Scholarships for Medical School Students in 2025
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Three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and that medical school is expensive. Medicine is one of the most difficult (but rewarding!) careers you can pursue. Medical school scholarships help students afford medical school and continued education so that they can provide up-to-date care for patients.
The medical field continues to evolve and shift as new research and more holistic practices are implemented. That's one of the reasons the medical field is so exciting— the accepted approach to healthcare is under constant reevaluation.
For example, emphasis on the body-brain connection, as with Dr. van der Kolk's famous book 'The Body Keeps Score', has changed the general perception on how psychological trauma affects physical health. His work lead to an outpouring of similar research projects, underscoring the need for a holistic approach in caring for patients' mental and physical health.
These discoveries and more are important in understanding how medical students can contribute to the field and provide patients with the best care possible. In addition, new findings or popularized schools of thought like van der Kolk's work highlight how important a thorough education in medicine is.
Tuition costs are one reason for why a medical education is so expensive, besides classes, access to a community of medical students and professionals is also invaluable. That's because just like mental and physical health affect one another, the work of one medical professional will also affect the rest of the community.
All professionals need to keep up with new developments in their field, but this is especially important for medical students, as keeping an eye on the best recent practices can directly affect patients. Medical school and continued education in the medical field after graduation are essential for any working professionals in healthcare.
Medical school scholarships can help students afford the education they need to be the best healthcare providers they can be. Apply for the medical school scholarships listed on this page to get a quality education and stay up to date on recent developments in healthcare.
Sign up for an account with today and access a network of resources for medical students. Choose from hundreds of exclusive scholarships and apply to the opportunities that work for you!
About Medical School Scholarships
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and physicians have become even more crucial. With the need for more healthcare professionals in every hospital across America and around the world, it is crucial that medical students are not deterred from completing their degree or entering the field.
Increased Costs of Medical School
Because of the rise in prices and the competitiveness involved with medical school, it can be easy for students to get discouraged. As the volume of applicants also increases, medical school has become even more competitive in the past few years.
After the pandemic in 2020, more than two dozen schools reported a 25 percent increase in applicants. That's a hefty increase, considering the AAMC projected the expected one-year growth to be just 3%.
However, from 2022 to 2024, the rate of first-time applicants as returned to a similar rate as in 2020. Despite the recent spike in applicants to med school, inflation is decreasing, meaning applying to med school now may not be as competitive as it was right around the start of the pandemic.
In addition to being competitive, medical school is also costly. Every year, the cost of medical school education has risen by $1,158. Since 2014, the tuition costs of attending medical school have risen 2.5%.
Currently, the average yearly cost of medical school is $58,986, although this price can change depending on whether you go to a public or private college.
Total costs of medical school vary greatly depending on the institution type and location. The average total cost of an in-state public school is $161,972, while out-of-state private school costs around $264,704.
Best Medical School Scholarships
Below are scholarships for some of the most popular majors for medical school students. A vast chunk of premed students choose to study biology for the obvious correlation to medicine. Chemistry is also popular for similar reasons, and might translate well to pharmaceutical concentrations in particular.
Besides working in the patient-facing side of healthcare, research is also an important facet of the medical community. A degree is computer science is often viewed as an added bonus for students intending to pursue medical research alongside other medical concentrations. As research involves data analysis and statistical tools, a computer science degree can be incredibly helpful in the lab.
Public Health Scholarships
Biology Scholarships
Computer Science Scholarships for Medical School Students
Chemistry Scholarships
While these majors are certainly popular among premed students, other undergraduate programs or graduate concentrations can be valuable as well. Sometimes, a more diverse education is viewed as more helpful depending on the field of medicine you choose to study!
Scholarships for Medical Professions
These scholarships are for specific occupations under the medical umbrella. Medical assistants, nurses, and physical therapy workers are all integral parts of the medical community. Many American medical colleges offer degrees and certifications for these professions.
Medical Assistant Scholarships
Nursing Scholarships
Physical Therapy Scholarships
Regardless of what niche you're aiming for in the healthcare community, your intended profession will likely have many scholarship programs available to you. Make sure to look for scholarships specific to the occupation you want to end up in.
Medicine-Adjacent Scholarships
The medical field is incredibly broad and diverse. There are several professions med students might be looking at after college, including oral health and mental health occupations. Some of these offshoots will require students attend a different type of medical school, or take classes outside of the typical physiological lectures for med students.
Dental School Scholarships
Psychology Scholarships
Besides these fields in particular, there are many other niche areas of medicine that will offer scholarships for participating students. Be sure to check out the full list of scholarships on today to see if your major offers special opportunities for you!
Scholarships for Minority Students Pursuing Careers in Medicine
Unconscious or implicit biases in medicine continue to exist despite the best intentions of healthcare providers. Supporting medical students of all backgrounds and demographics helps combat this issue by increasing the diversity of the professional medical community overall.
Scholarships for Minority Students
Scholarships for Black Students
Asian American Student Scholarships
Native American Student Scholarships
Minority students attending medical school will eventually graduate and lend their voices and experiences to conversations in hospital board rooms, patient consultations, and more. Their presence in the medical field brings diversity to the experiences and ideas that shape the medical community.
Representation within the medical field and within medical teaching staff is crucial, so it is important that racial and ethnic minorities are able to pursue a medical education with the financial aid and support that they need. Apply for demographic-specific scholarships today!
Medical Scholarships for Outstanding Students
With classes like organic chemistry, the workload for med students is no joke. You'll need top grades and a stellar academic record to attend medical school or any other medical program you have your eye on. These scholarships will be good options for students with high GPAs and strong academic achievements.
