Wendy Alders Cartland Visual Arts Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Wendy Cartland
Fund cover image
Raised of $20,000 goal
1 scholarship funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients



    Harriet Green Alders


    Chris And Marla Alders


    Tim And Cheryl Alders


    Andrew And Claire DiMattina


    Cheryl & Tim Alders


Our goal

Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Wendy Alders Cartland Visual Arts Scholarship. We will be inviting certain colleagues and friends to contribute to the fund as a way to honor Wendy's many years of service to our organization and to each of us as a mentor, leader, and friend.
Scholarships made possible by your generosity

Comments from contributors 4

Harriet Green Alders6 days ago

Dear Wendy, Merry Christmas! I am so proud of you. Love, Mom

Chris And Marla Alders5 months ago

Happy Birthday Wendy! We are so proud of you!

Tim And Cheryl Alders5 months ago

Honoring Wendy on her birthday!

Cheryl & Tim Alders11 months ago

To honor Wendy Cartland Alders for her birthday.

About Bold.org Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Bold.org Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

Contribute now

100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.