Patrick B Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Friends and Family of Patrick B. Moore
Fund cover image
Raised of $5,000 goal
1 scholarship funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients



    Savannah Moore


    Carroll Moore


    Jenny & Yordan Guzman


    Hannah And Richard Rosen And Turits


    Savannah Moore


Our story

Patrick lived life to the fullest. He was passionate about education and helping others learn about his favorite hobbies. As a former military service man of the Navy, and later police officer, Patrick went on to obtain his bachelor's and later master's degrees in School Counseling. Giving back his love of live, he was a school counselor at Lafayette High School in Williamsburg, VA for over 12 years. While there, he shared his hobbies and love of Astronomy with his telescope, his passion for scuba diving, his love of fish and poison dart frogs, his admiration for history with trips to Gettysburg and Washington DC. Patrick embraced life with great vigor and shared stories and hopes with the students he counseled and guided while at Lafayette High School. In his honor, this memorial scholarship will help a graduating senior or recent graduate pursuit an education and a passion for life.

Our goal

I would like to support a Memorial Scholarship for my late husband, Patrick Moore. He was a school counselor at Lafayette High School and impacted so many students with his love of life, learning and education. He passionately lived life and I would like to honor him by funding this scholarship for future students like Patrick who have a passion for learning and life.
Scholarships made possible by your generosity

About Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

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100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.