Scholarship for Student Perseverance Fund

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Organized by
Suzanne Furgal
Fund cover image
0 scholarships funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients

Our story

When in a dark place, having a support system can be the difference between hardship and healing. The more we learn about mental health, the more we are able to be there for others who are in a challenging place.

Our goal

In order to encourage students with mental health struggles to seek out a support system, this scholarship fund will go towards the Scholarship for Student Perseverance, which will give a high school senior or undergraduate student from Massachusetts who has used support in order to work through mental health challenges.

About Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

Contribute now

100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.