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Ademidun Adesola


Bold Points








I am a student at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. I am studying Computer Science. I enjoy looking at things with colors and mixing colors.I am a dedicated girl. Once I put my mind to something, it is close to impossible to deter my attention away from that thing. Whenever I get the chance, I always want to try something new that I have never done before. One of my goals is to make life easier for people, especially those that do not have the opportunity and luxury and to ensure everyone has easy access to safe technology.


Lincoln University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Computer and Information Sciences, General
  • Minors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      Creative director and company founder



      2015 – 20183 years


      • Photography
        2019 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Ogba Local Government — My role was to clean the drainages to ensure free flow of water and fluid to prevent mosquitos from breeding in stagnant water.
        2015 – 2019
      • Volunteering

        Independent — Speaker
        2018 – Present

      Future Interests





      Rossi and Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
      "What could go wrong?" When I think of this a lot of things come to mind. Everything or Nothing at all. If everything goes wrong then my life would basically have no essence, which could be temporary or permanent. I would have used a good portion of my life doing everything according to society's standards and not lived by my terms or I could have wasted my life. I would be investing into an empty nest. Spending my time on things that are not porductive or fulfilling and spending my time with people that add little or nothing to me. That would hurt, right? If nothing goes wrong, kudos to me for having lived life and done things while being scared and uncertain but still it worked out. Which is what we want in the end, right? Nothing can go wrong, nothing will go wrong. That's what we hope for. Life is unpredictable, sometimes too unpredictable for my comfort and security. Waking up everyday, making decisions everyday is a big risk because what we diecide today could go wrong and impact our future for the next days to generation even. Quite scary. Imagine, I quit my stable job to pursue my passion for event planning, a dream I have had since childhood. The first few days are exhilarating, filled with endless possibilities. But then reality sets in. Bills start piling up, my savings dwindle, investments sink, and there are no events to plan becasue I am not being booked. Panic sets in. I wonder, "What if I fail?" Now I am at crossroads, what if this 'failure' is meant to teach me something or it leads to something greater. What if while waiting on this I discover a new passion, then I think do I venture into it, "what could go wrong?" Or what if I was meant to wait it out. Another instance, technological advancements are skyrocketing, promising a future where nothing is impossible. But with this comes the fear of the unknown. Autonomous AI, climate change, political instability - each holds the potential for disaster. What if our reliance on technology leads to a catastrophic failure? What if efforts to combat climate change fall short? What if political tensions turn into global conflict? The challenges we face today could birth a new era of collaboration and progress. What if these potential disasters are the very things that unite us, driving us to find solutions and build a better future? Ultimately, the question "What could go wrong?" is a double-edged sword. It can destabilize us with fear or motivate us to take bold steps. Embracing the possibility of failure opens the door to unexpected successes. Life's unpredictability is what makes it worth living. Every wrong turn, every setback, every moment of doubt is a key part of our journey. So, what could go wrong? Everything. Nothing. And every possibility in between. The beauty lies in our response—how we adapt, learn, and grow from whatever life throws our way. After all, it's not the absence of problems that defines a well-lived life, but the courage to face them head-on. Instead of asking "What could go wrong?" let's ask "What could go right?" and let's see what that does for us.
      Private (PVT) Henry Walker Minority Scholarship
      In the midst of my educational quest in the United States, my mind constantly returned to the Nigerian community that molded me. The dusty streets, bustling marketplaces, and tight-knit communities contain vivid and beloved memories. If given the chance to make a good difference in my town, I would prioritize education and empowerment, believing that a flourishing community begins with the development of its intellectual capital. Living as a child in Nigeria, I experienced educational availability as well as gaps. While some students had the advantage of attending fully furnished schools with experienced teachers, others were forced to deal with the harsh realities of packed classrooms and little resources. This sharp difference strengthened my resolve to make a contribution to educational advancement. My first project would be the creation of community learning centers outfitted with cutting-edge educational materials. These facilities could act as safe places of refuge for both children and adults, closing the disparity between the rich and the impoverished. The objective is to establish an atmosphere that encourages learning, piques people's interests, and allows them to imagine a future transcending the restrictions of their present situation. Furthermore, I realize technology's vital role in the modern world, as well as its power to link even the most isolated communities. To capitalize on this, I would establish hubs for technology within educational centers. Computers, the internet, and digital resources for education would be accessible through these centers. Individuals would be more prepared to negotiate the changing terrain of the global economy if they were equipped with digital literacy skills. Recognizing that education goes past the school, I would encourage vocational training programs as well. These projects would provide people with real-world abilities, allowing them to become self-sufficient and entrepreneurs. Whether it's learning a vocation, developing agricultural skills, or dabbling in creative pursuits, such courses would cater to the community's different interests and abilities. Community involvement, in addition to educational institutions and vocational training, is critical for long-term growth. I plan to provide frequent workshops and lectures on topics including health, financial literacy, and the preservation of the environment. These gatherings would act as information-sharing platforms, building a feeling of community and communal responsibility. This project's significance is strongly entrenched in my life events. I recall well the struggles of friends and family members who, despite their aptitude, were hampered by restricted educational possibilities. After experiencing the transformational impact of schooling in my own life, I feel compelled to give it forward. Improving my area is more than a wish; it is a dedication to ending the generational cycle. It is an acknowledgment that every individual, regardless of background, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. The paths to unleashing that potential are education and empowerment, paving the road for a more resilient, knowledgeable, and self-sufficient community. In essence, the goal is to generate a positive ripple effect in which the influence of educational empowerment reaches beyond the individual to affect the lives of families, communities, and, eventually, the entire community. I hope to contribute to the basis of a community that lives on wisdom, resilience, and a common vision for a better future by investing in education.
      Crenati Foundation Supporting International Students Scholarship
      In the quiet environment of a Computer Science room in the United States, I came across something significant that got me wondering about the ways I could bring beneficial improvements back home to Nigeria. It happened in this fascinating seminar where the lecturer was discussing the use of computer technology for social benefit. As she told anecdotes about the influence of technology on communities, a light went off in my brain, connecting the connections between technology and the difficulties we face in Nigeria. So here's the deal: I'm a Nigerian girl studying computer science in the United States, and I want to use what I'm learning to make a genuine impact in my home country. One of my major goals is to close the digital divide in Nigeria. While technology advances internationally, there are still areas in Nigeria where people do not have convenient access to computers or the internet, much alone know how to use them. I'm considering launching initiatives that not only provide individuals with technology knowledge but also educate them on how to use it effectively. Consider a future in which anybody, regardless of where they reside, can join the digital revolution! I think that by ensuring that more Nigerians become proficient in technology, I will open up a plethora of options and perhaps spawn some great ideas. But wait, there's more. I also wish to contribute to the growth of Nigeria's IT ecosystem. The United States is a rich store of information and cutting-edge technology, and I hope to bring some of it back with me. Imagine if we could convince US tech firms to collaborate with Nigerian entrepreneurs - it might be game-changing! My ambition is to contribute to the development of a vibrant digital community in Nigeria. I'm talking about real-world issues such as making agriculture smarter, boosting healthcare, and making financial services more accessible to more people. Technology is about more than simply fancy devices; it is about making everyone's life better. And do you know what else? Not to mention the gals back home. My goal is to be a role model for them. Women are underrepresented in STEM disciplines, but I believe this will change. So I'm thinking of launching mentoring programs and proclaiming across the eaves that ladies can absolutely crush it in technological and scientific fields. As I immerse myself in the realm of information technology here in the United States, my goal is to transform my knowledge into something that will bring a touch of enchantment to Nigeria. It's not just about me thriving; it's about delivering wonderful emotions and possibilities to the place I call home. Let's begin by dreaming great and making things happen one string of code at a moment!
      Financial Literacy Scholarship Award
      As a young international student striving to overcome the challenges of financial literacy in the United States, I recall a pivotal incident that ingrained in me the significance of financial responsibility. This unremarkable day marks the start of my quest toward financial knowledge and readiness. My excitement at receiving my first paycheck immediately changed to uncertainty when I saw the many deductions printed on my pay stub. In the field of personal finance, terms like FICA, federal and state taxes, and retirement contributions left me feeling overwhelmed and confused. Seeking advice from a knowledgeable mentor, a fellow Nigerian who had navigated the complexities of the American financial system, I set out on a journey to unravel the mystery of personal finance. His wise counsel created the framework for my financial education, and the most important lesson Dad taught me was the need to have an emergency fund. "Life is inherently unpredictable, and unforeseen expenses have a knack for appearing at the most inopportune moments, regardless of how meticulously you plan," he explained, leaning back in his chair. An emergency reserve acts as a financial bulwark against life's storms." The mentor went on to explain the notion of an emergency fund, which is a certain amount of money set aside to meet unexpected expenditures such as medical crises, auto repairs, or job loss. His answer struck a deep chord with me, providing a clear and practical strategy for dealing with the uncertainty that so frequently pervades life. Embracing this lesson thoroughly, I saw the liberating possibilities of having a financial safety net. Despite my limited salary as a student, I resolved to meticulously save aside a percentage of my wages each month towards my emergency fund. This habit not only gave me a sense of financial stability but also established in me the discipline of regular saving. As time passed, the importance of the emergency fund became obvious. I didn't have to take out pricey loans or rely on family assistance when my important study laptop unexpectedly broke down. My emergency fund covered the cost, preventing me from experiencing the stress and financial load that unexpected costs frequently do. This event reinforced in my opinion the significance of careful financial preparation. It emphasized the need to save first and foremost, regardless of income level, as well as developing the foresight to foresee and prepare for life's uncertainties. As I learned more about financial literacy, I expanded my knowledge beyond emergency reserves and into areas such as budgeting, investing, and debt management. The fundamental notion of creating a financial safety net, on the other hand, remains the foundation of my financial strategy. This useful lecture revealed the road through the complexity of personal finance, helping me to make educated decisions and negotiate the financial challenges of my student life in the United States. The path to financial mastery is a never-ending journey, but equipped with the insights learned from this key lesson, I boldly forge on, knowing that a sound financial foundation is the cornerstone of surviving life's unanticipated trials.
      Opportunity for Our People Scholarship
      In a world that often emphasizes conformity and consensus, it is valuable to embrace unpopular opinions that challenge the status quo. One such unpopular opinion that I hold is that failure is essential for personal growth and success. While society tends to associate failure with negativity and discouragement, I firmly believe that it is a necessary stepping stone towards achieving one's full potential. Despite the unpopularity of this viewpoint, I hold it steadfastly due to the transformative impact it has had on my own life. Failure, in its various forms, provides invaluable lessons and opportunities for self-reflection. It is through failure that we gain insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Failure forces us to confront our limitations and prompts us to seek new approaches and strategies. By embracing failure, we cultivate resilience, adaptability, and perseverance - qualities that are essential for personal growth and long-term success. I hold this unpopular opinion because I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of failure in my own journey. In the past, I used to fear failure and viewed it as a setback, a sign of incompetence or inadequacy. However, as I faced challenges and experienced failures, I realized that failure is not an indicator of worth, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By reframing failure as a learning experience, I began to embrace it as an essential part of my personal and professional development. Instead of shying away from challenges, I approached them with a mindset of learning and growth. Each failure became a stepping stone towards improvement and refinement. This perspective allowed me to push beyond my comfort zone, take calculated risks, and explore new possibilities. Moreover, unpopular opinions have the power to challenge societal norms, encourage critical thinking, and foster innovation. When individuals dare to voice their dissenting views, they spark conversations, stimulate debate, and challenge the existing paradigms. Unpopular opinions play a crucial role in pushing boundaries, provoking intellectual discourse, and paving the way for progress. While holding an unpopular opinion may subject one to criticism or skepticism, it also provides an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. It forces us to examine our beliefs, values, and biases, encouraging introspection and self-awareness. By engaging in thoughtful dialogue and open-minded discussions, we gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives and broaden our own worldview. Additionally, unpopular opinions foster intellectual curiosity and innovation. They compel individuals to think critically, question assumptions, and seek alternative solutions. By challenging the status quo, we create space for unconventional ideas to flourish, leading to breakthroughs and advancements in various fields. Furthermore, unpopular opinions are crucial for social progress. History has shown that many transformative movements and advancements have emerged from individuals challenging prevailing norms and advocating for change. By voicing unpopular opinions, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse society, one that values independent thinking and respects diverse perspectives. In conclusion, embracing unpopular opinions, such as the belief in the value of failure, is essential for personal growth, intellectual advancement, and societal progress. While it may be uncomfortable to deviate from mainstream perspectives, holding unpopular opinions encourages critical thinking, innovation, and the pursuit of personal excellence. By challenging societal norms and embracing failure as a catalyst for growth, we pave the way for positive change and make meaningful contributions to our communities. So, let us not shy away from unpopular opinions, but rather embrace them as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation.
