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Aaliyah Folquet


Bold Points




Aaliyah Folquet, 18, I grew up in Fairfield CA, and graduated from Vanden High School as the valedictorian of my graduating class. I am currently attending California State University Long Beach focusing on Mathematics and Economics while creatively continuing my exploration of performing arts. I’m an hardworking student who enjoys numbers, puzzles and everything in between. As a college student, I’ve had the opportunity to meet new people from all around the world. It’s been amazing to learn so much about their cultures and traditions. I’m also enjoying the high level of independence. I’ve learned that you must grow up fast. Although it’s been challenging being away from my family and friends, I’m making new memories as I explore new places with new people that I will cherish for the rest of my life. One fun fact about me is that I love music. I played the piano for 11 years and diligently worked to receive consecutive certificates of excellence, along with a variety of trophies and ribbons for my participation in classical piano recitals. I have been recognized for my outstanding achievements in music theory and placed 1st in the Northern California Young Talent Music Competition in 2021 and 2022.


California State University-Long Beach

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Mathematics and Statistics, Other
  • Minors:
    • Mathematical Economics

Vanden High

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
    • Mathematics and Statistics, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Higher Education

    • Dream career goals:



      • Independent

        2011 – 2023

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        California Disaster Healthcare Volunteer S — Answering phone calls and answering questions regarding how to get vaccinated
        2021 – 2022
      • Volunteering

        Mount Calvary Baptist Church — Coordinated food, clothing and household items for disadvantaged individuals and families
        2021 – Present
      • Volunteering

