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Allison Henry


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I am a first-generation college student who wants to not only make a change in my life but in my environment as well. One of my goals is to illustrate to my younger peers that the possibilities of life are endless with hard work, dedication, and a support system. I recently received my Bachelor’s of Science in Biology, and I am furthering my education by earning my Master’s in Forensic Science.


Arizona State University Online

Master's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General

Harris-Stowe State University

Bachelor's degree program
2019 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General

Memphis Academy Of Science Engineering Middle/High

High School
2015 - 2019


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Forensic Science

    • Dream career goals:

    • Intern

      Smith & Nephew, Inc.
      2018 – 20191 year
    • Tutor

      2021 – 20221 year
    • Intern

      Harris-Stowe State University
      2022 – 2022
    • Volunteer

      2022 – 2022
    • Research Assistant

      Harris-Stowe State University
      2021 – 20221 year


    • Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences

      Harris-Stowe State University — Researcher
      2021 – 2021
    • Epigenetics

      Harris-Stowe State University — Research Assistant
      2021 – 2022


    • Kuumba Theatre Workshop

      DisTress, A Raisin in the Sun, Watch Night, To Be Young, Gifted, and Black
      2020 – 2023
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Calculus, often perceived as an abstract branch of mathematics, is a fundamental pillar in the STEM field, unlocking the mysteries of the natural world and propelling technological innovation. Its significance transcends mere numerical computations, embedding itself as the language through which scientists, engineers, and technologists articulate and solve complex problems. At its core, calculus provides the tools to model and understand dynamic systems. In physics, it helps describe the laws of motion and gravity, fundamental principles that govern everything from the fall of an apple to the orbits of planets. By translating physical phenomena into mathematical equations, calculus allows scientists to make precise predictions and uncover the underlying principles of the universe. In biology, calculus is crucial for understanding growth patterns, population dynamics, and the spread of diseases. For instance, the logistic growth model, which describes how populations grow and stabilize, is rooted in differential equations. Calculus also plays a key role in medical research, helping model the spread of epidemics, the behavior of cells, and the interactions within ecosystems. These models are essential for developing strategies to combat diseases, manage wildlife populations, and understand ecological balances. In the realm of technology, calculus is the backbone of algorithms that drive artificial intelligence and machine learning. Optimization algorithms, like gradient descent, which are used to minimize errors in predictive models, rely on calculus. These models are pervasive in technology today, powering everything from search engines and recommendation systems to self-driving cars and voice assistants, calculus enables the fine-tuning of these algorithms, making them more accurate and efficient. Beyond its direct applications, the study of calculus hones critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It requires a logical approach to break down complex problems into manageable parts and solve them systematically. This analytical mindset is invaluable across all STEM disciplines, fostering a generation of thinkers who can tackle global challenges with creativity and precision. In conclusion, calculus is the bedrock of the STEM field, offering a versatile and powerful toolkit for modeling, analyzing, and solving a vast array of problems. Its principles are embedded in the fabric of scientific research, engineering design, technological innovation, and even economic and environmental management. By equipping us with the ability to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems, calculus not only helps us comprehend the world but also empowers us to transform it. This makes calculus not just important, but essential for anyone pursuing a career in STEM, driving progress and inspiring breakthroughs that shape our future.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya's multifaceted career spans across diverse realms including acting, fashion, singing, and activism, each contributing to her undeniable charm and influence. However, it is her dedication to activism that resonates with me profoundly, earning my respect and admiration. In a world where celebrities often remain confined to their respective fields, Zendaya breaks free from these constraints, using her platform to champion social change. What I find most admirable is her unwavering commitment to addressing crucial issues, particularly those concerning racial justice and equity. Zendaya goes beyond merely lending her voice to causes; she amplifies the voices of marginalized communities and actively engages in conversations challenging the status quo. As someone who believes in the power of influence, Zendaya's activism speaks to me on a deeply personal level, transcending the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry to showcase a genuine concern for societal well-being. Her involvement in movements, such as Black Lives Matter, reflects a profound sense of responsibility, utilizing her celebrity status to spotlight systemic injustices. Zendaya's activism is not performative but is grounded in authenticity and a sincere desire to drive positive change. Furthermore, she backs her words with actions by actively supporting organizations and initiatives aligned with her values. This tangible commitment distinguishes her, illustrating that genuine change demands more than rhetoric, it necessitates action. In a society where impactful role models are essential, Zendaya stands out as someone who wields her influence responsibly. I am inspired by her steadfast dedication to being a force for good in the world, recognizing that fame is a tool that, when purposefully wielded, can contribute to a more just and equitable society. In all, while Zendaya's talents in fashion, acting, and singing are undoubtedly remarkable, it is her activism that garners my utmost admiration. Her ability to transcend the confines of celebrity life and actively engage in pressing social issues underscores a depth of character that extends beyond the surface. Zendaya's commitment to making a meaningful impact serves as an inspiring beacon, motivating individuals, myself included, to leverage our spheres of influence for the betterment of our world.
