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Alona Cunningham


Bold Points




Chasing goals to major in biology and be on track to becoming a neurosurgeon. I’m passionate about learning and showing leadership to others. When it comes to school and my education I work hard to follow my goals and complete them.


James N. Gamble Montessori High School

High School
2019 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
    • Neurobiology and Neurosciences
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Guest service/ guest advocate

      2023 – Present1 year
    • Office administrator

      BYOC Camp
      2023 – 2023



    2014 – 20195 years


    • James N gamble Montessori

      2017 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Matthew 25 — Packing clothes
      2022 – 2022
    Jerzee Foundation Scholarship
    I have plenty of goals and many pathways that follow them. my goal is to go to college in a biology major and graduate and go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon. Or I would like to go to veterinary school and become a veterinarian neurologist. This scholarship can help me achieve this goal by helping me fund my college tuition. As I plan to also live on campus to help remain focus on completing my goals to achieve higher education for a successful future. This scholarship will help me also feel more hope that I have a chance at attending college this fall as I am working hard to get the money in many other ways. This scholarship will help me get closer to my school of being on my way to attend school. I plan to make my mother proud as a first generation college student. My mother didn’t get to go to college like she wanted so my dream is to make her proud. She has made plenty of sacrifices for me to have an amazing education and to have the same opportunities as other kids in school. Her sacrifices don’t go unnoticed to me, this scholarship will help me peruse my dream to make progress on pursue higher education while also making my mother proud as well. I other family other than my mother that I would like to make proud by getting this scholarship and making it towards school this upcoming fall as well. Like for example, my grandmother will also be very proud of me too by continuing my education due to this scholarship being awarded to me. She has also made sacrifices for me to have a great academic experience and education along with my mother as well. She also did not go to college and I know that they want to see me be very successful. And by being awarded this scholarship this can be help me make a way to do that for them and myself. In school I show hard work when it comes to my education and my grades. And with being awarded this scholarship I will continue to do so in a stronger way. My education and family are the two biggest things that are a big deal for me. This scholarship will make my dreams come true of studying biology and contributing to me having that college experience.
    Women in STEM Scholarship Fund
    At the start of my academic career, I was diagnosed with ADHD as I advanced I went through different kinds of challenges due to my ADHD. Such as trouble taking tests ( especially math tests ) and trouble focusing at times during class. Once the Covid 19 pandemic hit I was hit with another challenge I was diagnosed with anxiety. My anxiety has given me trouble with my learning as well as my ADHD. These adversities that I have faced have truly made me who I am today. A determined person that is willing to work hard to achieve higher education. I became passionate about pursuing in the STEM field in 5th grade. I knew that I wanted to be in the STEM field due to a career search activity that I did. Once I learned more about STEM and what it is consist of I became interested and eager to learn more. As time go by I continued researching about the STEM field and all the possibilities that come with it. It continued to give me some interest in stem as I continued to research more. In 7th grade I discovered that I had a true interest in science once I finally began to spread my wings within that subject. I begin doing labs in science class and watching videos learning about science and life. All those things helped me gain more interest in STEM as well. By 10th grade I knew what I wanted to go to school for. After the pandemic calmed down and we were back at school full time. I knew that high school was about to end and all I could think about is what’s next for me and my future. I thought about my forever developing passionate to learn about STEM and I decided to take higher education into STEM. Overall, STEM has given me the passion to continue researching and learning about the forever changing society. STEM has also helped me learn about the different discoveries that shapes the world and how much it changes our daily lives. These two topics are the biggest factors of why I am so passionate about STEM. It keeps me going and it helps me spread this knowledge to others and create great opportunities and conversations with others as well. Having this knowledge opens doors for great opportunities to have and create along with other people that are also passionate in STEM as well.
    Lotus Scholarship
    Coming from a single parent household has led me to persevere Ryleigh challenges by the support of my mother. Her strength of being a single parent has inspired me to follow my dreams and make her proud! She has made plenty of sacrifices whether it was for me to have a better education or it was simply to make sure that I have some food on the table. Her sacrifices did not go unnoticed for me growing up and it evens a lot for me even now throughout my life experiences. I also come from a low income household as well while my mother is my single parent that helps me through everything. Being in a low income household humbles you but also “builds character” I’d like to call it. I call it that because when you’re in that storm the storm doesn’t last long forever. Once you get out that storm you look at life at a whole different perspective and appreciate a lot of the little things more. Due to personal experience, I take everything in perspective whether it’s big or small I take great advantage of every opportunity because you may never know where it may go. Overall finishing school is a deal big for me because I know that my mom would do anything to see me successful no matter what it would take. And