      Dreamer's Midpoint Scholarship
      As a non-U.S. citizen pursuing education in the United States, I have faced unique challenges that have shaped my educational journey. Adapting to a new educational system and cultural environment, financial constraints, and the distance from my home country were significant hurdles that I had to overcome. However, I navigated these challenges by seeking support from language tutors, engaging in language enhancement programs, and actively participating in extracurricular activities to foster language development and cultural integration. Financial constraints were also a major obstacle, but I actively sought out scholarship opportunities, applied for financial aid, and took on part-time jobs to support myself. I utilized resources like academic advisors and financial aid offices to explore alternative funding options and alleviate the financial burden. These efforts ultimately helped me secure scholarships and grants that enabled me to focus on my studies. Homesickness and cultural adjustment were emotional challenges I faced due to being far away from family, friends, and the familiar surroundings of my homeland. However, I sought support from campus resources, such as international student services and cultural organizations, to connect with fellow students from similar backgrounds. Engaging in cultural events and activities allowed me to celebrate my heritage while fostering connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds, creating a sense of community. Despite these challenges, my career aspirations remain strong. I believe that post-secondary education is essential for personal growth, intellectual development, and expanding horizons. It equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to navigate a complex world and contribute meaningfully to society. My specific career aspirations revolve around using technology to address global wicked problems. I am passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative solutions for issues such as poverty, healthcare disparities, and environmental sustainability. Pursuing post-secondary education in computer science provides me with the opportunity to specialize in my field, explore emerging technologies, and gain practical experience through internships and projects. This specialized knowledge and practical application are crucial for achieving my career goals and making a tangible impact in the field. Additionally, post-secondary education offers access to a vast network of professionals, mentors, and industry connections. Internships, research collaborations, and exposure to industry trends provide practical insights and position me for success in the competitive job market. In conclusion, as a non-U.S. citizen pursuing education in the United States, I have faced and overcome challenges such as adapting to a new educational system, financial constraints, and cultural adjustments. However, these challenges have not deterred my passion for personal growth and my commitment to my career aspirations. I believe in the transformative power of education to equip individuals with valuable skills, broaden their horizons, and make a positive impact in their chosen field. Pursuing post-secondary education provides specialized knowledge, industry connections, and a platform to address global challenges through technology. By overcoming challenges and embracing the opportunities presented, I am confident that I can achieve my goals, contribute to society, and create a meaningful and fulfilling career path.
      McDuffie Software Engineering Scholarship
      My journey in software engineering has been driven by a passion for technology and a desire to make a meaningful impact in the field. As an international student from Nigeria, I have witnessed the transformative power of technology in addressing societal challenges, and I am committed to leveraging my skills and knowledge to drive positive change. This scholarship represents an incredible opportunity for me to further my education and professional development, enabling me to contribute to the field of software quality assurance and pursue my dreams. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have developed a strong interest in software quality assurance (SQA) and its critical role in ensuring the reliability, functionality, and user satisfaction of software systems. During my internship at Amazon Music as a Quality Assurance Engineer, I gained firsthand experience in testing and ensuring the quality of software products. This experience ignited my passion for SQA and showcased its significance in delivering seamless and exceptional user experiences. Receiving this scholarship would greatly contribute to my pursuit of excellence in the field of SQA. It would provide the financial support necessary to continue my education, further expand my technical skills, and engage in professional development opportunities. With access to resources such as specialized training, industry certifications, and workshops, I would be equipped with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the field. Furthermore, the scholarship would allow me to actively participate in conferences, seminars, and networking events, providing invaluable opportunities to connect with industry professionals, learn from their experiences, and gain insights into the latest trends and advancements in SQA. Beyond the financial support, this scholarship represents a validation of my passion and potential in the field of software engineering, specifically in SQA. It would serve as a significant endorsement of my abilities and dedication, boosting my confidence and reaffirming my commitment to making a difference through my work. This recognition would motivate me to continue pushing the boundaries of my knowledge, exploring new avenues, and striving for excellence in SQA. Looking ahead, I am most excited to pursue a career in software quality assurance post-graduation. SQA offers a unique blend of technical expertise, critical thinking, and attention to detail. It allows me to contribute to the development of high-quality software systems that have a direct impact on user experiences and overall customer satisfaction. Within the realm of SQA, I am particularly enthusiastic about exploring advancements in automated testing, continuous integration, and DevOps practices. These areas present exciting opportunities to optimize testing processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver high-quality software at an accelerated pace. Additionally, I am eager to explore the intersection of SQA and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Leveraging these technologies in SQA can unlock new possibilities for intelligent test automation, anomaly detection, and predictive analysis, ultimately leading to more robust and reliable software systems. In conclusion, receiving this scholarship would be a transformative opportunity for me to advance my education and career in the field of software quality assurance. It would provide the necessary support to further develop my technical skills, engage in professional development opportunities, and connect with industry professionals. I am excited to explore the various aspects of SQA, particularly in automated testing and the integration of emerging technologies. With the scholarship's support, I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to the field, improve software reliability, and enhance user experiences. This scholarship would not only empower my dreams but also enable me to drive positive change in the software engineering industry.
      Chadwick D. McNab Memorial Scholarship
      One project that I was particularly passionate about and that truly exemplified how working in technology inspires me was an initiative I led during my time as a quality assurance engineer at Amazon Music. The project involved developing a personalized recommendation system aimed at enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. The opportunity to contribute to the design and implementation of a cutting-edge technology solution sparked my enthusiasm and ignited my passion for the field. The personalized recommendation system aimed to leverage machine learning algorithms and data analytics to understand users' music preferences and provide tailored song suggestions. I was captivated by the potential of this project to create a seamless and enjoyable music experience for users while also pushing the boundaries of technology. From the outset, I immersed myself in research, studying existing recommendation algorithms, and exploring best practices. This deep dive into the technical aspects of the project fueled my curiosity and eagerness to learn more. I collaborated closely with a cross-functional team of developers, data scientists, and product managers, which provided a rich environment for sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and pushing the project forward. As the project progressed, I became increasingly motivated by the tangible impact it could have on users' lives. Music has the power to evoke emotions, connect people, and shape experiences. By developing an effective recommendation system, we had the opportunity to introduce users to new artists, genres, and songs they might have otherwise missed. I envisioned users discovering their next favorite song, finding solace in the lyrics of a meaningful track, or simply enjoying a curated playlist that perfectly matched their mood. This prospect filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose. What truly inspires me about working in technology is the endless potential for innovation and its ability to address real-world challenges. Technology serves as a conduit for turning ideas into reality, driving progress, and transforming lives. Witnessing the impact that technology solutions can have on individuals, communities, and society as a whole is both humbling and exhilarating. Technology inspires me by pushing the boundaries of what is possible. It demands continuous learning and adaptation to stay at the forefront of advancements. Being in a field that is constantly evolving challenges me to continuously expand my knowledge, seek new perspectives, and embrace emerging technologies. This dynamic nature of technology keeps me engaged, motivated, and hungry for growth. Additionally, technology provides me with a platform to address societal issues on a global scale. It enables me to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to solutions for wicked problems such as poverty, access to education, and healthcare. The potential to have a meaningful impact by using technology to drive social change is a constant source of inspiration and fuels my commitment to making a difference. In conclusion, the personalized recommendation system project I worked on at Amazon Music catalyzed my passion for technology. The opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge solution that could enhance user experiences and connect people through music fueled my enthusiasm. Working in technology inspires me by its boundless potential for innovation, its ability to address real-world challenges, and its power to make a positive impact on individuals and society. The ever-evolving nature of the field, the vibrant community of like-minded individuals, and the opportunity to contribute to solving global problems are constant sources of inspiration, driving me to explore, learn, and create with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
      Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
      From an early age, I possessed an inherent curiosity for understanding how technology works and it's potential to transform society. Growing up in Nigeria, a country facing numerous socio-economic challenges, I witnessed firsthand the immense impact technology can have in addressing wicked problems. It was this realization that fueled my passion for pursuing a computer science degree and using technology as a catalyst for positive change. My journey toward Computer Science began to take shape during my high school years when I first encountered programming. The ability to create something tangible from lines of code fascinated me and awakened a deep interest in the field. Recognizing the tremendous opportunities computer science offered, I made a firm decision to pursue it at the university level. The decision to major in computer science was solidified during my internship at Amazon Music as a Quality Assurance Engineer. Working closely with a team of talented engineers and developers, I witnessed the direct impact technology can have on improving user experiences and streamlining processes. Looking ahead, my goal after receiving my computer science degree is to leverage my knowledge and skills to address global wicked problems. I aspire to work at the intersection of technology and social impact, utilizing my technical expertise to drive positive change. One of my dream jobs is to work as a technology consultant for international development organizations such as the United Nations or non-profit organizations tackling issues like poverty, access to education, and healthcare. By harnessing the potential of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and blockchain, I aim to contribute to the design and implementation of sustainable solutions that can uplift communities and foster inclusive growth. As a candidate for this scholarship, I believe I am well-suited to receive this opportunity due to several reasons. Firstly, my experience as a QAE has provided me with a solid foundation in software development and testing which has honed my attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and collaboration skills, all of which are vital for success in the field of computer science. Moreover, my international background as a student from Nigeria adds a unique perspective to my approach to problem-solving. Having witnessed the socio-economic challenges faced by my home country, I possess a deep understanding of the real-world issues that need to be addressed. This perspective allows me to think critically and empathetically when designing technological solutions, ensuring they are culturally sensitive, inclusive, and impactful. In conclusion, my interest in pursuing a computer science degree stems from my fascination with technology's transformative potential and my desire to solve wicked problems on a global scale. Through my experiences as a quality assurance engineer and my international background, I am equipped with the technical skills, cultural awareness, and passion necessary to make a meaningful impact in the field. I believe that receiving this scholarship will enable me to further my education, expand my horizons, and ultimately contribute to creating a more inclusive and prosperous world through the power of technology.
      Rose Ifebigh Memorial Scholarship
      My name is Ademidun Adesola, Ademidun means 'my crown is sweet', I am from Nigeria. The 'Ade' in my name states that I am from a royal family which I know of but have never been in contact with because I grew up quite far from where the royal family where stipulated. I am the first daughter of my immediate family and the first granddaughter from my mother's side which automatically gives me a lot of responsibilities. I grew up being very responsible for my siblings and family at large even though I was not the first child; I was often mistaken to be the first child because of the way I was raised to comport myself and be the reasonable one in every situation as a young child. I was trained with the mindset to nurture and always look after people, I would say I was the second mother in my home and the responsibilities increased whenever my mother traveled. I feel all of these qualities trained and prepared me for where I am today, far away from home and any familiarity. Life as a foreign student has been bittersweet, awakening and enlightening. I was so accustomed to people treating me like a small child and everyone wanting to help me that when I came to the United States and discovered as long as one is above 18, you are an adult and can do whatever one wants. Being of the mindset that I do not need to ask anyone for permission before I do something was also a shock to me but a good one. What I enjoy most is the structure, I thrive so well where there is structure and a laid-out plan so that is something I incorporate into my daily activities and that has made me enjoy this place and do well. My down times come sometimes when I see people's families helping them to move in or out and me doing those things by myself or when I have to accept an award and no one is there to take pictures or shout my name as other families do. I discovered in my journey here that I am very adaptable, and I can encourage and motivate myself to do any task. While I was in high school, I was in a boarding house and with any little inconvenience I would call home and someone would come to see me or pick me up to take me home. Now, I cannot call home for that because that will not be possible. I find myself adapting to every difficult situation I come across or I find a way to turn something bad into something good or laughable. I have received a lot of rejections and disappointments that have taken me to a bad place but I have been able to successfully talk and motivate myself out of that situation and continue moving forward. One thing I discovered about my family is that they miss me a lot and they show it unlike before. I have always wanted to be a point of contact for people and be someone worth emulating. I am currently studying Computer Science because I can help people in every sector and every walk of life through this. In Nigeria, young girls are not introduced to technicalities because it is seen as a man's world but I want to break that stigma and hope I can help my country later on.
