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Autumn Glover


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My name is Autumn Glover, and I aspire to be a professional artist. I am a Junior attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I'm a Fine Art major. I'm a multifaceted person with many interests. My hobbies are live music, painting, traveling, volunteer work and research. After graduation I will enroll in a master's program and take a gap year to travel. My social links are: Youtube: / Instagram: autumnnyree


Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • GPA:

Harrisburg Area Community College

Associate's degree program
2016 - 2020
  • Majors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • Minors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • GPA:

Central Dauphin East High School

High School
2013 - 2016
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Fine and Studio Arts
    • Visual and Performing Arts, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Artist/Model Agent/Brand Ambassador/Model

    • Sterile Technician

      Sterile Technician - CPT
      2024 – Present12 months
    • Intern - (Remote)

      Live Nation Entertainment
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Ambassador (Model)

      YOUTAAS Clothing Brand
      2022 – 20231 year
    • Administrative Assistant

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania
      2021 – 20232 years
    • Associate

      Color Me Mine
      2017 – 20181 year
    • Sales Associate/Volunteer

      2021 – 20221 year
    • Member

      Honor Society
      2020 – Present4 years
    • Brand Ambassador

      2022 – Present2 years
    • Model Agent Intern

      Chez Les Mannequins
      2022 – 2022
    • Resident Assistant (RA)

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania
      2020 – 20233 years
    • Beauty Advisor

      Sally Beauty Supply
      2015 – 20161 year
    • Art Handler

      Harrisburg Area Community College
      2017 – 20203 years
    • Ride Attendant

      Hershey Entertainment & Resorts
      2014 – 20151 year




      Borrowed: March 4, 2016
      • 30,000

        Principal borrowed
      • 30,000

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:




    2018 – Present6 years


    2018 – 20202 years


    2008 – 20091 year


    2016 – Present8 years


    2011 – 20143 years


    • Public Administration

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania — Student
      2022 – 2023
    • Music

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania — Student
      2023 – Present
    • Music

      University of South Florida — Intern
      2021 – 2022
    • Paleo Indian Archaeology

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania — Student
      2022 – Present
    • Tourism and Travel Services Management

      Independent — Program Researcher
      2013 – 2014
    • Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General

      Independent — Program Researcher
      2016 – Present
    • African-American/Black Studies

      Independent — Program Researcher
      2015 – 2018
    • Art/Art Studies, General

      Independent — Program Researcher
      2013 – Present


    • Council of Fashion Designers of America

      Visual Arts
      2023 – Present
    • Indiana University of Pennsylvania

      Sculpture Club
      Indiana University of Pennsylvania 'Traffic Island Oasis'
      2020 – Present
    • Harrisburg Area Community College

      Ceramics Club
      2016 – 2020
    • Indiana University of Pennsylvania student magazine

      2022 – 2022
    • Harrisburg Area Community College

      2017 – 2018
    • Independent

      Central Dauphin East High School (Junior Art Show)
      2015 – 2016

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Macys — Volunteer
      2021 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania Food Pantry — Student Helper
      2022 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Harrisburg Area Community College — Student Assistant
      2017 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Girl Scouts of America — Girl Scout
      2004 – 2005

