Zest for Cooking Culinary Scholarship

Funded by
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Instapot Life
1 winner$1,125
Application Deadline
Apr 1, 2021
Winners Announced
Apr 28, 2021
Education Level

Food is an integral part of culture and identity for many across the country.

For budding culinary professionals, food preparation is an artform they use to express themselves while nourishing others. 

Today, the food industry is thriving as more people rely on restaurants, cafes, and bakeries for sustenance. 

To encourage aspiring chefs and other food professionals to continue expressing themselves through their culinary work, the Zest for Cooking Scholarship will be given to one student who is passionate about cooking and is potentially looking to take their culinary studies to the next level.

Those who are pursuing a culinary career or are extremely passionate about cooking are eligible for this scholarship. The winner will be decided based on their experience and drive within the culinary industry.

Selection Criteria:
Creativity, Passion, Ambition, Vision
Published November 23, 2020


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Apr 1, 2021. Winners will be announced on Apr 28, 2021.