        2020 election day adopt-a-poll event — cleaner
        2020 – 2020

      Future Interests


      Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
      My parents have made the most significant impact on my life. They taught me to dream big, work hard, and value relationships. They support me in everything that I do. They are my biggest cheerleaders. My parents also encourage me to be self-confident and to try my best at everything I do. My mother has always been active in my school activities, bake sales, carnivals, musical recitals, dance performances and theatre plays. I can remember only one event my mother was not able to attend and that was because she was sick, but my father was there to take up the slack. I don’t have words to express the love and encouragement I feel from my parents. I remember when I was young and my dad was working out of town. My mom and I went to stay with him in this really small one-bedroom apartment. I remember my mother saying, “I’m so glad we get along so well, because we're really crammed in this place.” We just hugged one another and laughed. We enjoy spending time together. We laugh together, we watch movies together, we vacation together, we cook together, and we eat together. How many teenagers want to go home and hang out with their parents? When my father died of a stroke in March 2021, it was devastating. Our entire life changed in a split second. I watched my mother’s heartbreak as the grief overwhelmed her. She has worked hard to carry on each day for me, but I know her heart aches. I miss my dad very much and I’m thankful for the time we shared. I still feel his love, encouragement and support. My father always told me he was proud of me and I want to continue to make him proud. My parents instilled in me the importance of education. They helped me with my homework, took me to the library, and had me read to them every night. I remember one day at the library, my mother selected a book entitled "Breadcrumbs", by Anna Ursu. When I saw how thick the book was I said, no, let's find a different book. My mother told me not to judge a book by its cover or by the number of pages. Surprisingly, it ended up being one of my favorite books. Now, as I prepare to attend California State University Long Beach in the fall of 2023, I know that I have a strong foundation to build upon. My mother continues to encourage me to do my best, have courage and enjoy my life because we learned the hard way that life is short. I can also stand tall knowing my father is with me every step of the way. I realize the parts of me that I love most are heavily influenced by my parents. The love that they shared for each other and for me made our family strong and resilient. My parents have made the biggest impact on my life and I can’t thank them enough.
      Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
      Math is everywhere. Math is here to help us to keep things in order and to learn and teach new things. No matter what industry or field you choose, the importance of math applies to all career fields, for example, musicians, accountants, bakers, fashion designers and buyers all use math. I'm pursuing a degree in mathematics due to its stability and versatility. With a degree in mathematics, I will be an asset to any company that chooses to hire me. The number of possibilities and opportunities is endless. I've always been good at math. It comes naturally to me. There may be different ways to solve a problem, but you can always reach a solution. Math encourages me to think analytically, efficiently, and logically. I like gathering important information from the data presented and working through it toward a resolution. This is the foundation for not only solving complex math problems but allowing me to think logically to solve everyday problems as well as recognize everyday patterns. I notice patterns in so many things. Patterns in traffic, patterns in music, patterns in nature, patterns in art. When society thinks of famous mathematicians, it immediately thinks of white men. To discover mathematicians who are women or people of color, we must research because people of color or women mathematicians are not household names. I love "Hidden Figures" an inspiring film about three African American female mathematicians, who contributed to the first flight into space. This uplifting movie shows how powerful women, who look like me, can look above and beyond people's expectations. This movie encourages me to believe and understand that I can do anything I set my mind to do. People of all ages need to recognize and embrace this way of thinking. Women need to encourage and support one another. Women have to prove themselves so much more than men, especially women of color. We continuously have to fight for respect in this society. In a world where we are constantly looked down upon, it’s essential to lift each other and work together to conquer all the obstacles we have to face daily whether that’s at school, work, or even at home. Women are strong and have continued to persevere. When we see women who are struggling, it’s our responsibility to uplift them with motivation and inspiration. Math is our past, present, and future. I hope to bring a little more diversity into the growing number of female mathematicians and hopefully inspire more women of color to pursue a career in mathematics. I hope to represent women and people of color, in my community and around the world, in the growing field of mathematics and inspire them to achieve all their aspirations. As the world becomes more digital, and math and technology continue to dominate the future, I look forward to being a part of all that's yet to come.
      Julia Elizabeth Legacy Scholarship
