Se Vale Soñar Scholarship

2 winners, $1,000 each
Application Deadline
Jul 1, 2024
Winners Announced
Jul 31, 2024
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Eligibility Requirements
First-generation college student
Education Level:
High school senior or undergraduate student

First-generation and low-income students face many obstacles when attending college, the biggest of which is often cost. 

Many first-generation students have limited resources when it comes to the academic world, which can make it difficult to get off on a good foot in college, with debt, academic probation, social struggles, and other obstacles threatening their success.

This scholarship aims to provide financial support to students who are the first in their families to attend college so that they can thrive.

Any Hispanic or Latinx high school senior or undergraduate student in Arizona who is/will be a first-generation college student may apply for this scholarship opportunity.

To apply, tell us about yourself, a time when you overcame an obstacle, what the experience taught you, and how this impacted your life.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published April 1, 2024
Essay Topic

Please tell us a bit about yourself and about a time when you overcame an obstacle in life. What did you learn from it and how it positively/negatively impacted your life?

400–600 words

Winning Applications

Evaney Soto Botello
Arizona State University-Downtown PhoenixPhoenix, AZ
I am Evaney Soto Botello, a first-generation rising sophomore attending Arizona State University at the Barrett Honors College. My major is Medical Studies, and I am on the pre-med track. I am aspiring to go to medical school to obtain my M.D. I was not always set on the medical field; originally, I wanted to become a lawyer, but it wasn't until I was thirteen years old that I discovered a painful mass on my left breast. Immediately, I thought it was breast cancer, and the worst scenarios popped into my head. At such a young age, I was worried about my health and what it would mean for my future. Countless doctor appointments with specialists and multiple ultrasounds took a toll on my mental health, but my surgical team turned that around for me. I endured one year with the mass that kept growing, ultimately needing surgery to determine if the mass was benign or malignant. Throughout that year, I became interested in the medical field, specifically surgery. I was so curious about the terminology, procedures, and patient care that I realized I liked it. It wasn’t until my surgery day that my surgeon, Katherine Davenport, made me feel secure and safe about my procedure, and I thought, “I want to be like her.” The mass turned out to be benign, and I advocated for the importance of self-breast examinations and urged people to check for any bumps or masses. I want to create a safe space for my patients just like I was given one. I do not see this obstacle as a negative impact but rather a positive one. I learned to handle my mental health and talk to people if I needed help. I grew as an individual, and it shaped my perspective on my future and goals. The medical field is not just a career choice for me; it is a calling. It is where I find purpose and fulfillment, knowing that I can contribute to the well-being of others. My experiences have shaped me into a person who is resilient, empathetic, and deeply committed to making a positive impact. I am eager to continue this journey, grow as a medical professional, and one day join the ranks of those who dedicate their lives to healing and caring for others. I want to be a role model for other first-generation students, showing them that despite the obstacles, success is achievable.
Mairany Vitales
Southwest Leadership AcademyPhoenix, AZ


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jul 1, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jul 31, 2024.