Davila Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Frank Sand
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0 scholarships funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients





Our story

Frank Sand has been a donor with Bold.org fighting student debt since September 2021. He seeks to raise awareness for driving under the influence by supporting the next generation of students who have been impacted by drunk driving. His fund aims to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and to encourage young people to avoid driving while impaired.

Our goal

This scholarship fund will help raise awareness for the dangers of drunk driving and give back to students affected by the harm of drunk driving.

About Bold.org Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Bold.org Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

Contribute now

100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.