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Anima Acharya


Bold Points




Namaste, I am Anima. Despite suffering a permanent hearing loss at the age of 13, I always worked hard to live an independent life. Life as an Asian woman with a disability is tough and to ease it and overcome my disability, I have been working hard in making my career in the technical field. Previously, I have worked with various international non-governmental organizations like WHO, UNDP, and CRS Nepal, etc. For my future career, I want to work as a top Business analyst and data scientist for Non-Profit organizations helping them make data-focused decisions. Being able to receive informed decisions backed up by data, these organizations can easily succeed in the development projects that they organize and implement at various grassroots levels in different parts of the world for economic and life development as well as equality and access to health and employment. I am most passionate about making the world a better place through my capacity and contribution towards international peace and sustainable development and for that to happen, I am trying to get a graduate degree in Business Analytics and a Ph.D. in information science. I believe that I am a great candidate for the scholarships from as I am bold enough and capable enough to bring change to the world that is needed and I'm deserving like many of those who received this scholarship. This scholarship will help to make my life better and I can in return make the world a better place for others, one at a time with my technical skills. I honor and welcome any amount of scholarships the donor gives me.


University of Tulsa

Master's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Applied Statistics
    • Statistics
    • Data Analytics
    • Mathematics and Statistics, Other
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Minors:
    • Data Analytics
    • Data Processing
    • Mathematical Economics


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business/Corporate Communications
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other
    • Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
    • Sustainability Studies
    • Teaching Assistants/Aides
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Non-Profit Organization Management

    • Dream career goals:

    • National UN Volunteer Specialist-Data Management Associate

      World Health Organization Nepal - Immunization Unit
      2019 – 20201 year
    • International UN Volunteer Specialist-Result Based Management and Data Analytics Officer

      United Nations Development Program- Bangkok Regional Hub
      2019 – 2019
    • Volunteer-Executive Member

      SHRUTI- National Association of Hard of Hearing and Deafened Nepal
      2014 – 20173 years
    • Volunteer- Executive Member

      2014 – 20173 years
    • Volunteer

      United Nations
      2019 – Present5 years
    • general member

      Rotary International
      2020 – Present4 years
    • Berista Intern

      Himalayan Java Coffee
      2023 – 2023
    • Flexible Cloud Worker

      Cloud Factory Nepal
      2018 – 2018
    • Business Analyst and Data Scientist- Data Engineer

      Kyra Works Pvt. Ltd
      2021 – 2021
    • District Information Management Officer

      Catholic Relief Services
      2018 – 2018
    • Information Management Trainee

      World Health Organization Nepal -Health Emergencies Unit
      2017 – 20181 year
    • Data Assistant

      World Health Organization Nepal- Immunization Unit
      2018 – 2018
    • Intern

      Mediaholic Pvt. Ltd
      2022 – 2022



    2013 – 20174 years


    • no


    Junior Varsity
    2005 – 20116 years


    • no


    Junior Varsity
    2007 – 20103 years


    • 1st


    Junior Varsity
    2003 – 20074 years


    • 0


    • Information Science/Studies

      College project — undergrad student
      2015 – 2016


    • my youtube channel

      my youtube have several short videos
      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Art of living Nepal — Volunteer
      2019 – Present
    • Advocacy

      SHRUTI- National Association of Hard of Hearing and Deafened Nepal — Executive Member
      2014 – 2017
    • Volunteering

      United Nations Volunteer- WHO Nepal — Data Management Associate
      2019 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      United Nations Volunteer with UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub — Result Based Management and Data Analytics Officer
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests





