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Aidan Peterson


Bold Points




I'm a passionate musician and use my talent to help others. I'm a strong advocate for veterans and commit to hundreds of hours of community service every year. For seven years I've been volunteering to sound live Taps at military funerals and have honored our country's heroes more than 500 times. I also play cello bedside for patients in the hospital. I want to attend Juilliard and major in trumpet performance and hope to one day join a military band.


Shipley School The

High School
2012 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Music
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Conductor of an orchestra

    • worship music leader

      2015 – Present10 years



    2018 – Present7 years


    • MVP


    • Bugles Across America

      2015 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Bugles Across America — Volunteer bugler
      2015 – Present

    Future Interests



    Carl’s Music Matters Scholarship
    Music is the equivalent to breathing for me. I have been taking weekly private music lessons since I was three. My primary instrument is the trumpet, but I also play cello and have a wide variety of instruments that I play for fun including drums, violin, banjo, guitar, bagpipes, didgeridoo, harmonica, accordion, and piano. I've been playing trumpet since I was five and I can't imagine doing anything else. When I was nine I realized that my musical talents could be used to help others. I started volunteering for Bugles Across America. I have sounded live Taps at over 600 military funerals and events, accumulating more than 2,000 hours of community service. I also play bedside for patients in the hospital. Music is a form of medicine and has tremendous healing powers. I've used it in my own life to help cope with the death of my father and with other obstacles I've faced growing up. I have always been the kid who was different because of the way I am invested in music. But no matter where I go or who I meet I realize that music is a universal language and so I am able to communicate despite the differences. I have created and released two albums on my own and have earned numerous awards for my community service. I tirelessly give back to my community and and always put others ahead of myself. While a student in the pre-college division at Juilliard I regularly played concerts at a local soup kitchen that served the homeless and elderly. Every time I had a concert I invited those people. I will be attending The Juilliard School in the fall and majoring in classical trumpet performance. Juilliard boasts a 3% acceptance rate and is ranked among the top conservatories in the world. This summer I will join the National Youth Orchestra and make my Carnegie Hall debut and tour in South America. All dreams come true for me. After my education, I would like to join a military band. My commitment to the veteran community is unwavering and I would love to give back to my country and help others. It will also provide me with a stable income so that I am able to help care for my mom. She spent 18 years raising me alone and I want to be in a position to help her. Thank you for considering me for this scholarship.
    Holli Safley Memorial Music Scholarship
    My entire life has been dedicated to achieving one single goal - becoming a professional trumpet player. As a three-year-old, I heard Chris Botti and was immediately hooked on the trumpet. I started lessons two-years later; practicing, listening, and keeping an open-mind to the endless possibilities that a career in music could offer me. I simply love playing and the power it has on people. To me, music is about being able to share the experience of playing with others. I love to see the joy on people’s faces and the happiness it brings them when I play. I’ve seen music make the greatest impact in the volunteer work I do. From a young age, I was taught the importance of giving back to the community. At age nine, I joined Bugles Across America, a non-profit organization focused on providing a live bugler to sound Taps at military funerals. What I didn’t realize at the time was just how big of an influence it would have, not just on my life but on the lives of others. To date, I have performed at over 600 military funerals and events, become a part of numerous veterans organizations, received the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award eight times, and built countless inspirational relationships with people. To be able to bring hope to a family saying goodbye to a loved one solidifies my purpose as a musician. I am a musician because I can see the best of people and the liveliness in their souls. Life can be stressful at times, but for me to be able to perform and help people find relief for even just a moment brings me happiness. Earlier in my life, it was always difficult to find people my age who were as interested and passionate about music as I was. The “playground talk” was always about sports, video games, and the latest toys. I never fit in. I wanted to talk about music, but rarely got the chance unless it was with a teacher. I attended various music-centered programs and summer camps, but even there it felt like the bonds I made were all because I was one of the youngest in the room. It wasn’t until I started my journey in the Juilliard Prep-Division that my entire life changed. I remember my first day, talking to other students while waiting for my Ear Training class to begin. It was the first time I could talk to kids my own age about what I enjoyed most: music. Instead of sports and video games, it was classical composers and orchestras. Instead of coming home crying because I didn’t seem to fit in, I came home knowing I had found my people. I belonged to something and felt accepted. Juilliard has become my home over the past five years, and there is no other place that I would want to continue that journey than in the College Division. I want to one day be a mentor to others who want to continue their Juilliard journey in the college division. Juilliard is one of the few places in the world where I can feel comfortable and live my purpose as a musician. I want to attend Juilliard because it is the place where I feel challenged, yet supported. The place where I feel safe to express myself. The place where I can get lost in the endless possibilities, knowing I can achieve my fullest potential as an artist and individual.