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Austin Hagedorn


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I recently finished my associate's in social work and will continue to a bachelor's in social work. I am a certified recovery coach through Mental Health of America. I have a passion for serving those I work with as clients, but I also ensure sound judgment leads in my decision-making. I believe in solid morals and ethical decision-making. The last few years of experience working in mental health/substance use treatment have taught me that sometimes we need someone to show up daily. I strive to show up prepared to assist coworkers and clients day after day. I believe strongly in being a lifelong learner and see obstacles as opportunities for further growth and development. I also would like to share that I have been completely sober for over three years, and it is my struggles with alcohol use disorder that have inspired my passion for helping others suffering from mental health conditions. I hope to advance in my career and education to serve my community better and uplift the suffering.


Capella University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General
    • Social Work

Ivy Tech Community College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

    • Recovery Coach

      2022 – Present2 years



    2009 – 20123 years


    • Midfield MVP


    • Social Work

      Centerstone — Recovery Specialist
      2022 – 2022


    • School

      2000 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Recovery Cafe — Board Member
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Recovery Community Groups — Volunteer
      2020 – Present

    Future Interests





    Sewing Seeds: Lena B. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    A Personal Odyssey: From Adversity to Advocacy In the intricate tapestry of my life, threads of resilience, determination, and a fervent desire to make a positive impact weave together to form the fabric of my journey. As an individual who has overcome the challenges of substance use disorder, emerged from a broken home, and now navigates the delicate balance of being a full-time student and employee, my experiences have forged a profound commitment to mental health advocacy and societal well-being. Growing up in a broken home, I learned early on the value of adaptability and perseverance. The tumultuous environment instilled in me an unyielding determination to rise above circumstances, shaping my character and influencing my outlook on life. These formative experiences have become the foundation upon which I've built my aspirations for personal growth and a meaningful career. My journey through recovery from substance use disorder has been transformative, marking not only a personal triumph but a catalyst for advocacy. The decision to pursue a career in mental health stems from the profound empathy and understanding cultivated during this process. Recovery, for me, is more than a cessation of substance use; it is a continuous journey of self-discovery, resilience, and a commitment to well-being. I aim to leverage this unique perspective to contribute to a mental health landscape that embraces compassion, understanding, and inclusivity. As a full-time student and employee maintaining a 4.0 GPA, I have navigated the delicate balance of academia and professional responsibilities. This dual commitment has been a crucible for personal and professional growth, honing my time management, organizational skills, and resilience in the face of challenges. The insights gained from my academic pursuits, coupled with practical experience in the workplace, have shaped my holistic approach to mental health advocacy. My career aspirations are deeply intertwined with a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. As a future mental health provider, I envision contributing not only to individual well-being but also to systemic change. Drawing from my experiences, I aim to bridge the gap between personal understanding and professional expertise, fostering a more empathetic and inclusive approach to mental health services. The impact I aspire to make extends beyond clinical settings. I envision establishing outreach programs that destigmatize mental health issues, creating safe spaces for individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. Through community engagement and awareness campaigns, I plan to contribute to the broader conversation surrounding mental health, dismantling stereotypes and fostering a culture of openness and understanding. Moreover, my commitment to societal well-being is not limited to the realm of mental health. I aspire to advocate for social justice, equality, and inclusivity. In a world where interconnected challenges demand holistic solutions, I see my future career as an opportunity to contribute to a more compassionate and equitable society. In conclusion, my journey from adversity to advocacy has shaped my identity and aspirations. The intersections of personal triumphs and challenges have fueled a commitment to mental health advocacy and societal well-being. Through my career, I aim to be a catalyst for positive change, contributing to a world where compassion, understanding, and inclusivity are paramount.
    Deanna Ellis Memorial Scholarship