      I have always valued education and worked hard to achieve excellence in academics. I’ve managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA and I’m within the top 10% of my graduating class. I was selected as valedictorian of my 2023 graduating class. I’ve learned the importance of working smarter, not harder. There are additional obstacles I, unfortunately, have to face as a young, black woman, and I take pride in trying my best in everything I do to show my capability to others who may underestimate me. Women need to encourage and support one another. Women have to prove themselves so much more than men, especially women of color. We continuously have to fight for respect in this society. In a world where we are constantly looked down upon, it’s essential to lift each other up and work together to conquer all the obstacles we have to face daily whether that’s at school, work, or even at home. Women are strong and have continued to persevere. When we see women who are struggling, it’s our responsibility to uplift them with motivation and inspiration. I remember in middle school, my 8th grade Math teacher, Mr. Deter, used games to teach accelerated math. He used all types of games: darts, checkers, basketball, and more. The boys in the class were always at the forefront. The girls didn’t seem to have a chance and were apprehensive to participate. Mr. Deter always encouraged the girls to be more involved in the games. While I sat back and watched the boys, I realized I knew a lot of the answers faster than they did. I found myself looking forward to math class each day and vigorously participating in the games. I didn’t think of myself as a girl among boys, but as someone who had to work harder and sometimes push my way to the front to illustrate that I’m capable of doing what men do just as well if not better. When society thinks of famous mathematicians, it immediately thinks of white men. To discover mathematicians who are women or people of color, we must research because people of color or women mathematicians are not household names. I love "Hidden Figures" an inspiring film about three African American female mathematicians, who contributed to the first flight into space. This uplifting movie shows how powerful women, who look like me, can look above and beyond people's expectations. This movie encourages me to believe and understand that I can do anything I set my mind to do. People of all ages need to recognize and embrace this way of thinking. Math is our past, present, and future. I hope to bring a little more diversity into the growing number of female mathematicians and hopefully inspire more women of color to pursue a career in mathematics. As the world becomes more digital, and math and technology continue to dominate the future, I look forward to being a part of all that's yet to come.
      Seeley Swan Pharmacy STEM Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. I have always been comfortable with calculations; I’m not ashamed to be a math nerd. Something about the logic, the precision, and the accuracy incorporated into the subject brings me joy. What’s interesting about math is that it introduces order to everything around us. The world is essentially organized because of math. I appreciate the importance of mathematics as I begin making decisions about money, time management, and personal responsibilities. Although arithmetical computation brings a unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is worth the struggle. Math encourages me to think analytically. I enjoy gathering information from the data presented and working to find the solution. I’m able to solve complex math problems as well as logically reflect on everyday life. Whenever I bake with my mother, I intricately measure each ingredient to concoct a delicious dessert. I efficiently calculate the cost of items at a store and determine which brand provides the best price. I recognize the numerous similarities between puzzles and math problems, causing me to think in ways no other subject or activity would. I also love how math extends beyond the classroom in such a captivating way. Most people may not realize the role that math plays in our lives. Nature has many mathematical patterns: hexagonal bee combs, spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes, the circular layers of an onion, and even the rings of trees that form as they grow and age. The sun, moon, and stars are a certain distance from the earth and each other. These are just some incredible examples of how math appears in the world. I have an interest in pursuing a career as a Market Research Analyst. However, I'm open to exploring different career paths as I learn, grow, and take additional college courses that may steer me to a different field involving a combination of mathematics and business. This career will be a good fit for me because both math and business are important aspects of this position. Analyzing business data to determine effective product demand and marketing strategies can help companies flourish. The different types of math and business courses I've taken will assist me to have the necessary skills to be competitive for this position. Breaking down complex problems and ideas is a lot like solving puzzles. I've always found completing puzzles fascinating and engaging. They can be challenging and sometimes time-consuming, but eventually, I will get the reward. Math is guaranteed to play a significant part in the future. I hope to represent women and people of color in the growing field of mathematics and inspire them to achieve all their aspirations. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate, and I look forward to being a part of the endless possibilities and opportunities that I’ll someday encounter.
      Learner Math Lover Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. I have always been comfortable with calculations; I’m not ashamed to be a math nerd. Something about the logic, the precision, and the accuracy incorporated into the subject brings me joy. What’s interesting about math is that it introduces order to everything around us. The world is essentially organized because of math. I appreciate the importance of mathematics as I begin making decisions about money, time management, and personal responsibilities. Although arithmetical computation brings a unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is worth the struggle. Math encourages me to think analytically. I enjoy gathering information from the data presented and working to find the solution. I’m able to solve complex math problems as well as logically reflect on everyday life. Whenever I bake with my mother, I intricately measure each ingredient to concoct a delicious dessert. I