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Arianna Zeldin


Bold Points




Hello my name is Arianna and I am currently an incoming freshman at Washington University in Stl(WashU) and can’t wait for college life. I’m a very outgoing a sociable person and I’ve to see how the impact of others changes me personally for the better. High School Involvement: Honor societies: - National Honor Society - Science Honor Society - Music Honor Society Clubs: - Jazz Ensemble - Art Club - Youth and Government - Student government - Pep band - Environmental Club - Model United Nations Sports: - Tennis - Varsity Basketball - Varsity softball - Outside softball - Varsity Swimming


Washington University in St Louis

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Political Science and Government


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Political Science and Government
    • International Relations and National Security Studies
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      political science

    • Dream career goals:

      President Of The United States, US congresswomen

    • Coaching

      Future stars
      2022 – 2022



    Junior Varsity
    2017 – Present7 years


    2019 – Present5 years


    2023 – Present1 year


    2012 – Present12 years


    • Political Science and Government

      AP Seminar — Independent research paper
      2022 – 2023
    • science

      Science honor society — Research different activities
      2021 – 2021


    • Ocean arts

      Performance Art
      2017 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Political Campaigns — Helped at the front desk, phone calls, door knocking
      2015 – Present
    • Volunteering

      NJROTC — Donate clothes for food drive, also duty platoon.
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      National Honor society — clothes drives, helped at food banks, toy drives, etc.
      2019 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Church — Set table
      2017 – 2017

