Diverse Abilities Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$1,000
Application Deadline
Jan 1, 2024
Winners Announced
Jan 31, 2024
Education Level
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
Citizenship Status:
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Has a disability

For students with disabilities, the transition from education to the workforce can have complications that other students may never experience. Many encounter societal biases, misconceptions, and other barriers that hinder their access to suitable career opportunities. These students may also face a lack of guidance, resources, and support in their educational and career journeys and may not have the chance to explore career options that align with their strengths, values, and passions.

The Diverse Abilities Scholarship is driven by the belief that all students possess unique talents that are necessary to our society and should be celebrated. We hope to build a more inclusive workforce by empowering students with disabilities to find their ideal career paths and contribute their diverse perspectives and skills in whichever industry and job they choose. 

This scholarship aims to address the challenges faced by students with disabilities by providing financial support.

Any high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who has a disability and is a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us about your dream job, what qualities matter to you in a job, and how these values will affect your career search.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published September 13, 2023
Essay Topic

Tell us about your dream job and what that looks like for you. What qualities are important to you in a career and how do you think that will impact your future career search?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Yuanzhe Wang
Middlesex Community CollegeWatertown, MA
My ideal job is to work in politics and help people with disabilities; I feel that it's important that we do everything we can to better understand people who are neurodivergent. This quality is very important because no matter who we are we're all the same deep down. As a person who has Asperger's I feel that this matters more so to me. The thing that I want is for people to understand me and not judge me based on my looks. The problem in society is that we judge people who we feel are different from each other. It's impossible to avoid this no matter where you go and what types of career fields you choose to go into. Remember, discrimination can still occur, it's just that the players are different, the way it's done is different, or possibly both. No matter what happens, if someone understands who you are and opens up about who you are, then it will make the world a better place. This is why I feel that this trait is the most important in any career that you want to work in. I believe that if you can start at the top, the effects will trickle down and it can help a lot of people's lives. While I'm working in politics, I want people to be open to accepting new approaches and encourage others to listen rather than speak what they feel is right. I understand that there may be disagreements, but some things are just unacceptable. For example, I feel that a lot of disabled people suffer the most in their childhood years because the teachers aren't properly trained and will often dismiss them. As a person in politics, I believe that a person with a disability may be an example to teachers that you don't need to "normalize" everyone and that it's okay to be different. To me, I feel that this is a great thing I want to see in my dream job. It's not just what I will the qualities I feel should be in a career, but the way I will search for it. The thing I should know is that having a disability can hinder me from getting good high-position jobs. Sometimes, I may need to find another one or fake it till I make it, but that may hinder my idea of improving rights for people with disabilities. But, I still should be open about my disability and be willing to not be afraid to show who I am. This is why I feel that I need to look for a career that has a union as well. Another great quality is being able to unionize, because unions can protect you from losing your job and they can speak on your behalf. I understand that unions aren't perfect, but having no unions is a worse alternative and it can leave you open to exploitation. But being part of a union can be great when you want to improve the workplace for people who have disabilities. At the same time, joining a union is a very crucial step in getting into the field of politics. This is the importance of looking for a union-based job because some bosses can fire you for just having a disability. Which is what I have to consider when looking for a career. Overall, I feel that having a great career involves being able to understand others, speaking out when you see something is wrong, and being part of a union. These qualities are what allow for a better work environment.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jan 1, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jan 31, 2024.