efficiently calculate the cost of items at a store and determine which brand provides the best price. I recognize the numerous similarities between puzzles and math problems, causing me to think in ways no other subject or activity would. I also love how math extends beyond the classroom in such a captivating way. Most people may not realize the role that math plays in our lives. Nature has many mathematical patterns: hexagonal bee combs, spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes, the circular layers of an onion, and even the rings of trees that form as they grow and age. The sun, moon, and stars are a certain distance from the earth and each other. These are just some incredible examples of how math appears in the world. Math is guaranteed to play a significant part in the future. I hope to represent women and people of color in the growing field of mathematics and inspire them to achieve all their aspirations. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate, and I look forward to being a part of the endless possibilities and opportunities that I’ll someday encounter.
      Learner Statistics Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. I have always been comfortable with calculations; I’m not ashamed to be a math nerd. Something about the logic, the precision, and the accuracy incorporated into the subject brings me joy. What’s interesting about math is that it introduces order to everything around us. The world is essentially organized because of math. I appreciate the importance of mathematics as I begin making decisions about money, time management, and personal responsibilities. Although arithmetical computation brings a unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is worth the struggle. Math encourages me to think analytically. I enjoy gathering information from the data presented and working to find the solution. I’m able to solve complex math problems as well as logically reflect on everyday life. Whenever I bake with my mother, I intricately measure each ingredient to concoct a delicious dessert. I efficiently calculate the cost of items at a store and determine which brand provides the best price. I recognize the numerous similarities between puzzles and math problems, causing me to think in ways no other subject or activity would. I also love how math extends beyond the classroom in such a captivating way. Most people may not realize the role that math plays in our lives. Nature has many mathematical patterns: hexagonal bee combs, spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes, the circular layers of an onion, and even the rings of trees that form as they grow and age. The sun, moon, and stars are a certain distance from the earth and each other. These are just some incredible examples of how math appears in the world. Math is guaranteed to play a significant part in the future. I hope to represent women and people of color in the growing field of mathematics and inspire them to achieve all their aspirations. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate, and I look forward to being a part of the endless possibilities and opportunities that I’ll someday encounter.
      Learner Geometry Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. I have always been comfortable with calculations; I'm not ashamed to be a math nerd. Something about the logic, the precision and the accuracy incorporated into the subject brings me joy. What's interesting about math is that it introduces order to everything around us. The world is essentially organized because of math. I appreciate the importance of mathematics as I begin making decisions about money, time management, and personal responsibilities. Although arithmetical computation brings a unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is worth the struggle. Math encourages me to think analytically. I enjoy gathering information from the data presented and working to find the solution. I’m able to solve complex math problems as well as logically reflect on everyday life. Whenever I bake with my mother, I intricately measure each ingredient to concoct a delicious dessert. I efficiently calculate the cost of items at a store and determine which brand provides the best price. I recognize the numerous similarities between puzzles and math problems, causing me to think in ways no other subject or activity would. I also love how math extends beyond the classroom in such a captivating way. Most people may not realize the role that math plays in our lives. Nature has many mathematical patterns: hexagonal bee combs, spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes, the circular layers of an onion, and even the rings of trees that form as they grow and age. The sun, moon, and stars are a certain distance from the earth and each other. These are just some incredible examples of how math appears in the world. Math is our past, present, and future. I hope to bring more diversity into the growing number of female mathematicians and hopefully inspire more women of color to pursue a career in mathematics. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate, and I look forward to being a part of the endless possibilities and opportunities I will someday encounter.
      Sikora Drake STEM Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. I have always been comfortable with calculations; I'm not ashamed to be a math nerd. Something about the logic, the precision and the accuracy incorporated into the subject brings me joy. What's interesting about math is that it introduces order to everything around us. The world is essentially organized because of math. I appreciate the importance of mathematics as I begin making decisions about money, time management, and personal responsibilities. Although arithmetical computation brings a unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is worth the struggle. I have an interest in pursuing a career as a Market Research Analyst. However, I'm open to exploring different career paths as I learn, grow, and take additional college courses that may steer me to a different field involving a combination of mathematics and business. This career will be a good fit for me because both math and business are important