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Avery Bushman


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Hello, my name is Avery Bushman. I am an incoming freshman at Oklahoma State University. I am an aspiring interior designer and currently hold the title of the 5th best architectural drafter in the United States. I am here in hopes of helping my family fund my schooling to live a comfortable life and start my business for residential floor plan design.


Autry Technology Center

Trade School
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Enid High School

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Architecture and Related Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I would like to start my own architectural design business.

    • Make various nutritious drinks

      Enid Home Team Nutrition
      2024 – Present10 months
    • Template designer

      The Countertop Shop
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Barista

      Davinci's Coffeehouse
      2022 – 20231 year



    Junior Varsity
    2010 – 202313 years


    • most improved
    • best defender


    • Architecture and Related Services, Other

      Autry Technology Center — n/a
      2023 – 2024


    • Enid Highschool AP Art

      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      N/A — Babysitter
      2020 – 2024

    Future Interests


    Natalie Jude Women in the Arts Scholarship
    My favorite piece I've ever created was the watercolor and colored pencil piece below of my best friend and I. Not only are there several mediums included such as marker, gel pens, Prismacolor colored pencils, watercolor, and sharpie, but it also has a very deep meaning. The piece is supposed to represent friendship. The yellow flowers symbolize friendship, as yellow symbolizes it, and as do lilies. Butterflies symbolize hope- for our relationship and the future. The water we stand on symbolizes trust. In the Bible, a man was able to walk on water- but only if he had trust in Jesus. Also, it's a beautiful image of our friendship, dancing together.
    Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    Throughout my elementary, middle school, and even high school career, my mental health affected me deeply. My parents decided to divorce when I was only ten years old. While many kids get a choice between their mother and their father, I wasn't given a choice, and that is what caused my mental health to decline for so many years. At the age of eleven, my relationship with my father began its downfall. My father was absent during my childhood, and even more so when he was a single parent half of the time. As a maturing young lady, I began to understand that my dad would never be there as my dad, so I decided to write him a letter in January of 2018. This letter resulted in our relationship (seemingly) getting better, but only for a month or two. He didn't respect me as a person and still saw my brother and I as five and three year old's. All I wanted back then was for him to see that I could make my own decisions. When these events occurred with my father, I found the relationships around me faltered. I struggled keeping friends, and maintaining grades in school. I had no motivation anymore. As the years went by, my relationship with my father got worse. Fights were more frequent, voices were louder, and nights were lonelier. Most nights, instead of reading or doing homework, I was overcome with sadness and would often listen to music and weep. This stopped, of course, when I made the decision to grow up and make the best out of life. My grades were better, my mood was better, and I started prioritizing my time with my mother and my new stepfather. Beginning of my freshman year in high school, I was at my worst mental state ever. I had one singular friend, and I even lost him as a friend too. I had no one to talk to, hang out with, or seek help from. It was then I decided to transfer to Enid High School for my sophomore year. Immediately after starting at Enid High I made so many friends, found my people. I excelled in class, earning a 4.0 for six semesters. Joined AP and honors classes and finally found happiness. It was there I met my boyfriend, Lucas. He helped me the most. He brought back my mental health and made me the best version of myself, the one my mom knew when I was a little girl. This is when I really thrived. However, Lucas was moved without warning to Tulsa and I was devastated. I was back to square one with my mental health. In this time, I turned to my faith and sought refuge in God. This was the true time in my high school career that I had to push through. My grades could have drastically decreased, but they didn't. When my boyfriend moved, I decided to confide in my math teacher, Mr. Rowe. He had known a thing or two about life and gave me the best advice I've ever received: "I know it's hard right now, but just keep working."
    Ultrafabrics Inc. Scholarship Award
    From the time I was three years old, doodling on my little magnetic etch-a-sketch, until now, I have discovered myself and grown into the person God intended for me to be because of the gift He has given to me. Interior Design has distinguished me as a person, and I often find myself swooning over everything about it. Interior design is my therapy, my anti-depressant, my anxiety reliever, and one of my best friends. It has guided me through the worst points in my life, providing a safe and calm space for me and my mindset. When it comes to design, I have been decorating and playing with colors and light since I was a little girl. My passion for interior design has been my motivation for the past few years, guiding me to a class called Computer Aided Drafting and Design at Autry Technology Center to pursue my passion. While taking this class, I have become extremely confident in the career path I chose when I was twelve years old. All I can do now is wait for the time I can make my whole life become what I have loved since I was a child. I have the opportunity in college to do what has encompassed my personality and been my hobby since birth, and I could not be more proud of myself. I plan to design in a firm while I get the building blocks of my business secured. Ever since I started doing house design, it's all I can think about and all I want to do. I always have and always will prioritize school and work for the well being of not only myself, but my family. The PDF file below is an example of a client I picked up about a month ago. My professor asked me if I would like real world experience, learning how to coordinate with clients and designing exactly what they want. This particular client is an elderly woman, and she trusted me with designing her home she will live in until she passes.