For DonorsFor Applicants

Community Pride Scholarship

Funded by
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Jeremy Russeau
1 winner$600
Application Deadline
May 5, 2023
Winners Announced
Jun 5, 2023
Education Level
High School
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior
Volunteering experience
Field of Interest:
Public service

Despite increased visibility and support in recent years, the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face discrimination both in and out of the workplace.

In the last year alone, more than a third of LGBTQIA+ individuals have experienced discrimination, often taking a psychological toll and leading to mental health struggles. LGBTQIA+ people face additional obstacles such as a lack of access to healthcare, workplace discrimination, and conflicts with unsupportive family members.

This scholarship aims to support LGBTQIA+ students who are pursuing careers in public service so they have the encouragement necessary to achieve their dreams.

Any LGBTQIA+ high school senior who has volunteering experience and is interested in public service may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us who you are, how you give back to your community, what your major is going to be, and how you plan to change the world.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published December 30, 2022
Essay Topic

Who are you, how do you give back to your community, what is your major going to be, and how will you change the world? 

450–550 words

Winning Application

Lara Worth
Big Walnut High SchoolGalena, OH
Diversity. This is a word used to label our differences. I'm this or that. I check a box. I'm a woman. I'm white. I'm neurodivergent. I'm bisexual. Yay! We celebrate our differences, and we are put into our diverse categories and labeled as diverse. But I'm so much more than that. So are you. So is everyone. Diversity is a label; the intersectionality of that diversity is what makes me who I am. I am a woman, but not just a woman. I am neurodivergent, but not just neurodivergent. I identify as bisexual, but I am more than my sexual preferences. The entirety of who I am is what makes me who I am. I began my high school career at a private, Catholic high school. I can appreciate the structure and commitment to their morality. This experience drove my need for academic success. This experience also provided me with clarity about who I am. I am not Catholic. This posed issues for my attending events that my friends participated in at the school. My scientific brain doesn't allow my beliefs to align with the dogma of Catholicism. At this school, I was unwelcome to participate in some events. I'm not saying I wanted to participate, but I was separated and called out for not being eligible for participation. The school and administration were very clear about their stance on sexual preference, abortion rights, and other differences of thought. Those were unwelcomed as well. By the end of my sophomore year, it had become clear the intersectionality of who I am could not continue at this school. So, I made a change. My community school was significantly more accepting of who I am. Though there are exceptions. There will always be exceptions. A couple of teachers. Some students. They hold strong beliefs that do not align with mine. But this has been a better place for me to be me. This is a requirement for my collegiate search as well. My passion is science, biology, and neuroscience. I am fascinated by the 'why' of things. The reasoning. The impact of its result. I have always been an explorer of information and truth. I am excited about the opportunity to continue this exploration further throughout my college experience. Hopefully culminating in a career where I can collaborate with others to provide future generations with the insights we have uncovered. The truths I had a hand in determining. Along that journey, I will continue to advocate for more understanding of the intersectionality within diversity. I am more than my differences. We all are. It is the convergence of those differences and varying perspectives that will provide increased value to whichever company and its workplace I ultimately work in. I am who I am. Unapologetically me.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is May 5, 2023. Winners will be announced on Jun 5, 2023.

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