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Arelynn Kelly


Bold Points






My name is Arelynn Kelly. One of my goals in life is to be successful. Not “rich successful”, but rather “surviving and living a good life” successful. My plans for the future include traveling the world and having the career of an elementary school teacher. Children have always been so fascinating to me with their thirst for knowledge and creative minds. My interests include reading, writing, improving my organization skills, and crocheting.


Kennesaw State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Education, Other

Kell High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, General
    • Special Education and Teaching
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Early Education Teacher

    • Hostess

      Ipp's Restaurant Pastaria & Bar
      2020 – Present5 years



    Junior Varsity
    2014 – 20173 years


    • No


    • Kell High School Theatre Club

      Much Ado About Nothing
      2018 – 2019
    • Audio and Visual Film at Kell High School

      2018 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Kell's Angels
      2018 – 2019

    Future Interests



    Esteemed Project Scholarship
    I don’t have a lot of high expectations for the future and I never really thought about my future growing up either, I just wanted to be a writer or something. I wanted to make a good living so that I could survive in this world. After giving it some thought in high school, I wanted to be a teacher for children deemed “special” because of a disability or disorder. However, the world as we know it is becoming too harsh for us to try to make a living. Seeing the world as it is now is devastating. Gas and food prices have gone up. There are longer and colder winters with shorter and hotter spring and summer seasons; glaciers and ice caps are melting due to climate changes, causing animals to lose their homes. Forest fires and tornado warnings are happening. The ocean is polluted with trash and plastic, along with the air polluted with gas fuel and other harmful chemicals. Hate crimes against a race that isn’t white and police brutality against the black community. LGBTQ+ and the black communities are still being denied their rights. Women are having their rights taken away from them because people don’t believe in abortion rights if it’s beneficial to the woman, mentally and physically. People are getting kicked out of their homes just to build better ones for people that can actually afford it, causing the unemployment and homeless rate to increase. Homelessness is a real thing that isn’t being treated properly. To add, hunger is also a real importance that isn't spoken about either. Too many people in this world are homeless and starving while the Supreme Court thought that it was okay to overturn the ‘Roe vs Wade’ trial in certain states, along with the world population increasing. Overall, there won’t be enough resources to sustain our current and future generations. Artificial Intelligence is gaining student’s attention to do poorly in school, making a machine write essays and do homework for them, but ultimately, that student doesn’t learn any new skills or knowledge. Artificial Intelligence shouldn’t replace a student’s education or a person’s job because it leads to a person with no skill, education, or knowledge. However, artificial intelligence can be beneficial when it’s not replacing the human race. Our electronic devices are forms of artificial intelligence, reminding us to do tasks, creating a to-do list for household chores or a grocery list, budgeting money and taxes, and keeping track of school assignments and grades, so that humans will have a hard time not forgetting anything. My future doesn’t consist of personal wants or needs. I want to be able to live in a country that respects me and my body along with my peers of different ethnicities, backgrounds, and genders where there is something actually beneficial happening to improve climate change, the ocean life, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the amount of money we spend, and our quality of life. Living in a country like this makes me want to leave to another country that does respect these rights. Through my career, I plan to touch on these topics through social media and other platforms to spread more awareness to poverty, homeless, hunger, climate change, inequality in the workplace, racism, hate crimes, women’s rights, mental health like illnesses or disorders, and better healthcare, education, and living resources for the future generations. I hope for others to gain the knowledge and understanding of these topics so that we can work together as humans to make this world a better place for everyone.
    Jerome D. Carr Memorial Scholarship for Overcoming Adversity
    Mental health has always been an important part of my life, especially living with ADHD and anxiety. In elementary school, I was bullied because I was mentally delayed in comparison to my classmates due to being born 3 months early. I always felt like there was something wrong with me for my classmates to dislike me that much. This feeling of unworthiness slowly snowballed into social anxiety involving large crowds, loud places, and speaking to people, overall causing me to become shyer. Over time, I adopted this mindset of “everyone must like me and if they don’t then there’s something wrong with me”. I mildly became a people pleaser without listening to my thoughts or feelings and always felt bad if I told someone no. ADHD had a larger impact on my relationships because of how it affected my behavior and attentiveness. I was either too loud or too quiet, too distracted or always attentive, and always nice or sometimes rude. Some people would find my body-focused repetitive behaviors annoying because of my poor impulse control. Often, I would bite my nails or subconsciously pull my hair to relieve stress. By middle school, I was medicated for my ADHD, which altered my brain activity so that I could stay less distracted and appear quieter to focus. However, a few of my friends admitted that they preferred my behavior when I didn’t take my medicine, and I realized that those people were not my real friends since they favored different parts of me and not all of what I am. I eventually found better friends in high school and expanded my knowledge of mental health, researching symptom behaviors of ADHD to better understand myself. I also purchased sweaters from a mental health brand called “You Matter”, which donates most of its profits to mental health organizations and charities. I devoted most of my free time to reading books about mental health or tips on dealing with ADHD/anxiety symptoms. Presently, I have pushed past my mental delays, succeeding in high school and striving to succeed in college, especially with the help and support from my friends and family. Mental health has influenced my career aspirations, stemming from childhood experiences and relationships. After college, my goal is to become an elementary school teacher specializing in the education of students with mental or physical disabilities, and speech or hearing impairments. I want to help those children in better ways than I was so that they can have a memorable childhood and get the help they need early on to become successful in their future lives. This goal derived from the experience of my sister growing up physically disabled, my sister and I having speech impairments in our early years, and my mother being deaf all my life. I understand how lonely it can feel when you can’t hear someone, or someone poking fun at the way that you speak or walk; it can feel isolating like you’re unworthy or unwanted because people don’t understand you. Despite these feelings, I learned that not everyone has to like me for me to feel worthy, wanted, or even welcomed because I like myself just the way I am. Flaws and all. Furthermore, I want to teach this kind of thought process to my future students to avoid any judgments or low mental health that can trickle into adulthood. Whatever is spoken to young children can and will become their inner voice as they grow older, and I am still working to change my inner voice so that she’ll be more positive.