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Ahmad Ansari


Bold Points






I'm a passionate senior BFA student focusing on photography at the University of Wyoming. My love for sharing stories and experiences through art has been my driving force, but following this passion hasn't always been easy. The high cost of tuition is a real challenge, yet it's one I'm willing to face to pursue my dreams. I firmly believe in the power of art to break barriers, connect people, and foster empathy. Despite financial hurdles, I'm committed to my education and to using my art to make a positive impact. The opportunity to grow, learn, and create is worth every effort, and I'm determined to keep chasing my dreams, no matter the cost.


University of Wyoming

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Design and Applied Arts
    • Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • Fine and Studio Arts

Wyoming High School

High School
2019 - 2019


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Fine and Studio Arts
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management
    • Visual and Performing Arts, General
    • Design and Applied Arts
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Director of Photography

    • Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Video Editor

      University of Wyoming
      2022 – Present2 years





    2000 – Present24 years


    • University of Wyoming

      2022 – Present
    • Tehran municipality

      Graphic Art
      2009 – 2010
    • Tehran municipality

      Graphic Art
      2007 – 2009
    • Soniz Studio

      2016 – 2019

    Future Interests




    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    Growing up, I loved Disney. But I never just watched the movies like most kids. I studied them. The way the characters moved, the way the scenes looked, the way the stories were told – it all fascinated me. As I got older, I realized that what drew me to Disney was not just the magic in the stories, but the magic in how they were made. That’s when I got into photography and videography. I started taking pictures and making videos. I learned how to capture moments and emotions, just like Disney did in its films. I even started a wedding studio in my home country, where I could use my camera to tell love stories. But my passion didn’t stop there. I moved to the U.S. to study art, with a focus on photography. Here, I expanded my skills and explored new ways to tell stories through images. And all along, I kept thinking about Disney. Disney’s way of telling stories through pictures inspired me to explore more. I started to learn about animation, using Blender. It's a tool that helps you make animated films, kind of like how Disney makes theirs. I've only just begun this part of my journey, but I'm already seeing how Disney's work can guide me. What do I love about Disney? It's how they can make a drawing or an animation feel alive. How they can tell a whole story with just pictures and sounds. How they make you feel things without even using words. This is what I want to do with my photography, videography, and now, animation. My favorite thing about Disney might be a character, like Mickey Mouse, or a movie, like "The Lion King." But it's more about what they mean to me. They're examples of what can be done with creativity and hard work. They show me that pictures and videos can be more than just things to look at. They can be ways to share feelings and ideas. Disney means a lot to me as an artist. It's not just entertainment. It's a way of seeing the world. It's a way of sharing stories. It's a way of making people feel something special. And that's what I try to do with my art. As I continue to learn and grow as an artist, I keep Disney in my mind. I think about how they make their films, how they connect with people, how they create magic. And I try to bring a little bit of that magic into my own work. I don’t know if I'll ever make something as famous as a Disney movie. But I do know that Disney has helped me become who I am as an artist. It's given me a way to see the world and a way to share it with others. And for that, I'll always be a Disney super fan.
    Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship
    Free speech means that people can say what they think without being stopped or punished. It's something very important to me as an art student from Iran, studying in the U.S. This idea has changed the way I think about art and has helped me grow as a person. When I first came to the U.S., I noticed that people talked openly about different ideas. In art, this freedom lets artists show their thoughts and feelings in their work. For me, this was a new and exciting thing. I found that I could use art to share my own ideas and learn about others. Being an art student, I've learned that free speech helps me be creative. I can try new things, ask questions, and share my thoughts without being afraid. This freedom has helped me become a better artist. I can explore new ideas and find my own style. Free speech also helps people understand each other better. In my art classes, we talk about different art pieces and what they mean. We don't always agree, but that's okay. We learn from each other and see things in new ways. Coming from Iran, I see how special this freedom is. It makes people think more deeply and be more creative. It helps people like me, from other countries, feel welcome and understood. It's like a bridge that connects different people and ideas. In my own art, I try to show this connection. I use colors, shapes, and images to tell stories. Sometimes these stories are about my home country, and sometimes they are about my new experiences in the U.S. My art helps me share who I am and what I think. I also work with other artists. We help each other and learn from each other. This teamwork is another way that free speech helps us. We can talk openly and share ideas, making our art better. I think free speech is very important for everyone, not just artists. It helps people think, learn, and grow. It makes our community and our world a better place. In the future, I want to keep using my art to share ideas and bring people together. I want to show that even though we might be from different places or believe different things, we can still understand each other. I want to be an artist who helps people see the world in new ways. Free speech has helped me find my path as an artist. It has given me the tools to explore, create, and connect with others. I'm thankful for this freedom, and I know it will keep helping me in my journey as an artist.
    Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Ahmad Ansari, and I'm studying art at the University of Wyoming. I love photography, and that's what I'm majoring in. My story with photography started more than 10 years ago. I used to work with cameras, make videos, and even owned my own wedding studio back in my home country. But I wanted more; I wanted to learn from others, work with artists from around the world, and get fresh ideas. That's why I decided to study art in the US. What's good about me? I'm really determined, I love creating things, and I have a passion for telling stories through pictures and videos. But I'm not perfect. Sometimes I spend too much time trying to make everything just right, and I know I need to get better at accepting feedback. I'm a Muslim, and my faith means a lot to me. It's helped me a lot in my life and my work. The best thing I've done, I think, is to use my beliefs to guide my art. I try to make things that help people understand each other better, and I even won some awards for my work at my university. One movie I really like is "The Shawshank Redemption." I like it because it's about hope and never giving up, things that are really important to me. So why do I think I should get this scholarship? Well, I'm really committed to my art, and I want to use it to do good in the world. I'm not just thinking about myself; I want to make a difference with my work. The money would help me a lot because I'm studying in the US, and I don't have many chances to work. It would let me focus on my studies and my art without worrying so much about money. If I get the scholarship, I'll be able to keep learning and growing as an artist. I'll be able to work with other artists, learn new things, and maybe even help others learn about art too. Most of all, I'll be able to keep telling stories through my art, stories that might help make the world a little bit better. I'm really thankful for this opportunity, and I hope you'll consider me for the scholarship. It would mean a lot to me, and I promise to use it to do my best and make a difference. Thank you for taking the time to read about me and my dreams.
    Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
    I am Ahmad Ansari, a senior Art major student at the University of Wyoming with a focus on photography. My journey in art, specifically in fields like documentary, wedding, landscape, and commercial videography and photography, spans over a decade. My dedication led me to own a wedding studio in my home country for two years. However, my desire for growth and learning brought me to the US to pursue an academic degree. My faith as a Muslim has been an integral part of my life and has shaped my ambitions and the path I've chosen. It has taught me the value of perseverance, hard work, and the pursuit of knowledge. In Islam, seeking knowledge and applying it for the greater good is highly regarded. My passion for art aligns with these principles, as I believe in the power of art to change perspectives, enlighten minds, and promote positive ideas. My Muslim identity has inspired me to look beyond just personal success. I envision using my skills to contribute to society, to create works that resonate with people, and to influence positive change. The ethical values of compassion, empathy, and understanding that are emphasized in my faith guide my approach to storytelling through my artwork, whether in photography, videography, sculpture, or ceramics. Receiving the Youssef University Muslim Scholarship Fund would mean more than just financial assistance. It would be a validation of my efforts, my dreams, and my adherence to the principles that guide my life as a Muslim. As an international student with limited work opportunities, this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden, allowing me to concentrate more on my studies and my art. With the support of this scholarship, I would be empowered to continue my journey in art, to connect with international artists, to work on collaborative projects, and to take part in initiatives that align with my belief in promoting useful ideas and positive lifestyles. In the long term, I aspire to give back to the community and help others in their educational pursuits. By fostering education, I believe we can create a more harmonious and beautiful world. It's a goal that aligns perfectly with the vision of Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund. I am deeply grateful for your consideration, and I assure you that this support will be a vital step towards realizing my dreams and contributing positively to the community, in line with the values and teachings of my faith. Best, Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Dreamer's Midpoint Scholarship
