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Anasia Currie


Bold Points






I am an ambitious accounting student and a first-generation college student from a low-income background. With a strong work ethic and a kind soul, I balance my academic pursuits with a passion for writing and community service. I am dedicated to using my skills to provide financial guidance to underserved communities, aiming to make financial literacy accessible to all. My journey is fueled by a desire to inspire and uplift others, proving that perseverance and compassion can create meaningful change.


North Carolina A & T State University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Accounting and Related Services

High Point Regional High School District

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business/Corporate Communications
    • Accounting and Related Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Become a CPA

    • Office Administrator

      Reveal 2 Heal Consulting Services
      2024 – Present8 months
    • Serever

      2022 – 20231 year
    • Sales Associate

      2022 – Present2 years



    2020 – 20211 year


    • Community/Environmental/Socially-Engaged Art

      High Point Regional High School — Symposium Speaker and Steering Committee Member
      2023 – 2024
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts

      High Point Regional High School — Researcher, Writer and Speaker
      2024 – 2024


    • Calliope - Literary Magazine Club

      Visual Arts
      Poetry Publication
      2022 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Reveal 2 Heal Consulting Inc — Assistant For Reveal 2 Heal Summer Camp
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Peer Leaders Club at High Point High School — Mentor
      2023 – 2024

    Future Interests





    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    I have faced significant adversity throughout my educational journey, which has profoundly shaped my resilience and determination. Growing up in Newark, New Jersey, my family has always struggled with financial constraints. As a first-generation college student, I have had to navigate the complexities of higher education without the guidance that many of my peers take for granted. One of the most challenging periods of my life was when my stepmother was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. For over four years, my family has been overwhelmed by medical expenses, with my dad as the sole income earner. This financial burden has made it difficult to focus solely on my academic goals. In addition to these financial challenges, I experienced a significant cultural shift when I moved from a predominantly Black community to a predominantly white one during my sophomore to senior years of high school. Adapting to this new environment and often being the only Black person in the room was daunting. I had to work hard to ensure my voice was heard and to access the privileges of my wealthier peers, whose parents could afford to take them on vacations multiple times a year and provide extra funds for their education. These experiences have instilled in me a profound sense of resilience and a commitment to advocating for myself and others in similar situations. My passion for pursuing a degree in STEM, particularly in Accounting, stems from my desire to make a tangible impact on the world. I have always been fascinated by the intersection of numbers and real-world applications, and I believe that a career in accounting will allow me to help businesses succeed and provide financial assistance to individuals. My goal is to expand access to financial education and support for financially disadvantaged individuals, using my expertise to address economic disparities and promote financial literacy. Financially, my pursuit of higher education is a significant challenge. My family has limited resources, and without assistance, covering tuition, books, and other educational expenses will be extremely difficult. This scholarship will be instrumental in alleviating some of the financial stress, allowing me to focus more on my studies and less on how to pay for them. It will enable me to fully engage in academic and extracurricular activities, such as joining professional organizations and attending networking events, which are crucial for my development as an aspiring accountant. By minimizing the need for part-time work, this scholarship will allow me to maintain a strong academic performance and participate in internships that provide practical experience, which is vital for securing reputable positions after graduation. In essence, receiving this scholarship would mean more than just financial aid; it would be a recognition of my hard work, creativity, and drive. It would embody the support and encouragement from my community, lifting me up to pursue knowledge and excellence despite the challenges I have faced. This scholarship is a powerful tool for empowering individuals to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their fields and beyond. With this support, I am determined to continue making a difference in the lives of others and to use my experiences to inspire and mentor other students who face similar challenges.
    CATALYSTS Scholarship
    I am a student at North Carolina A&T State University, where I plan to major in Accounting. Growing up in Newark, NJ, I have always been deeply connected to my community and passionate about making a positive impact. As a first-generation college student, I have faced various challenges, including financial constraints and adapting to new environments. These experiences have shaped my commitment to addressing important issues and striving for excellence in every venture. A pivotal moment in my journey was participating in High Point Regional's annual symposium on Climate Justice, titled "Under The Same Sky." As a member of the steering committee, I worked with my peers to discuss and develop creative ways to convey our message about climate justice. When tasked with delivering a speech on a climate justice topic, I chose to focus on The Ironbound, Sacrifice Zones, and Environmental Racism. These issues are close to my heart, as I am native to Newark, where the Ironbound is located. My goal with this speech was to educate my audience and dismantle prejudiced ideals about my hometown. I aimed to humanize Newark's citizens, who are not just strangers but my family members and friends. Despite the stress of perfecting my speech and facing personal setbacks at home, including my stepmother's battle with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, I persevered. My classmates recognized my dedication and selected me to present at the symposium, where I addressed an audience of over 100 people. Throughout high school, I engaged in various extracurricular activities that have helped shape and