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Angel Nieves


Bold Points




I'm a student with Autism and ADHD working on achieving a bachelors degree in Computer Science & Game Design. It took me years to overcome obstacles and find what field I would excel in for a career in the future. Though I am very nervous, I look forward to attending college and opening up my world even more.


Mahopac High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
    • Computer Programming
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Games

    • Dream career goals:

    • gardening assistant

      Amalgamated Housing Corp
      2021 – 2021



    Junior Varsity
    2020 – 20222 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Mahopac Library — assisting with various community events including bike path clean ups
      2019 – 2022

    Future Interests


    Will Johnson Scholarship
    The biggest obstacle I have faced with my disability is limited communication. It is very hard to have needs and expectations met when you are unable to communicate them effectively thus creating tension and increasing anxiety which eventually caused me to shut down because I always felt misunderstood. However, I found autism empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with a dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share it with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. Though modding for Roblox was great, it barely scratched the surface of my potential. I found the game that truly revealed what I could be capable of during the pandemic, Friday Night Funkin (FNF); FNF is a rhythm game. The modding community inspired me to explore other creative fields. I began designing and animating with 3D models and producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Several months later I began editing and combining existing code to create my own code. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. I plan to further my education at SUNY Polytechnic Institute this coming Fall. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in Interactive Media and Game Design with an emphasis on computer science would help empower my future growth toward independence and success. I hope to use my education to become a video game developer. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions and I plan on creating games that will help users increase social interaction and experience cultural differences and accomplish disability acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    My plan for the future is to study Interactive Media and Game Design at SUNY Polytechnic Insitute so that I can develop games that will help the underrepresented society create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences. Winning this scholarship will help me greatly toward that goal. I found empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. I found my niche! I believe that through technology, we can develop games that help construct human interaction and shared cultural experiences. Similar to the way Niantic & Nintendo developed Pokemon Go which enabled its players to develop a healthier lifestyle by creating a mobile game that encouraged visiting new places to capture Pokemon and promoting a fun way to exercise. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions. This scholarship will help me afford my education so that I work towards a degree that will assist me in developing games that will increase social interaction, experience cultural differences, and help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    My interest to pursue a computer science degree developed through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. Games nurture optimism and create positive emotions. Gaming teaches players how to deal with frustration and anxiety and helps promote social skills. I feel that I am the best candidate for this scholarship because it will help me further my education so that I can develop games that will help the people like me create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences.
    Cardel Love Scholarship
    My name is Angel Nieves. I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. I moved to Mahopac, New York at the age of nine and I am currently a senior at Mahopac High School. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with a dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share it with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. Though modding for Roblox was great, it barely scratched the surface of my potential. The modding community inspired me to start animating with 3D models using Paint 3D, a default Microsoft program that I use to create a model using parts and animate my model by creating and skipping frames per image. Several months later I began editing and combining existing code to create my own code. I also began producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Though it wasn’t easy, I managed to see through my mistakes and correct them along the way. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. I am currently working on developing a game on So far it’s been viewed by over 30,000 users and has been downloaded by close to 7,000. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in computer science with an emphasis on game design and development would help empower my future growth toward independence and success. I was accepted into SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Utica, New York and will begin my freshman year in the Fall of 2023 working toward a double major in Interactive Media and Game Design and Computer Science. Winning this scholarship would help ease the added financial burden of room and board since Utica is very far from home.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    I believe I am a good candidate for this scholarship because I found autism and ADHD empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later amplifying my lack of executive functioning and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. During the pandemic, I found a game that truly revealed my capabilities. Friday Night Funkin is a rhythm game that originated on Newgrounds in 2020. It was originally just a fun Game Jam project until it was picked up by gamers outside of its target audience a few months later. Developers added more mechanics and additions to the game and that's when users started creating their mods to go with it, myself included. Though modding can be done solo, I prefer working in mod teams because it makes everything easier especially if you have individuals with specific knowledge in different areas of game development. That way you get to work with different people and learn new things from one another and possibly even make new friends. The modding community inspired me to start the animation with 3D models, editing and creating my own code and producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Though it wasn’t easy, I managed to see through my mistakes and correct them along the way. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. I am currently working on developing a game on So far it’s been viewed by over 30,000 users and has been downloaded by over 6,000 users. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in computer science with an emphasis on game design and development would help empower my future growth toward independence and success.