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    My name is Arelynn Kelly. I am a hardworking and reliable young woman attending my second semester of college. My educational goals include learning efficient strategies to help myself with my ADHD to stay organized, motivated, and focused. After college, my dream is to become an elementary school teacher specializing in the education of mentally or physically disabled children and those with hearing impairments. I strive to help those younger than me to provide the support for them that I was given. As a child and presently, my mother and grandfather were deaf, and my twin sister and I inherited that genetic trait. Therefore, I feel obliged to help those with hearing impairments as I feel a connection with them. At a young age, I was faced with many obstacles. I was often bullied in elementary school for my odd behavior. I was born 3 months premature and had to retake kindergarten as my brain was not as developed as my peers. I was diagnosed with ADHD during my second year of kindergarten, which negatively impacted my ability to stay focused in the classroom, being attentive, and motivated on tasks or ideas. I was given medication to ease these symptoms, which have tremendously helped. I started researching more about my mental disorder and reaching out to peers as I got older. I started talking with a therapist, jotting down my thoughts, and utilizing my cellphone to stay focused and set reminders for certain tasks since I’ve been notorious for being forgetful and distracted easily. I worked with teachers to implement accommodations for a better classroom environment and overall quality of learning. I sat at the front of every class to stay focused and away from any distractions, getting more out of lectures and actively paying attention. These experiences have taught me that I am more than my mental disability, which is why I am making it my responsibility to help those in need of this kind of support at a young age so that they can succeed as they grow older. I am able to become a better and successful person with these new habits that help me stay on top of college assignments and balance my life with relationships, hobbies, personal goals, school, and work. I am most passionate about fulfilling my dreams in hopes of changing the way education is taught and bringing better strategies and more efficient accommodations to the table, for all types of students.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    My name is Arelynn Kelly. I am a hardworking and reliable young woman attending my second semester of college. My educational goals include learning efficient strategies to help myself with my ADHD to stay organized, motivated, and focused. After college, I plan to become an elementary school teacher specializing in the education of mentally or physically disabled children and those with hearing impairments. I strive to help those younger than me to provide the support for them that I was given. As a child and presently, my mother and grandfather were deaf, and my twin sister and I inherited that genetic trait. Therefore, I feel obliged to help those with hearing impairments as I feel a connection with them. At a young age, I was faced with many obstacles. I was often bullied in elementary school for my odd behavior. I was born 3 months premature and had to retake kindergarten as my brain was not as developed as my peers. I was diagnosed with ADHD during my second year of kindergarten, which negatively impacted my ability to stay focused in the classroom, being attentive, and motivated on tasks or ideas. I was given medication to ease these symptoms, which have tremendously helped. I started researching more about my mental disorder and reaching out to peers as I got older. I started talking with a therapist, jotting down my thoughts, and utilizing my cellphone to stay focused and set reminders for certain tasks since I’ve been notorious for being forgetful and distracted easily. I worked with teachers to implement accommodations for a better classroom environment and overall quality of learning. I sat at the front of every class to stay focused and away from any distractions, getting more out of lectures and actively paying attention. These experiences have taught me that I am more than my mental disability, which is why I am making it my responsibility to help those in need of this kind of support at a young age so that they can succeed as they grow older. I am able to become a better and successful person with these new habits that help me stay on top of college assignments and balance my life with relationships, hobbies, personal goals, school, and work. I hope to change the way education is taught and bring better strategies and more efficient accommodations to the table, for all types of students.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    Wage inequality refers to the unequal distribution of income among individuals in a given society, and it is a significant issue in the United States. The impact of wage inequality is far-reaching and affects many aspects of life for those who are earning lower wages. Wage inequality exacerbates poverty and income insecurity for low-wage workers and their families. Those who earn lower wages are often unable to make ends meet, which can lead to financial strain and a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare. It can contribute to wider economic disparities and social division. When the gap between the rich and the poor widens, it can lead to greater income inequality and a lack of social mobility, making it difficult for those at the bottom to move up the economic ladder. Wage inequality can also have negative effects on the overall economy. When workers earn less, they have less money to spend, which can reduce consumer demand and slow economic growth. To address this problem, various approaches can be taken. Advocacy for fair labor practices is crucial, involving promoting policies that protect workers' rights and ensure that they are paid fair wages for their work, which can be achieved through participating in labor unions, supporting worker-friendly political candidates, and lobbying for laws that promote fair pay. Supporting education and training programs that provide workers with the skills they need to compete in the job market is also important because it helps individuals to increase their earning potential, which can help reduce wage inequality. Implementing a progressive tax system can also help address wage inequality. This involves imposing higher tax rates on those with higher incomes and using the revenue generated to support programs that benefit low-income individuals and families. Encouraging businesses to adopt fair pay practices can also help address the issue of wage inequality, effectively setting a living wage for all employees, providing equal pay for equal work, and offering benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Addressing wage discrimination is important in dealing with wage inequality, concerns that enact laws and policies that prohibit discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, age, and religion. Additionally, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace can help to reduce wage discrimination and promote wage equality. Preaching wage inequality in the United States requires a multi-faceted approach that involves advocating for fair labor practices, supporting education and training programs, implementing a progressive tax system, encouraging businesses to adopt fair pay practices, and handling wage discrimination. By taking these steps, we can work towards creating a society in which everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and earn a fair wage for their work.
    Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
    ADHD and anxiety can be significant challenges in a school environment, leading to difficulties with focusing, organization, and managing stress. I have personally experienced these difficulties and can attest to the negative impact they can have on academic and social life. In school, I found it challenging to stay on task and complete assignments on time, as my ADHD often caused me to get easily distracted and forgetful. This led to poor grades and frustration, as well as trouble keeping up with classmates and meeting expectations. My anxiety also made it difficult to participate in class and make connections with other students, further impacting my academic and social experiences. I would often fall behind in class, but due to accommodations, I was able to turn in some assignments late. Although, most teachers weren’t respectful of this accommodation. Growing up with anxiety, I had a constant fear of worry that I was disliked by everyone so I tried to make other people happy, going out of my way to do nice things for them. Even so, I mostly kept to myself and self-isolated in my bedroom. Despite these difficulties, my experiences with ADHD and anxiety have also positively impacted me and changed my view for the future. First and foremost, they have taught me the importance of self-awareness and self-care. I have learned to recognize my triggers and implement strategies to manage my symptoms, such as using a planner to stay organized and practicing mindfulness to reduce stress. Additionally, my experiences have given me a greater appreciation for the challenges faced by individuals with mental health conditions and a desire to advocate for those who may struggle with similar issues. I have become more empathetic and understanding towards others and see the value in promoting mental health awareness and support in educational settings. Furthermore, my difficulties in school have also instilled in me a strong work ethic and determination to succeed. Despite the obstacles I have faced, I have not given up on my academic goals and remain motivated to succeed in my future endeavors. This has given me a more positive outlook on life and a confidence in my ability to overcome challenges and achieve my goals. In conclusion, while my experiences with ADHD and anxiety have presented difficulties in a school environment, they have also had a profound and positive impact on my life. These experiences have taught me the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and determination, and have shaped my view for the future in a positive way.
    Margalie Jean-Baptiste Scholarship
    One of the first steps in overcoming adversity with a low-income background is to have a positive attitude and never give up. Despite the challenges and obstacles I may face, it’s important that I believe in myself and have faith that I can overcome them. This mindset gave me the drive and motivation to push forward and persevere through tough times. Additionally, education and hard work are key factors in overcoming adversity. By obtaining a good education, I can increase your chances of securing a well-paying job and improving my financial situation by focusing on my studies and working hard to achieve my academic goals. Whether it's through traditional education or through learning new skills, acquiring knowledge and new abilities will open up opportunities and increase my chances of success. Networking and building relationships can also play a big role in overcoming adversity. Reaching out to family, friends, and professionals in my community for support and guidance, and joining organizations and clubs related to my interests and skills. These connections can lead to new opportunities, job leads, and even mentorship relationships. Finally, being resourceful and frugal with my finances can also help me overcome adversity. Instead of relying on credit or loans, I am learning to budget and save my money wisely. I am seeking out free or low-cost resources, such as college courses or local workshops, to gain new skills and knowledge. These efforts can help me achieve my goals while keeping my expenses low. However, living in a low-income household brought about numerous challenges and adversities. Financial strain is a common issue, as limited resources make it difficult to cover essential expenses such as food, housing, transportation, and healthcare. This resulted in limited access to basic necessities, leading to a lower quality of life and increased stress levels. Growing up, my family didn’t have access to a heater as it broke and we were never able to replace it. The winters were extremely cold and the summers were blazing hot, often having to sleep with cold fans in our rooms. In addition, living in low-income communities also brought social and emotional adversities. Since I had anxiety growing up, it became hard for me to reach out and ask for help. I had limited resources and a small social support network. I often felt isolated and lonely, while the constant “What if?” of my parents’ financial difficulties lead to depression and more anxiety. Overcoming adversity with a low-income financial background takes determination, hard work, and a positive attitude. By focusing on education and networking, being resourceful and frugal, and never giving up, I will be able to rise above the challenges and achieve success.
    Selma Luna Memorial Scholarship
    As I continue in college to become an elementary school teacher specializing with children with disabilities, my goal is to inspire and empower them to reach their full potential. I plan to emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding, helping them understand that everyone is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses, and will foster a positive and inclusive environment where students feel valued and respected. By creating hands-on and interactive lessons, the students are more engaged in these activities and it will make learning fun. This approach will keep the students staying focused and motivated as it will also help them develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. I will provide opportunities for students to express themselves through art, music, and other creative outlets to help them feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin, and aiding the development of important life skills. I will continue to emphasize the idea that everyone has the potential to grow and learn, and that it's never too late to start, hopefully encouraging my disabled students to take risks and try new things even if they initially struggle. I will dedicate time to get to know each of my students on an individual basis and work to build strong relationships with them, making sure that they feel supported and valued as this strategy will also make it easier for me to identify their strengths and weaknesses and tailor my teaching to their needs. And with the help of technology, I will be able to enhance my teaching and make it more accessible for students with disabilities. For example, I may use visual aids to help students with hearing impairments, or I may use special software to help students with physical disabilities access the curriculum. In the classroom, I will celebrate my student’s