aspects of this position. Analyzing business data to determine effective product demand and marketing strategies can help companies flourish. The different types of math and business courses I've taken will assist me to have the necessary skills to be competitive for this position. Breaking down complex problems and ideas is a lot like solving puzzles. I've always found completing puzzles fascinating and engaging. They can be challenging and sometimes time-consuming, but eventually, I will get the reward. When society thinks of famous mathematicians, it immediately thinks of white men. To discover mathematicians who are women or people of color, we must research because people of color or women mathematicians are not household names. I love "Hidden Figures" an inspiring film about three African American female mathematicians, who contributed to the first flight into space. This uplifting movie shows how powerful women, who look like me, can excel above and beyond people's expectations. This movie encourages me to believe and understand that I can do anything I set my mind to do. People of all ages need to recognize and embrace this way of thinking. Math is our past, present, and future. I hope to bring more diversity into the growing number of female mathematicians and hopefully inspire more women of color to pursue a career in mathematics. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate, and I look forward to being a part of the endless possibilities and opportunities I will someday encounter.
      Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. It comes much easier to me, than it does for others. I really don't know why. I have always been comfortable with math and I'm not ashamed to be a math nerd. My friends think I'm a little weird when it comes to math. I'm ok with that because the numbers seem to bring me joy. There is also something about the logic, the precision, the accuracy, the exactness that keeps me engaged. Although there is no ambiguity, it's kind of rhythmic, like a song. Maybe that's why I like music so much. Math is not subjective, it's either right or wrong, it doesn't have an opinion. It's the part of life that is clear cut, without drama or confusion. Math doesn't allow for speculation or feelings, but it's led by facts and evidence. Although each math problem brings its own unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is all worth it. Math encourages me to think analytically. I like gathering important information from the data presented and working through to the solution. This is the foundation for not only solving complex math problems but also allows me to think logically to solve everyday complications including recognizing everyday patterns and puzzles. This is also why I'm exploring a career as a Market Research Analyst. Math has been a part of the world since the beginning of time and it's shaped my understanding of the world in many ways. The world cannot progress without mathematics. The universe is full of math, and its beauty extends beyond the classroom. The sun, moon and stars are a certain distance from the earth and from each other. The mathematical patterns that exist in nature are amazing, such as hexagonal bee combs, and spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes or the circular layers of an onion and the rings of trees that form as it grows and ages. Each of these are incredible examples of how math appears in nature. Math surrounds us daily, but you must want to see it. Math is used in everyday life. No matter what industry or field, the importance of math applies to all career fields; for example, musicians, accountants, electricians, bakers, and shoppers use math. Probability and statistics are used to estimate death tolls from natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornados and even COVID-19. The principles and foundation of math are the same everywhere in the world. Math provides a universal method of communication that transcends other languages, just like love. Maybe math can be defined as its own love language. Mathematicians use their understanding of probability and uncertainty to advise policy makers on the likelihood of heatwaves, droughts, floods, rain, and other changes in weather patterns because of climate change and to help them plan accordingly for the future. Where would we be without math? The world would be incomplete. Math is our past, present, and future. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate the future, and I hope to be a big part of that future.
      Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
      Math has always fascinated me. It comes much easier to me, than it does for others. I really don't know why. I have always been comfortable with math and I'm not ashamed to be a math nerd. My friends think I'm a little weird when it comes to math. I'm ok with that because the numbers seem to bring me joy. There is also something about the logic, the precision, the accuracy, the exactness that keeps me engaged. Although there is no ambiguity, it's kind of rhythmic, like a song. Maybe that's why I like music so much. Math is not subjective, it's either right or wrong, it doesn't have an opinion. It's the part of life that is clear cut, without drama or confusion. Math doesn't allow for speculation or feelings, but it's led by facts and evidence. Although each math problem brings its own unique challenge, the elation I feel whenever I see that 100% at the top of the page is all worth it. Math encourages me to think analytically. I like gathering important information from the data presented and working through to the solution. This is the foundation for not only solving complex math problems but also allows me to think logically to solve everyday complications including recognizing everyday patterns and puzzles. This why I'm exploring a career as a Market Research Analyst. Math has been a part of the world since the beginning of time and its shaped my understanding of the world in many ways. The world cannot progress without mathematics. The universe is full of math, and its beauty extends beyond the classroom. The sun, moon and stars are a certain distance from the earth and from each other. The mathematical patterns that exist