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Adeola Adewale


Bold Points




I firmly believe that my unique blend of qualities and experiences positions me as the ideal scholarship candidate. My unwavering commitment to personal growth, academic excellence, and community impact has been the driving force behind my journey. With a strong work ethic, a passion for learning, and a deep dedication to social justice, I have consistently demonstrated my determination to make a lasting difference in the world. Pursuing a doctorate in educational leadership, emphasizing sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership, is a testament to my commitment to creating positive change. I firmly believe in the transformative power of education as a catalyst for societal progress. As a black woman who has encountered and conquered adversity in academic and professional spaces, my advocacy for diversity, equity, and inclusion is not just a goal but an integral part of my identity. I am resilient, compassionate, and driven to contribute significantly to society through education and social change. I am confident that my journey will inspire and empower others along the way.


University of Missouri-St Louis

Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Education, Other

University of Missouri-St Louis

Master's degree program
2018 - 2020
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

University of Kansas

Master's degree program
2011 - 2016
  • Majors:
    • Architecture and Related Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Architecture & Planning

    • Dream career goals:



      2010 – 20111 year

      Track & Field

      2010 – 20111 year


      • WSP USA

        2016 – 2022

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated — Correspondence Personelle
        2014 – Present
      Black Leaders Scholarship
      Rebecca Cole's inspiring journey as a pioneering physician and advocate resonates deeply with me, igniting a passion for service and social justice. Despite facing formidable challenges, she broke barriers and championed the cause of healthcare equity with unwavering determination and compassion. Her remarkable story embodies resilience and courage and underscores the transformative power of dedication and activism. Born in the 19th century, Rebecca Cole defied societal norms and expectations by pursuing a medical career when opportunities for Black women were scarce. She graduated from the New England Female Medical College and made history as the first formally trained Black female doctor in the United States. This groundbreaking achievement laid the foundation for her trailblazing career, inspiring generations of aspiring healthcare professionals. After graduating, Cole furthered her education by earning a second medical degree from the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Armed with her medical expertise and a steadfast commitment to service, she embarked on a mission to address the healthcare needs of underserved communities, particularly women and children. Working at Elizabeth Blackwell's Infirmary for Women and Children in New York City, she provided compassionate care to those in need, earning admiration for her dedication and skill. However, Cole's most enduring legacy lies in founding the Women's Directory Center in 1873. This pioneering initiative aimed to deliver essential medical services directly to impoverished women and children in their homes, breaking down barriers to access and providing a lifeline to those marginalized by society. Cole's innovative approach to community-based healthcare demonstrated her visionary leadership and deep empathy for the most vulnerable members of society. Beyond her medical practice, Cole tirelessly advocated for racial equality and social justice. In an era marked by rampant discrimination and systemic racism, she fearlessly spoke out against injustices, challenging discriminatory housing practices and advocating for equitable access to healthcare for all. Her advocacy efforts extended to the realm of activism, where she played a pivotal role in organizing the National Association of Colored Women in Washington, D.C. This groundbreaking organization empowered Black women to unite in the fight for civil rights, women's suffrage, and healthcare reform, cementing Cole's legacy as a trailblazer and change agent. What resonates most deeply with me about Rebecca Cole's story is her unwavering commitment to service and her fearless pursuit of justice in the face of adversity. Despite the formidable obstacles she encountered, including pervasive racism and sexism, she remained steadfast in her dedication to improving the lives of others. Her example is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact that individuals can have when they dedicate themselves to a cause greater than themselves. As we celebrate Black History Month, we must honor and uplift the legacy of trailblazers like Rebecca Cole, whose contributions have shaped our world for the better. Her story inspires me to stand up against injustice, advocate for marginalized people, and use my voice and talents to effect positive change in my community and beyond. Cole's legacy is a beacon of hope and a reminder of the enduring power of compassion, courage, and activism in a world still grappling with inequality and injustice.
      Donna M. Umstead Memorial Work Ethic Scholarship
      Balancing the demands of work and doctoral studies has been quite the journey, filled with highs and lows. One of the biggest hurdles I've faced is the strain it's put on my relationships. Dealing with a recent breakup and watching close friends move away has been emotionally draining. Trying to juggle work and school is hard enough, but when you add in the complexities of maintaining relationships, it can feel like you're walking a tightrope without a safety net. Then there are those days when I can't find the motivation to keep pushing forward. I'm drowning in a sea of work and school responsibilities, and it's hard to stay afloat. But I know I can't give up. I've come too far to throw in the towel now. So, even when running on empty, I muster all my strength and keep going. Some days are more complicated than others, but I refuse to let self-doubt hold me back. On top of that, there's the constant battle with anxiety. Transitioning from two master's programs to a doctoral one was no easy feat, and sometimes, I question whether I'm indeed cut out for it. But I try to remind myself that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Learning to manage my anxiety while juggling the demands of work and school has been a journey in itself, but I'm determined not to let it define me or hold me back. Despite these challenges, my job as a business intelligence analyst has been a blessing in disguise. It's allowed me to develop valuable skills and gain experience that will serve me well in the future. Plus, the discipline and time management skills I've acquired on the job have been instrumental in helping me navigate the demanding schedule of a doctoral program while still holding down full-time employment. Ultimately, overcoming these obstacles will only make me stronger and more resilient. So, I'll keep pushing forward, one step at a time, knowing I have what it takes to succeed in my studies and career. And while the road ahead may be challenging, I'm determined to emerge more robust and more capable than ever before. After all, it's not about how many times you fall down but how many times you get back up. And I'm not about to let a few obstacles stand in the way of my dreams.
      Francis E. Moore Prime Time Ministries Scholarship
      Embarking on the journey towards completing a Doctorate in Educational Practice focusing on Social Justice, Sustainability, Heritage Leadership, and Participatory Culture marks a significant milestone in my academic and professional pursuits. However, this pursuit has its share of challenges and obstacles. As I strive to achieve my educational goals, I face various hurdles that test my resilience and determination. One of the primary hurdles I face is the recent breakup with my boyfriend and the departure of close friends who have relocated. These personal relationships provided emotional support and companionship, and their absence has left a void in my life. Coping with the emotional aftermath of these changes while balancing the demands of academia and work presents a formidable challenge. The sense of loneliness and emotional upheaval may affect my concentration and focus, potentially hindering my academic progress. Furthermore, I often need more motivation, feeling overwhelmed by the rigorous demands of doctoral studies, full-time employment, and maintaining a balance between family, friends, and romantic relationships. The sheer volume of coursework and research required at the doctoral level, coupled with my job responsibilities, leaves me feeling mentally drained and tired. Overcoming these feelings of apathy and finding the drive to stay committed to my educational goals requires conscious effort and self-discipline. Additionally, I confront mental health challenges, particularly anxiety, as I navigate the complexities of pursuing a doctoral degree in education. Having completed two master's programs in architecture and business administration, transitioning to a doctoral program in a different field presents its challenges. Doubts about my academic abilities and concerns about whether I am equipped to excel at the doctoral level weigh heavily on my mind. Managing these anxieties and maintaining confidence in my capabilities are essential for overcoming this obstacle and progressing in my academic journey. Moreover, time management poses a significant challenge as I strive to balance the demands of my full-time job as a business intelligence analyst at ABNA Engineering with the rigorous requirements of a doctoral program. Work commitments, coursework, research, and personal responsibilities require effective time management strategies. However, the limited hours in a day and competing priorities often leave me feeling stretched thin and struggling to allocate time effectively. Despite these obstacles, I remain determined to persevere and overcome challenges. Developing coping mechanisms to manage stress, seeking support from mentors, peers, and mental health professionals, and implementing effective time management strategies are crucial in navigating these obstacles. Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset, staying focused on my long-term goals, and celebrating small victories along the way serve as sources of motivation and inspiration. In conclusion, while the path to completing a Doctorate in Educational Practice is fraught with challenges, I am committed to overcoming obstacles and achieving my educational goals. By confronting personal relationships, lack of motivation, mental health challenges, and time management constraints head-on, I am confident in my ability to persevere and make meaningful progress in my academic journey. Through resilience, determination, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, I am poised to overcome these obstacles and emerge more substantial and empowered on the path towards realizing my educational aspirations.
      Building a Better World Scholarship
      In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, my aspirations are deeply rooted in my faith as a Christian. I have a strong conviction that service and faith should go hand in hand, and this belief shapes my career and reflects my values. As I embark on my journey to create a better world, I find inspiration in the teachings of Jesus and the principles of compassion, love, and stewardship. One of the central tenets of Christianity is love for one another. In John 13:34–35, Jesus teaches us, "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another. By this, everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another." This scripture is the cornerstone of my approach to creating a better world. At the core of my mission to create a better world is the belief that every individual possesses inherent dignity and worth, regardless of their circumstances. This fundamental Christian principle drives my commitment to social justice and human rights. Through my career, I aspire to advocate for marginalized communities, working tirelessly to dismantle systems of inequality and oppression. Whether through policy advocacy, community organizing, or humanitarian initiatives, I envision a world where all individuals are treated with fairness and respect, echoing the teachings of Christ. My faith also empowers me to embrace a life of service. As I embark on my career, I plan to actively engage in volunteer work, philanthropic endeavors, and community outreach. By exemplifying Christ's love through my actions, I hope to inspire others to join me in making a difference. Whether serving at local shelters, participating in international mission trips, or supporting initiatives that combat poverty and hunger, I am dedicated to being a catalyst for change and a beacon of hope in a world in need. Furthermore, my commitment to creating a better world extends to environmental stewardship. As a Christian, I view the Earth as a precious gift entrusted to our care. I am passionate about sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and promoting environmental responsibility. In my career, I plan to work in fields that prioritize eco-friendly solutions and advocate for policies that protect our planet for future generations. By demonstrating the importance of responsible stewardship, I aim to inspire others to embrace sustainable living and safeguard the environment as a reflection of our divine responsibility. In addition to my professional pursuits, I intend to use my career as a platform for sharing my faith as a Christian. While respecting diversity and promoting inclusivity, I aim to be a living testament to the transformative power of Christ's teachings. Through my actions, ethics, and interactions with colleagues, I aim to exemplify Christian values such as love, compassion, and forgiveness. By fostering a workplace culture of respect and understanding, I aim to create an environment where people of all faiths and backgrounds feel valued and appreciated. Moreover, I plan to engage in interfaith dialogues and initiatives promoting unity and cooperation among religious communities. Finding common ground and building bridges of understanding are essential to creating a more harmonious and inclusive world. In conclusion, my career aspirations are deeply intertwined with my Christian faith and commitment to creating a better world. Through advocacy for social justice, service to marginalized communities, environmental stewardship, and promoting interfaith dialogue, I envision a future where faith and service coexist harmoniously. By sharing my faith through my actions, I aspire to inspire positive change and contribute to a world that reflects the principles of love, compassion, and justice following the teachings of Christ
      Boun Om Sengsourichanh Legacy Scholarship
      As I embark on my doctoral journey in educational practice, emphasizing heritage leadership for sustainability, social justice, and participatory culture, I am fueled by a deep commitment to public service and a vision of creating positive change within my community. This field of study aligns perfectly with my aspirations to make a meaningful impact, promote sustainability, foster social justice, and empower individuals through education. My journey in public service began years ago when I realized the power of education in transforming lives and communities. I have always believed that education is a means to gain knowledge and a tool to drive change. It can break the cycle of inequality, empower individuals to lead meaningful lives, and uplift entire communities. With this conviction, I decided to pursue a doctorate in educational practice to gain the knowledge and skills to create lasting, positive change within my community. One of the key focuses of my doctoral program is heritage leadership. This aspect resonates deeply with me because understanding and preserving our cultural heritage is essential for building strong, resilient communities. Heritage is not just about the past; it is a bridge to the future, connecting us to our roots and providing a sense of identity and belonging. Through my studies, I aim to explore innovative ways to engage communities in heritage preservation and promotion, ensuring that future generations can cherish their cultural identity. Sustainability is another pillar of my educational journey. In today's world, sustainability is not just an environmental concern; it encompasses economic, social, and cultural aspects. I plan to leverage my education to promote sustainable practices in my community. Whether it's advocating for green initiatives, supporting local businesses, or participating in community projects, I envision a future where sustainability is integrated into every aspect of community life. Social justice is at the heart of my public service goals. Like many others, my community has faced historical injustices and inequalities that persist. I intend to explore innovative strategies to address these issues through my doctoral program. I want to be a voice for the marginalized, challenge discriminatory policies, and work towards creating a more equitable society where everyone has access to opportunities and resources. Participatory culture is a dynamic concept that empowers individuals to actively engage in their communities. It promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and the sharing of ideas. As I advance in my studies, I plan to develop programs and initiatives encouraging active community participation. By fostering a culture of involvement, I aim to empower individuals to take ownership of their community's future and work together to overcome challenges. My education is not just a personal endeavor but a commitment to giving back to my community. Actual change starts at the grassroots level, and I am determined to be an agent of change within my community. Whether through educational programs, community development projects, or advocacy for social justice, I am dedicated to using my knowledge and skills to uplift those around me. In conclusion, my passion for public service and desire to have a long-lasting impact on my community are the driving forces behind my pursuit of a Doctorate in Educational Practice with a focus on Heritage Leadership for Sustainability, Social Justice, and Participatory Culture. Through this journey, I aim to preserve our cultural heritage, promote sustainability, advocate for social justice, and actively empower individuals to shape their community's future. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and the positive changes we can create together.
      Frank and Patty Skerl Educational Scholarship for the Physically Disabled