    Future Interests




    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover and I am a sterile technician at a local hospital located in Indiana Pennsylvania. My job responsibilities are sterilizing and prepping surgical utensils for medical operations. I have a very important impact on the entire hospital because it starts from my area. It is important that a sterile technician sterilizes all instruments with proper procedures to ensure the safety and wellbeing before and after surgeries. I love and admire my job because I am responsible for caring for others. My job is to ensure that patients procedures are set up correctly. It warms my heart to have a profession like this because it is fulfilling for the patients, but it is also fulfilling for me as well. I have so many benefits and perks that come with this position. For instance I have the opportunity to become a traveling sterile technician after college. I can go on cruises during my pto time, I can get discounts on tickets such as hotels and flights, and I can get the best deals on technology such as iPhones, MacBooks, and apple watches. I am grateful for this job because it is rewarding to me. I am lucky and blessed to have a job that holds a special place in society. My goal is to keep learning this practice of central processing. This is a very interesting job to have because it requires a lot of skill, hand, eye coordination, and attention to detail. There are many things that I would still like to learn from this job. That is a good thing for me because I am a curious person and I am always open to learning new things. Sterile processing is a promising career because the numbers of employees will not only keep growing, but hospitals will always need this department. There is a chance that I may go into becoming a surgical tech in the future. I believe that this is a good way for me to continue on my knowledge in sterile processing while working with surgical utensils. Working in healthcare is rewarding for me because it is a step in the right direction of making a positive influence on others. Becoming a healthcare worker has taught me the importance of having good health and trusting others to form good relationships whether it be with patients or coworkers. Being a healthcare worker requires trust, patience, effort, and dedication to make others better.
    Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover and I am an art student with hopes to become a music promoter. The arts give me a sense of freedom and belonging in the world. Growing up I practiced abstract painting and I learned the basics of size dimensions and colors. Art is vibrant to me, it gives me appreciation for life. The arts have provided me with so many opportunities such as working for a music company known as Live Nation Entertainment. Working for this music company I learned the basics of music performance which is engaging with the audience, sound and effect, and creative skill. This was a once in a lifetime experience for me that I will never forget. I am currently interning for Live Nation remotely while finishing college. Another life event that has influenced me to study art is my background. I grew up low middle class and my parents never went to college to pursue a degree. My parents always stressed to me the importance of getting an education in what I like to do because I will be able to put it to good use in the future. I got the right amount of support from both of my parents to be an artist and pursue the art field which has shaped my confidence and skill. As an artist, it is very challenging to not compare yourself to others around you. My grandfather got me started in the arts, he always took me to art museums where I would see paintings, sculptures and many different archetypes of art. I was instantly fascinated and drawn to the art world after that. In high school I studied art for all four years. When I went to college I decided to major in studio art. As an art student I am making good progress. I am still on my journey towards becoming a professional artist. I am a multifaceted individual which is a good asset to have because it keeps me open to more possibilities. I love that art is a language of expression. I believe that everyone has many interests in different things and art is a great way to bring out those ideas. What I love about being an artist is that I can influence others. I want to be a positive influence on others to help unlock their creative skill. The best artists promote positivity and wellness among other people. My only goal is to give to the world thought the hands of creativity. I want to help shape the future and be a role model to the next generation to come.
    Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, and I am multifaceted with many interests. I am pursuing a bachelors in art. After graduation, I will pursue a master's degree in music performance. I am a first-generation college student, and neither family went to college. I was encouraged to go to college growing up to have better opportunities that would introduce me to the professional world. I want to be a music promoter, and to make these career goals happen, I have worked at Live Nation Entertainment and interned with a music podcast company. Working for Live Nation Entertainment has been a big accomplishment for me because I got to meet many famous musicians and businessmen. I also got to experience what it is like to be a performer. No one in my family has ever had a job like this and I feel blessed that I got to witness this life changing event. I am interning with Live Nation Entertainment remotely while in college. Music and caring for others is where my heart lies. I love to be a positive influence and make others feel good. I grew up low middle class. My mother always regretted not getting an education. She gave up her life and had kids by age twenty two, and my father was twenty four. My mother always stressed to me how important going to college was, mainly because of the opportunities I would have and the experience I would gain. I always listened to my mother’s advice because I saw how hard it was for her to raise my two sisters and I. My parents separated when I was a teenager and I remember anger residing in our home. I watched my mother struggle with depression and disappointment from the burdens of life. My father dealt with alcoholism and suicidal thoughts. No one reveals the truth and sacrifice that comes with becoming a parent. I always felt in my heart that I was destined by God to break this generational curse. My father died from a heart attack in 2019. After the abrupt change of my circumstances following my fathers death, I decided to enroll in university. Going to college saved my life because it gave me hope again. College also has given me the skills needed to live in the real world. After I graduated high school, I did not have any life skills. I believe that this college journey has fulfilled this within me. I want to invest into my assets by traveling to influence those around me, and saving money to pay down my student loan debt. Another way that I will pay down my debt is by refinancing. That is a good way for me to learn financial management. I want to gain a new perspective of life to feed my creative skill, expand my view on the world, and challenge what I know. I will strategize and practice refinance to pay off of my debts. My interests expand further beyond the arts. I am currently working towards earning a certification to be a sterile technician. I work with my team to sterilize, clean and sort utencils, and prepare trays for surgical practices. I enjoy this job because it's good to care for others and understand the importance of maintaining good health. I am grateful for my job because of the real life experiences I get daily. I am proud of how far I have come and where I will go from here. I am dedicated to my life's journey and I am eager to see where it will take me in the future.
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    I plan to create a legacy by starting a business. I am an art student and I make paintings. I want to sell my paintings on the market and get my work known around the world. Another way that I want to create legacy is by becoming an influencer through social media, mainly for the art and entertainment fields. In the past, I have taken the initiative to start my dream of becoming an influencer by working at Live Nation Entertainment, participating in a modeling internship, and doing an internship for a music podcast platform. The experience that I have will make these long term goals of mine happen. I shine my light everyday by being nice and respectful to other people. I am a firm believer that attitude influences others. Everyday I find something to look forward to and also be grateful for. Practicing this skill sets me up for success in the future because it is shaping my character. I believe that having a strong sense of self creates a perfect business mindset. Another way that I like to shine my light is by helping others. For example, a friend of mines had been struggling financially and I lended some of my income to help her pay her bills. I care for others because I know that life is difficult sometimes and it’s good to have support from others during those hard times. Being supportive to others is a blessing because others will be there for me in return. I want to create a legacy of wealth and kindness. I want my foundation to be built on these values because it will continue live and dwell in the hearts and minds of the generations to come after me. I don't have any children yet, but I plan on becoming a parent one day. I am planning to do the work now before I make the commitment of being a parent. I hope to pass this legacy down to my children in the future to promote generational wealth and abundance. Ambition, drive, and passion will influence me to make these goals come true. It is where I will find the strength to work towards them. The art of visualizing where I will be in the future is another strategy I use to reach my goals. This keeps me engaged in the process and focused on my life journey. With dedication, focus, and purpose, I will reach my greatest potential of becoming an entrepreneur.
    Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
    I draw my inspiration from the world around me. As a young adult, there are many things in life that I still want to learn. Exploring the world is another source of inspiration that inspires me as an artist because having different experiences alters my reality, perception, and focus on my life purpose. The biggest inspiration for me is nature. Nature is beautiful and vibrant. It makes me appreciate life by looking at the bigger picture of life. Making great art and memories is what I wish to accomplish in this lifetime as I continue to grow in my work. My three famous works are attached below, there are two drawings and one painting. The titles are 'Ocean Wave' 18x24' inches, 'Blossom' 11x14 inches, and 'Moonlight' 7.5 inches x 5.1 inches.
    TBC Academic Scholarship
    No one knows when they will take their last breath. My dad died five years ago. It was a sudden death that happened unexpectedly. I wasn't prepared for the changes that would come next. Seeing my mother go through depression broke my heart. She kept searching for an answer as to why this happened to us, was left stuck with medical and funeral bills, and was at risk of herself. My mother tried hard to mask her pain. Afterwards, we ended up losing our home. The very next year, an outbreak of the pandemic killed millions of people. I felt like I couldn't escape death, it was all around me and I had no one to turn to. I started to find my light again when I transferred from community college to a university. This was a fresh start for me and a release from the pain at home. There I met many great people that helped me overcome my grief that I still carried. I talked with school counselors, therapists, coaches, and even my roommates. I believe that God put those people in my life for a reason, I was vulnerable during that time, and I needed support in any and every way possible. My family was split apart, and I was living on my own. The hardest thing about death is learning how to process it and finding healthy ways to move on. For me, distance and time helped heal my broken heart. After completing my sophomore year in college, I moved in with my dad's uncle and his wife for the summer. I discovered that my uncle was a functioning alcoholic and because I couldn't adapt to his way of life, he kicked me out and I was homeless for two years. I stayed at a homeless shelter until I went back to college next semester. When fall semester started, I worked as a resident assistant to have permanent housing until I figured out what to do next. I am living with my mother's aunt now and I am so much happier. What I lost was restored, and I am safe. I still experience difficult feelings at times, but I have accepted all that has happened. I have found forgiveness for my own sake, and I am thankful for each day I wake up because I am granted another day to live. Through death and betrayal, I found my strength and learned that life is a gift. It is a blessing to live, so it is good to look on the brighter side of things. As I am writing this, I am still on my healing journey. There are so many things that I am grateful for, this obstacle has opened my eyes up to the bigger picture of life. It is not the materialistic things that are important, what really matters is how I live my life and the memories I make. I gave myself permission to start living my life because I didn't want to stay stuck in dark place. I am glad that I realized my values, gifts, and talents as a young woman and now I act on them. I started traveling last year and each time I travel I take a photo album with me to collect all the pictures, so that one day in the future I can look back on my life and see what I accomplished. Death has made me see the beauty in all things. Through it all, I didn't turn my back on God, and I thank him for helping me overcome this obstacle.
    Isaac Yunhu Lee Memorial Arts Scholarship
    I created this piece last year as a gift to my uncle. This painting is called "Blossom" and is made from oil paints on an '11x14' canvas. The foundation of this piece comes from my love for nature. I started drawing the composition with graphite pencil. Next, I determined what the color combinations would be. The focal point is the pink flower, that is blossomed. This flower rests on a red blanket with light and dark contrast. There are a series of highlights in this painting, it shows in the red blanket and in between the folds, these highlights are white. The use of black and dark brown is shown inside of the flower to show depth, these colors are also used to lift the color of pink on the outside of the flower, yellow is used to show the insides of the flower, blue is used in the background to highlight the composition as a whole and to bring out the contrast in all colors. While painting this piece, I used many colors and combined them together to get the right color composition. Each color I used was crimson red, dark red, burgundy red, black, dark brown, light pink, hot pink, white, light blue, and royal blue. I wanted this painting to have a realistic look to it to practice my skill of using oil paints on canvas. Oil paints take time to dry, this is a great benefit because it gives me time to correct any mistakes. I make my oil paints last a long time depending on usage. As stated above, the important inspiration of making this painting was for my uncle. After his late divorce from his wife this left him in deep sorrow, and I wanted to create something for him as a gift to reassure him that he wasn't alone. I named this piece "Blossom" in significance to my uncle to show that after experiencing pain comes growth and restoration. One of my greatest gifts as an artist is having the ability to heal others through my work. Art has many healing abilities and techniques that are very useful. For me nature is beauty, and it is a great source of inspiration. As an artist I look for new ways to create and develop my skills. Painting is a hobby that I have done for years. I began painting at a young age, my first painting was an abstract piece, simply made from dipping a toothbrush in paint and performing a splatter method on paper. My skill for painting has grown since I was young, and when I enrolled college, I decided to major in Fine Arts to learn under a mentor. My goal as an artist is to continue reaching more people with my artwork. Practice makes perfect, and I am confident in the steps I am taking to continue my works. I am eager to see where this road will take me in the future to come.
    Fans of 70's Popstars Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, and I am completing my last half of junior year in college. This scholarship will help me pursue my dreams by providing financial stability to accomplish my goals. I want to become an actress and musician in the future. I will earn a bachelor's degree in fine arts and a master's in music and theatre. I will gain experience in this field by learning from a mentor. This scholarship will provide financial assistance towards my current tuition to graduate and will help me move locations. I am planning to move to California, where entertainment is widely known. In my previous job experience, I took the initiative to pursue my dreams of working in the music industry. Last summer, I worked in guest services with Live Nation Entertainment, a music promoter company that showcases musicians' music. While working with Live Nation Entertainment, I learned the basics needed in the music industry which are network and creative skill. I made many friends, connections, and heartwarming memories. Going to live music shows feeds my creative thought. Live music makes me feel free. I am able to sing, dance, and have a good time. It is an outlet for when I face hard times in my life. Overall, this opportunity was a lifechanging experience. Another way that this scholarship will help me pursue my dreams is by providing financial assistance towards my travel plans. I will study abroad for the first semester of graduate school. I will invest in a savings account now and start saving money left over from my refunds until my senior year of college, this will give me time to grow my desired amount of funds. Traveling is where I draw my thoughts of inspiration from. I like feeding my creative abilities to come up with fresh ideas. Exploring will help me invest in personal growth and teach me new insights on life through navigating the world around me on my terms. Fulfilling these goals will assist in developing skills that are beneficial to me later in life through perspective. There is more to life than I know, and trying new things are a great way to leave my comfort zone. I want to make memories that I'll remember forever and travel while young because I still have time and energy. My goals for my dreams will lead me to success in the future and I am taking valuable steps towards them. Exploring self-discovery through adventure is what I want to experience the most in this lifetime. Moving to my last chapter in undergrad, I want to make unforgettable memories. The financial support provided by this scholarship will determine my next steps in the future. I will accomplish all of the goals I have with using all that I learn from my experiences. I am grateful that this scholarship provides opportunity to students like me. This scholarship would permit me to be one step closer to my career and personal goals.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a fine art major pursuing a bachelor's degree in studio art. My future career goal is to become a singer. I plan to graduate with my bachelors in studio art during undergrad and attend graduate school in California. I've eagerly taken the initiative to pursue music in my recent work background. I worked for Live Nation Entertainment this past summer to gain insight on the music industry and what it takes to be a modern-day musician. I have made so many connections while working at this job and I would live to reconnect with those wonderful people again someday. This scholarship will help me reach my future career goals by paying towards my tuition to register for future classes. I am at the end of my junior year, and I am very close to graduating soon. This has been a long and hard journey for college, and I am a grateful that this chapter will come to an end. Before it is over, I believe that it is good to start planning what I will do after graduation. With this plan in mind, I will make it happen with the opportunity of education. College gave me many chances to travel and explore during undergrad, and those experiences promoted character development. I want to go to graduate school to learn more about my chosen field of music. I want to add to my knowledge of what I learned so far about the entertainment field. I want the opportunity to meet more musicians in the music industry and get to know them personally by setting up interviews and uploading them to my YouTube channel. Journalism is what I plan to minor in during graduate school. I want to focus on the aspect of research in journalism and applying those ideas of research to real life experiences. There are many genres of music that I want to learn about. I plan to take classes on music composition, singing classes, and take music performance classes to get the full experience of is required to be a musician. As an aspiring musician, I plan to stay committed to my work by learning all that is possible to learn about the field. This is a perfect way for me to collaborate with important people and make connections in this chosen field. In the future I will continue my adventure and pursuit of becoming a musician by enriching my life with more experience.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover. My dad died from a heart attack in four years ago. After my father's death, I struggled with an eating disorder for a long period of time. During this time, I was weak, angry, vulnerable and struggled with depression. Over time, these difficult feelings have gotten easier to deal with. I have found outlets to ease them such as going to concerts, working out, traveling, and spending time with loved ones. This was the hardest situation that I had to face in my life, and I never thought that I would face it at such a young age. Death is inevitable but it is a part of life. What matters most in life is time, time waits for no one. For me this was my fight to achieve. I overcame my harsh feeling that's I was feeling mentally and emotionally. Counseling is another thing that helped me during that difficult time. I needed someone to trust, and I found that with my counselor. Another way that I fought on is by pursuing academics. I studied as much as I could to distract myself and keep my mind on track. I think that these steps were very helpful in my journey towards healing and restoration. I believe that life is a fight as well alongside death. Life is not easy, and it takes time and patience to be where you want to be. What comes after the fight is over is victory and success, and that is what kept me fighting.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, and I am an art student. I developed my best skills through life's hardships. The hardships I have faced have brought me to a realization that life is beautiful and full of value. I encourage others to do the same because life is very short. The valuable skills I developed are resilience, persistence, and patience. These personal skills have been of great value to my life and has shaped my perception. Difficult challenges created my passion for helping others by going after what I love and perusing them. I fulfilled my dream of working for Live Nation Entertainment this summer. Live Nation Entertainment is a multinational entertainment company for musicians around the world. Each day I get older, I realize that people struggle with a lot of things. Personal problems are always present, and some people may not know who to turn to for guidance. I want to lead others by sharing my story of resilience. I want my life experience to be a source of encouragement and a guiding light through hard times. I think this would be a great way to give back to others. The best way to heal from trauma or pain is to take time for yourself because once you have space to heal, you permit yourself the chance to get better. My greatest gift is to be a guide to others. I believe that all people deserve to live a fulfilled life. One of the best ways to do that is by giving yourself what you deserve, taking care of yourself, and educating yourself about new things. The important thing that I keep in mind is that life is a journey, not a destination. I remember this because it reminds me of where I came from, and where I will go. I only focus on the present and prepare for the future. I am in a happy place in my life, and I am very grateful because it took a long time for me to get here. I used to be very unhappy with myself and the circumstances I had to face, but instead of blaming others I went within and dealt with my pain. What I learned is that no one promised me an easy life, but I was given the tools to fight for what I deserve. I came out stronger and I was ready to take on life in a different light. I believe that pursuing happiness is a choice.
    Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am from a small town in Pennsylvania. Growing up my family has had the greatest impact on my life. Being a person who comes from an African American background, trials and tribulations come at a constant pace. While growing up I watched each of my family members endure life's challenges. My parents are the biggest influence on my life because they struggled to raise me and my sisters. It was from these hardships of my childhood that I began to bloom. My character was tested, and my personality began to develop, which then led to me realizing my full potential. The struggles that I have endured growing up has made me thankful to be alive and appreciate life. Eventually, at the end of hard times comes better times. One way that my humble beginnings have showed me my potential by helping me discover hidden talents. I discovered that I had a passion for art and music. I fulfilled those passion by going to college and studying fine art, and by also getting a job working at Live Nation, a music venue where musicians perform and promote their music. I am in a very happy place in my life, and I am eager to see where this takes me next. Life is beautiful and full of wonder. What enhanced my life was the discovery of my talent. I trusted myself fully and made my dreams happen, now that they are unfolding, I am grateful of the hard times I went through. Those hard times made me realize how strong I am. I am worthy of all things and can achieve all that I wish to accomplish. My father passed away in 2019, and he always told me to never give up because you might not get to see how far you can go, or what may be in store for you. Throughout every hardship that I have faced in my life, I always remembered my father's words of encouragement. It was a guiding voice to me even after my father passed away, and it kept me on the right track. For that I am thankful for the family and parents that I have, each of them played a role in my life as my teachers. For me my family was my first teachers of life and the real world, and because of this I have always been ahead of my time as a young adult.
    Patricia A. Curley Memorial Arts Scholarship
