For DonorsFor Applicants

Learner Geometry Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Jul 31, 2023
Winners Announced
Aug 31, 2023
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school, undergraduate, or graduate

As a part of the greater mathematics field, geometry is not often thought to be a prominent piece of the puzzle. 

However, the principles used in geometry are some that we utilize all the time without even realizing it! To properly acknowledge geometry and how necessary it is in our current world and everyday lives, the Learner Geometry Scholarship will award a student who is pursuing a mathematics degree. Since it’s a crucial piece of STEM education, it is important that students know their work in this necessary field is noticed.

High school, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are planning to pursue or currently earning a mathematics degree. To apply, write about why you chose to pursue a degree in mathematics.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published February 2, 2023
Essay Topic

Why did you choose to pursue a mathematics degree?

300–500 words

Winning Application

Eliana Gonzalez
Bowdoin CollegeGrandville, MI
When I say I want to work in conservation, math isn't the typical major people might imagine I study. There's a large divide between conservation of wildlife and wild places, and math and physics, even though they are all intertwined. By studying both Math and Earth and Oceanographic Science, I feel that I’m bridging a gap that’s much larger than it needs to be. Students studying STEM separate themselves from each other when we’re really studying all the same concepts, just in different forms. I see math, chemistry and plenty of physics in the outdoors, and mathematicians draw on concepts from the outdoors to explain complicated theorems so we can grasp those concepts. I see math as an explanation for the beauty around me, which I spend so much time admiring through hikes, whitewater rafting, and other outdoor adventures. By spending time learning why we're able to understand the topography of the mountains I'm climbing, the summit feels so much more rewarding. Another reason I decided to study math is the community it provides. I've had bright and inspiring math professors my whole life, who have shared their love for math with me. Hearing about the biomathematics my professor is working on, the math my high-school teacher can find in the outdoors, and the encouragement from them to pursue my mathematical capabilities has led me to success not only in the math department at Bowdoin College but also in my studies in conservation. As I begin to apply for internships and jobs, I've begun to realize how valuable my studies in math have been in both the application processes, but also the work I'm able to produce while I'm at my workplace. Math has opened so many doors for me, both in my work and also my mind as I continue on my educational journey. Working with math and conservation should not be an exception that people are surprised with when I introduce myself, rather, a rounded-out student should be the norm, so young, equipped, professionals are also the norm.
Corbin Burley
Lake Dallas High SchoolProsper, TX
I want to go to Texas Tech to study mathematics and mechanical engineering and ultimately work towards a Masters degree. I've always had a passion for solving problems and building and designing things my whole life from building legos with my father to finding random objects in my house and disassembling then reassembling them. After I graduate with a degree in mathematics and mechanical engineering, I would like to pursue employment at Lockheed Martin or GM designing and building cars or jets. I am also interested in Advanced Mechanics and Design class. I read an article about the class designing a device for their local fire department which rolls up the fire hose and squeezes out the water. This is typically a job that takes five firefighters to do. The device not only saves lots of time by rolling up the hose by itself but also saves lots of manpower. I want to design and build machines that improve people's lives like that class did. As a student of Texas Tech, I hope to contribute to student life by participating in the football program as an athlete, or other role, supporting Texas Tech traditions. Earning my Eagle Scout has prepared me to lead in my community through persistence, dedication and vision. While attending classes in the college of engineering and interacting with the award-winning faculty, and being part of intimate classes, I can share my experiences and demonstrate my leadership skills with the community of scholars to inspire and empower other students with the knowledge needed to hit the ground running. I hope to acquire mathematics and engineering mechanics knowledge through innovative and creative teaching, and research and leave with solid engineering fundamentals and an understanding of how their profession affects human society and push the limits of engineering. This will prepare myself to be an ethical leader in this globally competitive workforce enhancing the cultural and economic development of the great state of Texas and beyond. Texas Tech Engineers are building the future of mechanical engineering at this flagship institution.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jul 31, 2023. Winners will be announced on Aug 31, 2023.

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