      Low vision, often referred to as a hidden disability, has been a significant part of my life journey. It has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and empathy, transforming my perspective on the world and motivating me to make a positive impact in my future endeavors. In this essay, I will explore how being a part of the disabled community has influenced my view of the world and discuss how I plan to leverage this experience for the greater good. My journey with low vision began at a young age, when I was diagnosed with a condition that gradually impaired my sight. While it posed physical challenges, it also opened the door to a world I had never fully understood—the world of disabilities. Being part of the disabled community introduced me to individuals who faced unique struggles, each with their own stories of resilience and determination. Through my experiences, I have come to understand the importance of empathy. Empathy is more than just feeling sympathy for someone's situation; it's about truly understanding their feelings and perspectives. Being a part of the disabled community has allowed me to cultivate this skill, as I have encountered individuals with diverse disabilities who face various barriers in their daily lives. One of the most significant impacts of my journey with low vision has been my ability to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about disabilities. People with disabilities are often wrongly perceived as helpless or as having limited capabilities. However, my experiences have shown me that disability does not define one's potential or determination. I have met individuals who have achieved remarkable feats and shattered societal expectations. My journey has also inspired me to become an advocate for accessibility and inclusivity. I have seen firsthand the difference that accessible environments and technologies can make in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Through advocacy, I hope to raise awareness about the importance of inclusive design and push for policies that promote accessibility in all aspects of life, from education to the workplace and beyond. As I move forward in life, I am committed to using my experiences and insights from the disabled community to impact my future endeavors positively. Here are some ways in which I plan to do so: Advocacy for Disability Rights: I plan to engage in disability rights advocacy, working with organizations and policymakers to promote legislation that protects the rights and interests of individuals with disabilities. This includes advocating for accessible public spaces, transportation, and employment opportunities. Mentoring and Support: Drawing from my own experiences, I want to mentor and support individuals with disabilities, particularly those who may be struggling to navigate their journey. By sharing my experiences and providing guidance, I hope to empower others to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Promoting Inclusive Design: I will promote inclusive design principles in my professional life. Whether in architecture, product development, or technology, I will advocate for designs prioritizing accessibility, ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not excluded from any aspect of life. Low vision has been a physical disability that has shaped my life journey in profound ways. Through my experiences and interactions within the disabled community, I have gained empathy, broken down stereotypes, and discovered the importance of advocating for accessibility and inclusivity. These lessons have given me a unique perspective on the world and a deep commitment to positively impacting my future endeavors. By leveraging my experiences and advocating for change, I hope to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society where individuals with disabilities can thrive and fulfill their aspirations.
      HeavenCent Scholarship
      Sickle cell disease (SCD) has been a part of my life since childhood, leaving an indelible mark on my perspective and shaping my character. My dear aunt, who battled SCD for years, had a significant and indirect impact on my journey with the condition. Through her struggles and my own experiences, I have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those with SCD and the importance of compassion, resilience, and advocacy. My aunt, whom I affectionately referred to as "Aunt Sarah," was a remarkable woman. She had an unbreakable spirit and an infectious zest for life that inspired everyone around her. She was diagnosed with sickle cell disease at a young age, and throughout her life, she faced numerous hospitalizations, painful crises, and limitations on her daily activities. Despite these challenges, she never allowed SCD to define her. Instead, she defined herself through strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. Growing up, I spent significant time with Aunt Sarah, accompanying her to medical appointments, offering a helping hand during her crises, and simply enjoying moments of laughter and bonding. Through these experiences, I witnessed firsthand the physical and emotional toll that SCD takes on individuals and their families. The constant pain, medical procedures, and hospital stays became a routine part of our lives. Ups and downs marked Aunt Sarah's journey, but she always maintained a positive outlook and an incredible sense of humor. She taught me the importance of perseverance and finding joy amid adversity. Her resilience in the face of immense pain and discomfort left an enduring impression on me. Tragically, Aunt Sarah's battle with SCD came to an end when I was in high school. Our family suffered a terrible loss with her passing, but it also sparked a fire inside of me to fight for those who are suffering from this illness. I recognized the urgent need for greater awareness, research, and support for individuals with SCD and their families. My journey with sickle cell disease continued as I became involved in advocacy and community outreach. I volunteered at local SCD organizations, participated in awareness campaigns, and funded research initiatives. These experiences allowed me to connect with individuals and families affected by SCD, sharing their stories and lending a helping hand whenever possible. As I delved deeper into SCD advocacy, I became increasingly aware of the disparities and challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing proper healthcare and resources for managing the disease. This realization fueled my determination to address these inequalities and work toward a future where everyone has equitable access to care and support, regardless of their background. My passion for making a difference led me to pursue a healthcare career, focusing on public health and health disparities. I'm a student at [Name of University] right now, and my desire to improve the lives of people who suffer from SCD and other health disparities has guided my academic career. In conclusion, my direct and indirect experiences with sickle cell disease, primarily through my beloved Aunt Sarah, have profoundly influenced and empowered me. Her resilience in adversity, coupled with my commitment to advocacy and healthcare, has shaped my character and career aspirations. I'm committed to continuing Aunt Sarah's legacy by fighting for greater healthcare equity, standing up for those who suffer from SCD, and advancing a time when people with this condition can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Sickle cell disease may have left a mark on my life, but it has also illuminated a path of compassion, advocacy, and hope that I am honored to follow.
      “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
      In the eerie and mysterious world of "Stranger Things," where supernatural threats lurk around every corner, assembling the perfect squad is essential. If tasked with forming a team to face a new magical threat, I would choose three characters whose unique strengths, skills, and personalities would complement each other and increase our chances of survival. First and foremost, Eleven would be my top pick for the squad. The talented Millie Bobby Brown portrays Eleven, who possesses telekinetic abilities and a fierce determination to defend her friends. Her extraordinary powers, developed through her experiences at Hawkins National Laboratory, make her an invaluable asset when facing supernatural adversaries. Eleven's unwavering loyalty to her friends and willingness to confront danger head-on make her the kind of teammate you want by your side in a crisis. Her resilience and resourcefulness have been repeatedly demonstrated throughout the series, making her a natural leader and protector. Next, I would choose Sheriff Jim Hopper, portrayed by David Harbour. Hopper's gruff exterior hides a heart of gold, and his experience as Hawkins' police chief equips him with invaluable investigative and combat skills. Hopper's dedication to uncovering the truth, even in the face of terrifying unknowns, makes him an excellent strategist and problem solver. He has repeatedly faced supernatural threats and government conspiracies in the series, emerging as a resilient and cunning defender of Hawkins. Hopper's willingness to put himself in harm's way for the greater good and his determination to protect those he cares about make him an indispensable squad member. Lastly, my squad is complete with Dustin Henderson, portrayed by Gaten Matarazzo. While Dustin may lack the supernatural abilities of Eleven or the combat expertise of Hopper, he brings something equally important to the team: his intelligence, wit, and unwavering optimism. Dustin's scientific knowledge and ingenuity have proven invaluable in deciphering mysteries and navigating the supernatural elements of Hawkins. His ability to think outside the box and create creative solutions to complex problems would be vital when facing a new magical threat. Moreover, Dustin's sense of humor and camaraderie would help boost team morale during challenging times, making him the heart and soul of the squad. Together, Eleven, Sheriff Hopper, and Dustin would form a formidable squad capable of taking on any supernatural adversary that dared to threaten Hawkins. The team would be well-rounded and resilient with Eleven's telekinetic powers, Hopper's tactical expertise, and Dustin's intellect and humor. Their unwavering determination, loyalty to one another, and ability to adapt to the most extraordinary circumstances would make them a force to be reckoned with. In the face of the unknown, this squad would stand united, ready to confront the supernatural and protect their town from whatever lurked in the shadows.
      Netflix and Scholarships!
      If one Netflix series has taken the world by storm and deserves a spot at the top of your binge-watching list, it's "You." This psychological thriller has garnered a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim for its gripping storytelling, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes. So, grab your popcorn and prepare to be enthralled as I convince you why "You" should be your next binge-watch obsession. "You" delves into the mind of Joe Goldberg, portrayed brilliantly by Penn Badgley, a charming and seemingly ordinary bookstore manager. However, beneath Joe's affable exterior lies a deeply disturbed individual with a penchant for obsession and violence. The series takes you on a chilling journey as Joe becomes infatuated with various women throughout the seasons, with his actions escalating from stalking to murder. What makes "You" genuinely captivating is its unflinching exploration of the dark side of human nature and the thin line between love and obsession. One of the standout qualities of "You" is its ability to get inside the head of its protagonist. The show uses Joe's inner monologues, voiced by Badgley, to provide viewers with a disturbingly intimate perspective on his thought process. It's a chilling experience to witness his justifications, rationalizations, and twisted logic as he commits horrific acts in the name of love. This narrative device forces viewers to confront uncomfortable questions about empathy, morality, and the allure of charismatic but morally bankrupt individuals. Love Quinn, played by Victoria Pedretti, adds layers of complexity to the story. Her dark secrets and obsessions mirror Joe's, creating a dynamic and suspenseful narrative. "You" is a masterclass in creating multi-dimensional characters who constantly surprise and challenge your perceptions. Furthermore, "You" isn't just about obsession and psychological turmoil; it's a commentary on the digital age and the dangers of oversharing social media. Joe's ability to manipulate and stalk his victims through the information they willingly provide online serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of living in a hyperconnected world. It's a cautionary tale that will make you reassess your own online presence and privacy settings. The show's writing is sharp, and the plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With each season, "You" manages to reinvent itself, introducing new characters and dilemmas that add layers of intrigue and suspense. When you think you have Joe figured out, the narrative throws a curveball that leaves you questioning everything. Penn Badgley's portrayal of Joe Goldberg is nothing short of exceptional. He makes a morally reprehensible character strangely charismatic and even relatable at times. Badgley's performance is a masterclass in nuance, allowing viewers to despise and empathize with Joe simultaneously. In addition to its compelling narrative and exceptional performances, "You" boasts top-notch production values. The cinematography creates a moody, atmospheric backdrop that enhances tension and unease. The soundtrack perfectly complements the show's tone, featuring haunting melodies and indie tracks. In conclusion, "You" is not just a series; it's a thrilling exploration of obsession, morality, and the darker aspects of the human psyche. Its complex characters, gripping storytelling, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-watch on Netflix. Whether you're a fan of psychological thrillers or simply searching for a series that will keep you hooked from start to finish, "You" has it all. Clear your weekend, prepare to be enthralled, and dive into the twisted world of Joe Goldberg. Remember to lock your doors and double-check your social media settings; you never know who might be watching.
      Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
      My endlessly captivating series is "Avatar: The Last Airbender," a beloved animated show that, while not traditionally considered anime, has left an indelible mark on the hearts of many enthusiasts like myself. The world of "Avatar" is a testament to its brilliance, drawing viewers into a rich tapestry of culture, character development, and storytelling that transcends traditional boundaries. What makes "Avatar: The Last Airbender" endlessly captivating for me is its unparalleled ability to blend complex characters, moral dilemmas, humor, and world-building seamlessly into a single narrative. At its core, the show explores themes of identity, destiny, and our choices in adversity. One of the series' most compelling aspects is its character development. Each character, from the young and reckless Aang to the fiercely loyal Katara and the morally ambiguous Zuko, undergoes a profound transformation throughout their journey. Witnessing these characters grapple with their flaws, confront their pasts, and evolve into better versions of themselves is emotionally resonant and a testament to the show's ability to invest viewers in their growth. Moreover, "Avatar" masterfully addresses complex moral dilemmas. It doesn't shy away from exploring themes of war, genocide, and the consequences of one's actions. The show challenges viewers to think critically about right and wrong, forgiveness, and the possibility of redemption. These moral nuances elevate "Avatar" beyond a typical children's show, making it relevant and engaging for viewers of all ages. The humor in "Avatar" is another element that contributes to its enduring appeal. The witty banter, well-timed jokes, and memorable one-liners add levity to intense situations, making the show entertaining and relatable. It's a testament to the show's ability to balance humor with deeper themes, ensuring that viewers are emotionally invested and entertained. However, what truly sets "Avatar" apart is its world-building. The show's creators meticulously crafted a diverse and immersive universe, drawing inspiration from various real-world cultures and traditions. The result is a world brimming with unique bending styles, landscapes, and societies that feel magical and grounded in reality. This level of detail invites viewers to fully immerse themselves in the show's universe, creating a sense of attachment that keeps them returning for more. As an anime enthusiast, I appreciate "Avatar" for its captivating story and profound influence on animation. It has opened doors for more diverse and nuanced animated storytelling, challenging the perception of what animated shows can achieve. In conclusion, "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is my endlessly captivating series because of its intricate character development, exploration of moral dilemmas, humor, and masterful world-building. While it may not be considered traditional anime, its impact on animation and storytelling is undeniable. The show's ability to resonate with viewers of all ages, encouraging them to reflect on complex themes and engage with its richly crafted world, is a testament to its enduring appeal. For me, "Avatar" isn't just a series to watch repeatedly; it's a source of inspiration and a reminder of the power of animated storytelling.
      "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
      I stand firmly on Team Conrad, drawn to his enigmatic and complex character in the "The Summer I Turned Pretty" series. While Jeremiah possesses charm and kindness, Conrad's mysterious and intense demeanor creates a deeper emotional connection for me as a viewer. To defend my choice, I'll delve into specific moments from the series that have cemented my allegiance to Team Conrad. One of the defining moments that solidified my support for Conrad occurred during the series when he and Belly were on the beach at night. The tranquil setting provided a backdrop for their heartfelt conversation, and it was in this moment that Conrad's vulnerability shone through. He opened up about his fears, doubts, and struggles, allowing me to see the depth of his emotions and the complexity of his character. It was a raw and genuine moment, making me root for him to find happiness despite his inner turmoil. Furthermore, Conrad's unwavering dedication to Belly throughout the series left an indelible mark on my heart. Despite his stoic exterior, he consistently showed his love and concern for her in subtle yet profound ways. His actions spoke volumes, whether protecting her, comforting her, or sharing a stolen kiss. These gestures revealed a depth of emotion that transcended words, making me empathize with his inner conflicts and root for his happiness. Conrad's character arc also resonated deeply with me. His journey of self-discovery and growth throughout the series was compelling and relatable. Witnessing his transformation from a troubled and guarded young man into someone willing to take emotional risks and confront his past demons was a testament to the power of love and personal growth. In contrast, Jeremiah, while kind and charismatic, did not evoke the same level of emotional investment for me. His interactions with Belly were charming but lacked the depth and complexity I found in Conrad's character. Jeremiah's easygoing nature made him a likable character, but Conrad's enigmatic allure drew me in and made me ponder the intricacies of his persona. In conclusion, "The Summer I Turned Pretty" series has profoundly impacted my perspective on love, risk, and change. While Conrad and Jeremiah have their merits, Conrad's mysterious and intense demeanor, vulnerable moments, unwavering dedication, character growth, and the emotional depth he brings to the series have firmly placed me on Team Conrad. His complex journey and the profound connection he shares with Belly make him a character I will always root for
