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Arlin Zaldana


Bold Points




My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old I started attending GMG in 2016 I was nervous about how others would treat me I was a shy person and I didn’t really speak to other students. I thank my mom for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard she explained that everyone starts at the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goal. After my ninth grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I am not good enough. My sophomore year I develop skills in health class that They taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child my birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born, the next man in my mom‘s life was even worse and the police had to be called these experiences with law-enforcement officers made me realize that I want to help others. I’ve also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plans is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family I want to help others escape trauma.


Gmg High School

High School
2016 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
    • Criminology
    • Psychology, General
    • Sociology
    • Biology, General
    • Chemistry
    • Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other
    • Behavioral Sciences
    • Design and Applied Arts
    • Visual and Performing Arts, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      criminal justices

    • Dream career goals:

      Illustrator and FBI agent

    • Handled returned merchandise. Restocked empty shelves and racks, marked prices, and created displays. Gained customer service skills.

      Clothes closet
      2019 – 2019
    • Corn Detasseler and Fruit Picker

      Safari Staff
      2019 – 2019



    2015 – 20161 year


    • no


    • Criminology

      Marshalltown Community College — Researching and writing Biography about Pedro Alonso Lopez.
      2022 – 2022


    • Marshalltown community college and GMG high school

      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Thrift shop and a hospital — Organizing files
      2021 – 2021

