BetterHelp - Online Therapy Review84 Reviews

BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. You get the same professionalism and quality you expect from in-office therapy, but with access to a huge network of therapists, more scheduling flexibility, and at a more affordable price.

Exclusive Deal
35% off the first month for members
Why we love it
BetterHelp is 100% online, so you may have an easier time finding the therapist that’s right for you. All BetterHelp therapists are licensed, and can support you across a wide range of issues.
Dror Liebenthal
Dror Liebenthal,
CEO at

What Students Say

84 reviews

Great Affordable Therapy

Very affordable and supportive therapy.


I’m grateful for BetterHelp. I wouldn’t have been able to afford therapy otherwise. My therapist is so sweet, supportive, and knowledgeable

Help When I Needed It

Betterhelp has helped me untangle a mess of stress. If anyone needs someone to talk to, this is your sign. Seek the help you need and deserve.

Convenient and flexible

BetterHelp makes it easy to access therapy from anywhere, with a wide network of licensed therapists to choose from. It’s a great option if you need flexible scheduling, though finding the right therapist may take a bit of time.

Concerning ethics!

Therapists on BetterHelp are not always professionally trained, which can impact the kind of experience you have. Additionally, there have been ethical concerns surrounding the handling of user data, sharing them with other companies despite promising to keep data private. Be wary when using this resource.

Varies but Handy

Great for when you need therapy on the go. It might take you a few to find the right therapists, but once you do, its great.

Hit or Miss

It's definitely for people who don't need to see people in person. I wasn't able to work with it because I need to be physically with my therapist, but one of my friends loves it.

It really just varies from person to person

Very versatile when it comes to selecting a therapist, but it can become really expensive and hard to be consistent with.

Highly Recommended

Trauma response professional Dr. John Delony offers BetterHelp at discounted rates saying that he values the quality of their work in helping our clearly anxious society.

Over advertised

If you need therapy you probably need it in person. Most people who seek therapy don't need therapy. They need a better life and better social connections to rely on for counsel and help. Not a professional, nor the professional's fees.
10 / 84 reviews shown
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