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Alfonso Smith


Bold Points




UAB undergraduate student; Majoring in Biology; Minoring in Public Health


University of Alabama at Birmingham

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General
  • Minors:
    • Public Health

Enterprise High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        National Honors Society — Member
        2022 – 2022

      Future Interests




      Michael Valdivia Scholarship
      Life's journey is often riddled with challenges that shape our character and resilience. For me, the struggles with depression and anxiety have been significant hurdles that have deeply impacted my path. Throughout my life, these shadows have cast their veil over moments of joy and success, yet I've managed to persevere and emerge stronger than before. My journey has been one of both turmoil and triumph, as I've navigated through the darkness and learned to harness my inner strength. Depression and anxiety have not only affected my emotional well-being but have also influenced my academic and personal pursuits. The weight of these conditions often made even the simplest tasks feel like insurmountable obstacles. Moments of achievement were tainted by self-doubt and a constant battle with negative thoughts. Despite the challenges, I refused to let these feelings define me. I sought professional help, learned coping mechanisms, and gradually began to see glimmers of light breaking through the clouds. Overcoming these hurdles demanded an unwavering determination to reclaim control over my life. Self-care and therapy became cornerstones of my healing process, enabling me to develop a toolkit of strategies to manage my mental health. Each small victory, from getting out of bed on difficult days to engaging in social activities, bolstered my confidence in my ability to overcome adversity. These triumphs gradually accumulated, creating a solid foundation upon which I could build my dreams. As I set my sights on pursuing my passions through education or trade school, the journey was far from linear. The shadow of depression and anxiety still loomed, whispering doubts about my capabilities. However, I drew strength from the progress I had made and the support network I had built. Embracing my passions, whether in academia or practical skills, became my driving force. The decision to pursue education or trade school was an affirmation of my worthiness to chase after my aspirations. Education or trade school represented not only an opportunity for skill acquisition but also a testament to my resilience. The path was fraught with challenges, demanding a level of dedication that often felt overwhelming. However, I discovered that my struggles had equipped me with a unique perspective and a tenacity that set me apart. I began to view my journey as an asset rather than a liability, recognizing that my battles had forged a strength that could not be taught in any classroom. In conclusion, my journey through life has been marked by the shadows of depression and anxiety. While these challenges have tested my limits and strained my pursuit of passions, I have managed to overcome them through resilience, determination, and self-care. The hurdles I faced were not insurmountable barriers but opportunities for growth and self-discovery. As I embark on the path of education or trade school, I carry with me the lessons learned from my struggles, using them as a source of strength to propel me toward success. My story is one of triumph, a testament to the power of the human spirit to rise above adversity and pursue dreams with unwavering determination.
      Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
      Taylor Swift's '1989' album stands as a timeless masterpiece, adorned with captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics. Among its many gems, 'Wildest Dreams' reigns supreme as my favorite track. This enchanting song transports me to a world of dreams and emotions, evoking a kaleidoscope of feelings that resonate with my soul. From its hauntingly beautiful melody to its poignant storytelling, 'Wildest Dreams' captures my heart and soul like no other. The first aspect that enamors me with 'Wildest Dreams' is its ethereal melody and harmonies. Swift's lilting vocals dance gracefully over a bed of atmospheric instrumentation, creating an otherworldly aura. The delicate blend of guitar strums and soft synths invites me to lose myself in the music. The song's soaring chorus ignites a spark within me, reminding me of the untamed magic that lies in the pursuit of dreams. Each note resonates with a sense of longing and nostalgia, weaving a musical tapestry that feels both familiar and wistful. Beyond its captivating melody, 'Wildest Dreams' enchants me with its poignant storytelling. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of an intense yet ephemeral romance, filled with a yearning for a love that exists only in dreams. Swift's poetic words evoke a bittersweet longing, transporting me to a world where emotions are as vast as the cosmos. The song's narrative touches upon the fleeting nature of some connections, a reminder of the beauty and heartache that love can bring. As the tale unfolds, I find myself drawn deeper into its emotional landscape, relating to the complexities of love and longing portrayed in the song. What truly makes 'Wildest Dreams' my favorite song is its ability to evoke powerful emotions and transcend time. Its themes of passion and longing resonate universally, making the song a timeless treasure. Whether it be a longing for a past love or an unattainable dream, 'Wildest Dreams' captures the essence of human desires and aspirations. It prompts me to reflect on my own experiences, sparking introspection and evoking a sense of nostalgia. Through this song, Taylor Swift encapsulates the emotions that many of us have felt, making it a poignant anthem of our innermost desires. 'Wildest Dreams' holds a special place in my heart due to the personal connection I feel with its sentiments. It serves as a soundtrack to moments of introspection and reflection, comforting me during times of uncertainty and heartache. The song's ability to touch the deepest recesses of my soul reaffirms its significance in my life. Whenever I listen to 'Wildest Dreams,' I find solace in the beauty of its melodies and the universality of its themes, reminding me that I am not alone in navigating the complexities of love and longing. Taylor Swift's 'Wildest Dreams' is a true masterpiece that weaves a spell of enchantment upon anyone who listens. Its ethereal melody, captivating lyrics, and timeless themes of passion and longing come together to create a symphony of emotions. As my favorite song on the '1989' album, it has become a companion to my journey of self-discovery, offering solace during moments of introspection and inspiring me to embrace the magic of pursuing my wildest dreams. Through this song, Taylor Swift's artistry and storytelling prowess shine brightly, leaving an indelible mark on my heart and soul.
      Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
      As a proud member of an underrepresented minority population, my identity has played a profound role in shaping my path and influencing the choices I make. Embracing my unique heritage and navigating the challenges it presents have not only fostered a deep sense of empowerment within me but have also fueled my commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Being a part of an underrepresented minority has allowed me to view the world through a multifaceted lens. My cultural background and experiences have instilled in me a rich tapestry of values, traditions, and stories that enrich my life and shape my perspective. However, it has not always been an easy journey. There were moments when I faced prejudice and stereotypes, causing me to question my worth and place in society. Nevertheless, these experiences have fueled my resilience and ignited a determination to stand proudly in my identity, defying the limitations imposed by others. My identity as a member of an underrepresented minority has significantly impacted my path, guiding me toward specific pursuits and aspirations. It has ignited within me a passion for advocacy, pushing me to seek ways to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and fight for social justice. I have become an ardent advocate for diversity and inclusion, both within my immediate circles and the broader community. Furthermore, my identity has steered me towards academic and professional endeavors where I can make a meaningful impact. I have chosen to pursue fields that allow me to bridge the gaps in representation and offer opportunities to underrepresented individuals. My experiences have shown me that representation matters, and by occupying spaces where minorities are scarce, I can serve as a role model and empower others to follow their dreams fearlessly. Looking ahead, I am committed to leveraging my identity and experiences to create lasting change in the world. My goal is to actively participate in initiatives and organizations that work towards empowering marginalized communities and breaking down barriers. I want to be a driving force in developing inclusive policies and programs that provide equal access to opportunities for all. Moreover, I plan to use my voice and platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by underrepresented minority populations. Through storytelling and advocacy, I hope to challenge stereotypes and foster empathy, encouraging society to embrace diversity as a strength rather than a weakness. My identity as a member of an underrepresented minority population is not a burden; it is a powerful catalyst that propels me forward. It has shaped my path, equipped me with resilience, and imbued me with a sense of purpose. By embracing who I am and the rich diversity that surrounds me, I am determined to leave a positive and lasting impact on the world. As I continue on my journey, I will hold steadfast to my identity, knowing that it is a wellspring of strength and an unwavering source of inspiration. Through my endeavors, I hope to create a more equitable and inclusive world, where every individual's unique identity is celebrated and embraced.
      Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
      The act of giving back is a profound expression of empathy, compassion, and a desire to create positive change in the world. It is an essential aspect of the human experience, and its effects can be far-reaching, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of others. In this essay, I will explore how I currently engage in giving back and share my visionary plan to magnify my positive impact on the world in the future. At present, I am actively involved in various charitable initiatives, each tailored to address specific challenges faced by different communities. My primary focus has been on education, as I believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking potential and fostering growth. I regularly volunteer at local schools and community centers, assisting teachers and mentoring students to nurture their intellectual curiosity. Furthermore, I have actively participated in fundraising events for causes close to my heart, such as environmental conservation and access to clean water in underprivileged regions. By joining forces with like-minded individuals and organizations, I have contributed both time and resources to support these vital projects, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of collective effort. However, my efforts do not stop there. Understanding that giving encompasses more than just financial contributions, I have also committed to fostering a culture of kindness and empathy in my immediate circle. By being an advocate for open communication, active listening, and support, I aim to create a ripple effect of positive interactions that extend beyond my network. As I envision the future, I see myself taking my commitment to giving back to new heights, seeking innovative and sustainable ways to address global challenges. One of my primary goals is to leverage technology as a force for good. By combining my passion for technology and social change, I plan to develop platforms and applications that connect individuals worldwide, enabling them to collaborate, share ideas, and collectively work toward solutions for pressing global issues. Moreover, I aspire to establish an international nonprofit organization focused on empowering underserved communities through education, skill development, and entrepreneurial opportunities. This organization will act as a catalyst for change, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem where individuals can learn, grow, and positively impact their communities. By providing access to quality education and vocational training, I aim to break the cycle of poverty and elevate communities to new heights of prosperity. Additionally, I believe in the power of storytelling as a means of fostering empathy and understanding. In the future, I intend to use various mediums such as writing, film, and multimedia to amplify the voices of marginalized individuals and communities, shedding light on their struggles, resilience, and dreams. By sharing these stories with a global audience, I hope to inspire empathy and ignite a sense of responsibility in others to take action and contribute to positive change. Giving back is not merely a gesture; it is a way of life—a profound journey that transcends borders and touches the lives of countless people. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." By losing ourselves in the pursuit of a better world, we discover the true essence of humanity and leave behind a legacy that will endure for generations to come. Through giving, I hope to inspire others to join this transformative journey, creating a global movement of compassion and change that will shape a brighter and more equitable future for all.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      In a world filled with constant demands and pressures, taking care of our mental health is of paramount importance. Our mental well-being forms the foundation upon which we build a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this essay, I will delve into why mental health is crucial and share the strategies I employ to maintain my mental wellness amidst life's challenges. Mental health is the cornerstone of our overall well-being. It directly impacts how we think, feel, and behave in various situations. A healthy mind allows us to cope with stress, maintain resilience, and form meaningful connections with others. Investing in our mental health is essential for productivity, creativity, and personal growth. Recognizing and addressing mental health concerns early can prevent them from escalating into more serious issues and improve our overall quality of life. To maintain my mental wellness, I prioritize self-care as a daily practice. Regular exercise, such as yoga or jogging, helps me release tension and promotes a sense of calm. Engaging in creative activities, such as writing or painting, provides an outlet for self-expression and boosts my emotional well-being. Additionally, I practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate a sense of inner peace and reduce anxiety. Surrounding myself with supportive and understanding friends and family allows me to lean on them during challenging times, reinforcing the importance of social connections for mental health. Recognizing that mental health is just as important as physical health, I am not hesitant to seek professional support when needed. Therapy and counseling offer valuable insights and coping strategies that assist me in navigating life's complexities. I firmly believe that seeking help from mental health professionals is a sign of strength, not weakness, as it allows me to gain a fresh perspective and develop essential life skills to better handle stressors. In the fast-paced world, we live in, it is easy to overlook the need for rest. However, I have learned that setting boundaries and prioritizing downtime is vital for my mental wellness. I ensure that I allocate time for restful activities, such as reading a book or taking a leisurely walk in nature, to recharge my mind and body. Moreover, I am mindful of balancing work and personal life to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy equilibrium. Practicing gratitude and positive thinking play a crucial role in enhancing my mental well-being. Each day, I take a moment to reflect on the things I am grateful for, no matter how small. This practice shifts my focus towards the positive aspects of life and fosters a sense of contentment. By cultivating a positive mindset, I can approach challenges with resilience and optimism, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. In conclusion, nurturing my mental health and wellness is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and self-compassion. Prioritizing self-care, seeking professional support, setting boundaries, embracing gratitude, and fostering positive thinking are all integral to maintaining a healthy mind and thriving in life. By valuing our mental health and implementing strategies to support it, we pave the way for a fulfilling and joyful existence.
      Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
      I believe Gryffindor would be my perfect match. Gryffindor, known for its bravery, courage, and chivalry, resonates deeply with my personality and values. First and foremost, I am driven by a strong sense of bravery and daring. Throughout my life, I have never shied away from standing up for what I believe is right, even in the face of adversity. Whether it's speaking up for the marginalized or defending my friends, I am always willing to face challenges head-on. Gryffindors are not afraid to confront their fears, and I find solace in embracing the unknown, ready to take on any adventure that comes my way. Courage is not just about acting boldly; it's also about being compassionate and empathetic toward others. I firmly believe in lending a helping hand to those in need and standing up for justice. Gryffindors value fairness and treat everyone with respect, and I strive to embody these principles in my everyday life. Empathy and understanding are essential traits of a Gryffindor, and I find fulfillment in supporting my friends and cheering them on, just like a true lionhearted companion. Another reason why Gryffindor is my ideal house lies in my pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement. While bravery may drive me forward, I also recognize the importance of being well-prepared and knowledgeable. Gryffindors are not reckless; they possess a thirst for learning and are always eager to gain wisdom from their experiences. Like a true Gryffindor, I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and I am constantly seeking to improve myself to be the best version of myself. As a Gryffindor, I am passionate about creating positive change in the world. Gryffindors are natural leaders, and I feel a sense of responsibility to use my courage and determination to inspire others and make a difference. Whether it's initiating community projects or standing up for environmental causes, I am driven by the desire to leave a positive impact on the world around me. Lastly, my unwavering loyalty to my friends and family is a trait that aligns perfectly with Gryffindor's values. Just as Gryffindors are known for their camaraderie and fierce loyalty to their house, I am fiercely devoted to the people I care about. My friends know they can count on me in times of need, and I take great pride in being there for them through thick and thin. In conclusion, the Sorting Hat would undoubtedly find me a perfect fit for Gryffindor. My bravery, compassion, thirst for knowledge, passion for positive change, and unwavering loyalty make me an ideal candidate for this noble house.
      Healing Self and Community Scholarship
      In a world craving affordable and accessible mental health care, my unique contribution lies in becoming the "Empathy Emissary." I envision a transformative global movement that harnesses the power of empathy to bridge the gap and extend support to anyone in need. The Empathy Emissary initiative operates on a peer-to-peer model, emphasizing that everyone has the potential to be a compassionate listener and mental health advocate. Through an interactive mobile application, individuals can connect with Empathy Emissaries worldwide for confidential conversations about their mental health struggles. The Empathy Emissary network comprises certified volunteers, mental health professionals, and laypersons passionate about mental health advocacy. Together, they undergo specialized training to create a safe and inclusive environment for users from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, the initiative will host virtual workshops and seminars led by mental health experts, aimed at promoting mental health literacy and destigmatizing seeking help. By collaborating with schools and workplaces, we can foster a culture of understanding and support. By instilling empathy and compassion at the core of mental health care, the Empathy Emissary initiative has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach mental well-being. With collective efforts, we can pave the way for a world where mental health care is universally affordable and accessible to everyone, fostering a brighter and more emotionally resilient global community. Together, let's be the change we wish to see in the world – one empathetic conversation at a time.
      Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
      Books have been my steadfast companions, guiding me through countless journeys of knowledge and imagination. They have introduced me to memorable individuals, new worlds, and vital life lessons. Each book has left an indelible mark on my mind, shaping my goals and aspirations in profound ways. In this essay, I will share the profound impact that books have had on my life and their influence on the path I wish to pursue. Through books, I have learned the power of empathy and its ability to bridge the gaps between diverse perspectives. As I delved into the lives of characters from different backgrounds and cultures, I gained a deeper understanding of the human experience. Books like "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Diary of Anne Frank" showed me the importance of compassion, tolerance, and standing up for justice. These invaluable lessons have inspired me to pursue a career in social work, where I can make a positive impact on the lives of others and advocate for a more compassionate society. Books have nurtured my imagination and opened the doors to worlds beyond my own. Whether I was exploring the magical realms of "Harry Potter" or embarking on thrilling adventures in "The Lord of the Rings," I discovered the limitless potential of the human mind. These imaginative escapes have fueled my desire to become a creative writer, enabling me to craft stories that resonate with readers and spark their imaginations, just as mine were ignited by the authors I admire. From non-fiction books, I have gained invaluable insights into diverse fields of study, including science, history, and psychology. Books like "Sapiens" and "The Power of Habit" have deepened my understanding of human behavior and the complexities of society. This thirst for knowledge has kindled a desire to pursue a research career and contribute to the pool of human understanding. I envision myself as a lifelong learner, constantly seeking to expand my horizons and use knowledge as a force for positive change. The pages of books have shown me that adversity can be overcome through resilience and determination. In stories like "The Alchemist" and "The Little Prince," I have witnessed characters confront obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side. These narratives have instilled in me the belief that setbacks are an integral part of life's journey and that perseverance is the key to achieving my goals. I aspire to apply this resilience to my personal and professional life, remaining steadfast in the pursuit of my dreams even in the face of challenges. Books have empowered me to believe in my potential and the power of education. In biographies of remarkable individuals like Malala Yousafzai and Nelson Mandela, I have seen how education can be a catalyst for positive change. Inspired by these role models, I am determined to use my education to uplift others, particularly in underserved communities. My goal is to establish educational initiatives that empower young minds, providing them with opportunities to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. Books have been my guiding lights, illuminating my path and shaping my goals with their profound wisdom and imagination. Through empathy, imagination, knowledge, resilience, and empowerment, I have learned from the characters and ideas brought to life in the pages of countless books. As I look toward the future, these invaluable lessons inspire me to pursue a career that combines my passions for writing, research, and social work. Armed with the transformative power of literature, I am eager to make a positive impact on the world, just as books have made a lasting impact on my life.