    Future Interests





    North Carolina Youth Equine Service Scholarship
    It tought me that getting communication skills was worth learning because it helped me to open up more towards others. I also realized socializing with friends helps me realize the things they go through and makes you feel that your not alone.
    Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - High School Award
    I hope to study cybersecurity for the FBI because I’d like to help people in a difficult situation or help protect innocent people.
    Taking Up Space Scholarship
    Taking up space means to me that you are in someone's way or that there is no room for you. To make space in my life I like to make my schedule and put things that I can do at certain times. That way I don't forget or stress myself out later on in the day. I like staying positive and doing so time for myself so I don't feel bored.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    1. I got interested in pursuing a computer science degree so that I can help find victims who need help to be rescued and returned to their families. 2. My goal is to be an FBI agent and help people escape from trauma. I also plan to get my bachelor's degree in criminal justice and my AA degree in art. 3. I want to make a positive impact around me and I want to motivate other people, that if you try hard to reach your goals that anything in life is possible if you put effort into your goal and never give up even if times are rough.
    Durham-Dodd Dreams Scholarship
    My mom has been my biggest support in life. She helped me understand that every person starts from the bottom and climbs their own steps to reach their goals to where they want to be. I thank her so much for these inspiring words. My mom also has helped me with my depression and she tries to motivate me and convince me that I am beautiful she always reminds me to never be negative about myself. she taught me that if the more I love myself and enjoy who I am the happier I'm going to be and the more I don't listen to or hang around negative people the better and happier I'll get. My mom helped me reach my goal of going to college and I helped her with her depression, my mom lost two babies years ago and it was really tough for her and she needs her family's support now she looks like she is healing more little by little. I want to be very close to my mom throughout my whole life. My mom makes me happy and laughs all the time. She showed me to be more confident and to be a lovable, kind person to others, and she also showed me to smile more because it brings closer friends. I am thankful that she also taught me to speak when I need to speak and to be social. She also thought me right from wrong and to be wiser with my decisions.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    Math is very fun and easy to understand I like geometry more than algebra. Algebra one was easy but algebra two was a little difficult for me. Math shaped me to understand the importance to keep track of how much I spend and save.
    Juquel K. Young Memorial Scholarship
    What keeps me motivated is following my goals because I really want to achieve them. I like exercising because it makes me feel more confident in myself more and helps me feel happier and fills my head with positivity. I also get motivated by my mom because she told me that everyone starts from the bottom and climbs their way up to reach their goals. These words stay in my head because it helps me remember that I have to have the patience to get where I want to be in life. I also want to reach my goal of helping other people that need help in their life. I want to be an FBI agent to help others around me.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    I use my persistence by not giving up to reach my goals. I like to find as many ways to achieve my goals and I also like asking for help and advice to reach them. I like to find as many ways to help me reach where I want to be in life.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    I show gratitude by not making a big deal out of something. I was raised by achieving things by working hard for them. When my mom would say no to something it meant that we didn't have the money to buy that certain thing. She also taught me that when she said yes its because she could afford it. She taught me that if I want something so bad that I had to work hard to reach every goal in my life and that makes me happy that she thought me this because it was really helpful. We can't always have what we want in life but at least we can appreciate the little things in life, to me appreciating everything my mom gave me was enough for me and I mostly thank her for showing me that she was a strong independent woman working by herself to get her children where they are now and I want to follow my mom's advice because they will be good use form me.
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    I like pushing my body to its limits like pushing myself to be more active and speak more to people around me and to make friends this helps me to get out of my comfort zone so I can find my strength and so that I can find myself.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    Art makes me happy because it is something that I can express my feelings and helps me realize my emotions. My family is also something that helps me going in life because they are always there to give me advice. They also make me laugh. Exercise and basketball are something that I also like to do because it boosts my confidence and makes me feel good about myself.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    I like thinking before I say anything. I feel like you would make less of an offense toward someone. I like thinking through my decisions sometimes I take longer to make a decision and sometimes I just need a push to make one. I always second guess but I told myself not to do it because sometimes it gives you a bad test grade. I like writing my thoughts out as well.
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    My loyalty and my patients are my most valuable characteristic because I don't like to lie about things or get into problems. I am very patient with many people, for example, if people are rude to me or disrespectful I don't get mad instead I let them say what they want and I just let it be but I do give them my attention. I feel like having patients helped me to withstand anything or any obstacles that will be coming my way throughout my future.
    Bold Equality Scholarship