    From a young age, I have always been exposed to the arts. Art is a beneficial aspect of my life and my future endeavors. I use art in many different ways to navigate through life to help me figure out which direction I want to take my life in. As an art student, I like to travel and discover. Traveling gives me new creative ideas to draw from. Ever since the issue with inflation, my financial stability as a student has changed drastically. It had been very difficult over the years to make ends meet, continue my college education, and do what I love for a living which would be travel. A way that I help myself get through these difficult challenges is by finding ways to live in the moment with those that I love such as family and friends. I believe that it is important to make memories that will last a lifetime, and it is the love from those that I care about that has helped me get through these difficult times. I use my left brain by keeping myself open to new things, for instance, if there is a new form of art that I hear about I find a way to research it and apply it to my life. I always look for ways to enhance my life and better myself. I believe that life is all about self-improvement, and that is very beneficial to my life and how I want to shape my future. I use my right brain by staying true to myself and using the experience I know and applying that to my life. At the age of 25, I have learned a lot about others and what it takes to get to where you wish to be. A lot of that requires sacrifice, giving, and dedication, these three aspects create a good picture of an individual. I always like to remember that others remember how I made them feel and what I did for them. I like to try my best to portray myself positively so that I can be a good influence on others. I use my left brain and right brain to bring forth various forms of creativity. I believe that creativity has no limits and can be drawn from anywhere. A good thing that comes from being a creative individual is that it has sharpened my intelligence. I have studied art for eight years as an undergraduate, and now that I am just about finished with my undergraduate journey, I have learned how to navigate the world from my perspective. Being a creative arts major has given me the tools to face the world and solve the problems that come with life's journey. x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    My Instagram username is @autumnnyree
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have anyone in the world read one book, it would be called 'The Glass Castle' by author Jeanette Walls. This is a story about the author's childhood and her humble beginnings. The moral of this story is to find a way to overcome all obstacles and break the barriers placed against you due to family patterns. In this story, the author revisits her dysfunctional childhood and nomadic upbringing as a way to heal childhood wounds from the past. This book touches my heart deeply because, like the author, I have also had a dysfunctional upbringing. While reading this book I saw aspects of myself in relation to the author. I use this book as a source of strength, a way to continue to heal from my childhood trauma and to keep moving forward in my life. For others, this book can be a source of hope while facing difficult life challenges and situations. One important aspect that I can take from this book is learning to change a situation around for the better. Every person has the power to change their circumstances, some may take longer than others depending on each problem, but it is possible to do, and most importantly each person can change generational patterns. Another good factor that one can take from this book is to believe in the impossible. when you give things a chance, you may never know how the situation may turn out for you. The chance you take could just be the opportunity you need to get where you need to go, also where you wish to be in life. This book has taught me to be thankful for all that I have as well, because some people may be a little more misfortunate than others. Almost every American has experienced a form of poverty and home insecurity in their childhood, this leaves a traumatic scar that carries on into one's adult life. The final factor that I have learned from reading this book is to forgive your parents. Parents try their best to raise their children with all that they know and learned from their parents. The thought of being a parent is a challenge in itself, and no one is taught how to be one. Although one can try to prepare for this experience to happen it is both a learning and growing experience in itself.
    Christian ‘Myles’ Pratt Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship
    My grandfather has been the biggest influence on my life. My grandfather's advice and teachings have led me down the right path toward pursuing my creative endeavors and success. My grandfather fulfilled his dream of becoming a musician for a band. Ever since I was young my grandfather instilled in me and gave me the key to unlock creative excess. The time that I have invested in learning the arts has gotten me many forms of recognition such as scholarships, internships, and even landing a spot in my dream job. I work for Live Nation Entertainment, which is the largest employer worldwide that supports many musical artists. The greatest thing that makes my artistic skill different is my unique creative approach, which also inspires my creative approach. I focus my skill on my life experiences and what I learn every day. There are many things that I learn daily that lead to new possibilities for me. When I graduate, I want to use my artistic gift to influence and help others. I trust that my artistic gifts will lead others in the right direction and will help others on their creative path. I will use my artistic gift by becoming an art influencer and fashion designer. After getting my bachelor's degree, I will go to a fashion design school for my master's degree. I will apply my artistic and creative knowledge to my work to continue my aspirations in the arts. To bring this goal into reality, I am completing a remote model and fashion design internship to gain more experience in this field. I want to use my artistic skill to create change. I am serious about my dreams and endeavors, as an artist it has taken me a very long time to stay committed to my creativity. Life has happened to me along the way, but it has made my passion for my goals even stronger. I will also use my artistic skill to influence the music industry as well. I have background knowledge in music due to my grandfather raising me. I grew up around art and music and I picked up a lot of insiders into the music and entertainment industry. Dedication and motivation are needed in this type of job field because it helps to keep an artist focused on their works to create more music and art. As an artist, I like to do this because I can balance things out in my life and I can look forward to the future in my creative career. I will continue to grow as I remain open to many ways of creative flow.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    My Barbie dreamhouse is located off the coast of Malibu California, it is called 'The Pink Palace' for short. This dreamhouse has 6 floors, 4 bathrooms, 4 jacuzzis, 10 sofas, 5 master bedrooms, two chandeliers, a big size pool, 4 garages, a basement where the bar is located, a music room, an art room, a study room. This is one of my favorite dream houses among the other houses that I own on private islands because it is colored pink. My dream house is very easy to find as well, when I host parties and get-togethers at this dreamhouse mansion, many people in Hollywood come over and we have the best night of our lives. I am so glad that I can take care of my guests who are my greatest and closest friends. I love to deepen and sharpen my connections in Hollywood, I love to make people feel special just like I am. My home is their home as well because I have so much room and space. The floors and walls have pink fuzz on them, and all of my furniture is hot pink. My maids and butlers care for the palace when I am away on vacations, they are the best workers that I can ever have. The outside of my Barbie dreamhouse is painted pink with glitter to add extra shine and glimmer to the exterior. Diamonds and rhinestones are on the exterior of my palace as well as on each floor of my palace. My palace is luxurious. My favorite feature in my Barbie dreamhouse is the mirrors on both the ceilings and walls so that I can see myself from every angle. I even have pink coy fish that swim around on the floor, I am careful to walk carefully so that I won't scare them away. My walk-in closets on all floors are pink as well, my clothes are custom-made by the greatest designers such as Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, Fendi, Gucci, Burberry, H&M and many more. What else could a young woman ask for in life? I have everything that I've always wanted, my life is perfect and I am truly a BARBIE!
    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    My favorite thing about Disney is the magic. Disney movies are phenomenal and have been a part of my life ever since I can remember. Disney has had a special effect on my spirit and outlook on the world, and how life should be for me. For instance, growing up I always watched Disney princesses. Each princess had one thing in common which was a dream, a longing for something that brought them happiness in the end. I believe that my dream is to become an art influencer and share my story and happily ever after with others so that I can influence other people to follow their dreams too. I believe that Disney's motto is to believe in yourself and watch the magic unfold. This is a great thing to teach younger children because it sets a great example of how one should grow into an adult. My favorite Disney princess is Pocahontas because of the indigenous culture I share with her. Indigenous culture is one of my favorites to study and learn about. I have studied this culture ever since I was young. I loved that Pocahontas was willing to bring peace and balance to her people and the settlers of New England. Disney also means fun to me. When I think about Disney and all it has to offer, I instantly think about internships, travel, and many work opportunities to advance my career field of choice. I also think about Disney World amusement park and Epcot, where I love to bring family and friends to have fun and enjoy themselves. I think about Mickey and Minnie Mouse which are the cartoon characters created by the Disney company. Minnie Mouse is the longtime sweetheart of Mickie Mouse. Disney means endless possibilities to me as a student and aspiring creator. There are many things that I have learned and still have yet to learn from the Disney company. Disney Company also known as the Walt Disney Company was established in the early 1920s, and ever since then, this company has stood firm in its value. Disney is remarkable and is a part of my story, as an aspiring artist I believe that I have what it takes to make my dreams come true because of the magic and creative skill that I possess. Disney has taught me to use what I have to be all that I can be because it is what I deserve. I believe that my dreams will come true by finding a way to believe in myself, and using what is in my heart to bring those dreams to reality. Disney has been my greatest influence on both my childhood and now my young adult life.
    Jason L. Berry "Art Is Life!" Scholarship
    Art means the world to me, without my background knowledge of creativity I would not know how to adapt to the world around me. Art is an important factor in the world because it helps to navigate it. I believe that art is a gateway to fun, unlocking creativity, and living a successful life. Art has taught me many things about myself. My aspiration towards becoming an artist taught me to trust in my creativity. Believing in myself helps me develop the skill of confidence in my work. Art keeps me open to the world around me, I always look for new ideas to create. The important insight I gained from art is to be an individual and embrace my authenticity. As an aspiring artist, I dare to be myself no matter what the standards of society are. I believe that an artist should stand confidently in their power of creativity and remain open to the evolving world. Art gives me the will to learn. There are many aspects of life that I don't understand yet, but remaining open to learning keeps me enlightened. This inspires me to continue pursuing my creative path. As an aspiring artist, I have faced many challenges that come with having creative endeavors such as self-doubt, and setbacks in my personal life. I overcame those challenges by finding inner knowing, and trusting that I was on the right path towards my creative journey. I could only define what was right for me and I understood that no other artist's journey was the same as my own. Practicing the skill of patience and trust reassured me that everything comes together when the timing is right. Art and creativity are also in a cadence to timing. As I went through these changes, my art began to alter as well. I use my previous experiences as a way to influence my creativity and drive my creative vision. These difficult experiences and lessons have shaped me into a skilled, creative learner. As an aspiring artist, I hope to take what I know and turn it into a helpful resource for other creatives. Being a creative individual is challenging enough in the world and society I live in, which is the age of comparison. Individuality and self-expression keep me from comparing myself to others. In this society, art is also looked down upon because it is considered a career with no direction. With my experience, I have what it takes to lead by example and break this barrier. Both of my best works are attached below. The first image is called 'Between Life and Death', which depicts a jawbone, a human bone, and roses. This piece is made of colored pencils on "8x11" sketch paper. I wanted to focus on the concept of life and death, which has always been a fascinating interest to me. I made this piece to show how I have healed from my father's death, this drawing was created as a way for me to make peace with my loss and to accept the inevitable. 'Omnes Videntes' meaning 'All Seeing' is about my awakening to spirituality. It depicts an angel-like, Seraphim extraterrestrial being which signifies how God, the supreme being sees all. This sculpture also represents divinity and my belief in the spiritual realm, this piece is 3ft tall and is made of toilet paper and cardboard. The words in Latin depicted above the sculpture show "Il sito di un Angelo sotto forma di mente corpo e spirito" which means "The Site of an Angel in the form of Mind, Body, and Spirit".
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    My dream is to become an elite model. I want to model for both Vogue and Elle magazines. I dream of becoming a model to learn about the entertainment and fashion industry. As an undergraduate student, I am currently studying studio art. As an aspiring model, I hope to gain insight into networking with others and create memories with like-minded individuals that will last a lifetime. In my previous experience learning about the modeling industry, it is widely known that connections are highly important. Building connections in this industry will lead to future success and will promote business deals.
    Isaac Yunhu Lee Memorial Arts Scholarship
    The image attached below is called "Moonlight". I lovingly created this piece from my interest in nature. As an artist, I draw my inspiration from the world around me as a way to form a deeper connection to my environment. Depicted in the painting is a moon in the center, which creates a focal point, there is also an ocean below the moon, with defined and in-depth waves. I wanted to create a mood through the use of color, the colors I used were black, white, and dark blue. These colors bring out the vibe and aesthetic that I wanted to express. The waves in the painting are a great representation of emotions. The waves that I painted are similar to massive waves but are yet steady. As a painter, I like to show various amounts of movement in my paintings to engage the viewer and to also make the viewer interpret what they see. I want to intrigue others by using unique forms and techniques in my art as a way to get others to think and reason about what they see. Another factor that inspired this creation was my love for openness. This painting expresses the element of freedom, I believe that freedom is needed in an artist's life because it evokes creative ideas and expression. Freedom may also leave room open for new insights as well. Just like the ocean, an artist needs to be free. Water is an element of emotion, and in water, I see the reflection of my true self, which means that I am a calm person full of deep emotion. This painting is also a representation of my persona and character. Deep emotion is what I experience regularly, as a person who has been through numerous amounts of trauma and misfortune, I created an outlet to release my pain. Art is my way of expressing my traumas and past difficulties. With every brush stroke, I painted my weaknesses, disappointments, betrayals, fears and failures. I wanted to put myself into this painting, which is why the moon is the focal point, the moon is known to control the tide. I am the moon and my emotions are the waves, which are depicted in this painting. I like to look at this piece as a sign of strength, even though I have been through many trials in my life I am still in control.
    La Santana Scholarship
    I am dreaming of becoming an elite model, I want to model for both Vogue and Elle magazines. This is a dream that I have always had in my heart ever since I was young. I have always been sure of myself and my potential as an artist and as an aspiring entertainer. In the past, I have taken the action and steps needed to make this dream come true, for example, I participated in a modeling internship last summer in New York City, where I learned the basics of modeling and the fashion industry such as business marketing, networking, and using creative factors to demonstrate the upcoming future of fashion. I am currently a member of the CFDA, which is known as the Council of Fashion Designers of America. This is a well-known organization that thrives off of the ideas and insights of creativity from the newest talents such as aspiring models, artists, influencers, and designers. The CFDA is strictly a not-for-profit trade association. I plan to fully commit to getting my artwork published with the CFDA strictly for new ideas of fashion design. I am a studio art major. This field of study has been of great benefit to me in many ways, being an art student has exposed me to new ideas and perspectives, it has also helped me exercise the skill of creative thinking and has helped me understand others and the world around me. The most important thing that I have learned about being an art major is to not see the world from one perspective, there are many interesting aspects that life has to offer. This is where I gain my drive for life and becoming an entertainer. I want to use my experience of the arts to make my dreams come to a reality. Hard work and dedication will set me up for future success. I wish to be in the public eye to give to the world, I want to give the world new insight, invoke change in our communities, and spread love, peace, and understanding. I believe that I will be a great asset that could be added to the arts and entertainment field. This is my dream that I am continually working hard towards, the experience that I have had has given me the courage and reassurance to keep moving forward in my career pursuits. I believe that I am just at the beginning stage of what I plan to experience in the future. I am truly an artist in the making.
    Julie Madison Memorial Art Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am an art major, and I love the arts. I am very passionate about the arts because of the endless opportunities that this field of study has given me. As an art student, I have been given the chance to enhance my skills by collaborating with my professors, participating in internships, and volunteering as a student assistant. As an undergraduate student, I hope to perfect my craft in my art. My goal is to one day become an art influencer, where I teach others many forms of art and how the arts will positively impact and shape the creative eye. My drive to be an artist comes from my background. I grew up in a single-parent household, and in this household, I experienced many forms of lack and misfortune. I watched as my mother struggled to raise my two sisters and me. When my parents divorced, my family income shifted and fell below the average two-parent household income level, resulting in financial hardship. What I learned from this experience is that I am not my circumstances, going through this hardship as a child was very frustrating and confusing, but I did not give up on my art. When I was experiencing the grief of my parent's divorce, I then began to develop the skill of creativity. I explored all types of methods and forms that I could use to enhance my art skills. After I graduated high school, I enrolled in a local community college to help me transition from high school-level art to college-level art. After I earned my associate's degree, I decided to further my art education at a university by submitting an art portfolio to my top colleges of choice and was accepted into the School of Fine Arts at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where I attend currently. The influence of being in a single-parent household taught me that I am in control of my life and many downsides come along with it, but if I remain true and dedicated to the path that I love, then I will always overcome every obstacle and remain successful. After my father passed away in 2019, I decided to give myself a new start and fully committed to pursuing an art career. Ever since then, I have not regretted my decision. The arts are for me and I am well-rounded, gifted, and skilled in them. I want to discover how to use my art to make a positive impact on the world and society, this is what keeps me active as an artist. I am always willing to learn about how I can make my skills better and put them to good use. I plan to use my gift of art to reach millions by traveling overseas, studying and learning new forms of art instruction, and using networking to make connections with well-known artists. In the future, I aspire to become an art professional that positively benefits the world around me by using innovation to motivate others on their life journey.
    Rivera-Gulley First-Gen Scholarship Award
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am an art major and a junior in college. I chose to attend college to promote a better future for my life. As a person that comes from a first-generation, low-income, and single-parent household, I am grateful that I have landed an opportunity in attending college. College has given me the tools needed to plan for the future and reach my goals as well. My experience at college has been very fun but challenging at times. During my most challenging times in college, I remain focused on the outcome of it all which is earning a degree in what I love to do. I aspire to become an art professional and a model. I want to achieve this life goal because I want to learn more about the entertainment and art field. I believe that there are many opportunities given to collab with other like-minded artists, I would also have the chance to network with others and learn new ways of artistic thinking. It is always good to remain open to feedback and new ideas as an artist because it will help form new ways of creative skills. My only goal as an aspiring artist and model is to never stop learning and to continue growing in my art. I would also like to give back to others as an artist and model professional as well by creating social media platforms and blog channels, where I will share my knowledge of art and fashion. I will also share how working with the arts can be very beneficial when one has the right outlook on it. Having the ability to use creativity will teach a person how to handle life situations well. I am certain that I am on the right track toward achieving my life goals, with drive, motivation, and ambition, I can make them come to fruition. I hope to never stop growing in the arts and I look forward to sharing and selling my art to the public. I want to make a profit off of my paintings by gifting them to others. This is another way of me giving back to my community, many people are appreciative of a nice piece of artwork. As an aspiring professional, I only hope to spread positivity, knowledge, and innovation to others by taking the steps needed to create a better world, and a better future.
    Godi Arts Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a studio art major, and I aspire to be a model and professional artist. My journey in the arts has been fun, challenging, and difficult. All of the experiences that I have had on this journey of art have shaped me into the artist and young woman I am today. I am very grateful for these experiences and struggles because they have taught me my strengths and weaknesses. I have achieved many projects in the arts so far, such as participating in a modeling internship, having my art featured in a student magazine, also having the chance to get featured in a digital magazine, and having the privilege of being invited to regular ongoing meetings with the CFDA. The CFDA is the Council of Fashion Designers of America, it is a not-for-profit trade association comprising a membership of over 450 American fashion and accessory designers. There I learn about the future of the arts and fashion design field, I learn how to budget and make a profit in uncertain times, such as learning about trade and e-commerce to survive economic and financial collapse. With the information that I know about the arts and design field, I hope to put my skills to use in an honorable manner. As an art student, I want to spread love and give to others by creating a social media platform and sharing my best knowledge and insights on art and creativity. I would like to give insight into the arts and how this field can be used to make foundations that will last a lifetime. My hardships in the arts are where I pull my greatest ideas from. I create out of my past challenging life experiences. In the past, I experienced many forms of misfortune such as growing up in poverty, growing up in a single-parent household, experiencing a loss of a parent, and experiencing homelessness. While I went through these hardships, I valued my gift of art because I could create something beautiful with my own hands. This is when I began to exercise the skill of creativity and innovation. I knew that one day my home situation would change, and it did. When I enrolled in a university, I was exposed to a new world and a new atmosphere. College gave me the tools needed to continue with my art, it also gave me the drive and motivation to keep moving in life. What I have learned from college so far is that I have control over my life and what direction it takes. I also learned that I do not have to remain a product of my environment and that I can find healing as I move along with my life. I believe that my art will open many opportunities up for me to perfect my craft and enhance my skills. Failure is very good for an artist because it teaches a person to work with what they have until they make it to the finish line. I am very blessed to be an artist, and I am very grateful for who I am becoming as a young woman. There is more that I hope to learn in my life and art journey. I truly value life from all angles and I am appreciative of all that life has to offer. The greatest lesson that I have taken from my experiences is to never give up no matter what the situation looks like. Things are always subject to change in life and it is important that I change along with it.
    Career Search Scholarship