      McClendon Leadership Award
      Leadership, to me, is more than just a title or a position of authority. It is the ability to inspire, empower, and guide others toward a collective vision. It is the unwavering resolve to help, uplift, and bring about positive change in the lives of those around us. In this essay, I will explore what leadership means to me and why it holds immense significance in shaping a better future for individuals, communities, and the world. Leadership is not confined to a singular set of traits. It is a multifaceted attribute that embraces adaptability and inclusivity. A true leader possesses empathy, communicates with clarity, and leads by example. Leadership is not about imposing authority; instead, it is about nurturing trust, fostering collaboration, and nurturing the growth of others. Leadership, to me, embodies the role of a mentor, guiding others through challenges and celebrating their achievements. A leader provides a supportive environment for growth and learning, encouraging individuals to reach their full potential. By motivating and empowering those around us, we produce a good shift that has an impact well beyond our sphere of influence. A crucial aspect of leadership is the ability to cultivate a shared vision that resonates with the collective aspirations of a group. A leader articulates this vision with passion and conviction, rallying individuals together to work towards a common goal. When people believe in a shared purpose, they become more invested and dedicated to achieving it, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. Leadership fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability. A leader encourages creativity and risk-taking, acknowledging that failure is a stepping stone to success. By embracing change and promoting a growth mindset, leaders inspire others to overcome challenges and pursue continuous improvement. An essential aspect of effective leadership is recognizing and valuing the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences within a team or community. Inclusive leadership embraces the unique strengths of individuals, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. By embracing diversity, leaders unlock a wellspring of creativity and harness the collective potential of their team. Leadership is the driving force behind societal progress and advancement. Successful leaders have the power to inspire movements, challenge the status quo, and initiate positive change on a global scale. They motivate individuals to rise above self-interest, cultivating a sense of responsibility for the greater good. Leadership is crucial in times of crisis and uncertainty. A strong leader can navigate through challenges with resilience, providing stability and hope to those who look up to them. They are beacons of light in the darkest of times, showing the way forward and instilling confidence in their followers. Leadership, to me, is the epitome of selflessness, empowerment, and inspiration. It is a force that shapes individuals, societies, and the world at large. Through guidance, mentorship, and the creation of shared visions, leaders have the power to transform lives and bring about positive change. Embracing diversity, promoting innovation, and fostering inclusivity are the pillars upon which effective leadership stands. As I reflect on what leadership means to me, I am reminded of the profound impact that leaders can have on the lives of others. Leadership is not merely a position of authority but a responsibility to serve and uplift those we lead. We can pave the way toward a brighter, more harmonious future for all through compassionate and visionary leadership.
      Barbie Dream House Scholarship
      In the heart of a lush, mystical forest lies my Barbie Dream House, a sanctuary of enchantment and wonder. A place where dreams come alive and imagination knows no bounds. It is a testament to creativity and design, a haven where all the fabulous elements of life converge to create an unforgettable experience. Tucked away in a secret grove, hidden from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, my Barbie Dream House stands tall and proud. Surrounded by vibrant foliage and cascading waterfalls, the house is a seamless blend of nature and elegance. Magical fireflies light up the path to the front door, guiding visitors into a world of infinite charm and beauty. The exterior of my Barbie Dream House is an architectural masterpiece, seemingly lifted from the pages of a fairytale. Its ethereal structure boasts soft pastel hues, adorned with sparkling glitter that glistens under the sunlight. The roof is adorned with shimmering tiles, resembling an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors, reflecting the magical aura of the dwelling. At the front, a magnificent ivy-covered arched door greets guests with a warm embrace. The windows are large and rounded, giving the house a whimsical and inviting look. Delicate rose vines creep along the sides, releasing a delightful fragrance that fills the air. This enchanting façade beckons all who behold it to step inside and explore its inner splendor. As the door opens, a burst of awe-inspiring beauty welcomes visitors. The interior of my Barbie Dream House is a testament to elegance, luxury, and creativity, designed to capture the heart of every guest. A grand foyer awaits, showcasing a dazzling chandelier crafted from sparkling crystals that cast radiant beams of light in every direction. The living area boasts plush, cloud-like sofas adorned with soft velvet cushions. A fireplace dances with colorful flames, creating an ambiance of warmth and comfort. A gallery of enchanting paintings, each capturing captivating moments from faraway lands, adorn the walls, inspiring wanderlust and awe in equal measure. The gourmet kitchen is a chef's paradise, equipped with state-of-the-art appliances that cater to every culinary desire. Countertops are crafted from exquisite marble, and an enchanted cookbook magically floats, offering delectable recipes from every corner of the world. A cozy breakfast nook bathed in sunlight serves as the perfect spot to start the day with a cup of hot cocoa. The entertainment room is a whimsical retreat for guests to indulge in fun and games. A life-sized carousel, complete with twinkling lights and sweet melodies, takes center stage. An impressive collection of books, toys, and board games lines the shelves, ensuring everyone finds something to spark their imagination. Each bedroom in my Barbie Dream House exudes its charm and personality. The master suite is fit for royalty, with a canopy bed draped in flowing silks and a magical vanity that transforms into a wardrobe full of glamorous outfits. The guest rooms are themed after various magical creatures like fairies, mermaids, and unicorns, offering a unique experience to every visitor. The backyard is a verdant paradise with blooming flowers, a sparkling pool, and a breathtaking view of the starry night sky. A secret garden, tucked away behind a veil of cascading waterfalls, houses rare and mythical creatures that frolic in harmony. My Barbie Dream House is a utopian retreat, where creativity, elegance, and magic intertwine to create an unforgettable experience. It is a place where dreams flourish, friendships blossom, and happiness reigns supreme. This enchanting haven stands as a testament to the limitless power of imagination and the beauty of a world where every aspiration comes true.