    To support equality I like to take others' opinions and consider them in whatever project we work on together or a thing that has to do with working as a team, to me it is better to add as many other opinions as we can get. I show diversity by respecting other people's differences and ways of thought.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    I have been listening to many people in my life because I loved learning from others and loved hearing about their life and I also enjoyed observing people around me. Listening to me means giving all my attention to that one person and giving my time to hear what that one person has to say.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    I like helping others by offering my neighbors a hand with cleaning up in their homes or yard. I like to offer to take care of their pets if they go on vacation with their family. I like giving my time to elderly people because when you give them your attention they feel young again or they feel more welcomed. I like helping my mom because she comes from work so tired that I like doing the dishes for her because I don't want her to come home and be irritated because the house is a mess.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    My Family and Friends are my pleasure in life because we spend time together at lakes and parks where we can grill stack and other food. We would sit down and talk and laugh. I like that my family likes to make jokes about each other. My friends help me experience new things and we share our ideas so we end up doing something more successful in life. I like that we even help each other no matter what happens in our life.
    Scholarship Institute Future Leaders Scholarship
    I've shown leadership by demonstrating right from wrong like how we as students should behave toward our teachers and friends. I showed leadership by giving people the advice they need. With my family, I show leadership by showing the importance of having patience wherever you go in a public place even to have patient towards others around them. Great leadership means to me that you show the positive people need in this world nowadays. Leadership is important to me because I want to show as much of a positive impact and spread kindness because that is the type of person I am, I like helping others.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    One of the most inspired books that I read is called "EVERYTHING EVERYTHING" because it is about a girl who is sick and can never go outside to experience the world or even have a close friend to travel with she also falls in love with a boy and takes the risk of her life by leaving home to go to Hawaii to see the ocean because it was her favorite thing. This book made me want to work hard so I also can travel the world and see the beauty and the experience I can obtain in life.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    Riptide by: Manu Rios is my most inspired song because it makes me feel free as if there is nothing around me just positivity.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    My family makes me very happy because they give me the best advice, especially my mom.
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    My favorite why helping others is when like if my mom looked tired or not I enjoy helping around the house so that she comes home with less stress. So in other words I like healing others who need help in their yard or to cross the rod or if they need help to look for something or even help them with their kids.
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    For me, joy means if something finally changed in your life that it made you so happy that makes you want to continue in life. How I seek to find joy is hanging out with my family and laughing with them and hanging out with friends because you can make a lot of moments for them and you die with those happy moments in your life pacifically yours to keep forever.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    My best skill is learning a new language and drawing and I'm improving in drawing by practicing in college and in videos. I study my languages by piercing them out loud and writing notes to study. I also watch shows in different languages that I'm learning so I can hear if I understand.
    Bold Talent Scholarship
    Some of the talents that I have is being creative with art, I like to draw my feeling out. I also know three languages number one Spanish, two English, and three Norwegian, and now I'm practicing there more on my own. Another one of my talents is being patient a lot I never seem to get irritated or annoyed or not even angry I usually let things slide. I practice drawing by looking at youtube videos or books. I learn languages by Duolingo the app.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    I like to relax by drawing because it helps me express my feelings and makes me come out to show the emotions that II go through on my daily passes. I also like to relax to music because it helps me with my mental health because there are songs that have a similar meaning to what I go through or what I wish I was going through.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    I like to make them laugh and feel comfortable. I like to cheer them up with a gift they like. I like to sit down and chat with them and give them my whole attention so that they can see that I am giving them all my attention and that I actually care about what happens to them.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    To have confidence means being able to do things with motivation or without caring what other people think or say about them. Having confidence also means doing what makes you a good person. What I do to be more confident in myself is to work out and eat healthier because when I exercise I feel happier and more motivated to do things out of my comfort zone. I also like to read quotes that make me think and help me lift up my mood.
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    The first thing on my list was to graduate. The second thing to going college. The third is to become a police officer. The one that I will be achieving this year is graduating and it's going to be one of my best moments because I feel like putting too much effort to get to where I am now. I'm also glad that I achieved taking college classes early in high school and I saved a lot of money by doing it and know I have a lot of credits so I only got a couple left to go. To be able to reach goals in your life is to work hard to get there but not everything comes fast it takes patience.
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I feel like I'm going to leave a positive impact on others in the near future.
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    For me the meaning of life mean is to bee happy with your achievements. It means to appreciate what’s around like your family and friends. It means to enjoy your life and to do things that make you happy. To be able to achieve something means that you have to work hard for what you want in your life it like if you want to achieve of being healthier in life the that means your going to eat healthy and work out more to achieve that goal. If you want have more quality time with your family then that means you’re going to set up a schedule to complete that goal as well. It means to appreciate what you have in life.
    Surya Education Assistance Scholarship
    I am passionate about receiving my education because I love to learn new things and it’ll help me accomplish my dreams of becoming an FBI agent and helping people and I feel like I’m going to leave a positive impact to the world.