      Combined Worlds Scholarship
      Travel is undoubtedly a transformative experience that has the power to shape individuals in profound ways. It offers exposure to different cultures, perspectives, and environments, which, in turn, leads to personal growth and development. My experiences studying abroad in Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia have demonstrated how these interactions with people from diverse backgrounds can reshape one's worldview and contribute to personal and intellectual growth. One of the most significant ways travel can be transformative is by exposing individuals to diverse cultures and traditions. When I embarked on my study abroad journey, I encountered cultures that were vastly different from my own. In Singapore, I marveled at the harmonious coexistence of various ethnic groups, each with unique customs and traditions. In South Korea, I embraced the rich history and traditions deeply rooted in Confucianism, while Malaysia introduced me to the colorful tapestry of Malay, Chinese, and Indian cultures. Interacting with people from these cultures challenged my preconceptions and broadened my horizons. It made me more culturally sensitive, adaptable, and appreciative of the diversity that exists in the world. I learned to approach new experiences with an open mind, ready to embrace the unfamiliar and celebrate the richness of human heritage. Moreover, exposure to different perspectives is a hallmark of transformative travel. Conversations with locals, classmates, and fellow travelers gave me insights into various worldviews, belief systems, and ways of life. I discovered no single "right" way to live or view the world exists. Instead, diversity of thought enriches our understanding of complex issues and fosters empathy for others. These encounters encouraged me to question my assumptions and biases, prompting personal growth and self-reflection. I realized that I could learn valuable lessons from individuals with different backgrounds, whether it was their problem-solving approach, values, or cultural traditions. This newfound perspective encouraged me to be more receptive to different viewpoints, ultimately enhancing my ability to collaborate and communicate effectively in a globalized world. Travel also exposes individuals to new environments and challenges, fostering personal development and resilience. Navigating unfamiliar landscapes, languages, and customs can be both exhilarating and daunting. It requires adaptability, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. My experiences abroad pushed me to confront unexpected situations, from navigating bustling markets in Seoul to communicating in languages I was not fluent in. These challenges forced me to rely on my resourcefulness and adaptability, contributing to my personal growth. I became more confident and capable of tackling unfamiliar terrain. Furthermore, travel offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and developing a global perspective. It encourages individuals to question their values, beliefs, and priorities. Studying abroad allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation for my own culture while recognizing the universal values that connect us all. In Singapore, I celebrated the diversity of the city-state while appreciating the importance of cultural preservation. In South Korea, I admired the strong sense of community and the pursuit of excellence. Malaysia taught me the value of unity in diversity. These experiences reshaped my worldview, emphasizing the importance of cultural exchange and the shared humanity that unites us. In conclusion, travel is a transformative experience that exposes individuals to diverse cultures, perspectives, and environments, leading to personal growth and development. My journey studying abroad in Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia has been instrumental in reshaping my worldview and fostering a global perspective. It has taught me the value of cultural diversity, the richness of different perspectives, and the importance of personal resilience and adaptability. Through transformative travel, individuals can discover themselves, challenge their assumptions, and embrace the beauty of our interconnected world.
      Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
      Navigating the world with ADHD has been a unique journey filled with challenges, but it has also fueled my determination to pursue higher education and overcome adversity. My experience with ADHD has shaped me into a resilient individual who is passionate about learning, making me a strong candidate for this scholarship. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurological condition that affects one's ability to focus, sustain attention, and manage impulses effectively. I received my ADHD diagnosis at a young age, and my academic journey has included times of frustration, self-doubt, and perseverance. One of the significant challenges of living with ADHD is the struggle to stay organized and maintain attention to tasks. Throughout my school years, I often found myself distracted by my racing thoughts and had difficulty completing assignments on time. However, I refused to let these challenges define or limit my potential. My motivation for pursuing higher education despite my ADHD stems from a deep desire to prove to myself and others that I am capable of achieving academic success. I am passionate about learning and view education as a powerful personal and professional growth tool. My ADHD has instilled a relentless work ethic and a thirst for knowledge, driving me to excel academically. Despite the hurdles posed by ADHD, I have consistently sought out strategies and support systems to help me succeed. I have learned to embrace my unique learning style and leverage my creativity to find innovative solutions to academic challenges. Over the years, I have honed my time-management skills and developed effective study techniques to thrive in an educational setting. Moreover, I strongly advocate for neurodiversity and believe that individuals with ADHD possess valuable qualities that can benefit society, such as creativity, resilience, and adaptability. My journey with ADHD has made me passionate about advocating for individuals with learning disabilities and creating a more inclusive and supportive educational environment. As a candidate for this scholarship, I bring a profound commitment to higher education and a track record of overcoming obstacles with determination and resilience. I have a strong desire to use my experiences to encourage and support people who are going through similar struggles. This scholarship will enable me to continue my educational journey and further my mission of promoting neurodiversity and inclusive learning environments. In conclusion, my experience with ADHD has shaped me into a motivated, resilient, and passionate individual who is dedicated to pursuing higher education and advocating for neurodiversity. I am committed to positively impacting the world by leveraging my unique perspective and experiences. This scholarship represents an opportunity to support my academic aspirations and empower me to continue advocating for inclusivity and diversity in education.
      Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
      Leadership is not merely a role or title but a dynamic force that drives positive change and inspires others to follow a collective vision. Throughout my life, I have strived to embody the principles of effective leadership and translate them into tangible actions that make a difference in my community and beyond. One significant leadership experience in my journey was my involvement in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). As a dedicated member, I have consistently taken on leadership roles that have allowed me to influence and support my peers in their academic and professional pursuits. One of my most impactful roles was serving as the Community Outreach Chair, where I organized and led events to introduce STEM concepts to underprivileged youth. Through these initiatives, I witnessed the transformative power of education and mentorship. I saw young minds light up with curiosity and passion as they engaged in STEM activities, and I understood my role in nurturing their potential. This experience strengthened my commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields and inspired me to continue advocating for underrepresented individuals. Another facet of my leadership journey unfolded within my academic pursuits. Pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership focusing on sustainability, social justice, and heritage leadership has equipped me with a unique platform to lead in a way that aligns with my values. Within this academic realm, I have collaborated with my research group to advocate for more substantial park programming at Fairgrounds Park, an endeavor to increase usability, community engagement, and sustainability within the park. This academic endeavor allowed me to tap into my passion for sustainability and community development while utilizing my leadership skills to drive change. It reinforced my belief in the power of education to shape individuals into informed and compassionate leaders who can drive progress in their communities. Looking to the future, my leadership aspirations extend beyond my academic and professional pursuits. I envision a future where my leadership skills are harnessed to address pressing societal issues, such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and educational equity. I aim to leverage my position and influence to advocate for policies and initiatives that create a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Through my leadership, I hope to foster collaboration, bridge divides, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to join forces in the pursuit of common goals. I aim to inspire the next generation of leaders, particularly those from underrepresented and marginalized communities, to recognize their potential and effect change in their respective spheres. In summary, leadership is not defined by titles or positions but by one's ability to inspire, guide, and effect meaningful change. Experiences that have shaped my leadership journey have instilled in me a strong commitment to education, sustainability, social justice, and community engagement. In the future, I aspire to utilize my leadership skills to advocate for a more equitable and sustainable world and to empower others to do the same.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      Mental health, often overlooked and stigmatized, has played a profound role in shaping my life and influencing my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the resilience that mental health challenges have instilled in me and the profound impact they have had on the person I am today. My earliest experiences with mental health revolved around my family. I grew up in an environment where mental health was seldom discussed, and feelings were frequently suppressed. As a result, I developed a limited understanding of emotional well-being and the importance of seeking help when needed. This lack of awareness had repercussions later in life. The pivotal moment in my mental health journey occurred during my college years. The pressure to excel academically and socially affected my mental well-being. I found myself struggling with anxiety and depression, feeling overwhelmed and isolated. During this challenging period, I sought professional help, a decision that would change the trajectory of my life. Therapy became my sanctuary, a safe space where I could unravel the complexities of my emotions. Through therapy, I learned to acknowledge and confront my anxieties and insecurities. It was a transformative process that forced me to reassess my priorities, including my academic and career aspirations. My experience with mental health inspired me to pursue a career in psychology, a field dedicated to understanding and supporting individuals facing similar challenges. I realized that my calling was to contribute to the mental well-being of others by providing them with the support and guidance I had received when I needed it most. As I dove deeper into my studies, I began to comprehend the far-reaching impact of mental health on our society. Mental health disparities, stigma, and limited access to resources disproportionately affect marginalized communities. Witnessing these inequities fueled my determination to advocate for change and address the systemic issues perpetuating mental health disparities. My academic and career goals evolved to incorporate a solid commitment to promoting mental health equity. I aspired to become a psychologist who not only provided therapeutic support but also worked to eliminate barriers to mental health care, particularly for underserved populations. In my journey toward this career path, I encountered support and resistance. Some individuals understood the significance of my mission and encouraged my efforts, while others questioned my choices. My relationships with friends and family were tested as I embarked on this unconventional path, often met with skepticism and uncertainty. However, I remained resolute in my determination to make a difference. Through my studies and advocacy work, I developed a deeper understanding of the intersectionality of mental health. I recognized that mental health disparities were intertwined with more significant societal issues, including racism, poverty, and systemic injustice. My perspective broadened as I explored how these factors perpetuated mental health challenges and limited access to care. My commitment to social justice and mental health equity became inseparable. I engaged in community initiatives, researched mental health disparities, and collaborated with organizations that addressed these issues. Each experience reinforced my belief that systemic change was essential to creating a more equitable mental health landscape. The world of mental health continues to evolve, with a growing recognition of its importance in our lives. Conversations surrounding mental health are becoming more open and destigmatized, offering hope for a future where individuals are encouraged to seek help without fear of judgment. My journey through mental health challenges has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, empathy, and the power of advocacy. It has shaped my goals, influencing my career path and commitment to social justice. Through my experiences, I have come to understand the profound impact of mental health on individuals and communities and the urgent need for systemic change. As I move forward in my journey, I am dedicated to making a positive impact that transcends my personal experiences and contributes to a world where mental health is valued, understood, and accessible to all. My resilience and determination, forged through adversity, are the driving forces behind my pursuit of a future where mental health is no longer a silent struggle but a shared journey toward well-being and healing.
      Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
      Taylor Swift's music has always had a special place in my heart, but during her Eras Tour, I embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery. As I navigated the different eras of Taylor's career, I uncovered new facets of my identity, embraced my passions, and learned valuable life lessons. The Eras Tour was a unique and ambitious endeavor by Taylor Swift, where she revisited each era of her music, from her country beginnings to her pop evolution. It was not just a concert series but a celebration of her growth as an artist and an invitation for her fans to reflect on their own personal journeys. One of the most profound impacts of the Eras Tour on my life was its message of embracing change and growth. Just as Taylor had transitioned from country to pop, I realized that change was a natural and necessary part of life. I had always been someone who clung to familiarity, fearing the unknown. However, witnessing Taylor's seamless transitions between genres made me realize that change could be beautiful and liberating. The Eras Tour also allowed me to connect with different aspects of myself. During the country era, I revisited my love for storytelling, realizing I had a passion for writing and creative expression. Taylor's lyrics inspired me to pen my own stories and share them with the world. As we moved through the pop era, I felt a surge of confidence and empowerment. Taylor's boldness in pursuing her artistic vision encouraged me to embrace my own ambitions without fear of judgment. I discovered a newfound sense of self-assurance I hadn't fully realized. Another significant revelation came during the reputation era when Taylor addressed personal and public scrutiny head-on. Her resilience and authenticity in the face of criticism taught me the importance of staying true to my values and not allowing external opinions to define my self-worth. The Lover era's themes of love, friendship, and positivity reminded me of the importance of fostering meaningful connections and cherishing the people who bring light into my life. It encouraged me to prioritize nurturing my relationships and spreading love and kindness in my own way. Through Taylor's music and the Eras Tour, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that allowed me to embrace change, recognize my passions, and cultivate resilience and self-assurance. Taylor Swift's authenticity and evolution as an artist mirrored my own growth as an individual. Her music was a constant companion, guiding me through life's ups and downs and helping me better understand the person I was becoming. In conclusion, Taylor Swift's Eras Tour was not just a musical journey but a transformative experience that helped me discover and embrace new aspects of myself. Taylor's music continues to inspire me, providing the soundtrack to my ongoing self-discovery and personal growth.
      Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