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    This scholarship will significantly impact my ability to achieve my goal of becoming a professional musician in various ways. The most obvious is to provide m financial support. It will help offset the cost of tuition and living expenses. My biggest fear is that my mother will sell our home to pay for my education and I would never be able to live with myself if she were homeless because of me. I also know that a college education has value and I do not want to cut myself short by not going to college. It will also help reduce the amount of debt I will have if I need to take out loans to pay for my education. I watched my mother pay off her college loans. It took her over twenty years. It seemed so silly to me because she never even used her college degree. I do not want to be a burden to my mother and do not want her to feel it necessary to help me. If I finish college with no debt or a minimum amount, it will help provide me with a more solid financial foundation as I start my career. The financial assistance will help me focus on my studies. If I am not worried about how I am going to pay for my education, I can focus on my academic success and engage in extracurricular activities that will help with my mental health. I know that college is going to be stressful and a huge adjustment. I am going to need to take care of myself because I do not want to be another statistic. Knowing that someone outside my family believes in me will give me the confidence to be my best and motivate me to succeed. Investing in someone’s future is a way to give them the power to choose. I want to get the best education that I can and I do not want the cost of my education to be a deciding factor in where I go to school. A scholarship is not just financial assistance; it is an investment in my potential and a key that unlocks doors to a brighter future. It provides the means for me to pursue my goals with determination and focus, setting the stage for long-term success. I know that I have a bright future ahead of me and I know that with help and support I will achieve my goals. I thank you for considering me.
    Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship
    The arts, particularly music, are important to me because of the impact it makes. I started volunteering for Bugles Across America when I was nine years old. I sound live Taps at military funerals and events. To date, I've played at over 600 services. When I auditioned, the head of the non-profit told me that I would bring hope to people on their darkest days. I have seen that to be true time and time again. Although Taps is just 24 notes and only 40 seconds long, it encapsulates a veteran’s entire service and provides them with one final salute. Being the person to perform this is the utmost honor. I have so much respect for the people who sacrifice everything for others and for their families who make so many accommodations for their heroes. To give them something concrete to hold onto in those final moments is so inspiring. My commitment to the veteran community expanded in 2017 when I started to play the cello bedside at the VA Hospital as part of their music therapy program. Most of my mini-concerts happen for the sickest, most forgotten patients. One time I was called to play for a man in hospice care. He was nearing the end of his life and he asked to hear live music one last time. I played the cello and trumpet for him. The social worker put together a playlist for me to perform that included some of his favorite tunes from childhood and beyond. Doctors and nurses said that the entire time he was in their care he never had a visitor and was always angry. While I played he smiled and was the happiest anyone had ever seen him. On another occasion, I played for a Marine and his family while he was being removed from life support. I witnessed his final breath and the looks of comfort on the faces of his family and the nurses. I realized in both of these moments that music is like medicine. It’s not just about having fun playing, but it’s also healing. I have no memories of not being involved in music. I started drum lessons at age three, piano at age four, trumpet at age five, and cello at age six. Music has been such a major part of my life that I can't envision my life without it. This is why I chose to pursue a career as a professional musician. I want to earn a college degree in trumpet performance and continue to use my talent to serve others. Ultimately, I would like to be a member of a military band. Having met and been part of so many military functions growing up taught me that having a strong sense of community and people to support you is incredibly crucial to success. I think being a part of the military would give me the sense of belonging and purpose that I want to help me achieve my goals.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    The "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling is my absolute favorite set of books. Initially, because I was too young to read, my mother read the books aloud to me. Then as the movies were created, I watched them one by one. I have read the series myself and viewed the movies multiple times. I think everyone should read them because they are an engaging and immersive escape into a fantasy world that promotes educational values and a sense of belonging. No matter what your age, there is something in the series that you can connect with and find relative to your life. Rowling is a masterful storyteller. The "Harry Potter" series weaves a captivating and immersive narrative that draws readers into a richly detailed, magical world. The books are known for their page-turning quality, making them enjoyable for readers of all ages. The series is replete with valuable life lessons and ethical themes, such as the