ever be because they understand how important it is for our education. I bring this up because back in 2009 when I started kindergarten my parents went through a rough patch. My mom tells me the story every once in a while to remind me how blessed I am today. For about two years my parents were off their feet, at one point there was only $1300 in their name. As a young kid I didn't see and problems or trouble. I went about my day as if my life was just as good as everyone else, my mom made a lot of time for us, took us out often and even got my dad to build a fort in the backyard. Looking back I would have never understood different because my mom was good at finding free or super cheap deals to take us out in. To this day my mom fears that they may end up back in this situation but I pray everyday my mom will never endorse that type of fear. My dream is to be successful business owner. Before the crash in '09 my dad had a very successful title company and he told me on the positives of having it. He wants to teach me how to run a business. My main goal is to become a business owner of some sort that teaches people how to run, own and deal with their own business. I feel people could have that motivation but just don't know where to start or they don't want to risk a "dream" that could possibly blow up in their faces. This in my opinion will solve the problem of people not taking the risk they want, basically a safety net. They will still get paid for doing their actual jobs of the company they are working for but they will learn about every aspect they could to start up their own if they choose to one day.
    Carlos F. Garcia Muentes Scholarship
    I am an 18-year-old American Dominican girl who has put in 300+ service hours, ran 5 years of track, spent countless hours helping at my school events and had time to enjoy my high school career. With the mist of all that I maintained a 3.3 gpa and a 4.2 weighted gpa. I rarely ever had a C in my high school classes and has passed every college class with an 88% or up. I have spent many hours studying preparing for my next chapter in my life. I have grown to the understanding of becoming ready for college and what I need to do to be able to get to my dream career. I am very appreciative and grateful on what has been done for me by my family. I have one of the best support systems that has taught me anyone could be strong, faster and stronger if you just focus. My family is one of a kind. I have the best parents, grandparents and siblings (when they want to be) I could ever ask for. We are a generally close family who talks and helps each other out. When it comes to school they are as helpful as they could ever be because they understand how important it is for our education. I bring this up because back in 2009 when I started kindergarten my parents went through a rough patch. My mom tells me the story every once in a while to remind me how blessed I am today. For about two years my parents were off their feet, at one point there was only $1300 in their name. As a young kid I didn't see and problems or trouble. I went about my day as if my life was just as good as everyone else, my mom made a lot of time for us, took us out often and even got my dad to build a fort in the backyard. Looking back I would have never understood different because my mom was good at finding free or super cheap deals to take us out in. To this day my mom fears that they may end up back in this situation but I pray everyday my mom will never endorse that type of fear. My dream is to be successful business owner. Before the crash in '09 my dad had a very successful title company and he told me on the positives of having it. He wants to teach me how to run a business. My main goal is to become a business owner of some sort that teaches people how to run, own and deal with their own business. I feel people could have that motivation but just don't know where to start or they don't want to risk a "dream" that could possibly blow up in their faces. This in my opinion will solve the problem of people not taking the risk they want, basically a safety net. They will still get paid for doing their actual jobs of the company they are working for but they will learn about every aspect they could to start up their own if they choose to one day.