      In K-Pop's vibrant and diverse world, one artist has captured my heart and influenced my life in ways I could have never imagined. While many consider him more of a K-R&B artist than a traditional K-Pop idol, Zion.T's soulful melodies and captivating lyrics have left an indelible mark on my musical tastes and my broader understanding of global culture. My introduction to Zion.T occurred in 2013, during the heyday of Psy's "Gangnam Style," when K-Pop was making waves worldwide. Like many others, I had fallen into a YouTube rabbit hole, exploring the diverse range of music that South Korea had to offer. Amidst this exploration, I stumbled upon Zion.T's music video for "Babay (feat. Gaeko)," and I was entranced from the very first notes. What struck me immediately about Zion.T was his unique blend of soulful R&B and contemporary K-pop elements. His music had an undeniable groove, with smooth vocals that resonated with a sense of authenticity. While I couldn't understand the Korean lyrics at the time, the emotive quality of his voice transcended language barriers and spoke directly to my soul. As I delved deeper into Zion.T's discography, I discovered a treasure trove of music that defied genre boundaries. His songs were filled with poignant storytelling, exploring themes of love, relationships, and the human experience. Each track was a masterpiece, carefully crafted to evoke genuine emotion in the listener. What made Zion.T particularly impactful for me was his ability to fuse his Korean heritage with global musical influences seamlessly. He drew from the rich traditions of R&B and hip-hop while infusing his music with K-pop's signature production values. This fusion of cultures made his music incredibly relatable and expanded my appreciation for cross-cultural artistic expression. The influence of Zion.T extended beyond my personal music library; it played a pivotal role in shaping my academic and life choices. When the opportunity arose for me to participate in a study abroad program as part of my architecture program at the University of Kansas, I was determined to choose a destination that would allow me to immerse myself in South Korean culture. Studying abroad in South Korea was a transformative experience that allowed me to deepen my connection with Zion.T's music and explore the cultural context in which it was created. I had the opportunity to engage with locals, learn about their perspectives on music, and witness firsthand the vibrant music scene in Seoul. Zion.T's impact on global culture is undeniable. He has gained international recognition for his music and paved the way for other Korean artists to experiment with diverse genres and styles. As K-Pop continues to evolve and captivate audiences worldwide, artists like Zion.T serve as trailblazers, breaking down musical boundaries and fostering greater cultural exchange. In conclusion, Zion.T's unique blend of K-R&B and K-Pop has profoundly influenced my life. His soulful sounds transcended language barriers, inspiring me to explore the rich cultural tapestry of South Korea. Through his music, I discovered the power of art to bridge cultures and connect people across the globe. Zion.T's legacy as a global musical innovator inspires me, reminding me of the boundless possibilities that arise when artists fearlessly explore the intersections of tradition and innovation.
      Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
      Every year, as the leaves begin their breathtaking transformation into a mosaic of autumnal hues, one drink signals the arrival of fall in my heart: Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL). This beloved beverage has seamlessly woven into the fabric of my fall narrative, becoming a cherished character in the story of my seasonal joys and traditions. The Pumpkin Spice Latte, with its warm, comforting flavors of pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, is more than just a beverage; it's a portal to nostalgia and a celebration of the changing seasons. Each year, as the calendar turns to September, I eagerly anticipate the return of this iconic drink. It's not merely a coffee; it's a reminder of autumn's simple pleasures. One of my most cherished fall traditions involves visiting my Starbucks on the first crisp morning of September. The familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and the subdued sweetness of cinnamon greet me as I enter. The cozy ambiance, with its soft lighting and rustic décor, instantly envelops me in the embrace of fall. Ordering my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season feels like reuniting with an old friend. As I take that first sip, I'm transported to a world of autumnal splendor. The creamy, spiced latte warms my soul, and the delicate foam on top feels like a comforting blanket of frothy goodness. The taste of pumpkin, with its earthy sweetness, dances on my taste buds, while the notes of cinnamon and nutmeg add a layer of warmth and complexity. It's a symphony of flavors that speaks to the heart of the season. But the Pumpkin Spice Latte is more than just a delicious beverage; it's a companion to some of my favorite fall activities. Whether exploring a pumpkin patch, navigating a corn maze, or strolling through a vibrant forest with fall foliage, my PSL is always by my side. It's the perfect partner for those crisp, sun-kissed days when the world seems to shimmer with golden light. One of my fondest memories involves sharing a pumpkin spice latte with my closest friends during a scenic autumn road trip. As we drove through winding roads flanked by trees ablaze with red, orange, and gold, our laughter filled the car. With each sip, we toasted the beauty of the season and the joy of experiencing it together. The PSL became a symbol of friendship and the shared appreciation of life's simple pleasures. Beyond its delicious taste and role in my fall traditions, the Pumpkin Spice Latte holds a special place in my heart because it marks a moment of pause and reflection. In a world that often moves relentlessly, savoring a PSL allows me to slow down and appreciate the fleeting beauty of autumn. It reminds me to embrace the changing seasons and enjoy the little things. In conclusion, Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte has become a beloved character in my fall narrative. It's not just a drink; it's a reminder of the season's beauty, a companion on my autumn adventures, and a symbol of the cherished moments shared with friends. With each sip, I celebrate the changing leaves, the crisp air, and the joy of living in the present moment. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is more than a beverage; it's a warm, comforting hug from fall.
      Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
      Loss has an unparalleled way of refocusing our perspectives, reminding us of what truly matters in life and urging us to fight for our aspirations with unwavering determination. The profound loss of my beloved great-grandmother, Mattie Mae Hutcherson, affectionately known as Granny, has left an indelible mark on my journey and has illuminated the path to my heartfelt convictions. I distinctly remember the day when the news of Granny's passing reached me. I was a college student at the University of Kansas, immersed in the bustling rhythm of academic life. The call from my father bore the weight of sorrow, and I was instantly overcome with grief, breaking down into tears that seemed never-ending. It was as if the world had lost a piece of its brilliance, and my heart ached with an emptiness I had never known before. Granny was more than a great-grandmother; she was the matriarch of our family, a wellspring of wisdom, and a beacon of love. Her house, which I frequented on Saturday afternoons and during school breaks, was a haven of comfort and joy. I cherish those moments when we would sit together, engrossed in the captivating dramas of soap operas that unfolded on the television screen. The rich aroma of her White Diamond perfume, synonymous with her presence, is etched in my memory as a sensory reminder of the warmth she exuded. In the midst of my grief, I realized that Granny's passing had ignited a profound transformation within me. It was not merely a farewell to a beloved family member but a poignant awakening. I began to reflect on the impermanence of life, the fragility of our connections, and the need to cherish and celebrate the people we love while they are still with us. This reflection compelled me to advocate for acknowledging and appreciating our loved ones during their lifetimes rather than waiting until they are gone to honor their significance. I embarked on a journey of reconnection and renewal, reaching out to family members and strengthening the bonds that tie us together. I made it a point to express my love and appreciation for those who hold special places in my heart. I discovered that these connections, nurtured and celebrated, were not only a source of comfort but also a wellspring of inspiration. Granny's departure also illuminated the importance of family in my life. She had been a steadfast pillar of our familial foundation, and her absence left a void that could only be filled by coming together as a family. I realized that my family was my greatest source of strength and support. I resolved to prioritize and cherish these relationships, knowing they were the bedrock upon which I could build my life. Through this transformative experience, I found clarity and purpose in my aspirations. I recognized that I wanted to dedicate myself to making a positive impact in the lives of others, just as Granny had in mine. Her legacy of love and unwavering support was a guiding light, urging me to strive for my dreams with determination and resilience. Today, I carry Granny's memory with me as I pursue my academic and professional endeavors. Her spirit reminds me to approach life with love, empathy, and a commitment to fighting for what truly matters. My goal is to use my experiences, knowledge, and voice to advocate for stronger family bonds, encourage the expression of love and appreciation among loved ones, and inspire others to cherish the precious moments they share with their families. In conclusion, the loss of my dear Granny, Mattie Mae Hutcherson, has been a profound and transformative experience that has shifted the trajectory of my life. Her departure taught me the invaluable lesson of cherishing our loved ones while they are still with us, and it has inspired me to fight for what matters most in life: family, love, and meaningful connections. Her memory continues to guide me on my journey, infusing my aspirations with purpose and determination. Granny's enduring legacy lives on through my unwavering commitment to these principles, reminding me of the enduring power of love and the importance of celebrating our loved ones while they are still here with us.
      Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
      In the age of social media, the literary world has found a vibrant and influential platform in the form of #BookTok. As an avid reader and enthusiast of this virtual literary community, my dream bookshelf reflects the impactful titles and voices that have emerged through this movement, particularly focusing on books that highlight the experiences of black women in fiction. One of the essential books that graces my dream bookshelf is "The Other Black Girl" by Zakiya Dalila Harris. This novel has become a sensation on #BookTok, offering a thrilling narrative that delves into the complexities of workplace dynamics, microaggressions, and identity. Harris's work has sparked vital discussions about representation and the experiences of black women in predominantly white spaces. Raven Leilani's "Luster" is another must-have on my dream bookshelf. This debut novel has garnered widespread attention for its raw and unapologetic exploration of desire, identity, and race. It has become a symbol of modern literature's ability to address uncomfortable truths and challenge conventional narratives. Yaa Gyasi's "Homegoing" and "Transcendent Kingdom" have also earned their place. Gyasi's storytelling prowess has captivated readers on #BookTok, with her novels providing profound insights into the African diaspora, family, and the pursuit of knowledge and healing. Brit Bennett's "The Vanishing Half" and Tayari Jones's "An American Marriage" have resonated deeply with the #BookTok community. Both novels explore themes of love, race, and identity, igniting conversations about the complexities of relationships and the enduring impact of systemic racism. N.K. Jemisin's "The Fifth Season" stands proudly on my dream bookshelf, representing the genre of speculative fiction. Jemisin's groundbreaking work has redefined the genre's possibilities, and #BookTok has embraced her visionary storytelling. Angie Thomas's "The Hate U Give" is a powerful addition, as it continues to inspire conversations about police brutality, activism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Due to the voices of #BookTok, this book has become a catalyst for social change and awareness. Esi Edugyan's "Washington Black" adds historical depth to my bookshelf. Edugyan's exploration of a young slave's journey to freedom has resonated with readers seeking historical narratives that shed light on untold stories. Grace Nichols's "The Fat Black Woman’s Poems" is a significant inclusion, highlighting the importance of poetry in literature. Nichols's work celebrates the beauty and resilience of black women, offering a powerful voice of empowerment. As a member of the #BookTok community, I've been inspired by creators who prioritize black women and their adventures in fiction. Kimberly Nwokorie consistently reviews books by black authors, amplifying their voices and stories. Peyten's focus on authors of color and black female main characters has enriched my reading list with diverse perspectives. Keeter-Gray's efforts to bring black books to #BookTok have expanded my literary horizons, allowing me to discover hidden gems and emerging talents. Shani Akilah's sharing of her global adventures and latest reads has broadened my understanding of literature's cultural significance. In conclusion, my ideal bookshelf reflects contemporary literature's diversity, depth, and significance. These books and creators have shaped my reading journey and contributed to essential conversations about race, identity, and empowerment. This bookshelf is a testament to the transformative power of storytelling and the vibrant community that continues to celebrate and champion black women in fiction.
      Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
      Minecraft, with its boundless virtual world and endless creative opportunities, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. While the game offers many activities and adventures, my favorite aspect of Minecraft has always been the art of building. The ability to construct and shape an entire world from the ground up resonates with me deeply and allows me to express my creativity uniquely. Building in Minecraft is like being handed a blank canvas and an infinite palette of colors, except instead of paint, you have an array of blocks and materials. This creative freedom allows me to bring my wildest architectural dreams to life, from designing majestic castles to crafting bustling cities. Whether I'm constructing a serene countryside cottage or a bustling metropolis, every project becomes a reflection of my imagination and artistic vision. One aspect that makes building in Minecraft so special to me is the sheer satisfaction of seeing my ideas materialize in the game world. It's a feeling of accomplishment that's hard to replicate elsewhere. Whether big or small, each structure I create becomes a testament to my dedication and creativity. It's a sense of achievement that comes from hours of planning, mining, and crafting, and it's immensely rewarding. Moreover, building in Minecraft offers an avenue for learning and honing various skills. From understanding the fundamentals of architecture and urban planning to developing an eye for aesthetics and symmetry, Minecraft has served as an unconventional but effective educational tool. It encourages problem-solving, resource management, and attention to detail—all valuable skills that transcend the game. Beyond the solitary joy of building, Minecraft's multiplayer mode amplifies the experience. Collaborating with friends or fellow players on ambitious construction projects creates a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment. It's incredible to witness the collective creativity of a group of players as we work together to craft massive structures, intricate landscapes, or entire cities. Building in Minecraft also provides a unique form of relaxation and escape. Focusing on a creative project within the game can be meditative, allowing me to temporarily disconnect from the pressures of the real world and immerse myself in a world of my own design. It's a therapeutic experience that helps me unwind and recharge. In conclusion, my favorite aspect of Minecraft, building, encapsulates the essence of creativity, learning, collaboration, and relaxation. It offers a unique platform for self-expression and personal growth. The ability to transform an empty canvas into a masterpiece, whether alone or with friends, makes Minecraft an enduring source of joy and inspiration for me. Through Minecraft, I've discovered the endless possibilities of creativity and the profound sense of accomplishment of building a dream.
      Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
      Spider-Man has been a beloved character in both comics and cinema for decades, and various talented actors have portrayed the iconic superhero on the big screen. While each actor brought their own unique charm to the role, my favorite Spider-Man is undoubtedly Tom Holland, and I have several compelling reasons why he stands out as the best for me. First and foremost, Tom Holland's portrayal of Spider-Man feels incredibly authentic and relatable. When he first appeared as Peter Parker in "Captain America: Civil War," he captured the essence of a young, high school-aged superhero trying to balance his everyday life with newfound responsibilities. Unlike previous portrayals, Holland's youthful appearance and demeanor were perfectly suited to depict the character's teenage years, making him more convincing as a high school student. Furthermore, Tom Holland's Spider-Man is known for his witty humor and playful banter, which are essential aspects of the character's personality. Holland effortlessly delivers these comedic moments, infusing a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere into the films. His quips and one-liners during intense battles add entertainment value and pay homage to the Spider-Man comics, where humor is a hallmark of the character. Holland's portrayal also stands out due to its emotional depth. He effectively conveys the struggles and emotional conflicts that Peter Parker faces, making the character more relatable and human. Whether dealing with the loss of loved ones, the challenges of being a young hero, or the burden of keeping his identity secret, Holland's performance allows the audience to empathize with Peter's journey. Another aspect that separates Tom Holland is his chemistry with other Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) characters. His interactions with Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), his mentor in the films, add layers to both characters and contribute to the overarching narrative of the MCU. Additionally, his relationships with friends like Ned Leeds and love interest MJ (Michelle Jones) feel genuine and add depth to the character's personal life. Holland's Spider-Man has also been involved in some of the MCU's most thrilling and visually stunning action sequences. His acrobatic and agile fighting style, enhanced by impressive CGI, creates memorable and exhilarating moments on screen. These sequences showcase Spider-Man's incredible powers and make him a formidable hero in the MCU. Furthermore, Tom Holland's dedication to the role is evident in his commitment to performing many of his stunts, emphasizing his genuine passion for bringing Spider-Man to life. His athleticism and enthusiasm for the character shine through in every action scene. In conclusion, while multiple talented actors have donned the Spider-Man suit, Tom Holland's portrayal of the iconic superhero resonates with me the most. His authenticity, relatability, humor, emotional depth, and chemistry with other characters make him the standout Spider-Man for a new generation of fans. Tom Holland has captured the essence of Peter Parker and become a beloved and iconic Spider-Man in his own right, earning a special place in the hearts of fans like me.
      Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
      The Exciting Crossover: "That's So Proud!" As a devoted fan of Disney Channel shows, the idea of a crossover episode between my two all-time favorites, "That's So Raven" and "The Proud Family," is a dream come true. Imagine that this crossover episode, titled "That's So Proud!", is a delightful experience, and I would love to see these beloved worlds collide in a thrilling storyline that brings out the best of both series. The Episode Plot: Our adventure begins in the iconic world of "That's So Raven," where Raven Baxter is grappling with the everyday challenges of being a teenager. As usual, Raven finds herself in a humorous predicament: she's desperately trying to figure out how to confess her feelings to her crush, whom she believes is the one. The episode starts with classic Raven-style mishaps and comedic moments as she plans her big revelation. However, a mysterious and magical occurrence occurs when things are about to get interesting in Raven's world. Raven falls asleep after a tiring day of plotting her romantic confession, only to wake up in an entirely different world—the vibrant and animated world of Penny Proud from "The Proud Family." Confused and bewildered, Raven finds herself in the middle of Penny's world, where hilariously animated adventures are the norm. Not long before, she crossed paths with Penny Proud, her family, and her close-knit group of friends. As expected, the collision of these two charismatic and spirited characters sets the stage for a whirlwind adventure full of laughter, lessons, and memorable moments. Raven and Penny soon realize they've swapped worlds due to a mystical occurrence. They embark on an epic quest to find a way back home while navigating the unique challenges of each other's worlds. This journey takes them through hilarious encounters, unexpected twists, and original songs performed by both Raven and Penny, adding an extra layer of excitement to the crossover. Throughout their adventure, Raven and Penny discover the importance of friendship, family, and staying true to themselves, even when faced with unfamiliar circumstances. They learn valuable life lessons that resonate with the core themes of both shows: self-acceptance, embracing uniqueness, and the significance of community. As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to heartwarming moments that showcase the strengths and quirks of each character. Whether it's Chelsea and Dijonay teaming up, Raven and Penny's joint comedic performances, or the heartfelt conversations between Tito and Victor, the crossover captures the essence of both series and celebrates the diversity and unity of their worlds. After a series of entertaining adventures, Raven and Penny find their way back to their respective worlds, armed with newfound wisdom and unforgettable memories, as they bid farewell, they express gratitude for the unique experiences and lifelong friendships forged during their crossover escapade. "That's So Proud!" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of these beloved Disney Channel classics. It reminds us that the power of friendship, laughter, and self-discovery can transcend boundaries and bring together characters from different worlds, much like the magic of Disney itself. In conclusion, the crossover episode "That's So Proud!" combines the best elements of "That's So Raven" and "The Proud Family" to create a hilarious, heartwarming, and unforgettable adventure. It celebrates the strengths and quirks of each character while delivering valuable life lessons and showcasing the importance of staying true to oneself. This crossover is a dream collaboration for Disney Channel fans and a testament to the enduring legacy of these iconic shows.
      Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
      Zendaya is undoubtedly a multifaceted talent, excelling in various aspects of her career, from acting and singing to fashion and activism. While I admire all of her endeavors, the facet of her career that resonates with me the most is her activism. Zendaya's commitment to social justice and advocacy is both inspiring and impactful, and it embodies the kind of change I aspire to see and be a part of in the world. Zendaya's journey as an activist reflects a deep sense of responsibility and a genuine desire to use her platform for the greater good. She has consistently used her voice and influence to raise awareness about crucial issues, from racial inequality to gender equality and climate change. As a young black woman in the entertainment industry, Zendaya understands the significance of representation and the importance of using her prominence to advocate for underrepresented communities. I admire Zendaya's activism because of her authenticity and fearlessness. She doesn't shy away from addressing complex and controversial topics. Instead, she engages with these issues head-on, sparking meaningful conversations and encouraging positive change. Her ability to speak candidly about her experiences with racism, identity, and self-acceptance serves as a source of empowerment for countless individuals, including myself. Furthermore, Zendaya's involvement in charitable organizations and her active participation in movements like Black Lives Matter demonstrate her dedication to creating a more equitable and just society. She doesn't limit her activism to social media posts or superficial gestures; she takes concrete actions to support the causes she believes in. This level of commitment serves as a model for how celebrities can leverage their influence for meaningful change. Zendaya's activism also extends to advocating for mental health awareness, a topic close to my heart. Her openness about her own experiences with anxiety and mental health challenges helps reduce the stigma surrounding these issues and encourages others to seek help and support when needed. This vulnerability and empathy profoundly impact individuals struggling with their mental well-being. Moreover, Zendaya's dedication to education and youth empowerment aligns with my own aspirations. She has consistently emphasized the importance of education and self-discovery, encouraging young people to pursue their passions and embrace their uniqueness. As someone who values education as a means of personal growth and societal progress, Zendaya's advocacy in this realm resonates deeply with me. In conclusion, while Zendaya's talents in fashion, acting, and singing are undoubtedly impressive, I admire her unwavering commitment to activism and social justice the most. Her authenticity, fearlessness, and dedication to making a positive impact on society serve as an inspiration to me. Zendaya's ability to use her platform to address crucial issues, advocate for underrepresented communities, and promote mental health awareness embodies the change I hope to contribute to in the world. She reminds us that we all have the power to effect change and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
      Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
      If I faced the daunting decision of choosing only one movie to watch for the rest of my life, it would undoubtedly be "Dreamgirls." This cinematic masterpiece, featuring a star-studded cast and a powerful soundtrack, holds a special place in my heart, and I could watch it on repeat endlessly. Bill Condon's musical drama film "Dreamgirls" is based on the same-named Broadway show. This movie's ensemble of talented actors and singers, including the iconic Beyoncé Knowles, makes it exceptional. As one of my all-time favorite singers and performers, Beyoncé's presence alone would be reason enough to choose this film. The story of "Dreamgirls" follows the journey of a girl group, The Dreams, as they rise to fame in the music industry during the 1960s and 1970s. While the film's narrative is captivating, the music takes center stage and captivates my soul. The soundtrack of "Dreamgirls" is nothing short of spectacular, featuring powerful ballads, soulful performances, and emotionally charged songs that tell the characters' stories. One aspect that sets "Dreamgirls" apart for me is my profound connection to its music. I've played the soundtrack so many times that I know the lyrics by heart and the subtle inflections, stammers, and nuances that each cast member used during the recording. It's as if I've delved deep into the very essence of the music, allowing me to appreciate the artistry and emotion behind every note. The film's standout numbers, such as "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" and "Listen," are not just songs but emotional journeys that resonate with the human experience of love, loss, and perseverance. The performances in these songs, particularly by Jennifer Hudson as Effie White, are nothing short of awe-inspiring. As I envision a lifetime of watching "Dreamgirls," I see myself enjoying the remarkable music and discovering new layers and details in the performances and character dynamics. With each viewing, I would gain a deeper appreciation for the brilliant storytelling and the timeless themes of ambition, friendship, and the price of fame. Moreover, "Dreamgirls" serves as a reminder of the transformative power of music. It highlights artists' struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs in their pursuit of success. It encourages me to cherish my own aspirations and the dedication it takes to achieve them. Essentially, "Dreamgirls" is more than just a movie; it celebrates music, talent, and the human spirit. It has the power to move, inspire, and captivate, and I believe that a lifetime of watching it would be filled with artistry, emotion, and profound storytelling. In conclusion, if I were to choose one movie to watch for the rest of my life, it would undoubtedly be "Dreamgirls." With its star-studded cast, unforgettable soundtrack, and timeless themes, it's a film that resonates with me deeply. Beyoncé's presence and the sheer artistry of the music make it a cinematic masterpiece that I could enjoy endlessly. "Dreamgirls" is not just a movie; it's an experience, and I would embrace the opportunity to immerse myself in its magic for a lifetime.
      Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
      One Nintendo game that holds a special place in my heart for co-op mode is "Mario Kart." The memorable moments and exhilarating races I've shared with friends and family while playing this game have solidified it as my all-time favorite. "Mario Kart" is more than just a racing game; it's an experience that transcends generations and fosters fierce yet friendly competition. The game's appeal lies in its accessibility—it's easy to pick up, and players of all ages can enjoy it together. The charm of "Mario Kart" lies not only in its gameplay but also in its ability to bring people together. One memorable moment that stands out and reinforces my love for "Mario Kart" occurred during a family gathering a few years ago. My cousins, siblings, and I had decided to have a friendly tournament, and the atmosphere was exciting. The room was filled with laughter and playful banter as we selected our favorite characters and vehicles. I opted for Mario, while my cousin chose Luigi, and the rest of the characters filled the roster. As the race began, the tension in the room skyrocketed. The familiar jingles and iconic tracks played in the background as we sped through the Mushroom Kingdom, each player determined to emerge victorious. The race was intense, with banana peels and shells tossed left and right. One moment, I was leading the pack, skillfully navigating through obstacles, and the next, I found myself plummeting down a pitfall, courtesy of a well-timed red shell from my cousin. Laughter and groans filled the room as we exchanged positions repeatedly. However, the final lap of Rainbow Road—a notoriously treacherous track known for its winding turns and tricky jumps—defined this memorable gaming session. My cousin and I found ourselves neck and neck, vying for the coveted first place. The Rainbow Road's psychedelic visuals increased the intensity, and the stakes were high. As we approached the finish line, I managed to snatch a speed-boosting item—a golden mushroom. With precise timing and a surge of adrenaline, I activated it and propelled Mario ahead of Luigi, crossing the finish line just milliseconds before my cousin. The room erupted into cheers, applause, and good-natured taunts as I claimed victory in that epic showdown. This memorable "Mario Kart" session encapsulates the magic of the game. It's not just about winning or losing; it's about the shared experiences, the friendly competition, and the lasting bonds that form over heated races and unexpected victories. "Mario Kart" has a unique ability to create moments of pure joy and camaraderie, and that's why it remains my favorite co-op game. In conclusion, "Mario Kart" has been a source of countless memorable moments and has solidified its place as my top choice for co-op gaming. Its accessibility, fun gameplay, and ability to unite people make it a timeless classic. This gaming session, filled with laughter and intense competition, epitomizes the joy and camaraderie that "Mario Kart" has brought to my life. It's more than just a game; it's an experience that bonds friends and family, and for that, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
      “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
      In the colorful ensemble of characters from the TV series "The Office," one stands out as a kindred spirit—Stanley Hudson. Stanley embodies a no-nonsense attitude and an unwavering commitment to getting the job done, traits with which I strongly resonate. Through his character and the show's hilarious depiction of workplace dynamics, "The Office" has profoundly shaped my sense of humor and perspective on corporate life. Stanley Hudson, portrayed brilliantly by Leslie David Baker, is the epitome of an employee who has mastered the art of blending work and personal life boundaries. His demeanor frequently exhibits a calm and stoic presence with brief bursts of unapologetic candor. Stanley's approach to work is straightforward; he is there to do his job efficiently, collect his paycheck, and get on with his life outside the office. While some may perceive this as a lack of enthusiasm, it is a pragmatic approach to work-life balance. My resonance with Stanley stems from our shared recognition of the importance of boundaries. Just like him, I appreciate the need for a clear distinction between professional responsibilities and personal lives. In a world where work often encroaches on personal time, Stanley's commitment to preserving that boundary serves as a reminder that it's crucial for mental well-being. Furthermore, Stanley's famous catchphrase, "Did I stutter?" is a testament to his assertiveness. He doesn't hesitate to assert himself when he feels unheard or disrespected. This aspect of Stanley's character aligns with my belief in the importance of clear communication and the need to speak up when necessary. "The Office" has entertained me with its quirky characters and provided valuable insights into workplace dynamics. It satirizes the absurdity of corporate culture, highlighting the mundane, the ridiculous, and the often bewildering aspects of office life. While the show exaggerates these elements for comedic effect, it does so with a touch of reality that makes it relatable to anyone who has ever worked in an office setting. One of the lessons I've gleaned from "The Office" is the importance of finding humor in everyday situations. The mundane aspects of office life, such as endless meetings, workplace politics, and annoying coworkers, are portrayed in a way that invites laughter. This perspective has taught me not to take the workplace too seriously and to find amusement in the small absurdities of daily life. Moreover, "The Office" serves as a reminder of the significance of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. While the characters often clash and engage in hilariously awkward situations, they also form bonds and support one another through life's ups and downs. This emphasizes the idea that there can be genuine connections and moments of camaraderie beneath the surface of workplace banality. In conclusion, "The Office" has profoundly impacted my sense of humor and my perspective on workplace dynamics. Through the character of Stanley Hudson, I've discovered a kindred spirit who values boundaries, assertiveness, and the ability to find humor in the everyday. The show's satirical take on office life has taught me not to take corporate culture too seriously and to appreciate the comedy found in the workplace. Ultimately, "The Office" is a humorous mirror reflecting the quirks and idiosyncrasies of corporate America, and I'm grateful for the laughter and insights it has provided me along the way.
      Diverse Abilities Scholarship
      My dream job is not just a profession; it's a lifelong passion and purpose I aspire to pursue with unwavering dedication. For me, a dream job transcends the boundaries of a typical 9-to-5 routine; it's a calling that ignites my soul and propels me forward with enthusiasm and commitment. In envisioning my dream job, I see myself as an educational leader and advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Specifically, I aspire to work in a university setting, preferably in a role combining educational leadership, community engagement, and cultural competence. This role will allow me to channel my energy and passion into positively impacting the lives of students, faculty, and the broader community. Several qualities are essential to me in my dream career. First, I value the opportunity to inspire and empower others. I believe in the transformative power of education and its ability to shape minds, foster critical thinking, and drive positive change. As an educational leader, I want to inspire individuals to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. Secondly, cultural competence and inclusivity are paramount to my career aspirations. I am deeply committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment where individuals from all walks of life feel valued, respected, and supported. My dream job involves creating programs, initiatives, and policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within educational institutions. Another crucial quality is the ability to collaborate and build partnerships. My vision of a dream job extends beyond the confines of a single role or department. It involves collaborating with colleagues, community organizations, and stakeholders to drive meaningful change. Building strong relationships and partnerships will be instrumental in achieving our shared goals. Moreover, I highly value continuous learning and growth. In my dream career, I want to be in an environment encouraging professional development, research, and innovation. The field of education is dynamic and ever-evolving, and I aspire to be at the forefront of cutting-edge practices and pedagogies. The impact of these qualities on my future career search is significant. I am not merely seeking a job but pursuing a vocation that aligns with my values, passions, and aspirations. This means I will approach my career search discerningly, seeking opportunities that resonate with my vision and values. I will prioritize organizations and institutions that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, as these principles are non-negotiable for me. Furthermore, I will actively seek positions that provide room for leadership and collaboration, enabling me to make a tangible impact in the educational landscape. Additionally, I will actively engage in networking, professional development, and educational pursuits that align with my dream job. This may include pursuing further studies, attending conferences, and participating in community initiatives that promote my field of interest. In conclusion, my dream job encompasses the role of an educational leader and advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion within higher education. It is characterized by qualities such as inspiration, cultural competence, collaboration, and a commitment to lifelong learning. As I embark on my career search, these qualities will guide my choices and lead me toward a path that fulfills my passion and purpose. My dream job is not just a destination; it's a journey of continuous growth, impact, and fulfillment.