    Snap Finance Young Women for STEM Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I am interested to pursue a STEM career because I feel like it would help a lot in finding criminal records or their information or even the victim's information so we can save that victim that is endangered. I feel like using technology to look for people that need help is going to make a positive impact and it can posably help a lot of people around the world.
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    I love nature because it makes me want to know and learn how it happens?, why is it here? why does it look like it the way it is? I appreciate nature by throwing my trash away and by picking up things that people leave in parks. I like to plant flowers and give them water. I also enjoy animals and like helping endangered animals outside if I see one. I have saved a lot of turtles on the road because I didn't want them to get hurt. I would take them back close to a river. I don't like seeing sea creatures dangered by are trash it makes me sad because it's their home. It also makes me sad to see monkeys and gorillas in cages because I see them as humans. I feel like they should be let loose in forests or on ilands where they can be freer.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    To achieve my academic scours I study by reading about the topic that I learn in class when it comes to a quiz day. When there are tests I take as many notes as possible in my own words and shorten them so I can remember easier on test days. When I ask the teacher or my professor to help me understand something that I need help on more so I can try to study it over and so that I know what I'm doing. Sometimes I try to go over the assignment or book and start to meditate on what I'm learning so it could be more clear for me to understand.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. My goal is to make a positive impact on other people's lives.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    I value my patients because it can bring a lot of people to have trust in me and I cope better with upsetting or stressful situations. I feel that my patients are going to be helpful because I positively give people advice or comfort when they need it on a certain issue in their lives. I feel like I would bring more generosity, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness around me.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    The biggest problem that everyone in this world is facing right now is hate. We can work on this by showing more acts of kindness. we can show more respect towards different cultural people in our life. We can help each other in times of need if someone feels sad that we should try making them feel better so that they can have a good day. If we see someone homeless we can offer them money or a place to stay or we can even help the progress in getting a job.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    I admire Martin Luther King because he quoted: "so in the days ahead let us not sink into the quicksands of violence; rather let us stand on the high ground of love and non-injury." He wants us to work together because we would achieve more and fighting against each other is just gonna make it worse for us and life would be really hard later on. It shows me that we should see kids or adults die because of something outrageous. MLK fought battles with ideas and kind words, He liked to learn from other people's ideas which is called working together, he always spoke with clarity and with a purpose, and he also showed us how to be better leaders to others around us.
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    If we bring books back and paperwork because I feel like you people learn more skills this way. If we read books more the more we can write and we know more words than we do now. If we do homework on paper we practice are writing more. I feel like phones are an issue because some people end up cheating on their work, they can even end up getting false information. I'm not saying the phone is bad but it is for education and I feel like we should progress are mental studies so we can improve with are thought.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    I am passionate about art because it helps me release my stress and also helps me to show emotions. I also enjoy drawing and love to use my creativity and imagination. I love grabbing old books and sculpting them into something meaningful.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    My mental health always influenced me to believe that I'm ugly and no one cares but trying to stay positive by reading quotes that bosts up your motivation to do other things around you. Sometimes I have days that I go through anxiety as if I were trapped in so many things that I can escape from them and get a break. My mental health sometimes makes me believe that I'll never succeed in my dream career of being an FBI agent because of my weight. During the summer of ninth grade, I started to treat myself physically and started losing weight by exercising and eating healthier. Losing weight help me have confidence and helped me be happy with who I am today.
    Minority/Women in STEM Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I plan on making a positive impact on the world through STEM education because it would help to learn the system of technology to be able to find a criminal or a missing child or even if you're looking for criminal information or victim's information.
    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    My personal experience with finances was a challenge cause I'm slow with money. I had to learn what was neacsery to buy and what was not. I got my own bank card and now I save money. I feel like saving as much money I can accomplish my payments first than my needs. Plan to use money more responsibly and wisely so I don't have to pay for other stuff each month and it is better to pay for the things you buy at once than in parts.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. With hard work and not giving up, I feel like I will succeed in my goal.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    My favorite art piece is called "Girl With a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. I love this art piece because I see it as a woman who is by herself and doesn't realize what beauty she has. As if the woman left in the dark with her own natural beauty. I like this piece because of the color and the way the woman is dressed it's just so elegant and modest. I also like it because of the way it is drawn or painted in a beautiful type of style.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    Giving is important to me because there are people around me who need things more than I do and giving something back makes me feel happy. When I give back I feel like I have helped someone and that I have helped them smile. I am happy when I see someone that is so thankful for what they receive and that they are happy with the little things they get and have. Giving a homeless person money makes me feel like I care about them and that I gave them something to eat or money to give them a place to sleep for the night. Giving is ten times better than receiving because it makes me feel ten times better about myself. it is ten times better that I am able to help others that are in need.