    As an international student from Iran majoring in Studio Art with a focus on photography, I have faced several challenges on my educational journey at the University of Wyoming. One of the biggest challenges I have encountered is the financial burden of pursuing higher education in the United States. The cost of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses has been a constant source of stress and anxiety for me. However, I have been fortunate to receive the Lucile Wright Memorial Art Scholarship from the University of Wyoming Art Department, as well as several awards for my artwork, including the Honorable Mention and Genesis Alkali Purchase Award for my photograph "Tipis at Night" in the 47th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. In addition to financial challenges, I have also faced some cultural and language barriers as an international student. However, I have been actively involved in the University's Center for Student Involvement & Leadership, where I work as a graphic designer, photographer, and video editor. This involvement has allowed me to build my confidence, improve my communication skills, and learn more about American culture. Through my work, I have also had the opportunity to give back to my community by creating designs and visuals for various events and campaigns on campus. In my photography, I often explore themes of social justice and cultural identity, and I strive to use my art to bring attention to important issues and inspire change. For example, my photograph "A World Full of War and Disease" was awarded Honorable Mention and received the University of Wyoming Art Museum National Advisory Board Award and the University of Wyoming Art Museum Award in the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. This photograph was inspired by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities around the world and the ongoing conflicts and crises that affect many people's lives. Overall, my educational journey at the University of Wyoming has been challenging but at the same time rewarding. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to pursue my passion for art and photography, and I am committed to using my skills and talents to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. The support of The Ranger scholarship would help alleviate some of the financial stress of pursuing higher education and allow me to continue pursuing my goals and giving back to my community as an artist.
    Godi Arts Scholarship
    I first picked up a camera about ten years ago, and I quickly fell in love with photography and videography. For the longest time, I taught myself everything I knew about the art, and I enjoyed it a lot. I took pictures and made videos, telling stories and capturing moments in ways that made sense to me. But eventually, I realized I wanted more. I wanted to get better, but I didn't know how. I felt like I was stuck, and I needed help to grow. That's when I decided to go to college. I wanted to learn from teachers and other students, to have them look at my work and tell me what they thought. I needed someone to challenge me and help me see things in new ways. Going to college for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, focusing on photography, was one of the best decisions I ever made. At first, it was a bit scary, stepping into a classroom after teaching myself for so long. But it didn't take long for me to see how much I was learning. My professors taught me about techniques and styles I'd never even heard of. My classmates shared their ideas and inspired me with their creativity. We worked on projects together, and I learned how to take my art to a whole new level. I also learned that art isn't just about making pretty pictures. It's about communicating, sharing ideas, and connecting with people. It's a way to tell stories that matter and make people think and feel. That's something I never really understood before, and now it's at the heart of everything I do. Now, in my senior year, I can see how far I've come. I'm not just a better artist; I'm a better thinker, storyteller, and communicator. I've found my voice, and I'm excited about where it might take me. The future is wide open, and I have big dreams. I want to keep exploring and learning, finding new ways to express myself and connect with others. I want to use my art to make a difference in my community, maybe by teaching others or working on projects that bring people together. I see so many possibilities, and I'm eager to get started. But I know that college is expensive, and not everyone has the chance to study what they love. That's why this scholarship means so much to me. It's a chance to keep following my passion and to help others do the same. I believe in the power of art, and I know that creativity can change the world. With your support, I can continue my journey and help inspire others to do the same. Thank you for believing in me and in the dreams of artists everywhere.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    As an international student majoring in Studio Art with a focus on photography, I bring a wealth of diverse experiences and perspectives to the field. Growing up in a different country has allowed me to appreciate cultural diversity and develop a nuanced understanding of the world. These experiences have inspired me to use my art as a means of promoting social justice and cultural exchange. My photography is a reflection of my experiences and serves as a way for me to capture and share my unique perspective with the world. From a young age, I have been drawn to the power of art and its ability to evoke emotion, inspire change, and make a positive impact. As a teenager, I discovered my passion for photography and realized that it was the perfect medium for me to express myself and share my perspective with others. I am constantly inspired by the beauty and complexity of the world around me, and I strive to capture that beauty in my photographs while also shining a light on important issues that often go unnoticed. My focus on social justice and community impact is not limited to my art alone. As a graphic designer, photographer, and video editor at the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership at the University of Wyoming, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with other students and staff members to create successful events and campaigns on campus. Through my work, I have learned the power of effective visual communication in creating impactful materials that raise awareness and drive change. As I look to the future, I am excited to continue using my art to give back to my community. My goal is to use my photography to highlight the stories and experiences of underrepresented communities, and to use my design and visual communication skills to create campaigns and materials that can help raise awareness and drive change. By combining my passion for art with a commitment to social justice, I believe that I can make a meaningful impact in the world. As a maverick who is passionate about art and social justice, I am eager to contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. I believe that my unique perspective and experiences as an international student can help me bring a fresh perspective to the field of photography and make a positive difference in the world. The support of this scholarship would be invaluable in allowing me to pursue my passions and continue giving back to my community. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply and for the chance to continue growing as an artist and changemaker.
    Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
    As an undergraduate student at the University of Wyoming, my major is Studio Art with a focus on photography. I am passionate about pursuing this major because I believe that art has the power to make a positive impact in our world. Through my photography, I hope to raise awareness about important social issues and to inspire others to take action. Since my teenage years, I have been drawn to the arts and visual storytelling. I find that photography is an incredible medium through which I can express my thoughts and perspectives, and share my vision with others. I am fascinated by how photographs can communicate a story or emotion, and how they have the power to evoke empathy and inspire change. Although I cannot point to a single person who inspired me to pursue a career in photography, I have been influenced by a variety of artists and photographers throughout my life. One photographer whose work has particularly resonated with me is Platon. His portraits are not only visually striking, but also convey a deep sense of humanity and emotion. Platon's photographs have inspired me to use my photography as a means of storytelling and to use my art to make a positive impact in the world. Higher education is important to me because it provides me with the skills and knowledge that I need to make a positive impact in my community and in the world. With my degree in Studio Art, I hope to use my skills and creativity to create impactful visual narratives that can raise awareness about important social issues and inspire others to take action. In my community, I have made a difference through my art and my commitment to social justice. As a graphic designer, photographer, and video editor at the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership at the University of Wyoming, I have had the opportunity to create designs and visuals for various events and campaigns on campus, and to collaborate with other students and staff members to make these events successful. Through my photography, I have also had the opportunity to create visual narratives that bring attention to important social issues, such as poverty and inequality. Being a Muslim means a lot to me. It is a part of my identity that gives me a sense of belonging and purpose. As a Muslim, I strive to live my life in accordance with the values of compassion, justice, and empathy that are central to Islam. I believe that it is my responsibility as a Muslim to use my talents and my platform to make a positive impact in the world and to promote understanding and unity among different communities.
    Ranger Rise Scholarship
    As an international student from Iran majoring in Studio Art with a focus on photography, I have faced several challenges on my educational journey at the University of Wyoming. One of the biggest challenges I have encountered is the financial burden of pursuing higher education in the United States. The cost of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses has been a constant source of stress and anxiety for me. However, I have been fortunate to receive the Lucile Wright Memorial Art Scholarship from the University of Wyoming Art Department, as well as several awards for my artwork, including the Honorable Mention and Genesis Alkali Purchase Award for my photograph "Tipis at Night" in the 47th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. In addition to financial challenges, I have also faced some cultural and language barriers as an international student. However, I have been actively involved in the University's Center for Student Involvement & Leadership, where I work as a graphic designer, photographer, and video editor. This involvement has allowed me to build my confidence, improve my communication skills, and learn more about American culture. Through my work, I have also had the opportunity to give back to my community by creating designs and visuals for various events and campaigns on campus. In my photography, I often explore themes of social justice and cultural identity, and I strive to use my art to bring attention to important issues and inspire change. For example, my photograph "A World Full of War and Disease" was awarded Honorable Mention and received the University of Wyoming Art Museum National Advisory Board Award and the University of Wyoming Art Museum Award in the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. This photograph was inspired by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities around the world and the ongoing conflicts and crises that affect many people's lives. Overall, my educational journey at the University of Wyoming has been challenging but at the same time rewarding. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to pursue my passion for art and photography, and I am committed to using my skills and talents to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. The support of The Ranger scholarship would help alleviate some of the financial stress of pursuing higher education and allow me to continue pursuing my goals and giving back to my community as an artist.