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Advantech Intelligent Planet Scholarship

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4 winners, $2,500 each
Application Deadline
May 1, 2023
Winners Announced
Jun 1, 2023
Education Level
High School
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior
California, Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana

Our world is the product of the constant innovation and creativity of previous generations.

Technological progress has the potential to create a more healthy, just, and enjoyable world for all of us. Advantech has been a global leader in embedded, industrial, IoT, and automation solution platforms since 1983 to create a smarter world with improved living outcomes.

This scholarship seeks to support innovators who are determined to complete their degrees through higher education.

Any high school senior in California, Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana who will be pursuing a two or four-year degree after graduation may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us about what an intelligent planet means to you and how you would work to make your vision a reality.

Selection Criteria:
Published February 3, 2023
Essay Topic

Advantech's mission is to enable an intelligent planet with Automation and Embedded Computing products and solutions that empower the development of smarter working and living. 

In 500 words, explain what an intelligent planet means to you and how you would, in your own way, enable this vision.

450–550 words

Winning Applications

Ziao Huang
San Diego State UniversityElk Grove, CA
Anggita Suryadewi
University of California-RiversideMurrieta, CA
An intelligent planet is a vision of a world where all of us have access to the same opportunities, resources, and empowerment. This planet is not only intelligent but kind and compassionate. Individuals, organizations, and systems are environmentally aware and are driven by a collective spirit of interconnectedness and collaboration. This intelligent planet allows for the possibility of collective self-determination, where everyone’s aspirations and dreams can be realized. What does this mean to me? To me, an intelligent planet means taking responsibility for our collective, shared planet and its resources. It means continuing to learn together, leveraging the unique strengths each of us can bring to our global community. It means having an open mind to a variety of perspectives and having the courage to speak out when we feel something isn’t right. If I were to make my vision for an intelligent planet a reality, I would prioritize understanding its key components and how we can use them to benefit our global community. First, I would invest time and energy into educating myself and others on the topics of environmental sustainability and social justice. By doing this, I would foster a space in which diverse knowledge can be shared and validated. Through this knowledge, we can build a sustainable future and work towards equal access to resources and opportunities for all individuals. Second, I would promote interdisciplinary learning and collaboration. This would include supporting access to collaborative platforms where different organizations and individuals can come together to create innovative solutions to global problems. These organizations must be driven by a collective goal and commitment to sustainably solve social and environmental issues. Additionally, an intelligent planet means adopting and implementing new technologies that are eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable. This can range from using renewable energy sources to incorporating AI systems that can automate and optimize resource usage. These technologies must not only be accessible but also affordable for everyone so that everyone can contribute to the preservation of our planet. Finally, an intelligent planet requires a shift in our values and beliefs, towards a more holistic and interconnected worldview. We must recognize the interconnectedness of all things and understand that the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants is interconnected. This can be achieved by adopting a holistic approach to decision-making, which considers the impact of our actions on all aspects of life, from the environment to our communities. I would also strive to ensure that everyone is heard and that our voices are amplified together. This could range from online activism to formal protests, from non-violent education to revolutionary strategies. If every person has a space to express their needs and motivations, we can work together to develop meaningful and lasting solutions that benefit future generations. An intelligent planet is an achievable future, but it requires a collective effort from all of us. We must work together to promote education, collaboration, and sustainability, and ensure that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential. It is a future I am passionate about achieving and embodying. With the right attitude, values, and commitment, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
Imani Smith
Columbus State Community CollegeColumbus, OH