      I Can Do Anything Scholarship
      The dream version of myself is a boundless, compassionate explorer of knowledge, fearlessly chasing passions, and spreading kindness like stardust across the universe.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      In a world yearning for unity and enlightenment, "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan stands as a beacon of knowledge, curiosity, and wonder. This captivating masterpiece transcends cultural barriers and eras, inviting readers on a transformative journey through the cosmos and the depths of human understanding. At its core, "Cosmos" is not merely a scientific exploration but a profound philosophical and spiritual odyssey. With lyrical prose, Sagan elucidates the vastness of the universe and our place within it, instilling a sense of awe and humility. As readers venture from the tiniest subatomic particles to the grandeur of galaxies, they are reminded of the interconnectedness of all existence, fostering a profound appreciation for the delicate web of life that envelops our planet. The book's resonance lies in its ability to ignite curiosity and critical thinking. Sagan encourages us to embrace the scientific method as a tool for comprehending the world around us. Through this lens, readers become explorers of the universe, seeking to unravel the mysteries of nature and understanding the delicate balance of life on Earth. Moreover, "Cosmos" transcends boundaries by celebrating the diversity of human cultures and their contributions to the collective pool of knowledge. Sagan's eloquent narration imparts a sense of shared humanity, urging us to recognize the universal thirst for knowledge that transcends borders and unites us as a species. The impact of "Cosmos" extends beyond the individual reader. As each person embarks on this intellectual journey, a collective consciousness emerges, championing the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of our precious planet. This newfound awareness can inspire global cooperation, spurring humanity to address pressing issues such as climate change and environmental stewardship. In conclusion, "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan is the book that I would have everyone in the world read. Its eloquence, scientific rigor, and celebration of human curiosity have the potential to unite us in a shared quest for understanding and compassion. As readers delve into its pages, they are reminded of the infinite wonders of the cosmos and the responsibility we hold in safeguarding our pale blue dot. Through "Cosmos," we can embark on a collective journey towards a brighter future, guided by the unifying principle that we are all inhabitants of this vast and interconnected universe.
      Healthy Eating Scholarship
      In the symphony of life, there is a harmonious dance between our choices and their consequences. Among the many threads that weave into the tapestry of wellness, healthy eating habits stand as a cornerstone. As we embrace the importance of nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, we embark on a journey of transformation that ripples through our physical and mental well-being. This essay is a testament to the profound impact of healthy eating habits, revealing the symphony of positive changes that resonate within the depths of our being. Just as a conductor waves a baton to set the rhythm, our healthy eating choices orchestrate a symphony of physical vitality. Wholesome and nutrient-rich foods are the instruments that fuel our bodies with essential elements, fortifying our immune systems and fostering overall health. Incorporating a colorful array of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains nourishes our bodies like a symphony nourishes our souls. With the rise of vibrant energy levels, we are empowered to tackle daily challenges with unwavering determination. Healthy eating habits extend their melodic influence beyond the physical realm, reaching into the corridors of our minds. When we provide our brains with the nourishment they deserve, mental clarity emerges like a gentle melody rising from the silence. The fog of fatigue and sluggishness dissipates, allowing our thoughts to flow freely, and our focus sharpens to a crystal-clear precision. In this state of mental clarity, we unlock our full potential, embarking on a symphonic journey of creativity and innovation. In the lyrical interplay between mind and body, healthy eating habits create a harmonious atmosphere for emotional well-being. Just as a gentle melody can soothe the soul, the right nutrients can calm and stabilize our emotions. A well-balanced diet, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, acts as a conductor for our moods, helping us find equilibrium amidst life's crescendos and decrescendos. Embracing healthy eating habits, we learn to navigate our emotional landscape with grace and resilience. As the symphony of healthy eating habits resonates within, it nurtures a deep sense of self-appreciation. By nourishing our bodies with foods that honor and sustain us, we cultivate a loving relationship with ourselves. The act of choosing nourishment becomes a beautiful serenade of self-care, where each bite is an expression of gratitude for the gift of life and the body that carries us through it. In the grand opus of life, healthy eating habits emerge as a melodious theme that enriches every note of our existence. As we harmonize with the symphony of nature's bounty, we unlock the secrets to vibrant physical health, mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and profound self-appreciation. With each conscious bite, we create a harmonious ripple effect that permeates every aspect of our being. Let us remember that the symphony of healthy eating habits is not a rigid composition but a dynamic and evolving score. It invites us to savor the diversity of flavors, colors, and textures that nature provides, celebrating the joy of nourishment with each meal. As we dance to the rhythm of our well-nourished souls, may we continue to compose a masterpiece of wellness, resonating with the symphony of life's vibrant and ever-present potential.
      Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
      Life, like a canvas, is painted with the hues of excitement and challenges. As a student on the vibrant palette of academia, I find myself immersed in a world that constantly inspires me. Amidst the academic pursuits that excite me the most, I have discovered the art of cultivating a healthy mind, body, and soul. This essay is a testament to the flame of passion that burns within me and the strategies I employ to maintain balance amidst the rigors of school life. As a curious mind seeking to quench the thirst for knowledge, it is the pursuit of learning that excites me most. Each lecture, each textbook, and each discussion is an opportunity to explore new realms of thought and understanding. Nourishing this spark of intellectual curiosity is the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy mind. By staying engaged with the subjects I love and allowing myself the freedom to delve into diverse areas of interest, I continuously ignite the flame of passion that fuels my academic journey. Amidst the challenges of school, I find solace in the symphony of self-expression. Engaging in creative outlets, be it through writing, art, or music, provides a cathartic release that nurtures my soul. These moments of artistic expression serve as a sanctuary where I can explore my thoughts and emotions, allowing my mind to breathe freely and rejuvenate. Just as the body dances to the rhythm of life, physical wellness forms an integral part of my journey. Maintaining a healthy body amidst the demands of school requires mindful choices. Regular exercise, whether in the form of a morning run, a brisk walk, or a calming yoga session, infuses my day with energy and vitality. Fueling my body with nourishing foods complements this dance, ensuring that I have the vigor to tackle each day with enthusiasm. In the fast-paced cadence of academic life, mindfulness serves as a guiding metronome, grounding me in the present moment. Through meditation and moments of stillness, I cultivate a deep awareness of my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to navigate challenges with greater clarity and resilience. Embracing mindfulness helps me to strike a harmonious balance between academic pressures and the need for inner peace. In the symphony of life, no instrument plays in isolation. Recognizing the significance of a supportive community, I surround myself with like-minded peers, mentors, and friends. Sharing experiences and offering encouragement creates an orchestra of support, lifting me up during difficult times and celebrating victories together. As I traverse the canvas of academia, the spark of excitement ignites within me, breathing life into each chapter of my journey. Nurturing a healthy mind, body, and soul amidst the challenges of school requires a symphony of self-care and determination. By cultivating intellectual curiosity, embracing self-expression, prioritizing physical wellness, harmonizing with mindfulness, and seeking a supportive community, I have woven a harmonious tapestry of wellness into my student life. In this masterpiece of existence, I find joy in the pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and holistic well-being. May this essay serve as a reminder that amidst the rigors of academia, there exists a melody of balance and excitement waiting to be composed, elevating our lives to the crescendo of fulfillment and growth.
      Your Health Journey Scholarship
      Life's journey is akin to a symphony, a harmonious arrangement of highs and lows, crescendos and decrescendos. In this symphony of existence, I have embarked on a transformative quest to compose a melody of health and well-being. Like a skilled conductor, I have orchestrated changes that resonate with purpose and vitality, culminating in a harmonious lifestyle. This essay unearths the sonorous changes I have made, fostering a healthier and more fulfilling existence. Like a graceful ballet, movement has become the choreography of my life. Recognizing the importance of an active lifestyle, I have embraced the joy of regular exercise. Be it a morning jog, a spirited dance class, or a meditative yoga session, movement has become the heartbeat of my daily routine. Each step, each stretch, and each breath draws me closer to a fitter and more agile version of myself. The dance of vitality has elevated my energy levels, infused vigor into my days, and nurtured a profound connection between my body and soul. Food, like a well-composed symphony, holds the power to ignite the senses and nourish the spirit. Mindful of this, I embarked on a culinary journey, exploring a medley of nutritious and delectable ingredients. I bid farewell to processed indulgences, welcoming wholesome grains, vibrant fruits, and verdant vegetables to my plate. In savoring the symphony of flavors that nature offers, I have discovered the joy of nurturing my body from within. This gastronomic transformation has not only fostered better physical health but has also nurtured a deeper appreciation for the art of dining. As an essential part of life's symphony, rest and rejuvenation have found their rightful place in my daily score. Prioritizing quality sleep has harmonized the rhythm of my days, awakening each morning with a renewed sense of vitality. Embracing moments of relaxation and mindfulness, I have found refuge amidst life's crescendos, granting my mind the serenity to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. In the grand symphony of life, attitude and mindset play a pivotal role. Embracing the overture of positivity, I have chosen to nurture a benevolent outlook. Embracing gratitude, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding myself with uplifting souls have enriched the harmonies of my life. The crescendo of optimism has opened my heart to new experiences, allowing me to find beauty even in the most delicate of notes. In the sonorous symphony of life, I have embarked on an enchanting journey, a harmonious exploration of a healthier lifestyle. By conducting mindful movements, nurturing my body through wholesome nutrition, harmonizing rest and rejuvenation, and orchestrating an attitude of positivity, I have crafted a melody that resonates with health and well-being. Just as a symphony evolves and adapts, so shall my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle be an ever-changing opus. With each passing day, I find myself more deeply connected to the cadence of vitality, perpetually seeking new notes to weave into the beautiful tapestry of my existence. May this symphonic transformation serve as a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when we embrace the pursuit of a life well-lived, guided by the enchanting cadence of health and wellness.
      Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
      In the tapestry of life, I have discovered an inherent spark, a fire that ignites when I envision a future that is brighter, bolder, and brimming with possibilities. I have come to realize that within me lies the essence of a leader - one who doesn't simply tread the beaten path but blazes a trail for others to follow. This essay delves into the depths of my soul, exploring the qualities and experiences that have shaped me into the passionate and creative leader I am today. At the core of my being resides an insatiable hunger for change, a relentless pursuit of an extraordinary vision that colors my world with brilliance. I find solace in dreaming big and believe in the power of these dreams to transform the mundane into the miraculous. My visionary soul propels me forward, beckoning me to seize opportunities and inspire others to walk with me on this journey of growth and transformation. Passion is the fuel that drives my leadership. It courses through my veins, infusing life into every endeavor I undertake. Passion is the heartbeat of my leadership style, and it empowers me to conquer obstacles and turn challenges into stepping stones towards success. This fervor is contagious, kindling the spirits of those around me, and together, we forge a collective force that can move mountains. As a leader, I have discovered the profound strength of empathy in nurturing meaningful connections with others. Understanding the emotions and struggles of those I lead enables me to create an environment of trust and compassion. By embracing empathy, I break down barriers and bridge the gaps that often hinder progress, fostering a united and empowered team. Creativity is the brush with which I paint my vision upon the canvas of reality. It grants me the freedom to explore uncharted territories, unafraid of daring to be different. My ability to think outside the box allows me to devise innovative solutions and push the boundaries of what's possible. This imaginative spirit is a beacon of inspiration to my team, encouraging them to unleash their creativity and push the boundaries of their potential. In my pursuit of leadership, I have come to realize that actions speak louder than words. By leading through example, I empower my team to follow their own aspirations with conviction. I am not a leader who stands on a pedestal; rather, I am a leader who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with my team, guiding them through both victories and challenges. To be a leader is not merely to hold a title or to wield authority; it is a state of being, an unwavering commitment to inspiring, empowering, and transforming. My journey as a leader has been fueled by passion, guided by empathy, and illuminated by creativity. With an unyielding vision, I have embraced the responsibility of fostering a culture of growth and innovation. Through my actions and the power of connection, I aspire to be a beacon of inspiration, igniting the hearts of those around me to join hands in creating a world that knows no limits. As I continue to grow and evolve, I embrace the boundless potential that lies within me, confident in my ability to lead with passion and purpose and make a profound impact on the world.
      Disney Super Fan Scholarship
      In the vast tapestry of the entertainment industry, one name stands tall, capturing the hearts of millions across the globe with its spellbinding charm and timeless allure - Disney. As a steadfast aficionado of this magical world, my favorite aspect of Disney transcends the boundaries of age, time, and cultural differences. It serves as a perpetual source of inspiration and an emblem of cherished memories. In this essay, I shall embark on a journey through the enchanting realm of Disney, delving into the profound significance it holds in my life and the lives of countless others. Disney, a beacon of imaginative brilliance, sets itself apart by its unparalleled ability to cultivate vivid worlds teeming with extraordinary characters and compelling narratives. The creativity exhibited in every animated masterpiece is akin to a key that unlocks the hidden chambers of one's imagination, allowing it to soar to heights previously unattainable. Within the pages of these whimsical stories, I find myself transported to faraway lands, be it the ethereal kingdom of Cinderella or the bustling streets of Agrabah in Aladdin. Each tale intertwines with my soul, inspiring me to dream beyond limits and break the shackles of reality. Beneath the enchanting facade of fantastical tales, Disney weaves profound life lessons that resonate with its audience. Each narrative encapsulates a moral compass, a guiding light that illuminates the darkest corners of the human heart. The stories teach us to be kind, courageous, and to believe in ourselves, as demonstrated by characters like Simba in "The Lion King" or Belle in "Beauty and the Beast." Through their journeys, we learn to confront our fears, embrace individuality, and cultivate empathy, fostering personal growth and development in a way that textbooks cannot replicate. Beyond the timeless classics and modern marvels, Disney serves as a bridge that connects generations past, present, and future. From the soothing nostalgia of Mickey Mouse to the technological marvels of Pixar, Disney's timeless allure spans the decades, uniting grandparents, parents, and children in a shared appreciation for the magic of storytelling. It is an indelible link that binds families together, creating cherished memories and experiences that echo through the annals of time. Above all else, my favorite thing about Disney is its ability to empower dreams and ignite the spark of ambition within each of us. From a young age, Disney instills a sense of determination, encouraging us to pursue our passions with unwavering resolve. Whether it be through the tale of Tiana's entrepreneurial spirit in "The Princess and the Frog" or the tenacity of Moana in her quest to restore her island, Disney characters teach us that dreams are worth chasing and that the journey to realizing them is just as significant as the destination. In the luminescent world of Disney, I have found a sanctuary of inspiration, hope, and boundless imagination. It has illuminated my path, instilled values that define my character, and linked me to the embrace of cherished memories. As I continue to wander through life's labyrinth, Disney remains a guiding star, reminding me that the most magical stories lie within the confines of my heart. Forever will I cherish the legacy of Walt Disney and the ethereal realm he has bestowed upon us, for it is not merely an entertainment powerhouse, but a testament to the limitless potential of the human spirit.
      Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
      In a world constantly grappling with divisive forces and individual pursuits, it is easy to lose sight of the essential truth that binds humanity together – the importance of helping others. At the core of our existence lies a shared responsibility to uplift, support, and empower one another. This essay examines the deep value of helping others and considers how it affects both the individual and society at large. Human beings are inherently social creatures. We are bound together by an intricate web of interdependence, where the actions of one reverberate across the lives of many. The desire to help others springs from this innate connection, as we recognize that we are all part of a larger fabric, intertwined by the threads of empathy and compassion. Through helping others, we nourish our collective spirit and foster a sense of unity, embracing the beauty of diversity and discovering strength in our shared vulnerabilities. An act of kindness has a ripple effect, inspiring those who witness it to embark on their journey of benevolence. Helping others nurtures a culture of empathy, where people become more attuned to the struggles and triumphs of those around them. As this culture spreads, the walls of indifference crumble, and we move towards a society that values understanding, respect, and care for one another. In a world torn by conflict and strife, a compassionate culture becomes the bedrock for meaningful progress and peaceful coexistence. Beyond the immediate impact of assistance, helping others also fosters empowerment. It allows individuals to transcend their circumstances, discover their potential, and contribute positively to their communities. Whether it is extending a helping hand to someone in need or providing educational opportunities to those less fortunate, empowerment through assistance is a catalyst for sustainable development. Moreover, as we help others, we come to realize our own capacity to create positive change, reinforcing a sense of purpose and fulfillment within ourselves. Helping people is an expression of pure altruism, where one seeks to promote the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. Altruism is a force that transcends self-interest and opens the doors to a more profound and enriching human experience. It enables us to redefine success, moving away from the pursuit of material possessions to the fulfillment derived from nurturing meaningful relationships and making a lasting impact on the lives of others. A society that values helping others is a resilient and caring one. In times of crisis and adversity, the willingness to lend a hand becomes a lifeline that sustains hope and instills courage. Acts of kindness transform communities into support systems, reinforcing bonds that withstand the test of time. This collective care breeds trust and cooperation, ensuring that no one is left behind or overlooked. It is through these collaborative efforts that societies can overcome challenges, forge ahead, and build a brighter future for all. In a world fraught with uncertainties and complexities, the significance of helping people cannot be overstated. It is a profound reflection of our humanity, an acknowledgment of our interconnectedness, and an expression of our innate capacity for empathy. Through compassion and altruism, we can foster a culture of care and empowerment, ultimately building a resilient and harmonious society. It is important to remember that each act of kindness, no matter how small, possesses the power to touch lives and leave an indelible mark on the world. By extending our hands to others, we enrich not only their lives but also our own, discovering the true essence of what it means to be human.
      Black Students in STEM Scholarship Fund
      My career goal is to become a dentist. After I graduate high school this year, I plan to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB. It is one of the nations best medical school, so I am studying here to become a dentist. I will be taking courses geared toward helping me become a dentist, which will eventually lead to me getting my bachelor’s degree in biology. Once I graduate UAB with my bachelor’s degree, I will apply to UAB’s dental program where I will study the basics to become a certified, general dentist. After I become a general dentist, I will spend the next few years completing specialization training to be a certified oral surgeon. I will then get a job as an oral surgeon.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      My journey with mental has not been an easy one. It has greatly influenced the way I move through the world and how I achieve my goals, relationships, and my perception of the world. My mental health has greatly affected the way I reach my goals. As someone who has suffered from low self-esteem their entire lives, even now, I used to only see my self-worth in my grades at school. I constantly pushed myself to be the best academically as I only saw my value as a person in what average I had in each class. It was an internalized belief that people only saw me as a smart child so that is what I felt I needed to be. I wanted to make my parents proud by being the best kid academically and so I placed a lot of pressure on myself to achieve this goal. But I now know, my parents would have been proud of me whether I failed or succeed, just as long as I tried my best. However, up until high school, I constantly pressuring myself to make my parents as I did not value myself that highly. As a result, my desire to reach this goal came at the cost of my physical, but especially mental, health. I would spend several nights staying up late studying or working on schoolwork to feel like I was valid. But when I entered high school, I came to realize that I was more than what I made on a test. All the self-worth and value I needed was not in anything else but me. As a result, I know work hard to achieve my goals but the only person I do it for is myself and no one else. If the goal I am aiming for does stand to benefit me or help me grow, I do not aim for it even if my parents want me to. I no longer see goals as a means to have people validate my self-worth, as I already see the worth in me and that is enough. My journey on mental health has also changed the relationships I currently have. Besides from influencing the way I used to achieve goals, my low self-esteem used to affect how I formed relations with other people. When I was younger, I used to feel a need to be accepted. While I did not just hang out with anyone, I knew I needed friends, or I thought kids would think I am lonely and weird. As a result, I ended up hanging with kids who only sought to use me. At the time, the kids I used to call friends only let me hang around them because I was one of the smartest kids in the class. I was one of the smartest in the class because of the pressure I placed on myself to have my parents and other people see my value. I guess it worked as these kids did see my value but only in what I could give them and not as a person. After a couple of days of being friends, they eventually asked if they could borrow my homework to copy off of because they had forgotten to do theirs. I thought nothing of it at the time because I figured all friends help each other out. But as the school year went one, it became a weekly occurrence that it got to the point where I just took their homework home with me to complete myself. I let this go on for the whole school year and said nothing about it to them. I mainly let it go because when summer came around they let me hang with them because I had “helped” them with their schoolwork. But when next school year came around, I told them that if we were going to continue this “friendship” they would also need to contribute something as well. They stopped stalking to me that same day and we never spoke again. I was shocked and sad but at the same time relieved. It was like a weight lifted off of me and the stress was gone from my mind. In that same year, I worked on bettering my mental image of myself. I later become good friends with some new kids in my class who to this day I still talk with. They do not stress me out or try to use me but rather they help to uplift me and I them. Today, my mental health is a lot better, and I have a good mental view of myself and the relationships I keep in my life. My outlook on the world has greatly shifted due to my mental health journey. I used to view the world in terms of the have and have nots. I though that people who seemed to have everything truly did have everything. For me, these people were the “popular” who everyone either wanted to be friends with or talk to. I admit that I wanted to be friends with them, but I knew they would never associate with me because I would not benefit them in anyway. I saw myself as the have not and the “popular” kids as the have. It greatly affected my relationship with my mental health. But as I continued through life, a light bulb clicked in my head. I knew that my expectations and perceptions would help me with my mental health and the harsh reality of the world. If I felt stuck and that I was incapable of doing anything to better my own mental wellbeing, I knew that I would remain stuck until this mindset passed or I got myself out of it. I apply this same mentality when overcoming any issue or my mental health. I know now that if I want to change my mental health, or personal circumstances for the better, I need to be actively working to make it a reality.