with the strong support of her I will finish strong and have a bright future. Although being a single parent can be hard because it takes a village to care for a child. These storms don’t last forever and these are true blessings their coke out of it. I plan to create a positive impact on my community by mentoring young ladies and others with continuing to finish school strong. I will do things like help them with their grades and school work. While also educating the youth with important topics that are good life skills to have as well. Helping our community is important especially the younger generation because they’re our future. Kids that are younger that come from single parent household also go through challenges as well. And I plan to use my positive energy to help them get through their own personal storms. I also would like to educate parents as well about the outcomes of how children become while being raised in a single parent household. Those smaller things become bigger ones and are importantly to spread that knowledge on.
    Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
    Growing up I've always been a natural leader, my teachers in school always called me reliable and trustworthy and I will get the task done at hand. It all started in my seventh-grade year my first year of high school, it was my first year of high school with many great opportunities ahead of me. We had fall camp coming up which is a time where you learn to go camping with your classmates. It's a great way to connect and bond with your classmates and create memories with them. I was nervous since it was my first time getting to know new people in a long time. We were in an activity where me and my group had to build a tent together, once I looked through the bag I noticed that there were a lot of materials included that we had to use to build this tent. It took a long time for my group to get focused on building the tent because there were a lot of directions and steps. My group members began to feel hopeless and were ready to give up. But I took the chance to step up and I gave an idea to my group members! I created jobs dedicated to an aspect of building the tent for example. One member had the job of reading the instructions and another had the job of organizing the numbered sticks. And the rest of us can be supportive and fill in the gaps of what else is needed. Once me and my group decided on jobs. Everything else went smoothly and we got the job done efficiently. After we got the job done everybody in my group thanked me for my leadership. I felt great that I could bring something to the table and be a great team player. As time went on I began to work on developing my leadership skills as my high school career progressed. My contributions to Girls to Women have helped me work on those skills as well. I hope that in the future I can continue to be a great mentor and influence on young ladies. My contributions to Girls to Women have helped me work on those skills as well. I hope in the future that I can continue to be a great mentor and influence to young ladies. The experiences and skills that I have that I believe can help me continue to guide young ladies in the right direction. Being in Girls to Women helps me strengthen those mentor skills. I hope that I can have the opportunity to be involved in or create something similar to Girls to Women. So that they can develop leadership skills and make great contributions to society.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    Tom Holland is my favorite Spider-Man actor and there are plenty of reasons. First, he plays the character so well that you forget that he's an actor and not the real Spider-Man. He plays Spider-Man as a teenager who is still learning his powers while adding his charming, funny, and brave personality in many scenes throughout the movie. Second, in the movie, you can see a lot of great chemistry between him and the other actors for example. Holland acts well with Zendata who plays MJ they both make great scenes together that make the movie seem very real to viewers. Third, he is an amazing actor who gives his all to the role of Spider-Man. Due to his talent, he will be able to make his audience immersed in the movie and the Peter Parker character. Even when Peter Parker makes mistakes the audience still feels connected to him and can feel the emotions with him as well. And Lastly, throughout all the years that I've watched the Spider-Man movies Tom Holland is that young talent that we need. He isn't just a young actor that is popular, he's an actor that is young and talented and takes his roles seriously. Even in his other works, he draws the audience in the movie just simply by his great talent of acting. But overall, Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man actor because he is the most accurate portrayal of the character in the comics, he has great chemistry with the other actors in the Spider-Man movies and he is a talented actor.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    Ever Since I was about nine years old I’ve always fallen in love with video games. My first game on Xbox 360 was Minecraft, I enjoyed playing the game at night as well. Hearing the peaceful music while mining for silver and breaking down trees for wood. Playing Minecraft is the best playing at night for not only the peaceful game music. But also the quiet escape from reality, minecraft can you that “escape” from all the stresses of your daily lives. After a good forty-five minutes to one hour of gameplay can lead to you feeling more mindful. In my own experience, I’ve played Minecraft for forty-five minutes and after I felt relaxed and more mindful to get my schoolwork tasks done effectively. My favorite aspect of Minecraft is that is it an open-world game. It’s plenty of possibilities that you can end up creating beautifully large houses with cool aspects such as lighting and other interesting things. There are also many online videos on YouTube of amazing buildings being built on Minecraft. The videos are very inspiring and some of them are very detailed as well. This resonates with me so deeply because as a child with a “forever developing creative mind”. I discovered that Minecraft is an outlet where you can allow your creativity to run wild. Having this free space to explore your creativity is a great outlet for me due to the endless creations that can be made without any boundaries.