Hobbies and interests
Acting And Theater
Costume Design
Graphic Design
Painting and Studio Art
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Realistic Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
I read books multiple times per month
Acadia Bloodlane
Bold Points1x
Acadia Bloodlane
Bold Points1x
My name is Acadia, and I am a high school senior. Next year I will be attending art school to get my BFA in Fashion Design and my MAT in Teaching Arts.
I would describe myself as creative, hardworking, and determined. When I put my mind towards something, I work hard until I achieve my goals. I push myself to put my best foot forward with everything I attempt.
Newmarket Jr.-Sr. High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Visual and Performing Arts, General
- Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
Dream career field:
Apparel & Fashion
Dream career goals:
My long-term career goals are to become a fashion designer, create my own brand, and run my own business.
Junior Counselor
Newmarket REC2021 – 2021Barista
Popovers2023 – Present2 yearsBarista
Aroma Joe's2022 – 20231 year
Track & Field
Varsity2021 – 20221 year
Photography class
Photography2021 – 2023Digital Media Arts class
Graphic Art2022 – PresentPersonal Project
Drawing2013 – PresentPersonal projects
Design2013 – PresentDigital Media Arts class
Animation2023 – 2023Drama Club
Acting2017 – Present
Public services
Bring Back the Trades — Volunteer2023 – 2023Volunteering
Newmarket Elementary School — Volunteer, teacher's aid.2022 – 2022Volunteering
Newmarket REC — Volunteer2021 – 2022
Future Interests
“The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
I remember walking into the living room as a kid, "The Office" playing on the TV. My dad and stepmom would burst out laughing, and I would turn my head- what was so funny? Did the man wearing the yellow shirt and glasses make a joke? Or was it the woman on the phone, talking to her friend? I didn't get the joke at the time. To me, the show looked boring. I wondered why anyone would want to come home from work, and then watch a show about a place they had just returned from.
Now, whenever I watch "The Office" I laugh louder than my dad did. I love Michael and his determination to make the 9-5 workplace more entertaining. I love how the show continues to open my eyes about how the adult world isn't all work, stress, and numbers but can also be loving, hilarious, and joyful. While "The Office" may not be completely accurate, the show has shaped my perspective on what a workplace can look like through its hilarious characters, relatable scenes, and overall morals.
When I watch "The Office" I feel myself relating to Michael Scott the most, not only because of his sense of humor but because he is determined to make a boring situation more entertaining. Personally, I can't sit still and work on something I am not passionate about. I need to be excited and energized about what's happening, and Michael Scott seems to have the same mindset. He is constantly trying to get both himself and others more motivated to do work by using humor. His main goal is to make others entertained in a boring environment, and I love that he does that because it's not something you see every day. His motivations are similar to mine, and his execution is flawless, and that's why I love his character.
Michael Scott's character has also helped shape my perspective on workplace dynamics, as have the rest of the characters. By taking a basic environment and showing a wide variety of the different emotions, motivations, and scenarios people encounter in real life in comedy form, the viewer can get a new perspective. Watching the show as an inexperienced teenager, the show has helped me realize that the workplace can be fun. It has also shown me how many different people I will encounter, and how the best people might come when you least expect them.
"The Office" has provided a new perspective on the workplace through jokes and relatable characters. And while I believed the show was boring as a kid, as I have gotten older I have learned to love how it portrays such relatable experiences to its audience.
Book Lovers Scholarship
I remember when my teacher started reading the book "Out Of My Mind" by Sharon M. Draper to my fourth-grade class. I was sitting on the carpet, listening as she explained how this would be the next novel she would read to the class. I imagined that this book would be like every other- complete with a mediocre plot, simple characters, and some sort of imaginative aspect that would keep our young minds engaged. After the book was finished, however, I realized how impactful it was. "Out Of My Mind" taught me about inclusivity, friendship, and the importance of seeing someone for who they are rather than how they look. Because I read this book at such a young age, these ideas were implanted into my mind, and I was able to apply them to real-world situations as I grew up. If I could have everyone, especially young kids, read one book, it would be "Out Of My Mind" for this exact reason.