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    I plan to leave a positive impact on people by helping them in times of need and saving them from danger or giving them advice if they look like they need it. I plan on doing this by reaching my goal of being an FBI agent and working as a police officer to work my way to an FBI agent. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    I think that if you make a schedule and follow your sleeping you'll be more ready for things around you. Making a schedule helps me stay more relaxed and calm during the events that I have and it helps me feel less stress. Having a workout routine is also very important for your health because it helps you be more confident in yourself and for me working out makes me feel good about myself and makes me happy and think about the positive things in life. Reading motivational or mental health books helps a lot along the way. Hanging around the right people that make you feel safe and that care about you. Have a healthy routine on what you eat like looking at what is good for your body and what not and at least have some goodies once in a while.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I am proud that I experienced this because now I want to help people. I am also proud that I took care of my physical health and that I feel happier with my appearance.
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    I like to go talk to them and ask about their past when they were younger. I always love hearing their stories because you can learn a lot from their stories like what to do correctly and what to watch out for when you make decisions in life. I like to show the elderly that they are important to us. I like making them feel young again by sharing things we do nowadays. I like giving them their time when they won't play a board game so they can have fun. Some elderly like walking outside to feel the fresh are. I like to make them smile and laugh or do something they love to do. If you give an elder your attention they feel good and don't feel like they aren't important anymore instead you are motivating them.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Friendship can lead to a happy and successful life. Having good friends brings out the best in one another and it builds one another strengths. I feel like having friends is really important because you help each other along the way and it is nice to have good friends that help you and make you happy. Being a friend to me is to show love to your friend all the time even if they are having a bad day and if their not having a good day you try to cheer them up with something they laugh about or like. Having friends teaches you to be loyal, loving, kind, and generous to one another when you face problems. we should be able to help our friends when they need advice or help them in time of need. Having friends is so fun because you guys can laugh have fun or even go out to eat and also have a family gathering around with other people and you can learn a lot from each and every person you meet.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    I believe that if I work hard for what I want and never give up on the goal I'm trying to reach then I will succeed even if there are going to struggle along the way, then I'm just going to have to go through those obstacles. I keep my mindset on positivity where I can focus on myself and my goal, and I block all that negative because if I don't then it's just going to stop me from reaching my goal and my happiness and no one wants that to happen to them. I also set up my schedule so I can be balanced throughout the day. This helps me stay organized and helps me stay more relaxed along the way. Sometimes I take my time to read something motivational and then take notes about something that makes me smile or something that I can relate to in the book. I believe that if you have a growth mindset you will be successful in what you're trying to reach for in your life.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, in ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements in my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. In my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. In my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I feel like I'm going to leave a positive impact by helping others with whatever issues they have.
    Larry Darnell Green Scholarship
    Coming from a single-parent household was tough because I help my mother around the house since I was five years old. My mom would work for twelve hours a day. I was little but I never was upset that my mom had to work constantly with giving us time but I understood her because I knew she needed money to pay the bills and for our school education. My mom suffered a lot in her life and I think she deserves more. I experienced my biological father trying to kill my brother but he didn't succeed in that. instead, he was taken to prison but his sister took him out after that I never saw him again. I was a kid who could barely walk when I witness this and still can't believe I remember but it did leave me with trauma in my life. There are days I think about and get sad and emotional. I thank mom for teaching me to be independent. later on, in the years mom found her partner and got married and now I see her happy. I would give back to the community by telling them about my experience as a child and helping them with their issues in the near future because my goal and dream career is to become an FBI agent to help people.
    Davila Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, in ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements in my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. In my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and keeping a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. In my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. I don't drive but Being drunk while driving and not being aware of your surroundings can affect you if you hurt someone that was walking by on the street or if you took someone's life then you end up not forgiving yourself for it.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    Everything everything is my favorite book because it talks about a girl who is sick and can leave the house. Until one day she leaves home and takes the risk of her life so that she can go see the ocean and explore the world around herself with the guy she fell in love with. She also didn't care if she put herself at risk of death. This book also makes me want to explore myself.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    I am honest with myself, I say no when there is something that makes me feel uncomfortable. I stay passionate about what I love in life and I follow what I want for myself. I also follow what's best for my mental and physical health. Exercising makes me feel happy about myself at also makes me want to love myself more. I try to look for friends that have the same interest or people who make me happy and accept me for me. I let go of all negative energy and accept the positive energy I deserve. I try to open up and express my own feelings so that I don't feel trapped or so I don't feel anxiety.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    What has really made me the person that I am today is my mom's stories when she was younger. Her stories thought me to be more independent and I am now more independent of myself and I know exactly what I want to major in and I also want to leave a positive impact on others. I also want to save as many people as I can.