      OxStem Educational Scholarship
      Because of the quickly changing technological landscape, STEM schooling is becoming increasingly important in today's society. There are numerous factors why you should pursue a STEM degree. First and foremost, STEM workers are in high demand, and this demand is anticipated to increase exponentially in the future years. A STEM education can lead to a variety of employment possibilities in areas such as engineering, computer science, healthcare, and others, giving you a stable and well-paying job. STEM disciplines provide opportunities to tackle complex real-world issues and create innovative solutions. You can prepare for these obstacles by seeking a STEM degree. You can have a direct effect on society by creating life-saving medical equipment and therapies, decreasing our carbon footprint and fighting climate change, and other activities. STEM jobs are usually linked with high salaries, giving financial security and stability. This is particularly essential for those interested in getting advanced degrees or beginning their businesses. STEM-related fields are thrilling and dynamic areas of study because they require creativity and innovative thinking to handle complicated issues. You can build critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation skills that can be utilized in a variety of contexts by pursuing a STEM education. STEM workers can significantly improve people's lives by creating sustainable energy sources, advancing technology, and more. Pursuing a STEM degree can lead to a gratifying and fulfilling career that has a beneficial effect on society. A STEM education can provide you with the skills and information you need to develop innovative solutions that can help others in a variety of ways. STEM professionals are in high demand, and STEM disciplines provide exciting job possibilities, financial stability, and the opportunity to make a major influence on society. A STEM education can provide numerous advantages, and it is an excellent option for those who want to make an impact in the world. One of my goals is to use computer science to help those living with disabilities. Through the creation of assistive technology and software, computer science has allowed people with disabilities to access the same educational and career possibilities as their non-disabled counterparts. Assistive technology refers to gadgets, software, and tools that allow people with impairments to complete activities that they would otherwise be unable to complete. Screen reader software, for example, converts text to speech or braille for people with vision disabilities, whereas vocal recognition software enables people with motor impairments to use computers or mobile devices without the use of a keypad or mouse. Additionally, captioning and sign language detection tools have been created to improve dialogue and usability for people who are deaf or use American Sign Language. To complement or substitute speaking and writing, alternative communication systems such as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems have been created. Finally, accessible webpages and mobile apps have been created by employing coding methods that allow users of assistive technology to easily browse and access information. Finally, computer science has been critical in enhancing communication and usability for people with disabilities. Assistive technology developments, captioning and sign language recognition, alternative communication systems, and accessible web pages and mobile apps are critical in building a more inclusive and fair society for all. The ongoing advancement of computer science is likely to result in even more chances for people with impairments to gain access to education, jobs, and other vital resources.
      Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
      One technology that has been around for a while and yet continues to inspire me is the internet. The internet has changed the way people communicate, live, and learn in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. It has enabled people to access information quickly and easily, to connect with others from around the world, to collaborate and innovate, and to participate in a global economy. The internet has been a great tool for social change, connecting people from all walks of life to share knowledge and ideas, support each other, or fight for a cause. For example, social media platforms have enabled people to raise awareness about issues, start movements, and organize protests. It has also made it easier for people to access educational resources, such as online courses and tutorials, and to connect with mentors and other professionals in their fields. The internet has also made it easier for businesses to reach new markets and collaborate with partners from around the world. This has in turn enabled more people to participate in the global economy, regardless of their location or socio-economic status. Furthermore, it has helped to level the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger corporations more equitably. Finally, the internet has been a great tool for connecting people from different cultures, enabling them to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives. This has helped to break down barriers between people and to create a more inclusive, tolerant, and peaceful world. Overall, the internet has made our world a better place in countless ways. It has enabled people to connect, collaborate, and innovate in ways that were never before possible. It has made it easier for businesses to reach new markets and for people to access educational resources and participate in the global economy. And finally, it has enabled people to connect and learn from each other, creating a more inclusive and tolerant world.
      Audra Dominguez "Be Brave" Scholarship
      When faced with adversity, I have always tried to stay focused on my career aspirations. Firstly, I have practiced self-care by taking time to relax, meditate, and practice mindfulness. This helps me to stay focused and balanced during difficult times. Secondly, I have tried to remain positive and focused on my goals, despite the adversity I am facing. I have also sought out advice and support from trusted friends, family, and colleagues to help me stay motivated and on track. Finally, I have set realistic goals for myself and worked to break them down into smaller, achievable steps. This keeps me motivated and helps me sustainably move toward my aspirations. For example, when I was diagnosed with a physical ailment, I was determined to continue working towards my goals despite the limitations presented by my condition. I have seen it as a challenge to overcome, and have worked hard to remain positive and remain committed to my goals. The first step I take when confronted with adversity is to take a step back and reevaluate my situation. This has enabled me to gain perspective and assess what resources I have available and what adjustments I may need to make in order to continue to pursue my goals. This could be anything from seeking out physical therapy and other medical assistance to talking to friends and family who can provide emotional support. Another important step I have taken is to focus on my strengths. I have set goals for myself, which I have broken down into smaller, achievable tasks. This has enabled me to stay motivated and stay focused on my goal, despite the obstacles I may face. I have also taken the time to ensure that I stay informed on the latest trends and developments in my field so that I stay ahead of the game. Finally, I have tried to stay flexible and open-minded when it comes to my career aspirations. While I may have certain goals in mind, I am also open to new opportunities and different paths that may be available to me. This has allowed me to explore new avenues and grow as a professional, while still staying true to my aspirations. By taking these steps, I have managed to stay focused on my career aspirations and progress despite the challenges I have faced. It is important to remember that adversity can be difficult to overcome, but it can also be an opportunity to grow and learn. I have used this mindset to my advantage, and it has enabled me to stay on track and continue to make progress toward my goals.
      Mohamed Magdi Taha Memorial Scholarship
      I strive to be an upstander by speaking up for myself and for others in an effort to make a positive impact in my community. I believe it is important to recognize our own power to bring about change, no matter how small. One of the ways I have done this is by getting involved in my local school board. In this role, I have advocated for policy changes that would benefit the students and the school district. I have also taken part in organizing events and campaigns to raise awareness of issues that directly affect my community. I am an upstander in my community by using my voice to speak up for those who feel unheard or underrepresented. I strive to create a safe and inclusive environment that acknowledges and celebrates diversity and encourages everyone to be their authentic selves. I will continue to stand up for what is right and challenge those in power to make a positive impact. I plan to be an active member of my community by volunteering and raising awareness on important issues. I will also use my voice to spread messages of unity and hope by advocating for social justice and promoting positive change. In addition to my involvement in local politics, I have also become an active participant in my local non-profit organizations. I have volunteered my time and efforts to help out with various projects and initiatives. I have taken part in community clean-ups and organized fundraisers to benefit those in need. Through these experiences, I have come to understand the importance of utilizing our collective voices to create meaningful change. One of the most powerful ways I have used my voice to help build my community is through my writing. I have written articles and blog posts that share stories of individuals in my community and how their lives have been impacted by the issues we face today. I have used my writing as a platform to express my opinions and to spread awareness of the different causes I am passionate about. Most recently, I have also become an advocate for social justice issues through my involvement in various campaigns and protests. I believe it is essential for us to use our voices to speak out against injustices and to defend those that are most vulnerable. I have taken part in marches and rallies to promote racial justice, environmental protection, and other causes that I am passionate about. I am committed to continuing to use my voice to help build my community and to create positive change. I plan to continue to be a part of initiatives that aim to bring about positive change, whether it is through volunteering my time, writing articles, or advocating for social justice issues. I also plan to support local organizations and initiatives that are working to make a difference in my community. Ultimately, I believe that it is through the collective voices of individuals that we can create meaningful and lasting change.
      She Rose in STEAM Scholarship
      Using a computer science degree to improve minorities' health is a noble and admirable pursuit. Computer science has already been used to make great strides in the healthcare industry, from developing new treatments to creating sophisticated systems for managing and analyzing patient data. With more and more data being collected, analyzed and used to improve healthcare, computer science is becoming an increasingly important factor in health outcomes. The use of computer science to improve the health of minorities is especially important, as minorities tend to have higher rates of poverty, access to healthcare, and preventable diseases. By using computer science to develop better ways of identifying, treating, and managing health conditions, minorities can benefit from improved health outcomes. One way to use computer science to improve minorities' health is to develop systems that better identify health disparities. Health disparities occur when people of different races, ethnicities, or socioeconomic backgrounds experience different levels of access to healthcare, quality of care, or prevention of disease. By using computer science to identify and analyze health disparities, healthcare providers can better understand the underlying causes of health disparities, which can lead to more effective interventions and improved health outcomes. Another way to use computer science to improve minorities' health is to develop more effective treatments. By using computer science to analyze data from clinical trials and other research studies, healthcare providers can develop more effective treatments that are tailored to the needs of specific populations. For example, computer science can be used to develop algorithms to analyze different variables related to a particular health condition and identify the best course of treatment. Finally, computer science can be used to develop systems to better manage patient data. By using computer science to improve the way data is collected, analyzed, and used, healthcare providers, can better understand how treatments are working and identify potential areas for improvement. Additionally, computer science can be used to create systems that make it easier for healthcare providers to access and use patient data, which can lead to better care and improved health outcomes. Using computer science to improve minorities' health is an important and necessary endeavor. By using computer science to identify and analyze health disparities, develop more effective treatments, and better manage patient data, healthcare providers can improve the health of minority populations. In doing so, computer science can help to create a healthier, more equitable society. One way I could use my computer science degree to improve minorities' health is by developing and deploying software that can help identify and address health disparities among minority populations. This could include a variety of applications, from data analysis and visualization tools to predictive analytics systems that can identify potential health risks and recommend preventative measures. Additionally, I could use my degree to develop software that increases access to healthcare services and educational resources, as well as create applications that help connect people to healthcare professionals and services. Finally, I could use my computer science degree to create tools that enable researchers to better understand the factors that contribute to health disparities in minority populations.
      Eleven Scholarship
      I am a Computer Science major student in college currently and I face a number of challenges from time to time. In March 2022, I applied with some of my friends to participate in a hackathon challenge for a company, but my team was not selected for even the first round. The next month, we applied for another hackathon but this one was hosted by another college I thought we would be able to get into this one because we were under the same umbrella but we were rejected again. I continued to apply for some others all through the spring of 2022 but nothing came through. This was very hard on us and especially for me because it made me question my qualifications and skills and I ruminated on why I could not get into a competition. I made up my mind it was because I did not have enough projects to show my skills so I decided to work on that over the summer. We gathered again during the fall semester of 2022 and the first one we applied to, we got in. We were very excited and started working straight away. We did all we could and created a good presentation but when the finalists were announced, we were not part. This really discouraged me and I started to feel there was no point in doing all this extra work outside of school because I put so much effort into it and dedicated so much time and resources to it for nothing to pay off in the end. For some time a lot of opportunities kept coming to me but I did not even bother to apply or look into them. For me, it was better not to apply than to apply and feel stupid because I was not chosen. I decided to come out of my hole and apply for one in particular, and I got it. I was so excited about this one because we were flown to another state to participate in this hackathon. I decided to try for this one because we were going to be in another state in person, not virtual like the other ones, and the partner companies were notable, it was a big event. The competition was from Thursday to Monday so we worked very hard during the weekend. I put so much effort into this one, there were a lot of sleepless nights. I was coding all through to bring our solution to life, I did a lot of research and was a motivator for my team when we were discouraged, and I really wanted this one to be a win because I missed my homecoming for this hackathon. We had a working application and a presentation at the end of the weekend which we presented to the companies present. In the end, we won the best use of API which was a huge deal for me. For the first time, I felt my effort being recognized and applauded. I went back to school on Monday with a prize and a huge network with notable people in the tech industry. This just made me more resilient and now, I have decided to keep trying no matter what. I also feel the past failures were just training for this win and I am proud of myself.