    TeluguPeople for America Scholarship
    I am an 18-year-old American Dominican girl who has put in 300+ service hours, ran 5 years of track, spent countless hours helping at my school events and had time to enjoy my high school career. With the mist of all that I maintained a 3.3 gpa and a 4.2 weighted gpa. I rarely ever had a C in my high school classes and has passed every college class with an 88% or up. I have spent many hours studying preparing for my next chapter in my life. I have grown to the understanding of becoming ready for college and what I need to do to be able to get to my dream career. I am very appreciative and grateful on what has been done for me by my family. I have one of the best support systems that has taught me anyone could be strong, faster and stronger if you just focus. My family is one of a kind. I have the best parents, grandparents and siblings (when they want to be) I could ever ask for. We are a generally close family who talks and helps each other out. When it comes to school they are as helpful as they could ever be because they understand how important it is for our education. I bring this up because back in 2009 when I started kindergarten my parents went through a rough patch. My mom tells me the story every once in a while to remind me how blessed I am today. For about two years my parents were off their feet, at one point there was only $1300 in their name. As a young kid I didn't see and problems or trouble. I went about my day as if my life was just as good as everyone else, my mom made a lot of time for us, took us out often and even got my dad to build a fort in the backyard. Looking back I would have never understood different because my mom was good at finding free or super cheap deals to take us out in. To this day my mom fears that they may end up back in this situation but I pray everyday my mom will never endorse that type of fear. My dream is to be successful business owner. Before the crash in '09 my dad had a very successful title company and he told me on the positives of having it. He wants to teach me how to run a business. My main goal is to become a business owner of some sort that teaches people how to run, own and deal with their own business. I feel people could have that motivation but just don't know where to start or they don't want to risk a "dream" that could possibly blow up in their faces. This in my opinion will solve the problem of people not taking the risk they want, basically a safety net. They will still get paid for doing their actual jobs of the company they are working for but they will learn about every aspect they could to start up their own if they choose to one day.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    From my school I am one of the few who enjoys math. Numbers are just something I am drawing to because of the challenge that it gives. As I was in high school I was always better at math and English so I stuck with it. I've noticed the connection I got with math compared to English which is significantly different. I hated English class and I hated going to English class because I wasn't good at English. A different story was told when I went to math, I loved going to math, and I love taking math classes. The ambitions I had for math were endless thoughts because there was so much to study and learn. When doing and solving a math problem it made me feel smarter and stronger of a person than I was when I was reading something. I always felt that I was a little dumber than the other kids because I didn't understand what I was reading. When it came to math I was a little genius, I was the one teaching my friends how to do a math problem because they were in 100% on their math skills. My favorite math class I had taken would either be algebra two or college algebra, I steered more algebra because of the configurations. Geometry on the other hand was a little more challenging for me but after a while I understood it with enough practice. With math it has influenced me to understand that there is so many more opportunities in the world than just one simple idea. For example, I am switching my major from buisness to physical therapy, with physical therapy I can learn about it, I can understand it, and then after a few years I can open my own practice. My dream was to open a successful business and this is just another avenue than just a business degree. Math had influenced me kind of like a book, there's so much more to the world than the one simple thing on the page you just have to read between the lines. I have become the type of person to take steps at tasks, not rush into anything and understand how I got where I got. I believe I got these principles by meth and the influence it has given me since I was a young girl in my first math class.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    My parents have been the most supportive parents I could've ever asked for. When it comes to education my dad is very big on pushing me and my siblings as far as we could possibly go on our own. Every year he would make sure we had all the school supplies we needed, anything for technology we needed for school, and made sure we were on time to school every day. My mom on the other hand was a different aspect of help. Every day my mom would check our grades and if there was anything lower than a B she would text us and ask "what is the problem here" in then the nicest way. It was always super funny to us because we all focus on school so it is not in a negative way but an FYI our grade changed. My mom graduated from Florida Atlantic where I currently am about to become in incoming freshman. She went all four years and got her bachelors degree but works 9 to 5. My dad on the other hand never got a degree but has open businesses because of the licenses he has obtained within the last 20 years. He does believes a higher education is super important and pushes for me and my siblings to make sure we get the best education we could. On top of my amazing parents my grandparents have been one of the best support systems. Every summer my grandma would go take me and my sister shopping to make sure we have clothes or shoes for the school year. Throughout the school year if my parents weren't able to get me something an my grandparents were closer they would stop what they were doing to give me any materials for school I needed. For example, this summer I was in need of a new computer for my first year college, so I asked them if they can help me buy a laptop and without any hesitation my grandma went straight to ordering a new computer for me. Both my grandma and grandpa have supported me in two different ways. My grandfather it's probably the smartest person I've ever met in my life and will ever meet. He'll sit there and teach me lessons about school that he knows is important for me to know and understand. My grandfather has written books, participated in a war in the Dominican Republic, and at one point went to Columbia. My grandma on the other hand was not really school smart. I've been told stories of my grandpa doing his schoolwork because her English wasn't that good. She's a very sweet lady but not very educated which is why my grandfather pushes for me and my siblings to get the best education possible.
    Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
    Recovery to me means a sense of strength and power one will push through. It is difficult for a person to recover from some sort of abuse. I have seen it from my aunt who went through some tough times the last decade. My aunt suffered from addiction when I was younger and I have seen who the drug created. She went through a lot to recover and after all those years she did it. It isn't just about quitting but being able to do it with a sense of a clear mind and a happy person being created. It is important to have someone to support you because without the support my aunt had, she wouldn't be in the amazing place she is at.