power of love, the consequences of choices, the importance of friendship, and the fight against discrimination and injustice. These themes resonate with readers and offer opportunities for meaningful discussions. The series can be used as an educational tool. Teachers often use the books to encourage reading and to explore topics like ethics, symbolism, and character development in the classroom. The characters in the series are complex and relatable. Readers can grow attached to them and learn from their experiences and growth throughout the story. Despite its fantastical setting, the series addresses universal themes that are relevant to people of all ages and backgrounds. The struggles and triumphs of the characters resonate with a wide audience. "Harry Potter" offers a means of escapism, allowing readers to temporarily leave the real world behind and immerse themselves in a world of magic, adventure, and wonder. This can be a refreshing break from the stresses of everyday life. For some readers, "Harry Potter" has created a sense of belonging within the fan community. Engaging with the series can lead to participation in fan events, discussions, and activities. Ultimately, reading "Harry Potter" is an enjoyable and entertaining experience for many. It's a series that can make readers laugh, cry, and feel a wide range of emotions. The popularity of the "Harry Potter" series has contributed to a resurgence in reading and many readers credit these books with sparking or rekindling their love for reading.
    Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
    My father died when I was an infant. Even at that very young age, I knew that something was missing. During the first year of my life, my father came home from work around midnight and every night would sneak into my room and check on me. My mother says that subconsciously I was aware because after he died I would wake up every night at midnight and cry a little. The true impact of his loss didn't hit me until I started school. In elementary school when I was asked to draw a picture of my family, I included my mother, myself, and my trumpet. Classmates teased me and called me stupid for leaving out my father, but I didn't know how to explain that I didn't have one. In subsequent years when the school would host events like Donuts with Dad, my mom would attend with me. That was always met with uncomfortable looks because everyone else had a male role model to bring. Despite the absence of a second parental figure in my life, I never felt any lasting effects. My mother did a fantastic job making sure I felt safe, secure, and loved. I never felt like anything was missing in my life. I would sometimes wonder if my father would be happy with my decisions or if he would be interested in the things I enjoyed. They are questions I will never have answers to, but I always knew that my mother supported me and that's all that mattered. In high school, especially when I was going through puberty, was the only time I regretted not having a father or male role model. My body was changing, I had questions that were too uncomfortable to ask my mother, and sometimes I felt alone. I made it through, but I believe it's why I make it a point to always seek out the person in the room who looks out of sorts. I make it my mission to sit next to the kid in the cafeteria who usually eats alone. I am kind to everyone because I understand that on the surface my classmates might all look put together, but underneath they could be dealing with stressful issues. Now that I'm approaching adulthood I question if I fully understand what it means to be a father and if I would want to take on that role. I honestly don't think that it's something I want in my life. I don't think it's because I didn't have a father figure, but more because my mother taught me to be independent. I always see my future as me conquering the world solo.
    Resilient Scholar Award
    My father died when I was an infant. My mother always said it was a blessing that we lost him when I was so young. Since I never had a male figure in my life, I didn't know what life could be like with one. In this case, I didn't think I was missing out on anything. When I was younger, I was often teased by my classmates because I was different. When asked to draw a family photo I included myself, my mom, and my trumpet. Kids laughed and called me stupid and asked where my dad was and explaining I didn't have one was difficult. When the school hosted donuts with Dad, my mom attended with me. She was the only female adult there. She got a lot of weird looks, but I didn't mind it because I loved her and was proud to have her there with me. My mother works around the clock to provide for me and to make sure that I have everything I need to achieve my goals. She also made it clear that although we didn't have a lot, we had to use the talents we did have to help in meaningful ways. We both accomplish this by volunteering. From the age of nine, I have volunteered over 2,000 hours with Bugles Across America. I sound live Taps at military funerals and events. My mom drives me nearly 10,000 miles each year to play. It's a wonderful experience knowing that I can use my talents to help others. I want to become a professional musician. It's a career that has cost my mother everything. Every cent she earns has gone to the purchase of the best instruments we could afford and to lessons and music camps. Attending a college for music is going to cost even more. My mom has told me that she will do anything to make my dreams come true. She even said she would sell our house and be homeless if it meant being able to pay my college tuition. I couldn't live with myself if my mom was homeless to help me. I will find a way to achieve my goals, but not at that sacrifice. My mom said that true love means sacrifice. I guess she's right, but it doesn't make it any easier. If my dad hadn't died I know our life would be easier. But I don't necessarily know that it would be better. Being labeled the poor kid never bothered me. Not being invited to parties and not having many friends was never an issue. I know that one day I will find my place.