    The potential careers that I am exploring in college are fine arts and modeling. As an undergraduate in the arts, I want to gain more experience in the art and entertainment field. I have background knowledge in the modeling industry, previously I participated in an internship at a modeling agency in New York City. At this agency, I learned the basics of modeling which is business marketing and networking. I had an opportunity to practice my artistic skills such as designing casting packages which would then be sent to casting directors for approval to use models for fashion shows such as Paris Fashion Week, Miami Swim Week, and New York Fashion Week. I believe that these potential careers will bring me fulfillment by allowing me to reach my career goals as an emerging artist. As an aspiring art professional, my goal is to spread love and awareness of the arts and all that it has to offer. I want to share my perception of creativity with the world, and I believe that my form of creativity would be a great asset to add to the art and entertainment world. I would like to gain experience modeling for well-known fashion companies and agencies, I hope to share my artwork with designers as well. As an artist, I know that designers are always looking for new foundations to create new clothing lines. Designers usually look towards the new generation for the latest ideas of fashion in both menswear and womenswear. A good reason for me to study and earn a degree in art is to enhance my artistic skills. As a creator, I always look for ways to perfect my skills. I believe that there is always something to learn in life, also nothing stays the same for long. Life is always subject to change, which is why an artist needs to embrace change. I believe that my best pieces of art are created by experiencing new changes and remaining open to new environments. I believe that my art skills are of great value and should be put to good use. I want to be a leader in the future of the next generation of artists. I hope to give back to the arts and entertainment community with my talent, and I want to continue to grow and perfect my artistic skill. I am certain that this scholarship will provide me with financial support that will help and motivate me to take a chance of a lifetime.
    Mad Grad Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover and I am an aspiring artist. For starters, my why is having a passion for life and everything that it has to offer. As an art student, I have been exposed to the beauty of the art world through the use of unique aesthetics and art forms. I believe that art is everywhere and is in everything. Without art, the world would not only exist, but society, tradition, and culture would not be here as well. As an artist, my only goal is to spread love and inspire others through my perception of creativity. Given the advancements in modern technology, artificial intelligence, and digital art, future creators of the next generation such as myself have the opportunity to add new insights and ideas to the art world. It is widely known that many creators such as designers look to the newer generations for ideas on what to create next. Fashion designers take action in learning from the newer generations to stay up to date with the latest trends. As an art student and an aspiring creator, I would add to the spirit of creation by becoming a modeling ambassador. I would like to become a professional model and I would like to strictly focus on modeling for brands and companies. Taking the opportunity to model for brands and agencies will promote career connections and positive work ethic status for me, and I believe that it will be a great asset to add to my resume. As a student of the arts, I plan to focus and work on lifelong projects that will enhance and present my artistic skills to others, this will promote the opportunity for me to collaborate and work with other like-minded individuals. This lifelong project that I want to pursue is becoming an entertainer in the arts and fashion field. The skills I have and possess would be a good asset to add to the arts and creative field. My only wish is to fulfill my goal of becoming an art professional and making the connections needed to pursue these aspirations.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am an art student, and I am a junior in college. As an art student, I aspire to become a professional artist and model. I hope to pursue my career goal to share my vision with the world through the works of my art. This is how I plan to make a positive impact on the world, by sharing and spreading creativity. Creativity is a positive factor to have in your life because it teaches you how to use critical thinking skills, multitask, and problem-solve. I want to use my background knowledge of the arts in the best way possible to enforce change and impact others. I believe that everyone can be creative. This is what I want to teach others as well, I want to reassure others that all things are possible when you are a creator, the artistic abilities given to a creator are a valuable asset because it helps shape and change the world. Art influences the world in so many ways such as shaping the new age of technology, changing the world of fashion and entertainment, financial businesses, and many more institutional companies. Art is very much needed in the world to shape the future, and without it, our world would not advance in positive ways. Art also can shape a person into their finest form, as an artist I have had many awakenings and rebirths that have benefited my artistic skill. Nothing stays the same for long, things are always subject to change. I believe that it is important for me as an artist to experience and embrace change. I always look for ways to enhance my craft, I like to trust the process in my life as an artist because it is where I gain my inspiration from. I like to create my art as I go with the flow of life. There are many reasons why I like to study art, the most important reason is because of the endless opportunities presented that can be used for enhancement such as studying abroad, networking with local artists, participating in business marketing, and many more offers. I will put my good skills in art to use by starting an art business and making a profit off of my paintings. I will also gain more experience with fashion design and modeling. I have a passion for modeling and would like to know more about this field. I have interned in the past with a modeling agency located in New York City, where I learned the basics of the modeling industry such as business marketing and networking. I had the opportunity to put my art skills to use by designing casting packages that were then sent to a casting director for approval of the use of models for fashion shows such as Miami Swim Week and Paris Fashion Week. Currently, I am a brand ambassador for a modeling agency located in Australia. I am certain that my hard work, drive for success, and supporting other creators will result in good outcomes for me as an aspiring art professional.
    John Traxler Theatre Scholarship
    I am pursuing a career in my chosen field to fulfill my goal of becoming a professional artist. I am passionate about fine arts because of its ability to help me exercise my skill in the arts. As an art student, I am not where I want to be yet, I still believe that there is so much for me to learn about becoming a professional artist. The most important aspect that I keep in mind as an aspiring artist is to always believe in my works and my journey. It is very detrimental when one compares themselves to others. Everyone is on a different path and life and we all have different purposes to fulfill. Exercising the skill of using non-comparison has taught me to always remain confident in myself and my greatest skills. I would like to gain more experience with learning new forms and techniques of art. As an art student, I need to learn as much as I can about all aspects the art field has to offer. Studying and earning a degree in fine arts will expose me to life-changing job opportunities such as entertainment, tv and film, fashion design, teaching, curator, music, and modeling. I have a musical background due to my grandfather who is a musician, he taught me about music from a very young age. I also have background knowledge and experience in modeling. Last year, I participated in a modeling internship with a modeling agency located in New York City. There I studied and learned the basics and foundation of modeling which is strictly business marketing, telecommunication, and networking. I was also allowed to work with my artistic skills by designing casting packages that would then be sent to casting directors for approval of models being used for fashion shows such as Paris Fashion Week, Miami Swim Week, and many more. I am certain that earning a degree in fine arts will positively shape my life. I am strictly a person of value that always looks for ways to improve. My only goal as an artist is to practice self-improvement by taking opportunities presented to me that will enhance my skills. I believe that life is about continuous learning, and one should remain open to life changes. Nothing stays the same for long which is why phases exist in life. An artist needs to go through as many changes as possible to become what they strive to be. I believe that I am on the right path toward greatness.
    GD Sandeford Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a studio art major, and I am a junior in college. I plan to be a professional artist, entrepreneur, and model in the future. I will use this future career plan to enforce change in both the media and the world. My first goal as an aspiring artist is to keep myself enlightened about the art field. I want to stay up to date with this field of study to learn about the new ways and forms of creativity. I want to give back to my community by selling my paintings, becoming an ambassador, and enlightening others about the arts with the many positive benefits that come along with it. Studying art helps me remain open and alert to new things and new experiences. These new experiences help me to seek more and apply it to my creative skill. New ideas help me as an artist to be open to learning. I want to further my education in the arts by earning a master's degree in fine arts. With a master's degree in fine arts, I will have endless opportunities provided to perfect my skill as an artist. There are many jobs in the art field such as web design, graphics, teaching, curators, fashion design, director and filmmaking, and so much more. These career fields are very competitive, but also filled with enjoyable, life-changing, unforgetful experiences. Having the privilege to work in these fields would allow me to make connections and network with sophisticated and well-known businessmen of all backgrounds, whether it is tv and film, design, or entertainment. I have previous experience in the entertainment field, in the past, I participated in a modeling internship for a local modeling agency located in New York City. There I learned the basics of modeling which is business, networking, and marketing. This modeling internship gave me insight and experience on what it takes to be an entertainer in the art field. This modeling internship was a perfect experience for me to participate in because I was able to exercise my artistic skill by designing casting packages, which are business packages that contain photos of the model and are submitted to a casting director for approval of using the model for fashion shows such as Miami Swim Week, New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week and many more. As an aspiring art professional, I also have an interest in pursuing music. I come from a musical background due to my grandfather being a musician. At a young age, I was exposed to the arts and music world, and ever since then, I have studied all that I could learn about these fields. I need more experience in working with music, as my work has been in the arts for a very long time. To fulfill this plan I want to do an internship in music, whether I shadow and take singing lessons from a local musician or ask for help from my grandfather who is a musician. There are many music internships available such as Live Nation, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, Atlantic Records, Spotify, and many more. I continuously seek knowledge and understanding of the arts and all that it has to offer. I believe that I am on the right path and I am certain that if I remain consistent, I will reach my goals and aspirations of becoming an art professional.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a junior in college and my major is studio art. I am a person with many attributes. I consider myself a skilled and well-rounded person, my curiosity and abundance for life drive me to excel. I was raised by my mother's great-great-grandparents, and the way they taught me was to work hard, reward myself, and be thankful for everything in this life. I was raised to believe in myself in all of my future goals and aspirations. I was blessed and very fortunate to have good grandparents that taught me about the realities of life and the way to go through life. Life is very tricky and can be very difficult to live. Many things happen in life such as unexpected misfortune, pain, and anger. But it is those things that shape a person into a strong-willed person. I have experienced many misfortunes in my life, such as growing up in a broken home and living in poverty. Both of my parents were not given the right tools to be parents, so they lacked guidance and direction. My mother's mom was a drug addict for a long time, and my mother's father was a poor musician and was absent for the majority of my mother's life. On the other hand, my father's parents were poor people from the segregated south that moved to the northeastern United States for a better life and to escape the Jim Crow laws of the south. Generational trauma has been passed down through my family for many years, and I believe that I have the power to change the pattern by living a good and successful life. I only plan to keep on moving on with my life and rewarding myself in return. I am setting a foundation for myself by being happy and doing great things, such as giving back to my community. I plan to give back to my community by starting an art business. I want to sell my greatest works of art to the public as a way to give to the world. I want to try to spread love to everyone in the world by doing this. Happiness is key to all success, and I plan to carry on the legacy for my family. I believe that I am on the right track toward my greatest aspirations and successes. I truly have a gift and I believe that it is fair to share it with others. Ambition, drive, and uniqueness will help me get to where I desire to be.
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a junior in college, and my major is studio art. I aspire to become a professional artist after college. I also plan to model and become a social media influencer. With the help of this scholarship, it will provide me with the financial support to invest in my future aspirations and goals. I plan to further my education in the arts after college to open up a business. Currently, as an undergraduate student, I have plans to participate overseas on a study abroad trip, on this trip I will be studying fine art as well. I want to gain travel experience as an undergraduate student to learn and experience new cultures, I want to learn and shadow professors in foreign countries, and I seek to learn about new forms and techniques of art. I believe that taking a chance at studying abroad will promote career and personal growth by learning about new art forms in other countries. I constantly seek new ways to create, I need to look for new ideas of art and apply them to my creative works. I believe that all artists find inspiration in things that they have never experienced before. Experiencing new things opens up your mind and exposes you to new ideas. I work with abstract art, and I have practiced this art ever since I was young. What I love about abstract art is that is it both nonrepresentative and expressive. Depending on the types of marks and brush strokes the artist uses, one can determine the meaning behind an abstract art painting. Color is the most important aspect of the canvas because it represents feeling and expression. For instance, if an artist uses dark colors, this can signify that they may be unhappy or experiencing some type of difficulty, and if an artist uses bright and vibrant colors this can signify that the creator is happy and content. I am still growing in my craft and I plan to keep myself enlightened to perfect my creative skill. I believe that there is much more for me to learn and experience in the art field. I am not yet where I hope to be, but I am working toward my goal. I am certain that I am on the right track toward becoming an art professional, and with the financial help needed I will have a chance at unlimited opportunities that will benefit my personal growth.
    Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
    The books I like to read are self-help books. I choose to read self-help books to stay enlightened about the goals that I have planned for my life. Self-help books have shaped my life by helping me stay focused on my main goal for my future. I plan to become a social media influencer, model, and professional artist. As a person who plans to pursue the arts and entertainment field, I believe that it is important to find ways to perfect my craftsmanship and creativity. I need to remain open to new ideas as an artist and creator. Reading books on self-help has helped me shape my goals by helping me determine which field I want to work in. I have also learned many things about my downsides as well as being a creator, most often I struggle with creator's block and self-doubt. This simply means that I have a difficult time believing in my creative works and believing they will work. Reading self-help books provides me with self-assurance. Procrastination is another difficulty that I struggle with at times, I have learned how to limit this by reading self-help books as well. What I have learned about limiting procrastination is to always stay active as much as possible, when I am active enough I get into the mode of getting things done. Staying active as much as I can helps me to keep moving in my craftsmanship. My only goal as an artist is to hit and exceed all of my milestones in life of becoming a professional. I believe that the best artists are the ones who learn how to deal with trials and failure, and it is important to fail to perfect your craft. Self-help books have helped me in numerous ways, the ways listed above are the most extremely important to me. As an aspiring artist in college, I am not yet where I want to be, but I am getting close to my goal. I believe that there is still a lot for me to learn about myself, after all, I am still growing into who I aspire to be. As an aspiring artist, I do not compare myself to others, simply because we are all at different stages in life. Comparison is the worst action that an artist can commit against themselves because it hinders their creative flow. I move at my own pace, and this is a good quality that I possess because it teaches me to be confident in my life progress. I plan to exercise this skill more by applying it to my life more often.
    Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
    The everyday world positively impacts me as an artist in many ways. The most important way that I am positively inspired is by always being influenced by the outside world. There are many forms of creativity in the world we live in, and because of this, I can always gain new ideas to create. The world is changing drastically, and many things are beginning to come to fruition in this new age that is on the rise, therefore it is good for artists to stay informed. Another reason why the everyday world inspires me as an artist is that it helps me to keep building for the future. As an artist, I want to be prepared for the upcoming changes in the world of creativity such as new forms of profit, business, and many more. I want to learn new ways of increasing revenue and building wealth for the future. The world that we live in now is shifting into a technological plane, I believe that this is very unique and interesting because it gives me insight into what is to come. As a creator, I want to continue in my works and remain informed about the world around me and continue to gain new perspectives. Art is always present in my view of the world. As an artist, I gain creative inspiration from music, fashion, different cultures, technology, personal connections, and nature. The most important reason why the world inspires me to create as an artist is by giving me the drive to enforce change in society. Artists have the power to shape and mold the future. The everyday world inspires me as an artist by helping me exercise the skill of acceptance. Acceptance promotes the general welfare and grants an individual the opportunity for growth, discovery, and exploration.
    FLIK Hospitality Group’s Entrepreneurial Council Scholarship
    I will create a positive environmental impact through the works of hospitality. Hospitality is an aspect of showing love and care to others. I believe that hospitality promotes emotional, mental, and physical wellness. Caring for others is a special will to have because it shows that you are a generous person. Acting in a generous manner will promote good benefit in life. Another reason why I choose to create a positive environmental impact through hospitable actions is because I would like to make others feel better. I believe that many people are in pain, such as physical pain and those that may deal with a chronic illness. Being ill is a very serious and life threatening position for someone to be in, and the stress that is added to this reality is difficult as well. The main reason why I want to show that I care for others is to make a better impact on the world, I will never know the illnesses and struggles that others deal with but I can make sure that my good actions will provide comfort and support. After college graduation, I will participate in hospitable programs in the health field by doing internships. The internship that I want to study is biomedical engineering, this is a study of medical practice that combines the fields of biology and medicine in order to focus on the health of both animals and humans. Biomedical practitioners serve as a good source for overall health and well-being. I have interest in gaining experience in this field to learn about the human body and biological compounds that make up the human body. The future of healthcare is continually advancing, there are many more aspects to the healthcare field that are yet to be discovered, and I seek interest in gaining experience in this growing career field. I am eager to see how the future of health will continue to advance. Lastly, I want to participate in nonprofit, hospitable programs such as volunteering at the Good Will and Red Cross. I want to gain experience in this program to help others who may experience food and housing insecurity at this time. Ever since the global pandemic of 2020, there has been a worldwide economic shift causing many difficulties and challenges such as homelessness, financial insecurities, job loss, and many more social issues. I believe that participating in a program like this would be a way to give back to others and assist those who are in desperate need of help.
    Doña Lupita Immigrant Scholarship
    I am Autumn Glover and I value morality, respect, love, and goodness. Having these characteristics is what is going to take one far in life. I grew up in a single-parent household. While growing up under these conditions, I experienced a lot of misfortune, the reality of being a single parent is bad and very challenging for a person. I had both parents in my life but they ended up divorcing when I was 15 years old. The financial stress of my parent's divorce caused a gap in our home. I watched my mother work hard trying to take care of my sisters and me, but my mother did what she had to do which was simply raising her daughters in a good manner. I also had a lot of guidance and direction from my grandparents, my grandparents taught me the importance of hard work and practicing good deeds. From a young age, I received guidance from my elders which shaped and molded me into the wonderful young woman that I am today. I do not have any children and I am not married, I plan to continue my education in college, travel, and work to build and gain experience in my work ethic. I believe that there is more to life than what I experienced growing up with my parents. I strictly focus and invest in the finer things in life and the value of all things. I also believe in quality over quantity because quality is more honest, truthful, and fulfilling. The values that were instilled in me since I was young are something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I feel like I have been given the right background knowledge to live a successful, joyful, and fulfilling life which is living within my means and seeking amazing experiences that will promote self-growth. I hope to be married and start a family in the future, but I will use this time now to learn, grow, and experience the world and what it has to offer. I believe that one is their best self when they have learned, grown, and experienced once-in-a-lifetime chances. Giving yourself space and time to develop into the person you want to become promotes happiness, security, and contentment in one's life. This is the only goal that I continuously strive towards in the present. I want to build a solid foundation for my future and all that is to come.
    Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover. I am an undergraduate student at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a studio art major and an artist. The medium I specialize in is abstract and nature art. I have sold many paintings in the past, and with the works of my art, I hope to spread love, hope, and positivity. I want to spread love, hope, and positivity to create an example for a better world, it is important to me as an artist to use my creative skill to enlighten others, and this is how I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my career. Being an artist is very fun, challenging, and nurturing. Artists can make others feel comfortable, positive, and confident. Artists can not be great without challenges. Some of the challenges that I experience as a creator are self-doubt, and comparison, but I continue to trust in my creative skills which I am certain will take me far. I believe that a true artist has the power to innovate and influence others through the works of their art. An artist is also one who has the power to invoke change in the world and society. What I love about being an artist is having the ability to influence and set the newest trends. Art is the foundation of the world and holds power over all, art is in everything and we need the element of art for everything in our lives. A benefit that comes with being an artist is the success you will have the chance to gain. For instance, many designers started as studio art majors, then later became a fashion designer. To work in the fashion and entertainment industry one must understand and have background knowledge of art and creativity. Studying art is valuable to me because it helps me to express my ideas, show my individuality, and influence others. In the future, I will become an art influencer using one of the social media platforms such as Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram. I want to become an art influencer to inspire others and help them develop their creative mindsets. I believe that having a creative mindset promotes the ability to navigate and move through life with adaptation. Life is always subject to change, along with other circumstances, so it is good to have creative skills to solve every challenge that will come. As a creator, I value the skill of being able to remain open to new possibilities and opportunities to grow. As I continue to seek knowledge of the art world, I plan to grow and develop in my works as well.
    Healthy Eating Scholarship