Essay Scholarships
Merit-Based Scholarships
Other Helpful Scholarships for Medical Students
Pursing a degree in medicine will usually take much longer than acquiring a degree in other fields. Many med students opt to take gap years in order to build their resumes, gain lab experience, and work on personal projects. These scholarships help make returning to school more financially plausible.
Gap Year Scholarships
Grants to Pay Off Student Loans
Scholarships for Returning Students
Do Medical Schools Offer Full Scholarships?
One of the most well-known programs providing free medical education is NYU's Grossman School of Medicine. Thanks to generous donations and the administration's commitment to decreasing medical school tuition costs, all students who are accepted receive full-tuition scholarships.
The Grossman School of Medicine awards full-tuition scholarships regardless of students' financial need. Any student who is accepted can take advantage of the school's tuition-free initiative!
Similarly, Columbia University's Vagelos Scholarship Program promises to meet 100% of students' demonstrated financial need. Unlike NYU, not all students will be given financial assistance with their tuition. Only students who show that they need help paying for med school can take advantage of this program.
While these schools offer a great opportunity to avoid taking out student loans or having other financial burdens, there are other forms of scholarship support if your dream school does not offer financial assistance.
Assistance and application processes will vary depending on the school of medicine you choose to attend. There may also be different opportunities for different areas of medicine, such as particular scholarships for those looking to go into family medicine as opposed to research.
How to Apply for Scholarships for Medical School Students has hundreds of open scholarships for students pursuing their medical education, including plenty of opportunities for medical students.
Browse Available Scholarships
To find medical school scholarships, filter the list on by education level in order to reduce the list to only scholarships open to graduate students. To find scholarships specifically for medical students or prospective medical students, you can also go to the "healthcare" category when browsing scholarships.
Check Eligibility Requirements
When applying for medical school scholarships, always read through the descriptions and eligibility requirements to determine which scholarships you're qualified for so that you don't waste time and effort.
Some scholarships may require students to be from a certain state. Additionally, some scholarships may be for specific demographics and identities, while other international scholarships seek out applicants who display academic merit or financial need.
Most scholarships are exclusively open to current students who are pursuing a medical degree and need help with tuition costs. However, some scholarships are also available to graduates who have student debt, such as undergraduate loans.
Begin the Application Process
Once you've found a scholarship that suits you, you can start applying. When applying for medical school scholarships on, create your free profile first. Once your profile is complete, you can begin to apply for scholarships.
Some scholarships only require applicants to have a complete profile, but many require an additional essay or submission in order to apply. Although scholarships with essays take a bit more time, writing a good essay can help an applicant win.
Write a Heartfelt Essay
If you are a strong writer or have a unique story, an essay can be a great way to make your application stand out. Once you have completed your profile and/or write your essay, applying for scholarships only requires a few clicks.
To make the most of your essay, be sure to stick to the prompt, include detail and personality, and include a powerful opening and conclusion. Always be sure to proofread written work before submitting your application!
Stay Positive!
Finally, don't get discouraged if you don't win every scholarship you apply for. Many students are looking for financial aid to fund their higher education, so it's unlikely that you'll win every scholarship you apply for.
Tips for Applying for Medical School Scholarships
Scholarships will always require a little bit of luck— these opportunities are, like medical school, very competitive. However, there are certain things you can do to boost your chances of winning.
Look for Niche Scholarships
You can use the filter features available on to find scholarships specific to your identity, goals, experiences, or fields of interest. The more eligibility requirements a scholarship has, the fewer eligible applicants there will be.
By finding scholarships for your specific demographic or scholarships that cater to your talents, such as athleticism or specific academic achievement, you can increase your chances of winning scholarship money.
Shoot Your Shot at Full Rides
Medicine is one of the fields that provides the most quantifiable positive impact on society. As a result, it's in everyone's best interest that programs exist to support medical students and incentivize educating healthcare providers. That's why several initiatives aim to award free tuition to med students.
Most universities will offer some kind of financial aid for accepted students. This could be merit based or need based. For merit based opportunities, students with high grades and strong academic achievement will be considered regardless of financial need.
For need-based opportunities, only students who show they aren't able to pay for school on their own will be considered. Every university will have a different cutoff for what constitutes demonstrated financial need, so be sure to check with the financial aid office for what kind of aid is offered at your school specifically.
Depending on the kind of school you're looking for, there are plenty of options for medical schools with numerous scholarships or free tuition. Sometimes schools offer service commitment programs, which involve making a promise to the school. This may be a promise to work at a certain hospital after school, participate in the National Health Service Corps or to give back in another way.
Additional Resources for Medical School Students
Association of American Medical Colleges
The AAMC provides a variety of resources for medical students, from med school application guides to standardized test resources. There are also opportunities for students to connect with mentors and explore employment opportunities.
Summer Health Professions Education Program
The SHPEP is a summer program for students looking to explore different fields of professional medicine. Applicants can apply to the program for medicine, dentistry, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, public health, and more.
Twelve partnering institutions will offer placements for accepted students, where they can receive hands-on training and gain experience in their chosen fields through clinical exposure and networking opportunities.
Make a free account with today and start saving money for medical school through scholarships. users can also access a wealth of student how-to guides on finances, standardized tests, and more, all designed to streamline your path through college.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, many medical colleges and universities give scholarships to students who need help. Those who attend medical school can either get merit scholarships, which take certain traits or qualities of a student into consideration, or need-based scholarships, which look at how much money a person needs in order to complete their degree.
Federal government loans are available to medical students who aren't able to pay for college on their own. Attending medical school means you are a graduate or professional student, qualifying you to fill out the FAFSA. You can do so without needing information or help from family members, unlike high school students who may need a parent's signature for the form.
When you win a a scholarship, the money will be sent to your school's financial aid office to go towards your tuition costs. Your university or college will automatically apply the scholarship funds to any outstanding charges you have on your student account.