    Donald A. Baker Foundation Scholarship
    One of my biggest role models is Daniel Robert Middleton, also known as DanTDM, a British YouTuber, social media influencer, and gamer famous for his video game commentaries. His online video channels cover a wide range of games, including Minecraft and Roblox. Like me, Dan grew up in a middle-income family and didn't have many friends, so he turned to online gaming. He is popular with young subscribers and maintains a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle to be a good role model. I admire him because it's important to have positive role models to aspire to be like especially those who promote positive values and behavior. Dan influences others by playing games and providing content that his fans enjoy. He has made millions doing what he loves, which is something anyone can achieve. As a content creator, he has a significant impact on others, including myself. I look up to Daniel because of his charm and his ability to inspire others to make good choices. I found autism empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. Dan has made a living doing what he loves and I want to be like him. While being inspired by him is great, I must carve my path and find my unique way to positively impact the world. This fall, I plan to major in Interactive Media and Game Design at SUNY Polytechnic to help me create games that will make a positive impact on the world. My goal is to use my education to develop games that will increase social interaction and experience cultural differences to help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I am pursuing a degree in interactive media and game design. I dream that my future self will become a video game designer. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions and my goal is to use my education to develop games that will increase social interaction and experience cultural differences to help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    I believe I am a good candidate for this scholarship because I found autism and ADHD empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later amplifying my lack of executive functioning and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. During the pandemic, I found a game that truly revealed my capabilities. Friday Night Funkin is a rhythm game that originated on Newgrounds in 2020. It was originally just a fun Game Jam project until it was picked up by gamers outside of its target audience a few months later. Developers added more mechanics and additions to the game and that's when users started creating their mods to go with it, myself included. Though modding can be done solo, I prefer working in mod teams because it makes everything easier especially if you have individuals with specific knowledge in different areas of game development. That way you get to work with different people and learn new things from one another and possibly even make new friends. The modding community inspired me to start the animation with 3D models, editing and creating my own code and producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Though it wasn’t easy, I managed to see through my mistakes and correct them along the way. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. I am currently working on developing a game on So far it’s been viewed by over 30,000 users and has been downloaded by over 6,000 users. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in computer science with an emphasis on game design and development would help empower my future growth toward independence and success.
    Minority Students x Stem Scholarship
    The app that influenced me to dive deeper into the space is Roblox. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I found autism empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. To impact the tech industry, I plan to study computer science with a focus on interactive media and game design. Gaming teaches players how to deal with frustration and anxiety and helps promote social skills. I plan to further my education so that I can develop games that will help the underrepresented members of society create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences. I believe the tech industry has a social and moral obligation to be inclusive to all consumers because it is no secret that technology has changed the world. Although my generation never knew a world without technology, my parents are Generation X and they knew the world before technology and were the first generation to experience it and grow with it. They would share their experiences on how different the world became once computers, video games, and cell phones were introduced to the public. Information was readily available, and everything became fast-paced. Things that would take days or weeks to research could be accessed in a matter of minutes. Destinations that would take months could be reached within hours. Life became easier and more comfortable but in the process, it also became robotic and the nature of humanity became less. I believe that through game development we can help solve the lack of communication and emotion for future generations. Through tech, we can develop games that help construct human interaction and shared cultural experiences. For example, the way Niantic & Nintendo developed Pokemon Go enabled its players to develop a healthier lifestyle by creating a mobile game that encouraged visiting new places to capture Pokemon and promoting a fun way to exercise. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions and my goal is to use my education to develop games that will increase social interaction and experience cultural differences to help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    My interest to pursue a computer science degree developed through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. Games nurture optimism and create positive emotions. Gaming teaches players how to deal with frustration and anxiety and helps promote social skills. I feel that I am the best candidate for this scholarship because it will help me further my education so that I can develop games that will help the people like me create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences.
    Jack “Fluxare” Hytner Memorial Scholarship
    My definition of Influence is how you wish to share yourself with the world, whether it’s positive or negative. I enjoy bringing a positive presence to others. I am very supportive of my friends and I do my best to cheer them up when they are having a bad day. I overcame adversity by finding autism empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. The field of tech I plan to study is interactive media and game design with a focus on computer science. Gaming teaches players how to deal with frustration and anxiety and helps promote social skills. I plan to further my education so that I can develop games that will help others like me, create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions and my goal is to use my education to develop games that will increase social interaction and experience cultural differences to help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world. Receiving this scholarship would mean a great deal to me. It will help me fund my college education expenses and reduce the number of student loans I would have to reach my goals.
