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Angeles Serna


Bold Points




My ultimate goal is to help the Hispanic community live their American dream by becoming an Immigration and criminal lawyer. I want to inspire many undocumented students who fear getting a career out of the ordinary because of their legal status. I am a girl with big dreams, ambition, and faith that hard work and dedication make anything possible.


Cedar Valley College

Associate's degree program
2020 - 2024

Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
    • Sociology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Immigration lawyer

    • Intern

      Erika N salter immigration and criminal law office
      2021 – 20232 years



    2018 – 20202 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Erika N salter immigration and criminal law firm — Intern
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      church — I baked
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Hispanic heritage program — dancer
      2021 – 2023

    Future Interests



    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    President Franklin Roosevelt's famous declaration regarding a generation's "encounter with destiny" has always carried immense significance. He initially referred to the generation that weathered the Great Depression and emerged victorious in World War II, a group affectionately labeled "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw. Nevertheless, as we turn our attention to the Millennials and Gen Z, we observe a fresh chapter in this rendezvous with destiny, one filled with distinctive challenges and prospects. The assertion that "our children are our elders in the cosmic timeline," as articulated by Buckminster Fuller, states the concept that each generation ushers in a new epoch, characterized by its values, principles, and responses to contemporary dilemmas. The older generations may encounter difficulty in accepting this transition gracefully, as they often lean toward the younger generation adhering to their long-standing customs. This narrative has persisted through time, evident in the evolution of communication methods from handwritten letters to telephones and now into the digital era. Nevertheless, despite the generational gap, there are noteworthy parallels between the Greatest Generation and Millennials-Gen Z. The 1930s were marked by economic adversity, characterized by meager incomes and an alarming 25% unemployment rate. Similarly, Millennials and Generation Z encounter economic struggles characterized by modest earnings and underemployment. When the Greatest Generation confronted a world engulfed in war, the survival of society hung in the balance. They carried their burdens with grace and fortitude, responding to their "rendezvous" with a genuine sense of duty. While Gen Z and Millennials confront a different form of global unrest, they possess an unwavering sense of duty. They inherit a global and American economy teetering on the precipice of collapse. Instead of fostering education, burdensome student debts weigh down families. Unjustly, the healthcare sector imposes higher costs on younger individuals to support the elderly population. They must grapple with a tax system that fosters selfishness, all while answering the urgent call to address climate change. However, despite these formidable challenges, it is impossible to overlook the enthusiasm and resilience coursing through the veins of these young individuals. Their zest for life and their aspiration to effect positive change prompts us to ponder: Have they acquired knowledge that eluded previous generations? Many are cognizant that earlier generations may have played a role in the issues currently confronting Millennials and Generation Z as a collective. Criticisms abound, notably assertions that preceding generations bear responsibility for the present predicaments. Yet, the response from the younger generation often takes the form of a resolute yet courteous assurance: "Do not fret; we shall manage it." Despite any lingering bitterness among older segments of society, their decency and determination shine through. As articulated, the call of duty, this "rendezvous with destiny," resonates in the hearts of Millennials and Gen Z. The trajectory of their lives could well lead them to be hailed as "The Greatest Generation 2.0." Given their unique struggles, as well as their benevolence, resilience, and readiness to confront global issues, they emerge as strong contenders for this distinction. They represent the hopeful vanguard of change, poised to sculpt a better world for all as they navigate the turbulent times in which we find ourselves. This essay serves as a beacon of optimism for a brighter future and a testament to their potential.
    Paschal Security Systems Criminal Justice Scholarship
    Ladies and gentlemen, gather round, for I have a revelation that's sure to leave you laughing and scratching your heads in equal measure. Picture this: a person so undocumented, even Bigfoot has more verifiable records! Yes, you heard it right, folks. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Is this the opening act for a comedy show or a contestant in the world's wackiest scavenger hunt?" Well, it's neither! It's just me, your friendly neighborhood undocumented individual, here to share some laughs and maybe even some hidden talents (because who needs documentation for those, right?) I see you have made it this far, My name is Angeles Guadalupe Serna I am seventeen years old, and I will graduating with my high school diploma and associate of science, in May 2024. You heard right two in one as an undocumented student. Not only that, but I got the opportunity to Intern at the Erika N Salter Law office two summers in a row. I was able to shadow the attorneys during master hearings, bail hearings, individual hearings and even an interview at USCIS. I was able to learn the importance of record retention, how to catalog files, communicate with customers, and receive work. I gained insight about what it is like to be an attorney. My ultimate goal is to become one of the few undocumented Hispanic lawyers. As I embark on my journey into the realm of criminal justice, my unwavering commitment is to make a profound and positive impact on the world. The dynamic field of criminal justice presents a unique opportunity to shape the course of society, instill fairness, and champion the rights of the marginalized. Human rights are the bedrock of a just society, and my commitment to upholding them is unwavering. Within my criminal justice career, I see an opportunity to be a vocal advocate for human rights, especially for those who are marginalized and vulnerable. Whether it is combating human trafficking, ensuring access to justice for underrepresented communities, or challenging oppressive