Byron and Michelle Johnson Scholarship

1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Jul 22, 2025
Winners Announced
Aug 22, 2025
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school or undergraduate student at an HBCU
2.5 or higher
Underrepresented minority
New Jersey or Pennsylvania

Historically Black Colleges and Universities offer incredible opportunities for minority students to grow and complete their education in supportive and inclusive spaces.

HBCUs often offer more affordable tuition, yet expenses can still be overwhelming for many students with limited financial resources. Student debt is a great hurdle, especially for students of color who often come from lower-income families or are breaking cycles of poverty. Without a safety net or financial aid, many students are hesitant to take out loans in order to achieve their dreams.

This scholarship seeks to support underserved students as they navigate the world of higher education so they can afford to complete their degrees.

Any underrepresented minority high school or undergraduate student attending an HBCU who has at least a 2.5 GPA and is a New Jersey or Pennsylvania resident may apply for this scholarship opportunity. 

To apply, tell us how your experience living in New Jersey or Pennsylvania has affected your views, relationships, and career goals.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published February 24, 2025
Essay Topic

How has your experience growing up in New Jersey or Pennsylvania influenced your beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Ajaya Johnson
Howard UniversityEAST ORANGE, NJ
I have exhibited commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice through work, service, and other extra-curricular activities by staying involved in my city. Being engaged and involved with things taking place in my community allows me to challenge myself and explore new entities. Growing up in the city of East Orange, New Jersey allows you to see many things no matter how old or young you are. You witness many people strive hard to make something out of themselves, but then you see others sit back and watch the days go by. I have had many friends in high school battle addiction while we were only teenagers. I became enraged and frustrated because I was the only one who seemed to care. Those were no longer my friends because they believed that addiction was more important than our friendship. My perspective has changed based on my background because it has been an eye opener and has hurt my heart seeing my peers get trapped into what society wants them to be. My background has made me stronger and more self-aware which allows me to set my goals and work towards them, and it has made me a better decision maker. My education will help me continue this commitment during college and beyond because it would have a positive impact on different individuals who may struggle with achieving their goals and working towards bettering themselves. I seek to encourage others no matter how old or young they are in hopes for it to become easier for our world to flourish. The major I intend to study is Nursing because of how effectively I help and work with children. I always find myself making it my main priority to keep them safe in the best way that I can, especially with the children I recently worked with at a summer camp. The pandemic that transpired in 2020 is what influenced my decision to help others when they are in need. Turning on my television and witnessing nurses being on the front line at any given moment, sparked a sense of bravery and willingness for me. It helped me realize that in our world, we need as much help as we can get. More nurses are needed to keep our world safe and prosperous. Also, gaining an education in Health Sciences will be preparation for students like myself who are looking to pursue careers in the healthcare industry. I hope to use my education to support achieving my passions and goals by building and intensifying comprehensive knowledge and skills. It will also expose me to different areas that are needed in life to create a stable foundation for myself in the future. I seek to encourage understanding and acceptance through positive representation, involvement, and education. I strive to meet new people and when coming across people within these communities, I make it my duty to educate myself, be willing to learn, support, allow them to express themselves, and make connections. Receiving this scholarship would allow me to keep in mind that the hard work and dedication for a brighter future and community does not end here. There will always be work that has to be done considering that things change everyday, positive or negative. The service that I have contributed to my community is enough to assure that I have the ability to detect a problem and solve it in order for our community to continue taking steps in the right direction.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jul 22, 2025. Winners will be announced on Aug 22, 2025.