    A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship
    I love my pets more than anything, I spend all my money on all my cute fur babies because they deserve everything. When my parents went to get my black lab, I was super excited because he was my baby. At that point in my life, I already had a yellow lab, but he was getting old, so we wanted to get him a friend. fast forward about seven years and my parents brought home a five-week-old yellow lab and we named him Max. Now that my black lab is old and he does not like it when the puppy is around, the puppy is always with me. The amount of joy this lab has brought me is insane, he makes me smile just by looking at him, he gets excited when he sees me, he loves to cuddle with me anywhere and he loves to go swimming with me. As I got older, I understood the importance of my babies. They have really changed my life in a positive way because I always knew if I felt like I had no one, I know I had one of my babies nearby. I started to make my babies homemade treats instead of store bought, I will take one to the dog park and the other on a walk because the black lab is not that well with other dogs. I go out of my way to take care of these four-legged boys because I have so much love for them in my heart. I love my dogs because they are the sweetest boys ever.
    LiveYourDash Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Being an entrepreneur has been a lifelong dream of mine since I was a little girl. I have always seen a lot of positives being an entrepreneur. As I was growing up my mom used to watch a lot of Shark Tank and it grasped my attention at an early age. I enjoy the show so much the point where I watch it by myself. Being an entrepreneur is something I would refer to as a hustler you either have it or you do not, and I would like to say that I could have it if I just learned it a little bit better. Although shark tank grabbed my attention my biggest inspiration has been my father. He is a businessperson who is so educated beyond my knowledge it is insane. He would try to educate me, but my brain could not fully function the understanding of it because it was so in-depth. Little by little he has been teaching me how to invest or write contracts up, so I understand the business a little bit better. He wants me to be successful in this industry because it is a tough one, he feels as if he could prepare me well enough to be educated enough. The part that my father has really inspired me is his personality. He is the same guy that would go out of his way to help anybody and everybody that calls him asking for something. He has shown me that this is a great characteristic to have with you and I want to carry that on. What excites me about being an entrepreneur is the positive impact that I am going to create in the future. Of course, there is not a guarantee for my future. I believe with my mind I can overcome any obstacles life throws at me to get to my goal. My goal is to start a company, a business that has all the bases of being a successful business but with my employees I teach them about paperwork, how to make money, how to run a business, how to start a business and how to own a business. This has been a lifelong dream of mine because it is hard for people to start somewhere. For me starting something was always the biggest obstacle and any scenario but when I get started, I am extremely successful in anything that I do. It is basically like a mentor and a mentee except they are getting paid of course for the job that they have obtained. My biggest goal for them is to see how far they can come and accomplish their bigger set goals.
    Pet Lover Scholarship
    I love my pets more than anything, I spend all my money on all my cute fur babies because they deserve everything. When my parents went to get my black lab, I was super excited because he was my baby. At that point in my life, I already had a yellow lab, but he was getting old, so we wanted to get him a friend. fast forward about seven years and my parents brought home a five-week-old yellow lab and we named him Max. Now that my black lab is old and he does not like it when the puppy is around, the puppy is always with me. The amount of joy this lab has brought me is insane, he makes me smile just by looking at him, he gets excited when he sees me, he loves to cuddle with me anywhere and he loves to go swimming with me. I have started to take on the real role of a dog mom. I made both my babies homemade treats instead of store bought, I will take one to the dog park and the other on a walk because the black lab is not that well with other dogs. I go out of my way to take care of these four-legged boys because I have so much love for them in my heart. I love my dogs because they are the sweetest boys ever, they are so smart and they have noticed when anybody in my family is sad, they will get sweet and try to love up on you to make you feel better.
    Healthy Living Scholarship
    A healthy lifestyle is important to me because of the positive impact it creates. Eating healthy every day, working out four times a week and any physical activity that is going to make me better for the next day. As an 18-year-old college student I am in my prime for my energy meaning I have all the time in the world to take care of my body including my mental health. I either workout or go for a swim, take my dogs for a walk, or lift weights. After any physical activity I like to eat protein with a salad, this is especially important to me because nourishing your body with food is one of the most important things that a lot of people do not understand. As I watched my parents grow older, I noticed how healthy they are for their age. My parents rarely drink, and they do not smoke. They constantly are exercising and continuing to grow their brain on a day-to-day basis. It is truly inspiring to watch my parents really grow as human individuals, seeing how strong they really are as one. Not only my parents but family friends as well, in my garage we have a makeshift gym where every morning a couple of our friends come, and they do a workout for two hours. I hope the lifestyle truly has you living for a long time. A very inspirational woman was my great grandmother who lasted 106 years and I asked my mom what her secret was, and she said, “Grandma Silvia walked every day for 30-60 minutes.” I really could not believe my ears that such a strong woman lasted for so long because she just walked and of course ate healthy.
    Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
    My family is one of those that try to have a positive impact on climate change, not just myself. For myself I was involved in the magnet program at my high school, which was an environmental program, because I'm based in Florida I was based on the Everglades plus the effects of global warming, so I got the best of both worlds. For that I have learned to use as little fuel as possible, look for alternatives such as walking, biking, carpool and public transportation. Using as minimal energy in my own home as I possibly can and creating a more sustainable living in my own household. Little things such as recycling and not using a ton of water a day have been implemented in my everyday life. Although I can't change what is going on in the world entirely, I teach others on the importance of taking care of our earth and what to do as an individual so they can start helping out little by little. In my family my mom has always seen the importance of taking care of our earth because of global warming. Me and her had been teaching my family the importance of taking quick showers, turning off lights, biking and walking, repurposing items, recycling items and using vehicles as little as possible due to the emissions that come out.
    Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship
    My favorite tips to share on clearing your mind is exercise. Exercise is one of the biggest forms of a stress reliever known to many people. Whether it is running, lifting, cycling, swimming or just going on a walk, it will help you think and process clearly enough to help you form a better mental state. Most athletes who compete in high anxiety performances tend to exercise or run days before due to wanting a clear mentality. Another tip is reading or writing, as a student you tend to overthink at times and just jotting a few sentences to have a map of what you are thinking of can really benefit your mental health. Another form of this tip could be speaking with someone you are comfortable with on the topic in distress. Having someone give you advice or just listen could potentially make you feel better than when you first walked in. What works for me is cleaning, music and lifting. I need to be in a clean environment to be able to do my schoolwork and not feel that I have something else on my mind. If I am worried about my schoolwork, I will take a break to stretch and lift. During that break I have time to reflect and divide in my head between what needs to be done to then what I still have time to do, so there is no rush. To bring this all together my music will get me to my drive. The mentality that nothing is stopping me is because of my music. When I clean, I need to listen to something, when I lift and stretch, I have my music going. Insignificant things that all together create a significant impact on me with my mental health. I catch myself at times either needing music therapy or some weights. For your own mental you need to find what suits you. Surrounding yourself with friends you trust or people you are comfortable with will help you be yourself and not have that worry of being someone you are not. Physical resources such as books, computers and décor. I have plenty of friends whom when they are stressed or have something in the back of their mind, they start rearranging their personal space. Having their own room clean and put together tends to have a positive impact on the rest of their day. Simple things like this creates a whole new
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is called night, it's about a boy and his family during the time of the Holocaust. It was him his sister his mother and his father, they were running for some time until they were eventually captured by Nazis. As mom and daughter, we're split up by father and son they were never seen again. Father and son ended up staying together most of the time captured under the Nazis ruling to do whatever they want. Although the boy was 15 at the time one of the guards said that you're 18 now which meant that he could stay alive, he just looked physically capable of doing anything. The father and son went through a lot of pain, torture and mental abuse for about a year and a half, almost two. I went through obstacles being captured for them in the end they were freed. in that run they would never see their mom, wife, daughter and sister ever again, but they were free. The reason this is my favorite book is it taught me a lot about what happened in the Holocaust with intricate details that YouTube videos could possibly show me, but I feel like I'm watching it while I'm reading. It had a fantastic storyline that just made me emotional in ways I couldn't think of book could. The book captured me with the details from where they started to then what happened in those jails on to what they had to do in the fields. It's an inspiring story of how much strength one human being can hold versus a real-life crisis between evil.