    Title: A Journey of Redemption: Unveiling the Impact of Substance Abuse on Beliefs, Relationships, and Career Aspirations My journey through the shadows of substance abuse has been a crucible, shaping not only my narrative but influencing my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations in profound ways. As an individual in recovery for three years, the echoes of that challenging chapter resonate in the fabric of my identity and aspirations, forging a path toward redemption and a commitment to impact the world positively. The impact of substance abuse on my beliefs has been transformative. It has illuminated the fragility of the human experience and underscored the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience. The recovery process has reshaped my beliefs about personal strength and the potential for redemption. I firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their past, possesses the capacity for transformation and renewal. This newfound belief is a guiding principle in my interactions and fuels my commitment to mental health advocacy. Substance abuse has intricately woven its threads into the fabric of my relationships. It tested the bonds with those I held dear, unveiling both the vulnerabilities and strengths of connection. The journey of recovery allowed for the mending of fractured relationships, and in doing so, it deepened my appreciation for the importance of compassion and support. This experience has left an indelible mark on how I approach relationships — with an enhanced sense of empathy, authenticity, and a commitment to positively influencing those around me. My experience with substance abuse has significantly influenced my career aspirations. The challenges I faced underscored the importance of mental health awareness and intervention. It ignited a passion for contributing to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental well-being. As a future mental health provider, my career aspirations are deeply rooted in this commitment. I aim to blend lived experience with professional expertise, creating a holistic approach to mental health advocacy that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. Moreover, the journey through substance abuse has instilled in me a desire to contribute beyond the clinical setting. I aspire to advocate for systemic change, promoting policies and initiatives prioritizing mental health education, prevention, and accessibility. My challenges have become a driving force for positive change, influencing my career trajectory toward making a broader impact on societal well-being. In conclusion, my experience with substance abuse has been a transformative journey that has left an indelible mark on my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. It has instilled in me a profound sense of empathy, resilience, and commitment to positively impacting the world. Through the prism of recovery, I see personal redemption and an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of individuals and society at large.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    A Personal Odyssey: From Adversity to Advocacy In the intricate tapestry of my life, threads of resilience, determination, and a fervent desire to make a positive impact weave together to form the fabric of my journey. As an individual who has overcome the challenges of substance use disorder, emerged from a broken home, and now navigates the delicate balance of being a full-time student and employee, my experiences have forged a profound commitment to mental health advocacy and societal well-being. Growing up in a broken home, I learned early on the value of adaptability and perseverance. The tumultuous environment instilled in me an unyielding determination to rise above circumstances, shaping my character and influencing my outlook on life. These formative experiences have become the foundation upon which I've built my aspirations for personal growth and a meaningful career. My journey through recovery from substance use disorder has been transformative, marking not only a personal triumph but a catalyst for advocacy. The decision to pursue a career in mental health stems from the profound empathy and understanding cultivated during this process. Recovery, for me, is more than a cessation of substance use; it is a continuous journey of self-discovery, resilience, and a commitment to well-being. I aim to leverage this unique perspective to contribute to a mental health landscape that embraces compassion, understanding, and inclusivity. As a full-time student and employee maintaining a 4.0 GPA, I have navigated the delicate balance of academia and professional responsibilities. This dual commitment has been a crucible for personal and professional growth, honing my time management, organizational skills, and resilience in the face of challenges. The insights gained from my academic pursuits, coupled with practical experience in the workplace, have shaped my holistic approach to mental health advocacy. My career aspirations are deeply intertwined with a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. As a future mental health provider, I envision contributing not only to individual well-being but also to systemic change. Drawing from my experiences, I aim to bridge the gap between personal understanding and professional expertise, fostering a more empathetic and inclusive approach to mental health services. The impact I aspire to make extends beyond clinical settings. I envision establishing outreach programs that destigmatize mental health issues, creating safe spaces for individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. Through community engagement and awareness campaigns, I plan to contribute to the broader conversation surrounding mental health, dismantling stereotypes and fostering a culture of openness and understanding. Moreover, my commitment to societal well-being is not limited to the realm of mental health. I aspire to advocate for social justice, equality, and inclusivity. In a world where interconnected challenges demand holistic solutions, I see my future career as an opportunity to contribute to a more compassionate and equitable society. In conclusion, my journey from adversity to advocacy has shaped my identity and aspirations. The intersections of personal triumphs and challenges have fueled a commitment to mental health advocacy and societal well-being. Through my career, I aim to be a catalyst for positive change, contributing to a world where compassion, understanding, and inclusivity are paramount.
