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Austin Waggoner


Bold Points






"I have a strong aptitude for mechanical and trade work. My plan is to work as an HVAC technician, specifically with low-income families like my own, ensuring they can afford to heat and cool their homes. Simultaneously, I aim to further my education in the medical field, pursuing my dream of helping people in the mental health sector as a psychiatrist. I am drawn to this field because it allows me to prescribe medication and diagnose. Among various trade jobs, HVAC is my favorite because it demands an understanding of electrical, plumbing, and a significant amount of science. I see this field as my stepping stone to reach my ultimate goal and help others along the way. Once I achieve my dream, I intend to continue working as an HVAC technician on the side, even with a significant pay decrease, to make my services more affordable for people. I would love to encourage others in this field to follow "de minus" or good faith recovery of dangerous and high GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerant. Our environmentis important to our health mentally and physically."


Midwest Technical Institute-East Peoria

Trade School
2023 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

    • Assistant Manager

      Marcus Theaters
      2021 – 20232 years



    Junior Varsity
    2014 – 20162 years


    • Psychology, General

      East peoria community highschool — Student
      2016 – 2018


    • Highschool

      1 mosaic vase, 1 ceramic nun, 1 korean inspired dragon vase
      2014 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Food drive — I counted the cans
      2014 – 2015

    Future Interests



    Koehler Family Trades and Engineering Scholarship
    In a world grappling with environmental challenges, individuals in various professions are seeking ways to make a positive impact. As an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician, I possess a unique skill set that can be harnessed to contribute significantly to a more sustainable future. As an HVAC technician, I play a crucial role in addressing environmental concerns and making a positive impact on the world. One of the primary avenues through which HVAC technicians can contribute to a more sustainable world is by promoting energy efficiency. Heating and cooling systems are major consumers of energy in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices, I can help clients reduce their carbon footprint and lower energy bills. Recommending and installing high-efficiency HVAC systems, programmable thermostats, and regular maintenance can enhance energy efficiency, ultimately mitigating the environmental impact associated with excessive energy consumption. Moreover, as an HVAC technician, I have the expertise to educate clients about sustainable practices. Providing information on proper system usage, setting optimal temperature levels, and encouraging periodic maintenance not only improves the performance and lifespan of HVAC systems but also contributes to overall energy conservation. By fostering awareness among clients, I empower them to make environmentally conscious decisions, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond individual households or businesses. Furthermore, HVAC technicians can actively engage in the adoption of eco-friendly refrigerants. Traditional refrigerants such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) contribute to the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. By advocating for and implementing the use of alternative, environmentally friendly refrigerants like hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), I contribute to reducing the industry's overall environmental impact. Staying informed about advancements in refrigerant technology and promoting the adoption of greener alternatives exemplifies your commitment to sustainability. In addition to promoting energy efficiency and eco-friendly refrigerants, HVAC technicians can champion the cause of responsible waste management. The disposal of old HVAC equipment presents environmental challenges, as these systems often contain materials that can be harmful if not handled properly. Encouraging clients to participate in recycling programs, facilitating the proper disposal of components, and collaborating with recycling centers are steps that an HVAC technician can take to minimize the environmental footprint associated with equipment replacement. Moreover, embracing renewable energy integration is another avenue for HVAC technicians to contribute to a more sustainable world. As renewable energy sources like solar and wind power become more prevalent, HVAC systems can be designed and optimized to work seamlessly with these eco-friendly energy sources. By incorporating solar-powered heating or geothermal systems into HVAC designs, you actively contribute to reducing dependence on conventional energy sources, ultimately diminishing the environmental impact of energy production. In conclusion, as an HVAC technician, I possess the skills and knowledge to make a significant impact on the world's environmental challenges. From promoting energy efficiency and advocating for eco-friendly refrigerants to encouraging responsible waste management and integrating renewable energy solutions, my role extends far beyond maintaining heating and cooling systems. By embracing a commitment to sustainability, I not only enhance the efficiency and longevity of HVAC systems but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.