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    One change that would benefit everybody is better help. Most high schools have somebody that will help a student based on college, scholarships, resumes, and anything that has to do with getting to the next step whether it's in high school or college. In high school you are supposed to have some sort of counselor that can help you step by step in anything that you need for your future step. The problem with that is they don't make it known in school. This is coming from a first-hand experience where I did not have somebody to help me with every step of the way even though I got in contact with her, but she didn't put much effort. When it came to questions, I had to go through other students that are doing the same thing I am. I feel as if schools need a better support system which is going to start with pay of course but it needs to start immediately. There are kids in the world that can't move on to college because they don't know what to do next. Those kids feel as they need to go straight into work because they don't know what other education they can get because it is not put in front of us. I know that private schools do a college get ready with me course, but public high schools do not and that needs to change. Most public high schools that I know of in my area don't care or the education portion of it but more to move you out of the school. Me as a student at my high school for my senior year did a project of surveys of how many kids were nearly about to fail or have failed but on track to graduate in June. A significant number of kids that have failed multiple classes, didn't retake anything but still got their diploma only shown that most of the public high schools want the kids out more than understanding what the education is about.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Any paycheck you ever get 20% you can keep for yourself the rest goes into a bank account for savings. As I got my first job my father taught me that millionaires make money by spending money. Although I may not know if that's true or not. It had significantly become one of the most influential sentences I keep with me today. As I worked for about two years, I have saved up a significant amount of money because I didn't want to spend over my 20% limit. Do to me wanting to get into a business major, I'm trying to teach myself in every different type of perspective of money as I can. Teaching others about my 20% rule has been quite important to me. I like to share it with employees that I used to work with, friends, and family because it was that important to share that small piece of advice that I have gotten to others. I felt as if the significant importance was learning how to save your money. You can go on and claim you're going to save money but blow it all up by the end, because you don't have a good system. To me the 20% is a great system that can be used consecutively especially if you're not paying bills. As you get older you switch it around a little bit based on your lifestyle and what your future goals are but keeping a similar system can continue your money to grow.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    Someone I admired from history is Anne Frank. As a young Jewish girl reading about another Jewish girl in this situation she had to go through back when the Nazis were a big problem is a very inspiring story. I have read journals and books about the Holocaust and very inscribed details and what Jews had to go through between that period of time. As she journaled throughout the years of her hiding it became a very impactful lesson of the past with people in the present. Acting on tip from a Dutch informer, the Nazi Gestapo captures 15-year-old Jewish diarist Anne Frank and her family in a sealed-off area of an Amsterdam warehouse. The Franks had taken shelter there in 1942 out of fear of deportation to a Nazi concentration camp. Due to these rough times and scary moments at my past ancestors had to go through we give thanks for how strong they were to bring my generation of Jews where we are today. Anne frank was so selfless even though she didn't have a choice, she was brave as a 15-year-old girl to be able to go through something called the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the killing of women, kids and weaker men that couldn't do jobs that the stronger men could. Most families were split up in the beginning based on which one you're identified has. At that point it wasn't known whether you'd see any of your again. These dark in scary times is to be believed why Judaism is so strong today. Living in the 2000s I get the education of my past and the continuation of a peaceful future.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    The biggest problem facing the world right now global warming. Global warming is the heating of the earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere. By humans our issue would be pumping out CO2 methane and other gases by burning fossil fuels. The easiest way to sum up global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. The past 40 years have been causing the effects of 2016 and 2020 which were tied as the warmest it has ever been around the globe. Coal, oil, and gas are the three main contributors to global warming. The effects of these have caused temperatures to go up, droughts, pest and weed invasions, increase of fire (forest fires, high in numbers in California, USA), ocean water rising, declining water supply, reduce agricultural fields, and erosions in coastal areas. Not only to our land but global warming is affecting us personally with worsening air and water quality and an increase in certain disease spread. Two ways that slightly coincide are drive less or go electric. Driving less means public transportation, biking, walking and any form of getting around using as little oil and gas as possible. Going electric on the other hand is no gas or oil being used to drive. Tesla is a big company that has come out to being fully electric because of issues like this. Other car brands such as Kia, Hyundai, Honda and Toyota are trying to turn to the more electric side. The effects of this will cause less oil to be rigged up, less emissions to be put in the atmosphere and it's going to be less maintenance for you! If us as one work on this problem we can keep our Earth clean and healthy for our next generations to come.
