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Allendry Roque Diaz


Bold Points




My parents are the reason why I am so focusing on continuing my education as their first child to attend a secondary education. I already came this far; why stop now.


DeVry University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Computer Software Technology/Technician
  • Minors:
    • Computer Software and Media Applications, Other
    • Computer Software Engineering
    • Information Technology

Hazleton Area Career Center

High School
2016 - 2019


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Programming/Programmer, General
    • Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      A.I. Engineer

    • forklift

      AutoZone distribution center
      2021 – Present4 years
    • Receiving stock and sending them to inventory

      TJ maxx distribution center
      2019 – 2019
    • Coach

      American Eagles
      2019 – 20212 years



    • Nelnet

      Borrowed: June 6, 2019
      • 19,220

        Principal borrowed
      • 14,768

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:

    • Universal technical institute

      Borrowed: January 1, 2020
      • 4,000

        Principal borrowed
      • 2,700

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:



    • Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician

      School — Program Researcher
      2017 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      ISS — Coach
      2020 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    "Never be persuaded by the negative force" Never Be Persuaded by The Negative Force Allendry Roque Diaz 10/17/2021 There was a person name Allen, who lived in a Caribbean country located in North America, since the first time Allen ever turned on the television, it is where his dreams began to flow into the young mind Allen. though he was creative, he has struggled in reading and math in his academics at school. Until one day, his parent decided to leave their old life in this small world and go travel to start a new life in a bigger world, this world or country we call it the United States of America, Where dreams of every young mind can come true. Throughout Allen's new life, life wasn’t as easier as he thought, though young, he found learning the new language hard and difficult to understand and learn the algorithm of each word of the language. though that wasn’t the only problem, Allen began to get bullied due to the gap in communication with other students was a big problem. But Allen never gives up and started teaching himself how to read and write through picture books and stories, in about 3 years Allen was able to master the English language, he was so advanced in the language his parents began asking him for help from his parent to read documents so many times that reading books hasn’t ever been boring for him. After receiving his first computer, he became fascinated with the technology where he immediately began experimenting with computer languages, Even throughout this current lifestyle there is some negative force always trying to persuade Allen to stay away from what is being pursued, but no matter the circumstances I will never stop until I succeed in following my dream.
    Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
    One of the best films was; the end 2012, where symbolizes nature against humanity, which shows that nature will always find its way to prevent humanity from destroying the environment and instead annihilate itself and its resources to limit human advancement to then later get rid of humans of the face of the planet. The second film is the Avatar movie, which symbolizes discovering the unknown. A picture shows thousands of words. Still, a film can produce millions of connected ideas, avatar shows that we aren't the only ones in this universe, but maybe many others have the same imagination as us.
    Elevate Black Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Technology has changed our world on a whole different level. Before the 90s, and before bill gate ever invented the smartphones, we didn't have the powerful computer in our pockets that we would all carry around us as an extension of our bodies, a device that could save someone's life with one click of a button, or whenever lost, a person can pull up a map application and find their way out of the corner, it is a really cool gadget. It interests me how software and hardware can improve someone in dire situations. I have been in those types of conditions when my vehicle ran out of gas on a cold night, going out to get a few packs of beer to celebrate one of my sibling's birthday. It happened about two years ago. I was in a narrow street where barely any vehicles ever drive on. Of course, I was the unfortunate one getting stuck there. At that time, I didn't have my cellphone with me at all. I decided to wait for someone to pass by and ask for help. Hours have passed, and it began to get cold. The warmth of the vehicle has started dissipating. I had no choice but to keep the vehicle heater on to heat up the car once again. I'm am not the brightest person in my family. I accidentally left the vehicle lights on, which would drain the battery even faster; later that night, my car battery ran out of juice. I knew I had