develop the scholar I am today. I was a member of the debate team, which honed my public speaking and critical thinking skills. As a participant in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), I developed my leadership abilities and gained valuable insights into the business world. Additionally, I was a member of the National Business Honors Society, where I furthered my understanding of business principles and ethics. Being a peer leader and part of the civic engagement club enabled me to give back to my community and develop my interpersonal skills. I am also honored to be a Horatio Alger Scholar and a Washington Journalism and Media Conference (WJMC) alumna. These experiences have provided me with invaluable opportunities for growth, networking, and leadership development. Moreover, I faced the challenge of moving from a predominantly Black community to a predominantly white one during my sophomore to senior years of high school. Adapting to this new environment and often being the only Black person in the room was difficult. As a minority student, I worked hard to ensure my voice was heard, navigating the differences and striving to access the privileges of my wealthier peers. My career goal is to become an experienced accountant, helping businesses succeed and providing financial assistance to individuals. I aim to expand access to financial education and support for financially disadvantaged individuals, using my expertise to make a meaningful impact in my community. By pursuing a degree in Accounting and becoming a CPA, I hope to leverage my skills to address economic disparities and promote financial literacy. I am committed to using my experiences to inspire and mentor other students who face similar challenges, offering guidance and support to help them achieve their educational and career goals. In essence, I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the world by addressing important social issues and empowering others to do the same. My journey has been shaped by resilience, perseverance, and a deep commitment to my community, and I am determined to continue making a difference in the lives of others.
    Nell’s Will Scholarship
    Receiving this scholarship would be a significant support for me as it directly addresses the financial challenges I face in pursuing higher education. As a first-generation college student from a financially constrained family, this scholarship would alleviate the burden of tuition, books, and other educational expenses at North Carolina A&T State University, where I plan to major in Accounting. The additional financial strain from my stepmother's stage 4 metastatic breast cancer treatment has made it even more challenging for my family to support my educational aspirations. Throughout high school, I faced the challenge of moving from a predominantly Black community to a predominantly white one in my sophomore through my senior year. Adapting to this new environment and often being the only Black person in the room was difficult. As a minority student, I had to work hard to ensure my voice was heard, and stereotypes were dismantled. Navigating the differences and making my presence known in a setting where I was often underrepresented. I constantly strove to access the privileges of the rich white students I was surrounded by, kids whose parents took them on vacations multiple times a year and had an extra $10,000-$15,000 to help them pay for school. In addition to the racial and economic challenges, I experienced significant personal setbacks at home. My stepmother's ongoing battle with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer has placed a heavy financial and emotional burden on our family. My father is the sole income earner, and the costs of her treatment have been overwhelming. Balancing the demands of schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and my responsibilities at home has been incredibly difficult. Nevertheless, I have remained committed to my academic goals and continued to excel in my studies. With this scholarship, I can fully focus on my studies and take advantage of academic and extracurricular opportunities, such as joining professional organizations and attending networking events. These experiences are crucial for my development as an aspiring accountant and for achieving my goal of becoming a CPA. By reducing the need for part-time work, I can maintain a strong academic performance and participate in internships, gaining practical experience vital for securing reputable positions after graduation. In the future, I plan to pay this support forward by expanding access to financial education and support for financially disadvantaged individuals. My career goal includes providing financial assistance, particularly in tax management and home buying, to help businesses succeed and support individuals in achieving financial stability. This scholarship would not only support my education but also empower me to make a meaningful impact in my community. Moreover, I am committed to using my experiences to inspire and mentor other students who face similar challenges. By sharing my story and offering guidance, I hope to help others overcome obstacles and achieve their educational and career goals. This scholarship would enable me to fully engage in this mission, providing me with the resources and opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
    Advancement of Minorities in Finance Scholarship
    Growing up in a low-income household and as a minority student, I quickly became aware of the financial challenges my family faced. We often could not afford, housing and food. I remember coming home from school on some days to the water being off. My awareness of this experience ignited a passion for finding solutions to financial difficulties, leading me to explore the field of accounting. My journey began in high school with my first accounting class, where I learned the pivotal role accounting plays in business. This discovery, coupled with the profession's stability and flexibility, solidified my decision to pursue a career in this field. Reflecting on my educational experiences, one significant influence was my AP Language class. My teacher emphasized the importance of being a Citizen Rhetorician, engaging in civic discourse, and contributing positively to society. This notion of civic responsibility and active engagement deeply resonated with me, shaping my desire to use my skills in accounting not just for personal success but to address broader societal issues. It taught me that contributing to the world around you takes work, understanding, and a sense of social responsibility to take care of those in need. This realization pushed me to find ways to serve my community within my chosen field. I plan to continue my education at North Carolina A&T State University, where I will seek opportunities to