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Anastasiya Kuchynska


Bold Points




My dream is to become a cardiologist. I was born and raised in Ukraine and I came to America when I was 4. My whole family back there is in the medical field and I wanted to continue on that path. I am currently in my volunteer EMS and I’m taking biomedical sciences as a way to introduce myself to medicine as I really enjoy learning about the body.


Warwick Valley High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Human Biology
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1320


    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Water Safety Instructor

      Red Cross
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Taking care of horses

      Stone View Stables
      2021 – 2021
    • Lifeguarding

      Red Cross
      2022 – Present2 years


    Horse Racing

    2018 – Present6 years


    2009 – Present15 years


    • Ballroom Dancing Banger


    • Agricultural and Food Products Processing

      Warwick Valley High School — Researcher
      2021 – 2021


    • Chamber Orchestra

      2023 – Present
    • Symphony Orchestra

      2014 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Warwick Valley EMS — Riding with older EMT’s and assisting them
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center — Getting horses ready for lessons
      2020 – Present
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    There hasn't been a moment in my life where I doubted that I wanted to achieve something big in my life and help the community around me. I'm an immigrant from Ukraine and me and my family came here in 2010. As soon as I saw the opportunities available here, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor in America. I have been striving towards this one goal and working diligently to achieve something better in America. Since I came here, I've always done exceptionally well on exams and just in general I really like learning new things, especially things that have to do with the medical field. In 2014 my parents had a hard time making ends meet, so they had to send me to Ukraine in order to work here. While I was living there with my aunt who is a gastroenterologist, I went with her to work on night shifts when she couldn't leave me by myself and I saw a lot of people who were in desperate need of help and they couldn't afford to pay the hospital bills and so my aunt would treat them for free. This really inspired me to want to do something like that in America. She not only showed me kindness to others but also the idea that everyone deserves the same treatment, no matter their financial status. Since that year, I have fallen deeply in love with medicine, and currently, as a senior in high school, I aspire to go to schools like Johns Hopkins to study medicine and become a cardiologist. In my last three years of high school, I have taken biomedical classes every year in order to better immerse myself into the medical field and get a head start on my studies. I felt that I always had adversity in my way of becoming something better because of course as immigrants my parents couldn't afford to send me on trips where I could learn something more about medicine or I just felt that sometimes because I'm a woman that is an immigrant, organizations would ignore my applications for financial help when applying to such trips. I feel that the money would be put towards my education because my parents dream that I become a doctor, an aspiration I have been talking about for years, and I surely will not give up on my studies and achieve my end goal. My family is very much a low-income family even though my parents both work a bit. I would be a first-generation student because neither of my parents attained a bachelor's degree, although my mom got her associate's degree back in Ukraine. I hope to use the money to gear my way through a long bachelor's degree and then medical school to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor here in America. I also would like to mention that I feel that the money put towards my education is a great motivator for me to continue with my studies, despite any obstacles in my path. I feel that seeing the precedent my aunt has set for me in my heart, I will continue to strive towards that goal of becoming a helping doctor here while also maintaining my kindness and caringness towards others. Thank you for your consideration of my application.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I see myself as a strong leader-who can overcome and not stress about any challenges that comes my way- while also achieving my dream career: a cardiologist.
    Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
    Similarly to Malgorzata’s challenges and changes in life, I moved to the USA with my family at 4 years old from Ukraine. It was a tough choice however my parents always wanted to find the best life for me. In school, I was always a bit more intellectually sharper than my peers and I took and continue to take challenging college classes. I also value my sciences classes greatly because I feel that I love learning more things about the environment around me and my own body. My goal, since many of my relatives in Ukraine are doctors, is to become a cardiologists. And ever since that I have strived to that dream. Similarly to Maggie, when I arrived in the USA it was very hard both financially and socially because I didn’t speak the language and my parents had to both work to make ends meet. Thus my first few years before school I spent in Special Education classes where my main goal was to catch-up on the language and overcome that barrier. I too love to spend time outdoors as well as pursuing my interest in swimming, horseback riding, cycling, hiking, and ballroom dancing. Currently, I’m on the varsity swimming team at my school and I also aspire to join the diving team next year. The challenges that Maggie went through are very understandable. I feel that every immigrant who comes into the US has to face many obstacles before reaching their imagined life. As an immigrant at an early age, I saw how hard my parents worked and so I told myself that I want my future to be more seamless and just more carefree than that of the first people to immigrate here. My dream job: cardiologist. Although a long way of studies awaits me, I told myself from the beginning that I want to be in the medical field no matter what. My character guides me to only strive for challenging positions and so my choice would have to be a doctor. Although I have not experience cancer, in the past 5 years I have had 4 relatives in Ukraine for from cancer despite a very long battle. My grandma who was the general surgeon for my village, battled lung and kidney cancer for 14 years and unfortunately passed away in 2018 and that really changed how I appreciate life and how much I live life to its fullest each and every day. Therefore I too am not afraid of any challenges intellectual, physical or social because not many people in the world have the same background story as me, a young immigrant from Ukraine.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    I value the most my perseverance and determination because no matter what obstacles lie in my path I try really hard to overcome, with an end goal of becoming a cardiologist. I’m very caring for people, I don’t leave people without help ever. I seem to enjoy the feeling after just helping somebody. Another characteristic that I feel is very valuable is my sense of humor and my positive outlook because many times situations in life can be very stressful and hard and when a person has the ability to brighten someone’s day or better yet their own day, I feel that then it makes life and whatever is going on in it a bit better. My loyalty towards people builds up trust and thus makes my relationships last long and continue to stay healthy. I feel that these are the most appealing and the most prevalent traits that are found within me that can guide me and possibly help others to achieve their personal goals.