in nature are amazing, such as hexagonal bee combs, and spider webs, symmetrical snowflakes or the circular layers of an onion and the rings of trees that form as it grows and ages. Each of these are incredible examples to how math appears in nature. Math surrounds us on a daily basis, but you have to want to see it. Math is used in everyday life. No matter what industry or field, the importance of math applies to all career fields; for example, musicians, accountants, electricians, bakers, and shoppers use math. Probability and statistics are used to estimate death tolls from natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornados and even Covid-19. The principles and foundation of math are the same everywhere in the world. Math provides a universal method of communication that transcends other languages, just like love. Maybe math can be defined as its own love language. Mathematicians use their understanding of probability and uncertainty to advise policy makers on the likelihood of heatwaves, droughts, floods, rain and other changes in weather patterns as a result of climate change and to help them plan accordingly for the future. Where would we be without math? The world would be incomplete without math. Math is our past, present, and future. As the world becomes more digital, math and technology will continue to dominate our future, and I hope to be a big part of that future.
      Bold Books Scholarship
      The most recent inspiring book I’ve read is “ Born A Crime”, by Trevor Noah. I found this book to be educational, inspirational, hilarious, sad and unforgettable. The first chapter of the book captured and held my attention throughout the entire book. Although apartheid is a very serious subject, the author found a way to illustrate the impact of apartheid on his life in a humorous but truthful way. Trevor’s birth from a bi-racial relationship was an actual crime in South Africa during apartheid in the 1980’s and 1990’s. What his family went through was short of amazing. Trevor discovered a way to share his mother’s strength and how she taught him to be strong through faith, laughter, education and family. His mother taught him to think and believe beyond his current circumstances, to see what is possible. This book inspires, through love, laughs, challenges and tears, that their bond would never break. What I liked most about this book, besides the way it made me laugh, is that his mother reminds me so much of my mother’s strength, faith, fearlessness and perseverance. She encourages and inspires me every day to be the best I can be. When I feel scared, she encourages me to keep going despite the fear. She says, we all fear something, but we must walk through the fear to get to the other side. The fear is not stronger than you are. You must be willing to face the darkness of the world to bring light to the world. I would encourage everyone to read “Born A Crime”. I think everyone will learn something and be inspired in some way from reading this book. But most of all you will laugh and laughter is good for the soul.
      Bold Music Scholarship
      The song that most inspires me is “Tomorrow”, by BTS. This song gives voice to worrying about the future and learning to live your life the way you want to. Many people worry about the future instead of living in the moment. I tend to do that sometimes because life can be scary, especially when nothing is set in stone. I am constantly thinking about college and trying to prepare for the future while still being in high school. I feel a little overwhelmed with what will happen in the next few years. Time is going by so quickly and I feel like I’m not able to catch up to it. I have these expectations in life that may never become reality. Sometimes I get discouraged because it seems like I am not achieving what I’ve been working so hard for. Oftentimes when I step back and take an overview of my work or get another person’s perspective, I’m able to see and be proud of my accomplishments. This song reminds me to keep moving forward and grow from the rough times in my life. It expresses the feeling of being stuck and not going anywhere, but also encourages the idea that there is darkness before the sunrise. Maintaining optimism is essential to moving on from negative situations. This song helps me to remember that life will bring challenges, but to be successful, I must do the work. Even though it may take years to achieve my goals, I will never stray away from my dreams because opportunities may come when I least expect them to.
      Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
      Friendship is an aspect of life that everyone values. To me, friendship is an unconditional, platonic relationship where I care about someone and love them for who they are, not for who I want them to be. I’m proud of their accomplishments, never envious. We encourage one another and lift each other up, especially when we’re feeling down. I can be there for them, to support them and want them to feel safe and appreciated. It’s exciting and fun to be with your true friend because I can be myself. I can always count on them when I need them, like when my father died suddenly. I can be honest with them about everything without worrying about being judged. I’m not afraid to show them my vulnerable side, because I know they will understand what I’m going through. We’re open to each other’s ideas and eager to try new things. I enjoy those things we have in common while embracing whatever differences we may have so that I can learn and grow from them. It’s fun to learn about and participate in their families’ cultural activities and traditions, especially the food. I believe true friendship is when I haven’t spoken to my friend for a while, but when we do talk, we are able to pick up where we left off. Friendship is a beautiful thing and true friendships can last a lifetime. I met three of my closest friends in preschool. As the years progress, we have gone to different schools and have other friends, but we always find ourselves back together to celebrate birthdays or special occasions. I know that I may only have a few true friends in my lifetime, but I believe those friendships will be the best friends I could ever ask for.