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Ashley Ramirez


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I’m passionate about helping others and am working hard to earn scholarships to support my education. I’m an aspiring Pediatric Nurse, earning my BSN at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville. I’m known for being kind and hardworking, qualities that I believe make me a strong candidate for scholarships. I’m committed to doing my best academically and personally to help as many people as possible.


The University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing

Lenoir City High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Help children with their health around the world

    • Sales Floor Associate

      2023 – Present1 year
    • Nursing Attedant

      UT Medical
      2024 – Present8 months
    • Apparel Associate

      2020 – 20222 years
    • Style Consultant

      2022 – Present2 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      LCHS Environmental Club — Clean The environment
      2022 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Lantern Alzheimer’s Institution — Took care of the elderly
      2021 – 2021
    Eric Maurice Brandon Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up as a part of an underrepresented minority has shown me just how hard it can be to get access to healthcare. My family's struggles and experiences sparked a passion for pediatric nursing. Since I was a kid, I was surrounded by children, including my two younger brothers. My cousins would always come over, especially my cousin Andy, who never got the chance to play with us. At such a young age I did not understand why he was always in bed. Growing up, I soon learned my cousin had cerebral palsy. My cousin Andy is the same age as me and is one of my biggest inspirations to pursue a career in pediatric nursing. He has faced things many people couldn't endure due to limited access to healthcare. Every time he needed medical attention, my family's options were limited. Seeing how much Andy and my aunt struggled to receive the proper care fueled my desire to help kids like him. In this career, I want to be a nurse who not only helps them medically but shows a kindness that will make a difference in their lives. Other than Andy, my younger siblings are another reason I am pursuing a career in nursing. I often had to take care of my brothers while my parents were working to make ends meet. Taking care of my brothers taught me how to be patient and handle stressful situations on my own. The challenges my family and I faced as minorities trying to access healthcare were a handful. There were times when we could not afford the care we needed, taking care of our health with homemade remedies instead. These experiences truly were eye-opening. Many minority communities should not have to choose by choosing their financial needs over their health. I want to be a nurse who can stand up for families to get the care they deserve. As language barriers in America are a huge problem, I want to provide families the comfort of being able to reach out to a healthcare professional who understands their struggles. In pursuing nursing, I aim to make minority families feel welcomed and comfortable. I believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, no matter who they are. The Eric Maurice Brandon Memorial Scholarship would allow me to continue my passion for nursing. His journey of not only helping injured heroes but also children, goes to show the impact nurses have on everyone they encounter. A devoted nurse like Eric fuels my determination to achieve my dreams. If I can help children like Andy, it would be fulfilling to know I'm making a difference in their lives. Thank you for the opportunity of applying to this scholarship. Your support would bring me a step closer to helping children and advocating for underrepresented minorities in the nursing field.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    When we got kicked out of the house I'd known since elementary school, it felt like my whole world was crumbling. The place where I grew up, filled with memories and laughter, was suddenly gone. The looming fear of moving to Guatemala made me feel lost and hopeless. As I was the first in my family to navigate American education, I learned the importance of mental health. During my sophomore year of high school, my family and I were forced out of our precious home. My parents, deeply discouraged, believed the only solution was to return to our home country. I was angry and frustrated, feeling like life was so unfair. The thought of losing my friends and the opportunities I had in America terrified me. I worried about my younger brothers, afraid they'd miss out on these opportunities too. These growing fears and uncertainties pulled me into a deep depression. It felt like everything I had worked so hard for was slipping away right before my eyes. To help my family, I took on part-time jobs while balancing school and looking after my younger siblings. The pressure was intense like my head was constantly underwater. A weight rested on my shoulders, like I could never get rid of it. Every day was a struggle, and finding happiness in simple things became difficult. I even stopped begging my parents to not move countries as I lost all motivation. Despite the ache in my heart, I put on a brave face, not wanting to burden anyone with my problems. Slowly, I started distancing myself from others without realizing it, feeling isolated and overwhelmed. That's when I knew I needed help before it was too late. I turned to my school's therapist and it was the support I needed the whole time. Their support lifted the weight off my shoulders and gave me the chance to breathe again. She showed me I shouldn't have to