      Julie Holloway Bryant Memorial Scholarship
      My bilingualism and the variety of experiences it has given me have had a big impact on my post-graduation plans. My first languages are Yoruba and English. Growing up in a bilingual household, I had the privilege of learning and embracing both languages from an early age. My dad, who hails from Nigeria, instilled in me the beauty and richness of the Yoruba language, while my mom, a native English speaker from the United States, ensured that I was proficient in English. Being bilingual has presented both challenges and benefits in my life. One significant challenge has been the occasional struggle to balance fluency and proficiency in both languages. There were moments when I felt like I was straddling two worlds, and it required effort to maintain my skills in both Yoruba and English. However, the numerous advantages outweighed these difficulties by a wide margin. First and foremost, being bilingual has enriched my cultural understanding and appreciation. Yoruba, with its deep cultural significance, allowed me to connect with my Nigerian heritage and my extended family in a meaningful way. I can converse with relatives in Nigeria, share stories, and partake in cultural traditions, which strengthens my sense of belonging and identity. Secondly, bilingualism has opened doors to a world of communication and opportunities. Proficiency in English has been invaluable in academic and professional settings, giving me an advantage in pursuing higher education and career aspirations. Yoruba, on the other hand, has enriched my cultural competence, allowing me to engage with diverse communities and build bridges between different cultures. Moreover, being bilingual has enhanced my cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals tend to have improved problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and a heightened capacity for creativity. These cognitive advantages have served me well in various aspects of my life, from academic achievements to problem-solving in everyday situations. Additionally, my bilingualism has kindled my interest in languages and linguistics. It has inspired me to explore other languages and cultures, fostering a deep appreciation for the diversity of human communication. I believe that language is a powerful tool for building connections, fostering understanding, and promoting unity. In my post-graduation plans, I aspire to leverage my bilingualism in a meaningful way. I intend to pursue a career in education and language advocacy. I want to help others discover the richness of multicultural and multilingual experiences, just as I have. Whether it's teaching language, promoting cultural exchange, or advocating for linguistic diversity, I see myself as a bridge between different worlds. In conclusion, my bilingualism, encompassing both Yoruba and English, has shaped my identity, enriched my cultural understanding, and provided me with unique advantages. While there have been challenges along the way, the benefits far outweigh them. My passion for language and communication is what drives my post-graduation plans, and I am eager to start a journey that will enable me to share the benefits of bilingualism and advance cultural understanding in a world that is becoming more interconnected.
      GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship
      In Olivia Rodrigo's song "GUTS," there's a poignant lyric that encapsulates the essence of adolescence: "It takes guts to be a kid, it's like a fight you're never gonna win." This lyric resonates deeply with my teenage experience, vividly capturing the challenges, struggles, and resilience required during this transformative phase of life. Adolescence is a time of self-discovery where we grapple with questions about our identity, purpose, and place in the world. It is a time of internal and external battles, and part of growing up is having the courage to navigate these choppy waters. One aspect of adolescence that the lyrics encapsulate perfectly is the constant inner struggle. There is a lot of pressure to conform, fit in, and gain peer acceptance. Adolescents often find themselves torn between the desire to assert their individuality and the fear of rejection. It takes tremendous courage to embrace one's uniqueness and resist the pressure to conform to societal norms. Furthermore, adolescence is a time of rapid emotional and psychological development. Hormones surge, and intense feelings of love, heartbreak, joy, and despair become a daily rollercoaster. The lyric aptly describes it as a "fight you're never gonna win," highlighting the inevitability of these emotional battles. It takes guts to navigate the emotional highs and lows while maintaining a sense of self. Another aspect that the lyric touches on is adolescents' external challenges. The world can be unforgiving, and young people must contend with academic pressures, family expectations, and societal demands. It often feels like an uphill battle, with numerous obstacles to overcome. Having the guts to persevere in the face of adversity is a vital characteristic of adolescence. Moreover, adolescence is a time when individuals start to assert their independence. They seek autonomy and freedom, often pushing boundaries and testing limits. This journey towards independence can be fraught with tension and conflict with parents and authority figures. It requires courage to stand up for what one believes is right while respecting rules and boundaries. The lyrics from Olivia Rodrigo's song also allude to the idea that adolescence is a unique phase of life. It's a time when young people are not quite children but not fully adults. This liminal space can be confusing and disorienting. Adolescents are still figuring out who they are and what they want to become, which can be overwhelming. Despite the challenges, adolescence is also a time of incredible growth, learning, and resilience. Young people develop the courage to confront their fears, pursue their dreams, and advocate for change. They begin to discover their passions and purpose in life. In my teenage experience, I have faced moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. I've grappled with the pressure to conform and the courage to be true to myself. I've weathered emotional storms and learned the importance of resilience. Olivia Rodrigo's lyrics serve as a reminder that being a teenager is not about winning every battle but having the guts to face them head-on. As I navigate the complexities of adolescence, I draw inspiration from this lyric. It reminds me that courage and resilience are essential for personal growth and development. It encourages me to embrace my individuality, stand up for my beliefs, and face life's challenges with determination. In conclusion, Olivia Rodrigo's lyric from "GUTS" powerfully captures the essence of adolescence, highlighting the internal and external battles, the emotional turmoil, and the courage required to navigate this transformative phase of life. Adolescence may be a fight we'll never win entirely, but it's also a period of incredible growth, self-discovery, and the development of the guts needed to face life's challenges.
      A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
      I am a multifaceted person with a varied background who has a sincere desire to have a significant and long-lasting positive impact on the world. My journey has led me through the fields of architecture and business intelligence, but I am now focused on a career that combines my passion for education and advocacy. Creativity and the capacity to turn visions into physical structures were hallmarks of my early career in architecture. As an architect, I had the privilege of contributing to the built environment by creating spaces that influenced people's lives and experiences. However, I also recognized the limitations of my role in addressing the broader social and educational challenges faced by marginalized communities. This realization prompted a career transition, leading me to my current role as a business intelligence analyst. In this capacity, I have honed my analytical skills, working with data to uncover insights and drive informed decision-making. While my work as an analyst has been intellectually stimulating, I yearn for a career path that aligns more closely with my passion for education, equity, and advocacy. Looking forward, I am determined to leverage my experiences and skills to create a positive impact on the world through education and advocacy. I am currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership with a focus on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership. This educational journey is a pivotal step in my transition towards a career that allows me to effect change at both the individual and systemic levels. My vision for the future involves working in educational leadership roles, where I can influence curriculum development, policy changes, and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. I believe that education is the cornerstone of social progress, and I am committed to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background, have access to quality education and opportunities for personal and academic growth. Advocacy is another integral component of my career aspirations. I aspire to be a voice for marginalized communities, particularly women of color and black women, who face systemic barriers in various professional and academic spaces. My experiences as a black woman navigating predominantly white environments have made me acutely aware of the challenges and biases that exist. I am driven to advocate for change, challenge stereotypes, and create more inclusive spaces where everyone has a fair chance to succeed. Ultimately, I see myself contributing to a more equitable and just society by bridging the worlds of education and advocacy. Whether through educational leadership roles, research, or grassroots initiatives, I am committed to driving change that empowers individuals, dismantles systemic inequities, and fosters a more inclusive and compassionate world. In conclusion, my journey from architecture to business intelligence has shaped my understanding of the power of education and advocacy to effect positive change. As I continue to pursue my doctorate in educational leadership and explore opportunities in the realm of education and advocacy, I am driven by a profound sense of purpose and the belief that I can make a meaningful impact on the world. My goal is to create opportunities, challenge biases, and contribute to the collective effort to build a more equitable and inclusive society for all.
      Youth Equine Service Scholarship
      My journey in volunteer service has been a profound and transformative experience, teaching me valuable lessons about myself, the world, and the power of giving back. Through my involvement with several remarkable organizations, I have understood the profound impact of community service and the personal growth it can ignite. One of the organizations I have been privileged to volunteer with is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, a renowned sisterhood committed to service, scholarship, and sisterhood. My involvement with this organization has shaped my understanding of community engagement and social responsibility. Through our various service projects, including mentorship programs, educational initiatives, and community outreach, I have learned the importance of compassion, empathy, and active involvement in addressing societal challenges. Additionally, my volunteer work with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) has allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for STEM education and equity. NSBE's mission to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers has driven my commitment to STEM advocacy. By participating in outreach programs, STEM expos, and mentoring sessions, I have realized the transformative power of education and mentorship in shaping young minds and breaking down barriers. Furthermore, my involvement with FIRST Robotics, a program that inspires young people to pursue careers in STEM fields, has afforded me the opportunity to mentor and coach teams of talented students. Witnessing their growth, problem-solving abilities, and enthusiasm for robotics has reinforced my belief in the potential of education to empower and inspire the next generation of leaders. Volunteering with Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church has allowed me to bridge my passion for community service with my spiritual values. Through initiatives like food drives, clothing distributions, and youth mentorship, I have learned that faith-based service can be a powerful force for positive change, addressing not only material needs but also individuals' spiritual and emotional well-being. Lastly, my involvement with Forward Through Ferguson has taken my commitment to social justice and racial equity to a new level. Conducting interviews with key community stakeholders about various development sites in St. Louis, in partnership with the St. Louis Development Corporation, has deepened my understanding of systemic disparities and the importance of community-driven solutions. It has been an invaluable opportunity to work towards building a more equitable and inclusive St. Louis. Through these diverse experiences, I have gained profound insights into my own character and values. I've discovered that my true self emerges when I am serving others and driven by empathy, compassion, and a sincere desire to have a positive impact. Volunteering has taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the ability to work collaboratively with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, my volunteer service has instilled a deep purpose and a commitment to lifelong learning. It has shown me that the most meaningful change often begins at the grassroots level, where individuals come together to address pressing issues and create lasting solutions. I have discovered that giving back benefits the recipients and enriches the giver, nurturing personal growth, empathy, and a sense of fulfillment. In conclusion, my volunteer service with organizations like Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, the National Society of Black Engineers, FIRST Robotics, Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, and Forward Through Ferguson has been a transformative journey. It has taught me the value of empathy, community engagement, and social responsibility. Through these encounters, I've come to know my true self—a person passionate about helping others, promoting equity, and positively impacting the world. I am committed to continuing this service, learning, and growth journey as I strive to create a better future for my community and society.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      If there was one book I would want everyone in the world to read, it would undoubtedly be "Black Girls Must Die Exhausted" by Jayne Allen. With its compelling narrative and insightful themes, this novel has the power to inspire, educate, and profoundly transform perspectives. "Black Girls Must Die Exhausted" is not just a novel; it reflects black women's experiences, struggles, and triumphs, particularly those navigating the intricate web of identity, race, and societal expectations. Jayne Allen's storytelling is a revelation, providing a platform for voices often marginalized or overlooked in literature. The book delves into the life of Tabitha Walker, a young black woman juggling the complexities of her career, family, and personal growth. Through her journey, readers are offered a window into black women's challenges and triumphs as they navigate the intersections of ambition, identity, love, and self-discovery. One of the reasons this book is essential for everyone to read is its capacity to foster empathy and understanding. It highlights the experiences of black women, offering readers an opportunity to walk in their shoes and gain a deeper appreciation for their unique struggles. By reading "Black Girls Must Die Exhausted," individuals from all backgrounds can better comprehend the realities of systemic racism, gender bias, and the nuanced intricacies of identity. Moreover, this book is a source of empowerment. It encourages readers to embrace their authentic selves, pursue their dreams unapologetically, and challenge the societal norms and stereotypes that seek to limit their potential. The title "Black Girls Must Die Exhausted" is a rallying cry for resilience and tenacity in the face of adversity. This book serves as a bridge of understanding in a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly recognized as fundamental values. It dismantles stereotypes, shatters biases, and promotes a more inclusive and equitable society where the stories and experiences of black women are celebrated and acknowledged. In conclusion, "Black Girls Must Die Exhausted" by Jayne Allen is a powerful and transformative literary work that has the potential to enlighten minds, foster empathy, and inspire change. Its themes of identity, ambition, and resilience resonate universally, making it a book everyone should read. Through this novel, we can take a step closer to a world where diversity is embraced and the voices of black women are heard and valued.
      Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