achievements, no matter how small they may seem, to help them feel proud and confident and motivate them to continue working hard. By incorporating these strategies into my teaching, I am confident that I will be able to inspire and empower the youth and help them reach their full potential. My goal is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel valued and respected, and where they are able to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My mental health with anxiety and self-sabotaging had a profound impact on my life, shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. In terms of goals, my anxiety led to a fear of failure and a lack of self-confidence, which caused me to second-guess myself and I avoided taking risks. These self-sabotaging traits possibly directed to missed opportunities and a feeling of being stuck. On the other hand, managing and overcoming these mental health challenges could’ve also led to a greater sense of self-awareness and determination. I was able to drive myself to more achievable and meaningful goals, and work towards better mental and emotional well-being. In terms of relationships, I fell down the rabbit hole of social isolation with my anxiety; it became difficult to form and maintain meaningful connections with others. Ultimately, these bad habits resulted in my difficulty expressing myself and communicating effectively, leading to misunderstandings and strained relationships. However, as I began to manage my anxiety, I was able to improve my self-awareness and communication skills, finally being able to connect with others in a deeper and more fulfilling way. Growing up, I had this constant heightened sense of worry and a tendency to focus on negative aspects of life, causing me to feel overwhelmed and as if I wasn’t in control of my own life. Nonetheless, overcoming anxiety helps to form a greater sense of resilience and a better understanding of my own abilities and limitations, which eventually guided me to a more positive outlook on life and a greater appreciation for the present moment. In retrospect, the experience of dealing with the mental health combination of anxiety and self-sabotage can be challenging, but it can also be a powerful source of personal growth and self-discovery. It can lead to a greater understanding of oneself and others, as well as a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
    Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
    Living with ADHD and a mental illness can be challenging, but it is possible to overcome these obstacles and lead a fulfilling life. The first step towards overcoming my mental illness with ADHD was accepting that I had a problem and that I needed help. This was a difficult, but necessary step in my journey to improvement. I seeked out the help of a mental health professional who specializes in ADHD and mental illness, and they helped me understand my diagnosis, develop a treatment plan, and provided support throughout my journey. Afterwards, I began to surround myself with supportive family, friends, and peers who helped me navigate my mental health challenges as this support was essential in helping me improve my mental illness. As I grew up, I made self-care a priority and focused on taking care of my mental and physical health, including practices such as exercising often, mindfulness, and stress management techniques. To add, I worked with my doctor to find the right medication to manage my ADHD and mental illness symptoms. This was an important step in managing my symptoms and improving my overall well-being. To manage my ADHD, I developed a strong time management routine and focused on maintaining a balanced schedule that accommodated my physical and mental needs to help me stay organized and focused on my goals. I worked with my teachers to find accommodations that would help me manage my ADHD and mental illness while at school. These included modifications to my classroom environment, additional support from peers, and tools such as a planner and reminder system. Presently, I continue to educate myself on ADHD and mental illness and how they will impact my life and future career as a teacher to better support my need to stay informed and better equipped to manage my challenges. In addition, I made a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of my life and to practice gratitude for the things I have. This helped me maintain a positive outlook to reduce my feelings of unwanted stress and anxiety. Overcoming my mental illness with ADHD was a long and challenging journey, but it was also one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. By focusing on self-care, seeking professional help, and creating a supportive network, I was able to manage my symptoms and lead a fulfilling life. Often, I remind myself that everyone's journey is different, and it's important to find what works best for you and never give up on your goals and aspirations.
    Audra Dominguez "Be Brave" Scholarship
    The first step in achieving my career aspirations to become a teacher was accepting my challenges of living with ADHD and anxiety. This acceptance helped me understand that these challenges are a part of who I am and that they will not define me as a person or a future teacher. During my first year of high school, I sought the help of a therapist to manage my anxiety and ADHD symptoms. Talking to a professional helped me understand the root cause of my symptoms and develop coping strategies to manage them effectively. I began to surround myself with supportive family, friends, and colleagues who helped me navigate the challenges I faced. I also joined online support groups and communities where I could connect with others who faced similar challenges, and it helped me feel less alone. Furthermore, I worked with my school to find accommodations that would help me manage my ADHD and anxiety while learning, including additional support from peers or teachers, modifications to my classroom environment, and tools such as a planner and a reminder system. In my senior year of high school, I took a step back and re-evaluated my priorities in life, focusing on what was important to me and what I wanted to achieve. I was able to maintain a clear perspective of my goals and not lose sight of them when faced with adversity. Throughout, I managed my ADHD by developing a strong time management routine and focusing on maintaining a balanced schedule that accommodated my physical and mental needs, which enabled me to stay organized and on track towards achieving my goal as a teacher. Presently, I prioritize self-care and focus on taking care of my mental and physical health, including the practice of mindfulness, exercising often, and finding healthy ways to manage stress. I continue to educate myself on ADHD and anxiety and how they will continue to impact my life and future career, as it supports my needs to stay informed and better equipped to manage my challenges. In conclusion, these steps have helped me overcome adversity and achieve my career aspirations as a teacher while living with ADHD and anxiety. However, it's important to note that everyone's journey is different, and what works for me may not work for others. The key is to find what works best for you and to never give up on your goals and aspirations.