    Bruce & Kathy Bevan Scholarship
    Title: Navigating Life's Challenges: A Journey of Recovery, Academic Excellence, and Professional Growth Embarking on the dual roles of a full-time student and a full-time employee is a demanding venture that requires resilience, time management, and an unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth. In the realm of recovery from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, I have not only faced these challenges head-on but have turned them into catalysts for transformative change, shaping my academic pursuits and professional aspirations. Balancing the rigors of work and academic life has been a defining chapter in my journey. As a proud individual in recovery for three years, every day is a testament to the resilience and determination that recovery instills. The decision to pursue a full-time education while maintaining employment reflects a profound commitment to excellence and personal development. The juxtaposition of being a full-time student and employee has been a crucible for the refinement of essential life skills. Time management has become an art that I've mastered through careful planning, prioritization, and a disciplined approach to balancing competing demands. Navigating this delicate equilibrium has honed not only my organizational skills but also my ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges. The impact of this dual commitment on my personal growth is immeasurable. Beyond the academic achievements encapsulated by a stellar 4.0 GPA, this journey has fostered resilience and a tenacity to overcome obstacles. The challenges of balancing work and school have become opportunities for self-discovery, revealing capacities for perseverance and determination that continue to surprise and empower me. In the crucible of academic pursuit and professional responsibilities, I've found that each complements the other, creating a synergy that propels personal and professional growth. The insights gained in the classroom often find immediate applications in the workplace, and vice versa. This interconnectedness has not only deepened my understanding of the subjects studied but has also enriched my professional acumen. The impact extends beyond the personal realm, influencing my professional growth and aspirations. Through the integration of academic knowledge and practical experience, I've cultivated a unique perspective that I plan to leverage in my role as a mental health provider. My experiences, both as an individual in recovery and as a dedicated student and employee, have equipped me with a profound empathy and understanding that I aim to bring to the forefront of my future professional endeavors. Moreover, this journey has fortified my commitment to mental health advocacy. The struggles I've faced and the triumphs I've celebrated have ignited a passion to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of mental health and personal well-being. My goal is not only to provide support on an individual level but to contribute to systemic change, fostering a more compassionate and inclusive approach to mental health. In conclusion, the delicate balance of work and school has been a crucible for personal and professional growth, transforming challenges into opportunities for resilience and self-discovery. The interplay between academic pursuits and workplace responsibilities has not only enriched my educational experience but has also provided a unique vantage point that I carry forward into my future endeavors as a mental health provider. This journey, marked by recovery, academic excellence, and professional commitment, is not just a testament to personal achievement but a promise to make a lasting positive impact on the world.
    Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
    As a kid, one of the fondest memories etched in the canvas of my childhood involves playing Mario Kart with my brother on our Nintendo console. The thrill of competing against each other in this iconic co-op game not only brought us endless joy but also forged unforgettable bonds of camaraderie and friendly rivalry. Our favorite edition was Mario Kart: Double Dash for the Nintendo GameCube. The unique feature of this game allowed two characters to team up in a single kart, adding an extra layer of strategy and coordination to the race. My brother and I would spend countless afternoons navigating the colorful tracks of the Mushroom Kingdom, each of us taking on distinct roles within our dynamic duo. What made Mario Kart: Double Dash our top choice was not just the exhilarating gameplay but the memories we created during one particular multiplayer session that still brings a smile to my face. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and our living room resonated with the familiar jingles and lively tunes of the Mario Kart soundtrack. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the TV screen as we embarked on yet another racing adventure. As we selected our characters – I, a loyal Yoshi enthusiast, and my brother, an unwavering Mario supporter – a sense of friendly competition filled the room. The beauty of the co-op mode was the seamless coordination required to navigate the twists and turns of the tracks successfully. Communication became key as we strategized on using power-ups, timing our boosts, and executing well-timed drifts to gain the upper hand. The defining moment of that memorable session occurred during the final lap of the Rainbow Road track. Rainbow-colored tracks floated in space, and the stakes were high. Our kart, adorned with vibrant balloons, raced against formidable opponents, each aiming for the coveted first place. As we approached the finish line, neck and neck with a rival team, a perfectly timed combination of our items catapulted us ahead in a burst of speed and color. The cheers and high-fives that followed encapsulated the sheer joy of that victory. It wasn't just about winning; it was about the shared experience, the laughter, and the bond strengthened through cooperative play. Mario Kart: Double Dash became more than just a game; it became a vessel for building cherished memories with my brother, moments that would become nostalgic treasures as we grew older. In retrospect, those afternoons spent racing through the Mushroom Kingdom not only fueled a lifelong love for gaming but also exemplified the power of shared experiences in shaping the sibling bonds that endure through time. To this day, whenever the familiar jingle of Mario Kart echoes in my ears, it's a nostalgic reminder of the laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments shared with my brother on those lazy Sunday afternoons.
    Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
    Recovery is an intricate journey that surpasses the mere cessation of substance use. It embodies a conscious decision to break free from addiction's chains, involving a relentless pursuit of personal growth and well-being. Emerging from the challenges of a broken home, recovery is a commitment to confronting emotional and psychological tolls, rebuilding fractured aspects of life, and ultimately reclaiming one's identity. This ongoing process of recovery is marked by resilience and a dedication to self-improvement. It involves embracing vulnerability and viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth. Recovery, in my perspective, is not a singular event but a continuous journey of empowerment, cultivating agency, and reclaiming control over one's life. Beyond personal transformation, recovery intertwines with a larger narrative of advocacy and community impact. My journey through recovery serves as a source of inspiration and a platform for mental health advocacy. It's about turning lived experiences into a catalyst for positive change, not just for myself but for others facing similar challenges. Navigating this ongoing journey, I recognize that recovery is not a solitary endeavor. It is a collaborative effort that involves community support, mentorship, and understanding. My commitment to recovery extends to making a positive impact on the world and my community, fostering a sense of collective well-being and resilience. Recovery, as shaped by my experiences, is a continuous process of transformation, empowerment, and advocacy. It's not only a personal journey but also a commitment to contribute meaningfully to the broader tapestry of recovery and mental health awareness.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    Title: The BookTok Dreamshelf: A Tapestry of Literary Magic Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of literature, #BookTok has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, transforming the way readers discover and engage with books. As an avid bibliophile, my ideal bookshelf is an homage to the impactful titles that have resonated within the #BookTok community. This curated collection reflects the diversity of genres, voices, and perspectives that have captured the hearts and minds of readers around the globe. Must-Have Titles: "The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller: This modern classic has become a staple on BookTok, enchanting readers with its lyrical prose and reimagining of the Greek myth of Achilles and Patroclus. The novel's exploration of love, friendship, and destiny has sparked intense discussions and emotional reactions within the #BookTok community. "Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo: The Grishaverse series, particularly "Six of Crows," has taken BookTok by storm, weaving a tale of heists, magic, and complex characters. Bardugo's world-building prowess and diverse ensemble cast have contributed to the series' popularity, making it a must-have on any BookTok-inspired bookshelf. "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides: This psychological thriller has become a sensation on #BookTok, known for its mind-bending plot twists and a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The book's ability to captivate and shock has made it a recommended title across various genres, demonstrating the broad appeal of BookTok recommendations. "They Both Die at the End" by Adam Silvera: Silvera's poignant exploration of life, death, and friendship has struck a chord with #BookTok readers. The novel's emotionally charged narrative and thought-provoking themes have turned it into a beloved title within the community, sparking conversations about the meaning of life and the importance of living in the moment. "The Hating Game" by Sally Thorne: This contemporary romance novel has become a favorite among #BookTok users, celebrated for its witty banter, charming characters, and heartwarming love story. The book's popularity reflects the community's appreciation for well-executed romantic narratives that provide a welcome escape. Impact on the #BookTok Community: The #BookTok community has redefined the way readers discover and engage with literature. It has democratized book recommendations, allowing readers to influence literary trends and amplify diverse voices. The recommended titles on this dreamshelf have not only garnered immense popularity but have also fostered a sense of community as readers share their thoughts, emotions, and experiences related to these books. Conclusion: The BookTok Dreamshelf is a vibrant tapestry of literary magic, showcasing the power of community-driven recommendations. From epic tales of mythology to heartwarming romances and mind-bending thrillers, these must-have titles reflect the diversity of genres and voices that make #BookTok a dynamic and influential force in the world of literature. As readers continue to share their love for these books, the BookTok community evolves into a global book club, connecting bibliophiles and shaping the literary landscape for years to come.