    Bold Influence Scholarship
    I would stand for art and dance because Dance can make people get out of their comfort zone and show more different sides to them. It also shows that having fun in life is what makes you happy and that money is not everything. Dancing can be influential because people can share moments that unite a family. Dancing is also entertaining for people. Art is also influential because It can catch someone's attention and might even ask the artist if they can do something for them for their house or anything that they like created like a logo or some type of drawing or architecture that they would want.
    Bold Independence Scholarship
    Being independent means being able to take care of yourself and you can do things on your own. As a little girl, I've always helped my mom. I had to take care of my brother on my own and change his diapers and I also potty trained him. My mother worked twelve hours every day and my father was never around. I also learned to cook on my own at a young age. My mother never washed my clothes or clean my room, I did that all alone since I was five. I had my mom's coffee prepared for her when she would come back from work. I never felt mad that my mom worked all day because I understood why. I see my mom as an inspiration because she thought me that you don't need a man to achieve things but that you can always work hard for yourself. My independence has impacted me in positive ways entering high school I was not loud or disrespectful but I was a nice friendly person that can leave a positive impact on other people in my near future.
    Bold Optimist Scholarship
    I stayed optimistic by surrounding myself with positivity because being around negative energy causes me to be depressed, and makes me feel like I'm trapped and can't move on with my life. What I learned about being optimistic has taught me to not listen to people who want to demotivate me. This also taught me that you don't need someone by your side to help you with things all the time but you can do some things on your own. This taught me to be more focused on myself and follow my goals and never give up even during tough times.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    I love that I'm pretty on the inside. I'm very nice to others around me. I don't like judging others because who am I to judge a person if everyone goes through something and it may also happen one day to yourself no matter the issue. I love that I'm very creative and love to push myself to my own limits. Getting out of my comfort zone feels nice because I feel like a completely different person and I feel like I have more happy when I decide to speak to other students because you learn from others and sometimes you learn good things and you observe bad things as well. I also like that I am a very organized person with my schedule. I love that I'm truthful and honest.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    To have a positive impact in life is really important. As a child, I have always loved to observe I wasn't really socializing with other students. Watching different drama happen at school and at other places you go to, is actually life learning. Like mistakes, you do with a best friend and you regret it afterward. The negative experiences you had with your family and then when you grow you start to realize that maybe one of your family members was right about what they said. How I try to have a positive impact on others is by reminding myself what I learn every day from god in my personal bible study time, I take notes and write them down in a notebook so I can read them on a daily. I've never liked being around negative energy because it can consume you and your time. It also distracts you from your goals if you allow the negative stuff to influence you physically and mentally.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    What I think my dream life would look like is probably helping others around me that have critical family or life issues. I see myself saving other people's lives that are endangered. My biggest dream is to reach my goal of being an FBI agent. I also dream to sell my own artwork and show my creative skills. I'd also like to sell some of my book sculptures to the world. I want to open my own art brand and would also want to custom cars. I also would like to model or do fashion in the near future or dance in public. I always loved to learn new things as a child and I still do enjoy learning. I live by what my mom told me, she said "to always dream big and to not be hesitant" she also said that "everything is going to be hard but you always start from the bottom and you climb yourself up until you have reached your goal in life."
    Bold Art Matters Scholarship
    My favorite art piece is called "Girl With a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. I love this art piece because I see it as a woman who is by herself and doesn't realize what beauty she has. As if the woman left in the dark with her own natural bueaty. I like this piece because the color and the way the woman is dressed it's just so elegant and modest. I also like it because of the way it is drawn or painted in a beautiful type of style.
    Noah Wilson "Loaded Spinach" Arts & Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    when I was In sixth grade I saw someone sitting right next to me in class that knew how to draw people and characters. She did anime drawings mostly and I found it to be so cool to try it out. Later on, while growing up I fell in love with drawing realism, now I enjoy drawing different people that are around me and I also like studying their body, posture, and facial expressions. My experience with art has shown me how to use my imagination more and helped me realize that there are so many objects that can be used for art projects. Art has also helped me express my emotions and my mental health. It helped me draw my ups and downs. Art has also made me want to one day show my art to the world so people can get inspired by it as well.