"Out Of My Mind" follows the journey of Melody Brooks, an 11-year-old girl with Cerebral Palsy. She's incredibly smart and kind, however, everyone looks past her because of her disability. The story, which is told from Melody's perspective, shows how being excluded, not being able to fully communicate, and being underappreciated affects an individual in a way that touches everyone. The problems Melody faces, such as being left behind from a school field trip or overlooked when competing on her school's debate team, relay the importance of inclusivity.
After reading this book, my perspective changed. I may have been a kid, but I was old enough to understand that my actions had consequences and impacts. I kept this novel in mind as I continued through the rest of my school year, using it as motivation to act kinder towards my classmates. The novel and its message have never left my mind, even now after eight years have passed.
Because this book had such a strong impact on me, I know it will have a strong impact on others as well. I believe that if young kids read this novel, they will grow up with a better understanding of how to be inclusive and kind, which will help make our community a better place. For these reasons, I believe that "Out Of My Mind" should be read by everyone.
Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
One day after school, Liv and Maddie get home to find a large envelope stuffed into their mailbox. Filled with anticipation, the twins open the letter right there in their mailbox. Liv shrieks in excitement, and Maddie begs her to share what's happening. It turns out that Liv has been cast as the lead role in a new basketball-themed movie, "You Shoot, You Score!". The twins decide to go to the set together; while there Liv will act and Maddie will support and coach her sister on how to play basketball.
However, this movie will not be what it seems.
The set is incredible! A gorgeous basketball court, fun costumes, and fellow cast members are a dream to work with! After her first day of shooting Liv meets the director, David, for the first time. David explains the vision for the movie, including how his vision for the final scene is going to blow them all away. Liv and Maddie get a good impression from David, but after retiring to their trailer for the night they notice him talking on the phone. After eavesdropping, they hear that the director is planning to use a bomb to blow up the entire set while the actors are performing inside!
Liv and Maddie run back to their trailer, frantic to find a way to stop David! But what can they do? It's not like they have super spy equipment that can stop an evil mastermind! Just as they speak these thoughts aloud, we see a black van skid to a stop right beside them. They whip their heads around and back away, nervous that the people inside are involved with David's plan. The door opens, and KC from "KC Undercover" jumps out and runs over with Ernie, Judy, and their parents close behind.
The twins are in shock. Who are these people? How did they get here? And most importantly, how do they know about David's plan? The Coopers quickly explain their story; they're superspies, they hacked into David's computer after getting a tip from their spy agency, and after realizing they only had one week to stop him they rushed over to Hollywood in their family's van.
KC and her family work with the twins to develop a plan to stop him. The twins will work undercover, while the Coopers will attempt to find the bomb and diffuse it. Even though David's fellow masterminds fill the set, and the twins have no spy experience whatsoever, nothing seems like it could go wrong! Right?
As the week draws closer, no one has been able to find the bomb. Friday dawns upon them, and David announces that they will be shooting their final scene! The twins are frantic, and the Coopers begin to work twice as hard. Liv is forced to continue acting, but she is on edge throughout her entire rehearsal.
Finally, KC finds the bomb hidden in a storage closet! She works with the rest of her family to fight off David's security guards in an epic super-spy battle sequence. Ernie works on turning off security cameras, the parents fight off the guards, and KC attempts to diffuse the bomb- which only has two minutes left before it explodes! While this is happening, Liv and Maddie try to convince David to let the actors go and to turn off the bomb himself. He refuses and goes to press the big red button.
Thankfully, the bomb has been diffused by KC! They quickly arrest David and his guards, and all of our characters live to see another day!
“Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
The sky turns red, and lightweight strikes the ground not too far in the distance. A creature chitters in the distance, and our characters hear a wet squelching noise as it moves closer. Is it a Demodog? The Mind Flayer? Vecna? Something entirely new? We cannot tell because of the dark fog now encasing the air. The suspense is thick in the air, and goosebumps are rising on the back of our necks. The viewers are scared, and terrified even, for Hawkins' safety. But this feat is replaced with relief as they see three of their favorite characters approach the monster.
These three characters are ready to fight. Equipped with weaponry, motivation, and psychic powers, our viewers have never seen a better team. They approach the monster, their faces a mix of motivation and anger. The viewers at home watch as Eleven raises her right hand into the air, preparing to fight the monster. We gasp as Nancy Wheeler steps aside to load her gun and as Jim Hopper takes his stance. They are ready to fight and put an end to the misery Hawkins has had to endure.