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    The universe is an endlessly fascinating and mysterious place, and understanding its nature is of paramount importance. The study of the universe, or cosmology, is a field that seeks to understand the origins, structure, and fate of the universe, and it has the great potential to provide us with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. One of the main reasons why it is important that we work to better understand the nature of our universe is that it can help us to make sense of the world around us. By studying the universe, we can learn about the laws that govern the way it works, such as the laws of physics and gravity, and how these laws have shaped the formation and evolution of stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects. This knowledge can then be applied to other fields, such as technology and medicine, to help us make new discoveries and improve our lives. Another important reason why we should work to better understand the universe is that it can help us to gain a greater appreciation of the beauty and wonder of the world around us. The universe is an awe-inspiring place, and by studying it, we can gain a deeper understanding of the majesty and grandeur of the cosmos. This can help us to appreciate the smallness of our own problems and to gain a sense of perspective on the world. In order to better understand the nature of our universe, I would employ a variety of ideas and concepts, such as the scientific method, observation and experimentation, and mathematical models. The scientific method is a way of investigating the natural world through observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing, which can help us to understand the causes of phenomena. By observing the universe through telescopes, we can collect data that can be analyzed to understand the properties and behavior of celestial objects. Mathematical models, on the other hand, can help us to make predictions about the universe and test our theories. In addition, I would also employ the use of interdisciplinary approach, collaborating with experts in other fields such as physics, mathematics, computer science and statistics, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the universe. By combining the knowledge and expertise of different fields, we can gain a more complete picture of the universe and make new discoveries that would not be possible otherwise.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    Volunteering has had a profound impact on my mindset, helping me to develop a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help affected people of my country in an earthquake. This experience was life-changing as it allowed me to directly witness the devastating effects of natural disasters on individuals and communities, and it also helped me to understand the importance of kindness and generosity. I saw firsthand how small deeds can add up over time and transform people's lives and their communities. This experience has also helped me to understand the importance of community engagement and has motivated me to become more actively involved in efforts to improve the lives of others. I have been involved in several community service projects and volunteer programs ever since. As an art major, I have always used my art for good, creating works that show how people can have an impact on a better world by being kind and thoughtful. I believe art has the power to communicate important messages, to bring attention to important issues, and to inspire people to take action. I am also a photographer and videographer, and I have used my skills to document the work of various volunteer organizations, creating powerful and moving visual narratives that raise awareness about the importance of community service and volunteerism. This has helped me to understand how the art can be used to bring attention to the problems that people face and how it can be used to inspire people to act. I am currently an international student, and due to currency change of my country, I cannot support the rest of my education. This scholarship would be a great help to me and would allow me to continue my education and pursue my passion for art. It would also allow me to continue using my art and photography skills to make a positive impact in my community. I believe that education is the key to a better future, and I am committed to using my education to make a difference in the world. In conclusion, volunteering has had a profound impact on my mindset, helping me to develop a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others. It has also helped me to understand the importance of community engagement and the role art plays in it. I am honored to be able to apply for this scholarship, and I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my education and continue to make a difference in my community. This scholarship would be a great help to me and would allow me to continue my dreams.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    Winston Churchill's words have always resonated with me and have played a significant role in shaping my understanding of the importance of giving back to others. As person in my community, I have always been inspired by the idea of using my talents and abilities to make a positive impact in my community. One of the ways I have been able to give back to others is through volunteering and community service. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help affected people of my country in an earthquake. This experience was life-changing and has had a profound impact on my understanding of the importance of kindness and generosity. I saw firsthand how small deeds can add up over time and transform people's lives and their communities. I believe that volunteering and community service are not just about giving back to others, but also about learning and growing as an individual. Through volunteering, I have gained a sense of purpose, a deeper understanding of the world around me and the people in it, and a greater appreciation for the things I have. Additionally, it has helped me to develop my leadership and teamwork skills. These experiences have helped me to understand the importance of community engagement, and have motivated me to become more actively involved in efforts to improve the lives of others. I believe that giving back to others is one of the keys to having a fulfilling life, and I am deeply committed to using my talents and abilities to make a positive impact in my community. I hope that this scholarship will support me to continue my efforts to bring about change in my community, and I am excited about the opportunity to continue to make a difference through volunteering and community service. Additionally, I see this scholarship as an opportunity to take my commitment to community service to the next level. With the support of the Walking in Authority International Ministry Scholarship, I will be able to continue my education and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a more effective leader and advocate for positive change in my community. I also plan to use the scholarship to expand my community service efforts and reach even more people in need. I want to volunteer in different organizations that work on different issues, and learn from them. I also plan to take part in different projects that can help to raise awareness about the importance of community service and volunteerism. I am confident that with the support of the Walking in Authority International Ministry Scholarship, I will be able to make a meaningful and lasting positive impact in my community. I am deeply committed to the idea that by giving back to others, we can make a life that is truly fulfilling and rewarding. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to make a difference through community service and volunteerism.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    One of the most inspiring books I have read is Range by David Epstein. This book emphasizes the possibility of success through generalism rather than specialization. Unlike other books which focus on encouraging people to be specialized in one proficiency and skill, this book introduces interesting examples of people who were skilled in multiple subjects and were among the most successful people in the world e.g. Tiger Woods. I like this book because most people have not started working through their dreams since childhood, and many of us have tried different fields before deciding which works for us. We should not feel guilty that we have wasted our time, and we need to believe that those different experiences can help us in our lifetime. Also, the book is written for the modern world's people who are always involved with technology and need to make a balance in their lives and goals.
    Patrick Stanley Memorial Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. Past year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I , like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I am in need of scholarships since as an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    My passion is photography, and I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph or short videos. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I believe art is an important field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. You can see samples of my photographs in the link below.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I have more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field. I am improving my skills by trying different styles of photography and being always involved in some artistic works.
    Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    I didn't have much encouragement from my family to follow Art and Photography as a major of the study and my future career. When I was in high school I was studying mathematics as a high school major which would lead to being an engineer. But in my heart, I was never in love with this. There was a photography competition in my high school and I borrowed my father's analog camera. Our school was taking students to a trip. On that trip I took a picture from a historical monument following symmetry principle in the frame. I submitted the picture to the competition,and guess what? I was the winner of the competition. This is small but most precious experience and memory I have in my life. This is the reason I fell in love with the photography and videography. Since that time, I'm proudly a photographer and the shaped my future.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    When encountering natural disasters like earthquake many people will lose their home, property, and even their loved ones. In response to disasters, rescue units and rescue organizations will pay more attention to adult people who have lost many things. However, children also may face many problems. They may lose their loved friends, or even they may have a doll or toy which they loved and it would be under the collapsed walls. This image is related to the Sar Pol Zahab earthquake in Iran which our rescue team was trying to psychologically help children and recover them.
    Fleming Law College Scholarship
    There is a widely held belief among groups of people that smartphones have a decisive role in people's current life. While some people propound the view that smartphones and modern technology are negatively impacting our day-to-day life, others are putting forward the claim that there is no need to think of this technology as a disadvantage and smartphones are beneficial to people. As far as I am concerned, smartphones should not be regarded as an enemy because not only they are making people more engaging with social life, but also smartphones have many benefits to us and a leading role in our life. In the first place, it is worth mentioning what would happen if no smartphones exist, and what we would encounter without smartphones whether it's negative or positive. Although many people enjoy going offline and enjoy their surrounding people and nature instead of using cellphones and being in a virtual environment, a large number of them feel necessitated to communicate with their loved ones through smartphones. To put it in another way, when international students like me are far away from