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    If I had the opportunity to choose one movie in the entire world to watch for the rest of my life, it would be, without a doubt, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is not only one of the best movies in J.K. Rowling's book series, Harry Potter, but also one of my favorites and the one I find most entertaining. When my parents told my brother and I that they were going to get divorced, I was ten years old. My brother was seven. This time in my life was the worst, but the most life changing. When I was around eleven years old, I began to watch and read the Harry Potter series. I, unfortunately and mistakenly watched the entire movie series of Harry Potter before I read them! But, because of that, I fell in love with the movies almost instantly. Harry Potter was and always will be a safe space for me. I used Harry Potter as a get away whenever I felt down about my parent's divorce. I drowned myself in the books, rereading the series twice, and rewatching all of the movies at least a dozen times throughout the years. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the sixth movie and book, is one of the best in my opinion because of the character shift in Severus Snape, one of my favorite characters. Another interesting aspect of the movie is Tom Riddle and Professor Slughorn's student to teacher relationship, especially because Slughorn altered his memory because he felt guilty about Voldemort's rise to power. Then, how Harry Potter and Professor Slughorn's student teacher relationship is eerily similar to Tom Riddle and Professor Slughorn's relationship is. The entire movie is full of entertaining twists and turns, diving into the history of Tom Riddle, Professor Slughorn, and Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and how they used to handle situations relating to evil back when evil didn't exist at Hogwarts. I feel if i were to pick this movie, I could analyze and be entertained by it for the rest of my life without ever getting bored of it. Of course I would read all of the books too because I'm only limited to one movie, not book! Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince would be perfect for me and will always and forever be a safe option and safe place for me, just as it was when I was a kid.
    Jessie Koci Future Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    I cannot safely say that I know I will succeed, because no one actually knows if they will. What I can say is that I am confident in my work and in my studies to know that my mind is powerful enough to support my life long dream to become an interior designer. From the age of two, the beauty of art has been my lifeline, and I’ve never faltered from it. I am an AP and honors student, topping out with a 4.2 GPA year round. I enrolled in a vocational school for my senior year and in the 3 months I’ve been there, I have caught up to people a year and a half ahead of me. I earned my AutoCAD software within the first month and a half of my Computer Aided Drafting and Design program, and I am now flying through house plans almost at the rate of my instructor. My hunger to learn and do what I love to do is what gives me confidence to succeed. In two months, I was given the honor to compete in a state design competition, one a first year student could only dream of. And it was my dream. I am already accepted into my dream college, and I am going to major in interior design, of course. You asked what would make me think I could succeed, but really, I believe in that little five year old girl looking at a house in awe. From the age of two, the beauty of art has been my lifeline, and I’ve never faltered from it. I’ve looked at interior design schools and programs for the majority of my life and my decision to major in interior design has never been swayed since. My hunger to learn and do what I love to do is what gives me confidence to succeed. This scholarship would make every dream I’ve had since a kid come to play, giving me even more motivation to get after it. I believe that the five year old girl looking at the beautiful house in awe can grow up to see her own designs come to life right before her eyes. A successful business endeavor doesn't look far away for me. I'm already ahead in my career, and all I need to do now is go to college to really settle into my education to further understand it.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    When I first happened upon Minecraft, it was still brand new. I watched my uncle in awe as he showed me his mediocre house in his world, and I knew I had to download the game and one-up him. And that's exactly what I did. Back in the early 2010's, I didn't have my own computer, so my little brother and I would take turns exploring in survival or building whatever our hearts desired in creative. And those hours were some of the best of my childhood. After our parents got divorced, our dad and us went through a rough patch, causing my brother and I to hide out in our game room, now having a ps3 to play Minecraft on. These moments were the true building blocks in my brother and I's strong relationship. We would spend 10 to 12 hours every day during the summer playing different games we made up or building mansions. Minecraft was our safe space to do whatever we wanted, in a state of tranquility. After growing up, I grew out of Minecraft and began to date boys and focus on school, until I decided to download it back onto my laptop I got. I started to build different houses and taking inspiration from builds I would see on TikTok and realized I really loved doing this. That moment was when I decided I wanted to be an interior designer. I spent the next few years learning more about interior design, still playing Minecraft here and there, and got accepted into my dream college for Interior Design, Oklahoma State University. I also enrolled into Autry Technology Center, where I had the privilege to play Minecraft in real life, designing house floor plans and getting to pick out materials for my creations. All I could think about when doing this was Minecraft, how it opened a door of creativity for me that I would never had found if I didn't play it for the first time all those years ago. It has and always will have my heart.