deal with my problems on my own and that many people deal with mental health issues. It was then that I acknowledged my depression and started focusing on managing my mental health better. My experiences have shaped my relationships and beliefs. When I was in my lowest moments, I learned how crucial mental health awareness is. This challenge I faced during sophomore year strengthened my bonds with friends, teachers, and family, who supported me through it all. Their love made me feel like I wasn't losing everything. These connections inspired my dream of becoming a pediatric nurse. I want to provide my future patients with the same compassion and advocate for mental health awareness in healthcare. The Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship would enable me to continue this meaningful work, supporting young patients and families. I want to be there for someone and prioritize their care and mental health. Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship.
    Mendoza Scholarship
    Starting school in America was a challenge. A challenge for a seven year old. While my classmates were settling in, I was busy learning a whole new language and culture. On top of that, I had to juggle translating for my family and looking after my younger siblings. It wasn’t easy, but these experiences taught me resilience and the importance of hard work at a young age. One of the earliest challenges I faced was the responsibility of translating for my family and navigating American life on their behalf. From translating documents to attending parent teacher conferences, I became my family’s advocate and support system. I had to quickly pick up English, adapt to a new culture, and figure out how to fit in. As I got older, I learned money was tight so I took on part-time jobs to help at home and support myself. These experiences shaped my determination to make the most of the opportunities my parents sacrificed so much for. Another challenge I faced was the pressure to succeed while balancing family responsibilities. As the oldest, I often felt torn between my academic goals and supporting my family. There were times I had to prioritize work over school, making sure my family was alright. This meant long nights studying after long days of work, always striving to meet both academic and familial expectations. Despite the challenge, I learned valuable skills such as time management, perseverance, and patience. Attending the University of Tennessee Knoxville has been a turning point in my educational journey. I’ve had opportunities to explore my interest in nursing and connect with a community that values diversity and inclusion. As a first-generation student, I’ve been able to maintain a strong academic record and actively participated in my schools soccer team, journalism, and countless clubs. Receiving this scholarship would mean more than financial assistance; it would lift the burden off my shoulders and let me focus entirely on my studies. With this support, I can pursue my dream of becoming a pediatric nurse, and help children around the world. My ultimate goal is to travel back to Central America, and help the people where my parents are from. I want to make a meaningful impact in not only my community, but in the world. I am committed to using my education and experiences as a first-generation student to make a difference. I want to be a role model for others like me, and show my younger siblings it’s possible to achieve your dreams. This scholarship isn’t just about the money—it’s about recognition of my journey and the chance of pushing forward. I’m grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. With your support, I’m confident I can achieve my goals and make my parents proud.
    Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
    When I turned ten, I was handed the responsibility of caring for my two younger brothers. As the eldest daughter of an immigrant family, this was to no one’s surprise. Not only did I care for my brothers, but also the neighborhood children. What started out as helping out soon became a love for nurturing young lives. Being around kids all the time made me realize my calling: I want to become a pediatric nurse. My goal in nursing isn’t just about a job—it’s a mission. I’ve seen firsthand how healthcare access changes lives, especially for children who get left behind. Whether it’s here in America or across the globe, I want to make sure every child gets the care they deserve. Dashanna K. McNeil’s story really inspired me. Her dedication to nursing and bringing opportunities for others in healthcare showed me what’s possible if you’re passionate about helping others. As I am working to earn my BSN, I’m learning everything I can to become the best nurse possible for patients. I believe the start to this path was taking care of my brothers and babysitting. I spent my evenings reading bed time stories, playing tag, and being there to comfort them during challenging times. I learned how to be patient, kind, and handle all kinds of situations. Now, I’m studying to specialize in pediatric nursing because I want to be someone who understands their needs. Receiving the Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship would mean so much to me. It would help me keep focusing on my studies without worrying about finances. More than that, it would be a recognition of my commitment to making a difference in children’s lives through nursing. In the future, I see myself not just working in hospitals, but also travel to places where kids need help the most. I would love to help the children where my parents are from, and make a positive impact in their lives. Knowing that every smile, every milestone reached, and every child whose health I can influence is a driving force behind my decision to pursue a career in pediatric nursing. I want to bring healthcare to minority communities and show children that someone cares about their health, no matter where they’re from. Choosing pediatric nursing isn’t just about a career, it’s about following my heart and making a big impact. With support from this scholarship, I know I can turn my passion into a lifelong journey of helping children and honoring the legacy of nurses like Dashanna K. McNeil.