to call somebody to pick me up, so I started searching around in my car for anything that would help out, and then I found an ancient phone with buttons. I found it on the back of my car seat, it still worked, and it also somehow still had a signal, I called my friend to pick me up, and that was it. That same phone I kept with me throughout my journey as a software developer and need it again in case of an emergency like last time. I believe this was the cause of me pursuing a career in technology and advancement, and my dream job would be being an AI Engineer. I will not say someday, hope, or dream, because I know I can do it. If Elon was able to get out of debt with chances, then I can do it. If people keep telling you that your ideas are stupid, then ask them if an electric vehicle foolish idea, no is not. We're not here to criticize society, and we're here to innovate culture, create things that can help thousands, no millions of people around the world. We, engineers, are task to take in the complicated stuff and turn it into a creative, interactive, and straightforward one to use for everyone. Just like the iPhone did for everyone, it was simple and easy to use for everyone. It is what I believe in. It what I'm sticking to.
    Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
    It all started when I became lost on my way home, and my car ran out of gas. It was like 8 pm and started to get dark. This happened to me around the summer of 2018, I was stuck on a narrow road where barely any car pass by, so I stayed in the car and waited till someone came by. It started getting cold, so I've turned on the heater in the car, which has started using up my car battery. I've researched how long it would've taken the battery to drain from just using the heater, which is approximately 3 hours, so I believe I've been stuck in my car for over 2 hours before I exited the vehicle and started just walking stupid right, this is how most character in a scary movie would die doing some dumb shit, just being honest here. So, I had to get out of that road because I knew no vehicle would ever travel through this road at night, especially with this bumpy ass road. My cellphone was as dead as my car, which is bad luck for me, so I thought if I can't get help from a long distance, why not just find help? Hey, look, I know it was stupid, but give me some slack here; I was like 18 years old at that time; I barely live half of my life yet. After walking for, I don't know how long; I spotted a convenience store in the middle of nowhere. What a relief, I said. I went towards the convenience store, and before I tried to open the door, I looked inside. No one was there, even though the lights were on. It was getting pretty chilly outside. It felt like 18 degrees or something. Still, I knew I couldn't stay outside for this long; I thought of all the things I could have done at point moment, like maybe sleep in the car till sunrises and the store opens. Then I forgot I had a charger at one of the drawers on my car where I left the charger. I smack myself several times for being an idiot. I sat down by the convenience store entrance. I lay there for a bit to rest for all the walking I have done to then later walk back to my vehicle and charge my phone a bit on the car to call for help. After a few minutes have passed, a man has appeared right in front of me, asking me if I can move aside from the store's entrance. He claimed to be the owner of the convenience store. He forgot to turn off the lights before he left and then asked what I've been doing there just sitting here. I told him my situation and if he could help me out. In return, he asks me if I can spend at least 20 bucks at his store in return. I then agree to the deal. Luckily, the owner had a gas pump where I would purchase $20 gallon of gasoline. He had a mini gas tank to store the gas and headed out to where my vehicle is. We pump in the gas and then jumpstart my car which the battery had run out of juice due to letting the heater run for a long period of time. From that day on. afterward, I thanked him thanks to him I was able to get home safely, once in a while I go and visit his store to buy some and say hi.
    3LAU "Everything" Scholarship
    Technology has changed our world on a whole different level. Before the 90s, and before bill gate ever invented the smartphones, we didn't have the powerful computer in our pockets that we would all carry around us as an extension of our bodies, a device that could save someone's life with one click of a button, or whenever lost, a person can just pull up a map application and find their way out of the corner, it is a really cool gadget. It interests me how software and hardware can improve someone in dire situations. I have been in those types of conditions when my vehicle ran out of gas on a cold night, going out to get a few packs of beer to celebrate one of my sibling's birthday. It happened about two years ago. I was in a narrow street where barely any vehicles ever drive on. Of course, I was the unfortunate one getting stuck there. At that time, I didn't have my cellphone with me at all. I decided to wait for someone to pass by and ask for help. Hours have passed, and it began to get cold. The warmth of the vehicle has started dissipating. I had no