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alaa almzayen


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My name is Alaa I am an aspiring lawyer. My life goal is to thrive and succeed as a Muslim in America. I am passionate about the study of law and criminology. I am also passionate about expanding my skills in basketball. I feel that I am a great candidate as my past trauma and experiences have helped me develop character and determination.


North Garland High School

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Engineering, General
    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Computer Science
    • African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Interior Architecture
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Architecture & Planning

    • Dream career goals:




      2022 – Present2 years


      • mvp

      Future Interests


      Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
      1. What major have you selected, at what college/university and why? I have decided to major in Criminal justice and criminology, while I have not decided what college I will be attending I am considering the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). Ever since I was just a little girl living in my war-struck country Syria I hated the constant violence and injustice. The question of “why?” was always pondering in my 7-year-old mind; “But why are these innocent people being killed? Why us?”. So in 2013, when we immigrated to America I made myself the promise that when I grow up I will help all these innocent people. This helped influence my decision to major in criminal justice and criminology as these will help me progress into law school and if God will allow, become a lawyer. 2. Share your strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are determination and resilience. I believe these are strengths because they allow me to achieve my goals no matter what comes my way. One of my weaknesses is being a perfectionist. While this can create barriers, I have worked hard to recognize when something is “good” and move on to the next task. 3. Who are you and why do you deserve the scholarship? My name is Alaa Almzayen. I was born in February 2007 in a small country called Syria. In 2011 small protests began arising in an attempt to solve the lack of freedom in Syria. In the blink of an eye, these small protests escalated into violent armed riots. In 2013 the government demanded that me and my family leave or they would take my father. Giving us only 48 hours, me and my family packed what we could and headed to the airport. We fled to Russia in the hope of finding refuge with my mother's parents. After a few months, my father was turned down for every job he applied for due to his religion. Because of this discrimination, we decided to relocate to America and live with a family friend. We got our own apartment and started school after only a few months. Since then, my parents have worked tirelessly to overcome the obstacles that keep them trapped in this cycle of poverty, thriving in a society that does not greet them with a warm hello. Winning this scholarship will allow me to put our financial problems aside and focus on keeping my promise. 4. Tell me your favorite book/ movie/ song. My favorite movie is Black Panther. I like this movie as I feel that it resonates with living in a war-struck country. Throughout the movie, the characters show resilience, unity, and fortitude. Similar to my life this movie shows the strength and determination of the people to survive and fight for a better future. 5. As a Muslim, what do you consider your greatest achievement? My most outstanding achievement as a Muslim immigrant has been overcoming the challenges of adapting to a new culture and environment while staying true to my faith and values. While some may still not consider me a “good Muslim”, I am proud of the progress I have made. I'm grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way and I am excited to see what the future holds. As the saying goes, “When one door closes, another opens”.
      Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
      “Oh my lord, increase me in knowledge” Quran (20:114). This is a dua I have said after every prayer since I was 13. Now, the only thing preventing me from furthering and increasing my knowledge is my family’s income. Growing up as a Muslim, I was taught to seek knowledge and strive for excellence. This has had a significant impact on my academic and career goals. My Muslim identity has instilled in me strong work ethic and a desire to make a positive impact in the world. In terms of my academic goals, my Muslim identity has motivated me to pursue a degree that will enable me to make a difference in the world. I am currently interested in studying Law. This aligns with the Islamic principle of being fair and helping others. As said by Muslim scholar Ebrahim Desai, “When Muslims are imprisoned unjustly, as is the case in Guantanamo, it is the Waajib [obligatory] duty of all the Muslims of the world to do whatever is in their capacity to free these oppressed brothers.” This quote helps show the strong sense of fairness and just that's enforced by the Muslim religion and instills in me a desire to help. Similarly, my Muslim identity has also influenced my career goals. I aspire to work in a field that will allow me to give back to my community and leave a positive impact. Becoming a lawyer will allow me to protect innocent individuals and stand by their side. In addition, Islam has taught me the value of compassion, kindness, and social justice; becoming an attorney will help me to practice these characteristics and use them for the better good. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to pursue my educational goals without the worry of money. Not having to worry about tuition will allow my parents to spend their money on essentials like groceries, bills, and other necessities. Furthering my education will also give me the opportunity to get a higher-end job and help my family financially. Overall my goal in life is to repay my parents for all of their sacrifices by becoming a successful student and late attorney; this will allow them to retire early and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Most importantly, this scholarship will help show my little sister that “when you believe that Allah stands with you, it doesn't matter who stands against you”. The more my desire to help others grows, the more I hope to be able to further my education and strive for greatness.