    Richard W. Vandament Music Scholarship
    Throughout my musical career, I have been surrounded by many opportunities to grow, not only as a musician but also as an individual. It seems like every time I perform, I am learning and realizing new possibilities within the field. There is one moment of my career that will always stand out as one of the most meaningful and transformative experiences. My whole life I was taught to use my talent to give back to others. To accomplish this, I regularly play bedside for patients at the VA Hospital in Philadelphia. I normally play for recovering patients who are getting ready to go home to their family, but one day I was asked to make a trip to the ICU and perform for some of the critically ill patients. I was only fifteen years old at the time, but I played my usual list of music including a variety of patriotic songs, old-jazz standards like “All of Me,” “Five-Foot-Two,” “When You’re Smiling” and others. The patients, although less responsive, clearly appreciated the gesture and enjoyed hearing the music. It wasn’t until I got to one specific room that I realized just how powerful music is. The family, who was gathered around the patient, asked me to perform a piece on the cello which was a regular request. Saint Saëns’ “The Swan.” The nurse treating the veteran told me that this was a special performance because “this man was getting ready to go home.” Being as young as I was, it was not made clear to me until later what the nurse meant by home. While I was playing, the patient was being removed from life support and the family was saying their final goodbyes. At that moment, I could see the incredibly powerful impact that the music had on everyone in the room. The patient was at peace and his family had a measure of comfort during a very difficult time. It was clear to me at that moment that music plays a vital role in society. It makes a connection between people regardless of their background. Being able to share the experience of playing with others and using music to support the greater good of the community is so important to me, and I believe that I can live that mission. I want to be around musicians who share the same passion for music that I do. I want to continue learning and constantly innovating and evolving my craft.
    Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
    I would be sorted into Slytherin. Some of the traits of a Slytherin that I embody are ambition, resourcefulness, cunning, leadership, determination, and loyalty. Slytherins value ambition and a desire to achieve one's goals. I exemplify that quality because I am determined to go to college and have a clear goal to become a professional musician. It's been my goal since the age of three and I am willing to do anything to reach it. I have sacrificed so much to get where I am today. I do not doubt that I will go far and that my music will be remembered for generations. Slytherins are also resourceful. They are known for their adaptability. I have always been known to think on my feet and find creative solutions to problems. That's why for two years I was named by my teammates as MVP of my squash team. I am always the athlete who helps my teammates find their opponents' weaknesses and play to them to win. Slytherins are often associated with cunning and shrewdness. I learned this by playing chess competitively and winning several tournaments at a young age. I can think strategically and devise plans to accomplish my goals. Many Slytherins make effective leaders, as they are confident and willing to take charge. I have been the leader of a band since age nine. Last year my leadership skills helped us win a national jazz festival. People around me have always looked to me for guidance and help. Even now, my classmates are asking me to write recommendations for them for college. In a room full of people, I am always the one working the space and making sure that everyone has what they need and am helping the host. Slytherins are known for their determination and willingness to overcome obstacles. I have a strong sense of perseverance. My life goals have never changed, despite not always having everyone in my corner supporting me. Since the eighth grade, I have attended two private schools simultaneously. Finding ways to fit everything into a very busy schedule was a real challenge. I had to manage an intense workload and maintain high grades across multiple college-level classes. No matter what, I always know I will succeed. While Slytherins are often stereotyped as self-serving, they can also be fiercely loyal to their friends and allies. I am extremely protective of those who are close to me, especially my mom. Growing up without a father figure, my mom attended everything. Often her appearance was met with laughs and teasing from my classmates. I never let it get to me because I knew I had the best parent and that no matter what my mom would always be my biggest fan. With all these traits so apparent in my character, I think the house I'm best suited for is Slytherin.