These three characters are the strongest individually when it comes to fighting, and as a team, they would be unstoppable. Each one has a unique fighting technique that the other characters don't have; Hopper with his strategy and selflessness, Nancy with her impressive shooting abilities, and Eleven with her supernatural powers. Most often, it's these characters taking the lead while the others stay back and watch.
Their individual strength will make it easier for them to divide and conquer while fighting this new monster, and their ability to work with others will lead them to success. These characters know how to strategize, communicate, and team up with others. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for the common good. Together, they can take down this monster with ease.
Eleven holds the monster in the air using her powers, wiping her nosebleed on the sleeve of her jacket. Nancy shoots without missing a single shot. Finally, Hopper takes a knife and slices the monster's head clean off its' body. They stand over their newly dead enemy, triumphant, just as they predicted they would be. Their power has saved Hawkins once again.
Netflix and Scholarships!
Whenever I talk about my favorite shows with other people, well-loved classics such as "Stranger Things", "Arrested Development", and "Never Have I Ever" are always discussed. However, the moment I mention "The Good Place", no one else has even heard of it, let alone seen it. Each time I mention this underrated masterpiece and get nothing except for a confused look, I become more and more surprised. How has no one seen such a great show? Am I the only one who laughs, loves, and cries along with each character? How could such an intriguing plot with such a meaningful message go unnoticed?
"The Good Place" is a comedy TV series on Netflix about four people who died and ended up in the afterlife. Instead of a Heaven or Hell, there is a Good Place and a Bad Place. Each of our main characters is told they are in the Good Place, however our main character, Eleanor, quickly realizes she isn't a good enough person on Earth and doesn't belong there. The other three characters attempt to keep her in the Good Place by teaching her ethics and moral philosophy. Each episode is filled with plot twists, comical scenarios, lovable characters, and meaningful messages that every viewer can learn from.
The show has a plotline that keeps you intrigued as a first-time viewer and engaged when going back to binge-watch again. With new problems arising at every turn and each episode ending on a cliffhanger, the show leaves you on the edge of your seat and hungry for more. I remember watching my first experience watching the show, the first of many to come. I would fight the urge to fall asleep just so I could watch the next episode. I needed to know what happened next. If you're looking for a show that will keep you engaged for a full 48 hours, look no further than "The Good Place".
The meaning behind each episode leaves the viewer contemplating subjects such as ethics, the meaning of life, and our motives. However, these messages are wrapped up in a light-hearted, comedic show, making it easier to digest. As mentioned before, Eleanor is desperate to study ethics and learn how to become a better person. While she wasn't a criminal, she was rude and selfish towards others. One of our other main characters, Chidi, was an ethics professor before he died and is the one teaching Eleanor how to be better. Their conversations and lessons not only teach Eleanor, but they teach the audience about the meaning of life and what it means to be a good person. Dying, soulmates, personal motivations, friendship, family, love, and so much more are discussed in this show in an impressively laid-back manner. This aspect of "The Good Place" makes it an even better show to watch because not only will it keep you entertained, but you'll learn something from it as well.
No show is complete without great characters that undergo personal growth as the plot moves along. "The Good Place" is filled with a wonderful cast that plays lovable characters that both add to the plot and help enforce the show's meaning. Whether they're a protagonist, antagonist, or random side character each person brings humor to the show.
"The Good Place" is the perfect show to binge-watch because it's engaging, hilarious, and has a thought-provoking message. And since the weekend is quickly approaching, I think I'll go back and start watching Season One, and I hope you do the same.
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
Unlike most others, I enjoy having a busy schedule. I like knowing that I have a club after school or a shift at work later in the evening. It feels good when there are upcoming plans, whether they're volunteer hours or a casual hang-out with my closest friends. Being involved in a diverse amount of activities such as the National Honors Society, Drama Club, Student Council, and more gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride. However, with so much on my plate, I need to keep a clear head. I have to stay organized and, most importantly, I need to keep my mind happy and healthy. This can get difficult, but I can keep my mental health stable through a routine and system that works for me.
I can maintain my mental health pretty well as the school year progresses, however, there are times when my anxiety gets the best of me and I start to slip. When this happens, it becomes more difficult to keep up with my assignments and I begin to procrastinate. I feel sad and stressed throughout most of the day, which causes me to isolate myself from my friends and family. The motivation I have to attend club meetings and seminars fades, and all I want is to let these responsibilities go.
I can recognize these feelings once they set in, and once I realize how I'm feeling and what's causing the problem I try to rebuild my mental health. Most often, these episodes are the result of anxiety relating to college and growing up, or an extreme amount of work that needs to get done. When stressing about the future, I spiral and get stuck in my thoughts. When stressing about work, I shut down and feel as if I can't even begin what needs to be worked on. After figuring out the source of the problem, I can begin to work on a solution.
Time is the largest healing factor for my mental health. I remind myself that I can get through this and that my anxiety will begin to fade as time goes on. As I go through the motions of my day, soon enough they will begin to bring the comfort they once did.
While waiting for the hours to pass, I take time to take extra care of myself. I make sure to eat three meals a day, each one with comfort foods I know will lift my spirits. Eggs and sausage for breakfast, for example, rather than a granola bar as I run out the door. I take a long, hot shower and I treat myself to using a face mask and a sugar scrub to re-humanize myself.
I also set aside time to be productive. While it's not easy to sit down and do work at the time, dedicating a moment of my day to catching up with school and finishing necessary tasks helps me get my mental health back on track.
Finally, I take the time to forgive myself. I remind myself that I am trying my best and that one person can only do so much. By changing how I view myself, I can begin to stabilize my mental health.
Having a healthy balance between my mental health and my busy schedule is important to me because I want to be able to participate in what life has to offer while still being able to enjoy myself. And by staying organized and giving myself time when I need it, I am able to keep this balance alive and well.
Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
I stood at the head of the table, the agenda for our upcoming meeting laid out in front of me. I had rehearsed what I was going to say to the rest of my chapter, however, as I watched my fellow students file in for our meeting I was nervous. As their newly elected FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Chapter President, there was a lot at stake. I needed to lead, inspire, and help our chapter grow.
I took a deep breath and remembered why I was doing this; I was preparing myself to lead our chapter to success. More than that, I was preparing to help others gain a passion and drive for getting active in their community. I remembered the goals I had set for myself and our group, and how we were going to work together to make change within our community. This was our first meeting, the year had barely started, but I still saw all that we were going to accomplish in my mind; community service, fundraisers, competitions, and an everlasting ambition within each member. I felt that the biggest impact I could make in my community was to inspire its students to go out and make impacts of their own, almost as if I was starting a chain reaction. These were my goals for us, and with that in mind, I started our meeting.
Last year I was introduced to the Future Business Leaders of America, and it completely changed my perspective on what a high schooler could accomplish. I had been invited to compete in the New Hampshire State Leadership Conference and I was filled with anticipation and excitement. I had never attended a competition like this before, and I wanted to give it my best shot. However, the conference proved to be more than just a competition.
During my time there I observed what the other, larger chapters had accomplished. They had gotten involved within their towns through community service, large projects, and FBLA fundraisers. Their achievements were impressive, however, what caught my eye was the attitude of each of their member. All of the chapters were filled with motivated, driven students all looking to make an impact in the world around them.
It was at that moment that I decided I was going to get more involved with the FBLA. The realization that I could not only get involved within the community myself but inspire other students to do the same filled me with excitement and hope.
My journey to get my chapter involved in our community has just begun, but I have already worked hard to ensure that my ambitions become a reality. I have drafted ideas for community service opportunities, and I have begun to plan events and fundraisers that will bring the community together and create long-lasting memories. As the year continues, our involvement within the community will expand, and our motivation will grow. It makes me happy to know that I can help others gain motivation to go out and make a difference through real-world experiences, and I am ready to be the person who makes this change.
Wild Scholarship
I sat down at my desk on the first day of junior year and looked at the screens in front of me. The possibilities felt endless as I observed the computer and monitor that stood before me. I had never used Adobe Illustrator, I had only dabbled in Photoshop, and I couldn't have even guessed what Toonboom Harmony did. And yet, I was filled with excitement. Where others may have seen a challenge, I saw an opportunity. Throughout my life, I had been experimenting with different art forms, and now I was going to get to take a college-level Digital Media Arts class that would teach me all I wanted to know about the foreign concept of digital art.