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    My beloved show the Office has always and will forever be my all time favorite series. If I were honest with myself, I would say I'm most like Erin. She's sweet, bubbly, kind of aloof, and her coping mechanism is humor. Both Erin and I try to hide how we feel by cracking a joke or smiling through the pain. She also never has any idea what's going on, just like I do! She is a loved character through and through. Another character I would mash with would be Pam. She's reserved until you get to know her, a fantastic artist- I'm going to school for Interior Design and art- and very witty and funny. Both Erin and Pam have a little spark in them that makes them so much like me. Edgy, fun, and loving. This show has gotten me through so many hard times and boring days. I've watched it all the way through five times over the course of three years! It has never and will never get old for me. I quote it daily, have many stickers and pictures around my room and my phone. The Office is my safe place, never failing to make me laugh, cry, or jump for joy.
    Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship
    From the time I was two years old, I was coloring in the lines and getting art kits for Christmas every year from my family. Growing up, I was never a girly-girl, or even a tom boy, but an artist. It's all I have ever wanted to do. From signing up for painting classes at age nine, or going to a nine hour class to learn the science of charcoal, AP Art classes, and more, I did it all. When my parents got divorced, I spent my alone time with art. Painting, sketching, coloring, anything and everything I could get my hands on I had. My mother is a fantastic artist, and so was her mom. I guess I get it from them. Art is what has always made me happy. When I would get grounded as a young teenager, I spent 12 hours a day doing art. Doing absolutely nothing, in perfect solitude, surrounded by music and fresh air, and that was one of the only times in my life I truly felt tranquility. When I was only twelve years old I knew and decided I wanted to go into interior design. As a little girl I used to stare at beautiful houses in awe, wishing I could be creative enough to make my own beautiful pieces of art. Interior design was a whole other art form and medium that was bold enough to make a difference in people's lives. That is truly why I love what I do. When I was seventeen, I only applied to one college, and got in- Oklahoma State University. Majoring in Interior Design, of course. I attend a tech school in Enid, Oklahoma called Autry, and only in my first semester, I was honored to be one of three students to be picked for the SkillsUSA Architectural Design competition. I won first place in my district, and I'm going to state in April, surrounded by people doing the same thing for two or three years longer than me. I have begun to build my business for house designs and decor, called Hope Inspirations. That, too, I decided on when I was twelve years old. Art has been my life form for well over fifteen years, and it will continue to be that way for the rest of my life, because I don't know anything else better than I know art, and how it knows me.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    You inquire what engages me to the point that my perception of time is altered. Since I can remember, art and design have been my lifeline. I’m Avery Bushman, and this is what guides me. From the time I was three years old, doodling on my little magnetic etch-a-sketch, until now, I have discovered myself and grown into the person God intended for me to be because of the gift He has given to me. Art has distinguished me as a person, and I often find myself swooning over everything about it. I have been mostly self-taught my whole life, but I have learned so much from various people I have connected with to learn more about this craftsmanship I so love. Art is my therapy, my anti-depressant, my anxiety reliever, and one of my best friends. It has guided me through the worst points in my life, providing a safe and calm space for me and my mindset. When it comes to design, I have been decorating and playing with colors and light since I was a little girl. My passion for interior design has been my motivation for the past few years, guiding me to classes to pursue my passion. While taking these classes, I am confident in the career path I chose when I was twelve years old. All I can do now is wait for the time I can make my whole life become what I have loved since I was a child. I have the opportunity in college to do what has encompassed my personality and been my hobby since birth, and I could not be prouder. I cannot safely say that I know I will succeed, because no one actually knows if they will. What I can say is that I am confident in my work and in my studies to know that my mind is powerful enough to support my lifelong dream to become an interior designer. From the age of two, the beauty of art has been my lifeline, and I’ve never faltered from it. I am an AP and honors student, topping out with a 4.2 GPA year-round. I enrolled in a vocational school for my senior year and in the 3 months I’ve been there, I have caught up to people a year and a half ahead of me. I earned my AutoCAD software within the first month and a half of my Computer Aided Drafting and Design program, and I am now flying through house plans almost at the rate of my instructor. My hunger to learn and do what I love to do is what gives me confidence to succeed. In two months, I was given the honor to compete in a state design competition, one a first-year student could only dream of. And it was my dream. I am already accepted into my dream college, and I am going to major in interior design, of course. You asked what would make me think I could succeed, but really, I believe in that little five-year-old girl looking at a house in awe.