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    I lost my father when I was only a year old. My mother raised me on her own. She never had help or support from anyone. As I grew up it became apparent to me how much she did and that her struggle was very real. It motivated me very early on to be a good person and to be as helpful as I could. Any time I had an opportunity to earn money I did it. I always pitched in around the house with helping to cook and clean. My mother rarely had to ask me to do things because I just knew it was my responsibility. I feel that the grief and loss I experienced at such a young age had a profound impact on my perspective and motivations in life. It led to a renewed sense of purpose and determination for me to achieve success. First, I wanted to honor the memory of my father, but also recognize my mother's success in raising me on her own. I think anything I do with my life will be a lasting legacy. Since my father died when he was only 28 years old, it gave me a different outlook on time and what's most important. It forced me to reflect on the impermanence of life and the importance of making the most of my time. This shift in perspective motivated me to pursue my passions and goals more fervently, knowing that life is short and precious. It also caused me to develop qualities like resilience, determination, and empathy that have positively impacted my pursuit of success. Having a renewed sense of purpose gave me something tangible to focus on during a difficult time. Pursuing success became a way for me to cope with my grief. It provided structure and goals for me to work towards, helping me to channel my energy into something positive. Watching my mother work multiple jobs to cover the cost of living also made me want to achieve success. I want to ensure a stable future for myself and for my mother.
    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    Oh Millennials and Gen Z, a generation so diverse, Navigating a world where technology's converse. Born in changing times, a digital embrace, Your impact on society leaves a lasting trace. Millennials, you saw the rise of the internet, From dial-up connections to speeds so fast, a bet. Social media's infancy, you paved the way, For platforms where Gen Z would have their say. Gen Z, you're the digital natives of today, Smartphones in hand, you find your own way. Information at your fingertips, a constant stream, Your virtual presence is like a vivid dream. Together you challenge norms, seeking change, Activism and social justice, your range. From climate concerns to equality's plea, You strive to make the world a better place to be. Both generations value experiences, it's true, Seeking fulfillment in all that you do. Entrepreneurial spirits burning bright, You chase your passions with all your might. Connected yet divided, a paradox you face, Online connections, yet lonelier space. Finding balance in a world so fast-paced, Amidst the chaos, your identity's traced. Oh Millennials and Gen Z, your journey's just begun, In this complex world, you shine like the sun. United by progress, yet unique in your view, The future holds wonders shaped by you two.
    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    I was raised in a single-parent household because my father died when I was an infant. My mother was 28 years old and working a minimum-wage job when we lost my dad. She was never discouraged by the circumstances and was determined and persevered through every trial. Just three years after losing my dad, my mom also lost both of her parents. They died suddenly just two months apart. Now the support system that she once had was gone and she was left entirely alone. My mom went without everything to provide for me. But she didn't just provide the minimum, she gave me the absolute best. When I showed an aptitude for music at a very young age, my mom made sure I had the best instrument and teacher and schools. She worked long hours and spent many sleepless nights making sure that my education and my hopes and dreams would be fulfilled. Despite having next to nothing for herself, my mom is the most generous and selfless person on the planet. When she could be having quality time relaxing, instead she's crocheting hats to donate to hospitals for babies in the NICU. When she goes shopping she buys extra food so she can donate it to our local food pantry, even though she often goes without meals. While I'm taking music classes on the weekend, she volunteers at a shelter and helps provide food, clothing, and support to the homeless. My mom is the most influential person in my life because she taught me to be the person I am today. She taught me by the example she set. I have the same compassionate heart that she does. When I was nine I started volunteering to sound live Taps at military funerals. I've played at well over 500 and counting. I have been working and raising money all summer to help defray the cost of college next year. I can only imagine what a better place the world would be if it had more people like my mom. It is my intention to continue to pay it forward in my own actions. I want to continue sharing love and kindness to others and spreading peace and joy through my music. Music is my way of encouraging others to give back. I hope that my experiences will enlighten others and make them want to be and do better. The legacy that my mother leaves behind is me. I have to be proud of that and do what I can to make the world a better place.