      Losing a family member is a profound experience that leaves an indelible mark on one's life. In my case, the family member I lost, my great-grandmother, Granny Mattie Mae Hutcherson, had a profound impact on me, and her passing challenged me in ways I could have never imagined. I vividly recall the day I received the call from my dad while I was away at college at the University of Kansas. When I learned that Granny Mattie had passed away, it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I remember bursting into tears out of sadness and grief. It was a moment that marked a significant turning point in my life. Granny Mattie, or "Granny" as we affectionately called her, was not just a grandmother to me; she was a source of love, wisdom, and comfort. My fondest childhood memories revolve around visiting her home on Saturday afternoons or when school closed. Those precious hours spent with her were filled with warmth and laughter. One of the things I cherished most was sitting with Granny and watching soap operas all day. It may seem trivial, but those moments of shared TV time allowed us to bond, connect, and share stories. She would often share anecdotes about her own life, her experiences, and the challenges she had overcome. These conversations with her left a deep impression on me and instilled in me a sense of the importance of family history and heritage. Another cherished memory is the scent of her signature perfume, White Diamonds, that lingered in her home. To this day, the fragrance reminds me of her, and it's like a comforting embrace from the past. It reminds me of the love and warmth she has always extended to me and our entire family. Granny Mattie's passing brought profound sadness and taught me valuable life lessons. It made me realize the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our loved ones while they are still with us. In the wake of her loss, I made a conscious effort to reach out to family members and maintain regular communication. I understood the importance of giving people flowers while they are alive and expressing love and appreciation for them whenever possible. Losing her also reinforced the idea that family is precious and irreplaceable. The bonds we share with our loved ones are a source of strength and support, and nurturing those connections is crucial. My experiences with Granny Mattie's passing made me cherish my family and prioritize those relationships. In the years that followed her passing, I made an effort to be more present with my family, to attend gatherings, and to create lasting memories together. I learned to value the time spent with my relatives, appreciating the stories, laughter, and shared experiences that make family bonds special. In conclusion, the loss of my great-grandmother, Granny Mattie Mae Hutcherson, was a transformative experience that shaped my outlook on life and family. Her passing taught me the importance of treasuring our loved ones, nurturing our family connections, and expressing our love and appreciation while we have the chance. While her absence left a void in my life, the lessons I learned from her enduring legacy continue to guide me as I navigate life's journey.
      1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
      If my year had a soundtrack, there's no doubt that Taylor Swift's song "Shake It Off" from her album "1989 (Taylor's Version)" would be a prominent track on that list. While it may seem like a cliché choice, the song's message and upbeat tempo have resonated with me, making it a fitting anthem for my journey this year. "Shake It Off" is a song about resilience, self-acceptance, and not letting negativity or criticism bring you down. It's about finding the strength to rise above challenges and adversities and encouraging listeners to embrace their authentic selves unapologetically. These themes have played a significant role in my life over the past year, making "Shake It Off" a song that captures the essence of my experiences and outlook. In my own life, I've encountered moments where I faced doubt, criticism, or external pressures that made me question my path and choices. Whether it was academic challenges, navigating a competitive professional environment, or even dealing with personal setbacks, "Shake It Off" reminded me of the importance of resilience. It encouraged me to dust myself off, keep moving forward, and not let negativity define my self-worth. Moreover, the song's infectious rhythm and catchy lyrics have provided a source of motivation and positivity. Whenever I needed a pick-me-up or energy boost, I'd play "Shake It Off." Its lively melody never failed to bring a smile to my face. It's a reminder that life's challenges can be overcome with a positive attitude and the determination to persevere. Taylor Swift's music has always been known for its relatability and ability to connect with listeners personally. "Shake It Off" is no exception. It's a testament to the power of music to uplift, inspire, and unite people from all walks of life. As I faced various trials and triumphs this year, "Shake It Off" has been a reassuring presence, reminding me to stay true to myself and not let adversity define my journey. In conclusion, "Shake It Off" from Taylor Swift's "1989 (Taylor's Version)" has been the perfect soundtrack for my year. Its themes of resilience, self-acceptance, and positivity have resonated with me, constantly reminding me to embrace challenges with a can-do attitude. This song has brought joy to my days and provided the motivation I need to keep moving forward on my life's journey. So, if my year had a soundtrack, "Shake It Off" would undoubtedly be a standout track, celebrating the power of resilience and self-confidence.
      @ESPdaniella Disabled Degree Scholarship
      In my specific major and future career field, educational leadership focusing on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership, I aspire to impact people with disabilities significantly. Education should be inclusive and equitable for all, regardless of abilities or disabilities. I aim to promote accessibility in educational institutions and organizations by advocating for universal design principles and inclusive practices. I aim to collaborate with experts in the field to create curricula, programs, and environments that cater to the diverse needs of students with disabilities, ensuring they have equal opportunities for success. Furthermore, I intend to use my leadership position to influence policies and initiatives that prioritize accessibility, support, and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities, fostering a more equitable society for all.
      Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
      Mental health holds profound significance for me as a student, transcending mere importance and becoming an intrinsic part of my academic journey and life. It has influenced not only my personal well-being but also my commitment to advocating for mental health within my community, whether it be within my school, my home, or other spheres of influence. As a student, I understand that mental health is the cornerstone of academic success and happiness. It impacts cognitive abilities, emotional stability, interpersonal relationships, and the capacity to handle life's challenges. Recognizing this, I have prioritized mental health in my life, as I firmly believe that a healthy mind is the foundation upon which all other achievements are built. Navigating the rigors of academia can be mentally taxing, and I have personally experienced the stress and anxiety that can accompany the pursuit of educational goals. During my early years in college, I began to understand the profound importance of mental health in students' lives. Witnessing friends and classmates grapple with stress, depression, and anxiety, I became determined to advocate for mental health awareness and support systems. I have actively participated in initiatives promoting mental health in my school community. I have organized awareness campaigns, workshops, and discussions to create safe spaces for students to address mental health challenges and seek help when needed openly. Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health is a crucial step toward fostering a supportive environment where students feel comfortable seeking assistance. Within my home, I have also advocated for mental health by engaging in open conversations with my family members about the significance of emotional well-being. Recognizing the family's role in shaping an individual's mental health, I have encouraged a culture of empathy, understanding, and emotional support. By sharing personal experiences and insights, I hope to contribute to an environment where mental health concerns are met with compassion rather than judgment. Beyond my immediate circles, I have extended my advocacy for mental health to broader communities through volunteer work and engagement with organizations dedicated to this cause. I have volunteered with local mental health nonprofits, participating in events and initiatives to raise awareness, provide resources, and promote mental health education. In my academic pursuits, I have integrated mental health themes into my studies, exploring the intersection of psychology, education, and social justice. Through research and coursework, I have sought to understand the complexities of mental health issues, particularly within educational settings. My goal is to contribute academically to developing strategies and interventions that support the mental well-being of students. In conclusion, mental health is of paramount importance to me as a student, as it profoundly influences my personal well-being and academic journey. Advocating for mental health within my community is not merely an aspiration but a personal commitment deeply rooted in my own experiences and observations. By fostering awareness, compassion, and support, I hope to create environments where students and individuals feel empowered to prioritize their mental health and seek the help they need to thrive.
      Online Learning Innovator Scholarship
      In today's interconnected world, online platforms, tools, and resources have become integral to my pursuit of knowledge and academic growth. These digital resources have expanded my understanding of the subjects I study and equipped me with the tools necessary to apply my knowledge effectively. One of the primary online platforms I utilize for learning is academic databases and digital libraries. Platforms like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and my university's library resources offer extensive research articles, journals, and scholarly publications. These resources have been invaluable in deepening my understanding of educational leadership, sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership—the focal points of my doctoral studies. I can access a vast repository of peer-reviewed research papers and publications related to my field through these platforms. These articles provide insights, data, and evidence that inform my research, allowing me to stay current with the latest developments and theories within educational leadership. Moreover, they serve as a foundation for crafting well-informed arguments and proposals, ultimately enhancing the quality of my academic work. Another essential online tool in my academic journey is collaborative cloud-based platforms like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365. These tools facilitate seamless collaboration with fellow researchers, colleagues, and mentors. Through shared documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, I can work collectively on projects, exchange ideas, and receive feedback in real-time. This collaborative environment fosters a dynamic exchange of perspectives and knowledge, enriching my learning experience. Online courses and learning management systems (LMS) have also been pivotal in my educational journey. These platforms, including Canvas and Blackboard, provide a structured and organized framework for course materials, assignments, and communication with instructors and peers. The flexibility of online courses has allowed me to balance my studies with professional responsibilities and advocacy work effectively. One highly regarded resource I hold is social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. These platforms are gateways to a global community of scholars, experts, and activists passionate about education, sustainability, social justice, and equity. Engaging in discussions, sharing resources, and connecting with thought leaders in these fields has broadened my horizons and exposed me to diverse perspectives. Webinars and virtual conferences are additional online resources that have been instrumental in my academic and professional growth. These events provide opportunities to hear from experts, engage in discussions, and stay updated on emerging trends and best practices. The knowledge gained from webinars often directly informs my research and advocacy efforts. Overall, the online platforms, tools, and resources I utilize have transformed my learning experience and equipped me with the knowledge and skills to apply my understanding effectively. They have expanded my access to valuable research, facilitated collaboration, and connected me with a global community of like-minded individuals. In a rapidly evolving academic landscape, these digital resources empower me to stay at the forefront of my field, ensuring that my doctoral studies and advocacy work remain impactful and relevant. In conclusion, the digital age has ushered in a new learning and knowledge dissemination era. I embrace these online platforms and tools as essential to my academic and professional journey. They enhance my understanding of the subjects I study and empower me to apply my knowledge in ways that contribute meaningfully to educational leadership, sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership.
      Redefining Victory Scholarship
      Over the course of my life, a variety of experiences, aspirations, and lessons learned have shaped my aspiration for success, a concept that is frequently elusive but deeply personal. As I embark on the journey of pursuing a doctoral degree in educational leadership with a focus on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership, I find myself reflecting on what success truly means to me and how this opportunity will serve as a pivotal stepping stone toward its realization. For me, success is not solely defined by individual achievements or material wealth but rather by the positive impact I can have on the world around me, particularly in areas that align with my core values. It encompasses personal growth, contributions to the greater good, and a sense of fulfillment derived from meaningful work. Success is about creating a legacy that extends beyond my lifetime, leaving a lasting imprint on the lives of others and the communities I touch. As a firm believer in diversity, equity, and inclusion, success for me is intrinsically tied to the advancement of these principles. I envision a world where individuals of all backgrounds, regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic status, have equal access to opportunities, resources, and a seat at the table. Success means dismantling systemic barriers and advocating for those who are marginalized or underrepresented, especially women of color and black women. This journey toward success has led me to pursue a doctorate in educational leadership with a specific emphasis on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership. I believe that education is a powerful catalyst for societal change, and my chosen field of study equips me with the knowledge and skills needed to drive this change. Success, in this context, involves fostering educational environments that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion. In practical terms, success entails becoming a transformative leader, both in the academic realm and within the corporate landscape. I aim to leverage my education to address systemic issues within organizations that hinder the advancement of people of color and women into leadership positions. Through my doctoral program, I am equipping myself with the expertise to create inclusive workplaces, develop equitable policies, and advocate for change at a systemic level. Furthermore, I aspire to be a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for others, especially young women of color who may encounter similar obstacles and doubts along their journeys. Success is about serving as a mentor, an advocate, and a source of support for the next generation, guiding them toward their own paths of achievement. This scholarship opportunity is an integral part of my vision of success. It represents far more than financial assistance; it signifies recognition and affirmation of my commitment to the causes I hold dear. It provides the means to pursue my doctoral studies, which are central to my mission of advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion. This scholarship alleviates the financial burden associated with graduate school, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and research, which are pivotal in effecting positive change. Moreover, this scholarship serves as a catalyst for my continued growth and development as a leader. It will provide me with access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for promoting social justice and equity. These connections will be invaluable in expanding my network, engaging in collaborative initiatives, and amplifying the impact of my work. Additionally, the recognition I've received as a result of this scholarship boosts my confidence and motivation. It fuels my determination to overcome any obstacles that may arise, assuring me that my dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is both worthwhile and recognized. Success, as I envision it, transcends individual accomplishments and is deeply rooted in service to others. This scholarship, with its assistance and validation, enables me to take significant strides toward my ultimate goals. It empowers me to drive change in the corporate world, advocate for inclusive education, and inspire future generations of leaders. It paves the way for a future where the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just ideals but tangible realities. In conclusion, success, for me, is a multifaceted concept that centers on fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion while leaving a lasting impact on society. This scholarship opportunity represents a crucial milestone in my pursuit of success, providing the support, recognition, and resources needed to advance my mission. It strengthens my resolve to lead efforts for positive change, ensuring that my vision of success becomes a reality for myself and for the communities I serve.
      Hicks Scholarship Award
      A direct encounter with cancer has profoundly shaped my journey and life experiences, which has influenced both my academic and professional aspirations. Approximately 15 years ago, my world was rocked when my beloved grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. This diagnosis was a pivotal moment that marked the beginning of a challenging period in my life. The news of my grandmother's cancer diagnosis filled me with uncertainty and fear. At that time, I grappled with the possibility of losing her and the profound impact it would have on our family. The mental and emotional toll of witnessing her struggle with this disease took its toll on my well-being. The uncertainty surrounding her prognosis weighed heavily on my mind, and I often found myself grappling with anxiety and despair. However, amidst the challenging journey, there was a glimmer of hope. The news that my grandmother was cancer-free brought immeasurable joy and relief to our family. Her recovery served as a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of early detection and medical advancements. My grandmother's experience with cancer left an indelible mark on me, inspiring me to take my health seriously as I transitioned into adulthood. Recognizing the hereditary nature of cancer in our family, I have been proactive about scheduling regular cancer screenings and adopting a healthier lifestyle. This commitment to proactive health measures is a direct result of my grandmother's journey. Professionally, my experiences with cancer have led me to work and study in fields that are directly or indirectly related to advocating for individuals affected by this disease. I have channeled my passion and empathy into academic pursuits focused on public health, healthcare administration, and patient advocacy. Through my studies and professional work, I aim to contribute to improving the quality of care, access to healthcare resources, and support systems for cancer patients and their families. In conclusion, my direct and indirect experiences with cancer, particularly my grandmother's diagnosis and recovery, have had a profound impact on my life trajectory. These encounters have given me a strong sense of compassion, a dedication to maintaining my health, and a commitment to fighting for those who are cancer patients. My desire to positively impact the lives of people and families dealing with difficulties and make sure that they receive the care and support they require to be successful serves as the driving force behind my academic and professional goals.
      STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
      The career path I am passionate about pursuing is educational leadership, with a focus on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership. This path represents a significant transformation in my life trajectory, aligning with my core values and aspirations for a more equitable and sustainable future. My journey into educational leadership began with a profound belief in the power of education as a catalyst for social change. I have always strongly advocated for diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly for women of color and black women who face unique challenges in academic and professional spaces. Pursuing a career in educational leadership allows me to actively address these issues and work towards dismantling systemic barriers that hinder marginalized communities. The emphasis on sustainability within my chosen career path aligns with my deep commitment to environmental stewardship. As a creative advocate for the arts, I see sustainability as a means to harmonize human creativity with ecological responsibility. This focus on sustainability enriches my understanding of leadership and empowers me to inspire sustainable practices in educational institutions and beyond. Furthermore, incorporating social justice into my career emphasizes my dedication to addressing systemic inequalities. Educational leadership provides a platform to advocate for marginalized communities, challenge oppressive structures, and promote inclusive policies and practices. Participatory culture, an essential component of my career trajectory, embodies my belief in collective decision-making and community involvement. It fosters a sense of shared responsibility and stakeholder engagement, creating more equitable and inclusive educational environments. Heritage leadership acknowledges the importance of preserving cultural legacies and valuing diverse perspectives. It reinforces the significance of acknowledging and celebrating our collective histories, promoting a more inclusive and empathetic society. This career path represents a transformative shift in my life trajectory by allowing me to combine my passion for education, sustainability, social justice, and heritage leadership. It enables me to contribute meaningfully to addressing society's complex challenges. As I embark on this journey, I anticipate personal growth, profound learning experiences, and opportunities to effect positive change within educational institutions, corporate settings, and communities. In conclusion, pursuing a career in educational leadership focusing on sustainability, social justice, participatory culture, and heritage leadership represents a transformative trajectory in my life. It aligns with my values, passions, and aspirations, providing me the platform to advocate for equity, sustainability, and inclusivity. Through this career path, I envision a future where education drives positive societal change, and I am dedicated to contributing to that vision.
      Mental Health Scholarship for Women
      My mental health has been a cornerstone of my journey through academia and personal life. As a student, the ebbs and flows of my mental well-being have significantly impacted my academic performance and personal life. Understanding these dynamics and proactively prioritizing my mental health have been instrumental in achieving balance and success. Throughout my educational journey, I've grappled with anxiety, a persistent companion since my late teens. This anxiety has manifested as racing thoughts, excessive worry, and physical symptoms, often causing disruptions in my concentration and focus. In turn, this has occasionally led to lower grades and academic challenges. My mental health struggles have sometimes extended into my personal life, affecting my relationships and overall well-being. Recognizing the profound influence of mental health on my academic and personal life, I've adopted several strategies to prioritize and maintain it. First and foremost, I've sought professional help from mental health practitioners since the age of 18. Therapy has been a sanctuary where I can openly discuss my thoughts and emotions, receive guidance, and develop coping mechanisms. My primary care physician's prescription medication has also helped me manage my anxiety. In addition to professional support, I've integrated self-care practices into my daily routine. Regular exercise, mindfulness meditation, and healthy eating are pillars of my self-care regimen. These activities have helped me manage stress, improve my focus, and boost my overall well-being. Furthermore, I've cultivated a strong support network of friends and family who understand my mental health challenges and offer unwavering encouragement. Open communication with loved ones has been invaluable in navigating difficult times. Balancing academic demands with self-care has been crucial. I've learned to set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and avoid overextending myself. Time management and maintaining a structured schedule have been effective strategies to minimize stress and anxiety. Lastly, I've embraced my passion for the arts as a therapeutic outlet, particularly singing and painting. These creative pursuits allow me to express my emotions, relieve stress, and find solace during challenging periods. In conclusion, my mental health journey has indeed influenced my academic performance and personal life while attending school. Both triumphs and trials have marked it. However, through seeking professional help, practicing self-care, building a robust support network, and embracing creativity, I've been able to prioritize and maintain my mental health. These strategies have not only helped me manage my mental health challenges but have also contributed to my personal growth and academic success.
      Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
      One technology that truly inspires me is solar power, a renewable energy technology that harnesses the sun's energy to generate electricity and heat. Solar energy holds immense potential to make the world a better place due to its positive impact on the environment, communities, and global sustainability. Solar power significantly contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Unlike traditional fossil fuels, solar panels generate electricity without emitting harmful pollutants or carbon dioxide. This transition to clean energy mitigates climate-related challenges such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions in ecosystems. Furthermore, solar technology can revolutionize access to clean and affordable energy, especially in underserved and remote areas. Solar power systems, like solar panels and microgrids, provide decentralized and sustainable energy solutions. This empowers communities by granting them control over energy production, lowering energy costs, and enhancing overall living conditions. Solar energy also promotes economic growth and job creation. The expanding solar industry generates employment opportunities in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and research and development. This growth can reinvigorate local economies, particularly in regions transitioning from fossil fuel-based industries. Additionally, solar power encourages energy independence and resilience. On-site or community-based solar installations reduce reliance on centralized power grids, enhancing energy security during emergencies. Solar technology's adaptability and scalability are remarkable. From small-scale residential rooftop systems to large-scale solar farms, it can be tailored to meet diverse energy needs. This versatility enables communities and nations to transition gradually to renewable energy sources, reducing their dependence on fossil fuels. In conclusion, solar technology epitomizes a brighter and more sustainable future for our planet. Its clean, renewable, and abundant energy source addresses environmental challenges, empowers underserved communities, creates jobs, and enhances energy security. Solar power harnesses the sun's energy to benefit humanity and the environment, demonstrating the positive impact that technology can have on making the world a better place.
      Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
      My journey with mental health has shaped not only my beliefs and relationships but also my career aspirations in profound ways. It has been a complex and transformative experience that has led me to embrace vulnerability, resilience, and empathy as essential aspects of my identity. Mental health challenges have been a consistent presence in my life since my late teens. At the age of 18, I began experiencing symptoms of anxiety that manifested as racing thoughts, palpitations, and an overwhelming sense of dread. These symptoms were often debilitating and interfered with my daily life. Recognizing the need for help, I sought out a mental health professional who played a pivotal role in my recovery. Throughout my journey with anxiety, I have learned that vulnerability is not a weakness but a source of strength. Opening up about my struggles and seeking support was a transformative moment that allowed me to confront my condition head-on. I discovered that sharing my experiences not only alleviated my sense of isolation but also resonated with others who were navigating similar challenges. This realization ignited my passion for mental health advocacy, and I became determined to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. My commitment to promoting mental health awareness led me to engage in numerous volunteer activities, workshops, and advocacy initiatives. I co-founded a mental health awareness campaign at my university, organizing events and discussions to foster understanding and empathy among students. Through these efforts, I witnessed the power of dialogue in breaking down barriers and promoting healing within the community. In my journey, I also discovered the importance of resilience and self-care. The bouts of anxiety and depression that I faced often left me feeling defeated, but I refused to let them define my future. I recognized the significance of self-compassion and self-care practices, which became essential tools in managing my mental health. This newfound resilience not only helped me cope with my challenges but also allowed me to support friends and loved ones who were facing similar struggles. Moreover, my experiences with mental health have profoundly influenced my beliefs and relationships. I understand the complexity of the human experience and the importance of empathy in our interactions with others. Through my struggles, I have learned to approach people with compassion and understanding, recognizing that everyone carries their own burdens, seen or unseen. As I have navigated my journey, my aspirations have evolved to align with my passion for mental health advocacy. I want to dedicate my career to making a meaningful impact in this field. I dream of becoming a clinical psychologist equipped with the knowledge and empathy to help individuals facing mental health challenges find healing and resilience. I aspire to create a safe and supportive space where people can explore their vulnerabilities and work toward their mental well-being. The devoted mental health professionals who have assisted me on my journey have inspired me in this pursuit. Their unwavering commitment to the well-being of others has shown me the profound difference that compassionate and evidence-based care can make in the lives of those struggling with mental health issues. Ultimately, my experiences with mental health have reinforced my belief in the power of empathy, vulnerability, and resilience. They have shaped my career aspirations and led me to a path where I hope to contribute to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and improving the lives of individuals and communities affected by it. Through my journey, I have come to understand that mental health is an integral part of the human experience, and it is our responsibility to create a society that embraces and supports the mental well-being of all its members.
      Dr. Jade Education Scholarship
      In the realm of my most cherished dreams, life unfolds as a masterpiece of joy, purpose, and fulfillment. At its core, my dream life is one characterized by a profound sense of contentment and the absence of pervasive worries. Let me paint a vivid picture of the life I yearn to live: First and foremost, my dream life revolves around pursuing a career that fills my heart with passion and purpose. Whether I find myself immersed in the dynamic field of communications, making an impactful difference in higher education administration, or dedicating my efforts to the noble causes of the non-profit sector, my professional journey is marked by both success and personal fulfillment. This career not only sustains me financially but also nourishes my spirit, allowing me to thrive while contributing to the betterment of society. In my dream life, I have built a loving and supportive family. I am married to a wonderful partner who complements and supports me in every way. Our relationship is a testament to growth and shared experiences, characterized by unwavering love, understanding, and respect. Together, we create a nurturing and lively home for our four beautiful children. As a mother, I am deeply present and involved in their lives, cherishing each moment and guiding them toward a bright and promising future. As a black woman, the path to achieving this dream has been marked by challenges and obstacles, but it has also been illuminated by hope, resilience, and determination. I draw strength from the rich tapestry of my identity, using it as a source of inspiration to overcome adversity and embrace the possibilities of the future. In my dream life, family and community take center stage. I envision a life where we can travel regularly, exploring new horizons and creating cherished memories. Whether it's monthly getaways, bimonthly adventures, or quarterly escapes, travel becomes an integral part of our existence, broadening our perspectives and strengthening our bonds. Furthermore, my dream life amplifies my commitment to community service and advocacy. I am even more deeply engaged in organizations such as Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, the National Society of Black Engineers, FIRST Robotics, Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, and Forward Through Ferguson. These organizations align with my values and provide me with the platform to drive meaningful change in our society. I am not only a member but a catalyst for progress, helping to advance their missions and causes. Within the tapestry of my dream life, personal growth and self-improvement occupy a significant space. I am actively pursuing personal goals, from achieving optimal health and fitness to elevating my fashion style. My passion for singing finds new heights as I perfect my vocal talents, and I immerse myself in the art of professional photography, capturing the beauty of life through the lens of my camera. In essence, my dream life is a harmonious symphony of love, purpose, and personal growth. It is a life where every day is filled with meaning and the pursuit of happiness is a shared endeavor. While challenges may arise, the unwavering hope and determination within me guide the way. With this vision as my compass, I journey toward a future where dreams become reality, and I can look back with gratitude and fulfillment.
      Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
      Growing up in a family with a history of anxiety and depression, mental illness has been a constant presence in my life, profoundly impacting both me and my loved ones. At the age of 18, I began my personal journey with mental health challenges, primarily centered around anxiety. It's a journey characterized by fortitude, reflection, and the search for healing. My experience with anxiety has been a relentless companion, often casting a shadow over my academic and professional endeavors. The weight of constant worry and self-doubt made even simple tasks seem insurmountable. At times, anxiety has manifested as physical symptoms, leaving me in a perpetual state of restlessness. It became evident that seeking professional help was essential. I took the courageous step of consulting a mental health professional, recognizing that I needed guidance in navigating the complexities of my anxiety. Therapy became a safe space for introspection, self-discovery, and learning effective coping strategies. Alongside therapy, I worked closely with my primary doctor to find the right medication to help manage my anxiety, a process that required patience and perseverance. Despite these efforts, I have faced many bouts of depression, often intertwined with my academic and professional pursuits. The relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with the burden of mental illness, occasionally led me into the depths of despair. In these moments, the world felt bleak, and the weight of existence seemed unbearable. There were instances when I contemplated suicide, a painful testament to the depth of my suffering. Mental illness has also touched my family, notably my grandmother, who has battled anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. Her journey has provided me with insight into the generational impact of mental health struggles, emphasizing the importance of breaking the cycle. Through therapy, medication, and a strong support system, I have made significant progress in managing my anxiety and depression. However, the road to recovery is continuous, with both successes and setbacks. I have learned that mental health is not a linear journey; it's a dynamic process that requires ongoing attention and self-compassion. My experiences with mental illness have shaped my outlook on life and instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and resilience. I am determined to use my journey as a source of strength to advocate for mental health awareness and support others facing similar challenges. I hope that one day, I can look back on this chapter of my life and see anxiety as something that is behind me. I dream of a future where the weight of anxiety no longer holds me captive, where the shadow of depression dissipates, and where mental wellness becomes an integral part of my identity. In conclusion, although my struggle with mental illness has been challenging, it has also highlighted my resilience and inner strength. I am committed to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, supporting others in their healing journeys, and fostering a world where no one has to suffer in silence.