    Servant Ships Scholarship
    Title: Navigating Adversity: A Journey Informed by Literature and Film In the pages of literature and the frames of cinematic narratives, I have found not just stories, but mirrors reflecting aspects of my journey — a journey marked by recovery, resilience, and a commitment to mental health advocacy. As an individual who has overcome substance use disorder and emerged from a broken home, the books I've read and the films I've seen have been invaluable companions, shaping my goals and fueling my determination to make a positive impact on the world. My love for literature and film began as a form of escapism during the tumultuous years of my broken home. These narratives became windows into different worlds, offering solace and inspiration during moments of uncertainty. In the stories of characters overcoming adversity, I found echoes of my own resilience, instilling in me a belief that transformation was possible even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. One of the most impactful books I've read is Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." Frankl's account of finding purpose and resilience in the midst of unimaginable suffering resonated deeply with my own journey. It reinforced my belief that even in the darkest moments, one can find meaning and the strength to overcome. This insight has become a guiding principle in my approach to life and my commitment to mental health advocacy. Additionally, films like "Beautiful Boy" and "A Beautiful Mind" provided powerful portrayals of individuals navigating the complexities of addiction and mental health challenges. These cinematic experiences not only heightened my awareness of the nuanced struggles faced by many but also fueled my determination to contribute to a system that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. My personal experiences with substance use disorder and a broken home have shaped my academic and professional goals. As a recovering individual with a 4.0 GPA, I am pursuing a degree in social work to deepen my understanding of mental health issues and intervention strategies. My journey has instilled in me a passion for bridging the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, using my unique perspective to inspire and support others. In navigating the realms of academia and full-time employment, I have learned the importance of time management, resilience, and a commitment to excellence. These skills, coupled with the insights gained from literature and film, form the foundation of my goal to make a positive impact on the world and my community through education. My vision is to establish outreach programs that destigmatize mental health issues, creating safe spaces for individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive mental health landscape, breaking down barriers to recovery and fostering positive change. In conclusion, the books and films that have shaped my journey have not only been a source of inspiration but catalysts for personal and professional growth. With a deepened understanding of the human experience gained from these narratives, I am committed to leveraging my education to make a lasting positive impact on the world, advocating for mental health and empowering individuals to overcome adversity and embrace transformative change.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    Title: A Journey of Transformation: From Personal Struggles to Empowering Others My life’s journey has been a profound odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of purpose. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder who emerged from the shadows of a broken home, my transformation has not only honed my skills but has fueled a passionate commitment to helping others become their best selves. Over the past three years of recovery, I have navigated the challenging terrain of full-time academics and employment, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and dedicating my efforts to the field of mental health. My early years in a broken home were marked by instability and uncertainty, creating an environment that tested the limits of my strength. However, within the tumult, I discovered an inner resilience that would later become the driving force behind my journey. The adversity I faced became the crucible in which I forged not only my skills but also a deep-seated purpose to make a positive impact on the lives of others. The turning point in my life came with my struggle against substance use disorder. Confronting the grip of addiction was a monumental challenge that compelled me not only to reclaim my own life but also to advocate for others facing similar battles. This personal struggle deepened my empathy and understanding of mental health issues, shaping my determination to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental well-being. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it reflects my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a means of empowerment. Balancing the demands of academia and the workplace has been a challenging yet transformative experience, refining my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me but have instead become stepping stones toward realizing my goals. My passion for helping others be their best selves is not merely a professional pursuit; it is a calling born out of personal experience. My dream is to bridge the gap between lived experience and professional expertise, using my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery and personal growth. By blending academic excellence with firsthand understanding, I aspire to contribute to the mental health field as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and a genuine commitment to fostering positive change. In conclusion, my journey from personal struggles to empowerment has been a transformative process that has cultivated both skills and a profound sense of purpose. This scholarship represents not only an investment in my education but also in the potential for me to make meaningful contributions to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges. With the support of this scholarship, I am poised to continue developing my skills and fulfilling my purpose of helping others be their best selves.
    Autumn Davis Memorial Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Ethan To Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to a field that desperately needs empathetic and understanding professionals. This scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but would also be an investment in the transformative impact I aspire to bring to the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey from Brokenness to Healing My life’s narrative has been a testament to resilience and the transformative power of overcoming adversity. As a recovering individual from substance use disorder, emerging from a broken home, my journey has been marked by personal growth, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health landscape. Now, three years into my recovery, I stand proudly as a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, driven by a deep passion for mental health advocacy. Growing up in a broken home, I faced challenges that tested the limits of my strength and determination. The tumultuous environment I navigated fostered a sense of instability and uncertainty. Yet, within the chaos, I discovered an inner resolve that would ultimately guide me towards a path of recovery and healing. The adversity I encountered during my formative years served as a crucible, shaping my character and instilling in me an unwavering commitment to rise above circumstances. My personal struggle with substance use disorder became a turning point, propelling me towards the pursuit of recovery. Confronting the grip of addiction was a daunting challenge, but it ignited a fire within me to not only reclaim my life but also to help others facing similar battles. This firsthand experience with the profound impact of mental health struggles laid the foundation for my aspirations to become a mental health provider. Recovery, for me, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about rebuilding a life shattered by addiction. This journey has deepened my empathy and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health issues. It has fueled my desire to contribute to a system that recognizes the interconnectedness of substance use and mental health, advocating for comprehensive, integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals in recovery. As a full-time student and employee, maintaining a 4.0 GPA is not just an academic achievement; it symbolizes my commitment to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for empowerment. Juggling the demands of academia and the workplace has been challenging, but it has fortified my time management and organizational skills. These challenges have not deterred me; instead, they have become stepping stones, propelling me closer to my goals. My dream is to bridge the gap between personal experience and professional expertise, leveraging my unique journey to inspire and support others on their path to recovery. I am driven to contribute to the field of mental health as a practitioner who embodies resilience, empathy, and firsthand understanding. By blending academic excellence with lived experience, I aim to break down stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health, fostering a compassionate and inclusive environment for those in need. In conclusion, my journey from brokenness to healing has shaped my goals and dreams in profound ways. The adversity I’ve faced has not defined me but has become the crucible from which I draw strength and determination. As a proud mental health provider in recovery, I am poised to make⬤
    VonDerek Casteel Being There Counts Scholarship
    Title: Empowering Lives Through Mental Health Advocacy As an aspiring social worker deeply committed to enhancing mental health services, receiving this scholarship would provide me with the crucial support needed to turn my passion into impactful action. My journey in social work is not merely a career choice; it is a calling to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those grappling with mental health challenges. The foundation of my dedication to mental health advocacy is rooted in personal experiences and a genuine desire to alleviate the silent struggles faced by many. Growing up, I witnessed the profound impact of mental health issues on individuals within my community, from friends battling anxiety to family members navigating depression. These encounters ignited a flame within me to pursue a path dedicated to fostering mental well-being and resilience. Receiving this scholarship would serve as a catalyst for my