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Taylor Swift's music has a reputation for connecting deeply with her fans on a personal and emotional level. Throughout various eras of her career, she has explored different themes and styles, allowing listeners to find resonance with their own experiences and emotions. During the "Eras Tour," she continued this trend of growth and evolution in her music and performances. Fans often report that Swift's music helps them discover new aspects of themselves, understand their feelings better, and find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggles and joys. Her lyrics often tackle themes of love, heartbreak, self-discovery, and empowerment, which can lead listeners to reflect on their own lives and emotions. For example, during the "Red Era," Swift's music delved into the complexities of relationships, capturing the emotional rollercoaster that comes with love and heartbreak. Listening to songs like "All Too Well" might have helped fans process their feelings and experiences in relationships, ultimately leading to personal growth and understanding. Similarly, during the "1989 Era," her shift towards a more pop-oriented sound accompanied a message of self-empowerment and embracing individuality. This could have inspired listeners to be more confident in themselves and their choices, leading to a deeper understanding of their worth and identity. The "Eras Tour" offered a journey through Taylor Swift's musical evolution, allowing fans to reflect on their personal growth and changes over the years. Each era's music could evoke different emotions and memories, ultimately leading to a greater sense of self-awareness and understanding. Taylor Swift's music has the power to help her fans discover and understand new things about themselves through the relatable themes and emotional depth of her songs. Personally, during this time I was on my own musical journey. I set a goal for myself to produce and release an album before the end of the summer. With just three weeks left in the summer, I have almost reached my goal. I recorded several covers and composed some of my own tracks. I am now working on the cover art and then will begin the launch. My goal is to stir people's emotions as Taylor Swift does with her music. Charing a course for myself as a young musician is daunting, but having role models like Taylor Swift to pave the way is a true blessing. I just hope that I can find my way and my success like she did.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    I'm already making a positive impact on the world. I've been volunteering since the age of nine. I have played over 500 military funerals and events for the non-profits Bugles Across America, Taps for Veterans, and Youth Trumpet and Taps Corp. Sounding live Taps when a loved one is being laid to rest is the most somber and difficult experience for any musician. I play with such grace and precision that it brings hope to families during their darkest hours. Seeing someone give of their time and of themself to perform military honors for a stranger is very uplifting for the family and friends gathered together. It's an honor for me as a musician and I feel very humbled to know that I'm bringing joy to someone. I also play bedside for patients at veterans hospitals. This too is an extremely rewarding experience because I help patients who are feeling lonely and stressed. I bring them comfort before surgery and after treatments. I help them to put aside their illness for just a brief moment and focus on something else. Fostering empathy and kindness among others is a way to promote and foster a culture of kindness and compassion. In doing this I am making an impact on the health and well-being of not just the people hospitalized, but also their visitors and the medical staff. Music is the single most universal language and no matter where life takes me I will be able to use my talent to make a positive impact on the world. I will be able to connect with people who may not share my language, but who can communicate with me through music. I intend to pursue music as my profession. In doing so I will be able to connect with people across the globe in a meaningful way. I will do this by leading by example and encouraging other musicians to give their time to volunteer. I will also make efforts to partner with musicians who are like-minded in my belief that giving back to the community is important. Having a love for my community and the desire to adapt, learn, and continuously improve will not only benefit me but also those around me. In everything that I do, I will always remember that making a positive impact does not require fame or vast resources. It starts with small steps and genuine dedication to making the world a better place for everyone.