    Ruthie Brown Scholarship
    Student loan debt is a common issue that many students face after they complete their education. It can be overwhelming and stressful, but with a well-thought-out plan, it is possible to manage and pay off the debt in a timely and efficient manner. My plan to help address my future student loan debt is to assess the total amount of debt by gathering all loan information and including the interest rate, balance, and monthly payment amount. This will give me a clear understanding of the total amount of debt that I owe and the interest that is accruing on the loans. Next, I will create a budget that includes all of my monthly expenses and student loan payments, which would help me navigate my cash flow and determine how much money I can allocate towards paying off my future loans each month. During this, I would dedicate to prioritizing debt repayment as it is important to prioritize paying off high-interest loans first, enabling me to save money in the long run and reduce the amount of interest that I would pay on my loans. I will also consider consolidation because if I were to have multiple loans with different interest rates, consolidating them into one loan with a single interest rate would help simplify my payments and potentially lower my monthly payment amount. In the future, if I have the financial means to do so, I will consider making extra payments towards my student loan debt to aid in paying off my loans faster and reducing the amount of interest I will pay over time. In addition, as there are several loan forgiveness programs available to students who work in educational fields, it may be worth it for me to explore these programs to see if I were to qualify in the future. Another consideration is refinancing my loans if I were to have a good credit score and a steady income to help me obtain a lower interest rate and also potentially reduce my monthly payment amount. In the future, I would make sure to stay organized by keeping track of my loan balances, interest rates, and payments to make sure that I will be staying on top of my debt and making progress towards paying off my loans. By following this plan, I can effectively address my future student loan debt and take control of my finances. It’s also important to remind myself that life can bring unexpected changes, such as a job loss or an unexpected medical expense, so I must be prepared for these challenges by having an emergency fund in place and staying informed of my options for loan deferment or forbearance if necessary. To conclude, addressing student loan debt requires a combination of careful budgeting, prioritization, and an exploration of available options. By staying organized, making extra payments, and considering consolidation, refinancing, and loan forgiveness programs, other students and myself can effectively manage and pay off our student debts.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health is a topic that is often overlooked or stigmatized, but it is an issue that affects many people, including myself. Growing up, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which greatly impacted my ability to focus and stay organized. I also struggled with anxiety, which made it difficult for me to socialize and participate in activities that I enjoyed. These problems became frustrating for me and others around me, that I needed to find solutions. So I did research, read books, and went to therapy to better understand myself. As I also struggled with memory, I found that setting multiple reminders and alarms and calendar dates helped me stay more focused and productive. These experiences with mental health have greatly influenced my beliefs about the importance of giving back and donating to communities and charities that focus on mental health and depression. I have come to understand that mental health is just as important as physical health, and that individuals who are struggling with mental health issues need support and resources. As a result, I have become an advocate for mental health awareness and have volunteered for various organizations that focus on helping individuals with mental health issues. I have also made donations to organizations that provide mental health services and resources to those in need. Additionally, my experiences with mental health have influenced my career aspirations. I have always had a passion for helping others, and I have decided to pursue a career as a teacher. I want to work with students who have mental or physical disabilities or hearing impairments, as I believe that I can make a positive impact in their lives. I am determined to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, and I will work hard to ensure that all students have the resources and support they need to succeed. I believe that as a teacher, I can help to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and provide support and resources to students who are struggling with mental health issues. My personal experiences with mental health, specifically ADHD and anxiety, have greatly influenced my beliefs about the importance of giving back and donating to communities and charities that focus on mental health and depression. They also have influenced my career aspirations of being a teacher to help students with mental/physical disabilities or hearing impairments. I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of others and to provide support and resources to those who are struggling with mental health issues.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    "The Sun Is Also A Star" by Nicola Yoon is a young adult novel that tells the story of Natasha Kingsley, a practical and logical Jamaican-American teenager who is facing deportation, and Daniel Bae, a romantic and idealistic Korean-American teenager who is on his way to an interview for a prestigious college. The novel explores themes of love, fate, and the immigrant experience through the lens of these two characters who meet by chance and fall in love in the span of a single day. One of the reasons why this book is so good is because of the way it handles its characters. Both Natasha and Daniel are fully realized, complex individuals with their own unique perspectives and struggles. Natasha's fear of deportation and her desire to protect her family, and Daniel's pressure to live up to his parents' expectations, create a sense of urgency and tension that keeps the reader invested in the story. The way their personalities and backgrounds clash and complement each other also makes for a compelling romance that feels both realistic and satisfying. Another aspect of the book that I found particularly well done is the way it explores the immigrant experience. The novel gives a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of the challenges and injustices that immigrants face, without ever becoming heavy-handed or preachy. The way that it interweaves the story of Natasha's deportation with Daniel and Natasha's romance creates a powerful emotional impact that highlights the human cost of immigration policies. The book also does a great job of exploring the theme of fate and how it relates to our personal agency. While our actions may be influenced by our circumstances, we ultimately have the power to shape our own destinies. The writing is beautiful and evocative. Nicola Yoon's prose is poetic and descriptive, creating vivid imagery and a sense of atmosphere that immerses the reader in the story. The pacing is well done, with the story moving along at a brisk pace that keeps the reader engaged. It’s a very well-written, thought-provoking, and emotionally powerful novel that explores themes of love, fate, and the immigrant experience in a way that is both realistic and satisfying. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys coming-of-age stories, romance, or contemporary fiction. It is a book that will stay with you long after you've finished reading it.
    Trees for Tuition Scholarship Fund
    When planning for a better community after college, several steps can be taken. One important step is to find a fulfilling career that aligns with your passions and skills. For example, I want to teach disabled students as a meaningless job since I am passionate about education and helping others. Not only would I be making a positive impact on the lives of my students, but I would also be contributing to the overall betterment of my community. Another important step in planning for a better community is getting involved in local organizations and volunteer opportunities. This can include participating in community service projects or joining local clubs and groups. By getting involved in my community, I’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the issues and challenges facing my community and be in a position to make meaningful contributions to addressing them. In addition to career and community involvement, it’s also important to have hobbies and activities that you enjoy. Writing stories, for example, is a great hobby of mine that I express myself creatively through and connect with others who share my interest in storytelling. Not only will writing be enjoyable for me, but it can also be a way to share my stories with others and make a positive impact in my community. To plan for a better community, it's also important to have a clear vision of what I want to achieve and to set specific, measurable goals. This might include working towards a specific career, joining a particular community organization, or writing a certain number of stories. By setting goals, I’ll be able to focus my efforts and make progress toward my vision. One way to stay on track with my goals is creating a plan and schedule. This helps me prioritize my time and to make sure that I am making progress towards your goals, which can include setting aside specific time each day or week to work on my writing or volunteer with a community organization. It's also significant to be flexible and to adjust my plan as needed. Another noteworthy aspect of planning for a better community is surrounding myself with supportive people, especially family, friends, mentors, or other community members who share my passion for making a positive impact. These people can provide valuable guidance, support, and encouragement as I work towards my goals. I would like to reiterate that planning for a better community is an ongoing process. Even after achieving my goals, it would be more beneficial to continue to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in my community. This may be applied by taking on new challenges, learning new skills, or finding new ways to contribute to my community. Planning for a better community just sounds so exciting as a fulfilling and meaningful endeavor by having a career that aligns with my passions and skills, such as teaching disabled students, getting involved in local organizations and volunteering, and having hobbies and activities that you enjoy, such as writing stories, and setting clear goals and a plan. Besides, surrounding yourself with supportive people and being flexible and open to new opportunities will help myself and others to make a positive impact in my community and improve the lives of the people around me.
