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McKenna Keiser


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I am aspiring to be an Environmental Scientist, and as an LGBTQ+ woman in STEM, I really want to break down stereotypes and prove that I am worthy of being in this field. I have faced a lot of adversity, whether it be abuse, sexual assault, or bullying; I am ready to take control of my life and focus on the future. I am passionate about advocacy, theatre, baking, and arts in general. I love expressing myself through the arts and I'm not afraid to completely and honestly be myself.


Moorpark College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Environmental/Natural Resources Management and Policy
    • Environmental Geosciences


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
    • Botany/Plant Biology
    • Sustainability Studies
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Renewables & Environment

    • Dream career goals:

      Researcher and Scientist

    • Customer Service/Cashier

      2020 – 20211 year
    • Server/Food Prep/Cook/Cashier

      2022 – Present2 years



    2012 – 20197 years


    2015 – Present9 years


    • YAE

      Too many to list
      2017 – Present

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Ventura County Fire Department — Filling sandbags
      2019 – 2019
    • Volunteering

      Conejo Theatre For Everyone — Mentor
      2019 – 2020

    Future Interests



    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    Education is a transformative journey, and my journey has been shaped by the support of my mentors and teachers. My voice teacher has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement throughout my educational and career endeavors. Her tireless dedication and belief in my potential have helped push my career forward and have also instilled a deep sense of purpose and determination within me. Throughout my younger years, my voice teacher emphasized the importance of education, not only in the vocal arena but in all areas of life. She would tell me stories of her own experiences, highlighting the challenges she faced due to limited access to education. These stories were more than just anecdotes; they were powerful reminders of the opportunities that education could offer. My voice teacher has inspired me to further pursue education, in a different field that I am passionate about. One vivid memory that encapsulates her unwavering support occurred when I was faced with a slow in my progress and hitting a plateau. I was struggling with a particularly demanding song, feeling overwhelmed and questioning my abilities and whether or not I even wanted to continue taking lessons. In that moment of self-doubt, my voice teacher stepped in as a guiding light. She devoted countless hours to helping me understand the right vocal technique, patiently working through problems until I gained confidence. Her belief in my potential was surprising, and even when my own faith wavered, she continued to show up for me, something that no other figure in my life had done thus far. Through her encouragement and dedication, I not only excelled in theatre and singing but learned an invaluable lesson about perseverance. As I ventured into higher education, she continued to be a strong female figure for me. Her tireless support, both emotionally and professionally, allowed me to pursue my dream of higher education because she helped me recognize that I can do what I truly want. Her support served as a constant reminder of the importance of investing in one's future through education and listening to those older and wiser figures in my life. Moreover, my vocal coach's journey from a woman who struggled with limited access to education and career opportunities to a dedicated advocate for my own educational pursuits is a very important and dear aspect of my life. Her experiences taught me the importance of seizing opportunities, even in the face of adversity. From her example of being a positive role model and a figure of undying support, I aspire to be just like her. Through my educational journey, I aspire to make a positive impact on my community and society, just as she has inspired me. In conclusion, my vocal coach's unwavering support, belief in my potential, and personal journey from adversity to advocacy have been vital in shaping my educational and career journey. She is not only a constant source of inspiration but a living testament to the power of education and working hard. I am driven to pursue my educational and career goals, not only for my benefit but also to honor her and all the other strong female figures who face adversity every single day.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    My very own Barbie Dream House would be a large cozy Victorian house located in a deep green forest. The house would be like something out of a dream, light brown wood exterior with pops of green and dark brown. Full walls of beautiful stained glass, designed by local artists, that reflect the light of the sun peeking through the tall trees. The house would barely be seen above the tall trees, equipped with a long cobblestone path toward a cute little mailbox. Along the cobblestone path, there would be an assortment of bright blue, yellow, pink, red, and purple wildflowers, decorating and dancing through the grass and gently through a few of the walking stones. Walking up to the house there is a wrap-around porch to watch and observe the wildlife, the porch has a few vintage rocking chairs and a seated Victorian swing. Through