Mason Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Markette Sheppard
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Raised of $2,000 goal
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    Markette Sheppard


    Vickie Mason


Our story

Eunice L. Mason and Cora D. Jones were two Black women who were born in Alabama during the height of the Jim Crow era of racism and segregation. They both had aspirations in life beyond the circumstances they were born into, but due to a lack of opportunities in education, they were unable to realize their professional dreams. Born in 1919, Cora D. Jones had always wanted to become a nurse. Unfortunately, the segregated Black school that she attended in rural Alabama stopped at the ninth grade and her formal education ended there, as well. In search of a better life, Jones moved to Youngstown, Ohio during the Great Migration where she got married to Johnny Jones, raised her children, and worked in the food service industry. She was known for her delicious soul food meals and desserts, with sweet potato pie, pineapple upside-down cake, and caramel cake being her specialties. Jones ultimately retired from work but continued to bake for her children and grandchildren well into her later years. Never afraid of change or a fresh start, Jones made a big leap and moved to Los Angeles in her late 60s to be closer to her grandchildren. A nurturing and kind spirit, Jones—benevolently known as “Ora Dee” by close family and friends—would share stories with her grandchildren about how she always wanted to become a nurse while encouraging them to pursue higher education. She lived 96 years. Eunice L. Mason was Jones’ niece by way of marriage. Her mother, Lucille, was the sister of Johnny Jones. Born and raised in Selma, Alabama in 1930, Mason split her time between Alabama and Ohio during her youth to visit the portion of her family who moved North during the Great Migration. She eventually graduated from Rayen High School in Youngstown and spent one year attending Selma University in Selma, AL. Mason left college to move back to Youngstown to get married to the love of her life, Harold Mason. She had a short stint as a local fashion model in the Lerner's shop downtown, but eventually built a career in the auto industry of Steel Valley Ohio, creating an abundant life filled with world travel, impeccable fashions, and community service through her church. Affectionately known as “Boot” by close friends and family, Mason had an infectious and giving spirit. She would light up a room from the moment she walked in and people gravitated toward her wherever she went, including celebrities like Muhammad Ali who famously walked over to Mason in a Las Vegas restaurant and told her that she was so striking that he just had to meet her! Mason was a people person and not having any children of her own, she informally adopted many of the youth in her family and community. Mason funded their college educations and always welcomed them to her home for a hot meal, a place to stay, and a shoulder to lean on. She also sponsored children in Africa through various nonprofit programs during the span of her life. During her later years, Mason would regularly share with the young people in her life that she wished she had finished her college degree. She was a huge fan of Oprah Winfrey and always said that if she had a role model like Winfrey while growing up, then maybe she would have been inspired to finish her college education and pursue a different career, perhaps in philanthropy or the entertainment industry. Mason lived 93 years.

Our goal

This scholarship fund seeks to honor the lives of Mason and Jones by encouraging and supporting the next generation of Black women who are pursuing similar career interests. Any female African American undergraduate student who is a California, Ohio or Alabama resident with at least a 3.0 GPA may apply for this scholarship if they’re majoring in nursing, health sciences, or communications. To apply, tell us how you think Black women can overcome the challenges they face in America to achieve success and happiness.

Comments from contributors 2

Markette Sheppard6 days ago

Peace & blessings! -- The Sheppard Family.

Vickie Mason11 days ago

I married into the family. Aunt Eunice welcomed me with open arms and was my sounding board on many occasions.

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