    Will Johnson Scholarship
    I was only 13 years old when I permanently lost my hearing in both ears due to medical negligence in as short a week period. Losing hearing brought big turmoil in my peaceful life. Some of my family members, school classmates, and neighbors who used to recognize me as a hardworking student started looking down on me due to my disability. I had to normalize my newfound disability as a part of my life as my family didn't have enough funds to restore my hearing through an expensive cochlear implant at that time. I had a hard time learning at school as my classmates and teachers were not that helpful due to the competitive environment as well as I was the only person with a disability in the school. Nevertheless, I never gave up on my dream to be educated and continued studying at the same school with hard work, dedication, and consistency. My dedication to my education helped me complete my undergraduate degree with first-class honors with most of my time spent in the library. My way of overcoming my disability was mainly my own motivation and perseverance and not giving up in the face of struggles. My consistent effort not only help me get educated but also helped me earn some valuable work experience and volunteer experience with the world's largest organizations like World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program in Thailand as well as in Nepal. I got the chance to give back to the community not only in my home country of Nepal but to the world at large through my work in Thailand. My value, my dedication, and my commitment to dreaming big and achieving my goal have made me set another goal of receiving a master's degree in Business Analytics. I plan to utilize my MS in Business Analytics degree to get better job opportunities at the United Nations headquarters in Switzerland and mostly work for the global health cause and continue to give back to the community at large. While studying business analytics I will be also learning digital marketing which will help me reach out to a wider audience through various social media using digital marketing strategies that I learn from my degree. I also plan to start an entrepreneur journey in the long term future apart from working with the united nations and the world health organization in making the world a more healthy and a more better place to live and explore. Thank you.
    Healing Self and Community Scholarship
    As a person who suffered mental health at some point in her life, I would definitely not back down from contributing to the world when it comes to helping someone cope with their mental health. As I have previously worked with WHO in Nepal, I know WHO organizes extensive programs for mental health with its separate department. I would join the department again upon completion of my master's degree and help them implement better programs through data-focused decisions. I would also encourage more mindful yoga and meditation practices to be put into regular school and college curricula as yoga and meditation help calm the mind and create a support system through regular interactions. Apart from that, I would encourage the government to create a hotline as well as a community support system for every municipality and village committee and put mental health awareness programs a priority at every home, education center, and office. Not only that, with the help from the WHO team, I would also encourage the government to incorporate mental health awareness and treatment at every home biweekly as part of the government's strategic health plan for a safer present and a better future. Only when people are able to express their hearts and have peace of mind, the country can prosper with less and less mental health issues. I will put all of my efforts into creating a community full of happier and more supportive people who do not take mental health as a joke. Thank you.
    Anastasiya Y. Hardie Women in Engineering Memorial Scholarship
    Ever since I lost my hearing at the very young age of 13, I started believing that I can create my own world if I don't give up on my dream and continue to work hard. That very dream and motivation played a big part in my life for all that I am today and all I have achieved so far. My losing hearing didn't stop me from pursuing my goal of being an independent woman. I started working hard towards my education despite not receiving disability accommodation. I didn't let the setbacks demotivate me, instead, I doubled and tripled my efforts and graduated with first-class honors from a British university in 2016 and worked for a few years with the united nations and other development organizations in making the world a better place with my knowledge, skills, and capacity. This very motivation encouraged me to go to America for higher education in order to receive better career opportunities in the United Nations upon returning to my home country- Nepal. When I planned for America, it was a big decision. Living far away in a country that has so many kinds of violence keep going on, was difficult to digest, but the dream of receiving a degree that's recognized worldwide was worth the shot of taking a risk. I took the risk with the dream that I will ha ve a better future. I first thought I would go work the tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. But then again I realized, this would make me more like a robot working behind the screen instead of meeting community people face to face and being like the human that I am and working with community people in making their world a better place through better health, education, and development programs. My reignited feeling of working with the United Nations encourages me to seek internships with various INGO and NGOs in the USA although I am not successful yet. I will still want to try for that throughout my master's journey. I believe that my effort will pay back. America has impacted how I think and see the world in a big way. Not only that, I have learned how discrimination is not allowed in the American land which exists so much in my country especially when it comes to women and persons with disabilities and minor ethnicity. I want to change that system in Nepal and help the government, private sector as well as the United Nations and other INGOs and NGOs to value and celebrate and bring in more diversity and equality just like nature itself. I believe this scholarship will help me reach one step closer to my dream. Thank you.