    Lotus Scholarship
    Growing up in a single-parent, low-income household has been both a challenging and transformative experience, shaping the person I am today and fueling my determination to overcome obstacles. My journey has been one of resilience, resourcefulness, and the unwavering belief that circumstances do not define one's potential. Amid financial constraints and the absence of my father, I learned early on the value of hard work and perseverance. My mother worked tirelessly to provide for my younger sister and me, working over 12-hour shifts to make ends meet all while making sure she was still active and present in our personal lives. Witnessing her dedication ignited a flame within me, a commitment to never let adversity dictate the course of my life. Navigating through the complexities of a low-income environment instilled in me a sense of resourcefulness. Budgeting became second nature, and every expense was carefully considered. These experiences taught me not only the importance of financial prudence but also the significance of empathy. It fueled a desire to bridge gaps and advocate for those facing similar struggles. Education became my refuge, a sanctuary where I could shape my destiny despite the limitations that surrounded me. I recognized early on that knowledge was the key to unlocking doors, and I pursued it with fervor. I embraced every opportunity to learn, not just within the confines of the classroom but also through the invaluable life lessons that came with facing adversity. As I progressed through my academic journey, the challenges of my background became my stepping stones rather than my stumbling blocks. The perseverance instilled in me by my upbringing became a guiding force. I began to envision a future where my experiences could serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment for others facing similar circumstances. My commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond personal success; it is rooted in a deep-seated desire to uplift my community and contribute to a world where socioeconomic barriers are dismantled. I envision creating mentorship programs that provide guidance and support to individuals from single-parent, low-income households. Drawing from my own experience, I understand the importance of having a mentor who can navigate the challenges and offer practical advice. Additionally, I aspire to engage in advocacy work that addresses systemic issues perpetuating cycles of poverty. By leveraging my narrative, I aim to shed light on the resilience and untapped potential that exists within marginalized communities. Through public speaking engagements and awareness campaigns, I hope to challenge social stereotypes and inspire policy changes that foster inclusivity and equal opportunities. Moreover, my journey has cultivated a profound sense of empathy, driving me to actively participate in community outreach programs. Whether through organizing educational workshops or collaborating with local non-profits, I intend to be a catalyst for positive change. Coming from a single-parent, low-income household has been the crucible in which my character was forged. The challenges I faced have not defined me; instead, they have empowered me to break through barriers and pave the way for others. My life's mission is to be a beacon of hope, illustrating that one's background does not limit their potential. Through education, mentorship, and advocacy, I am dedicated to creating a ripple effect of positive change that transcends individual circumstances and contributes to a more equitable and compassionate world.
    John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart Scholarship
    Coping with the sudden loss of a parent is a profound and transformative journey, one that reshapes our perspectives and challenges us to navigate life's uncharted territories. My journey began the day my world was shattered by the unexpected passing of my father due to a heart attack. In the aftermath of this devastating loss, I embarked on a path of resilience, learning, and emotional growth. For as long as I can remember, my father has dealt with cardiovascular disease resulting in him being diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease and having multiple strokes. During the first day of my senior year in high school, my father suffered from a massive heart attack and stroke resulting in him learning how to talk, walk, eat, write, and learn basic functions all over again. Watching my father battle this caused me to be depressed constantly wishing I could take the pain from him. For four years, he constantly improved every day. He was able to see me graduate high school, send me off to prom, send me off to college, and attend my college graduation. Then, two weeks before my first day of graduate school, my life changed forever. The day my father passed away stands etched in my memory. The pain was visceral, and grief engulfed me like a storm. Initially, I found myself consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, such as anger, sadness, and ultimate confusion. The sudden void created by his absence seemed overwhelming causing me to fall into a deep depression. For weeks, I stayed in my room glued to my bed only tossing and turning to reach for more tissues or take my prescription of antidepressants. I lost all interest in my hobbies. I rarely talked to family and friends. Amid this depression, I could not even find the slightest energy to attend graduate school resulting in me pushing it back a semester, hoping that by then I would be in a better state. In this profound sorrow, I discovered the slightest bit of energy to visit my father's grave. I cried, laughed, and talked with him for a while searching for a sign that he was okay and to give me the courage to find strength within myself again. Out of nowhere, a deer appeared ahead, staring at me. After staring at it for a while, I knew my father was there comforting me and answering my cries. After that visit, my life turned around slowly but surely. Through the support of family and friends, including my father, I began to transverse emotional terrain. I discovered a wellspring of strength within myself, a resilience born from the love and lessons my father imparted. His unwavering belief in determination and perseverance became my guiding light. Moreover, I found solace in meaningful activities again, such as reading, poetry, and crocheting. I even had enough courage to attend graduate school again. While the pain of losing my father remains an intrinsic part of me, I transformed grief into an opportunity for growth. Each step forward was a testament to my father's influence, his teachings serving as a compass guiding me through the darkest of times.