For DonorsFor Applicants

Learner Higher Education Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Nov 15, 2022
Winners Announced
Dec 15, 2022
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school, undergraduate, or graduate

Getting a college degree is a worthy use of time, and that degree will benefit students in more ways than they can imagine. 

While higher education is worth spending time and money to achieve, it’s also difficult. At Learner, they know how much time, effort, and money goes into achieving a college degree. The day-to-day of college life can be a grind, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The Learner Higher Education Scholarship will reward a student that is working hard in their schooling and needs a little extra boost.

High school, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are earning or plan to earn their college degree. To apply, write about why higher education is important to you.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published August 5, 2022
Essay Topic

Why is higher education important to you?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Barbara Montgomery
George Mason UniversityWoodbridge, VA
The more I learn about the world, the more confident I become in knowing my place. Higher education has guided me as a dancer, political science student, human rights advocate, aspiring American foreign policy analyst, hopeful community college teacher, and creative problem-solver. I am learning how to make the most significant impact on the world based on my skills and my potential to grow. My various interests overlap as I share ideas with my friend's startup company, dream of dance possibilities, connect with professors and students outside of my field, and adapt my research and career goals. My dance in front of the Capitol sums up this integration best. You can watch on YouTube here: or type in "Sky Mubs Graduation". In my final spring semester as an undergraduate in 2022, I was selected to present at an honor conference, I submitted a paper that will be published this fall/winter, I completed a teaching assistantship, and I was inducted into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society. This was my favorite semester so far! Presenting original research on international relations strategy at the Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honors Society research conference began to shape my area of study in graduate school. Doors are opening as I share my research with others and consider this paper soon to be published as a jumpstart to my master’s thesis. Higher education provides a multitude of opportunities to receive critical feedback from professors and master’s and Ph.D. classmates. My experience in spring 2022 as an undergraduate teaching assistant also emboldened my curiosity about the importance of scholarship and how one can connect academia and American foreign policy. While the teaching assistantship was my first academic teaching position, I used creativity from years of teaching dance classes. Breaking down concepts, like how I broke down dance movements, helped the students better understand how theories worked and interacted with each other and the real world. I took advantage of my school’s accelerated master's opportunity to start my master’s early while in undergrad; I knew more time in school would allow more time to network with professors, intern with federal government agencies, continue publishing papers, and present at conferences. Now I am seeking funding for the rest of my educational career. As I apply for summer 2023 internships with the federal government, I intend to craft my academic studies to the skills these positions require. In addition, I want to see what governmental positions best match my skills in research, presenting, teaching, and creativity. One final example of why I am pursuing higher education is the unique opportunities I continue to discover along the way. I participated in a war games simulation led by the army war college, and I connected with the colonel who observed my problem-solving skills. I sent the colonel my research paper on international relations strategy, he read it, and he just agreed to be a reference. Opportunities such as this are plentiful as I continue my education. What will come next? After working for the federal government for several years or decades, perhaps a Ph.D. or a law degree will follow. Through my research and anticipated additional publications, I plan to help those in need through my position in government while also starting a dance company that focuses on sharing messages of truth and hope. How do my dreams all fit together? Through continuing higher education and incorporating creative problem-solving, I am learning how each of my aspirations can help others as I join both an academic and career community to make this world a more just and hopeful place.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Nov 15, 2022. Winners will be announced on Dec 15, 2022.

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