choice but to keep the vehicle heater on to heat up the car once again. I'm am not the brightest person in my family. I accidentally left the vehicle lights on, which would drain the battery even faster; later that night, my car battery ran out of juice. I knew I had to call somebody to pick me up, so I started searching around in my car for anything that would help out, and then I found a really old phone with buttons. I found it on the back of my car seat, it still worked, and it also somehow still had a signal, I called my friend to pick me up, and that was it. That same phone I kept with me throughout my journey as a software developer and need it again in case of an emergency like last time. I believe this was the cause of me pursuing a career in technology and advancement, and my dream job would be being an AI Engineer. I will not say someday, hope, or dream, because I know I can do it. If Elon was able to get out of debt with chances, then I can do it. If people keep telling you that your ideas are stupid, then ask them if an electric vehicle foolish idea, no is not. We're not here to criticize society, and we're here to innovate culture, create things that can help thousands, no millions of people around the world. We, engineers, are task to take in the complicated stuff and turn it into a creative, interactive, and straightforward one to use for everyone. Just like the iPhone did for everyone, it was simple and easy to use for everyone. It is what I believe in, it what I'm sticking to.
    A Sani Life Scholarship
    I will not lie; I'm a nerd; I spent most of my day staring at a computer for at least two to five hours a day working on different projects. I've seen it all through this screen, of how everything began with covid 19. It all had begun when covid became a meme through social media, people unaware of what's to come. Some time had passed, covid crossed the United States borders in January 2020. It began with a few hundred infected, then thousands, and finally, hundreds of thousands of people infected across the country. In March 2020, the virus had been announced as an emergency and later became an epidemic that has affected tens of thousands of companies to either shut down or temporarily close, which then leads to millions of Americans applying for unemployment benefits, some are not able to get help, but others can work from home. The economic collapse due to people being in quarantine. Covid has been a tragedy for many people worldwide; due to the epidemic, many people have lost their jobs, love-ones, neighbors, the courage to go outside, etc. I was about to head over to a community college near my area where I live, and luckily I didn't apply for it before the covid began. I decided to take all my courses online through DeVry university online courses. Instead, online classes give many students more flexibility which means students can complete their assignments any day. The biggest of most significant change in this decade is that many people have programmed their minds to prioritize what is most important because of this event; more people have started making savings more often than they ever did in their past lives. It has also affected the community where violence has skyrocketed, violence in protest, racism against Asians has increased, and worst of all, the capital break-in event. I will go off-topic for a bit; I have studied sociology, which is the science behind human emotion, behavior, how interaction with others affects a specific person, and what others' perspective affects a group of people. Covid had a significant impact on people's emotions tremendously; for example, my father has left my mother for no reason. We lost connection with him for over five months, and he still didn't get in contact with his family; we tried calling him. Still, it didn't work. He blocked us all for no reason. My theory is whether he had this plan out all along, Or covid had an effect on his mental state. Either way, it has shown covid has an impact on people's mental state, and I bet a lot more people have been affected by it in the same way as my mother did. And yeah, that pretty much the story of my life.
    Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Scholarship
    Life back then was a bit tough for my parents. We were so limited at what we could spend the money on that most of it went to the apartment's rent, a residential complex building. Let me explain the route of the interior of the house; when you walk in from the front door by the right, there was the kitchen, there were only two rooms from the kitchen led to the bathroom, which was weirdly positioned and right at the front of the living room there was my parent bedroom. My room was on the right side of my parent's room. The hard workers they worked every day, seven days a week, me, on the other hand, had to go to school for my education. However, the one thing was struggling with was reading and writing. Well, at least I knew how to write my name somehow but anyway, parents knew that I wasn't going anywhere with the intelligence that I had; my sister, on the other hand, the smarty pants, let's call it, also made fun of me of being an idiot which I was back then. Later in life, I turned Nine years old. In the year 2010, I have arrived in the United States of