BigFuture | College Board Review1197 Reviews

Finding colleges and careers that are right for you doesn’t have to be stressful. Leverage BigFuture to plan your life after high school, with resources for every step of the way.

Why we love it
BigFuture gives you so many resources, from building your college list, to exploring careers, to submitting the best college applications possible. It should be a staple for any student.
Dror Liebenthal
Dror Liebenthal,
CEO at

What Students Say

1197 reviews

Strong Resource

BigFuture is one of the best tools to use for planning for a college education.

Awesome Tool

Used this throughout high school and was never disappointed

Offers Plenty of Recourses

It offers career aptitude tests, and college and scholarship search functions in one site, it's a great organizing tool with lots of great information!

Great for AP

Lots of ways to practice for AP

Great for Standardized Testing

I really like the way the SAT score reports are broken down to show you where you should improve, and all the AP curriculum is organized in the website.

It's preety good

It has good AP recourses and some one of the best scholarship search banks I've used

Highly Recommend!

BigFuture is a great platform to help prepare students for college and/or kickstart their professional journeys! From scholarship matches to AP course study guides, BigFuture is incredibly helpful.

Best Resource for Incoming College Students!

The website provides information on applying to colleges and many opportunities for scholarships. The dashboard is also fairly intuitive, giving students an overview of their progress. Though it would be easier if the interface was simplified.

Good Overall

College Board has been good overall. You can easily review your PSAT/SAT grades, they even give you specific feedback about the areas you should work on. The only thing about College Board is that sometimes it can be hard to navigate the app/website and find what you are looking for.

Great for college planning and AP Students

I used it to prepare for AP exams as well as to discover options for college
10 / 1197 reviews shown