    Eating healthy has many beneficial outcomes, and practicing these habits early can lead to positive life benefits. Healthy eating can promote longevity, not only does eating healthy affect all aspects of your physical body, but it also affects your emotional and mental health as well. One that consumes healthy food daily has better work and performance than someone who doesn't practice healthy eating habits. Eating healthy improves your focus as well. The differences I notice in partaking in healthy eating habits are remaining energized daily, better sleep, normal weight, and improved focus. The change I notice in my mental health while eating healthy is less stress. Another reason why it is important to practice healthy eating habits is to promote wellness as you age. No one can slow down the aging process, as the body ages each year it goes through numerous changes. It is important to change your eating habits to aid your body through the changes it will experience. The most important benefit that comes with eating healthy is strength. It is good to have mental, emotional, and physical strength while making decisions that work best for you in life. If one wishes to live a long meaningful life, then it is good to practice healthy eating habits. I believe that eating healthy makes one see the greater things in life, and living healthy creates a good attitude and outlook on the world. The main reason why I practice healthy eating habits is that I wish to live a long, and joyful life. I am young now, but I am aware that I will get older in the future, therefore it is good for me to start healthy eating now. Another reason why I like to exercise this skill is to get into the habit of doing it and build tolerance and stamina. It can be difficult getting into the routine of practicing good health, but it is very beneficial to one's overall well-being. Lastly, the most important reason why it is good to practice good health habits is to attract good things into your life. Eating and living healthy will motivate one to strive towards better and positive things in life. For instance, one that eats and practices a healthy lifestyle may not seek pleasure in social media, instead, they may like to read books. Many positive outcomes come with eating healthy and practicing healthy eating habits.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    My educational pursuit is to graduate college first. Afterward, I plan to work for nonprofit organizations such as the food bank, goodwill, and homeless shelters. My goal is to make a positive mark on the world by helping others. I believe that helping others is a good way to learn about life, grow into the best person you can be, and learn about other people. Another good aspect that comes with helping others is having the chance to create lifelong friendships and networks. The worst obstacle that I faced in my life was the death of my father. When my father passed away, everything changed in my family dynamic. My family and I experienced financial and emotional hardships during this time, and shortly after the coronavirus pandemic broke and spread across the world. This was the most difficult time of my life because I struggled with finding a sense of direction and belonging. No one prepares you for a parent's death, and when life happens the only way to overcome it is by accepting it and finding ways to persevere. The feeling of losing a parent was very overwhelming because I did not know how I was going to live in this world without a father. To me, having a father is important in a young woman's life because of the protection and security a father provides. One thing that I have learned from my father's death is to never take things for granted, life is short and one will never know when it is time to pass. My father's death has made me enjoy life more, and look toward bigger and better things in the future. In the future, I hope to become a professional artist and influencer, I believe that this would be a great way to give back to others. My only goal is to make a good impression on others by being a leader, helping others, and creating a positive image. As a person that is going to lead the new future, and the new world, I believe that I am on the right track toward making my endeavors happen. The most important lesson that I have learned from this is to push through difficult times even when it seems like it will not get better because when it is over, you will be proud of your strength. I have gained various amounts of strength and direction from my previous experiences.
    Lotus Scholarship
    Living life in a single-parent household has taught me that I am not a product of my environment. This experience has made me realize that my life has direction and purpose. Living in a single-parent household was very challenging for me in many ways. My mother and my father were married at once, but when I was 15 they divorced. As a minor growing up in my broken home, I remember experiencing food insecurity, destructive disagreement tactics between both of my parents which would result in a physical altercation, and mental and emotional stress which resulted in depression, and financial insecurity. When my father died in 2019, this caused a drastic change in my life and my family dynamic. After my father died I went to college to put myself in a new environment. I wanted to give myself a new start. My previous challenging life experiences have shaped and molded my character for the real world. While going through these hardships, I learned how to grow and mature fast, when a child is in the middle of adult problems they are forced to learn and mature quickly. Some benefits came with these experiences, such as knowing what is for me and what is not for me, knowing what I do not want for my life, and knowing what I want for my future. The downsides that came with these experiences were intense feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, grief, uncertainty, insecurity, and conflict. I feel like my teenage years were robbed of me due to the harsh circumstances that I lived in. When I enrolled in college I had the chance to overcome my trauma, and what I lost was regained. College gave me the chance to grow, and realize my worth. My college experience has taught me to set standards and plan for the future. For me, college was the very aspect that gave me purpose and direction. At times I still experience the trauma of growing up too fast, but I do not give in to those negative feelings. Instead, I reflect on what I learned from it. For instance, I used to set unrealistic expectations for myself and struggled with trying to take care of everyone else's needs before my own. This was a very hard lesson for me to learn. Everyone is responsible for their own life and happiness. Being a college student has uplifted and inspired me in so many ways. My college experience has given me endless opportunities to explore and learn new things. I am currently a student at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania studying towards a bachelor's degree in Studio Art. With my current college education, I hope to continue shaping my life for the better and fulfilling my dream of becoming an entrepreneur.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    As an undergraduate student, I try my best to get involved in many things for the greater good and to enforce change for the future. The social issue that I am working on to address is the social issue of food insecurity. Food insecurity is a major problem across the United States and the world. To address this issue, I work as a food aid at my local college food pantry. I work as an assistant, and I help with stocking shelves and serving customers. Studies show that there is a wide range of college students that experience food insecurity each year on campus. College students come from all over the world and they come from all different types of family backgrounds. Studies also show that many students who have issues with food insecurity come from low-income families. During my childhood, I had similar circumstances. I lived with my two middle-class parents in the suburbs, at times we could not afford food because of the lack of finances. There were many times when the only meal I would have were my meals from school. Food insecurity is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Many downsides come with experiencing food insecurity such as poor physical health, increased anxiety and depression, diabetes, and other worse outcomes. Everyone needs to have enough food to eat. It is important to eat good quality foods full of vitamins and nutrients to remain healthy. I used to believe that food insecurity only resides inside low-income families, but it is completely false. Anyone can be negatively impacted by food insecurity, for instance, our economy is on the verge of a financial crisis. Many American families are struggling to support their loved ones because of this recession and help is desperately needed now more than ever. There is an ongoing existential crisis in the world, and I believe that I should do all that I can to solve these issues. As a member of the new generation, I believe that I should take the future into my own hands to shape the new world for the next generation to come. A final way that I plan to change this social issue is by learning how to plant my food and sell my crops for profit. I plan to research how to grow crops and open a business. With these skills, I hope to build a business for those in need.
    Kozakov Foundation Fellowship for Creatives
    I plan to pursue an acting career after college. While enrolled in graduate school, I plan to take acting classes to be introduced to the acting and entertainment field. I currently have experience in some aspects of the entertainment field such as the arts and modeling. The reason why I want to pursue acting is to unlock the amazing qualities in my character and show this uniqueness on screen. I believe that having an acting career is the best job to have because it allows you to exercise your emotions and feelings healthy, you will have the ability to meet new people and well know famous actors, and you will also have the chance to express yourself. I believe that the best actors become one with the role, in other words, one has to become the person that they are playing in the script. As an artist, I have the experience needed to understand this form of art, acting requires a lot of time management, patience, listening and visual skills, comprehension and understanding. When it comes to acting practice makes perfect, that is the fun aspect of taking up acting, no matter how many mistakes are made on the set one can always start over again by taking cuts in between. Each time the actor(s) make a mistake they learn from it. This is the reason why I wish to take up acting during graduate school, I want to gain experience in what it is like to work with others, and play roles. Acting is something that has always interested me ever since I was young. My grandfather is a musician, and he taught me many things about the entertainment field. The most important advice that my grandfather gave me was to work hard, have fun, and be open.
    Linda "Noni" Anderson Memorial Music & Arts Scholarship
    I am passionate about the creative arts because it provides me with endless possibilities to create and express myself through my works. I am passionate about painting, one of my favorite paintings that is the most important to me is called "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali. This is a very famous, well-known painting. There are many perceptions and thoughts about what this painting means, I believe that the artist, Salvador Dali, wanted the viewer to interpret the meaning for themselves and apply it to their life. To me, this painting "The Persistence of Memory" represents time and how it is always subject to change, and also moves very fast. Hard objects become inexplicably limp in this bleak and infinite dreamscape. For example, the melting clock on the tree branch may symbolize how time slips away when you least expect it. The deserted area may also represent the human mind, in other words, the human memory, and how those memories become distorted and forgotten with age. This painting brings to my attention that time and life is valuable. One must live every moment of their life because once the time is gone it will not return. I believe that the artist Salvador Dali expressed this concept in this painting very clearly. Another symbol that represents the idea of time passing would be the compass lying below on the bottom left of the painting. A compass signifies direction, and on this compass, there are no arrows that point toward a specific direction. As I have engaged with this piece of art, I cannot help but fully apply this to my life and experiences. This painting has made me understand the purpose of life and the meaning of time, how it slips away so suddenly and how everything we encounter in life eventually becomes a memory or is stored away and forgotten. There is wide use of neutral color tones that portrays the theme of desolation and emptiness. As an artist, I need to express myself through my artwork. When I find similar paintings such as this that illustrate my idea of creative expression, I become positively influenced. Painters such as Salvador Dali uses an extensive variety of personal expression in their works, it is my greatest aspiration to create similar works in correspondence to this piece. The greatest pieces of art are purposely created out of innovation, they are also the ones that make others think, question, and reason. The most important piece of art that I created is called "Stillness", as you gaze at the moon, the focal point in the sky, you become drawn and fully engaged which then creates a feeling of tranquility. I lovingly created this piece out of the desire and curiosity of nature. The beauty and aesthetic of nature cannot be replicated. This painting was made with oil paints, with specific use of dark blue tones and white to show the brightness of the moon, highlights in the sky, and the reflection of the moon on the sea, I also used black to show depth in the ocean.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    The quality that I value in myself is adaptation and openness. This is my greatest asset because it helps me understand the meaning of life. Life is about change, it is important to learn how to adapt to change because you become open to new things and you can learn new things as well. This skill is not easy to exercise but with time and patience, it comes to fruition. Adaptation has taught me a lot about the world. The first thing that adaptation has taught me about life is that nothing is permanent, everything is temporary. That means that every situation in your life is subject to change and will not stay the same for long. Another important factor that I gained from exercising the skill of adaptation is learning to remain open to new opportunities presented. This benefit may become valuable to your life because it can change your life for the greater good, and you will get to be challenged in many many ways that will shape your character. I learned how to exercise that skill of adaptation when I first enrolled in college. As a student in college, everything is very different from what I experienced in high school. There are so many different types of people from all backgrounds and countries, which makes the experience even greater. In college, one must learn how to adapt and grow into oneself which will guide one toward success in the long run. Adaptation also teaches me how to use emotional intelligence to set myself up for success. In other words, every action does not need a reaction, a person's behavior towards you is only a reflection of themselves. There have been many times in my life in which I have encountered difficult situations, such as conflict with others, but by using my adaptation and emotional intelligence I did not entertain conflict. Maturity must be used in every situation. Using this method has made me see the value and good relationships that I have within myself. This is another good aspect about myself, confidence. Confidence is key to everything as well, because of my confidence I am both content and happy with myself. The key to life is believing that you can do and surpass all things. This is a very good quality to have. Having valuable characters such as these will help me on my life journey by teaching me to not seek validation from others, it is not good to seek validation from others because people have many different views and outlooks, one is not the same. Another reason why I will not seek validation from others is that my life purpose is different. Building confidence and practicing adaptation will continue to help me continually rise to overcome challenges and will promote a desire to continually learn.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a junior attending the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Currently, I am an art major, but I have experience in the medical and healthcare field. I first experienced working in the healthcare field during my junior year of high school. I shadowed my grandmother who is a dietician and hospice nurse. With this experience, learned all of the different responsibilities and procedures needed to be in the healthcare field. This was a very good experience for me and led me to seek an interest in medicine. I plan to enroll in graduate school after my undergraduate and study biomedical science. Biomedical science is the study of biochemical, physiological functions, anatomical histological structures, epidemiology, and pharmacology. I want to study this specific healthcare field to learn about the human body and the biological structures of organisms. Another reason why I plan to study biomedical science is to learn how to properly care for and diagnose patients. There are many cases in which medical patients go undiagnosed or wrongfully diagnosed with a disease. When problems like this occur, it causes a bad reputation for the healthcare field. It is an important matter for medical practitioners to rightfully know their work professionally and aid responsibly. My best interest in going into biomedicine is to make others feel well. It is important to have good health because it maintains longevity, and can lead to living a peaceful life. What I hope to gain from learning and practicing biomedicine is the basics of becoming a doctor. I am aware that there are many steps to becoming a professional doctor which in most cases may take years to achieve, but every step is worth it because of the outcome. I believe that the world we live in now is in great need of more medical practitioners because of the ongoing, uncontrollable virus outbreaks. There is also a crisis in the healthcare field due to hospitable institutions being understaffed. At this crucial period in time, now is the best opportunity for anyone to join the healthcare field. My biggest aspiration toward becoming a biomedical scientist is to give, help, and support others as much as I can. Helping and taking care of others has always been an asset of mine, and I believe that I should find a way to put it to good use, with my current plan that I have set, I am certain that I can make it happen.
    Project Pride of NJ Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a junior in college. I currently work as a resident assistant for my university Indiana University of Pennsylvania. As a peer leader, I must take action and be a leader for my college community. I am a role model and a person of support in my school. I plan to use this experience and work in the humanitarian and art fields. I plan to work and volunteer for nonprofit and hospitable organizations such as the YMCA, The Red Cross, Peace Corps, and Food Bank. I believe that working for these organizations will be beneficial to me and others. As a student and a worker, I wish to help and assist others the best way I can. It warms my heart to take care of others, also be supported as well. Everyone deserves to have someone to confide in because this life is not easy. I believe that a person who makes a good impact on their community is of high value. Participating and getting involved in acts such as this is a form of activism because one is constantly working to enforce change. Change is a part of life and adaptation is an important skill to have. The second way I plan to make an impact on the world through my acts of community service is by participating in social services. For example, I have interests in social work like foster care systems, imprisonment systems, addiction centers, and homeless facilities. I would also like to volunteer or intern at these facilities to gain knowledge and experience in the field. The most important reason why I want to participate in these fields is because of similar experiences. I grew up experiencing housing and food insecurity, I recall how scary and disheartening it felt to not know where I was going to get my next meal or sleep. I specifically want to know why these systems fail us as the American people and how I can work to change and impact them. I believe that I can put my experiences and knowledge to use in a good way to be an influencer. The final way that I plan to make a positive impact on the world through community service is by becoming an influencer. As an aspiring influencer, I plan to spread positivity influencing others to strive for the best and helping others. I will share my content on social media platforms such as YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram in hopes to reach those who need guidance in this difficult time and the world we live in.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    The thing that excites me about college the most is having the opportunity to experience life-changing events such as meeting others, making new friends, going on study abroad trips, having access to numerous job opportunities and internships, creating networks, and investing in your future goals. College is a gateway to all aspects of success in a person's life, it not only promotes personal growth but also promotes social and emotional growth. What I specifically like about college is that it challenges me mentally to develop into the person I aspire to be. I want to become a professional artist that is mastered the skill of creativity. I have learned a lot from being an art student. Being an art student has taught me to be flexible in all aspects of my life. Exercising the skill of flexibility has been beneficial to me because it teaches me how to handle my problems and focus on my priorities. College comes with freedom, but it also comes with responsibilities such as financial burdens, but learning how to deal with these problems has taught me the skill of having balance. The most important thing that excites me about college is having the chance to make mistakes and learn from them. A college is a place where you learn about yourself for the very first time, you are no longer under your parent's rule and you have the chance to become the person you've always wanted to be. This can be amazing and scary at the same time. College can be scary because of the distractions and temptations such as sex, drugs, and doubting yourself, but it is good to always seek help. For example, my father died during my sophomore year of college, this transition was very difficult for me. I took advantage of my student health and wellness center and spoke with a trustworthy counselor. There I got the guidance and support needed to keep moving forward. One way that I maintain a healthy mind body and soul is by not spending a large amount of time on my social media. Social media has many great benefits, but it can also be a waste of time. Focusing on what is more important like my homework and assignments is the best route to take. Another way that I maintain my health, mind, and body is by eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. These three things are important to me because they help me focus on my schoolwork which promotes better work performance. Maintaining my health is critical for me because it helps me feel good about myself by promoting a positive image. Taking care of my health also prevents me from long-term illnesses. There are many reasons why I love being in college, I have many goals and aspirations for my life, and I believe that I have a chance at fulfilling those objectives.
    Esteemed Project Scholarship
    As an artist, I am working to address the social issue of inequality in minority groups. As a person of African and Indigenous decent, my people are often excluded, ignored, and overlooked. I am currently a junior attending the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am studying to become a professional artist. After graduation, I will enroll in graduate school to further my education in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship with a minor in non profit humanities. As a person of color I always remember the important contributions both African peoples and indigenous peoples brought to this land in North America, such as democracy, structure, and financial wealth. I believe that I can use my art as a voice to create change for a better future. I also plan to use my art to be an innovator, and to influence others to do the same. In other words, I would like to be a life coach in the field of the arts, whether in the entertainment industry, the education system, and many more. My only hope as an aspiring entrepreneur, coach, and artist is to leave a good mark on the world. In this chaotic world that we live in now, I believe that one must be the light to guide others. I want to be the source to guide others towards there happiness because all things are possible when you believe in yourself, it does not matter what race you are or where you come from. Another reason why I plan to follow this idea for my career is to break stereotypical barriers created from ignorance and misinformation. There are two types of information which is true and false, in the society that we live in, false information is widely spread. For instance, as stated above when I mentioned my African and Indigenous heritage, many people will think negatively of these groups of people because of false accusations. Others would also be surprised or find this unbelievable as well. Misinformation is the leading cause to a broken society. One should not judge another person by looks because it is a very unfavorable offense. The best leaders and influencers challenge and break barriers daily with knowledge and innovation. Furthermore, I plan to use my art to be a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves. It is in my heart to help and touch the hearts of others because everyone deserves to live out there best dreams and goals.
    G.A. Johnston Memorial Scholarship
    Watercolor paintings have a unique sense of beauty and aesthetics. In previous experience painting with watercolor, I have put together some of the most astounding concepts of art. I am an art student with experience painting in various mediums such as oil paints and acrylic paints. I prefer watercolor paintings for many reasons. For instance, painting in watercolor leaves little to no mess, it is very easy to clean my work area after every use. Another reason why I prefer watercolor paints is that it does not require much effort, the use of light brush strokes creates an effortless streak of artistic expression. What inspired me to paint with watercolor was the recent painting class I took last semester at my current college. There I learned how to work with watercolor and learned the principles and basics of using watercolor paints. As an artist, I need to understand the medium I work with, and learning from a professional instructor was the perfect experience for doing so. Working with watercolor has taught me how to paint with care, knowledge, patience, direction, and skill. Watercolor is water-based it may take time for water to dry on the surface of the canvas. The downside that I have experienced painting with watercolor is the mixing of colors, as stated before, watercolor paint is water soluble so most likely the colors could mix. A third reason why I love to paint with watercolor is that mistakes are easy to fix. One could simply paint over their mistake or wipe off the error with a hot rag or paper towel and start anew. Using watercolor is easy on my brushes as well, I noticed that while using watercolor to paint, my paintbrush was in good condition. For example, my brush bristles were still in place, there were no clumps of paint in my brush, and no color residue was left on my brushes. Watercolor paints are a good investment for creatives because of the various benefits offered. As an art student, and an aspiring artist I will continue working with this medium. @painterfluent Instagram