    Lulu Scholarship for Music Vocation
    My mother raised me on her own from the time I was a year old because my father died suddenly from a heart attack. She worked multiple jobs and did everything she could to help me achieve my dream of becoming a professional musician. She recognized my musical talents at a very young age when I was pounding out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on the piano at just nine months old. When I asked for a trumpet at age three she moved heaven and earth to find someone who would teach me how to play it. When I was playing at the high school level as a third grader, she convinced my school to create the Honors Combo so I would have other students to accompany me. When I was nine, my mom read an article in a magazine about the military needing live buglers to sound Taps. She told me about it and asked if I thought I could do it. I started playing at funerals a month later. I've volunteered to play at over 500 military funerals and events (which means my mom has volunteered to drive me thousands of miles). When I was twelve years old she took me on the bus (a two-hour ride) to New York City to attend an Open House at Juilliard. I fell in love immediately! I auditioned and was the youngest trumpeter they ever accepted into the pre-college program. Even though the cost to attend was going to mean my mom would need to work even more hours, she didn't hesitate to let me accept the position. I'm graduating from the pre-college program in May 2024, after attending for five years. That's 150 two-hour bus rides my mom took with me to NYC. On Saturdays when she could have been doing anything else, she was getting up at 4 am to get me to Juilliard. The bus left us two miles from the school, but no matter the weather we walked both ways to save money. While I was in class for twelve hours my mom could have been taking a nap or doing something for herself, but instead, she volunteered at a nearby church and helped to cook and serve a hot meal to the homeless and elderly. She even drags a suitcase most Saturdays filled with supplies that she distributes to the homeless, like blankets in the winter and clean socks and shoes. Her willingness to serve is incredibly inspiring! No matter what anyone else says, my mom has always told me to do what makes me happy. Playing the trumpet is my entire world. Whether I'm on stage at Lincoln Center playing with the Juilliard Orchestra, sounding Taps at a military funeral, or playing a concert at the Veterans Affairs Hospital, I'm doing exactly what I know I was born to do. Without my mom's dedication to me and helping and inspiring me, nothing that I have achieved could have been possible. I want to attend college to earn a degree in music so that all my mom's efforts were not in vain. I know that I have what it takes to succeed as a professional musician because I have the strongest and most dedicated woman in my corner supporting me every step of the way.
    Aspiring Musician Scholarship
    I've been a musician since the age of three. Since my life revolves around music, it has greatly shaped my life and my worldview. I've been fortunate to play alongside students from all over the world and to travel the globe and meet other musicians. Music is the one truly universal language and the one thing that can unite people across different races, religions, sexual orientations, etc. No matter what your belief system is, you can find commonality in music. I may not agree with someone's political views or know anything about their culture, but when we're sitting side-by-side making music none of that matters. We may not even speak the same language, but because we can read music and share that common interest, we can relate to one another in a way that transcends verbal communication. It's safe to say that I have a broader worldview than most people my age because of my life experiences. One of the things I've been doing for the last eight years is volunteering to sound Taps at military funerals. This is a job that requires great emotional strength because you're playing the most humbling and somber notes on the saddest day of a person's life. But the 24-notes that I play in that moment also bring hope, comfort, and joy. Although the day is dark for the family of the deceased, they can see and hear me play and know that a new day is on the horizon. Another way music has shaped me and my view of the world is it's made a positive impact on my mental health and physical well-being. No matter what time of day you turn on the news, there's always something disheartening happening in the world. From school shootings to young people taking their own lives, the news is fraught with pain and sorrow. I play different instruments and different genres of music based on my mood. If I need a pick me up from all the tragedy around me, I might play something upbeat like jazz. Or if I need to refocus and center my thinking after having just finished a challenging assignment, I will play classical music. I also compose music to counterbalance all the strife. During the global pandemic, I used music to help connect people who felt isolated. I would post challenges on social media and ask people to suggest something and then I would play it. If I learned of a significant birthday, like a neighbor turning 100, I would play from his driveway. I even found ways to collaborate with other musicians from across the country so even though we couldn't play together in the same space we could still be a unit. No matter what, I was finding ways to boost my mood and those of the people around me.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    I lost my father when I was just a year old. I was raised by my mother. I learned the value of working hard from her. She was constantly working and looking for ways to make money. It was important to her that I have the best education possible because she was lucky enough to go to college and my father was also college educated. Losing my dad didn't mean much to me when I was younger because I had no frame of reference for what having a dad meant. You can miss something that you never experienced. But as I got older and watched how my mom struggled to be both parents I realized how much the loss impacted us. Not just financially, but also just a support system. My mom never had anyone to bounce ideas off of and made all the decisions on her own wondering all the time if they were the right ones. I want to fight to achieve a higher education even though I know financially it will be a struggle. My mom never had extra money leftover so there's nothing saved for me to go to college. Being successful and being able to help my mom is my ultimate goal. I don't want to see her struggle anymore. I don't want her working sun up to sundown anymore. I want her to finally be able to pause and do something for herself. She taught me that education is important and that in order to be successful you have to be good at something. I'm going to prove that she did an amazing job raising me and I'm going to pay her back for all the sacrifices she made so that I could achieve my dreams.