    Dr. Connie M. Reece Future Teachers Scholarship
    I have always had a passion for education and helping others, which led me to want to become a teacher. I believe that being a teacher is not just a job, but a calling. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of students and help them reach their full potential. One of the reasons I want to become a teacher is to work with disabled students, such as those with mental/physical disabilities or an hearing impairments. Growing up with ADHD, I understand the challenges and disadvantages that come with having a learning disability. I want to use my own experiences to help students with and without disabilities become better learners. I know that with the right support and resources, these students can achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Throughout my education, I struggled with ADHD and often felt like I was not being heard or understood by my teachers. I remember feeling frustrated and discouraged. However, there were a few teachers who took the time to understand my needs and helped me find ways to succeed. These teachers made a huge impact on my life and I want to be able to do the same for other students. ADHD and anxiety are two conditions that have had a significant impact on my life. Both conditions are chronic and can be debilitating at times. As someone who has struggled with these conditions for a long time, I understand the challenges that come with them and the impact they can have on one's life. One of the biggest struggles I have faced with ADHD is my inability to focus and pay attention. This made it difficult for me to complete tasks and stay organized. I often found myself getting distracted easily and forgetting important details. This was frustrating, causing me to feel overwhelmed and stressed. To combat this problem, I found that creating specific goals for each day and breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable chunks can help me stay focused and on track. Additionally, using a planner and creating to-do lists can help me stay organized and prioritize my tasks. Another struggle I faced with ADHD is my impulsivity. I would without thinking and can make impulsive decisions that can lead to negative consequences. This was also frustrating for me and for those around me. To help, I started to take a step back for a deep breath before making a decision. I learned that this method can help me think things through and make more thoughtful decisions. Additionally, speaking with a therapist or counselor helped me learn how to manage my impulsivity and make better decisions. Anxiety is another condition that has a significant impact on my life. It still causes feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness, which makes it difficult for me to focus and complete tasks. Oftentimes, it was difficult for me to sleep, making it harder for me to be productive during the day. I felt stuck and controlled by my anxiety so I did some research and found ways to help. I started practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to help calm my mind and reduce anxiety. To add on from what was previously mentioned, speaking with a therapist or counselor also helped me learn how to manage my anxiety and develop more coping strategies. Growing up, I also had problems with memory and it was a real struggle for me. I was often forgetting things that I’ve learned or important information, which made it hard for me to retain information and feeling more frustrated and out of control of my own brain. So I did some more research and found that creating flashcards and studying regularly can help me retain information better. To add, using mnemonic devices such as creating mental images or making up a story can also help me remember information better.
    Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship
    Writing is personally important to me because it allows me to express my thoughts and emotions in a clear and organized manner. It is a way for me to process my feelings and gain a better understanding of myself and the world around me. It is also a form of self-discovery. As I put my thoughts and ideas on paper, I am able to explore new perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of my beliefs and values. It is a way for me to reflect on my experiences and learn from them, and allows me to connect with others. By sharing my writing with others, I am able to connect with people on a deeper level and understand their perspectives. It is a way for me to communicate my thoughts and ideas, and to learn from the thoughts and ideas of others. To me, writing is a powerful tool for personal growth and development. It helps me to set goals, plan, and reflect on my progress. It is a way for me to track my personal development and monitor my progress towards achieving my goals. For example, I set multiple reminders and keep a journal on me for my thoughts or any ideas that come to mind. I even struggle with memories so I oftentimes write situations or my feelings throughout my day so I am able to recall things that have happened. In addition, I can improve my communication skills, and express my thoughts and ideas in a clear manner. It’s a way for me to improve my vocabulary and grammar, and to become a more effective communicator. At a young age, I became so invested in books and writing, dissociating myself from the world and hyper fixating on reading or writing, and creating fictional characters in complex worlds that I wanted to relate to. Lastly, writing is a way for me to leave a legacy. It allows me to record my experiences and thoughts for future generations to read and learn from. It is a way for me to share my story and make a lasting impact on the world. I am able to gain a better understanding of myself and the world around me, connect with others, improve my communication skills, and leave a lasting legacy. It is a tool that has helped me in many aspects of my life and continues to be an essential part of who I am.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    My experience with ADHD has been a defining characteristic of my life. From a young age, I struggled to focus and stay on task in the classroom, which often led to frustration and disappointment for both myself and my teachers. However, despite these challenges, I was determined to succeed and worked hard to overcome my difficulties. I learned to manage my time more effectively, break tasks down into smaller chunks, and take frequent breaks to help me stay focused. I also found that using visual aids and other tools helped me to better understand and retain information. These strategies, along with the support of my family and teachers, helped me to achieve success in school and laid the foundation for my future aspirations. My motivation for pursuing higher education is rooted in my passion for helping others and my desire to make a positive impact on the world. I believe that a college education is the key to unlocking opportunities and that it will provide me with the skills and knowledge I need to achieve my goals. I am particularly interested in pursuing a career in education, with the goal of making a positive impact on the lives of students. I am also motivated by my experiences with ADHD, and I am determined to use my experiences to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I am particularly interested in working with students who have disabilities, such as mental/physical disabilities or hearing impairments, to help them overcome their challenges and reach their full potential. I believe that my experiences have given me a unique perspective and that I can use this perspective to make a difference in the lives of others. I believe that I am a good candidate for this scholarship because of my determination, hard work, and dedication to achieving my goals. Despite the challenges I faced, I have never given up on my dream of pursuing higher education. My ADHD has taught me the importance of perseverance, determination, and hard work. My passion for helping others and my desire to make a positive impact on the world have motivated me to pursue higher education. I believe that I am a good candidate for this scholarship and that I have the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I am confident that with this scholarship, I will be able to achieve my goals and make a difference in the world.