the large doors decorated with stained glass, there is an open entryway, and plants strung through the glass ceiling as light pours in. The inside is white, light brown, and pale green as the plants and flowers grow through the walls and smile as guests walk through. The entryway leads to the rest of the first floor, a large cottage kitchen and a living room with a giant window facing the side garden. The kitchen is very homey and contains walls full of baking ingredients, perfectly equipped for someone who loves to bake and consume using sustainable methods. Cakes and pies line the windowsills and countertops, ready to be given out to friendly neighbors and people throughout town. The living room is darker toned, with deep reds, greens, and browns, filled with comfortable sofas you can melt into and warm lamps that make you want to take a nap. Instead of taking a nap, you head up the long wrap-around spiral wood staircase leading into the second-floor library. The library is quaint, with closely packed high shelves and ladders to reach the books up high. Each book is hand-picked and suited perfectly to the reader's wants at the time. There are cozy window nooks where one can sit down and read for hours. The library is a collage of light browns and yellows, warm tones that invite readers in. After the various bedrooms and bathrooms along the floors, there is the conservatory. A large glass shed is used as a greenhouse/sunroom. The greenhouse is where the food is grown ( as well as the garden) and research on new plants is conducted so that the temperature and humidity can be adjusted based on what is being tested. This is also a nice warm area to sit and draw, think, or read, allowing the sun to pass through the glass and heat your skin. Finally, there is a dome-shaped observatory on the top of the cozy Victorian house, a small ladder folding up and down to allow access in and out from the inside of the Dreamhouse. The stars in this Dream House are much brighter because of the lack of light pollution, and the constellations mapped out on pages and books throughout the observatory. Although it is probably obvious now that I'm an environmental science major, my Barbie Dream House is centered around what we all crave in a home: warmth and life. My dream home would be filled with old, used items that have a story and a life already lived.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    Helping others is a basic human responsibility, a fundamental part of being human is to help those in need. By helping those in need, we can not only alleviate suffering but also cause a ripple effect of kindness and positivity. Helping, whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or charitable contributions, acknowledges our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of our lives. One of the biggest learning experiences about helping others for me was volunteering at a theatre program called Young Artist's Ensemble which co-produced a show with Conjeo Theatre For Everyone. Conejo Theatre For Everyone was a theatre group for people with special needs who were mentored by the people in the Young Artist's Ensemble group. We were putting on a production of The Little Prince and I was cast as the Little Prince; I didn't have a co-part from Conjeo Theatre For Everyone because my part was too big and there was little opportunity for accommodation for that specific role. Although I did not have a co-part, I spent my months working with other people in different roles, running lines, helping with questions about dialogue and characters, and assisting wherever I could. That experience has taught me a lot about what it means to be there for other people and to make myself accessible and welcoming for help, no matter what the situation is. Helping others teaches us gratitude and promotes social cohesion. It's a tangible way to make the world better, allowing for a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Assisting others is also important, even when you can not see the immediate effects or know personally who you are helping. For a few years, whenever needed, I have volunteered to fill sandbags to help prevent mud and debris flow after our California fires. During this experience, I learned that even if I don't know who I am directly affecting, or even if my efforts will be used (because weather can be unpredictable), it is still important to make the effort to help. Helping others also helps yourself, helping others gives us a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It provides a clear and tangible goal as we work to make a positive difference in someone else's life. This sense of purpose can enhance our overall life satisfaction. Many people find satisfaction in knowing that they've made a difference in someone's life without expecting anything in return. The motivation for helping others should be selfless, helping others is beneficial to all parties and only results in good. I think it is so important to get involved in your community and environment, to understand what areas need help, and how you can best apply yourself. By helping others, we help ourselves and create a positive feedback loop: when we experience the sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes from helping, we're more likely to engage in further acts of kindness, which, in turn, amplify our feelings of fulfillment. I will continue to help others because I recognize all the benefits they glean from my actions and the benefits I receive too! x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    @mckenna.keiser thank you <3