    Small Seed Big Flower Scholarship
    I am the first daughter of my parents. I have two siblings that I tried to put in the right path based on my last four years of experience in high school. I ran track, was the captain of my team. I was involved in numerous clubs such as key club, aquarium club, and 4H club. I created phenomenal relationships between me and my favorite teachers and started to really strive in my last year in high school. Although people say high school is about having fun in your last few teen years it's very rigorous to make sure that you get your future prepared. Of course, as a naive 17-year-old I didn't really see an issue because I just thought going to college and getting my degree was going to be it but without enough money shortly learned that it was not going to be that easy. My dream looks like a video in my head of me traveling the world, visiting places I could never even imagine. I want to experience everything in the world, one day to be able to give my children that satisfaction of being able to travel from such a young age to them as they get older on their own. The reason I brought that up is because my parents were in a financial pickle when I was growing up. I would never have noticed because my parents are really present in my life and tried their best to give us everything we could. As I got older, I heard their troubling stories and became very educated on how and why it happened. Due to my parents' issues, I have tried to teach myself the importance of picking up and keep going. I have told myself that there's another door somewhere and I need to find it. My own mental block stands in my way, and it has gotten bad. My own parents tell me that I sabotage myself without me even realizing it. As the first daughter you try to do everything perfectly for your parents, yet it feels so hard to accomplish the dreams they had in their own head for you. As it stands in my way it has made me realize I am moving back in the world instead of forward. I'm trying to decipher and read their own mind when I can't. I plan on focusing on school, studying to the point where I just want to go to sleep, taking care of my body such as exercise. Which exercise taught me to be able to release any stress, mental blocks, in any mental pains I have. I don't want my mental block to stop me from being very successful ME in my future.
    Ron Johnston Student Athlete Scholarship
    The foster system has inspired me to change the way I think and bring upon others. Growing up I have always been around someone in the system. It is a rigorous process that breaks these kids down into hopeless human beings. One particular story was my old neighbors. They were the sweetest kids ever, but they have been through it. Although I will not share their story out of respect, they have taught me to be selfless and do anything I can to help someone else. We were young kids when we met and after they moved away, I have grown up to understand what they have been through and had nothing to leave behind. I feel as if every child has the right to a loving and safe home and then at an early age I was taught that is most certainly not the case. The way it inspired me was through sports is having the support these kids did not have. I have parents behind me every step of the way. When I need anything, they are there with their full support. Not everything has to be physical such as money for new spikes or workout clothes. Just them showing to my track meets to cheer me on I enough. It taught me not to take my amazing parents for granted. To continue my gratitude towards that I often volunteer at the middle school track meets and practices to help teach them in respect, physical form and expectations at their own meets. Meaning sportsmanship and how to be respectful. I want the young to fully grasp the understanding of they chose to be out there not forced. Competing in a sport sometimes feels like a chore, especially if you want to be the best but with instructing these kids, I want to give the mentality that there is someone supporting them and has their back. It may not make sense on how it went from the foster system to a track team, but it is what pushed me to want to be someone's support. Starting teaching at a youthful age or younger years in your sport could change the track someone chooses to be on. Studies show on different platforms a child with a support system or group is more likely to be successful in their future just by knowing you have someone there to support you. It does sadden me to not be able to tell the story of my neighbors only because you will not fully grasp what has created me to think the way I do about support and the having a young kid back, but I hope you took a lot from what has been created because of it.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    Mathematics is the one thing that I have learned that is very inconsistent yet still around in everyday life. Everything and anything around us uses math just like reading in the every day life. Artwork, designs, measurements, and simple math equations draw me to math. Math is was always my strong suit in school so it’s technically my favorite subject. I was always so good at math questions it’s like they just easily rolled into my head and I could solve a problem no issues. I’ve learned going through high school that math is probably one of the most important for graduating, not only for myself but for growing teenage mines, it opens our eyes and brain to new understandings. It always made me feel that if I could do a math problem under a minute I can do real life problem-solving in under a minute. Math has taught me I mentally strong and I can handle a situation that’s brought to my attention which is why I chose what I want to study for college. I want to major in business, doing so math will be the largest factor in keeping up with profits and sales each year. There will be many situations other than profit and sales but those are the two big ones that companies watch. Mathway shaved my understanding to the world extremely different. As a young kid do you think everything is perfect and Symmetrical when it’s a complete opposite. Growing up using math has really opened my eyes new challenges that I didn’t believe I can accomplish. For example algebra 2 my sophomore year of high school I thought it was going to be so difficult but it ended up being one of my favorite classes due to the challenge that I was given and after a while it didn’t really become a challenge or became like secondhand knowledge just like driving. As I started to get older I got my license and there was so much math into driving that I started to incorporate while I started to drive such as, how fast I should turn corner or when should I start breaking on a yellow light pops up or do I have the momentum to keep going and make it but not hit the red. Math has grown my brain to make me look at small situations into a bigger picture, because that’s just what math is. Not Every event in every day life has to be a mathematical equation to relate to math. That’s how math shaped my mind to understand the world to me.