An intelligent planet is a fully connected world where people and devices communicate efficiently, enhancing human experiences while preserving our planet. In order to achieve this vision, my focus is on improving global connectivity by investing in high-speed internet, mobile networks, and satellite technology. This concerted effort will ensure that everyone has access to reliable and fast connectivity, bridging the digital divide and enabling more people to participate in the global digital economy. Developing smart cities is also a priority for me. Smart cities use technology to optimize urban living, making cities more efficient, sustainable, and livable. By implementing solutions such as smart transportation systems, energy-efficient buildings, and intelligent waste management, we can reduce our carbon footprint and make our cities more livable for everyone. Furthermore, smart cities can also improve public safety and security by implementing advanced surveillance systems and emergency response protocols. It is important to explore various funding sources for high-speed internet and satellite technology. This could involve seeking government grants or private investments, as well as partnering with established technology companies to develop and implement these systems. By expanding access to reliable and fast internet, we can help bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the global economy and access essential services. In addition, I believe that intelligent agriculture is an area that requires focused attention. By leveraging technology such as drones, sensors, and machine learning, we can optimize crop yields and reduce waste. This will help us to become more efficient and sustainable in our agricultural practices. Through the use of precision agriculture techniques, we can improve the accuracy and efficacy of farming practices, leading to healthier crops and increased food production. Additionally, intelligent agriculture can also reduce the environmental impact of farming by minimizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers and conserving water resources. When discussing the importance of improving global connectivity and creating smart cities, it's essential to consider the potential challenges that may arise during the implementation of these initiatives. While there are many benefits to these concepts, it's crucial to recognize that difficult decisions and sacrifices may need to be made along the way. By acknowledging these potential obstacles, we can better prepare to confront them directly and ensure that our efforts to improve connectivity are successful and sustainable over time With the help of Automation and Embedded Computing products and solutions, we can enable a smarter planet that caters to our needs and makes our lives more comfortable. These products empower the development of smarter working and living, providing us with the resources we need to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing Automation and Embedded Computing solutions, we can create a world that is both efficient and sustainable, allowing us to achieve our goals while protecting the environment. Whether we are automating our factories or enhancing our homes with intelligent devices, these technologies have the potential to transform the way we live and work, enabling us to create a brighter future for ourselves and our planet.
Cierra Holcomb
Defiance CollegeHicksville, OH
An intelligent planet, to me, is one where technology is used to create a more sustainable and equitable world for all. It is a world where data is harnessed to solve complex global challenges, where artificial intelligence is used to improve healthcare, education, and transportation, and where innovation is driven by a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. To enable this vision, I believe that we need to focus on three key areas: education, innovation, and collaboration. First, education is critical to creating an intelligent planet. We need to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality education, regardless of their background or location. This means investing in schools, universities, and vocational training programs, as well as promoting lifelong learning opportunities. It also means teaching critical thinking and digital literacy skills, so that people can navigate the complex world of technology and data. Second, innovation is essential to creating an intelligent planet. We need to support entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies that are developing new technologies and solutions to global challenges. This means providing funding, mentorship, and access to resources, as well as creating regulatory frameworks that encourage innovation while protecting people's privacy and security. Finally, collaboration is key to creating an intelligent planet. We need to work together across sectors and borders to share knowledge, resources, and best practices. This means building partnerships between governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and communities, as well as promoting open data and open innovation. In my own way, I would enable this vision by working to promote responsible technology use through my legal practice. I would work with clients to ensure that their use of technology is compliant with applicable laws and regulations and that it is socially and environmentally responsible. I would also work to educate clients and the public about the importance of responsible technology use, and the potential risks and benefits of new technologies. In addition, I would seek out opportunities to collaborate with others who share my vision of an intelligent planet. This could include joining a local community organization, attending conferences and events, or participating in policy discussions and advocacy campaigns. Another reason why I would work to enable the vision of an intelligent planet as a lawyer is by promoting digital literacy and education. In a world where technology is becoming increasingly pervasive, it is essential that people have the skills and knowledge they need to use it effectively and responsibly. As a lawyer, I would work to ensure that policies and regulations are in place to support digital literacy and education initiatives. Ultimately, creating an intelligent planet requires a collective effort from all of us. As a lawyer, I believe that I can play an important role in advocating for policies and regulations that promote responsible technology use, and in working with clients and the public to ensure that technology is used in a socially and environmentally responsible way.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is May 1, 2023. Winners will be announced on Jun 1, 2023.

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