America. parents saved enough to get everything needed for our travel, which was my first time traveling on an airplane. When I looked out the window, I saw a beautiful skyscraper, the city of dreams lights going across for miles, vehicles lighting up the cities streets, and speedy trains traveling almost the speed of a plane. I've never seen anything like our country has always been in the dark. From that point on, I knew that this was New York, the so-called city of dreams. After we landed and got out of the airport, I got the most prominent brain freeze from the cold wind flown towards my face. It was cold we didn't have a sweater on or something to protect us we looked like one of the people who were ready for the beach "laugh," no wonder the plane felt cold after landing at the airport. After a few minutes of waiting, Our grandparents came to pick us up in a taxi. They were taken to a warm place called an apartment building, the smallest building I've ever seen. However, it was a cozy place, so we stayed for a few months; my mother started working as a merchandiser, my father started working as a painter through the of a dream that we dream of was not as different as back home prices were abnormally high and didn't get me started with the apartment they were costly 'laugh' from a one-bedroom apartment and a kitchen and bathroom over a grand in half 'wow' what a price. After that, we moved to Pennsylvania, where I finally started going to my first school. During my time here, I started reading picture books to understand the language being spoken. Later I was in a four-year English class to teach me the basics of the alphabet, reading, and writing. Therefore, I learned to read, write, speak and understand English. Few years have passed, and I'm now 13 years of age. I was one of the kids who had to translate everything to our parents' documents; that was probably why I learned how to read Spanish by just translating and reading the bible with one of my friends who were religious at that time. I am now enrolled in a college learning how to be a software developer, Hopefully everything goes well in the future.
    Black Students in St. Louis Scholarship
    Story of my old life as a minor I am nineteen years old student starting as an undergraduate on my second career at DeVry University. Before studying automotive technology later, I decided that it was not the type of job I wanted., so I've transferred over to another school and started another career pursuing a career as a software engineer. But enough with all that, let start from the beginning, where my life started to take shape. It all starts at the age of eight when my parents decided to take us to the United States of America. I had a bigger sibling, and I, the little man of the house, "laugh." Life back then was a bit tough for my parents. We were so limited at what we could spend the money on that most of it went to the apartment's rent, a residential complex building. Let me explain the route of the interior of the house; when you walk in from the front door by the right, there was the kitchen, there were only two rooms from the kitchen led to the bathroom, which was weirdly positioned and right at the front of the living room there was my parent bedroom. My room was on the right side of my parent's room. The hard workers they worked every day, seven days a week, me, on the other hand, had to go to school for my education. However, the one thing was struggling with was reading and writing. Well, at least I knew how to write my name somehow but anyway, parents knew that I wasn't going anywhere with the intelligence that I had; my sister, on the other hand, the smarty pants, let's call it, also made fun of me of being an idiot which I was back then. Later in life, I turned Nine years old. In the year 2010, I have arrived in the United States of America. My parents saved enough to get everything needed for our travel, which was my first time traveling on an airplane. When I looked out the window, I saw a beautiful skyscraper, the city of dreams lights going across for miles, vehicles lighting up the cities streets, and speedy trains traveling almost the speed of a plane. I've never seen anything like our country has always been in the dark. From that point on, I knew that this was New York, the so-called city of dreams. After we landed and got out of the airport, I got the most prominent brain freeze from the cold wind flown towards my face. It was cold we didn't have a sweater on or something to protect us we looked like one of the people who were ready for the beach "laugh," no wonder the plane felt cold after landing at the airport. After a few minutes of waiting, Our grandparents came to pick us up in a taxi. They were taken to a warm place called an apartment building, the smallest building I've ever seen. However, it was a cozy place, so we stayed for a few months; my mother started working as a merchandiser, my father started working as a painter through the of a dream that we dream of was not as different as back home prices were abnormally high and didn't get me started with the apartment they were costly 'laugh' from a one-bedroom apartment and a kitchen and bathroom over a grand in half 'wow' what a price. After that, we moved to Pennsylvania, where I finally started going