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    I am Anima Acharya from Kathmandu Nepal. Being Nepal a religious country that celebrates religious diversity and ethnic diversity, I was also very well adapted to my religion and went to temples from a very young age. So, I quite define myself as someone who believes in prayers and miracles and who believes that there is a greater force that takes care of human beings and all nature and that is GOD. Because of the very GOD, I am born a woman who is gentle, empathetic, and kind. I am a feminine force that represents nature itself. Only, nature can bring necessary change in time of need. Just like how nature blooms flower in spring, I want to bloom in my career with my postgraduate degree in STEM Business Analytics with a concentration on Digital marketing. With this degree, I want to bring awareness to the community of people from my country about various health-related topics as well as diversity and equality in the education and workplace because I am also a woman with a hearing disability. I permanently lost my hearing in both ears at the age of 13 due to medical negligence. I received my first cochlear implant after 17 years of losing hearing last year. With my limited hearing, it will be hard to manage my daily expenses with limited resources. I plan to utilize the scholarship amount I get from this scholarship for my tuition as well as the programming of my hearing processor which I need to do every 2-3 months which is quite expensive. Having timely programmed my cochlear implant's sound processors helps me hear and understand better. I also plan to utilize some of these amounts for speech therapy to improve my speech that was deteriorated due to prolonged hearing loss. This scholarship amount can help me make my life better by having to stress less about not having much money for my treatment and tuition at the same time and I don't have to compromise between my tuition and my health if I am to receive this scholarship amount. The giver will always be great and the taker always has some benefit to make their life a little less stressful and a little bit more beautiful. Apart from spending the scholarship money on my tuition and medical bills, I also want to spend a few bucks to buy a few cups of coffee for the homeless. It's always great to give back to the community because I believe in giving back. Thank you.
    Humanize LLC Gives In Honor of Shirley Kelley Scholarship
    Hello, I am Anima Acharya and I am from Kathmandu Nepal. I am the first generation from my family to go to school and graduate with an undergraduate degree. Currently, I am pursuing a graduate degree in STEM majored Business Analytics. Both of my parents were uneducated and came from remote Nepal. When I was born, my parents were in the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu. My parents came here with the hope of better opportunities but ended up not having anything although, I was able to get some scholarships to study in some English schools after studying in some government schools mainly to make my English as proficient as it is now. Sadly, I lost my hearing and suffered permanent hearing loss in both ears at the age of 13 when I was in grade 7. Since I had lost hearing and my older siblings were less educated and my parents were uneducated, it was tough for me to study and carry out my education. Many times I was discouraged by so many society people as well as my own schools that I should go to a deaf school or any other school where English was not taught. This gave a tough shot to my little girl's dream. But I didn't give up. Having my family not being able to support me for my homework and teachers being less helpful and classmates being no help at all, I depend fully on the books and notebooks. I had to do extensive self-study. Due to no education, my parents were always doing regular labor work to earn bread and butter while with less education, my older siblings couldn't get better jobs. This reality hit me so hard and pushed me to realize my dream of being an independent person working at an international level with the dream of making the world a better place for people and families like mine. Despite receiving no disability accommodation and no proper guidance, I was my own mentor and my own motivator. I studied late at night and spent most of my time in school doing extensive self-study. This in return helped me graduate with First Class Honors from my bachelor's degree where I also receive a college tuition waiver due to my disability and dream to strive for better. Never have I ever come this far had it not been for my family condition and my health condition that made me strive through all the stumbling stones of disappointments and hard work. Currently, my main goal is to graduate with a Business Analytics from one of the best universities in the United States and work with the United Nations as well as start an entrepreneurship journey in the Future. This scholarship is extremely important to me and it means a lot to my little independent dream. Thank you.