academic and professional pursuits. With the financial support granted, I aim to deepen my knowledge through advanced coursework and specialized training in mental health intervention strategies. This will equip me with the skills and insights needed to address the nuanced challenges faced by diverse populations dealing with mental health issues. Beyond academic enrichment, the scholarship funds would play a pivotal role in facilitating hands-on experiences. I envision using these resources to engage in internships and community projects, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. By collaborating with local mental health organizations, I intend to contribute to the development of accessible and culturally competent services tailored to the unique needs of different communities. Furthermore, the scholarship will empower me to pursue additional certifications and workshops, ensuring that I stay abreast of the latest advancements in evidence-based therapeutic practices. This continuous learning process is essential in providing cutting-edge and effective support to individuals navigating the complex landscape of mental health. One of my primary goals is to establish outreach programs that bridge the gap between mental health services and marginalized communities. The scholarship funds would enable me to organize awareness campaigns, destigmatizing mental health issues and promoting a culture of openness and understanding. Through these initiatives, I aspire to create safe spaces where individuals feel empowered to seek help without fear of judgment or discrimination. In conclusion, being awarded this scholarship would not only alleviate financial barriers but also serve as a testament to the shared vision of promoting mental health and well-being. As a grateful recipient, I am committed to utilizing every opportunity afforded by this support to cultivate positive change in the lives of those affected by mental health challenges. Together, we can create a future where compassion, education, and accessibility converge to uplift individuals and communities in their journey towards mental wellness.
    Early Childhood Developmental Trauma Legacy Scholarship
    When I was young, I was around a lot of drug use from my father, and there was a lot of physical violence in the home. At the age of nine, I went to live with my grandparents. After growing up and battling my issues with alcohol addiction, I eventually started working in the human services field. I have learned a lot helping others process their trauma, and even now, I am employed by a significant mental health provider. I aim to continue with this bachelor's program in social work to further aid society in any way I can. I mainly help other men work towards bettering themselves by volunteering in the community at additional nonprofits and by working daily to help people recover from a substance use disorder. I have been sober for over three years and am thankful I can apply for scholarships like this one. I know every positive step I can take for myself means that one day, I can hopefully share this information with someone else trying to lift themselves out of harsh times. Group Work: Nurturing Inclusivity Through Collective Support During my recent volunteer service-learning experience, I actively engaged in group work aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals dealing with substance misuse and homelessness. Collaborating with local sober living facilities, including Centerstone and the Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress, we orchestrated a transformative event at a church gymnasium in Columbus, Indiana. The purpose of the group extended beyond providing immediate relief. It aimed to foster comprehensive support, offering sustenance through food and dignity through free clothing vouchers and essential items for the local unhoused population. The mutual aid process employed in this collaborative initiative showcased the transformative power of community engagement in challenging oppressive structures. This collective effort highlighted the significance of inclusive and person-centered approaches, seamlessly aligning with anti-oppressive principles. Drawing on the research of Carstensen, Mudhar, and Munksgaard (2021), the role of mutual aid and self-help groups in the COVID-19 pandemic becomes particularly relevant. These groups serve as essential components of community resilience, emphasizing the capacity of communities to mobilize their resources and support networks in times of crisis. The mutual aid processes observed during my service learning align with the findings of this research, emphasizing the vital role of community-driven initiatives in addressing societal challenges. Organizational Work: Centerstone and Anti-Oppressive Practices Engaging in organizational work at Centerstone, a pivotal mental health and substance misuse treatment organization, provided a profound glimpse into the community's practical application of anti-oppressive principles. Centerstone's dedication to holistic care, addressing the complex intersections of challenges individuals face, resonated with the core tenets of anti-oppressive social work. The collaborative efforts between volunteers, including myself, and Centerstone for the event at the local church gymnasium exemplified the organization's commitment to dismantling oppressive structures. Partnering with the Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress further illustrated the potential of collective action in addressing the intricate issues surrounding substance misuse and homelessness. This collaborative event addressed immediate needs and served as a testament to the transformative power of community engagement in fostering inclusivity.