    Environmental Scholarship
    One of the largest challenges in my life has been my mental disorders and mental health issues. I've spent years and years trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me. What the issue was. Where I screwed up. Only to find that nothing was "wrong" with me, that my brain just works a little bit differently than most of my peers. I have bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety, and depression but these things are simply a part of me, not what defines me and controls my life. People always ask me, "What's it like living with bipolar and PTSD, how do you even do it?", as if bipolar defines my every move, emotion, and opinion. Before understanding my mental health, I viewed these mental illnesses as life-ruining too. And they sometimes feel that way, it is not easy. My experience with mental health has changed my perspective on mental disorders, they are simply a thin lens to view the world through. My feelings and emotions are as valid as anyone else's, they're just a little bit amplified. My career aspirations have also been affected by my mental health journey. After trying many coping mechanisms and trying to figure out what strategies worked best for me, I realized that connecting with nature and focusing research on a specific topic helped me calm down. In my opinion, being in and around nature is important for everyone, it helps you ground yourself and connect to your environment. I aspire to be an Environmental Scientist and go into the science field as a researcher and hands-on worker. This job perfectly suits my mental health needs and allows me to express my passion while making some moolah. How perfect! I am so excited to start my education career at a 4-year university and then onto my career. I have so much hope and faith for the future it is hard to contain my excitement! Overcoming mental health challenges has ignited my passion for environmental science in unexpected ways. Amidst personal struggles, I found solace in nature's therapeutic environment. Connecting with the natural world provided relief from anxiety and depression, emphasizing the healing capabilities of the environment. This journey inspired a desire to protect and understand the ecosystems that offer solace to others as well. Environmental science became my path towards healing not just personally, but also communally. By understanding the ins and outs of my mental health and the struggles I have faced in the past, I can understand what path is best fit for my future. With the help of coping strategies, medication, and therapy, I can happily claim that I have overcome my mental health challenges and live as my true and honest self!
    Dounya Discala Scholarship
    The field was wet, the outdoor lights just came on and the game was tied. It would go to a shoot-off and our skills at taking shots at the goal would determine the fate of the game. I've played soccer ever since I could remember, I was always the shortest and smallest girl on the team. I spent a lot of time practicing soccer so that I could be as good as the other people who already had a size and height advantage. I would practice every day until I could not stand it anymore, just so that I could prove to myself that I could do it. And I did do it. So, it was in a big game, the finals for the season. We had been tied for the whole game and had to do a shoot-out where players took turns shooting at the goal from the penalty kick point. I had worked hard all season taking private lessons from my coach, who had to call out sick this game and was replaced with a childhood friend's father. Shoot. Miss. Shoot. Score. The shoot-out went on both sides until it was tied up again and it came down to the last point of the game. One person left on my team was about to be chosen and my friend's father turned to me. I knew it was me, of course, he would choose me. I did not want to go up there and take a shot at the goal, not even a little bit, I was shaking with nerves. "No, no, no, I am not going up there", I said to the fill-in coach. He gave me a look and I knew that I had to finish this game. As I walked onto the field I looked over at my brother and his friends on the sidelines. They were laughing and they always teased me about being bad at soccer because I was a girl. I hated it, making fun of someone's skills because of their gender was something I experienced a lot while growing up with a twin brother. Yes, it hurt to see them laughing, but it made me even more determined to do good and win the finals game. I found myself on the penalty mark, still shaking, I took a breath and before I knew it the parents and families were cheering. I had made the winning goal and all my effort paid off. My brother and his friends stood in shock at my victory before running over and congratulating me. It was such a cheesy moment but it made me realize that hard work does pay off. I learned so much about dedication and tenacity. I never gave up or chose to stop even when I was shaking and nervous about messing up. That moment carried on for the rest of my life, having such an iconic example of tenacity and never giving up has pushed me to follow the same example in all other aspects of my life. I am proud to be someone who is not naturally good at a lot of things, the fact that I have to put work into all these areas of my life means that I can learn so much more and be even more proud of my accomplishments when they come. I'll never be embarrassed about not being good at something again, because I understand that it takes work and effort.