to my first school. During my time here, I started reading picture books to understand the language being spoken. Later I was in a four-year English class to teach me the basics of the alphabet, reading, and writing. Therefore, I learned to read, write, speak and understand English. Few years have passed, and I'm now 13 years of age. I was one of the kids who had to translate everything to our parents' documents; that was probably why I learned how to read Spanish by just translating and reading the bible with one of my friends who were religious at that time. I am now enrolled in a college learning how to program but do still watch anime and have started experimenting with some new tools like creating my own game, which uses a lot of art style and creativity with an engine called Unity, which is an application used to create games from the ground up. The only reason I am using it is to learn how to program with C#/C SHARP and probably publish my game creation someday. Hopefully, this sums up my whole life experience from being in poverty to living my dreams. Hopefully, this is enough information for you to speculate on my life experiences and how living in the United States of America improved my life as a whole.
    Philadelphia Black Entrepreneurs Grant
    The engineering industry is an enriching career to strive for. Students are looking in their life path to experience the teamwork of many innovative minds working on challenging projects for the consumer. Consumers are the ones who give us engineers ideas of how to improve the flaws and errors of our developed device. It is the heart of innovation. If customers are declining, we engineer to figure out a different method of developing a specific device and release it to the public for test and tweak throughout the device's life span. For example, a software developer's back-end and front-end developers need to figure out how users will interact with their product, its simple; the first step is to build a user interface; this is a visualized data set made for users to interact with the end-device its self. The second is client platforms, how will the user interact with the system, or how difficult will it be for a user to interact with the software. Communication is the most critical structure while creating a project. On a website, the developer has to keep communicating with the investor to more closely follow their preferred style. A database is also required to keep the server running for an extended time. It is like an internet router, but instead of it being in your local street address, it is stored in a faraway facility where it is monitor throughout the day and night 24 hours a day and weeks and months. Anyone can own a server by looking in. It also works well with front-end and back-end developers, where feedback is transferred from the different users. The system looks for the most system concern with an unknown machine learning algorithm. When the user complains about a mistake or error in a scenario, the data is then transferred over to a broker or fixer to fix the problem. Remember the Cyberattack that occurred in 2008 and 2014? Over 2.5 billion user accounts get stolen by hackers every year. Like when a group of hacker hacked and stole over 21 million users Sony account, this is why it is important to programmers and developers to implement encryption for security purposes, this prevents unknown malice from infiltrating the system and stealing sensitive data, an expert at hacking IoT system can hack a whole facility through either connecting through a printer, even your Alex can be felled because it is an interconnected device on a LAN which from there the hacker can have access on your network environment and technology property. One of the most security features ever built was first implanted on an online bank storage system such as Paypal, chime, wisely, etc., which is where security is more promptly tested or penetrated to which is where a system security expert would try to hack the whole database server and test its vulnerability of the entire structure. If an engineer becomes very successful, the employer could start a start-up company to be independent of other competitors. All I am saying is that computer science rock. I will definitely start my own A-I facility where different type of machine technology will be researched and developed for human benefit and to maybe someday be able to travel through diverse terrain where humans can't yet travel through due to the high risk of either life danger, cancer, radiation, overheating, etc.
    Black Engineering Leaders Grant