their families, they would not feel fulfilled about the current environment because they would be homesick. This means if no smartphones exist, many international students and immigrants would be in trouble without communicating with their families in their home country. By way of illustration, consider all of the international students from under-sanctioned countries should leave their families for study abroad, and in some cases, they don't have the permission to get back, or if they return to their home country, it would result in losing their position in the University because of delays of receiving new visas. In this case, many of them do not turn back to see their family for a long time, and the only release for them are smartphones, and they would use if to communicate with their loved ones. By the way, the same situation exists for me! Another aspect that advocates my point of view is that much news will now be covered on news channels, and smartphones can have a decisive role in awareness of a community. Take dictatorial policies that may exist in some countries. Being a citizen of these countries, people will not be aware of violence and other news which their governments do not like to share with people. Needless to say, improving the knowledge of people about the current news and things that are going on in their community will cause some good chances in a community. In addition, this news would be given to people by smartphones and social networks. So, I believe having access to smartphones will have good changes in a closed community. To put it briefly, I firmly believe that smartphones and other modern technology are more beneficial than harming people's life because they are helping us connecting to people who are far away from us and have friendly communication with them. Also, smartphones are making people more aware of everyday news and making them more informed about things that no news will cover.
    Diversity in Music Education Scholarship
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    My favorite artist is Quentin Tarantino an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. He is a stylist and style owner which many artists after him followed his way and methods. I really like both his personality and his movies, and he has spent a hard time being such a good and famous artist.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    I have created artwork about the pandemic and how it has impacted people's life. It's a short video presenting two worlds. One is the outside world and one is the quarantine and the peaceful place that we live in. The outside world is full of disease, news about war, disasters, forest fire, and many other negative phenomena that happens in the world. The other world is a "minstallation" of my room which I have spent the whole pandemic duration. I learned how I can enjoy my time in this small space by being away from negative thoughts. The first work in this virtual exhibition is my mentioned work. I have earned three awards for this short video. Also, this is a link to my interview for my recent awards:
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    "Your Success" Youssef Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    3LAU "Everything" Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. My everything is creating short videos and shooting photographs. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph or short videos. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    JuJu Foundation Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Ocho Cares Artistry Scholarship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph, short videos, sculpture, or ceramics. These areas are the most appealing ones for me in Art. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards:
    Kozakov Foundation Arts Fellowship
    I am Ahmad Ansari an Art major student at the University of Wyoming. I am a sophomore student, but before moving to the US, I had more than 10 years of experience in different fields of photography and videography like documentary, wedding, landscape, commercial videography, and also photography. In my country, I was an owner of a wedding studio for two years, and I have learned and worked on my own during these years. I moved to the US to get an academic degree in Art major, and this is mostly because I want to know more people in this field and find international artists, so I can collaborate with them and establish great ideas. Also, learning Art in the academy space is really appealing since we discuss a lot during the classes and this brings novel ideas to my head which I can work on them individually or in a group with other artists. I am in love with telling stories with my artwork, whether it is a photograph or short videos. This year I have earned three awards for one of my short videos at the 46th Annual Juried University of Wyoming Student Exhibition. I really like to know more successful people in the theater field, so I am also interested in studying for a minor in theater. I have experience as a video director in the University of Wyoming’s “Midsummer night’s dream” theater and dance show during last semester. I believe art is a significant field in the world because with art you can have many positive impacts on people's life. It can be in making people aware of the surrounding world or changing a wrong ideology in a community. With art and creative works, we can have a great impact in promoting useful ideas, notions, and lifestyles. I am in need of scholarships since I am an international student and I don't have many work chances. Having a scholarship will help me a lot in pursuing my education and dreams. If one day I can have a great job after my degree, I would also like to help students with their financial needs, and this is because I believe with having more educated people, we will have a more beautiful world. Thank you for your consideration. Ahmad Ansari Here is the link to my Instagram page if you would like to see some of my works: Also, this is like to my interview for my recent awards: