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Aaliyah Moise


Bold Points




Hello, my name is Aaliyah Moise and I am a current student at Columbus state University. I have been taking high school courses since middle school and have been offered the opportunity for early graduation more than once. I am currently working hard for my bachelor's in nursing science. After graduation, I want to apply that new degree in the medical nursing field and become a pediatric registered nurse (and possibly join a national travel nurse agency after a few years of working in my field). I come from a competitive family in which we take academics and athletics seriously. I enjoy competitive cheerleading, dancing, and spending time with family. My goal is to enter and finish college with little to no debt because I have observed and heard of the effects that come of student loans and financial debts that can play a role in later life. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me.


Berkmar High School

High School
2022 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1030


    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Pediatric Registered Nursing



      2019 – Present6 years


      • Dance
        2019 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Gwinnett County Volunteer — Volunteer
        2018 – Present

      Future Interests





      Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
      I remember the yellow and orange hue peeking up into my view. The crisp wind that blew through mixed with a rare silence that I felt was new. I remember bent knees as my legs were pulled in close to me along with the previous warnings about my newfound place. I knew that one wrong move and I might fly away from that place. I could hear “this visit is temporary” coming and going through my head like an alarm with only a snooze. I was at the peak but didn’t dare to sit on the edge. The white square behind me that stood as a gate separated me from who was on the other side not aware that I was awake. I remember standing up and knowing that I will never erase that day and it was already added to a collection of why we can't relate. I remember going back to the other side to start my day and the threats of therapy that returned. I remember hearing the “D word” coming up again but it never truly went away. The day before is what changed me. It was a few days following my 15th birthday and It was the first time I encountered that side of him alone. Of course, there were people around but they never truly saw or understood what my mom, sister, and I did. I saw this behavior before but it was never directed at me. There were always slight and passive-aggressive comments directed at me but, always surrounded by comfort and forgiveness for a never issued apology. Our relationship was always weakened by the time we spent apart. I spent more time knowing him than being with him, unlike others who only saw him from one part. After the incident that made it final for me, I had to deal with comments by others that would only hurt and frustrated me. “You need to call him because I don't do that disrespect”, “I think you should try to talk to him because you're still going to need him in life” I was only 15 but I knew what would be best for me. I couldn't let anyone disrespect and treat me like the enemy when they claimed to love and care for me. Despite the comments and remarks, I had to undergo I didn't feel regret my actions because they made me feel safe and comfortable. I talked to him after but just like the first time he didn't remember or had his version of things. I'm now 17 with no apology and rare conversations with him that makes me question myself for initiating the call that would guarantee me being blamed for something. Someone might read this and say “why to keep in contact?” but they may not understand that he’s part of me. When people see me they think of him and I'm constantly reminded about our connection. I will never forget that from my experiences with him I learned to make myself a priority. From that, I know my dad is responsible for why I prioritize myself and his actions play a role in my everyday life and decisions. I remember my place and will never forget it because that's where I was finally able to breathe. In then out and I felt it travel within me. Finding this quiet place to help keep me calm and give me the ability to think freely was one of the best things for me.
      Jaqaun Webb Scholarship
      I love traveling and helping others and that is something that I would love to do as a career. Travel nursing is a career that I am passionate about and it allows me to continue doing the things I love. To obtain my dream career I need a bachelor's degree in nursing. The knowledge and experience obtained from getting this degree will give me skills and insight that will allow me to help others. In my journey to success, I will use a slightly more aggressive study and focus method than my current one which has been successful for me. I acknowledge that college will introduce me to more distractions and that's why I have decided to adjust my study habits. I use a planner to create attainable weekly and monthly goals. I also use my planner to allocate how I will structure my schedule to optimize time for homework, study time, and personal time so that I don't over-exert myself. I use an educational website called khan academy to help me with subjects and units that I struggle with. My success in my secondary education affects both my future and the future people I will help. I want to obtain a bachelor's in nursing so that I can become more eligible to help others around me. I hope that one day I will be in the position to financially help others through scholarships so that they can have help that won't aid in future financial failure. I may have high hopes and ambitions but they come from a life of being someone who pushes for what I want and believe in. Every action is just another step and experience in my learning and fighting for my goals. Granting me this scholarship would be another step to help aid in my climb toward a better future for me and others. No matter if the decision to award me this scholarship is denied or accepted I know that someone has heard my beliefs and I have another witness and contributor to the foundation of my future to success because either decision is a step on my climb.
      Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
      Growing up in a Caribbean household, especially with an immigrant parent, the expectations and standards for me were and still are high. My name is Aaliyah Moise and I am the product of a Jamaican mother and Haitian father raised in America. After graduation I will go to college to get my bachelors in nursing science so that I can become a Registered nurse and work in hospitals to help others. Being first generation American on one side of my family and second generation on the other side, my parents were always adamant about making sure that I stayed out of trouble and got great grades. With their constant attentiveness, I have maintained an honor roll and avoided trouble. Although the way my parents have raised me plays a major role in my personality and who I am today, I have learned that just because my mom says no and not to do something, it doesn't necessarily mean that’s the reason why I don't do it. Understanding that the reasoning behind my life choices is based on obedience not experience and knowledge. Growing up you're discouraged from taking drugs and experimenting, but just because you're told not to do something doesn’t mean you're not going to try. The easy accessibility and commonality of participating in this extracurricular activity is popular in my age group and praised by today's most popular influences. My decision not to take drugs or smoke isn't because of what I'm told but because of what I have experienced. Most people my age find it different and slightly weird in my choice not to do it, but I choose to align myself with those who respect my decision. I have family members who have battled with drug abuse and have both seen and experienced the toll of their choices on family members. Their decisions have led to pain and confusion, allowing me to not want that. The death of a close childhood friend due to laced marijuana was a major contribution to why me and a few close friends have decided that we do not want to fall victim to peer pressure. My awareness of why I make decisions for my lifestyles leads me to realize that most of my actions are taken from experience and not obedience. I'm thankful to those who understand my choices and the steps it takes for me to arrive at my conclusions. I appreciate those who take time out of their day to read my submission.
      Bold Optimist Scholarship
      The Covid-19 pandemic was a dark and challenging time for many people and I can relate to that. It's something we all went through and are grateful to have survived so, instead of talking about staying optimistic through that I would like to talk about it within a community that it is not prioritized in. Mental health is something serious and affects many people today. As someone who has a family history of mental health on both sides I have chosen to cherish all the good things. I have seen the effect of mental illness on people and even had my own personal battle with it. I've witnessed "episodes' ' that one battling mental health suffer and although it frightens me that these are issues and circumstances that I'm closely connected to I have decided to look for something that can better me and others. Instead of letting my negative experiences narrate my life I have decided to prioritize the positive outcomes of my history. I chose to pay attention to all the things I can and will do. With the knowledge of my history I now know the signs to look for in mental health along with things to help it. I take part in activities that contribute to a positive mental health for myself. I am aware of the possibility in my future but I have chosen to plan for a life that doesn't focus on the what if. Mental health optimism may not not sound or seem realistic but those who struggle with it, have seen it, or have a history of it understand the importance of staying hopeful and encouraged through such trials. My idealistic aspirations and actions allow me to stay positive in myself and in the future.
      Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
      "I pay more for my degree than I make with it" is something my sister once told me when I first began looking at colleges. The trap that is known as student loans has acquired many victims in its false beauty of financial "aid". My family has always told me and my generation to look for scholarships and grants because school is expensive and unless our career requires a degree they don't recommend going to college and chancing a life of debt. These scary yet true statements are the harsh reality of wanting to further your education today. I have seen how student loans and debt from young adulthood affect future decisions such as buying a home, car or even starting a family. I work as an assistant in a real estate office and through this job I have learned and had an up-close view of the negative impact of an education. Some people make it out of student debt but that number is very low and is often accompanied by scholarships and grants. The reality is that outside financial help is not as publicized and known as the financial debt offered by institutions. I am a first generation Haitian-American on my father's side and like many other immigrants my family learned that financial hardships do not end once you make it to America. I have strong hopes in avoiding student loans so that I do not have something weighing me down when I am ready to enter adulthood. I want to go to school and leave it without having to suffer from wanting to further educate myself. Although my mom is now in a career she loves and enjoys, it was not easy for her to get here. She had to put her wants aside so that she could provide for her family and with little to no help she was able to achieve it over time. I watched her study books after a long day of work and practice for tests between taking care of me and my sister. Watching her taught me the importance of staying focused on my goals and how to prioritize what is important. I want to obtain a bachelors in nursing so that I can become more eligible to help others around me. I hope that one day I will be in the position to financially help others through scholarships so that they can have help that won't aid in future financial failure. I may have high hopes and ambitions but they come from a life of being someone who pushes for what they want and believe in. Every action is just another step and experience in me learning and fighting for my goals. Granting me this scholarship would be another step to help aid in my climb towards a better future for me and others. No matter if the decision to award me this scholarship is denied or accepted I know that someone has heard my beliefs and I have another witness and contributor to the foundation of my future to success because either decision is a step on my climb.
      Aaliyah Moise Student Profile |