encourage younger generations of minority students, especially young women, to pursue careers in accounting. The low number of accountants, particularly black female accountants, highlights the need for increased diversity in the field. Organizations like The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) and Women in Public Finance play crucial roles in promoting diversity and providing support for aspiring business professionals. By joining these organizations, I aim to elevate the voices of black women striving for success and implement plans to provide financial education and stimulate financial security in underserved communities. My ambition to pursue higher education is driven by my status as a first-generation college student. I want to give back to my community by initiating change in the financial and educational sectors. Through my studies and involvement in college activities, I hope to tackle systemic issues like financial insecurity and racial and gender discrimination. Additionally, regarding my financial circumstance, my stepmother has been battling stage 4 metastatic breast cancer since 2019, placing a significant financial strain on our family, which relies solely on my father's income. This personal challenge has further fueled my determination to pursue a career in accounting, where I can make a positive impact on my community by helping others navigate financial difficulties. I look forward to collaborating with like-minded individuals to achieve collective goals. Throughout my college life, after graduation, and during my career, I am committed to carrying out my passion for helping others. By extending my hand, I hope to promote change on a larger scale and support those in need, thereby contributing to a more financially literate and empowered community.
    Delories Thompson Scholarship
    I plan to continue my interest in accounting at the illustrious North Carolina A&T State University. I am confident that with my studies I will have the opportunity to help others. Business rules our society, and tackling systemic issues, like financial insecurity can be done with the hand of an accountant and future businesswoman, as I aspire to be. Along with goals of becoming a CPA to further leverage the skills I will gain throughout college. I’ll learn how to implement my plan to provide aid in financial education and stimulate financial security in under-served communities. My ambition to pursue higher education derives from my status as a first-generation college student. I want to give back to my community by initiating change, especially within the financial and education sectors. This drive to succeed defines how I view my blackness. To be black means to be diligent, clever, creative, and valued; traits history has failed to rightfully give us for centuries. My goal is to actively denounce this negative framework. I do this not by trying to prove my worthiness with accomplishments, but by making it so I can look at myself in the mirror every day and be proud of the girl I see reflected; knowing that I value her. I want this not only for myself but for every other black girl who has been hurt by society. For us, community matters and at my HBCU I believe the connection with my sisters will be like no other.
    College Kick-Start Scholarship
    My interest in accounting has been developed through my experiences growing up in a low-income household and as a minority student. When I began to understand the severity of my financial situation, I instantly sought solutions. In my first accounting class sophomore year, I learned that accounting was the foundation of business. I figured, what better way to set myself up for success than to learn about finance from the source? Along with the flexibility and stability of this profession, I decided to challenge myself and pursue such a lucrative field. In my Junior year of high school, I took a dual enrollment class with Ramapo College; Accounting 2 Honors. This course helped me solidify my major choice early on. Reflecting on my past experiences, I recall my AP Language class where my teacher emphasized being a Citizen Rhetorician. This notion was instilled in us during our weekly Piece of The Week assignments, where we analyzed articles about current events and discussed their rhetorical context. By routine, we had been learning many different things and sharing our findings weekly in class. My teacher encouraged us not only to be well-read individuals but also to actively engage in discourse to contribute to our community and society at large. My memory of her class highlighted how one should serve their community. It's important to contribute to the world around you for the greater good, doing so takes a sort of social responsibility to take care of those in need. In being a server to your community you allow yourself to learn where society falls short and how you can help that situation. This pushed me to find ways to do so within my respective field. I plan to continue my interest in accounting in college at the illustrious North Carolina A&T State University. Finding opportunities that will allow me to encourage younger generations of minority students to pursue the accounting field. With the low number of accountants in general, the amount of black accountants has always been insufficient. Organizations like NABA; The National Association of Black Accountants work to promote diversity within business fields and provide community for aspiring business professionals. My goal is to be a part of this organization as my values align with their mission statement. To “engage, empower, and educate Black Business Leaders and institutions by providing a platform to enhance skills and elevate voices.” With this membership, I can learn how to implement my plan to provide aid in financial education and stimulate financial security in under-served communities. I am confident that with my studies I will have the opportunity to help others. Business rules our society and tackling systemic issues, like financial insecurity can be done with the hand of an accountant and future businesswoman, as I aspire to be. Along with goals of becoming a CPA or CMA to further leverage the skills I will gain as a college student. As I progress, I often remind myself of my 'Whys', and why the hard work I'm doing now will pay off later. For example, my ambition to pursue higher education derives from my status as a first-generation college student. I want to give back to my community by initiating change, especially within the financial and education sectors. I look forward to working alongside like-minded individuals to achieve collective goals. Not only throughout my college life but after graduation and during my career, I vow to carry out my passion for helping others. By extending my hand, I hope to promote change on a larger scale and bless those in need.