systems, I aim to contribute to the global dialogue on human rights and make a lasting impact in this critical arena. Moreover, A career in the criminal justice field can have a significant and positive impact on the Hispanic culture in various ways. It can help address issues that disproportionately affect Hispanic communities, promote equity and representation, and contribute to the overall well-being and empowerment of these communities. Hispanic communities often face disparities in the criminal justice system, including higher arrest and incarceration rates. in the field I can work to identify and rectify these disparities, ensuring that individuals are treated fairly regardless of their ethnic background. Not only that, but, the criminal justice field can help me work to improve victim services for Hispanic victims of crime, including providing culturally competent support and ensuring that victims are aware of their rights and available resources. In conclusion, I aim to be a force for good in a world that yearns for justice, fairness, and compassion. By pursuing the criminal justice path, I will also be able to help my culture. This scholarship would be instrumental in helping me achieve this vision, enabling me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to make a meaningful impact on the world through my criminal justice career. Together, we can illuminate the path to a brighter and more equitable future for all of humanity.
    Gomez Family Legacy Scholarship
    It's a sunny afternoon, the year is something like "back- in the day" when lunchboxes were the ultimate fashion statement and recess was our daily Olympic event. when the height of success was mastering the art of trading fruit roll-ups for elastic bracelets. Where you would go to lunch and have talks with your girls about becoming a lawyer and businesswoman. Without realizing that the years would pass by faster than you expect, and one day you would enter your senior year, making decisions about what university you want to attend and what career you pursue to match that successful life you imagined back in elementary. Furthermore, the pursuit of being successful is an aspiration that transcends boundaries and circumstances. As an undocumented student, my ultimate goal is to become a lawyer to touch upon personal, professional, and social dimensions. The importance of success for me is to represent empowerment and the triumph of adversity. Because of legal limitations, financial constraints, and social stigma, many Hispanic students do not get the opportunity to accomplish their dreams. I want to be the exception and be one of the few undocumented students to become a lawyer and seek success. I am seeking success for my culture my family and myself. Growing up, I remember saying that I wanted to go to college. Unfortunately, I had people who told me that I would not be able to attend college because I am not a U.S. citizen or legal resident. I am originally from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and even though many people said I would not be able to attend college, I never let it get to my head. I have always believed I could attend college, despite being an immigrant. I took my first dual credit class in my freshman year. Never losing hope, I took my first step toward bettering my future academically. I've always been someone who thinks far and beyond to better my life, make a change, and show the world that being undocumented does not mean you should give up and be okay with the bare minimum of education. Education can open doors to better life opportunities, not only for us but for others. As a Hispanic immigrant, I can better the world by stepping up and showing my culture anything is possible, no matter what barriers come our way. I can make the world a better place by encouraging and mentoring young immigrants to pursue education further than a high school diploma. As well as helping them fear nothing. As I do so, we will see more of our culture become lawyers, doctors, and even business owners. Not limiting themselves, but going above and beyond, becoming well-educated. To conclude, what keeps me going on a path of success is my culture, being undocumented gives me the strength to prove many people wrong, be an inspiration, and be an example to the younger generation that fears pursuing an education because of the many barriers we go through. Education is highly important because it opens doors to better life opportunities, advanced knowledge, and a high ranking in jobs. All of this is vital for me, since I am in search of that American dream I am going after.
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    Have you ever wondered if kindness could be a superpower? Picture this: capes made of empathy, masks of genuine smiles, and a secret handshake that offers you help in your Advanced Quantitative Reasoning class instead of a fist bump. Welcome to a math class where kindness reigns all around. Get ready to discover how a sprinkle of compassion can turn the grumpiest, most stressed villain ever, into a fuzzy, calm teddy bear. At one time, I was that grumpy, stressed villain, having a hard time understanding how to solve this level of math. AQR is not a joke. I have never been the best at math, and I have encountered many situations where I learn certain topics slower than others. Of course, the teacher is a great help when it comes to teaching the lessons, but when I am on my own completing the weekly topics, I become the villain in my own story. My goal is to pass all AQR topics with a high score, but how can I possibly do it if I keep solving the questions incorrectly? As I sit in my class confused, mad and stressed, a bright light comes zooming through the air and says to me, “I have come to save you. Do not worry about anything, but with patience and hard work, we will get through these AQC topics”. I could not believe someone came to save the day. As I noticed how compassionate and understanding this superhero was with me when he was explaining step by step how to solve the problems, I could feel less pressure, and a boost of confidence when I would solve related topic questions. The patience he had was immaculate. Instead of making me feel less intelligent, he led me to a pathway of advanced math knowledge, giving me a secret potion to never surrender, I will forever be thankful. This superhero's kindness, compassion, patience, and way of explaining the math problems were the reasons why I decided not to drop and lose my class for the semester. He gave me the boost I needed to keep going. The way he taught me step by step was the best secret potion ever. I have a difficult time with math, but I do not see myself as a stressed, grumpy villain anymore. His kindness impacted my academic life greatly. Thanks to him, I am passing my AQR class with a satisfactory grade.