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    I think my greatest achievement to date is being able to overcome my disability and receive education and employment experience. Above all that, I have also succeeded in bringing my dream of receiving a cochlear implant surgery successfully to one of my deaf ears with so much consistent effort and undying hope, and hard work. Adding to all these achievements, I have been able to give back to the community and the world ever since I was a junior college student as a volunteer. I worked as a volunteer most of the time in my life whether it was at the school and college I studied or the local NGO organization or the bigger United Nations itself. I pride myself on being able to be at the service to those in need despite the fact that I suffered permanent hearing loss at the young age of 13 due to medical negligence. I have always been a hardworking and diligent student and inspired many people on my way in life. If anything I have learned from my experience and achievements, is love, kindness, empathy, gentleness, hope and not giving up on helping those in need and helping myself when I need. My experiences taught me that giving up would bring no success. Sobering after hard work is the best way to go. I learned not to give up in life, in my dream, and in my dedication to achieving my dream. Moreover, I learned to lead my life with empathy, love and kindness. I am kind not only to humans but to little creatures like birds and ants and plants. And it is such a rewarding feeling that I breathe so peacefully and live a grateful life being graceful. I hope to be a kinder and more empathetic person in my life. I hope to be able to help people in the world to live a happy and healthy life. I hope to work with the united nations and reach out to every corner of the world to help those in need with my service. I also hope to start an entrepreneurship journey where I will be employing more people with disabilities and those who need it. I hope to live a proud life and die an honorable life by being a peacemaker and doing good for the world. I want to use my education and degree as well as my life experience to achieve this hope and dream of mine of making the world a better place for everyone.
    American Dream Scholarship
    My definition of the American dream is being able to study and work without restriction and discrimination. My race, my gender, my ethnicity, my nationality, my skin color, and my disability, are not consistently used for defining who I am is an American dream for me. Unfortunately, I see a lot of racist movements going on in American land and that is wrong.  Every day, firearms, gun violence, and various other safety issues are increasing day in, day out and have created a safety issue. We all agree that America is a land full of opportunities for birds like me who want to do better in our life by getting out of their comfort zones. America and the American people must understand that creating a safer, more welcoming, and warm America is most important for bringing our American dream to reality where people are treated as human and respected enough with kindness and love. We don't come to America to pose any danger but to explore it and ourselves while we study and work towards earning a degree. The American dream is a dream where we get to breathe safely. We don't have to live with the constant fear of what will happen the next day, the next hour, or even the next moment we take another breath. Everyone should be protected and taken care of. No dream is any bigger than a safe place where we can go and sleep without worrying about danger and eat our meals peacefully. Where there is no homeless and people are not discriminated against for jobs and salary and of course, scholarships. Creating a safer America is the best way to help us fulfill our American dream and, I believe everyone needs to join hands and start being kind to each other. After all, kindness is the only thing in the entire world that costs not a single dime to spread love.  The American Dream is not only about taking pictures in front of Manhattan or Niagara Falls, it is also about learning to live and let live with respect and kindness. It is also about being able to go out and come back home safely. It is also about being able to earn enough money to feed our family and take care of our health. It is also about getting a good degree and graduating without debt even if I am an international student. It is also about respected and valued enough that we don't miss our homeland and regret moving to America because of our American dream where we are not treated like one human because of some ego clash.  American dream should not remain like a fairy tale dream but should be a real one where we are proud to dream and achieve our dream without fear and hesitation.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    Internet of Things and ChatGPT powered with AI inspired me about the way in which technology can make the world a better place if utilized with tact and discipline weighing both pros and cons. They help make human life easier by simplifying complex information and helping us make decisions backed by data, facts, and figures. They also can provide enormous benefits in making faster and more accurate language translations as well as help in more natural human-computer interactions while also improving access to information. These interesting prospects of the Internet and it's evolving prospects have inspired me to go for analytical and information science study at a higher level and apply to universities in the USA. Such technology can simplify human life. They can also be used to improve accessibility by providing more natural and intuitive ways for people with disabilities to interact with technology. Technology has ever been evolving from simple WIFI to now AI and machine learning and have gathered the interests and likes of new-generation scholars and students to pursue their higher education and career in this area. The use of new technology and the ongoing revolution for technology development from tech giants like facebook, google, Microsoft, etc are increasing day by day, and every day there is an evolving new technology that is hard to keep up with the limited resources for people from further backward part of the world. I belive that if the technology can reach to the backward community and further part of the world, the people living there can also benefit from its use and the development at some level.