My creativity started before I was in kindergarten, and afterward, I never stopped. I remember the squeak of the dry-erase marker as I drew a ballgown on the whiteboard at my mother's work. I can still feel the excitement that rose in my chest when I was given my first official sketchbook in third grade. Images of the semi-formal dresses I sewed for school dances flood my brain whenever I think of the past. Once I reached high school I started to turn these hobbies into a career. I began to take classes with my school, different colleges, and nonprofit organizations to experiment and educate myself. I made homecoming dresses, fashion designs, and sculptural dresses out of paper. I explored different materials and made pieces out of clay, paint, and multi-media. And while I loved everything I had created, I was ready to explore something completely new.
Junior year was a huge turning point. I started working on my college portfolio and taking more classes relevant to my fashion design major and soon-to-be-discovered minor. It was also during this time that I was introduced to the world of digital art and animation.
I immersed myself in my Digital Media Arts class, watching and listening in awe as the animation world and the digital design process were explained. I grew an appreciation for all things digital that I had taken for granted. Animated movies, video games, and even kid's TV shows were now masterpieces in my eyes. I was given the opportunity to make an animation of my own, with the final product being a seven-minute-long short film about a girl stuck in a video game, and I enjoyed every hour I spent working on its development. I decided that I wanted to do more with animation and that I wanted to make this my minor in college. There is so much I want to learn, and so many things I want to create. Video games, movies, short films, everything and anything animation I want to get involved with. And while fashion design will always be my number one, animation is something that I will always be intrigued by.
Once in college, I will major in Fashion Design and minor in Animation because these are the two art forms I am the most passionate about. They are the ways I can express myself the most. I can already picture the stories I can tell, the pieces I can create, and the emotions I can arise once given to opportunity to work with these two mediums. Having the opportunity to go to school and enrich myself further makes excitement rise in my chest. My journey so far has been a great one, and I'm ready to find out what happens next in my creative world.
Ninja Transfers Entrepreneurship Scholarship
When I envision my future, I see runway after runway filled with people wearing beautiful clothes that make them feel confident. I see colorful chiffon dresses flowing in the wind, and innovative streetwear being worn in the city with my brand's name on the inside tag. I imagine clothes that not only look good but help the customer feel good as well. Clothes with actual pockets, for example, not fake ones that are there simply for the inconvenience and decoration. My biggest ambition of mine is to create a line of clothes that does all of this for the customer, and more.
My goal is to combine fashion, art, comfort, and confidence within my collections because I have always had trouble finding clothes that did this for me. When I was a kid, finding clothes that both fit and were still my style was a struggle. As I got older and my style became more unique, this search became more difficult. The clothes offered to me, quite simply, weren't what I wanted and made me feel uncomfortable. Nothing fit right and nothing felt good, and my confidence suffered. So, I decided to take this problem into my own hands.
I started designing clothes when I was in third grade, and I haven't stopped since. In elementary school, I filled sketchbooks cover to cover with colored pencil drawings of dresses. In high school, I started to consider how I could construct clothes that would be both comfortable and beautiful. I experimented with colors, fabric choices, and different styles until I found what I liked best.
I want to design clothing lines of innovative, colorful streetwear that's made for everyone. I want to make intricate jackets out of faux leather and polyester. I envision myself sewing pairs of pants out of denim and crepe fabrics, each well-fitting pair complete with lots of pockets. I can practically feel the silk fabrics gliding under my fingertips when I picture the dresses I want to make. There are so many different clothes I want to design, and so many collections I want to present to the world. From streetwear that will keep confidence boosted all day, to formalwear designed to make the customer feel beautiful on a night out, I will work on making a line of clothes that puts the problems I faced in the past.
Along with these goals for my garment's construction, I want my brand to be inclusive. I will work hard to ensure that my line is size-inclusive and not gender-confining. There will be a large range of sizes so everyone can find something, and clothes available to anyone who wants them, no matter what gender they identify as.
Next year I will be going to school to earn my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design. While I am there, I am going to push myself, experiment, and create the pieces I have always dreamed about. I want to work towards my goal of having my apparel line not only for myself, but for the other people out there who struggled to find clothes just as much as I did.