    Sean Flynn Memorial Scholarship
    I started playing live Taps at military funerals when I was nine years old. I've played close to 500 funerals. My mom and I joke that one day we're going to write a book about the experience. Although it's the hardest 24 notes I'll ever play and the ceremony itself is very somber, the events leading up to it are often rather funny. At one funeral I was standing at attention waiting for the casket to be carried into the church where I was going to play. It seemed like too much time had gone by and I was starting to get anxious. Just then the funeral director walked in and told me I could take a seat because it was going to be at least another hour. As he was shutting the door of the hearse he dropped the car keys into a storm drain and the door closed and the hearse locked by mistake. Not having another set of keys, the casket was locked inside. He had to call a locksmith. Thankfully the dead guy wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere. At another funeral, I was talking to the military detail about the electronic bugles that they use because they don't have anyone trained to play a real instrument. The guy offered to show me how it worked. Since I had never seen one before I was interested. He took the electronic device out of the bell and showed me how you turn it on and press the button and viola you have Taps. However, when he pressed the button nothing happened. He was perplexed and a little bit embarrassed because it looked like he didn't know what he was doing. That's when he realized that there were no batteries in the device. It's a good thing I was there saving the environment and the day because a real musician doesn't require batteries. My mom transports me to all my events. When I was younger and especially when the services would be really crowded, she was always worried about me getting nervous or someone bothering me. She would often stand off to the side so she didn't look like she was participating in the service, but so that she could still see me. At one funeral when she was sort of hiding behind a tree she was confronted by an angry mob of people. As the crowd approached she thought they were coming to thank her for bringing me, but when they started yelling things she knew she was wrong. She couldn't exactly understand what the commotion was for and she tried to calmly explain she was my mom. Finally, everyone realized their mistake. The angry people thought my mom was the dead person's mistress and couldn't believe she had the nerve to show her face. Everyone had a chuckle and to show how sorry they felt the family even invited us to their luncheon but we declined. My mom did take me for ice cream instead.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    I have been studying music since age three. My world revolves around music and creativity. Playing, creating, and teaching music comes as naturally to me as breathing. During the pandemic when concert halls were closed and musicians couldn't play together for large audiences, I had to find creative ways to continue doing what I loved. It didn't take me long to develop a plan. On the first day of lock down I took my trumpet to a neighbor's house and while my mother delivered food I played music. The elderly couple was singing and dancing and soon forgot that their lives were about the change drastically because of COVID. When I could no longer play the cello bedside for patients at the VA Hospital, I asked them to take me to veterans virtually. It took a few tries to iron out the kinks, but before long I was playing every day bedside and helping bring the sick some joy and hope during a difficult time. Throughout the quarantine period, I continued creating music and concerts for those in need. I played from my driveway on Memorial Day while friends and neighbors watched from their homes and inside their cars. I played from the parking lot at retirement homes, as residents looked on and listened from their rooms. I surprised strangers who were celebrating significant birthdays, like a woman turning 100. My boundless creativity kept music alive for a countless number of people during a time when the pandemic was taking so many lives. My music helped and healed.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Generosity means giving of yourself without expecting acknowledgement. I feel that I am a very generous teenager. I was taught early in life about the importance of giving back and sharing my gifts. At age nine I started volunteering for Bugles Across America. I have played live Taps at nearly 500 military funerals and events. My service often requires traveling a long distance. I rarely know the deceased or their family and I am never paid. Most of the time I have no interaction with anyone, so I don't even get a thank you. It's the fact that I continue serving and giving of myself without getting anything in return that makes me generous.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    At age nine I started volunteering for Bugles Across America. I sound live Taps at military funerals and events. I have played at nearly 500 events since joining. When I began, I was told by the director that I would bring hope to people on their darkest day. Countless times I have seen that statement come true. The 24-notes that I play are the most powerful and meaningful thing I can do to thank a veteran and his/her family for their service and sacrifice. I'm a child doing a man's job and it never goes unnoticed by the family. They are truly humbled and blessed by my selfless act. I am committed to continuing to support veterans and their families because it's the least I can do to show my appreciation. Music is the most universal language and has such amazing healing powers. If I can take my God given talent and use it to help a family heal and bring them joy on the hardest day of their life, then I should do it without hesitation.
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