      Firstcard-Scholarship for Students
      Everyone always advises me to save and not to splurge money because I think I am young and still have time to make money to use reasonably. It kind of made me not want to save because the advice came from people that were financially not efficient, no disrespect. So from a young age, I did not have a strong belief in saving especially when the fund is easily accessible. The greatest financial advice I have been given is to invest. I came across Dominique Broadway, a multi-millionaire investor some time last year. She is a personal finance expert, a mother, a great business woman and very family oriented. I attended one of her free investing sessions because I had been hearing about the stock market declining and rising during the pandemic and I was clueless about what it meant. I also discovered some rich people that gained wealth from investing so I was further intrigued. When I attended her free class, her lifestyle and confidence appealed to me. She basically was talking about everything investing, what to invest in, the type of companies that would benefit you depending on your long term and short term goals, and the amount of money to invest and she was so honest that she did not shy away from the risk involved and approximately how much she had lost while investing. She also talked about how to make "quick money" through trading and options. She was very well rounded and well versed in what she does. From that moment I decided to research more in investing and see what that would do for me. I decided I wanted to build generational wealth and make sure those that come after me are secure in a way. I started investing earlier this year and it has been a rollercoaster. The amount of money that I have lost and gained cannot be compared but I still enjoy it. I now follow the stock markets and it makes me feel more responsible. My greatest joy is seeing how much I would get back each year and what my long term goals look like, it makes me excited to see money passively growing. It has also become like my emergency funds because there would always be cash invested and I know money is going to continuously grow somewhere. Now I have decided to take action with your finances, so I can begin to live the life I desire.
      Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
      Moving into another country with basically no family and limited support can be a great strain on one's mental health. Malgorzata moved to another country and was constantly changing career paths and I am sure people would have been doubting her and looking at her as crazy for not making up her mind and not being settled especially in another man's land but she proved all of them wrong. She faced quite a number of adversities in life and still made such a great impact, especially on the international community. I understand moving to another country and seeming like there is no support or the support is not as intimate as back home. I have had to make some decisions that are life changing and not having immediate or close feedback can sometimes be confusing and hard. For some time in college, I had been thinking about taking a minor or double majoring in something else but I was unsure of what to take because I didn't want to take something that I would not be able to use in the future and would make me feel like I wasted my time and I also did not want to take something that would disorient my plans and schedule. I just decided to take Business Management as a minor because I still have plans to have my business and it also correlates with my major. In times like this in uncertainties, it would be nice to have my family around to run to or a home to clear my head sometimes or just be in a different environment for a weekend. Malgorzata has encouraged me that I can do anything and I can do it all. She changed careers a few times and was still successful. She makes the struggle look less and the goal looks reachable and I admire that a lot. Another way I and Maggie are alike is that she is adventurous and seems like a person that actively decided to enjoy her life. That is one main thing I am taking away today. Do not let any current situation determine the path you want to take for the rest of your life. She went mountain climbing, did cycling and was a ski instructor. She was full of life and had an appreciation for nature which is something I do but I need to do more now that I have discovered someone that did it and did it so well. She seems like the type of person that did not care what people thought as long as she was happy and her decisions were not affecting someone negatively and that is how I live my life. Malgorzata was very brave and is now one of my role models.
      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      I remember growing up and always hearing from people around me but especially my mother, "don't let people walk over you, why are you not reacting?" This sometimes made me feel like something was wrong with me and I would grow up feeling like a rug mat but this turned out to be good for me. The quality I value the most about myself is my ability to be patient with everyone and in every situation. I believe tolerance can birth perseverance, tolerance and resilience. I know I have gone through a lot of things and if I was not able to be patient in the circumstances that had come my way, I would not have gotten this far. Being patient and tolerant has helped me to hold back and not act on impulse or not do something I would later on regret. In my family, I am the first daughter and second child. I would describe myself as being a quiet and gentle person, more of an introvert while my younger sister is more outgoing and more expressive so basically, she says and does most of the things she wants. There were times my sister did things to me and my mom would look at me expecting me to react but I would just turn my face and not say anything. Sometimes it made my mother wonder if there was something wrong with me and sometimes she would just warn my sister and say, "the day your sister would react, I would not stop her". It was like I let people have their way with me but I just felt like as long as the situation does not add a negative or significant period in my life there is no point for me to give that thing a reaction it does not deserve and bring life to it then long term prolonging the matter. Don't get it wrong, I would speak out if the situation demanded but I see no point reacting every time. Then I go out and I see so many people treating other people badly just because they do not have the patience to wait a bit for a service and this makes the other party sometimes feel less than or inadequate and I do not want to ever make someone feel like that. From 2018-2020, I was going through a bizarre period in my life that I would call the period of stagnancy like nothing was going right for me, and all of my plans were falling out. I did not get the support I needed from my family, and I felt very discouraged in major areas of my life but I decided to hold on and wait on God to see me through and bring me out of the situation. I was patient with God, patient with myself and decided to tolerate the insults and questions within and without. If I was not able to tolerate them, I fear I would have not some things I would have regretted now that I am in a better place. I just want my life to be solely on how I react and be fully responsible for everything that involves me instead of passively blaming someone else, and that's just how I live.
      Femi Chebaís Scholarship
      My goal for my life is to be very successful that I can help others seamlessly move upward; I want to have a multi-activity company because I have different interests. My plan is to have a company of technology and creativity where people I would employ mainly international students all over the world and they can view and express themselves, and my focus is Africa but Nigeria specifically.
      Learner Statistics Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. I want to be able to speak to young girls and encourage them to pursue a career in STEM especially in tech. I want to be a tutor in computer languages to people and just serve as a source of light to them. I want to make sure technology is accessible to all and they use technology for the good it brings, like empowering themselves, starting and growing a business instead of using it to scam others or for cyber bullying and all of those bad stuff. I want to get to the point of giving technological products to people that cannot necessarily afford them because in today's world, sometimes you need your own direct access to the internet to verify things and have information on your hand at your convenience. One thing I task myself with every day when I wake up is to make sure I put a smile on at least one person’s face. I just want to empower people and make people happy from my career.
      Show your Mettle - Women in STEM Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. Outside my career, I want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever they come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as many resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Karl Baehr Entrepreneurs Scholarship
      Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be independent and have my own business. I did not like the idea of being under someone or allowing another person to dictate how I use my time and my movements. Entrepreneurship was the perfect solution to this discomfort of mine. I started my business in my first year of high school. I was in a boarding house so my mother used to buy a lot of provisions like milk, beverage, biscuit, for me to take to school. We have a plantain plantation at the back of my house so whenever the harvest period came, we used the plantain to make plantain chips. The plantain chips were part of the provisions my mother packed for me when it was available. One day, I gave my friend out of it and she liked it then she told other people about it and they loved it too. When I discovered too many people loved the chips and they always came to ask me for them, I decided to let myself gain too, so I started selling them. The price was determined by the quantity the person wanted. Whenever the ones I had finished, I would call my mum to send more and I used to package it in nylon that was easy for them to carry around. The chips were so good and popular that upper-classmen too started buying from me. I made a lot of profit from the unripe plantain since I did not like it; I sold more of it than the ripe one which I liked so much. This went on till I graduated from high school. Now, I sell to my neighbors and friends, I deliver to those I can get to while my mother makes them and we now have a customized brand and logo for it. We sell in plastic containers and sachets. The independence and flexibility of entrepreneurship were what pushed me. If I did not want to sell anything, no one would force me to and I was not reporting to anybody about anything. All these convinced me to start something small that has helped me and my family now. Always hearing people complaining about their 9-5 job also motivated me to start selling the plantain chips. I hope to have a restaurant in the future where I can cook and sell food to people because I enjoy cooking. There would be snacks in my restaurant that would surely involve my plantain chips. I want to get to a point where I will be delivering to orphanages for free and doing giveaways for homeless people to put a smile on their faces. I now have a sense of responsibility that has helped me in other areas of my life. I realize for entrepreneurship, a lot of planning is involved and goals have to be set or else there would not be efficient productivity. One has to be responsible to start a business. I learned how to be proactive and forward-thinking while in high school. The creativity part of me has also enhanced, I am constantly looking for ways to make my products more appealing to existing and new customers. Also, multitasking has become second nature. I have to make sure things are done on time and that requires doing different things at the same time. To further build my knowledge, I have decide to minor in Business Management in college. I have learned a lot of things from entrepreneurship that I believe will help me in life and my career.
      Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
      Being an international college student is interesting but also has its downside. I have to deal with the cultural difference and being far away from my family. The financial stress that comes with being a co-dependent or independent student can be really draining. If I get $1,000 right now, I would use $750 to pay part of my school fees and invest $250 in the stock market to gain more money over time. I would love to start investing because it comes with its own security long term. I know my parents are finding it hard to cope especially as the value of Naira (the currency of my country, Nigeria) is falling to US Dollar on a regular basis so basically the money my parents earn now would have less value the next day. I would love to have a strong foundation to start saving and accumulating money and this scholarship would help me achieve part of that. Getting this scholarship would bring a huge relief to me and my family and would be greatly appreciated.
      Paybotic Women in Finance and Technology Scholarship
      A leader to me is someone that breaks all odds and inspires others to do the same. I am from country that the role of a woman was stated by her father or husband until recently where things are beginning to change. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is someone that has really inspired me with her journey. Ever since I remember, she has always been in high and respectable positions and has done things that are worth emulating. Mrs. Okonjo was born and raised in Nigeria, where I am from. Moved to the United States for her higher education and went upward from there. She worked at the World Bank for 25 years in Washington DC where she later became a managing director. In Nigeria, she was the Minister of Finance, Coordinating Minister for the Economy and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and she was the first woman to hold all these positions. Her actions in these positions went a long way in increasing transparency in governance which helped Nigeria a lot because of the high level of corruption. She also helped Nigeria in obtaining its first ever sovereign credit rating from Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s. I believe she strengthened Nigeria’s financial systems. With addition to her financial abilities, she empowered women and youths through various platforms. She always made sure she aided people in any way she could. She has carried herself with dignity and worked hard to be a part of various prominent organizations globally which is a breakthrough for Nigeria. She has been listed as one of the 50 Greatest World Leaders, the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in the world, the Top 100 Most Influential People in the world, the Top 3 most Powerful women in Africa, the Top 150 Women in the World, the Top 100 most inspiring people in the World Delivering for Girls and Women to mention a few and has won many awards. To me she is just all in all. Mrs. Okonjo-Iweala is the current Director-General of the World Trade Organization. She is the first woman to hold that position and I am proud and inspired that she is from Nigeria. To me, this is going to break the stereotype that people have of Nigerians as being unsuccessful and always struggling. She has encouraged me to aim high and continue to work hard to achieve the result that I want. She broke a lot of barriers for Nigerians, and I am grateful to her. She is also a down to earth person. In 2021, there was a challenge on Twitter that people were dressing up like her, she interacted with the people that participated and gifted the best dressed. I want to inspire people like Mrs. Okonjo did. I want to break barriers and achieve things people think are unreachable. I want to stand out by always doing the right things and helping people genuinely. My plan is to be an influential woman in the tech space to diversify the tech world and encourage young girls that they can attain that and much more. I want to see more African females in the tech world because I know that has been a challenge and I want to be a pace setter for that.
      Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
      I want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever they come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Bold Driven Scholarship
      I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as many resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations.
      Women in Tech Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. I want to be able to speak to young girls and encourage them to pursue a career in STEM especially in tech. I want to be a tutor in computer languages to people and just serve as a source of light to them. I want to make sure technology is accessible to all and they use technology for the good it brings, like empowering themselves, starting and growing a business instead of using it to scam others or for cyber bullying and all of those bad stuff. I want to get to the point of giving technological products to people that cannot necessarily afford them because in today's world, sometimes you need your own direct access to the internet to verify things and have information on your hand at your convenience. One thing I task myself with every day when I wake up is to make sure I put a smile on at least one person’s face. I just want to empower people and make people happy from my career.
      Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. Outside my career, I want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever they come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as many resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Pablo M. Ortiz Scholarship Fund
      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      In my journey of life so far, there are many personal qualities that have really moulded me to be who I am today but amongst them there is one I cherish most and it is charity. As a young girl my parents always taught me on the importance of showing love to others as long as I have means to no matter how small. This, I think, actually lit the spark I have for charity today. I always watched my dad giving even when things were tight for us as a family. When I was much younger, I used to be angry at my father because it felt like he was giving to other people at our own detriment. He sold not say no to them or he would not collect money from the services he rendered to people if they told him they do no have money. One thing I began to notice was that my basic needs were always met but I could not just do certain things like go to the park or have ice cream as often as I would have liked to while the other party my parents always have to did not have basic needs. I learnt from that young age the importance of some things in life and how to prioritize. Also, alongside my parents teachings were some seminars which were held in my college also pushed me to have great value for this quality.Having this quality, I feel will actually help in diverse ways in my day-to-day life as I continually grow. Charity to me is love. For someone to show love to another individual that he/she does not know is big. I believe it is something that is needed today in the world and everyone has to be genuine of it. I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them to think out of the box to identify an issue and find the solution to provide help to as many people as possible. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine-tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This creativity has steadily driven my ambitions making me more productive in other aspects of my life. In my own little way, whenever I give or show love in any form, I know it makes a diffwren e no matter how small and this gives me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Love alone can bring peace to the world and that is something that I want to happen.
      New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
      My name is Ademidun Adesola. I am currently a Sophomore at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania majoring in Computer Science. I am originally from Nigeria and that is where I grew up. I feel that people would describe me differently because I have different attitudes towards everyone, for me it depends on what I am receiving from the person and the atmosphere. I could be nice or mean but I am mostly nice. I would describe myself as an adventurous introvert. I love trying new things but not being around crowd a lot. I enjoy my personal space. Having peace of mind is my priority.
      I Am Third Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. Outside my career, I want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever they come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as many resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Bold Dream Big Scholarship
      If I had the power to say a word that would immediately change my life, it would be the opposite of what I am right now. I would keep some of my personality traits because I love myself but geographically, physically, financially, I would be a different person. In my imaginations, I would be from the United Kingdom because I love the British accent, I am drawn to people that have that accent. I would most definitely be a black person from there with the fullest and shiniest black hair. Physically, I would be the way I am right now but I would have abs, I do not care if I am a girl. I like Teyana Taylor’s body and how she carries herself. So I would wish myself to look something like that. Financially, I would be able to afford anything I want at any time. I would like to have gone to three countries in a week in my private jet and have multiple citizenships. I would also like to help specific people financially and help people grow. I would also have easy access to influential people like Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Femi Otedola, and many more. I don’t necessarily want to be popular but I want to have direct access to popular people. In my head, I can speak all the languages in this world and be able to code-switch. I can achieve everything without stress or delay and be fulfilled.
      Carlynn's Comic Scholarship
      The animation that impacted me so much is The Peanuts Movie. When I started watching it, I wanted to stop because it was not what I was expecting, the movie was the opposite of the title, and the characters’ appearances were different from normal animations. I decided to continue watching it because it portrayed a point I was at in my life. Charlie Brown, the main character, was the kid that tried things and always failed, his mates freely told him how he was a disappointment and all, he was the “loser” of his community, even his sister was ashamed. He liked a girl that he thought he couldn’t have because of the fallbacks he experienced. In short, everything later worked out for Charlie. It just made me look at life from a new perspective and that being true to oneself pays. He taught me integrity, consistency, humbleness, and honesty.
      Stefanie Ann Cronin Make a Difference Scholarship
      Leaving a legacy means leaving the world with a permanent mark, nothing and no one can scrape it out. Some legacies are so important that they define what will happen for generations. I want to stand out for good. Leaving a legacy does not entirely entail having assets and large wealth but how one uses their resources for the betterment of others. Leaving a legacy behind is remarkable. I want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever they come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers, especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, assist them in any way, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to be remembered as the woman who put smiles on people's faces wherever she went. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as many resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
      One thing I task myself with every day when I wake up is to make sure I put a smile on at least one person’s face. Anywhere I am, I am conscious of the fact that I have to make people feel safe, comfortable and appreciated. I could do things like just listening to them or doing something that they do not like to do for them. I also make sure to extend myself to people I do not know because I never know who is suffering in silence and just needs a little reassurance. I want to be remembered as the woman who put smiles on people's faces wherever she went. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as much resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations, that’s my long term goal.
      Bold Career Goals Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. The internet assists us in the business, scientific and social contexts of life. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse, it will provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Knowing computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it, and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. Through my knowledge gained in school, my experiences, and my mentorships, I would like to achieve these.
      AptAmigo Innovation Scholarship
      Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be independent and have my own business. I did not like the idea of being under someone or allowing another person to dictate how I use my time and my movements. Entrepreneurship was the perfect solution to this discomfort of mine. I started my business in my first year of high school. I was in a boarding house so my mother used to buy a lot of provisions like milk, beverage, biscuit, for me to take to school. We have a plantain plantation at the back of my house so whenever the harvest period came, we used the plantain to make plantain chips. The plantain chips were part of the provisions my mother packed for me when it was available. One day, I gave my friend out of it and she liked it then she told other people about it and they loved it too. When I discovered too many people loved the chips and they always came to ask me for them, I decided to let myself gain too, so I started selling them. The price was determined by the quantity the person wanted. Whenever the ones I had finished, I would call my mum to send more and I used to package it in nylon that was easy for them to carry around. The chips were so good and popular that upper-classmen too started buying from me. I made a lot of profit from the unripe plantain since I did not like it; I sold more of it than the ripe one which I liked so much. This went on till I graduated from high school. Now, I sell to my neighbors and friends, I deliver to those I can get to while my mother makes them and we now have a customized brand and logo for it. We sell in plastic containers and sachets. The independence and flexibility of entrepreneurship were what pushed me. If I did not want to sell anything, no one would force me to and I was not reporting to anybody about anything. All these convinced me to start something small that has helped me and my family now. Always hearing people complaining about their 9-5 job also motivated me to start selling the plantain chips. I hope to have a restaurant in the future where I can cook and sell food to people because I enjoy cooking. There would be snacks in my restaurant that would surely involve my plantain chips. I want to get to a point where I will be delivering to orphanages for free and doing giveaways for homeless people to put a smile on their faces. Starting this business has helped me boost my confidence that I can do anything and be my person and I now have a sense of responsibility that has helped me in other areas of my life. Now I realize for entrepreneurship, a lot of planning is involved and goals have to be set or else there would not be efficient productivity. One has to be responsible to start a business. I learned how to be proactive and forward-thinking while in high school. The creativity part of me has also enhanced, I am constantly looking for ways to make my products more appealing to existing and new customers. Also, multitasking has become second nature. I have to make sure things are done on time and that requires doing different things at the same time. I am more accountable because if I do not take note of my surroundings and be upfront about things, I believe my business will not bloom. I have learned a lot of things from entrepreneurship that I believe will help me in life and my career.
      Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
      Putting it simply, generosity is giving from the depths of one’s heart, that is giving genuinely and cheerfully. I want to live my life as a giver both to those that do not have as much and to those that have. Giving to those that have is important to me because people believe they have it all and sometimes they are afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Even someone that has all every material thing, the person may just want love and attention. I don’t mind giving someone something that he or she has, as the popular saying goes, “it is the thought that counts.” A generous person would not wait for someone to ask for help or cry at his or her feet. That is someone with pride and that is not good. Generosity means giving with or without asking and also not expecting anything in return except the standards are stated beforehand. For my personality, it takes time for me to make friends. When I started college, as an international everything was new. I was appointed a mentor to assist me and she was a senior student. Several times, she would come to see me and stay with me in my dorm because she noticed how I was. She always brought new things for me to try to discover what I liked. It meant so much to me. She was generous with her time, her snacks and her money. I have been on both ends of generosity and would love to continue the cycle.
      Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
      Growing up the way I grew up, I would not wish it for anyone. Things were fine then things started going not so well. We have not fully gotten to where we want to be or where we were before especially with the current happenings, but we are getting there, not only financially but in other areas as well. It was painful seeing my parents work so hard and gaining little or nothing at all. One thing that drives me each day is my determination to not be poor and to not let those I bring to this world feel discomfort or less than anyone. A permanent drive for me is just my goal to always be better in whatever I do. I know the better I am, the more opportunities will come and the more I am closer to being better financially, mentally, and physically. I want to be by far greater than my parents and achieve the things that they feel they cannot achieve because of where and how they are now. I want to continue to be better than I am and I want those around me to be comfortable. Just knowing the profound joy and relief it would give my family keeps me going and encourages me to never give up.
      Bold Gratitude Scholarship
      Being conscious of appreciating the people in my life and the things I have is something I work towards each day. The first thing I do when I wake up is to thank God for being alive to see another day. The last thing I do before I sleep is to thank God for my day and everything I achieved that day. I try to go out of my way to appreciate those around me but sometimes I get consumed by school work and personal stuff. When I appreciate people, I thank them personally. I realized how important this is sometimes back and how important it can make someone feel, which is good. If I cannot meet with the person physically. I said a very detailed and personal text or email to show my appreciation. For my family, I am always creative in making videos that suit each person’s personality. I am deliberate in thanking people and showing my gratitude towards those that have impacted me positively. I value the things I have so much no matter the price because I know not everyone can afford what I can afford. A friend gave me an idea about an appreciation jar. Each day, I write something I am grateful for and put it in a jar so at the end of the year we come together, open the jar, and read out everything we wrote. We are a group of friends that did this. The year is coming to an end soon and I’m very excited to reminisce on what I was grateful for and start another one for the coming year.
      Bold Joy Scholarship
      Joy is a deeper sense of happiness and comfort. I believe joy and happiness are different but similar adjectives. Joy is greater than happiness in that it is long-term and true. Happiness can just be for the moment. The feeling of joy can also come with relief and peace of mind. I am most joyful whenever I planned something and it happened as planned. I love it when I achieve a goal or something I’m working for is coming together before the set time. When I am successful in anything, I am also joyful. When I am brought out of a difficult situation, especially something that I can do nothing about, I am joyful and grateful to God. Just this past semester, in my web programming course, I was given a project about food sustainability. I had to work on a lot of things in making this website. I had to create a video, a proposal, and use new platforms for the making of the website. It took me a month to complete it, it was my most stressful assignment this semester. When I presented it to my lecturer, he commended me and suggested using it for his work. I felt joy instantly because my efforts were recognized and it was something huge. I try to set realistic goals for myself so that I can achieve them to experience joy. If the goal is not realistic, I know it will mess with my mental health. I also make sure to appreciate things and the people around me because I know not everyone has the opportunity. All these give me joy.
      Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
      Legacy to me means leaving your footprints so deep in the sand that it can never be washed away; something that was so great, it cannot be forgotten. Leaving a legacy means leaving the world with a permanent mark, nothing and no one can scrape it out. Some legacies are so important that they define what will happen for generations. Leaving a legacy does not entirely entail having assets and large wealth but how one uses their resources for the betterment of others. There are different types of legacy. There is legacy in monetary and property terms that is pecuniary legacy; this involves the leaving of a particular amount of money for a purpose. Then there is the residuary legacy in which a portion of one's estate is set aside after any specific bequest has been made to retain its value. Legacy can be gifts in form of properties, shares which could be sold and the proceeds can be used for other things. Under this there is the general, specific and demonstrative legacy. There is the legacy in terms of life, where one does something for the benefit of others. It can serve as a life mission or purpose. It is the summary of who we are and how we would be remembered for after death. Leaving a legacy behind is remarkable. I definitely want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever I come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not really open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, assist them in any way, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to be remembered as the woman who put smiles on people's faces wherever she went. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as much resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
      Technology! Many would say is a disease causing the present and coming generations to be lazy but technology is the one thing that gives me hope that the future will be better. Technology gives me hope for a better future as regards to the health sector. The application of technology in healthcare over the years has led to better diagnosis and treatment of patients, it has made us healthier and increased life expectancy. There are so many diseases yet to be found and technology paves the way by giving easier and faster access to information required by both healthcare professionals and patients. With technology, it is certain that life expectancy in the future will be very high. With technology there is hope for clean energy. Attempts to fight climate change by reducing the demand for energy hasn't worked but scientists and engineers have been working hard to make clean energy convenient and cost effective. Solar will soon be more cost efficient than fossil fuels. There are hopeful signs that clean energy could soon be reaching a tipping point. In Japan, there are now more electric charging stations than gas stations. Technology gives us hope for a future with less pollution and environment hazards. Artificial intelligence has made rapid advances in the last decade, AI can be applied to almost any field. The broad promise of AI is to liberate people from repetitive mental tasks. Some people worry that AI will destroy jobs. History has shown that while new technology does eliminate jobs,it also creates new and better jobs to replace them. For example, with the advent of personal computers, the number of typographer jobs has dropped but the increase in graphic designer jobs has more than made up for it. Today millions of people work as app developers, drone operators and social medias marketers; jobs that didn't exist and would have been difficult to imagine ten years ago. Technology gives us high-quality online education, while college tuition skyrockets, anyone with a smartphone can study almost any topic online, accessing educational content that is mostly free and increasingly high quality. You use to have to go to school to buy books to learn computer programming, now one can learn from a community of over 40 million programmers at stack overflow. Earth is running out of formable land and fresh water. This is partly because our food production systems are incredibly inefficient. It takes an astounding 1799 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef. Fortunately a variety of new technologies are being developed to improve our food system. Entrepreneurs are developing new food products that are nutritious substitutes for traditional food but far more environmentally friendly. Another exciting development in food production is automated indoor farming. Due to advances in solar energy, sensors, lighting and artificial intelligence, indoor farming has become viable alternatives to traditional outdoor farms. Technology makes me somewhat reassured of a better future because it's main objective is for everything to be safer, cheaper and easier.
      Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
      I looked over at my friend Gabby who had been avoiding me since morning,we were having a class and if I called her,I would be chastised by the teachers so I slipped a note to my seat partner Emma,the note read "What's up with Gabby? Did you speak to her before class?", Emma replied" No I didn't, I walked up to her but she ignored me,I hope everything is fine,why are you asking?" "I hope so too,let's meet after school hours". I said, Emma nodded to that and we got back to listening to her teacher. I was in my final year of my secondary school education,I am the last child of parents,I have an older brother who is studying in Ukraine to be a medical doctor. I have two best friends who had know me from a tender age. Emma and I spotted Gabby sitting under the mango tree and started walking towards her, Gabby looked lost in her thoughts, we called her several times but she couldn't hear us, I touched her and she visibly flinched. Emma and I looked at each other confused, Emma spoke "Gabby what's wrong?" Gabby looked at us with tears in her eyes and ran off, I shouted her name as we ran after her but we couldn't catch up with her, Emma looked at me perplexed and asked me what was going on, I was shocked too and was at loss for words, we later to decided to leave the matter until the next day. The following day, we didn't see Gabby in school and this continued for a week, Emma and I were getting really worried because it was unlike Gabby to be absent from school. We went to our teacher's office and asked about Gabby,she looked concerned too but told us not to worry that she would get in touch with Gabby's parents, we left for our remaining classes of the day. That day at home I couldn't think about anything but Gabby, I wandered if she was in danger, I later called Emma and told her that I was going to Gabby's house the next day and she agreed to come with me. As Emma and I walked into Gabby's compound, I couldn't help but wander what we would find out there. I knocked on the door, Gabby's cheerful mom welcomed us and told us Gabby had been sick and that was why she hadn't been coming to school, she told us we could check on her. As we entered Gabby's room, we met a crying Gabby who looked pale. After some time I asked her what the matter was, Gabby looked hesitant as she finally told us that she was being harassed by her stepfather, she said he did it to her every day and he threatened to kill her if she told her mom, Gabby sobbed and begged us to help her. Immediately, I ran downstairs to tell her mother who cried and blamed herself for not realizing her daughter had been suffering for a long time. The police later came and arrested the man, Gabby was taken to the hospital for checkup and was recommended therapy which she underwent. I never thought something like this would happen so close to home but I am happy that I was able told help my friend who was going through sexual harassment and it has made me and my friends more vigilant and careful with our surroundings.
      Pandemic's Box Scholarship
      Covid-19 made me appreciate time spent with family.Before the pandemic,everyone in my family was always doing their own stuff but during the compulsory lockdown, we spent a lot of time together and had some deep moments. It really made me appreciate my family. During the lockdown,I was able to learn how to cook some of my local dishes,I never really had time because I was either in school or volunteering at community centres but I really enjoyed making some dishes with my mom and sister. Covid-19 helped me to be more hygienic,I always wash my hand or apply hand sanitizers wherever I am now,not to talk of the face mask that has become an accessory to me. Another major way the pandemic affected me was in my career choice,I had always wanted to be a doctor but the pandemic served as an eye opener for me; I always hated blood and people dying or in pain, so I changed computer science because even though I am not a doctor or a person who treats sick people, I'll indirectly be a medical personnel as I want to design softwares that makes health workers work easier. The pandemic was definitely eye-opening.
      SkipSchool Scholarship
      My favorite artist is Younes Zarou; I first saw him on instagram and was drawn to what he does. I have an interest in photography and he just takes his own to another beautiful level with his techniques. He inspires and challenges me with his works that are just unique.
      Undergraduate Minorities in STEM Scholarship
      My interest in Computer Science developed from a young age. I had a relative staying with me and my family then, he is an application developer. I was around during some of his projects and was intrigued at how what he wrote produced something so beautiful and engaging. I never understood what he was doing but I always got excited when he completed a work and everything looked perfect. As I grew, I started looking into programming and also researching on Computer Science as a whole which led me to websites. I found some interesting websites, simple websites, plain websites for different purposes. This got me thinking; for everything now, websites are one of the first point of contact. This is what can either encourage or discourage one from embracing that thing. I decided then that I want to create websites that are interesting and engaging but also impact people positively, make them identify with themselves better and also help small businesses and underprivileged people. I observed that a lot of people have great ideas about different things but their limitation is lack of resources to fund that idea and make it a reality. So I would like to create a website like a platform where people can upload their ideas. It will be like a community, different people can join and through this platform, others can be helped. I would also like to make websites for products-selling brands because I realized that they have the most drawing websites with the pictures, colors and designs. Full stack development is something I want to venture into and I want to work with Expedia Groups.
      Finesse Your Education's "The College Burnout" Scholarship
      Playlist: "Less is More by MacQueen-Mi" Bloody Samaritan - Ayra Starr Falling to pieces - Rita Ora White Teeth Teens - Lorde Monalisa - Lyta Sinner - Adekunle Gold ft Simi Unfair - 6LACK
      Pay it Forward Technology Scholarship
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. Computing is part of everything we do. As of now, most of the world cannot do without the use of the internet. The internet assists us in the business, scientific and social contexts of life. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. It enables one to solve complex and challenging problems in terms of coding and programming which can at some time aid one in difficult situations in life. With this attitude, I would be able to identify the problem, draw out possible solutions and then select the best option; also applying this to life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. Females are not given the chance to prove themselves and are sometimes placed in positions lower than their qualifications. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. I would like to create devices and machines that aid them to navigate through life better and provide things for them that will not make them feel left out and incapable. Through my knowledge gained in school, my experiences and mentorships, I would like to achieve these. Entrepreneurship will not only make me better but also help others to grow in different ways. I want to use entrepreneurship to provide jobs for people in Nigeria, my country. A lot of youths and young adults are on the steet doing bad or doing nothing. I want to change that for them to make their lives better and also improve the economy of my country.
      Education Matters Scholarship
      I grew up in Nigeria. In fact I just recently got to America for my undergraduate's degree. I finished from a private high school July, 2018 in Nigeria. Back home, immediately one finishes high school the next thing is to go to higher institution. If the person does not go to the university immediately, he/she is labeled as dumb or a misfit. I graduated at the age of 15 from high school and then, one had to be 16 to enter federal schools, which is where my parents wanted me to go to experience life. So technically, I had to stay at home for a year and wait for the next academic calendar to roll for me to apply to it. That one year period was very tough for me. For me it still remains the worst time frame of my life. In my mind I was not yet qualified to enter federal university but to the outside world, I was the child that could not get admission and was bringing shame to her family. It became so sad for me because even my family members that knew the reason I was at home started taunting me. My mental health was at its lowest then; so many things were just going through my mind. I felt like a burden to my parents. Everywhere I went people always asked me about school and I never had an answer for them so I rarely went out. The only constant place I went to was church and that was just the worst for me because every elder felt they could say their mind to me and they did. There was a particular Sunday I was taking pictures then someone stopped me and asked, "Why are you this happy, have you gotten admission?", I just left. I was very excited that a new year had come and I worked very hard to get admitted. Along the way, my father stopped me from taking lessons for a Nigerian university and then I started SAT classes. The one year grew into two years at home and it was becoming more difficult to show my face or else I would be insulted. I got admitted into Lincoln University fortunately but then the pandemic happened and I could not travel due to the travel restrictions meaning I had to stay at home again. It was very hard for me but I just kept telling myself that it was temporary. If not for knowing God, I would have done a lot of terrible things during that period. This period taught me that I can be patient with others so bad and that I am strong person with God. Now that I am in school, my goals are to graduate with an outstanding result and be the best graduating student. I want to discover myself more and be involved in different organizations. Along the line, I want to be a motivational speaker for people that are not in a healthy environment and don't know what to do. I am studying Computer Science and with this, I would love to work in a top technological company that will build my skills to increase productivity and efficiency. Some people see programming as a difficult task so I want to mentor young people and expose them to coding at an early age to give them courage and make them know nothing is difficult if one sets their mind to it. I want to make technology accessible to all especially the underprivileged and underdeveloped nations so that life can be easier for them.
      Bold Wise Words Scholarship
      "Do not let anyone walk the path of your mind with their dirty feet" The first time I heard this quote was from a radio station. I was unable to sleep one night and decided to listen to radio. The show was about the overall health of human beings, that is mental, emotional, physical, financial, moral, relationship-wise. I was really touched by this quote that I immediately wrote it down so as not to forget. All my life, I have allowed people to dictate things for me and make important decisions that I am capable of making. I usually let people decide for me and just go with whatever they chose for me because I felt they were more mature and experienced and they were going to make the choices that were best for me. I also noticed that if anything wrong happened or things did not go as planned or expected, the blame would be fully on me. This messed with my mentality a bit and it made me see myself as dumb for some time. I felt I could not do any thing well and I will always end up messing things for people and myself. As I grew older, I realised some things are not just for me and there are some paths I am not meant to take. I do not allow anyone dictate anything for me again especially if the person is not in a good place because such decisions could affect me negatively. This quote was a wakening call for me to stand up for myself and be careful of who I let in my personal space.
      "Wise Words" Scholarship
      "Do not let anyone walk the path of your mind with their dirty feet" The first time I heard this quote was from a radio station. I was unable to sleep one night and decided to listen to radio. The show was about the overall health of human beings, that is mental, emotional, physical, financial, moral, relationship-wise. I was really touched by this quote that I immediately wrote it down so as not to forget. All my life, I have allowed people to dictate things for me and make important decisions that I am capable of making. I usually let people decide for me and just go with whatever they chose for me because I felt they were more mature and experienced and they were going to make the choices that were best for me. I also noticed that if anything wrong happened or things did not go as planned or expected, the blame would be fully on me. This messed with my mentality a bit and it made me see myself as dumb for some time. I felt I could not do any thing well and I will always end up messing things for people and myself. As I grew older, I realised some things are not just for me and there are some paths I am not meant to take. I do not allow anyone dictate anything for me again especially if the person is not in a good place because such decisions could affect me negatively. This quote was a wakening call for me to stand up for myself and be careful of who I let in my personal space, that is why it is special.
      Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
      Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world with great diversity and different cultures which makes me proud to be her citizen. I come from Lagos State, one of the largest cities in Nigeria. I had most of my life there as a reserved but bright girl. I recently came to America to pursue my bachelor's degree. An advantage of living in a big city for me is that one gets to meet a lot of people and observe various ways of life. One thing I observed is how easily people got lost, misinformed, mismanaged and then discouraged which could lead to so many bad things. One day I got so sad after hearing about the death of a young girl and what led to her death that I went to lament to my cousin. She then told me of her own simple way of helping the society and how these bad incidents can be prevented and reduced. She introduced me to software programming. She showed me the education apps, navigation app and so many other things she had contributed to develop and how it is helping people now. I started staying around her and saw how she did her things. I was always with her whenever she was around and sometimes I was opportune to start and end projects with her. A great encouragement was seeing the finished work and how it impacted others' lives. Tammy, as I call her became my mentor. I would always go to her whenever I saw something different and she would always explain how it came about. At a point, I ate whatever and whenever she ate because I thought it would make me as smart as she is but once she started introducing me to the basic concepts of programming languages, I felt empowered. Being around her was always joyful for me as I got to experience new things which is something I love. My admiration for computer programming started mainly from her. Before, I saw things and just came up with ideas in my head about how they could be better and it ended there. But now, I see things, think and create in my head, document it and start trying in ways to improve or remove that situation by programming easy applications and websites that I know would be if great use and positive impact to people. During the lockdown last year, what irritated me the most was the intensity of fake news spreading around. I just wanted to make a credible website where people can go to access genuine information that would propel them to live a safer life and not live with anxiety and stress, but I could not due to financial reasons. I would also like to develop a detailed navigation app that would help people move around easily in large cities, and also many security apps that would make people especially females feel safer. Studying Computer Science would also allow me to experience and influence different sectors as it is very diverse which is something good for me since I do not enjoy staying in a particular place for too long. Tammy made me realize that I could be in my room and change a lot of lives with the only stumbling block being me and I am eternally grateful to her for empowering me.
      Art of Giving Scholarship
      Graduating from college without any debt is one of my goals. Seeking help through loans is not bad but I just want to graduate with a free mind and not with the sense that I still have some money to pay somewhere. I really need this scholarship to ease my parents and myself from a lot of stress. I face a lot of financial stress thinking of where the next money will come from to pay for things, how my parents are going to pay for me and my brother's fees in college and at the same time still plan and save for my younger sister. I keep working towards and searching for ways to help them and give them some relief, which is why this scholarship is earnestly needed and will be greatly appreciated from us. Knowing I have a means to pay off some amount for school will also allow me to concentrate better in school instead of my mind wondering to if I would be sent off campus or prevented from having classes. This scholarship would help me achieve my aim of graduating with good grades and debt-free; at least it would be a step towards that. This pandemic has made things worse. Before the pandemic, we were comfortable but now things have not been too good and we're just managing. I know this scholarship will come as a blessing to my family and it will reignite our hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I really need this scholarship because without scholarships, I would not be able to afford to go to college, my parents cannot handle it and I really want to go to college and even attain higher heights that would help me achieve my goal in making life easier for people. Also, I want to be a role model for my younger sister by setting an example that hard work pays.
      Fleming Law College Scholarship
      Smartphones are very helpful. If not for smartphones, a lot of people would not be where they are today or they would not even have access to technology at all and that is just a fact. My phone has made life easier for me. With the way one can download various applications and store a lot of data on the device continues to amaze me. I can't say my phone is my best friend because I can do without a phone for some time but is has been a good companion for me so far. When I am bored, I turn to my phone, when I don't feel lie talking in a gathering, I use my phone, when I'm sad I go through memories on my phone or I watch videos online, when I am happy my phone is there to capture the moments. What makes a smartphone so good is the portability. If there is anything I don't understand, I always look it up online with my phone and I can be anywhere. If there was no smartphone and just computers, it would be stressful for me to check things easily, I would have to be carrying this heavy device around or I wait till I can access a computer and by that time, I may have forgotten. Even though I prefer to use a laptop or desktop for my works because I can navigate better and open various tabs with my laptop, I would first use my phone to check. If the issue does not require me to do multiple things together, I use my phone. Another thing is that I always have to switch off my laptop after use and if I need to use it again, I have to switch it back on which can be very strenuous. I have to wait for the laptop to boot, which is why my phone is the first go-to device. The smartphone has also been designed in such a way that it is easy to use. A lot of apps now accommodate different causalities that anyone can now use them. Through my phone, I get to stay in contact with my loved ones, I get informed on different sectors around the world, and I also get to network and expand my personal brand. I see information and get emails faster on my phones because I am seldom not with it and it is always on. I am more educated and entertained with the apps on my phone. Sometimes, my use of smartphones prevents me from seeing people physically which is something I am working on because I noticed I have never met some of the people I talk with through it. I never use my phone while behind the wheel. I always put it somewhere I can't reach it while on the road. If I have to use it, I park and use it or I put the phone on speaker mode when I need to use Google map. I have heard of accidents happening because of someone being distracted with their phones and it just scares me because the person would be blamed especially if any fatalities happen. Smartphones are not bad, it is how we use it and what we use it for that matters.
      A Sani Life Scholarship
      The year 2020 did not start well for me. I was involved in an incident in January so that kind of put me off in the year. Then March came and the world locked down completely. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was very scared because all I heard were people dying because of this particular virus. I was so concerned that for the first time I willingly changed to news channels constantly just to know what was happening around the world and whether a vaccine had been made. My parents had traveled before the lockdown so it was just me and my siblings at home during the early days of the lockdown. Deeper into the lockdown, I started relaxing after hearing that people recover from the virus and I started planning my months. I first started learning how to drive in March. I drove around my estate so it was easier for, nobody was on the road so I took hold of that chance. After my driving session, I would come home to learn some programming languages till late at night. I used my time at home to enhance my technical skills. I wanted to have some experience of programming before I decided to study Computer Science in college. I used hackerRank, and Youtube videos to learn the basics. I also subscribed to some email newsletters about tech, female empowerment and money-related issues. These newsletters helped me to know how certain industries were doing during the pandemic and how they are assisting their communities. In August, I had to start classes as a freshman at college. My first day still remains my worst day so far. I had five classes that day and I just know the professors were all talking about new websites and apps I found difficult to navigate through at first and I had a lot of classes that day, I was so stressed. I remember feeling very down because I had been anticipating my first day of college but it was the opposite of what I had imagined for myself. Being a freshman and starting college differently from the normal way was tough but this pandemic served as a huge blessing when it came to my education. If there was no pandemic and no option to have classes online, I would not have entered college last year. From the start of the year, my father had told me that he does not have the money to send me to college. I had been praying for a miracle and even if the pandemic is bittersweet, it did save me. What I missed during the summer before I started college were my friends and the adventures I had planned to do before going. It was hard staying at home all day doing nothing sometimes. October and November were very challenging months for my family. My dad tested positive to covid-19. It came as a shock because he was the most careful amongst all of us. He always washed his hands, changed his clothes when he went out and took extra precautions. It was hard seeing my father like that because he is the one that always carries everything on his shoulders and to see him so helpless was different. During the lockdown, I reevaluated my life, did some self-cleansing and worked towards having a better attitude at life and others and more meaningful relationships because I needed that during the lockdown. One major experience I will never forget is how I was so invested in the news; day and night I was in front of the TV watching different news stations because I was scared. Covid-19 also brought my full family together. This was the first in seven years that we met one another at home at the same time and we really got to grow together as a family and lean on one another. This pandemic has taught me to be dynamic, flexible and adaptive. Anything can happen at any time and I have to be prepared to take over and not allow the situation overwhelm me. I got to experience another form of learning which was very convenient for me. The tech industry helped a lot during the pandemic. Virtually everything moved online, technology made available companions for people and made life easier, this opened my eyes to want to want to be part of such industry; the kind that helps in every situation. My plan to study Computer Science just solidified.
      Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - College Award
      Observing the way the world is growing technologically, I decided to study Computer Science. Computing is part of everything we do. As of now, most of the world cannot do without the use of the internet. The internet assists us in the business, scientific and social contexts of life. One of the most important aspects of Computer Science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. It enables one to solve complex and challenging problems in terms of coding and programming which can at some time aid one in difficult situations in life. With this attitude, I would be able to identify the problem, draw out possible solutions and then select the best option; also applying this to life. When I can efficiently solve my problems, I can go ahead to assist others in finding out the best possible and suitable solution to their problems thereby making a positive impact in the world. Computer Science is very diverse in the sense that it provides different job opportunities like software developing, computer network engineering, game development and design and many more. This is an advantage over other careers as I would be able to experience various working environments and become more inclined. It will also provide the opportunity for me to do collaborative work that can help me individually. Having knowledge in computing is going to help me even if I want to start another career. I would be able to use my creativity and innovativeness to facilitate that work better. One problem I want to deal with in the tech world is the gender inequality that is present. Not a lot of females are in the technical world and that is disheartening. Females are not given the chance to prove themselves and are sometimes placed in positions lower than their qualifications. I want to be in a high position in the tech field to encourage women, especially women of color that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. Another problem I would hope to solve is the way technology is not easily accessible to all and for all. A lot of disabled people cannot use technological products because of the way it has been designed. Though things have started to change in their favor, we still have a long way to go. The way the world is speeding technologically, it would be dangerous not to have direct access and authentic means to it and people living with disabilities are limited due to this. I would like to create devices and machines that aid them to navigate through life better and provide things for them that will not make them feel left out and incapable. Through my knowledge gained in school, my experiences and mentorships, I would like to achieve these.
      Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
      I love animation movies. They just relieve me of my stress and make me reminisce on when life was easier while I was younger and the only things I needed to think of was how to style my hair or the next dress to wear. My all-time favorite movie is "Home". It is about how an alien species, called the Boovs invaded earth and took humans to another place. A girl, Tip was lucky to not have been sucked away with their machine but unfortunately got separated from her mother. She later met Ooh, the most hated Boov at that time. Although he annoyed her so much initially, they later became friends that he was willing to die for her. They learnt things from each other and grew to love and respect one another. Ooh helped Tip reconcile with her mother even with the constant hurdles faced because of his mistake. This is my favorite movie because it made me laugh a lot and it taught me how to love and embrace people no matter what they are. It also taught me to never give up, how to improvise, and how a calm mind in a stressful situation yields productivity because Tip was frustrated from not finding her mother but she had to relax to make out a plan even while staying with an annoying being and she was successful. Overall, it inspired me.
      RushOrderTees Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship
      Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be independent and have my own business. I did not like the idea of being under someone or allowing another person dictate how I use my time and my movements. Entrepreneurship was the perfect solution to this discomfort of mine. I started my business in my first year in high school. I was in boarding house so my mother used to buy a lot of provisions like milk, beverage, biscuit, for me to take to school. We have a plantain plantation at the back of my house so whenever the harvest period came, we used the plantain to make plantain chips. The plantain chips were part of the provisions my mother packed for me when it was available. One day, I gave my friend out of it and she liked it then she told other people about it and they loved it too. When I discovered too many people loved the chips and they always came to ask me for it, I decided to let myself gain too, so I started selling it. The price was determined by the quantity the person wanted. Whenever the ones I had finished, I would call my mum to send more and I used to package it in a nylon that was easy for them to carry around. The chips were so good and popular that upper classmen too started buying from me. I made a lot of profit from the unripe plantain, since I did not like it; I sold more of it than the ripe one which I liked so much. This went on till I graduated from high school. Now, I sell to my neighbors and friends, I deliver to those I can get to while my mother makes them and we now have a customized brand and logo for it. We sell in plastic containers and sachets. The independency and flexibility of entrepreneurship is what really pushed me. If I did not want to sell anything, no one would force me to and I was not reporting to anybody about anything. All these really convinced me to start something small that has helped me and my family now. Always hearing people complaining about their 9-5 job also motivated me to start selling the plantain chips. I hope to have a restaurant in the future where I can cook and sell food to people because I enjoy cooking. There would be snacks in my restaurant that would surely involve my plantain chips. I want to get to a point that I will be delivering to orphanages for free, giving out to homeless people, and sharing food to construction workers to put a smile on their faces. Aside giving out free food to people, I would also like to mentor young people especially girls. I will encourage them to do what ever they feel is right for them and would help them, at least they should just start and not let anything discourage them from their goals. All these would lead to a healthier society.
      Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
      It was a hot day in May; I woke up early feeling very anxious because I had an exam to write in the morning. I got dressed and took the bus to the center I was going to take the exam. I got there like an hour and thirty minutes before the exam was to commence so I had to wait. Other people came and they were talking, I just stayed by myself because I was nervous about the exam and I felt if I talked much, all what I read would disappear. We waited under the sun as no one was allowed into the center because they were setting up the place and arranging some papers. The time for my exam was drawing near and I became more anxious. Twenty minutes to the start time, a coordinator came out and informed us that they had problem with the server and there was going to be a little delay before we could start the exam. If my anxiety level was sixty percent, it shot up to a ninety after that news. I was so angry because I had already planned my day. The plan was to finish the exam before twelve in the afternoon then play so much after that as the exam was for just one day and I had been studying for months. After almost two hours and still no update from the coordinators concerning when the exam was going to begin, I decided to go for a short walk around the premises. When I reached a junction not too far from the center, a lady walked up to me and said that she has been watching me. She invited me to her car, that was just opposite the exam building, since I had been standing under the sun, waiting. I was skeptical to answer her because a total stranger just invited me to a confined space. My mind went to all the movies I have watched of people being abducted. After some persuasion, I agreed to follow her. I had been standing for so long, my legs felt heavy that when I sat down in her car, I felt relief. She put on the air conditioner in her car and I relaxed. We started talking about different things. She told me she was waiting for her daughter that went shopping when she noticed me standing under the sun. She said she could literally feel my nervousness and that I should calm down as it is only a calm mind that can excel. She advised me more and prayed with me. Before long, we saw people moving in. I thanked her immensely as she had helped me a great deal. I guess I just needed someone to reassure me that I can do it because I felt better after we spoke. I got down from the car and went to write my exam. Anytime I remember that day, I smile. She calmed my nerves and mind and gave me relief that contributed to me passing that exam. I have not seen her again though and it pains me but I felt blessed that day that someone could be so kind to me.
      Hailey Julia "Jesus Changed my Life" Scholarship
      I was born into a Christian home. Knowing Jesus from a very young age, I would say has helped me. There are a lot of things I look at now in the lives of other people that if I was doing them, I would hate myself. It has just been about discipline and the Word of God. If I was not introduced to Jesus at a young age, there is a high chance that I would be on the streets or I would be taking drugs and getting drunk. I like tattoos, I see it as a pleasant work of art on the body but Leviticus 19:28 warned against putting any mark on the body. God has a reason for saying what he said. Like in the world today, people that have tattoos are deemed irresponsible and nonchalant, they are looked at twice before being given a job or position. It has prevented some people from getting what they wanted. If I had not known Christ, I would have gotten a tattoo and it may have prevented me in a way from being successful and allowed me to be judged. I am living a conscious, deliberate and purposeful life because I know Jesus and that has given me fulfillment, knowing that my life is not a waste. Knowing Jesus has given me self-control. Before I do anything, I ask myself, what would Jesus do? Learning to control my anger and desires has made me live a better and free-conscienced life. One day, I went out for a walk when someone ran into me and my phone fell on the floor and broke. There were people around and they saw what happened. The man passed me without apologising or looking back so I called him and told him what he did. He blamed me for using my phone on the sidewalk, insulted me and walked away. Throughout his talk, I kept quiet. What was going through my mind was to act like Jesus. People came to me after he left and told me that I should have done or said something but I told them it's okay. A week later, I received a phone and a letter at my doorstep from someone that was at the scene of the incident. She wrote that she admired the way I behaved and would try to emulate it. The phone was far better than the previous one, I was grateful. Since I graduated high school, it has not been what I expected. My original plan was to go to college immediately and graduate early but due to financial incapabilities and some other issues, I had to wait a year. Throughout that year, I was going through a lot emotionally. I saw my mates going to different places and I just felt stagnant. Before I would only pray when I was about to go to bed, but when I started having unhealthy thoughts, I began speaking to God and praying a lot more. I put everything in His hands and had full trust in Him to take me wherever He wanted at whatever time He seemed fit. I would say I have been closer to God during that period till now than I have ever been because of that situation. If I did not have the gap year, I would have just continued my life without seeking anything deeper and I would not have been as complete. I trust God to always guide, protect and preserve me.
      Brady Cobin Law Group "Expect the Unexpected" Scholarship
      Legacy to me means leaving your footprints so deep in the sand that it can never be washed away; something that was so great, it cannot be forgotten. Leaving a legacy means leaving the world with a permanent mark, nothing and no one can scrape it out. Some legacies are so important that they define what will happen for generations. Leaving a legacy does not entirely entail having assets and large wealth but how one uses their resources for the betterment of others. There are different types of legacy. There is legacy in monetary and property terms that is pecuniary legacy; this involves the leaving of a particular amount of money for a purpose. Then there is the residuary legacy in which a portion of one's estate is set aside after any specific bequest has been made to retain its value. Legacy can be gifts in form of properties, shares which could be sold and the proceeds can be used for other things. Under this there is the general, specific and demonstrative legacy. There is the legacy in terms of life, where one does something for the benefit of others. It can serve as a life mission or purpose. It is the summary of who we are and how we would be remembered for after death. Leaving a legacy behind is remarkable. I definitely want people to look back and think about good and great things whenever I come to mind. I mainly want to fight for single mothers especially teenage ones. In Africa, people are not really open to the idea of having a child outside marriage or with a non-existent father. There is this notion that the child would be spoilt and would lack something major that others with a complete family would have. Some would even base the child's future on the circumstance of the mother and automatically denote that child as wayward, not caring to know the background story. People are quick to judge single mothers, so I want to create a safe haven for them, assist them in any way, whether it is to go to school, learn a trade or start a business and assure them that their present destination does not determine their future location. I would train them physically, emotionally, mentally and financially to make sure the next step they take, they will be stable. I want to be remembered as the woman who put smiles on people's faces wherever she went. I want to make life easier and more convenient for people one way or the other no matter how little. I am working towards getting as much resources as possible so that I will be comfortable enough to extend my comfort to others. I want to be remembered as someone that did it all successfully, that is, to be an achieved career woman and a deeply involved parent. I want to leave this world with many people having different stories to tell about me and wanting to write books on how I impacted their lives and changed generations. Following the steps of Abraham Lincoln who enforced and signed the laws that abolished slavery and had schools named after him, Martin Luther King Jr., who was part of the forces to promote desegregation and fight for equal rights and had a museum full of his works, I want what I would do to stay and people to recreate me and my works in different forms.
      BIPOC Educators Scholarship
      In my high school, we observe career day anually. In my fourth year, on this particular career day, five people were invited to speak to us about their occupations. There were two men that really drew my attention. They both wore suits and came in flashy cars and are managers of different technical companies. One started his own company from a small enterprise after graduating from university while the other one inherited his father's company at the age of twenty one, it was like a family business, after being trained at home for it. The difference was clear in the speech of both men. The speech of the one that did not attened school was well documented, probably written by another person and still sloppy. Whereas the university graduate had a tidy note, smooth speech, video clips about each stage of business organization and administration and he even exhibited some devices his company had created. What caught my attention the most was when a student asked both men what the qualities of a successful manager are in the technical world. The one that did not attend school said "He must have money and connections with the right people" while the college graduate said "Definitely prosperity, but a successful manager must also be a good leader because that is how you can motivate and influence your employees to perform at their peak ability and he must also have the vision to take the team and company higher." Immediately, I purposed in my heart that the experience from an educational environment will make one wiser and more mature and the person would have set goals in life and know how to improve in different aspect of his/her life because of the years spent in educating oneself. For my career path, Computer Science, some say it is very easy as one can just copy what is seen online or watch youtube videos, and one will get it. This may be true, but education guarantees based and solid knowledge that will take one places. Having a good education will ensure that I know what I am doing and I stand out. I wanted to attend school as normal part of life but this lecture taught me how important education is and how it can help me be better in life.
      Future Black Leaders Scholarship
      One of my goals in life is to make life easier, safer and better for people whichever way I can. That is why I decided to volunteer for Operation Clean My Environment in Lagos, Nigeria. Every first and third Thursdays of each month we gathered to clean the environment. This program enabled free flow of drainage that decreased the rate and level of stagnant water which resulted in the reduction of malaria rate because mosquitos could no longer breed. I assisted in planting trees which was confirmed by medical practitioners to be a pure source of oxygen and beneficial to health. I, along with other volunteers, created awareness at elementary schools to teach them the benefits of recycling and renewable energy. I am a member of the African Students Association at Lincoln University, where freshmen are brought together to discuss their needs and make us feel home away from home. I am part of the Computer Science Club also where I am tutored on different programming languages and given career related advices. My current financial situation is not good. It is going to greatly affect my education if I do not get help. My mother is a civil servant and her salary was reduced due to the hit from the pandemic. She has to cater for my other siblings and her aged mother. We have been managing what we have. My siblings and I are in school so my mother looks for ways to pay our fees the way she can. Things have not been easy. I had to skip a year mainly because of lack of funds. We were trying to put money together but right now, I am not sure about security for my education. Getting this scholarship will mean a lot to me. It will come as a favor and blessing to my family and will relieve us greatly. I would be able to carry on with my education smoother than ever. After graduation, I would love to work in a top technological company that will build my skills to increase productivity and efficiency. Some people see programming as a difficult task so I want to mentor young people and expose them to coding at an early age to give them courage and make them know nothing is difficult if one sets their mind to it. I want to make technology accessible to all especially the underprivileged and underdeveloped nations so that life can be easier for them.
      Black Entrepreneurs of Philadelphia Scholarship
      Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be independent and have my own business. I did not like the idea of being under someone or allowing another person dictate how I use my time and my movements. Entrepreneurship was the perfect solution to this discomfort of mine. I started my business in my first year in high school. I was in boarding house so my mother used to buy a lot of provisions like milk, beverage, biscuit, for me to take to school. We have a plantain plantation at the back of my house so whenever the harvest period came, we used the plantain to make plantain chips. The plantain chips were part of the provisions my mother packed for me when it was available. One day, I gave my friend out of it and she liked it then she told other people about it and they loved it too. When I discovered too many people loved the chips and they always came to ask me for it, I decided to let myself gain too, so I started selling it. The price was determined by the quantity the person wanted. Whenever the ones I had finished, I would call my mum to send more and I used to package it in a nylon that was easy for them to carry around. The chips were so good and popular that upper classmen too started buying from me. I made a lot of profit from the unripe plantain, since I did not like it; I sold more of it than the ripe one which I liked so much. This went on till I graduated from high school. Now, I sell to my neighbors and friends, I deliver to those I can get to while my mother makes them and we now have a customized brand and logo for it. We sell in plastic containers and sachets. The independency and flexibility of entrepreneurship was what really pushed me. If I did not want to sell anything, no one would force me to and I was not reporting to anybody about anything. All these really convinced me to start something small that has helped me and my family now. Always hearing people complaining about their 9-5 job also motivated me to start selling the plantain chips. I hope to have a restaurant in the future where I can cook and sell food to people because I enjoy cooking. There would be snacks in my restaurant that would surely involve my plantain chips. I want to get to a point that I will be delivering to orphanages for free and giving homeless people to put a smile on their faces. The challenges I faced while in high school were not meeting the demands of my customers in time or giving someone more than the person could afford because the person was my senior. I sometimes had my chips stolen. The challenge now is finding customers because I’m no longer in high school so I do not have stable customers anymore, then burns from hot oil and hot metallic utensils. It has been harder now because of coronavirus, a lot of people are skeptical about buying because they do not know the process of making and hygiene of the environment. I try my best to assure them of their safety by showing them pictures and videos about how everything is but some customers are hard to convince. Fund is another issue, we constantly need to produce nylons and plastics for packaging and these are not cheap to afford, then different customers prefer a certain kind of oil to be used to fry their plantain so we buy many varieties and brand of oil. However, starting this business has helped me boost my confidence that I can do anything and be my own person and I now have a sense of responsibility that has helped me in other areas of my life.