    Albright, Carter, Campbell Ohana Scholarship for Academic Excellence
    My experience with the education system has had a profound influence on my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. Growing up, I struggled with ADHD, which made it difficult for me to stay focused and engaged in the classroom. This led to a lot of frustration and disappointment, both for me and for my teachers and parents. Despite these struggles, I was determined to succeed and worked hard to overcome my challenges. Through my experiences, I developed a strong belief in the importance of individualized and inclusive education. I believe that every child should have the opportunity to receive an education that is tailored to their unique needs and abilities. I also believe that it is important to create an inclusive learning environment where all children feel welcome and valued. My relationships with my teachers and parents were also impacted by my experiences in the education system. I was often frustrated by the lack of understanding and support I received from my teachers, which made it difficult for me to build positive relationships with them. However, I am grateful for the support and encouragement I received from my parents, who always believed in me and helped me to persevere. My career aspirations have also been shaped by my experiences in the education system. I have always been passionate about helping others, and I have decided to pursue a career in education. I am currently working towards becoming a teacher, with the goal of making a positive impact on the lives of students. I am also working to address the important social issue of the education system. I believe that it is crucial to create an education system that is inclusive, accessible, and equitable for all students. I am particularly interested in working with students who have mental/physical disabilities or hearing impairments, to help them overcome their challenges and reach their full potential. In order to overcome the struggles of ADHD, I have had to develop a number of strategies. One of the most important has been learning to manage my time more effectively. I have also found that breaking tasks down into smaller chunks, and taking frequent breaks, has helped me to stay focused. Additionally, I have found that using visual aids and other tools can help me to better understand and retain information. Overall, my experiences with the education system have had a major impact on my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. Despite the challenges I faced, I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the opportunities I have had. I am determined to use my experiences to make a positive impact on the lives of others and to create a more inclusive and equitable education system for all students.
    Sandy Jenkins Excellence in Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    I am most passionate about early education because I believe that the foundation of a child's education is laid in their early years. During this time, children are most receptive to learning and developing the skills they will need for the rest of their lives. Early education sets the stage for future success in school and in life, and it is a critical period for children to develop cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Because of my own struggles growing up as a black woman with ADHD and anxiety, I understand the challenges that come with these conditions and how they can affect a child’s development and education. I also understand the importance of early intervention and support for children who face these challenges. To add, I struggled in school, and often felt misunderstood and unsupported by my teachers and peers. I know how important it is for children to have access to the right resources, support, and understanding in order to succeed. I know that early education is a crucial time to provide children with the tools they need to overcome these challenges and reach their full potential. It is vital for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, as it can level the playing field and give them the opportunity to succeed in life, and crucial that children are provided with an inclusive, equitable and diverse learning environment, which will help them to develop a positive self-identity, self-esteem and the ability to respect and understand the diversity of others. Furthermore, children with disabilities, in particular, benefit greatly from early education as it allows them to receive the support and accommodations they need to reach their full potential. Early intervention can also help to mitigate the impact of their disability on their development. It also helps to improve their self-esteem and self-confidence and help them to build their social skills. Access to early education is vital for children with disabilities to ensure that they have the same opportunities as their non-disabled peers. Regardless of their background or challenges, my passion for early education stems from my belief that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential and I am deeply committed to working with children and families to ensure that they have access to the resources and support they need to succeed in school and in life. In the future, I also plan to work with disabled students, specifically those with mental/physical issues or hearing impairments, to provide them with the support and accommodations they need to succeed in school. I believe that with the right approach and resources, all students can reach their full potential. I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the field, through volunteering or internships, to better understand the needs of special needs students and improve my teaching skills.
    Promising Pathways - Hearing Impairment Scholarship
    My name is Arelynn Kelly. I am attending my second semester at Kennesaw State University studying Early Education for a Bachelor’s Degree to become an elementary school teacher and help students in the same way or a better way that I was brought up during my educational journey. I feel that younger students are easier to teach because they are more likely to want to learn because of their immense curiosity and creativity towards the world around them. I would help them earlier in life so they can succeed as they continue to grow older, are better prepared for challenges, and properly educated as adults. One of the main challenges I went through was the lack of accommodations and support services. Many schools and teachers may not be familiar with the needs of hearing impaired students, and may not know how to provide the necessary accommodations and support services. This made it difficult for me to fully participate in class and understand the material being taught. I had a hard time hearing the teacher or other students and struggled with communicating my own thoughts and ideas. I was unable to completely engage in class discussions and group work. Furthermore, the educational material and technology given were mostly unavailable to deaf or hard of hearing students like myself. Some educational resources wouldn’t be available in sign language or captioned for hearing impaired students. Additionally, some technology wasn’t compatible with assistive devices such as hearing aids or cochlear implants. Despite these obstacles, I was able to succeed in school with the help of accommodations, support services, and assistive technology. However, it is important that schools and teachers are aware of the unique needs of hearing impaired students and work to provide the necessary support and resources to ensure their success. After completing my degree, I plan to become an elementary school teacher. I want to work with special needs students, specifically those with mental/physical issues or hearing impairments, to provide them with the support and accommodations they need to succeed in school. I believe that with the right approach and resources, all students can reach their full potential. I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the field, through volunteering or internships, to better understand the needs of special needs students and improve my teaching skills. Additionally, I am also committed to ongoing professional development to stay up to date on the latest research, best practices, and technologies that can benefit my students.