    CATALYSTS Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover. I am a junior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, my major is studio art. I am currently serving as an honor society member and volunteering as a resident assistant for my college. As a student and a peer leader, I hope to become a person of influence to the public. I plan to make a positive impact on the world by becoming a professional artist and making a profit from my work. I believe that the main agenda for an artist is to influence, innovate, and motivate others. Art is a universal language that can be used in many ways. I chose to pursue art as my major to learn about creativity and perfect my creative skill. As an art student, I was taught how to use and apply creativity to every aspect of my life. Exercising the skill of creativity has taught me how to multitask, problem-solve, plan, strategize, and network. It as also helped me determine life-long goals and commitments. My most important motive as an aspiring artist is to give to my community positively. I feel that if I give to others, then I will create a positive shift in how others view their lives and circumstances. As an artist, it is important to learn from those around you, and share what you know and what you learned so that others can grow. As stated before, positively impacting others is what I wish to do with my work. Art is key to addressing social issues because of its ability to focus the community on the social problem. The important social issue I want to address is women's safety. Women's safety is a major social issue around the world. Nearly every day there are more cases reporting women being assaulted in all forms including sexual violence, physical violence, and many more. Many women need support in all forms, and I believe that art is a way to express and reinforce the issue until rightful actions are taken against it. I hope to make art that will inform, influence, and promote change in the world because the future is in my hands. I am a product of the next generation known as Gen Z and in every generation there are leaders. I believe that I am one of those leaders, here to help and influence my peers and the world to make a better tomorrow.
    Ruthie Brown Scholarship
    I plan to address my future student loan debt by enrolling in graduate school and working in my desired field. I plan to get my Master's in Biomedical Science, also and work intern for a nonprofit organization. Nonprofit organizations qualify for public student loan forgiveness. I also plan to participate in a graduate fellowship and assistantship to help pay for my student debt. While this plan is in progress, I will start my own business. I want to sell beauty and health products for profit. By doing this I want to give back to others while paying my debts. I believe that finding ways to give back to others promotes long-term connections and friendships. The most important aspect of life is your connections and relationships with others. These connections are of high value and should be cherished. Another way I can give back to others is by becoming a social media influencer. The content I plan to sell is health and beauty as well. On this platform, I will teach others the importance of self-care and good health. Self-care and good health are important to practice because it affects your daily performance. Having good health alters how you move through life. Currently, I am working on fulfilling these successes by looking into graduate programs, jobs, assistantships, and fellowships. It is better to start a project early to produce the quality of the plan. I am confident in my career plan because I will have the chance to give back to my community and learn what it is like to be an entrepreneur. I believe that being an entrepreneur is a big stepping stone and a growing experience. I believe that this is a great way for me to grow into a leader. The third way that I plan to address and take care of my student loan debt is by refinancing. I plan to start a cosmetic business and use those funds to pay my loans. I think that this will be a good learning experience and will introduce me to entrepreneurship and financial management. Business owners should possess financial hygiene to learn the importance of maintaining consistency of transaction flows, and also avoid financial pitfalls. I believe that I have started to exercise the skill of financial etiquette as an undergraduate student. College students need to use their money wisely, preferably for college expenses only to maintain their degree pursuits.
    Sunshine Legall Scholarship
    My academic pursuit is to graduate with my bachelor's in fine arts. My professional pursuit is to become a social media influencer. With an aspiration to become a social influencer, I hope to share content that involves a better understanding of the benefits of self-care and overall health. As an undergraduate student, I have given back to my community in many ways. The first way I have given back to my community is by becoming a peer leader. I am a resident assistant at my college, and as a resident assistant, I strongly work with the values of hard work, character, poise, and influence. I believe that good influence will lead to positive outcomes in the long run. The reason why I value those aspects is simply because of who I am representing as a whole, which would be my college. The second way I have given back to my community is by becoming a volunteer in a humanitarian field. I am also a student helper at my college food pantry facility, there I assist students that are experiencing food insecurity. Helping and caring for others is always a good deed. Most importantly, as a college student, one must eat healthy and well enough to have a good and balanced academic performance. Many college students come from different backgrounds, some may have the luxury of food and financial security, and others do not. What I learn from this volunteering experience is to be thankful for all that I have. No matter what situation one may be going through, someone else could be facing worse scenarios. The problem that needs to be addressed is food insecurity. Food insecurity is a social issue that many people of all backgrounds experience globally. I believe that volunteering is my way of creating change for this problem. I believe it is important to take matters into my own hands and help shape the future, that is why these activities have inspired me to make a difference in the world. The world is changing drastically, the future requires good and trustworthy leaders. I want to be a leader in the new world that is emerging during this present day. With the experience that I have gained and the knowledge that I possess about business, social, and moral equity, I believe that my skills will come to good use. As an aspiring leader, I plan to be innovative in my work and leave a positive influence on the public.
    Emma Jane Hastie Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover I am an undergrad at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a studio art major and a member of the National Honor Society. The time I made a positive impact on my community through servitude was when I worked as a resident assistant at my college. Being a resident assistant is a major responsibility. As a resident assistant, you are a role model and leader for your peers in college. A resident assistant needs to set a positive example to make a positive influence, and also represent the college as a whole. There are the important factors I learned while being a resident assistant. Another way I have made a positive impact on my college community is by becoming a promotional model for my college. I chose to participate in this activity to show the importance of diversity. It is important to show and promote diversity to teach others how to connect, get to know others, become enlightened about other cultures and races, and make long-lasting relationships. I believe that promoting these aspects of diversity makes one character open. I think that most people are misinformed when it comes to other cultures and races. The third way that I make a positive impact on my community is by sharing and promoting my artwork. My artwork is a very unique form of abstraction that ranges from abstract painting methods such as brushes and strokes to cultural background, and personal interests I possess. As a person of African and indigenous background, I need to express my persona through my artwork. People of African and indigenous backgrounds are often hidden from society because of false, racial microaggressions. My way of overcoming this is by creating art that shows my lineage. As an artist, this influences me to continue to create out of innovation and drive to promote positive change that I hope to see in the future. I hope to continue to grow as an artist and as a student, also using what I know to help others grow. Life is a constant cycle of growth, learning, and change, and this is the biggest impact I hope to leave on my community and the world. As a part of the new generation, I believe that it is important for me to participate in the changes happening now in the world because my generation will lead the future. Now is a perfect time to be alive, and to be able to experience the coming of a new world.
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    I have grown mentally over the past year in many ways. The first way that I have grown mentally is by knowing what I want for my future. In further detail, I have a plan for my personal and working life. After college I plan to enroll in grad school and study business administration with a minor in entrepreneurship. I plan to have my own cosmetic business by the time I start graduate school to gain experience and financial literacy. I think that this will be a good business plan for me, being that this would be the first time I will be running a business. I believe that business owners should have good financial skills because it will teach responsibility, and will help you learn to always be prepared for emergencies. What has changed about me is my life direction. Last year, I was unsure on which path I wanted for my life. At the start of 2022, I made it my mission to focus and all aspects of my life until I made a decision. Once I reevaluated my life, I took action on what I needed to do next. Setting goals is important to me because they help me plan for the future. Goals also help me strive towards a better outcome. This helped me learn self discovery, I am still learning more things about myself as well. This life change has helped me become open to new opportunities that will help me build for my future. Another way this change has benefited me in a good way is by influencing me to become the person I aspire to be, which is an influencer. I want to be a social media influencer. The content I plan to sell is tips on health and beauty. I want to promote the benefit of self care to the public. The benefit of self care is a good and successful life. Feeling confident in your own skin, and being content with your life is a win. This is very important for me to promote as a aspiring entrepreneur and influencer because when one is confident in themselves, they know their value and strive for their goals. This is the concept that I hope to sell to my future fan base. This would be my way of giving back to the world in a positive, innovative way. Giving back is a good way to share positivity with others and make beautiful connections.
    Do Good Scholarship
    I am pursuing the arts. As an undergraduate, I am an art major. I am currently in the last half of my junior year. I plan to become an art and social influencer for the public. I plan to post and sell my works and content. The content I will sell will be strictly on art, wellness, health, and travel. I believe that this career plan will leave a positive impact on the world by spreading and promoting positivity. As an aspiring influencer, I hope to share the importance of creating a balanced healthy life while doing what I love as a career. I hope to one day inspire others to live out their goals and aspirations. I want to reach those who share the same interests as I do but may not know where to start. I also want to be an example to those who may not feel fulfilled with where they are in their lives. I believe that every person has what it takes to change their lives and circumstances for the greater good. Another goal I hope to reach in the future is helping others seek out their potential. Working to reach your potential is good because it shows you what you are capable of. I believe that the arts have endless possibilities present to help an individual become who they aspire to be. Once one gains insight into their potential then good things come to fruition. I also believe that hard work is another factor that leads to becoming a good influencer. I believe that new influencers are needed at this time to lead the next generation and shape the future world to come. Even though my background is in the arts, I learned that I don't have to stick to one career path, or even what I choose to learn and know. I am a very knowledgeable person, and I do have interests in other subjects such as science, technology, and mathematics. This is what it means to be a positive influencer, entertainer, or artist, being knowledgeable and enlightened. As an aspiring content creator, I plan to use innovation and drive to influence the public. This career plan is going to be my way of giving back to the community. It is good to leave a positive mark on the world, and to be recognized, respected and appreciated for your work as a leader.
    Financial Literacy Importance Scholarship
    Managing my finances as a student is important to me so I can learn money management. Managing my finances is important to me because I learn how to save and budget. Budgeting my money is what I do to manage my money. I believe that living within my means is very affordable for me as a student. As an undergrad student, most of my money goes towards my tuition and other college expenses such as books, clothes, food, and other school supplies. To make sure that I can cover these expenses, I watch how I spend money. Another way I manage my money is by strictly buying the things I need instead of what I want. This act is called deciding between priorities and things that are not priorities such as immaterial items. The third way I manage my finances well is by putting my money into savings. I put my money into savings when I don't have to use it. Putting my money into savings is beneficial because I will have it for future expenses. It is my goal to save as much as I can for the future because I have plans to buy a home and start a family. I believe that preparing for future milestones is very smart because my partner and I will have something to start with. Saving money is important to me for many reasons, the main reason why this is important to me is that life can happen at any time. When emergencies happen in life, money is very much needed so it is important to be prepared. In the future, I want to invest my money for profit. Investing is a good way to learn stocks, and bonds, and make revenue. Investing will be a good way for me to learn more aspects of financial literacy and management. I want to learn how to grow my revenue and finances with interest and time. I believe that money is an object but also a skill that comes in many forms. Because of this the many ways of money can be learned and used. The fourth reason why I practice saving money is to fund my future entrepreneurship business plan. I want to make and sell cosmetics on the market. I want to create wealth for my family and for future generations to come. Thinking long-term financially is very beneficial to me in many ways, and with the help of this scholarship, I can bring this to fruition.
    Eleven Scholarship
    The most difficult hardship I have faced in my life was the death of my father. This hardship was very detrimental to me. No one prepares you for the pain that comes with the loss of a parent, especially as a young adult. After my father died, my family dynamic changed drastically. My family finances had worsened putting me at risk of dropping out of college. I am currently in college finishing my last half of junior year, this incident happened during my first half of junior year. The most important thing that I kept in mind was to pray, and consult in my spiritual beliefs. The second important thing that I did was to seek help and guidance from my college. I immediately consulted with my advising counselor and my financial aid counselor. With the help and support of my counselors, I solved this issue. I was going to stop at nothing to resolve this problem. This experience has taught me about willpower, innovation, and drive. I have evolved from this situation and I am still relieved of this situation. It feels nice to be in a good place in my college education. College is very important to me because of the endless opportunities, giving others the ability to explore, learn, and grow. As a student, I seek to continue learning more about life and all it has to offer. I aspire to be a professional, who continues to evolve in all aspects of my life and reach my greatest potential. My most important goal in life is to progress and give back to others. One way I want to give back to others is by volunteering for a nonprofit that focuses on the care and well-being of the public. Another way I want to give back to others is by becoming a social media influencer. As a social media influencer, I want to share content on wellness, health, and beauty. Overcoming this hardship has been difficult but the outcome has been rewarding. This was my first experience of challenging hardship, and this has prepared me for future adversities. I am now confident in my future endeavors with my education and career path. This scholarship will help me with my future goals by providing financial assistance to do so. To create my future goals, I want to invest accordingly by being productive and leaving a positive imprint on the world, and my BIPOC community.
    Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
    The most difficult hardship I have faced in my life was the death of my father. This hardship was very detrimental to me. No one prepares you for the pain that comes with the loss of a parent, especially as a young adult. After my father died, my family dynamic changed drastically. My family finances had worsened putting me at risk of dropping out of college. I am currently in college finishing my last half of junior year, this incident happened during my first half of junior year. The most important thing that I kept in mind was to pray, and consult in my spiritual beliefs. The second important thing that I did was to seek help and guidance from my college. I immediately consulted with my advising counselor and my financial aid counselor. With the help and support of my counselors, I solved this issue. I was going to stop at nothing to resolve this problem. This experience has taught me about willpower, innovation, and drive. I have evolved from this situation and I am still relieved of this situation. It feels nice to be in a good place in my college education. College is very important to me because of the endless opportunities, giving others the ability to explore, learn, and grow. As a student, I seek to continue learning more about life and all it has to offer. I aspire to be a professional, who continues to evolve in all aspects of my life and reach my greatest potential. My most important goal in life is to progress and give back to others. One way I want to give back to others is by volunteering for a nonprofit that focuses on the care and well-being of the public. Another way I want to give back to others is by becoming a social media influencer. As a social media influencer, I want to share content on wellness, health, and beauty. Overcoming this hardship has been difficult but the outcome has been rewarding. This was my first experience of challenging hardship, and this has prepared me for future adversities. I am now confident in my future endeavors with my education and career path. This scholarship will help me with my future goals by providing financial assistance to do so. To create my future goals, I want to invest accordingly by being productive and leaving a positive imprint on the world, and my BIPOC community.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    Volunteering has changed my mindset in many ways. The first way volunteering has changed my mindset is by teaching me the importance of giving and caring for others. This act of kindness promotes long-lasting relationships and connections. The second way volunteering has changed my mindset is by showing me how to be open to new experiences. Life is about learning new things. Learning new things adds to the quality of life. I strive towards the quality of life because it leads to greater satisfaction. The third way volunteering has changed my mindset is by teaching me the importance of integrity and character. Showing good character and acting out of integrity and kindness never goes unnoticed. Having good character and good actions will promote a successful life. This will promote a successful life because others will remember the experience they encountered with you, and also how you made them feel. I need this scholarship financially to help me with my college expenses. I have a plan for my life after I graduate from college, and that is to travel and volunteer overseas. I want to experience working and volunteering for the Red Cross, and Peace Corps, and even teaching English abroad. Jobs like these are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that benefits one's personal development. As a young adult, I want to continue to practice personal growth to reach the greatest potential of who I aspire to be. Another career plan I hope to fulfill is to become a social media influencer. The main focus of the content I will create is wellness, beauty, and art. By pursuing this career plan I hope to give back to others. What I hope to learn from pursuing this plan is the fundamental essences of life. I hope to fulfill my interests with adventure, continuous learning, and experience. I want to improve my overall being with innovation. With the financial guidance that this scholarship has to offer, I will be able to make it happen. Life is my teacher and I am still learning what it means. While learning more aspects of my personality, I believe that I should invest in my aspirations. There is no time to waste, so why not put it to good use? The most important goal I have for myself is to create memories of a lifetime, give to others, and establish long-lasting relationships and friendships. By doing so, I will be able to complete my greatest ambitions.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    DeAmontay's Darkness Deliverance Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover and I am an undergrad at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. As an undergrad, the biggest adversity that I have faced and overcame in my life was the sudden death of my father. No one prepares you or informs you about the harsh reality that comes with losing a parent at a young age. When my father passed away, my family dynamic changed and became very difficult. This drastic change in my circumstances affected my college career. Last winter of 2022, I was on the verge of dropping out and leaving college because of the change in my financial circumstances. This was the most difficult, challenging, and frightening situation I have ever experienced in my life. I did not want to drop out of college because of the progress that I have made for so long. I began undergrad at a local community college in 2016 first then transferred on to the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2020, this has been a long journey for me, along the way it felt like it was never-ending, but I always kept in mind that it was for a good cause. It was truly disheartening that I was faced with this financial burden so early on last semester, but with support and time, I got the help and guidance I needed for this situation. What this adversity taught me was the strength and willpower I have within me. I was going to stop at nothing to get out of this situation. I believe that every problem has a solution, what needs to be reevaluated is your plan or strategies. I am confident in my future educational pursuits. I have just finished the last half of junior year, and I will be a senior next year. After graduation, I plan to study for my master's in biomedical sciences. I am proud of my progress and growth as an undergraduate. Along this journey, I have gained the experience needed to become a business professional. All of the challenges that I overcame shaped my character and persona, and I hope that I will be able to put my experiences to use by helping others. For instance, I want to become an model/creative influencer. I plan to use my content to speak to others about life hardships and what they can do to solve those issues, that is going to be my way of giving back to others.
    @GrowingWithGabby National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    Community Reinvestment Grant: Pride Scholarship
    The tribulations and hardships I have experienced in my life have contributed to change for me by pushing me to change my circumstance. I believe that life happens to us all but there is a solution to every problem. When I lost my father in 2019 it caused a major issue in my family circle. I went homeless and was split from my family. Ever since then I have been in college studying for my bachelors in Studio Art. I am very grateful that I could work, study, and have a place to stay as I went through this challenging and difficult event in my life. This challenge shaped and molded me into the person I am now. As I begin to wrap up my junior year and head towards my senior year of college, I want to continue with my story. I am eager to see what the future holds for me. I want to share my story with others and set an example for others who may be experiencing hardships in life as well. My lived experiences of hardship have made me seek out life even more. Throughout the course of this I was always in search of the light at the end of the tunnel. The best thing that I learned from this is to never stop searching for an answer, solution, or new opportunity because that is what keeps you alive. As an undergraduate student this way of thinking has kept me going and remaining confident in my school works. I am certain that my hard work will pay off after graduation.
    Financial Hygiene Scholarship
    I plan to educate myself on becoming financially literate by taking a financially literacy course and using other resources offered to me as a student like books, financial apps, and seeking a mentor. I plan to learn about different types of savings plans as well. I want to teach my loved ones about saving financially and the importance of it as is important to always have part of income saved for when life happens. I especially am interested in learning about emergency savings, mainly on how much should to be saved. I am also interested in taking workshops on financial literacy, going further into detail I am interested in taking these workshops to give me a hands on learning experience. I prefer hands on learning so that I can recall and remember easily, I also consider myself a hands on learner. Learning financial literacy is important to me because it is a part of life skills. Controlling your finances is an important skill to learn and to master. Another way I plan to educate myself on financial literacy is by doing an internship. Internships such as business and finance are widely offered to students. Opportunities such as these are very useful for all students. These are the strategies and resources that I plan to educate myself on financial literacy, and how I plan to educate and enlighten others.