    Huguenot High School Class of 2001 Scholarship
    Throughout high school I have achieved over 300 service hours. I started with small events like festivals such as annual fall and/or spring festivals my city presents every year. Then I continue with our annual fire department barbeque which is around 5-8 hours of either hosting kids events or handing out drinks after food is taken. Recently I have taken time to help a nearby elementary school between the school year and over the summer. Over the summer I would work in the front office with the sweetest staff ever. They all knew who I was and if I brought anyone new to help they were so grateful. They loved how organized and task situated I was. Anything they handed me they knew I could get it done. Throughout the school year I would partake in events such as STEM night, fall festivals, spring festivals, back to school events, meet the teacher nights, and Christmas events hosted in the library. This was such a common occurrence I was at the school at least twice a week. Due to covid-19 I haven't been able to go back yet only because of the safety of the kids and staff but I will be at an even there in a few weeks. Right before covid-19 really effected anyone I was volunteering at a humane society. I have the biggest love for animals especially dogs they melt my heart. So for around 32 hours I would clean up after them. Play and love on ones that really needed it because they looked as if they were alone for a while. The ones who were there the longest I would try to give them good attention and you could see them super happy with the 20 minutes I would sit an play. On my own time after school I go to run track. I have been running for about 5 years now and I am the caption of my team. I lead the stretches and the attitudes of people around me. I have noticed the people on the team look at me since they are all underclassman and I am a senior. I took them under my wing this year because I understand how it is to try your best but still have someone looking after you. I feel super safe with my team and they feel the same. Everyone has some type of relationship with anyone on the team so no one is ever alone. We cheer on each other an push one an other. Academic wise it is as simple as it gets. Working with partners making sure that we have time to do any research and get the work done. I am very on the time side. As much time as we could possible use to get our assignments done on time. I rarely turn anything late unless I was not at school. I am extremely comfortable talking to anyone and meeting new people. I have been told I'm a go getter when it comes to peoples attention. I'm not nervous or worried what someone is going to say about me because I try for the best grades and the bets relationships with my teachers.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    Throughout the years and growing older I have truly learned the importance of patience. Especially through 2020 with the corona virus it has taught me a lot needs time. Everyone seems to be rushing to go back to normal but there is no such thing as normal. Everything changes little by little creating people not to take focus on what is important but what they think should be happening. Being patient to me means you have some balance within your soul. You can focus and truly be calm with a little patience. Yoga or any form of a calming exercise is an image example of patience in my mind. To me it doesn't always have to be me physically waiting for example my food to come out of the window in the back of restaurant but what it creates. Moments of waiting causes small important family dissuasions that people don't even realize being patient caused it. Not only discussions but moments to just enjoy your family, time spent just laughing or having their presence.
    Paige's Promise Scholarship
    I am a 17 year old girl who lives in south Florida. I run track, participate in many clubs throughout my high school career and go home to help my mom. I've grown up loving people and being around people. This has created who I am. I want to create jobs with good pay. It is not fair to live in a society that you don't make enough to live. That where I come in I want to create a ton of jobs with good pay that people can actually grow with not only pay bills and maybe not have enough for food. I know for sure when I'm in my early 20s I want to by a shopping plaza and start making decent money. Personally I don't believe I need a flashy lifestyle but a good safe home for my future kids, making sure they will never need to worry while teaching them to be humble will be the most important to me. I've grown up listing to my parents tell me to do good in school and keep moving on. I never understood that until my junior year of high school. When things really got serious. All of a sudden college was closer then we could imagine. As a child you couldn't ask me where I wanted to go or what I wanted to study because I didn't care enough. By 8th grade all my friends had older siblings and they all knew about college I in fact am the older sibling. Growing up in this day in age substance abuse is widely spread. I worked at a restaurant for a little bit of time an every single person who worked there smoked something. With the exception but me. My reasoning is my aunt was sick in the hospital for years in an out from some disease she's had since she was 18. After modeling around when she was 18 she went to college an never ate properly. This turned her sick to when she realized on pain killers to make her feel better as she got into her 20s she went for harder drugs which created who she is today. Drugs or other substances is the worst thing possible. It ruins you for the future and what you are trying to before the future even comes. Just don't even do it. It save you minutes on this earth that if you don't enjoy it yet you will get where you want.