    Alma J. Grubbs Education Scholarship
    Education is the key to unlocking one's potential and opening up a world of opportunities; it empowers individuals to make informed decisions, pursue their passions, and contribute to society in meaningful ways. It also equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to adapt to an ever-changing world. Additionally, education is a lifelong process, and it is never too late to learn something new. It has the power to transform lives and shape the future in positive ways. Education is a fundamental human right and that everyone should have access to it. As a black woman in America, I feel greatly passionate about education and immensely thankful that I am given access to one every single day. Meanwhile, there are women activists in other countries fighting for women’s rights and a better education, risking their own lives and getting injured simply because they don’t have access. I feel that I shouldn’t throw away an opportunity to further my education that’s given to me every day, even if it’s expensive. If I could help as many students as possible to get a better education, I’d be proud of myself and very happy for them. My past teachers have impacted my beliefs about education through their interactions. Some took time to build positive relationships where I felt comfortable and safe to ask questions and express my opinions, which helped me better understand the material and gave me a more positive attitude towards education. They were supportive and encouraging, which aided in my academic confidence and self-esteem. Education became a big part of my life as I grew up with ADHD, a mental disorder that interfered with my learning, attention span, and daily behavior. Because my brain wasn’t as developed as the other children, it took me a while to learn the same thing. Despite my mental set backs, I was able to work hard to get the same results as someone else who wouldn’t have to put in the same effort as I do. However, most people didn’t have a positive reaction to my lack of attention and talking too much or too little, so I became invested in books and writing, dissociating myself from the world and became hyper fixated on reading or writing, creating fictional characters I wanted to relate to. This did result in some social anxiety since I never took the time to talk to other people my age and mostly felt like I would be judged since that’s all I knew from my peers in elementary school. In addition, that is why my aspirations include earning a bachelor’s degree in Early Education to pursue my career as an elementary school teacher. I want to help students in the same way—or an even better way—that I was helped.
    Empowering Women Through Education Scholarship
    My name is Arelynn Kelly. I am a 2022 graduate of Kell High School soon entering college at Kennesaw State University. My educational aspirations include earning a bachelor’s degree in English and majoring in Journalism to pursue my career as an author. Contrastingly, another possible goal of mine is to be an elementary school teacher. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher since I was a freshman in high school because I’ve always loved being around younger children, like they’d just cling to me when I was with my mom’s friend’s children. I believe I’ll be able to help students further their education and help them grow as human beings. On the topic of education, it is important to me because we learn something every single day—whether it be from our parents/guardians, peers, strangers, or even ourselves. We’re still striving to learn something new each day. Education is essential to our daily lives such as eating and exercising. We learn recipes to make new dishes or research other exercises to gain more information and muscle; we learn new ways to cook things less or more spicy; we learn correct positions to prevent injuries when working out; we learn lessons from others, like taking cooking classes or group workouts; we learn from mistakes and get better next time. Additionally, exercise can be a great example of education. I’ve been exercising a lot more recently and I needed to learn different positions that best suited me for comfortability and reduce injuries. Moreover, I needed to research other exercises that assisted in strengthening muscles in that area—whether it be arms, legs, abdomen, or back. I went from being able to lift 5 pounds on each arm to 15 to 20 pounds in as little as 4 weeks. Following, on the days I don’t go to the gym, I’m still at home doing any exercise without equipment to further my journey. I am able to balance that part of my life with my regular daily routine such as eating, completing chores around the house, taking care of myself and my animals, and spending time with friends outside of my house too. Education can be a great way to teach others what you know. We are all teachers and students at one point. Exercising can also have varieties of learning about the risks of injury, how to prevent it, the appropriate way to do each workout, develop a healthier diet, and maintain better confidence in yourself. Overall, education can help us in many different ways that are right in front of us. The only person that stops us from learning is ourselves.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    My creativity comes from my brain and my heart. They work together like peanut and jelly to make something simple yet beautiful. For me, creativity is applied to my writing—creative writing. It’s a way for me to express myself and my thoughts on a piece of paper since I’m not good with expressing my thoughts into speaking. With creative writing, I strive to create something new with my writing, like different types of characters and settings and plot changes. I try to make something that’s never been done before, but it’s very difficult since a lot of the same thing has been redone multiple times or there’s too many of different things. Some of the advice I’ve gotten is to “Look at other things and the different elements, and try to add that to your writing so it doesn’t all seem the exact same, or even a little similar to it.” I use that advice to read articles on the internet and come up with different stories to write, or get inspired from my own daily life with the things I do or see.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is Lovely War by Julie Berry because it has a bit of realistic fiction mixed with Greek Gods and Goddesses. It depicts the experience of war and segregation in 1917. The writing is so beautifully suspenseful with an interracial couple about to be caught, as if you can feel their emotions. All the pain and heartache and love they go through is amazing. Even the small emotions, like missing someone and worrying for them, is so wonderful to read as if they’re real people. Berry also does an amazing job with the description of the scenery, as if you’re with the characters. It shows examples of tragic love and fighting for love during a war, so it’s a greatly new contrast for me when reading. The Greek Gods and Goddesses watching over the characters throughout the chapters almost make the reader believe they’re real, all around us too in the real world, which can be difficult to distinguish what’s real and what’s fake in the world because we all know it’s a fictional book, but it is an extraordinary escape from the real world to read about these other fictional characters that feel so real. Lovely War is a fitting title for the writing and concept of the book as well, it's love during the war, which is very interesting to me. It has helped me realize what's love, how people treated each other back then, and how to apply that to the real world in 2022. Truly a beautiful book, and I'd recommend it to so many friends.
    Arelynn Kelly Student Profile |