    PRIDE in Education Award
    My Journey as a Gay HVAC Technician In a world that constantly evolves, embracing diversity is not only a societal value but also a catalyst for progress. As a gay HVAC technician, my journey is a testament to breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes in a traditionally male-dominated industry. Entering the HVAC field, I faced preconceived notions about what it means to be a technician. However, my passion for the craft and commitment to excellence quickly shattered these stereotypes, proving that one's sexual orientation has no bearing on their ability to succeed in this demanding profession. Throughout my career, I have actively worked towards fostering inclusive environments within the HVAC industry. By sharing my experiences and advocating for diversity, I strive to create workplaces where individuals feel accepted for who they are, enabling them to thrive professionally. Being a successful HVAC technician is about knowledge, skill, and dedication. My technical proficiency and commitment to continuous learning showcase that one's capabilities are not defined by their sexual orientation. I take pride in my ability to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain HVAC systems, proving that diversity enhances, rather than hinders, the proficiency of a team. Recognizing the importance of representation, I actively engage with the LGBTQ+ community to inspire others to pursue careers in non-traditional fields. By sharing my story, I aim to break down barriers and encourage individuals to embrace their true selves while pursuing their professional aspirations. Through my experiences, I've become an advocate for inclusivity within the HVAC industry. I believe that diverse perspectives foster innovation and contribute to the industry's growth. By actively participating in discussions, workshops, and mentorship programs, I strive to create lasting change and open doors for individuals of all backgrounds. In conclusion, my journey as a gay HVAC technician exemplifies the power of diversity in challenging stereotypes and contributing to a more inclusive industry. By embracing authenticity and advocating for change, I aim to inspire a new generation of professionals to pursue their passions without fear of judgment. Together, we can create a future where everyone is valued for their skills, irrespective of their sexual orientation. Though it is true that I am not the first gay man in this field, I hope to someday be among the greatest within the field. I would like to thank you Steven and kelley Williamson for funding this scholarship and as well for giving me this opportunity to further my education in this field is chosen for the award. Thank you again! Austin waggoner
    Slater Miller Memorial Fund
    I, austin waggoner, am pursuing this trade for the purpose of offering affordable help in the field. As most people are aware, trade jobs pay well at the expense of the customer. I hope to use my skills to volunteer my time and resources that I can spare for low income families such as my own. I will work for a company who pay moderately as most company's in this trade do, and on the side offer services to those who are not as well off as the clients I service with the company. In times of need, I will be the guy they want to call due to my persistence, and ambition to do the job efficiently, and effectively. I have always been a tinker whilst growing up, and never truly stopped. I hope to expand to other forms of education such as a more in depth education in electrical, plumbing and metal work to harness more skills, and techniques to improve myself. As all people though I do have end goals. My end goal for a career in hvac would be a hobby in the end strictly to help those less fortunate than I. I have an incredibly and Insatiable lust for hvac as it truly Caters to my need to help others and keeps my mind occupied as it often wonders while idle. While it may be considered selfish to join a career for the sake of praise, this is not my only reason. I have always had an affinity to the arts such as wood, metal ceramic or mixed media. I find hvac to be a great use of my artistic skills as a lot of metal work such as galvanized sheet metal is used in ductwork. This ductwork I find myself to be especially great in, incorporates my artistic abilities. Aside from my artsy side, I do have a Mechanical aspect to myself. I have always had a love of vehicles and maintaining them. This aspect I find to be very inclusive with my hvac skills. Not only do my passions improve my skill in this field, my upbringing has been a big part of my artistic and Mechanical prowess. I was raised adopted into my great aunts family. She is a single mom who raised my father, my uncle, my siblings, and myself. My Mother grew up in the exact situation I grew up in and learned to be independent at a very young age. She learned how to work on her car and fix electrical and repair problems to save money. These skills she learned became the skills that I learned and involved me in the world of trade. Without my upbringing I do not believe I would have ever even thought about hvac, or Mechanical, or even trade work in general. She became my inspiration to better myself and in turn better the people around me with the skills I have to offer this trade field. I truly appreciate the chance to get this scholarship and to possibly honor slater Miller. Thank you for the opportunity.