    HM Family Scholarship
    I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with a dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share it with your family and friends but not have the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism/adhd seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which is coding and game development. The modding community inspired me to start animation with 3D models using Paint 3D, a default Microsoft program which I use to create a model using parts and animate my model by creating and skipping frames per image. I began editing and combining existing code to create my own code. I also began producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Though it wasn’t easy, I managed to see through my mistakes and correct them along the way. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. I am currently working on developing a game on So far it’s been viewed by over 30,000 users and has been downloaded by close to 6,000. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in computer science with emphasis on game design and development is my path to my future growth towards independence and success.
    Eleven Scholarship
    My biggest obstacle in life is Autism. I found empowerment through coding and video game modding. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism/ADHD seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly so I turned it up to 11. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. This online game platform and game creation system allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which is game development. Modding barely scratched the surface of my potential. Though modding can be done solo, I prefer working in mod teams because it makes everything easier especially if you have individuals with specific knowledge in different areas of game development. That way you get to work with different people and learn new things from one another and make new friends. The modding community inspired me to start 3D animation models using Paint 3D. Several months later I began editing and combining existing code to create my code. I also began producing instrumentals for gaming soundtracks. Though it wasn’t easy, I managed to see through my mistakes and correct them along the way. Computers, coding, design, animation, music, and game development; I found my niche. It helped me overcome my social deficits and go above and beyond what I ever imagined myself to be capable of. I continue to turn it up to 11, I am currently working on developing a game on So far it’s been viewed by over 30,000 users and has been downloaded by close to 6,000. I believe improving my skills and working toward a degree in computer science with an emphasis on game design and development would help empower my future growth towards independence and success as well as help me develop games to help others in my community like me.
    Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - High School Award
    The field of tech I plan to study is computer science with a focus on interactive media and game design. Games nurture optimism and create positive emotions. Gaming teaches players how to deal with frustration and anxiety and helps promote social skills. I plan to further my education so that I can develop games that will help the underrepresented society create skills that will assist them in overcoming the challenges they face daily as well as open them to new experiences and cultural differences. I found autism empowerment through coding and video game modding. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. My lack of verbal communication and socialization along with dysfunction in sensory processing made my life difficult. Imagine your brain soaking up everything you read and see, generating ideas and wanting to share them with your family and friends but not having the ability to communicate effectively or form a proper discussion. Add to that a dual diagnosis of Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years later and life became frustrating. I found myself in a world that didn’t understand me and it took a toll on my self-esteem because I wasn’t sure what I could do in life. My parents always said, “Son, you are very smart, never doubt that. You just see the world a different way and learn a different way. Once you find your niche, you will find your voice and there will be no stopping you from succeeding in this world.” Though my autism seemed like an obstacle I couldn’t get over, especially with the ADHD tagging along, I was able to use my logical thinking to my advantage. I have always been great at puzzles and patterns because I can process visual things rather quickly. I was able to master any computer or video game that involved analytical thinking, like Geometry Dash and Minecraft but it wasn’t until I started playing Roblox that I realized I wanted to learn computer science. Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users which is known as modding. Modding is the art of modifying someone’s game to create new content within that gaming world. I began modding for Roblox and assisted other users by helping develop code for their games. Afterward, we would joke around and have fun playing as a group. Modding helped me socialize and create friendships. That success caused me to find one of my greatest passions which was game development. It is no secret that technology has changed the world. Although my generation never knew a world without technology, my parents are Generation X and they knew the world before technology and were the first generation to experience it and grow with it. They would share their experiences on how different the world became once computers, video games, and cell phones were introduced to the public. Information was readily available, and everything became fast-paced. Things that would take days or weeks to research could be accessed in a matter of minutes. Destinations that would take months could be reached within hours. Life became easier and more comfortable but in the process it also became robotic and the nature of humanity became less. I believe that through game development we can help solve the lack of communication and emotion for future generations. Through tech, we can develop games that help construct human interaction and shared cultural experiences. Similar to the way Niantic & Nintendo developed Pokemon Go which enabled its players to develop a healthier lifestyle by creating a mobile game that encouraged visiting new places to capture Pokemon and promoting a fun way to exercise. Games nurture optimism and positive emotions and my goal is to use my education to develop games that will increase social interaction and experience cultural differences to help promote acceptance in this ever-changing world.
    Angel Nieves Student Profile |