    Eitel Scholarship
    I am a studio art major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I chose this major to further my studies in the arts and perfect my creative abilities. As an art student I am confident in my artistic approach. After I graduate I am going to become an art influencer. I am also going to apply for an art internship overseas at the American University of Paris to continue my masters degree in the arts. This scholarship will help me with my studies by providing financial support as I continue to further my degree in the arts. This scholarship will also provide the financial support needed to travel overseas and intern in my field of choice. Another way this scholarship will help me with my studies is by providing me with the finances needed for personal accommodations for college such as books, writing utensils, and art supplies such as sketchbooks, journals, paints, and canvases. I plan to sell my artwork for profit as well, I hope to make a business out of my artwork. I am eager to shave and sell my artwork with others to demonstrate boldness and leadership that compels others to take action. I believe that when an artist is confident and generous with their work, that prompts others to do the same thing. My goal as an artist is to encourage and enlighten others to follow their goals.
    Your Dream Music Scholarship
    Michael Jackson’s Heal the World song is the most important song with a good message to me. This song is widely known throughout the world. All works of songs done by Michael Jackson are a true piece of art but no other song amounts to this one. The most important message of this song is to make the world a better place for everyone, and also for future generations to come. The future lies in our hands, we the people have control over what we bring to our world. This I especially listen to this song now because I can draw similarities between this song and the state of the world today. Ever since the global pandemic, the world has been in an uproar, chaotic, and very unpredictable. These worldly chaotic events have made people distressed and hopeless. But even in bad times there is still hope for the future.
    @normandiealise National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    Taylor J. Paul Arts and Media Scholarship
    I chose to pursue a degree in the arts because I have a passion for the arts. The arts to me means opportunity and provides a chance for me to grow and explore the art world, and all there is to offer as an undergraduate. As a student it is important for me to keep exploring and learning new things as a way to benefit my artistry. I have studied and practiced art for 7 years and this field of study has impacted my career goal of becoming an art influencer. I hope to become an art influencer to the public in order to share my experiences as an artist, as well as provide guidance and direction for the new generation of artists. The most important tool an artist must have in persistence and hope, in other words believing in one's own creativity. Once you believe in your own creativity, this will help you succeed in your future artistic endeavors. I am now in my junior year of college and I am satisfied with my creative approach. Over the course of my college education from freshman to now junior my portfolio has advanced. I am confident in my craftsmanship and I am certain that I will land a career in this artistic field. The most important reason why I chose the arts as my choice of study is to learn about the real world. Being a creative person, you already have a sense of advanced knowledge to the world around you. For instance, as an art student I can see art in everything. In other words art is very much needed to help us understand and navigate the world around us. An good example of that would be while driving. When a person is driving on the road, they are constantly reading the road signs and stop lights that tells them what to do. Without these color coded road signs and lights driving would be dangerous, and the road signs are artistically made. This is the reason why I chose art as a major and profession. Art helps me understand the world around me and it opens up my mind to infinite possibilities. Through the works of my art, I see my value and importance. I also know what my purpose and mission as a creative as well, and that is to touch the hearts of others by reaching out to instill them with courage to believe in their creative abilities.
    Carlos F. Garcia Muentes Scholarship
    My name is Autumn Glover, I am a studio art major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I was born into a working-class family. Both of my parents did not go to college, they both worked to provide for my sisters and I, and often had difficult times making ends meet financially. My family dynamic is poor, my immediate family did not have much as well, scarcity was very common in my family background. As an undergraduate student, I am proud to be continuing my education at a liberal arts university. I chose to go to college for opportunity, experience, personal growth, and development. My family dynamic has inspired me to strive toward success because there are better things in life than what I am used to experiencing. As an undergraduate, my goal for college is to graduate, succeed, and become one of the best in my profession. Studying art has gotten me through hard times by allowing me to be expressive. Art speaks volumes for those who cannot speak for themselves. The harsh circumstances I have lived under while growing up have shaped my perception of life and belief system. One way this has helped shape my belief system is by teaching me to find ways to overcome opposition. When the odds come against someone in life, the individual has two options, to push through or let it control all aspects of your life. One must take control to change the circumstances, or try another approach. I believe there is always a solution to every problem, and sometimes you might have to think, strategize, and plan again. My career goal for the future is to become a life coach and art influencer. I want to become a life coach to guide, support, and lead individuals toward becoming the best version of themselves. I aspire to become a public speaker for an American Canadian media organization called TED Talk. I believe this would be a great job experience to share my thoughts, build rapport, gain new ideas, and life advice with the public. I want to build positive connections with like-minded people. Building connections with like-minded people is a positive choice because it will motivate me to seek ways to promote general success and welfare. As an undergraduate, I always look for ways to strengthen the academic performance that I will practice. Until then, I will continue making a confident approach toward my successful future.
    Bookman 5 Scholarship
    The hardships I have overcome are loosing a parent, at-risk homelessness, and loss of financial income. College is important to me because it has provided help and support in my life. College was the only positive light I had in my life at times because I knew that one day it would lead me to better circumstances. I went to college to put myself in an environment where I would excel. Growing up, I lived in a two-parent household that struggled to make ends meet financially. There have been many times in my life when I have experienced homelessness. The first time was when my father got laid off from his job during the financial crisis of 2007-2008. During that time, my mother, me, and my two sisters had to stay at a woman's shelter, and my dad had to stay with a friend because men were not allowed at a woman's shelter. My father visited us as much as he could, and worked as a welder, which was a hard, racially prejudiced job. My mother worked at a banking institution. My older sister was in the sixth grade, I was in the fifth grade, and my younger sister was in kindergarten. Afterward, my parents made enough money to find a small apartment for us. I was happy because we were a family again, safe, and protected with a roof over our heads. The second time I encountered homelessness was during my high school years. In my junior year of high school, my family and I got evicted from our home. We had to stay with my father's family, but it was not long, it wasn't too bad, but it was not a welcoming environment. This situation was problematic, it had caused a stressor on my parents that they ended up getting a divorce, which was very detrimental to my overall health. The third time I experienced homelessness was Spring of 2022. Even though I lived in my college dorm, I was on the verge of becoming homeless again. After my father passed away in 2019, my mother could not afford our housing and funeral expenses. My mother insisted that I should stay in college to make a living, which was great, but I had thousands of dollars to pay for room and board, and had no creditworthy cosigner to get an undergraduate loan. I did not know what I was going to do, being a student making little to no income. Most of all the worst reality I had to face last semester was the fact of not having a home to go to anymore. With the help of my counselors, I have made a smooth transition out of this harsh reality. I was provided with financial support and care from my advisor, housing, and financial aid department. I became an RA to get a student discount on housing, I was offered jobs both part-time and full time on campus to help cover my housing costs, and I was given grants and loans as well. Hard times have shaped and molded me into the individual and vigorous student I am now. I plan to use my degree to better the lives of my family by being an example of how to escape the poverty and scarcity mindset. Struggle and disappointment are what my family dynamic is built on, I believe that someone should set the example of hope, motivation, and persistence. I also want to be an example for my community as well, many African American families experience similar circumstances, the only way out is through perseverance, and hope.
    Destinie’s Dollars for Degrees Scholarship
    One of the first things that I would tell my peers are the long term positive effects of going to college such as, investing in your future, a higher chance of getting a career in your desired field, a better chance of making a higher salary than the average worker who did not go to college, and the chance to experience a change of a lifetime. College is a door opener for numerous opportunities and gives a person the chance to grow personally and develop into a full grown mature adult. I would ask my peers on what their life goal is and how they are thinking about reaching them, I would then tell them the better chances of landing a spot in their career choices if they attend college. The third way I would convince my peers to go to college is the great feeling of having a degree. Having a degree is a big accomplishment, it is also one of the greatest achievement a person can do for their lives. Going to college can promote generational wealth as you will be building for your family's future. This is how I will convince my peers to go to college, I would tell them about the benefits, also the positive outcomes. I would reassure to them that college is worth it and most importantly, college can be completed at your own pace, in other words college is not a rush. One should not feel pressured to complete college within a certain time frame.
    Mary P. Perlea Scholarship Fund
    I am not ashamed of where I came from, nor am I embarrassed to talk about my past. I want to use my educational degree to set an example for those who have lived in similar circumstances. I want to be a ray of hope to those who may need it. I understand what it is like to want to live but can't because of the burdens of life. I know how it feels to be seen as less than, to not be believed in, and to have others second guess you. I enrolled in college to invest in my future, to prove those wrong who thought of me as less than, and most importantly, to prove to myself that I am destined for greatness. I was born into a poor middle-class African American family. When I was a young girl, I remember being evicted out of homes many times, having little to no food, and experiencing financial difficulties. My parents both worked to make ends meet for my sisters and me. These challenges have made me who I am today. I am appreciative of how far I have come, yet have so much to discover. As odd as it may be, I appreciate the struggles that I have experienced growing up because they prepared me for the real world. Life is bound to happen at any moment, and it is your experiences that help you pull through. As a current undergraduate student, the biggest loss I have experienced was the loss of my father. After my father's death, my living circumstances began to change rapidly which caused a big stressor in my life. Adjusting to change was very difficult for me now that I did not have my father. Instead of becoming negatively affected by this loss, I used it positively by turning the pain into motivation. One way I did this was by putting time and more effort into my artwork. Over time, my artwork progressed and began to be noticed by my university. Just recently, my artwork was featured in the New Growth Arts Review, a student magazine at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. As a result of my artwork being featured in this magazine, local artists have reached out to me to collaborate and network with me. This was one of the biggest accomplishments I have ever made. I plan to continue growing and developing as an artist, and also take chances such as this. I need to be innovative as an artist to inspire and move others through the works of my craft.
    Christian ‘Myles’ Pratt Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship
    The biggest influence in my life has been my parents. I was born into a poor middle-class family. Both of my parents worked to provide for my sisters and me. Growing up I watched my parents struggle to make ends meet. I remember being evicted from numerous homes, having little food, and wearing clothes that had holes in them because my parents couldn't afford to buy me new clothes at times. The biggest stressor in our household was financing. While I was in school, I made a promise to myself that I will not have the life my parents did. That is why I enrolled in college immediately after I graduated high school. I chose to invest in my future to build a better life for myself. These hardships that I have experienced have shaped me into the intelligent, smart, exceptional young woman that I am today. I am an art major at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am currently a junior seeking a BA in studio art and a minor in interior design. I chose art to be my area of study for college because it is my profession. I have been practicing art ever since I was ten years old, and over the years, I have continuously developed my sense of style and unique expression for my artwork and creativity. My goal is to continue growing and maturing in my craft. I plan to make a difference in the world with my art and creativity by adding value and new creative ideas to the media. Craft, innovation, and creativity are expressed in my artwork. I specialize in the mediums such as charcoal, painting and sketching, and mixed media. I paint abstract art. I like to specialize in this art form because it is free and non-representational. In other words, my artwork relates to my personality. That is what makes my artwork unique, it is an artistic expression that represents all aspects of me. Another way I plan to use my liberal arts education is by becoming a leader. Once I graduate with my bachelor's degree, I want to become an art instructor. To gain experience in this field, I will intern with my art professors to understand how to instruct, lead, and teach a class. When I become an instructor, I plan to teach my students the importance of believing and trusting in the process of your creativity. Every artist must develop in their artistic way, it is necessary because it will help keep the emerging artist confident and secure in themselves, and their ability to create. The third way I plan to use my liberal arts degree to make a difference is by reinforcing to my peers that all things are possible. I want to do this for my peers because motivation and perseverance are what my generation lacks, I want to set the example and be a ray of hope. Throughout my college career, I have faced hard times such as the loss of a parent, homelessness, food insecurity, and financial issues. With the help and support of my counselors at my university, I have overcome these hardships. I am relieved of this now more than ever. I want to teach people the power of preservation, consistency, and motivation. Those three words have led and guided me through my hardships. This construct is what I want to teach to others who may be facing similar circumstances. In simplest terms, my goal for the future is to use my liberal arts degree to become an educator and life coach.
    Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
    I am an art major at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am currently a junior seeking a BA in studio art and a minor in interior design. I chose art to be my area of study for college because it is my profession. I have been practicing art ever since I was ten years old, and over the years, I have continuously developed my sense of style and unique expression for my artwork and creativity. My goal is to continue growing and maturing in my craft. I plan to make a difference in the world with my art and creativity by adding value and new creative ideas to the media. Media is one of the biggest influences on our society. Social media impacts us so much that we use it as a tool to stay informed about what is happening globally. Another way I plan to use my liberal arts education is by becoming a leader. Once I graduate with my bachelor's degree, I want to become an art instructor. To gain experience in this field, I will intern with my art professors to understand how to instruct, lead, and teach a class. When I become an instructor, I plan to teach my students the importance of believing and trusting in the process of your creativity. Every artist must develop in their artistic way, it is necessary because it will help keep the emerging artist confident and secure in themselves, and their ability to create. The third way I plan to use my liberal arts degree to make a difference is by reinforcing to my peers that all things are possible. I want to do this for my peers because motivation and perseverance are what my generation lacks, I want to set the example and be a ray of hope. Throughout my college career, I have faced hard times such as the loss of a parent, homelessness, food insecurity, and financial issues. With the help and support of my counselors at my university, I have overcome these hardships. I am relieved of this now more than ever. I want to teach people the power of preservation, consistency, and motivation. Those three words have led and guided me through my hardships. This construct is what I want to teach to others who may be facing similar circumstances. In simplest terms, my goal for the future is to use my liberal arts degree to become an educator and life coach.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
    The greatest artists ever to become known are those who trust in their creativity. I want to impact the world positively with my art. I want to be an art ambassador to inspire and motivate other artists to post and share their works. As an artist, I am familiar with the downsides that creatives face daily. It is very likely for artists to have fears and doubts because of comparisons such as comparing your work to other artists, plagiarism such as others stealing the artist's ideas, and fearing that others may not like their works or receive criticism from the media. Artists can overcome that fear by trusting and believing in themselves, and by doing so they will manifest good outcomes. I used to suffer from this. Recently, I used to be afraid of sharing my paintings and sketches because I was not experienced much in composition and skill like other artists were, because of this, I felt like I was not "good" or "qualified" enough to share my works. I plan to teach this method to other aspiring artists. With time and patience things improve, I am a witness. Personally, I have reached my desired level of creativity. Trusting and valuing my art had brought me far, and I have so far to go.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    I practice self-care in many numerous ways. The first way I practice self-care is by doing my daily exercises like yoga and meditation. Yoga gives me strength, helps me build endurance, and increases my physical stamina, while meditation calms my mind and helps me focus on daily tasks like working on the job and studying for classes. Another way I practice self-care is by eating plant-based foods and drinking enough water. This gives me enough energy to perform daily tasks as well. Lastly, the final way I practice self-care is by rewarding myself, such as buying myself a new outfit, going on vacations, or going to the spa. After all hard work pays off. This impacts my life in a good way because it gives me drive and motivation and I like to be rewarded from time to time. As stated before hard work pays off and it is a guarantee that you will be rewarded in the end. Another way this impacts my life in a good way is by helping me realize that it is good to appreciate the hard work, accomplishments, and progress I've made so far. The effect makes me want to excel even further. Working hard and rewarding myself afterward makes me feel like pursuing a college education is worth it, I say this because I have been faced with lots of challenges while attending college and have even considered if college was the right path for me. But through it all, I continued to persevere and continuously reward myself. This is a way of giving to myself, self care is very important to me because growing up I did not have much. Self-care is a way of me giving back to myself the things I've never had during my childhood., LLC First Generation Scholarship
    I have learned how to accept things as they come. For instance, I experienced the death of a parent, a change in my financial circumstances, a change in my character. At the beginning of my undergraduate years, I wasn't aware of nor prepared for the challenges that I would face growing into adulthood. But, this transition was worth it and necessary for me. I have learned so many things throughout the last two years of my college experience. I have gotten the chance to make connections with new people and see new places. I have learned the importance of having balance and peace of mind for wellness, the importance of working within my means and planning for the future. I learned to focus on the things that matter most instead of entertaining things that do not fulfill me. For example, the hardest lesson I had to learn during my college experience was to stop trying to get others to like me just to feel accepted. It wasn't until I gave myself that validation that I no longer had to do that. My perspective on life has become positive now that I have gotten the opportunity to explore in college. I have expanded my horizon on the world and I have come to realize that college offers endless opportunities and possibilities needed for self-betterment. Education feeds my growth and potential as an aspiring artist. More importantly, during my college transition and college experience, it has been crucial for me to exercise the skill of being comfortable with being uncomfortable. In other words, getting comfortable with the abrupt changes that come with adulthood such as love, heartbreak, disappointments, betrayals, and failure. Overcoming failure was the most difficult lesson I had to learn because I was raised by a family that enforced their perceptions of perfection onto me. Growing up I adopted those unrealistic accustoms only to find out that failure is normal and happens to everyone. Accepting failure is how I overcome my fear of failure. I learned how to let things be. My undergraduate experience has pushed me to believe in myself and persevere. Lastly, I have come to terms with the importance of being myself. Attending college has taught me how to follow my heart, trust, and believe in myself. My goal after college is to be a full-time artist. A goal I have for my education now is to graduate with my Bachelor's in Fine Arts. Afterward, I will enroll again in college as a graduate seeking an MFA degree in Fine Arts.
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    The most difficult time I had to persevere through was when my dad died and when I was sexually assaulted. My father's death was unexpected and it has altered my family dynamic. This tragic loss was more so harder for me to accept because I had a very close bond with my father, he was like a best friend to me as well. I could talk to my dad about anything. One thing I always deeply admired about my father was his calmness, intelligence, and understanding. I had a hard time facing this new reality of my life and afterward, I developed depression. I noticed a change when I went away to college for the first time. I was alone, I didn't have a roommate, and I would spend a lot of the time locked inside my room. It was very difficult for me to get out of my dorm, I struggled with motivation and drive, and completing simple tasks. But then I met this guy and we dated for a few months but all of a sudden things began to go sour. I was sexually assaulted by this man that I confided in and trusted. I remember the feeling of complete disgust about myself, I was so ashamed and I blamed myself for everything. Therapy has helped me in so many ways, I have healed mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially. I also learned the importance of forgiveness and perseverance. I believe that we are all born with perseverance, and during the darkest times of life that is when it shows best. The fact of the matter is life goes on and the past is the past. I gave myself permission to heal and reinvent myself. My life has truly turned around for the better and I can trust again.
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    I have lovingly worked into this piece, adding shadow, light and dark compositions, and movement. This painting is called "Three Moons." This artwork is special to me because of the deep connection I have with the moon and it's lunar phases. Three Moons represents the ongoing transformation of myself internally. The death of my father has caused a gap in my life. Sometimes I still think about how I can manage, while the most important male figure in my life is no longer here. But through the works of my art, I find my inner strength and willpower. I uncovered the significance behind my father's death as well. I thought that my dad's death negatively affected my life, but I was wrong. I lost my passion for art when my dad was still living, and after he died, I found my passion for art again. Another reason why this artwork is special to me is because it signifies to embrace change when life happens.
    Anne DiSerafino Memorial Arts Scholarship