    Future Interests




    International Studies Scholarship
    From the dawn of history, global exploration has played a crucial role in expanding our horizons and deepening our understanding of the world around us. Driven by an innate curiosity, humans have traveled across vast distances, discovering new continents and cultures in pursuit of knowledge. Thus, our collective journey has both enriched and shaped our societies throughout the ages by inspiring innovations, fostering cultural exchanges, and promoting a deeper connection with our fellow humans. The study of other cultures and nations affords us the opportunity to gain valuable insights into ourselves by understanding different perspectives, recognizing similarities, and appreciating the nuances that make us unique. It is through this understanding that we can foster empathy, open-mindedness, and respect for diversity. Furthermore, it allows us to reflect on our own values, beliefs, and behaviors in relation to those of others.The study of other cultures and nations provides valuable insights into our own society and experiences. By examining the customs, values, and beliefs of different people, we can gain a broader perspective on our own cultural practices and recognize both the similarities and differences that exist among different cultures. This understanding of diverse cultures fosters empathy, appreciation, and tolerance for others. Global exploration offers numerous benefits to the United States. First, it promotes global understanding and cooperation by fostering strong relationships with other nations. Strengthening diplomatic ties is essential for addressing common global challenges like climate change, terrorism, pandemics, and more. Global exploration enables U.S. citizens to broaden their horizons through education and travel. Encountering other cultures encourages personal growth and creates an opportunity to learn from different perspectives. It allows us to engage with other countries fosters international trade opportunities. Economies thrive on diverse partnerships that create jobs, spur innovation, and improve living standards for all. Global exploration offers the United States several benefits. First, by engaging in cultural exchange and learning from other countries, we can enhance our social awareness and develop a collective consciousness that values unity and inclusivity. Second, exploring international opportunities can foster innovation by exposing us to new ideas and experiences relevant to economic development, science, technology. Finally, fostering global connections strengthens diplomatic relations and mutual understanding among nations which promotes peace and stability worldwide. In summary, studying other cultures and engaging in global exploration are invaluable activities not only for personal growth but also for the United States as a whole by promoting social, intellectual, and diplomatic progress.studying other cultures and nations helps us better understand ourselves and the diverse world we inhabit. For the United States in particular, global exploration promotes relationship-building with other nations while reaping economic benefits.
    Alice and Gary Barthell Scholarship
    Honor. Courage. Commitment. These are the three core values of NJROTC. My commander would always drill these 3 words into my mind yet I never knew why. My Dad is in the army, currently, right now he is a lieutenant colonel in the army reserves. I've always appreciated the service of any soldier in any branch. it was not until this year of high school that I realized that I wanted to be just like them when I'm older. On my journey throughout high school I joined the school's program of NJROTC, at first I find to know what to expect because it was in the middle of COVID so the class was virtual for me, and not gonna lie I thought it was the most boring thing so then I quit in my sophomore year. Now I have rejoined the program to see what it was like but in person this time. On the first day, I automatically regretted ever quitting. But then it hit me. I'm behind my grade, all of my other friends who were in my class were already officer ranks and I wasn't! I started as a PO3 because that's what I finished when I was a freshman, and now I was ready to challenge myself to the next level. For me to climb up the ranks, I had to learn Unarmed Drill, Armed drill, and Guidon, but I was ready to rise to the occasion. it was only between September 1st - December 1st when I ranked up 3 rankings. now I'm a Chief Petty Officer in our unit. At this moment I'm taking seriously going into Army ROTC just like my dad. But I still never knew why until earlier this year, on October 9th. At 2:20 pm 5-6 loud booms went about outside, at first I thought it was fireworks but then I heard screaming, and then I knew, that it was the sound of gunshots I heard from right outside. My sister and I quickly ran up the stairs and locked ourselves in our parent's bedroom I told my sister to call our parents as I called 911. I looked outside the window to see a guy standing in our front yard, then at that moment I was not scared for my own life but for my sisters too. As it turns out It was kids, around my age who were shot. Bullets were fired just 30 feet away from where I and my sister were sitting in the kitchen doing homework at the table. It was only then that I definitely knew why I wanted to serve our country, the United States Of America. There was a saying a police officer told me why she wanted to join the police force and that is because she wanted to protect others the cant protect themselves. I thought that this was the most powerful message one can receive. Now looking back at the shooting that happened right outside my house I now know that I was more scared for my sister's live than mine, because what would have happened if I couldn't protect her? I want to know that when I serve this country, I can protect our U.S. citizens because they won't be able to protect themselves. Honor. Courage. Commitment. Now I realize
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    Although I won’t remember this, I hear stories from my parents about how I was born. Now after reading that your probably thinking, dang why is this girl telling her birth story. Now let me tell you why this is my turnaround story. On September 29th 2006 I was 2nd born out of me and my twin sister, although that sounds nice, well it wasn’t really because that was 14 and a half weeks before I was really supposed to be born. While I was in my moms stomach I kicked my sister sack and then…my mothers water broke. Being born 14 and a half weeks early does come with some consequences, my sister and I both had intestine and lung surgery and my sister had brain surgery. Both of us ended up in the hospital for 100 days, 11” tall, and weighed a pound and a half. Now we’re both in honors/AP classes and getting great GPAs.
    FOS Sports Industry Professional Scholarship
    I love sports. It is one of the things I liked to do since I was a child. I grew up with sports. I would always watch a coating of sports on the television screen with my dad also go to sports games as well. I would like to pursue the sport I love most, tennis. I love to play and I play whenever I get her chance. I would also like to play in the NCAA! Division 1 (fingers crossed). I think just the thought and joy of having sports around is what helped me throughout my life and even now. It has helped me when I do school work or when I am stressed it has calmed my nerves down. In 8th grade I hurt my knee from basketball, fortunately I was only out for 4 games. Without that season my pride went down. When I went back on the court after my knee was alright, I didn’t know what I was feeling. I had my teammates around me and they helped push to my maximum level. They made me the best person that I can be on and off the court. I believe that it’s just not the sport that makes up who your are but it’s about the people around that lead you to your victory and success. Whether your not having a great day or your having the best day, they are always their for you. And that is what inspired me to pursue what I love the most. Now I go to sports camps over the summer and I have coaching from a college coach and college level athletes around me. I have met new friends that are from the same skill level as me. Like I said before, they push you. Even if they are better skilled then you, you shouldn’t bring yourself down but you should rise to the challenge and make you a stronger athlete. Next summer I will be coaching a ton of new kids on how to play the sports I love to play. Having a sensation of getting to teach these kids is beyond from what I can imagine. I get the chance to teach them what I know and I can push them to be the inner athlete they were born to be. Not only do I want to pursue a professional career in sports but allowing to give other kids the chance of letting them make the world a better place in sports, well…we will make history.