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    I want my legacy to leave a positive impact on the family's around the world that still have a child missing or anybody they had in their family. I want to save people that need help in their life. I know that you can't always save everyone but at least I can save some from danger. I also like putting smiles on people's faces and to see the joy they can have even if they're going through a tough time. I want people to realize that if we work together we can achieve so much more for our beautiful earth. I want everyone in life to have a chance in making a difference towards other people and animals. I'd like for people to have fun and to enjoy life around them, to do something they enjoy and see that money is not everything but that love is so much more.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    Being patient is important to me because it helps you be calmer when you have a lot on your schedule especially when you have lots of homework, graduation, and online college class going on. When I have patient towards other people around me is really beneficial because you have a clear mindset to response to that persons question or what the issue is. My mom always tells me that she wishes she had my patients because I'm not like her when someone is rude to her and she burst really quick and she is already running her mouth. When a person is rude to me in any way, I let that person talk until they are done and some never finish. I decide not affect me and just move on, I think personally that I'v been patient sense I was little.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    We can help each other by giving advice to each other. We can open up about our problems to each other that way we can help one another. We can read quotes for reminders in our life so we can keep going or we can go to therapy separately if we feel more comfortable.
    Bold Loving Others Scholarship
    I like showing love by giving them hugs and spending time with my family and friends. I like showing love to my parents by helping them with chores around the house or helping my mother with cooking. I love to help others by giving them advice or I would give them an act of kindness like buying them coffee or food or even if I have money Id give it to them. there was a day that these couples in my hometown were kicked out of their home for a while and they had a baby with them so I went to "Walmart" and bought their food and a drink and then gave them some money. On that day I felt happy because I helped someone who need it.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. In my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. Algebra Scholarship
    Math is very important in many fields like if you are wanting to take an architecture class. I love math because it helps you solve difficult problems and getting the right answer helps you build a building correctly like how many people it can hold or have in one building or ride like in an amusement park.
    Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
    In tenth grade, I achieved in bing healthier and physically fit. Being physically healthy made me feel happy about myself and made me love myself more. I had to let go of restaurant foods and coke. I started to run and walk every day and on Saturdays and Sundays, I would do cardio workouts. every morning I would drink lime water and in the afternoon I would drink green tie. when I felt down I would write down positive things as a reminder to myself to not give up. I even started to block whatever people said about me and ignored them and didn't even care what they think of me. the only thing you should care about is your own happiness.
    Environmental Impact Scholarship
    I am passionate about solving criminal behavior and helping other people who need help out with an issue in their life. In my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. In my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Robert Lee, Sr. and Bernice Williams Memorial Scholarship
    Overcoming difficulties in my life like hearing what others say around you or that everything you do takes patients and that you start from the bottom climb up and get closer to your goals every single day. I want to show other people that they can overcome anything in their life by just working hard for what they want in their life.
    CEW IV Foundation Scholarship Program
    On how they have been helping immigrants have a chance in the U.S. and giving them a place, money, and job to make their life better than it used to be.
    Nina L. Coleman Memorial Scholarship
    I always fought for what I wanted to be when I grow up and for what I dreamt of being. and I feel that my science class has prepared me for that and the health classes that I had at my school. My personal definition for success is hard work and starting from the bottom. In twenty years I see myself having better mental health and being fit. I also see myself finally helping others around me and working for the FBI. being an FBI agent is my dream goal to help others around me and make a positive impact.
    Kenyada Me'Chon Thomas Legacy Scholarship
    if I had an opportunity to a social issues id would work hard on making the world a better place or figure out a way to get rid of all the bad that we live in and the social world can be in peace.
    Mia Noflin Goes to Broadway Scholarship
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    I always love learning new things every day. I like to draw people and beautiful plants. I really enjoy learning different languages. I am currently learning French, German, Korean, and Turkish. I know Spanish fluently, English, and Norwegian. I love making sculptures out of books and showing a message like if you leave a dream that you had or an impactful meaning that may make someone feel passionate. I am passionate about music I'd like to learn how to play different instruments because this feels and helps with your emotions.
    Empowering Women Through Education Scholarship
    Education is important to me because I want to challenge myself in the future. I want to learn as many languages as I can and travel around the world to help others. I want to work in the FBI and help people find missing family members or help them with a family situation. I love to learn more science classes in the near future because it's something that I love. I'd also love to learn art and fashion classes because I also love being creative. I want to explore the world and enjoy life and experience and learn as many things as I can even if it goes beyond my limits.
    Dog Lover Scholarship
    I have always loved dogs senses I was a little girl and I still love them. I remember every Christmas I would ask for one in my letter but I never got my dog. If I had a dog in my life it would help me because I feel like they are great companions to have around you and makes you feel welcomed. Dogs can even make you laugh and make your day. If had I feel like it would make feel happy when I have my up’s and downs.
    Latinas in STEM Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements on my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. My sophomore year I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. My last two years of high school I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma. My mom can't afford money for college and so I have to pay for it. I am hoping to get financial help to go to college to complete my dreams. My mom gets paid $667 a month. We use this money on gas and food. I appreciate your time and I am grateful for this opportunity to further my education.