    Travel and exploration drive my passion for art. As an artist, it is important for me to take chances. This scholarship will help me pursue this passion by providing the financial support needed to travel. I am an undergraduate student at the University of South Florida. I am planning to study abroad in the future. Another thing that drives my passion for art would be my life experiences I have faced, some were for the greater good and others were not. My life experiences have made me much wiser as an artist. They made me realize the most important rule for all creators and that is to never compare your artwork to someone else's, to always believe in yourself and your work. My biggest influencer was my father who always encouraged me. He always told me to reach for the stars, never underestimate myself, and never forget where I came from because it will help me remember how far I can go. As shocking as it may sound, I used to live my life in a box. Mainly because I grew up in a place called Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a very small city along the Susquehanna river, where It's residents are known for being one-sided, and very narrow. I overcame this mindset when I went away to college, and quickly discovered all that I am capable of many things, I was given freedom and discovery. This is what lead me to exploration. Exploring new places as an artist gives me new ideas of creativity, pushes me to challenge myself creatively, gives me a sense of identity, and the opportunity to practice self- growth. I can also weigh my options. I like to weigh all my options to see what works for me. I don't want to take anything for granted, I prefer not to settle. Vision, ambition, faith, and drive gives me the will to keep creating as an artist. I paint abstract art, abstract art is a form of art that is nonrepresentational and independent. It is also described as a visual art genre with the use of color, shape, and form. My upbringing is another aspect that drives my passion for art. I came from a poor family and most of the times my parents struggled to make ends meet. My childhood was troublesome and very unfortunate, but it molded me into who I am now. Throughout all of those hardships, I never lost hope as an aspiring artist. Creating art was what bought me peace of mind and serenity. I considered myself to be more mature than most of my peers in school because I had to face adult problems, and learn life nuggets from a young age. Instead of being angry for not getting what I wanted, I always saw the bigger picture of things. I am certain that this scholarship will help me pursue my passion for art. In the future, I am going to work on creating my own business and website so that I can launch my artwork. Starting my own business and website is a perfect way for me to establish my image as a professional and grow my audience. I will also have the chance to connect with other artists to avoid creative blocks, grow creatively and socially, get new insights, and gain access to other networks. I have what it takes to continue on this path towards creativity. With this scholarship, I will sharpen my horizon and continue on my path of creativity. Time will tell what the future holds for me but, I will remain open to new opportunities given.
    Greg Orwig Cultural Immersion Scholarship
    I have a passion for cultural immersion because I am an open-minded person. I seek for deeper understanding of different cultures and traditions. I live, breathe, and crave traveling, it is a part of me. Mainly because I am a curious, free-spirited person and exploring feeds my spirit. I am an art student as well, therefore I am always searching for new ideas to create. I feel like it has always been my duty as an artist for others to know what I stand for and know what I believe in. I want to create a positive ripple effect with my art. Cultural immersion will give me valuable skills to take back home to share my experience with others. By immersing myself in a new culture, I can become more understanding of different people. I plan to study abroad in Toronto, Canada. Preferably I am interested in Toronto, Canada for networking opportunities and transformative factors. I am eager to learn about the unique cultures and traditions. I also would like to discover new developments and influences. Studying abroad in Toronto will benefit me by providing promoting opportunities for my artwork. I will have the chance to network and collaborate with other artists. I want to have a shared human experience with others. It is good to connect with others from different cultures to rid hate, stereotypes, separation, and ignorance. Cultural immersion is another way of bringing all people from all different cultures together as one. It is also a good way to gain good insight on why certain cultures do the things they do, with cultural immersion you have the chance to dive deeper into a person and their purpose. As a college student, multicultural competencies are necessary because they will provide knowledge, skills, and personal attributes needed to live and work in a diverse world. A study abroad experience such as this will help me grow as a person and a citizen. Studying abroad will give me free will to explore, discover, and become more independent. I think that this will help me open up more and expand my horizon. Personally, this will help me learn new things about myself. I will learn to adapt to unfamiliar places and situations. Which then new beginnings will happen, new doors of opportunities will open. I want to have a shared human experience with others. It is good to connect with others from different cultures to rid hate, stereotypes, and ignorance.
    Mary Jo Huey Scholarship
    It is not the mountains we conquer but ourselves. The road seems long, but eventually everything will come together. When I decided to follow my dreams I was knocked down plenty of times, but I learned how to fight and stand my ground. In midst of that, I mastered strength, patience, and resilience. This is what motivates me to succeed. Even though failures will happen, you must keep going because your future depends on it. I always remember that success is not final and failure is not fatal. During the most unbearable, difficult experiences I have gone through in my life, I found my purpose and I found myself again. Each hardship was a lesson and has shaped me into the person I am meant to be, a full-time artist. Perseverance, ambition, and vision is my backbone. Last year, I decided to leap of faith and sold my art to the public. I successfully sold two paintings of mine, shortly after the doors of opportunity opened up in my life. I was admitted to the School of Arts at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and now I am transferring to the University of South Florida to finish my degree in the arts. Growing up, my two sisters and I were homeless from time to time, but I always had a passion for education. I grew up with an angry mother, it wasn't until the age of 10 when I noticed that my mother was "different". My mother has been a victim of narcissistic abuse ever since she was young by her father. Due to my mother's anger disorder also known as IED, intermittent explosive disorder, I don't have a relationship with her. I never spoke about my mother's disorder because of fear and embarrassment. However, I am no longer afraid of sharing my truth. My father on the other hand, loved us very much, he was a very calm man. My dad did all that he could for my sisters and me. My dad taught me the importance of school, college, entrepreneurship, travel, and adventure. But unfortunately, I lost my father to a heart attack in 2019. I went through a change after that, one of the things that changed in my life was my perception of the world. The most valuable lessons I have learned from my experiences is to always follow my heart and hard times do not last forever. Every aspect of life requires time, patience, and effort and are even subject to change. I also learned how to trust the process, and to never compare myself to anyone else and their success. As an aspiring entrepreneur, it is imperative for me invest in my future as much as possible. One of the most important reasons is because I am going to have family one day. I want to create generational wealth. I think that creating generational wealth is important, because it will provide financial advantages such as funding my children's college fund so they won't have to struggle to pay student loans. All of my hardships have molded me into who I am. Throughout all the traumatic experiences I've faced, I mastered the art of turning pain into power and ambition. I am in a better place than ever before. All that matters now is that I am accepting of who I am. I wouldn't change a thing.
    Ocho Cares Artistry Scholarship
    Being an artist means freedom to me. The reason why being an artist means freedom to me is because as an artist I am very creative in all aspects of my life, therefore I do not have to live up to societal standards. I consider myself a free spirit meaning, nothing convicts me or holds me down. Having a free spirit drives me and gives me the advantage to create and express boundlessly through the works of my art. Being an artist constantly drives me towards endless discovery and endless curiosity. I am a bit of a wanderer, so I like to think about all of the possible things I still have yet to experience in life and in the world, the world is big after all. I am always seeking to find new ideas, new concepts, and searching for answers which have a positive effect on my art. I have a very unique connection with my artwork, it is like me in a lot of ways. As an artist sometimes I can be very difficult to grasp, and maybe even hard to understand, because I am a creative person my mind tends to be all over the place from time to time. My artwork is just a mix of different mediums and images. I prefer abstract art over any other form of art because I have an eye for art that is intriguing, yet at the same time captivating. Abstract art relates to my inner persona because I always keep people guessing. I love the type of art that is nonrepresentational, art that is allowed to just be. I plan to use my art to connect and create change for future generations by becoming an educator. I am currently in college now studying to be an art educator. As my teaching philosophy, I plan to teach my students the true meaning of art and what it means to be an artist. A true artist does not seek validation from others but themselves. As an artist, you should know that the art world is very competitive and full of comparisons. I believe that true artists will stand by their art and watch it grow to full greatness. This is going to be good for future generations because the thought of comparison is a major problem in our society today. Many are afraid to be themselves because they fear rejection. But rejection is nothing but a blessing in disguise preparing you for something better. These are my plans over the next few years. I am secure within my art career and I believe that it will benefit my life in the long run. I hope you find interest in my profile, I thank the scholarship donors so much for this opportunity.
    Impact Scholarship for Black Students
    "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." - Max Ehrmann. Greetings, I am Autumn Glover. I am currently finishing up my sophomore year at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I major in art education with a minor in studio art. I always dreamed of how my future would be. I know that I aspire to be the greatest in my work. In blatant terms, I am unsure of my journey but, the most important thing for me to remember is to visualize where I want to be. Throughout my years of education, I persevered. I made it my mission to take my education as far as I could go. I persisted in my coursework and landed admission into one of the best universities in Pennsylvania. However, it does not end here, I recently just found out that I have been admitted to the University of South Florida. There, I plan to continue with earning my bachelor's degree in art education, networking with other local artists for collaborative projects, and even creating business connections for travel. I dream for my artwork to reach millions, and for it to hang in eminent art museums such as Chateau de Versailles (the Palace of Versailles), or even the Musée d'Orsay museum in Paris. I believe in living life to the fullest because every day is not promised. This is why I am taking all the opportunities given to me at this point in my career. I want to weigh all of the options I have, to see where they take me in life. My focus right now is to stay in college for as long as I need. I want to gain more life experience, wisdom, and knowledge to shape my character. I believe that education enhances one's mind and personality. It helps you to move forward and take action. That is how I am going to prepare myself for achieving my goals. The greatest power I have is believing in myself. My dreams, my triumphs, and my story are what keeps me going. As an African American student, you are seen as not good enough to fit the norm, and you are expected to fail. I don't believe in that nor do I want that for my life. I know that I deserve more than that, and I am worth more than the desolate perceptions placed against me because of my race. Throughout all of the stages in my life, I have excelled. I am proud of myself at every stage in my life of success. This is my story, and I am changing my life one page at a time. In a world full of deception, I must be optimistic about my future. "With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." Max Ehrmann said it best in "Desiderata", therefore I will keep achieving all that I can attain while the rest of my story unfolds.
    Minority Student Art Scholarship
    Leo Baeck said, “A minority is always compelled to think. That is the blessing of being in the minority". I was 7 years old when I discovered my passion for the arts, originating from early exposure to the arts since birth, my grandfather is a musician. My exposure to the arts has undoubtedly impacted my disposition. My name is Autumn Glover, and I attend the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am an undergraduate working towards a degree in art education with a minor in studio art B.F.A. Throughout my education, I've confidently developed my form of artistry and craft. After high school, I chose to further my education in the art field. It is my dream to be a fine artist and to have the chance of sharing my talent. Art is essential to me because it increases my self-confidence and self-understanding. I enjoy being granted the chance to explore and discover. Through the works of my art education, I presume to invest gracefully in my future with poise. I cherish exploring the world through materials and ideas in the human quest for knowledge. I have always been encouraged to pursue art, and I have no regrets about doing so. Additionally, I like to define my art through my narrative. Translating ideas into forms is what matters most to me as an art student. My plan for next semester is to transfer to The University of Central Florida to continue earning my degree in the college of the arts. Relocating to another area is worthwhile because I will find the influence to create new via traveling. As a minority, I am faced with challenges such as social injustice, racial injustice, and forms of prejudice. Since these challenges are unjust and erect, I believe that I am more likely to be disregarded and prone to fail. Minorities in America have greatly contributed to the world of art. Surprisingly, minorities aren’t credited for most of those contributions, we are the cornerstone meanwhile upheld as the main influence. The problems that come with being female in a male-dominated society are challenging enough, on that note, as an African American woman I am persistently under pressure in many ways, e.g. being categorized with negative stereotypes and even perceived in derogatory means. Nonetheless, that oversimplified cliché does not define nor demarcate my persona. I am an achiever and I will consistently persevere. What I transpire for my life cannot be prevented. I am predestined and well aware of my worth, I am certain that I can give to the world in abundance. Innovation, aim, focus, and intent are instilled in my innermost character. I believe in possibilities, and when an opportunity presents itself I am going to take it within my grasp. As an art student, I am passionate about uncovering my potential. I am driven towards reaching my deepest desires. If selected as a nominee, I am certain that this Minority Student Art Scholarship will aid me to towards all of my future endeavors.
    Traveling Artist Scholarship
    Traveling is a vital part of life. I believe you can go wherever your heart leads you. As an artist and art student, I sit in my studio for hours working away at my pieces for hours. While it’s great that I’m doing what I love, it can be bad for my mental health by being isolated by all the world has to offer. I think there should be a balance between work and enjoying life especially when it comes to being an artist. It is important for an artist to explore as much as they can so that they will not lose the passion of creativity. Seeing the same thing, doing the same thing day after day can become monotonous. Travel breathes new life into an artist. By traveling, I plan to discover different aspects of my personality, I plan to evolve and grow. As for developing into a better artist, I want to take the initiative to explore and learn as much as I can, also take chances, risks, share thoughts and ideas, and create networks and connections with other artists. Visiting a new place is a good way to look at your life and see it from different angles. Seeing places where people have different laws, different incomes, and different ideas, makes you challenge your own experiences and opinions, helping you appreciate the good in your life that is easy to take for granted. Creating networks with other artists is beneficial because you have the opportunity to learn from each other, learn new art forms. Connecting with others is the most beneficial factor in general because you can establish healthy bonds and friendships to last a lifetime. As an artist, I believe that I should expand as the world expands, especially when it comes down to perspective and world views. Traveling is beneficial because it changes you and even challenges you which adds to the enriching experience. Exploring will test my limits, make me adapt to new situations, and even reconsider my attachment to things. I can learn how to weave out the needed and not needed. Then this will allow and teach me how to develop into a better person. Traveling will give me the opportunity to develop more confidence of self and in the ability to problem-solve. I want to travel now while I am young because it won’t last forever. For example, there are many people who wanted to travel the world but never did because they decided to wait for the right moment. Truth is, there is never going to be the right moment, I believe you have to do it now. I want to fulfill my hopes and dreams, and aspirations of becoming a well-known artist. I want to share and give to the world my unique gift of artistry and craftsmanship because art is a healing power. Traveling the world will give me a better understanding of life, a more positive outlook on the outside world, also prove things about the world that have been taught to me by other people’s perspectives of the world wrong. I do not, nor have I ever had intentions of living small, my goal is to live large because the sky’s the limit. I am curious, I am determined, and I am fearless. Given the opportunity to travel would truly be a blessing and eye-opener for me. I think sometimes we get used to the bad things in life happening to us, that we forget about the good which is the beautiful world full of wonder that we live in. I guess you could say traveling is a key to life because everything in this world has movement, nothing really ever stands still. So I think that the same principle should be applied to artists like myself, who is not afraid of the unknown but willing to discover if given the chance. Traveling globally as an artist is going to be a good investment not only in myself but also for my craft and my future. I have big plans and dreams for my life and if given the opportunity of this scholarship, I will reach them. I plan to study abroad in Canada soon and even some countries in Europe, but now I have my vision set in one place. As stated above I am an artist also and an undergraduate student currently studying art education. This scholarship opportunity you provided will definitely contribute to my major of study and my education if offered.
    Run With Meg Scholarship for Female Entrepreneurs
    My name is Autumn Glover, and from my experience, I have to say that I grew up in a family that has multiple cases of mental illness, so right off the bat, I have a background on how mental illness affects a person's life. I don't have a mental illness but I have loved ones that do and I have seen how challenging it can be to complete everyday tasks. Mental illness can make people have a decreased enjoyment of life, have a decrease in happiness, or maybe even self destruct. I will never know how it feels to have a mental illness, so I don't want to write a person with a mental illness's story, but I have to say that I was influenced to work towards my entrepreneurship goals, to push myself even further, and to work a little harder. I realized that I had to be grateful that I was more capable of completing simple tasks because of my healthy mental health. I am an undergraduate student at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and I am working towards getting my degree in the art profession, and then I plan on becoming a licensed clinical art therapist. This is my way of giving back to those that struggle with mental health issues. I want those that struggle with mental health to have a safe place to come to and have someone to confide in. The arts have a valuable role in helping with mental illness by helping the individual feel confident, engaged, and resilient. Also alleviates anxiety, stress, and depression. Art definitely has healing power. It is said that art therapy helps with those that suffer from addictions, anxiety, attention disorders, grief and loss, dementia, and many more. Not only is mental illness challenging for the individual that has it, but also for the ones that are present in the individual's life. Living with someone that is mentally ill can be very stressful at times, but it is important to take care of yourself as much as you can. I believe that taking care of yourself is a valid goal on its own, and it helps support people you love. Those who pay attention to their own physical and emotional health are better able to handle the challenges of supporting someone with mental illness. It can also help establish a close bond with the person who suffers from mental illness. I never wanted to make my loved ones that suffer from mental illness feel like they were alone, and it can be a lonely road for them because no one understands how it feels to be them. This is how my experiences with mental illness have helped shaped my character and outlook on life. We all have problems that we struggle with, but sometimes one person's problem may be a little harder than the other person's. I think it is important to count your blessings as much as you can because that is what makes life regardless of what you are struggling with. I am a very caring and loving person, and I am committed to doing all that I can for those that have harder struggles than mine.
    First Generation College Student Scholarship
    Life always has a way of shaking things up. I'm Autumn Glover an undergraduate at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. It is a blessing to be here in this moment during these times of uncertainty, but I have faced many challenges in my life. I have to say the most challenging obstacle I have faced in my life was the sudden loss of my dad in 2019. My father died way too soon. I wasn't expecting him to go so quickly. It took me a while to adjust to the "new normal" and I have to be honest it was not easy. I overcame most of this by creating again, I found hope within the works of my art and even grew closer to my craft. Now I am an art education major at my university, so I am sure that I am on the right path. It was very beneficial for me to take care of my mental health in the beginning stages of my loss. I changed a lot of things about myself for the better and turned out just fine. I got into spirituality, wellness like meditation, yoga, crystals, and I even went to therapy sessions, also traveled from time to time. I am still overcoming the loss of my father but I can say that I have overcome most of it, I have accepted that my dad is gone now but he would want the best for me. I had to come to the realization that I had to move on with my life, and reassure myself that it doesn't mean that I love my dad any less. The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience is to live life to the fullest, time waits for no one, and when you have no choice but to pull yourself up from the bootstrap you discover how strong you are. Pain changes things for better or for worse.
    Opportunity for Black Women Scholarship
    I am an individual that can manifest, that can do anything I put my mind to. My name is Autumn Glover. I am an undergraduate at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am an art education major working towards becoming an art professor. I plan on being more than an art professor. I consider myself an artist, an artist in the making. I hope to achieve and reach my greatest potential within my career in art. I also hope to achieve my dream of traveling, sharing my beautiful art with the world. I have extraordinary goals and manifestations waiting for me around the corner. I know that I am worth more than what is laid out for me. Overall I know that I can make it in this life.
    Annual Black Entrepreneurship Grant
    I am Autumn Glover. I am an art education major at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am working towards becoming an art professor, but with that being said, I plan on becoming a successful artist as well. My business idea is to create a website to sell my art at the most reasonable prices, and collaborate with graphic professionals for my own company logo to sell tee-shirts with my artwork printed on them. I have sold a my artwork on social media platforms before and I have taken courses on business management, financial management, and accounting. I have the tools needed to get my idea off of the ground. I am a very well rounded young woman, and I am fortunate enough to follow my heart, I am on the right path. I put my heart into every piece of art that I create. What inspired me to become an artist was being born with a passion of art. I come from a artistic, musical, background so I have been exposed to the arts from a young age. I want my art to reach millions of people from all social and ethnic backgrounds. I want to try to unite all people together as one through the works of my craft. I have pure ambition, vision, and drive, that will contribute towards the future.
    WiseGeek Life Isn’t Easy Scholarship
    I have faced various struggles in my life, like being homeless from time to time. But nothing compares to the sudden death of my father. Life always has a way of shaking things up. I overcame this by believing that I could. I didn't know how strong I was until I had no choice but to be strong. Believing in myself is the only power I need. The obstacles I have faced continuously throughout my 22 years of living have contributed to my goals for the future. I want to be an artist and successful entrepreneur. It has truly given me the drive to strive towards my full potential. I made a vow to myself to be better, to be better than the way I grew up. Throughout all of these hardships, there is hope for the future. The trials I've faced have molded my persona of strength, hopefulness, courageousness, and perseverance. I am ready for the future because my past has given me the experience and tools needed to strive even further.