    Amanda Panda Memorial Scholarship
    You inquire what engages me to the point that my perception of time is altered. Since I can remember, art and design have been my lifeline. I’m Avery Bushman, and this is what guides me. From the time I was three years old, doodling on my little magnetic etch-a-sketch, until now, I have discovered myself and grown into the person God intended for me to be because of the gift He has given to me. Art has distinguished me as a person, and I often find myself swooning over everything about it. I have been mostly self-taught my whole life, but I have learned so much from various people I have connected with to learn more about this craftsmanship I so love. Art is my therapy, my anti-depressant, my anxiety reliever, and one of my best friends. It has guided me through the worst points in my life, providing a safe and calm space for me and my mindset. When it comes to design, I have been decorating and playing with colors and light since I was a little girl. My passion for interior design has been my motivation for the past few years, guiding me to classes to pursue my passion. While taking these classes, I am confident in the career path I chose when I was twelve years old. All I can do now is wait for the time I can make my whole life become what I have loved since I was a child. I have the opportunity in college to do what has encompassed my personality and been my hobby since birth, and I could not be prouder. I cannot safely say that I know I will succeed, because no one actually knows if they will. What I can say is that I am confident in my work and in my studies to know that my mind is powerful enough to support my lifelong dream to become an interior designer. From the age of two, the beauty of art has been my lifeline, and I’ve never faltered from it. I am an AP and honors student, topping out with a 4.2 GPA year-round. I enrolled in a vocational school for my senior year and in the 3 months I’ve been there, I have caught up to people a year and a half ahead of me. I earned my AutoCAD software within the first month and a half of my Computer Aided Drafting and Design program, and I am now flying through house plans almost at the rate of my instructor. My hunger to learn and do what I love to do is what gives me confidence to succeed. In two months, I was given the honor to compete in a state design competition, one a first-year student could only dream of. And it was my dream. I am already accepted into my dream college, and I am going to major in interior design, of course. You asked what would make me think I could succeed, but really, I believe in that little five-year-old girl looking at a house in awe.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    If I could pick three people from Stranger Things to fight a supernatural enemy, I would first choose Eleven. This is pretty obvious, considering the power she holds in her mind, and what she has proven she can do with it. She is one of the most powerful characters in any TV shows today. Second, I would choose Hopper. He has shown the audience that he can deal with anything thrown at him- including death. He has beaten every single thing that has gone up against him in the show, ranging from a Demogorgon and death to fatherhood. He is, in my opinion, the best character on this show and deserves the world. The third person I would choose is, unusually, Nancy Wheeler. Nancy has been a rock throughout the group's entire journey with the upside down, and has matured and toughened up drastically from season one. She has not only protected her family and her friends, but saves so many of their lives through blunt force or her quick wit. Nancy was in a rough tie between her and Steve, simply considering that he was the jock and the strong one between him and Nancy. However, I chose Nancy over Steve because she was, in the end, the protector. In conclusion, my team would consist of Eleven, Hopper, and Nancy to defeat the enemy.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    Since I can remember, art and design has been my lifeline. I’m Avery Bushman, and this is what guides me. From the time I was three years old, doodling on my little magnetic etch-a-sketch, until now, I have found myself and grew into the person God intended for me to be because of the gift He has given to me. Art has distinguished me as a person and I often find myself swooning over everything about it. I have been mostly self-taught my whole life, but I have learned so much from various people I have connected with to learn more about this craftsmanship I so love. Art is my therapy, my anti-depressant, my anxiety reliever, and one of my best friends. It has guided me through the worst points in my life, providing a safe and calm space for me and my mindset. When it comes to design, I have been decorating and playing with colors and light since I was a little girl. My passion for interior design has been my motivation for the past few years, guiding me to classes to pursue my passion. While taking said classes, I am confident in the career path I chose when I was twelve years old. All I can do now is wait for the time I can make my whole life be what I have loved since I was a child. I have the opportunity in college to do what has been my personality and hobby since birth, and I could not be happier. I would be more than happy to provide an impact on someone's life by designing and bringing someone's dream home to life. This is why I do what I do. Giving people what they have imagined in their head for years or even decades is such an honor and I would make the decision to do this in another life in an instant. Design allows me to be creative and allows me to problem-solve for not only me but the person I'm designing a space for. To be able to desgin something someone will live in is surreal. Creating a space they will raise their kids, have movie nights, board game nights, cook, clean, invite friends and family into the space, is just amazing to think about. I'll be able to provide a different life for everyone who wants it, and I am so honored.