    The engineering industry is an enriching career to strive for. Students are looking in their life path to experience the teamwork of many innovative minds working on challenging projects for the consumer. Consumers are the ones who give us engineers ideas of how to improve the flaws and errors of our developed device. It is the heart of innovation. If customers are declining, we engineer to figure out a different method of developing a specific device and release it to the public for test and tweak throughout the device's life span. For example, a software developer's back-end and front-end developers need to figure out how users will interact with their product, its simple; the first step is to build a user interface; this is a visualized data set made for users to interact with the end-device its self. The second is client platforms, how will the user interact with the system, or how difficult will it be for a user to interact with the software. Communication is the most critical structure while creating a project. On a website, the developer has to keep communicating with the investor to more closely follow their preferred style. A database is also required to keep the server running for an extended time. It is like an internet router, but instead of it being in your local street address, it is stored in a faraway facility where it is monitor throughout the day and night 24 hours a day and weeks and months. Anyone can own a server by looking in. It also works well with front-end and back-end developers, where feedback is transferred from the different users. The system looks for the most system concern with an unknown machine learning algorithm. When the user complains about a mistake or error in a scenario, the data is then transferred over to a broker or fixer to fix the problem. Remember the Cyberattack that occurred in 2008 and 2014? Over 2.5 billion user accounts get stolen by hackers every year. Like when a group of hacker hacked and stole over 21 million users Sony account, this is why it is important to programmers and developers to implement encryption for security purposes, this prevents unknown malice from infiltrating the system and stealing sensitive data, an expert at hacking IoT system can hack a whole facility through either connecting through a printer, even your Alex can be felled because it is an interconnected device on a LAN which from there the hacker can have access on your network environment and technology property. One of the most security features ever built was first implanted on an online bank storage system such as PayPal, chime, wisely, etc., which is where security is more promptly tested or penetrated to which is where a system security expert would try to hack the whole database server and test its vulnerability of the entire structure. If an engineer becomes very successful, the employer could start a start-up company to be independent of other competitors. All I am saying is that computer science rock.
    Writing With a Purpose Scholarship
    It all started at the age of nine when my parents decided to take me and my sister to the United States of America, I had a bigger sibling, and I the little man of the house “laugh”. Life back then was a bit tough for my parents we were so limited at what we could spend the money on most of it went to the rent of the apartment which was a residential complex building. Let me explain the route of the interior of the house, when you walk in from the front door by the right there was the kitchen, there were only two rooms from the kitchen led to the bathroom which was weirdly positioned and right at front of the living room there was my parent bedroom, and my room was at the right side of my parent room. The hard workers they worked every day seven days a week, me on the other hand had to go to school for my education, but the one thing was struggling with was reading and writing, well at least I knew how to write my name somehow but anyways, parents knew that I wasn’t going anywhere with the intelligence that I had, my sister, on the other hand, the smarty pants lets call it, she also made fun of me of being an idiot which I was back then. Later in life, I turned Nine years old, the year 2010, I have arrived in the United State of America my parents saved enough to get everything needed for our travel, this was my first time traveling on an airplane when I looked out the window I saw beautiful skyscraper, I knew at a point that I was in wonderland “laugh” that what people call it back then, but to me, it was the city of dreams lights going across for miles, vehicles lighting up the cities streets and speedy trains traveling almost the speed of the plane, I’ve never seen anything like our country has always been in the dark, at that point on I knew that this was New York the so call the city of dreams. After we landed and got out of the airport, I got the biggest brain freeze from the cold wind being flown towards my face it was cold we did not have a sweater. After a few minutes of waiting, one of my grandparents came to pick us up in a taxi and was taken to a warm place called an apartment building the smallest building I’ve ever seen, but it was a cozy place so we stayed for a few months my mother started working as a merchandiser, my father started working as a painter through the of a dream that we dream of was not as different as back home prices were abnormally high and don’t get me started with the apartment they were costly ‘laugh’ from a 1 bedroom apartment and a kitchen and bathroom over a grand in a half ‘wow’ what a price. After that, we moved to Pennsylvania where I finally started going to my first school and During my time here, I started reading picture books to get an understanding of the language being spoken, then later I was in a four-year English class to teach me the basic of the alphabets, reading, and writing. Therefore, I learned to read, write, speak, and understand the meaning of the word.
    Allendry Roque Diaz Student Profile |