    Kylee Govoni Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up as the eldest child in an immigrant family, I quickly learned the meaning of responsibility and resilience. With both of my parents working long hours to provide for our family, I took on the role of caregiver for my younger siblings at a young age. I vividly recall the evenings when I would return from school, only to dive straight into ensuring my brothers were fed, helped with homework, and entertained until my parents returned late at night. Balancing this responsibility with my own academic pursuits and part-time job presented numerous challenges, but also helped me develop skills and qualities needed for a career in pediatric nursing. One of the most demanding aspects of caring for my younger brothers was managing multiple tasks at once. From diffusing arguments and comforting tears and ensuring everyone’s safety, I navigated complex interpersonal dynamics with patience and empathy. I learned to remain calm under pressure, prioritize tasks efficiently, and make quick decisions in tough situations. These are skills necessary for providing attentive care as a pediatric nurse. Beyond practical challenges, I encountered emotional challenges as well. Witnessing the sacrifices my immigrant parents made to provide us with opportunities taught me the importance of empathy and compassion. I also developed a deep understanding of the impact that supportive caregiving can have on a child’s well-being and overall development. Knowing that my brothers’ growth, happiness, and well being were impacted by me easily turn into another motivating factor. My experiences as a young caregiver also heightened my awareness of the disparities in healthcare access and quality, particularly for immigrant families and underserved communities. I became aware of the need for compassionate and culturally competent healthcare professionals who can bridge the gap and advocate for vulnerable communities. As I reflect on my journey and the strengths I have cultivated through caregiving, I am more committed than ever to pursuing a career in pediatric nursing. Passion drives me to provide the best care that encompasses both the physical and emotional needs of young patients and their families. I aspire to create a nurturing and comfortable environment where children feel heard, valued, and empowered in the face of health challenges. To conclude, my upbringing as a young caregiver in an immigrant family has profoundly shaped my career aspirations in pediatric nursing. I am dedicated to grow my experiences, skills, and compassion to make a positive impact in the lives of children and their families.
    Women in Nursing Scholarship
    As a child, I frequently accompanied my mother to the hospital, always stepping in as her translator since she couldn’t speak English. These experiences were eye-opening and deeply impactful. I saw how nurses not only provided medical care but also served as compassionate advocates for patients like my mother, who faced language barriers. Being in this role made me realize how vital it is for patients to have nurses who can bridge these gaps and offer comfort and understanding. From this young age, I was immediately put on the spot to help with my mothers medical needs and concerns to healthcare professionals. This role required me to be attentive, empathetic, and clear in my translations, making sure my mother received the proper care. The nurses we encountered were always patient and kind, always making sure to make us feel comfortable. My mother would always tell me to be kind to everyone, just like the nurses. Their dedication and compassion left a lasting impression on me. Witnessing the crucial role that nurses play in patient care, especially those who face challenges like language barriers, inspired me to pursue a career in nursing. Whether it was volunteering at local medical institutes, clinics, tutoring younger students, or participating in charity events, I always sought out opportunities that would help others. This passion of having a positive impact and those around me has only strengthened my desire to become a nurse. I am committed to using my skills and experiences to provide high-quality care and support to my future patients. In addition to my personal experiences, my academic background has also prepared me for a nursing career. As a STEM student, I excelled in my health science classes, and developed a strong foundation within. Not only was taking honors classes, I challenged myself to take college courses in high school. I am eager to continue my education and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a compassionate nurse. Furthermore, I understand the challenges nurses face day to day. However, I am not afraid of these challenges; instead, I am motivated by the countless opportunities to make a difference in the lives of my future patients. I believe my experiences combined with my desire to help others, will make me a resilient nurse. In conclusion, accompanying my mother to the hospital and translating for her have had a profound impact on my decision to pursue a career in nursing. I am passionate about this career, and committed to providing the best care to not only patients, but there loved ones as well. I am jubilant to embark on this journey and to make a positive impact in the healthcare field as a nurse.