Kathleen L. Small Teaching Scholarship Fund

Chris Small

19Chris Small
Linda And Cliff Van Pelt
Jeffrey Leonard
Jeanmarie Donovan
Leslie Kowitz
Our story
Our goal
Comments from contributors 6

Kathy and I first met in a school—Terrell, she as the mother of Tanya who was in my third grade class. I was unaware of her reaching her goal of seeking a teacher’s credential. Imagine my amazement when my wife, Lori, and I arrived at Williams in 2006 and found her teaching 2nd grade. She was the consummate colleague in all matters of support and good cheer. I even had the privilege of substituting for her on occasion. Contributing to this scholarship fund continues to honor her work.

Kathy was a dear friend who changed my life. We were roommates in college and through our plotting became sisters-in-law when her sister and my brother got married! She was a life long educator and will benefit the future with this scholarship.

I lived across the street from the Small family growing up. Over the years they were so supportive of me, my career goal of becoming a teacher, and even of my children. I’m so happy to have had neighbors and friends like them, and am grateful to be able to contribute to her legacy.

For our dear friend.

A wonderful idea…in memory of my dear friend.❤️
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