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it because my first language was Spanish. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. Sophomore year I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. In my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    I see art as therapy for me it helps me express who I am or what I'm filling on the inside. Drawing makes me pour all that heavy feeling I have inside of me. I like drawing people's bodies and facial expressions because they are showing a type of feeling. I also love the observe people around me. I love making sculptures with old books and turning them into something magical a place you wish to live or to create it into what I dreamed about so that it has a meaning to it. I love how art makes you think out of the box and make you think "oh I can use cardboard for art and can also use wood, metal, plastic, and make it into something beautiful for your home. I also like the idea of being creative with your home, I really never liked plan walls id rather paint a character or nature on it because it makes it feel less empty like if life was added to it.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. My sophomore year I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. My last two years of high school I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. I learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    I would share bible text with some people because it seems to help some of them. sometimes when you read the perfect text in the bible that relates to them or relates to what they are going through at home helps them change into a better person. some take their time on. I feel like it is a happy feeling that you can change someone's life with a simple paragraph. I also like giving people good advice that my mom gives me. I also loved to share my story when I was little so they know that they are not alone. In my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape the trauma.
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements on my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. My sophomore year I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. My last two years of high school I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma.
    HPF-RYW Orange Heart Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, in ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements on my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. My sophomore year I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. My last two years of high school I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma. My mom can't afford money for college and so I have to pay for it. I am hoping to get financial help to go to college to complete my dreams. My mom gets paid $667 a month. We use this money on gas and food. I appreciate your time and I am grateful for this opportunity to further my education.
    Anthony Jordan Clark Memorial Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, in ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements on my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma. My mom can't afford money for college and so I have to pay for it. I am hoping to get financial help to go to college to complete my dreams. My mom gets paid $667 a month. We use this money on gas and food. I appreciate your time and I am grateful for this opportunity to further my education.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Calculus is important because it can help you in the near future on how to read numbers and get information or answers correctly. It may also help you with your critical thinking. This could also help you problem-solve situations or any issues.
    Eleven Scholarship
    My mom, brother, and I came to Marshalltown when I was four years old. My early education started in Marshalltown. When I started attending GMG in 2016, I was nervous about how others would treat me. I was a shy person and I didn't really speak to other students. It was hard for me to ask for help when I needed it. Because my first language was Spanish, I had a rough start in seventh-grade reading class. Also in life science, it was hard to keep up or understand because of the difficult words we learned. When tests showed up, I often got a D- or an F. I found math class was more understandable because they were numbers and not English words that were difficult to understand. In eighth grade, I was doing better in reading class. For the first time that fall semester, I got an A-! I loved my math class and was doing great with a B in pre-algebra. In science class, I still struggled. I felt upset and embarrassed about my science grades. I wouldn’t cheat my way in because I prefer trying and using my skills but it was a struggle. In 2018, in ninth grade, I improved a lot in science. I finally brought my grade up. I thank my mother for telling me that everything in life is going to be hard. She explained that everyone starts from the bottom and starts climbing steps to reach their goals. This same year I made improvements on my grades in all my other classes. The summer after my ninth-grade year I went through struggles with my body and wanted to get healthy and eat better. I told myself not to say negative thoughts or say that I'm not good enough. my sophomore year, I developed skills in health class that taught me the importance of diets and to keep a healthy routine so you wouldn’t get heart attacks or any physical health issues. That same year I really enjoyed epic literature, geometry, and English and my good grades reflected that. my last two years of high school, I have been focusing on how I can reach my goal of becoming an FBI agent. I want to help other people because of experiences I witnessed as a child. My birth father was very abusive to my mom and to me. When my mom was pregnant he tried to stop my brother from being born. The next man in my mom’s life was even worse and the police had to be called. These experiences with law enforcement officers made me realize that I wanted to help others. GMG helped me grow as a person and allowed me to take my college classes. I also want to study illustration because one day I would like to show my art to the world. Taking art classes at GMG, I have learned to use my imagination and learned how to use different materials to create art. My plan is to attend MCC in the fall so that I can study criminal justice and art. Because of the violence I saw as a child and the peace I now see in my family, I want to help others escape trauma. My mom can't afford money for college and so I have to pay for it. I am hoping to get financial help to go to college to complete my dreams. My mom gets paid $667 a month. We use this money on gas and food. I appreciate your time and I am grateful for this opportunity to further my education.
    Arlin Zaldana Student Profile |