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Ana Martinez


Bold Points




I am a person who likes to read and write in my free time and takes on unusual projects from time to time.


Monmouth College

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Political Science and Government

Monmouth College

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • English Language and Literature, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Caminos de Éxito: The Jose Prado Scholarship
      As the first person to go to college in my household, I have faced thousands of problems. Not knowing how to go about applying for financial aid, having little to no support from my family members, having to learn how to write a proper email on my first day at college, and not having the money to buy required textbooks were a few of the problems I faced. My family and I did not have enough money to get me to my dream college, UCLA, so I ended up going to the college in my town. Although I had always dreamed that college would be amazing and I would make many friends and join just as many clubs and sports, that was not the case. Because we did not have any money, I could barely afford to pay the deposit for college but managed to put the money together last minute. I was also not able to afford to move on campus and still live with my family. As we could also not afford to get a car for myself, getting up every day and making a 20-minute walk in the morning is also a struggle and it discourages me from going back to campus for club meetings after I've already made it home, especially due to the fact that I have to babysit my nephews and nieces while my sisters work and I get back home. When I graduated high school my parents didn't want me to go to college. Growing up, my father would always look at my grades to make sure I was keeping up with everything and getting straight As, which I always made sure to do just for him. He would always encourage me to keep studying so that I could get into a good college and get a good job when I grew up. Because we were not very good financially, however, he ended up telling me that it was better for me not to enroll in college. I did it anyway, just to make his dream of one of graduating college come true. I try to never let him down because he immigrated to this country as a young adult to make sure his children had a better future. When I first enrolled in the college I currently attend I was not sure how I would be able to put the deposit money together, but I came up with an idea. I sold poems to my friends. Some of them were for their family members, others for their lovers, and some just because they wanted to support me. I did not come up with the total from this but I ended up selling a few of my things to come up with the total amount. This situation made me believe in the power of community and having people who will support you no matter what. The legacy of Jose Prado is a beautiful one. Education is a very powerful and valuable thing that everyone deserves to have. It is even more important to support those who are trying to get a higher education and have what seems to be the whole world holding them back from doing it. If I were to fund a scholarship one day its purpose would be to help people like me, who want an education but are struggling with how much it could cost. I would look for a first-generation college student from an immigrant family with financial need. Education could lead people down any path and open brand new doors for people to carry their legacy through.