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Aliyah Odum


Bold Points






My name is Aliyah Odum and I am a senior at Jones High School. After I graduate, I plan on attending college and majoring in construction management. I believe that a career in construction management is the only path that can provide me with the satisfaction I am seeking. I possess the necessary skills, motivation, determination, and ambition to succeed in this field and I am eager to pursue this major in college. In my free time, I do lash extensions.


Jones High

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Construction Engineering
    • Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Second third harvest food bank — Volunteer
        2023 – Present
      Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
      The journey to success is not always smooth and often involves numerous obstacles and setbacks along the way. These challenges can either shape you or break you. One experience that profoundly impacted me and taught me important lessons occurred. The year 2005 was both a bittersweet and sad experience for me. The thing that I’ll always remember about 2005 is the way I understood the meaning of abandonment. On September 3rd, 2005, my mother gave birth to me. Wouldn't you think a mother who just had their baby would want to hold and cherish it? Well, not my mother. The day I was born was the day she walked out of my life. I was fortunate enough to have a loving grandmother whose sister took me in. I’m forever grateful for them and owe them both so much. My adoptive mother treated me as if I was her biological daughter. She gave me anything a little girl would want. She also nourished me with education and love. She always tells me “Be independent and make your own choices, Depend on yourself, not anyone else”. And this saying has always stuck with me. Throughout the years, I have grown to accept the fact that it’s okay to feel and be alone. Her leaving greatly affected my life, but it also shaped me into the person I am today because I've learned not to turn my back on the ones I love, I’ve learned that it’s not okay to walk out or quit on your dreams/goals, I’ve learned that it's okay to build fundamental relationships with others without thinking they're going to do what she did. As time went on, I realized that the obstacle I had faced had taught me three vital lessons that continue to guide me to this day. Firstly, I grasped the significance of resilience. I understood that setbacks are not failures, but rather opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Without the experience, I may have never understood the true value of resilience and the determination to overcome the odds. Secondly, I discovered the importance of a growth mindset. Rather than viewing my rejection, I shifted my perspective and embraced the idea that I could use that pain and rejection to develop my skills through hard work and dedication. This shift in mindset empowered me to continue to strive for improvement and to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than discouragement. Most significantly, this experience taught me the value of self-belief. It is crucial to have faith in yourself and to trust in your abilities, even in the face of failure. By using the setbacks as motivation for self-improvement, I ultimately earned A B honor roll just about every quarter, I'm receiving scholarships, and Schools are contacting me to join their college. These accomplishments not only brought me a sense of personal fulfillment but also solidified the idea that setbacks do not define who you are but rather shaped me into a stronger and more resilient woman. In conclusion, the lessons we extract from the obstacles we encounter are fundamental in shaping our future success. My experience of being abandoned highlighted the importance of perseverance, A growth mindset, and self-belief. It taught me the valuable lessons of never giving up, continuing to strive for improvement, and having faith in myself, and keeping faith in god. These lessons continue to guide me and contribute to my growth as an individual.
      Ward AEC Scholarship
      I believe that a career in construction management is the only path that can provide me with the satisfaction I am seeking. I am eager to pursue this major in college and possess the necessary skills, motivation, determination, and ambition to succeed in this field. Since my childhood, I have been passionate about construction management, especially about general contractors. I have always known what I wanted to do with my life and becoming a general contractor has been my goal. When I think about what drives me to pursue this career path, the answer is always the same: fulfilling my childhood dreams and working towards something that would have a positive impact on my life is the best decision I can make. I grew up in Orlando, Florida, and that place had a significant impact on my passion for construction. During my childhood, I would often witness the construction of houses, highways, bridges, and other structures, which further sparked my interest in pursuing a career in this field. Additionally, Property Brothers have played a significant role in influencing my life. The way in which the two brothers devote all of their time and energy to help couples find their dream homes has always intrigued me. During my Freshman and Sophomore years, I was actively involved in sports both in and out of school. However, I soon realized that sports were not my true calling and there was something bigger and better waiting for me. As I approached the end of my Sophomore year, I stumbled upon a construction class while conducting my research. I began building things around the house for myself and my family, and found immense joy in the process. Every week, I would set myself a new task to complete. Although these tasks were simple, I learned a great deal from them. I would also watch TV shows and listen to stories about construction from my uncles who encouraged me to follow my dreams and not miss out on opportunities they had missed. I am forever grateful for these experiences as they have helped me to develop a strong passion and the necessary skills to pursue my dream of becoming a general contractor. In conclusion, Based on my skills, motivation, determination, and ambition, I firmly believe that I am deserving of this scholarship. It will enable me to acquire the education required to make a positive impact on the lives of others in my chosen field.
      Mike Wazocha Memorial Scholarship
      For as long as I can remember I’ve always known what I wanted to do with my life. Construction management has always been a passion of mine, general contractors in particular have interested me for some time. When I ask myself what motivated me to want to become a general contractor, the answer is always the same: Fulfilling my childhood dreams and devoting my time towards something that would positively benefit my life is the best life choice I can make. Growing up in Orlando, Florida greatly influenced my passion for construction. As a child, I would always see houses, highways, bridges, etc being built which sparked my interest even more to want to pursue this career path in my life. Property brothers also greatly influenced my life. Why? Seeing how two brothers devote all of their time and energy to helping couples find their dream homes has always interested me. Throughout my Freshman and Sophomore years, I participated in sports in and out of school but soon realized that sports were not what was best for me. There is something much bigger that is awaiting me. As the end of Sophomore year was approaching I started researching construction class and began building things around the house for me or my family. I found joy in building/making things. Every week I would give myself another task to complete. These were simple tasks, but I learned so much while doing these simple tasks. I would watch TV shows and listen to construction stories told by my uncles. They encouraged me to go out for my dreams and not to miss the opportunity they once did. I’m forever grateful for these stories and tasks because every experience that I have gone through has developed the passion and skills that I am going to need to pursue my dream of becoming a general contractor. In conclusion, I believe that construction management is the only career path that could give me the satisfaction that I need. I am very eager and excited about taking up this major in college. I possess the skills, motivation, determination, and ambition needed to successfully succeed in this field.